-riND 0XDXB8 101- JOB PRINTING TO THttfES6ENGERf M.-!rion. W. C. The Uesscager Prints . the. Newo and la aouht after by the po p!e of McIoweU, Tancey, Bud comb, Ituthrrford, Burfc and other co untie In Western North Carolina, and la toar fore a Good Advertising Modlurw Rates furnished on applies!!, Address. THE MESS EN Q IB. IStrlon, M. O. Accuracy, Neataeaa Guaranteed. ft f 1 N, Note Ileadi, Bill Head, ; Circulars, Cards, Poai ;.i.:..t., and any kind of I VOL. III. No. s ? ft MARION. N. C, FRIDAY, .JUNK 17. l$ts. IVr V ir in Advance- I ; isr j i 1 - -i m : t v t n IS FIRST i ii Hours' Fighting- Between Hunting a's Marines and Spanish Gueiillas. ii'ifimnii it-, I'lidcr ('i)iiv(iy of lor Santiago 'I he I 'roc ess ion-- Depart ment BUI II DRMHTDL Sixteen IJattltslilj s and Cruisers Stately lia tt 1 h h i p Indiana to Has Taken l-.vcry Precaution (IlllltS I AGGRESSORS. Etery precaution has been taken !y ' the government to insure the safety of the tioops en route to Cuba. 1 ho : trhH,..rto will 1- ! ..!.- t . t aether as safe navigation will icimit i J:iuo!!J.:-X! "Ill ! A Bick House and Well Ciptufed, lleetet scouting vessels will be throw n I lie Safe 1'assage of tins Meet. it fj Y Press Dispatcl Jnne , ftnirR .ement was f. baptism of lit o for a Nicholas lia-.-' I "Hjojitv. 'I bo men were in dark- ... i i. u- i---T, KilH-: - ia a stnuige hw.d. but thev . V I- ' . ' -. ; nt-s.-i ni"'' 1:1 a smuige Und, but thev 'iiidedfrom p,, p, u i,.A and there was no symptom of l';i;jth'ji on r 1 I ,,,,!,. th" hill guarding the I 1 ne marines, though cxhauste !, were ilostulionat the entrant- 'tfrtf?r 11,,,re l. ";'. to i , ,. . , . I luiUft heavy puiii.sniaeiit J iiev r;miIi- i u u. i i.. i , t ri t ; I till! (Ptri; .-"i .ii be;itin;r oil' a buh with chai actei i.Jt ic r.stim.ites ar- ; : force. Some run a. hi'-h UM . 1 COIHlillK.!!.-- 1 ' . 1 (!1(J ('i.ljjn ntll 'I o'clock far out in a hauce of tLo truu?p ! tr-, aud ia orJer to insure tt'uiiir,t uu at ack from the rear, some of the ves Kfcls, such cb the St. Louis, perhaps will linger furateiu rtaJy to bina' 'he heavy arme-1 cruipers at the fnt fciu of an approaching foe. lhe fctate!y battleship Indiana, it ii expected, will le.l the pro cession of tshipH, which will be the most numerous yathere-a in American waters s-iuce the civil war. It is not believe! that they will be lauded at ( 'aimaut-ra, hi point on (iuantauamo Jay, where the American lla: now Hies oer the heads cf humpfou'b marine-, as that place, while well adapted to cerve an a' naval base, aud as a harbor of it-fuze for the American warships, is not parti cularly well united for the beginuinir of military operations The Kxpedltioo. The expedition that Failed from Tam pa to Key Wet prior to couig to Sau tiao m made up of nearly twenty regiments of regular infantry, of from ;"iiM to "iV) men each, including bt" ido tno re-'iments of the Fifth Arm v ( 'on FIFTEEN and SPANIARDS KILLED. Cuban- I'rovlni; Kxcellent 'li'Ies lut poor liot l-.usy Vh iory lut the .!ai lues in Ill-li Spirits. An Afesociated I'ress dist atch, via Kiufton, .lune loth, ayi: The I'nited State- marines undr Lieu teuant Colonel MoLoikW, Hui.Mugtou, made their first aressive inoveuieut a'uiust Spaaibh guerillas today, aud completely routed the enemy. The combined forced ra.ed a Spanish camp about live miles from the American position. It i.s impossible to esti mate the number of Spaniard enuaed' owinr to their guerilla methods o' liyhtii), but it is believed that there were at least 1 The marines behaved epleudidlv, their marksmaathip beiu excellent, even under the severe lire of four iciment of infantrv that have i the enemy. The captured camps lies o.-ri! tur. niol re. uf t-i uoi :o.ay were erifo! ci ments r!.!ei,-;id .. ci o 1. n led aud one :i:ict; pickets uudel' t::n Shaw, are mi- f t!i Si 't'.niurd.s Jt ic camp pi ofaii ity. ry n to tiie attm !;iu i v .' i and tho t'i!'iii cs ui'Ie. ,ivs the aniard.s were most I v ii regulars, 1 i t the reports of the din Lav: "f Mauser lilies wouhi indicate ti.ai tliev were regular.-, as carry llemiii mot of the uenilus tons. I heCuhan Lriierilia-;. as a rule have more dash aud courage tliau the regulars. ' i-i AsHistant Sur- t I'espite the loss of the luoti, who arc it. I. h of the regular : keenly re'i ett-jd, the marines rejoice i tiat 1 Uey liave l.eeu eiu;;i.' ( m tlteir first fi-lit on Cuban soii. I hey nailed fiom New Vol k th- day war was de-i-liu cd an-1 expected to bind Vitlnn a a week al Havana. Since then, until they lauded on the sh-.u- ot uantiiua- fell in t lie ( 'lister .. i.ttiei s killed are: Ser if Si-nth, of Small wood; . I 'ii.phv, of ilouces- ! ' '. i '. ut e -I nines Met 'ol . i. Muss. Corpora! : i- ,t;. II y woundeil in the i !es of flood found ut po.-iitiou the Spaniards itn l italit tes. but their ie ' oil the killoJ and - : -i 1 1 f i ltiiu with dostil ! i i n ket h a tliousand ;H't. Spuei'.s comnany i I diC y and win driven ' ' ':.: on the camp and le :.;! at -. o'clock . ! Privates Mct'olaii and i' i : : I . both shot in tlia i . . v.li"H caused by the j . i; i lo a iai!''e of "ii-l I 1 1 tary motion, indicate .mn ci e killed at close io itiipjedof phoes, i lie felts and horribly i ia.-heto'i. W'lien they in t!ie whole battalion : of a hollow suaro i in; the hilltop. lleloW : th" urn ships ut anchor. , hill camp is a deep ra . ud this aro hih hiiis. iutiti v is heavv with a blanketed w ith clouds, in set it ";iiie u as bluw ' '-ht fell, thick and mi ie Spanisli f 'i!id.s von -ii ippai'el cover hi.d the v met leans on their cdro . .!.:e!.- against the sky 'cuts. I he Spaniards ver till midnight, dis ' 'fi-iics, at which th . !v's. lhe repeaters ..ekei .-, in a b ailel. t .1 'aiinch, a 'olt ma- i i...w. pu--hing up the t !.e Span iards, aud it is ;n" wo e killed. Tho ! much blood to the wa i : . e lost it. The shai ks i id" it-i n ity. ','ev their seach lights , " i i ; s 1 electric eyes it 1 1 .pi-.' f .ilae and . -i. nal 1 y skulking par i ach discovery of j "eted b' the crack of ! e !( cf the camp : i o'l t.t the launch's u.-htn the thickets : e.i'u. Siioitly alter Co main attack. The a ".ailant charge up t hrt but were met by re : i out tho main body and vi.i e one third of the '. fut thev came so close ! NW-t mo liny, they had bee tho I'anther, an 1 thev had t-d ui on beun to been m eamp at Mobile, and which formed part of Major (iohfci,l Coppiu zer's command at that rendezvous. The total force of regular infantry was about 1 iji')) men. There were also two regiments of volunteer infantry, about ,','00 men altogether, the Stcciid bci meut of Cavalry, from Middle, OUUmen; and two s'juadroiiH each from the First, Third, Sixth, Ninth aud Tenth ''aval1 ry, about ,V,,,! men; eiht troops oi voliintter cavplry, taken from Koose velt's rouh riiiers, rj men; four batteries of liht artillery, :;w men and 1 khus; two balfer ies of heavy artillery, 'JO men, aud 1 1,'uiis; the battalion f ouineers, "Juu men; simml and hospital corps, etc., about lino men, a gruud total of about l'.'.niHi men. The ileulais were practi cally picked men, as not a single 10 ci uit was taken, the regiments carry- I iu' only t!io dd reasoned troops. ! The following is tho list of trunsporls crruned in their numerical order, ; commanders and carrying capacity: Miami, McDonald, 1, VU' men : Sauti i o, leightouJ-VJ mtn;(ussie, bimey, about live miles Houtheast of tho title pits ot the marines and '"ai an impor tant base for the enemy, as it contain ed the only well within six or seven miles. Lieutenant Coleuel Hunting ton decided on the attack early in the day and about m o'clock the forces ftartod across the mountains. The ma riues were compelled to march iu sin t;lo lile, following the mouuutaiu trail. Meanwhile the Cubans darted back ward and forward, to the riyht and left, on the beout. It was noon when, from a hiil-top, the Americans caught sight of the Spanish camp lying on a ridge below- them. It consisted of one large house, the officers' quarters surrouudod by numerous 'shack' and huts, all clustering about the precious well. Tho Americans began a cautious advance and were within TOO 3-ards of the enemy before the crack of n ritle from the Spanish lines announced that the Spaniards had discovered them. The troops quickly moved iato iiue of battle, with tho Cubans on the left Hank. The enemy's bullets were whirl ing viciously over the Americans, but the marine" fettled down to their work as unconcernedly a though at target practice. stood their protmd desperate! v, on the left tinnk, and the crack cf the Man-a ! rities an 1 the ping" of their bulb.-ts J were heard fir a'i lour 1 he Mnuk.-;.-- I powder used by th-1 Spaniards made their location in the den.-e uuderbrcnti almost impossible to detect. lhe I'anther filed six-pounders the Spauiards, while the marines j were engaged in b-atiiig oft the attack. )n'i- one man was wotm led i-ml he I sustained a slight injury to his ban 1. i The Cubans, who acted well lastniirht. j were with .iitVicultv ioic..d out of tiie sh.irmin line u;is mornig. rome ot them refused to be driven even when struck by their olheers with the tiat of their machetes, but they were not cen sured. They try to workout their kuovlela of the methods of the Spauish gueiillas and as guides they are invaluable, 'the hospital ship Solace is in tiuautauaiao l'ay. with thj wounded on bnrd As the I'auntiess left the lay the smoke of two Spanish gunboats iu the inner harbor could be seen aud the Dolphin stood up the channel to meet the at tack, if the Spaniards had the audac ity to make one. When ten miles oil' shore, the booming of guns could be heard and the harbor was veiled in smoke. a;i adoki:s CM1MT ki:d. Oilers tJood Facilities for the Iaul iiijj of Sliafler's Army. A dispatch from Admiral Sampson o the War Department, says the Cuban general. Ilubbi, hat occupied Aua dores, only eight miles from Santiago, practically a suburb of that Spanish stronghold. It was the execution ol a plan arranged in Washington some weeks ago -when two of the sta!i' oliicers of (Seueral (Sarcia came to eonfer with (ietieral Miles. Admiral Sampson's dispatch showed that Ilubbi and his force have made 11 compl-te circuit of Santiago de ( uba and coming up south of it, have occupied Aguadores. This is looked upon as a military stroke, for Aguadores is lhe port with iron wharves aud will ad'oid facilities for unloading the heavy artillery carried by (ieneiul Shaffer's invading expedition. The news also indicated to the authorities that the Spanish garrison at Santiago has practically retreated iusido tho city proper, giving up the outlying town. 'I est oi" I to- u ins. The dynamite cinirer Vesuvius, joined the fleet on the I Ith and was put to work immediately. I'usign l tumor, 01 the .New loll., went on VP m Biisliiiackiiig Warfare of the Span isli Regulars. INSURGENTS' AID INGLORIOUS. lhe t ot alis I ireil Wilhoiit Ordtr, liupei ill! ng the Mai ines. Alurrlcin l.os - Uibr.l, 4 li.jur.d. An Associated l'ress dis atch, via. Kingston, Jamuica, .fuue U, sayu: Af ter tw o nights of hard fighting theAmei i caa 'b-.g -!,,l ;!o.ts on Cutntn evil . . the t ni uaj tuent of the mat luebattnlion. Thus far, the marines have lal the best of the lighting, but the situation is grave and they are exhausted with repelling almost incessant attacks. 'I hey hao little chance to rest or sleep, u oi the time of the arrivill of the relieving troops is uncertain. Were it not for the protecting ;uus of tho tlett the gallant little baud would be annihilated by the Spanish troops in overpowering numbers, from Santiago de uba. As it is they proba b!y caa hold their position, but they cannot move forward uutil re enforced by troops. i.al at first, w ith the white tents on a bold eminence ugaiust the tropic Lackgiouud looked like a holi day camp, is now grim reality. The tents have been struck ami rolled into lu a-twoi ks, supplemented by trenches around the crest of tho hill. lhe spot is lamentably exposed, while Mir rounding it on all sides is heavy brush. '1 ho least movement iu the camp is the signal for instant target practice on the part of the Spanish sharpshooters, w hse riiles carry much further thau ours though their owners rarely hit anythimr they aim at. I t is impossible to accurately estimate tho Spanish attacking force, but it is numerous enough. About two thirds of 1 1 1 i s force surrounds the camp night ly with a deadly nng, and the spatter ing cl ti e Mansers makes things quite lively, for the . pan iards are on tho watch and take pop shots from bushes about 0 aids from tho camp. At night tho besiegers tiuht like Indians and our old Apache lighters will feel in their clement. Kvery yard of cliapparal is an ambuscade and picket duty is Hip ping CO: ::S w ith death. itct the first attack on Saturday Very few S pa u iards were I 1 aonei, ui mo -ew ion--, wem ta ..iter the first attack on Sat. inlay Thev were in t he brush, but i.ifii-.elaPScr,",,'d the Vesuvius with Lir-uW-mmt ; night, Cd. I ! :. ntinton decided that smoke 1 -evealed their positions and en- ''naci'';1' I'ilb-ibury. to explain tho j unot hi r attempt would bo mado on allied the Americans to do eil'ective location ol t!.T;n J.atteries. A few Sun day ns-id nnd he c-aii-ed entietich- '2.'. i-i-L '! ' UIKI.si;i: VII'.W !' TAMPA AND TIIH Vft'M AT TOliT TAMP.V WTIKHR 1 Ti:.ssi'u;r.s vi :i: !.(ii:i wi ni :,::,-. shaitiik's isvaiLvj ai:mv. fi ar that the troop after ail. movim; 1 10I ;.l!d be:it tht AN I'l A(iO. ;tllesliips a ot- Vriiiv oi" I i amp- I'nder coinmand of Major-Genei hi Shafcr. the tiist divi.-iou of the I "nited Stales arm v saib 1 o: bino l :th from Key West for Santiago de Cuba, to be siege aud capture that town, 'i'l trauspi-its, :'.o iu numbe'", le Tampa on the 11th. The cm warships, believe I to number I 0 ami r. met ttn cp army I V rt o in' ' hi' was almost a hand to I he i ricers used their ! - e ..piiardsgot through .' : ! to the edge of the e 'uiapi'.ia. t he Cuban 1 his 1 c oi er and thev, ' '.ng themselves without '.ter skelter down the ' ti e hill. The attacks i a1 intervals throughout g:.t. with tiring from : to oiis directions. . !'..; the tire slackened. it r 1 11110 for attack, ; .iled, the marines, ly w ere aroused. Some in they h.a.l had ' - o-.iJit hi urs. and tire.l t stand the strain. I Jut 1 hree new 1,'-pound It could not be Used .'. lor fear cf hitting s!ie!!ed several squads attei- da v light. They i -.shes like prairie dogs - the shells broke over t ' . 1 ay dawu. ' . i.el Huntington and ;-u-. . l.ijh 1 raise to the 1 :i.ie.-i of oflicers aud the young ones, a- the -Ii ..mliig V xaga-ta has been able ' e n his ministers of finance, but no one ' e 1 ese-.it cabiuet has l he silver question. 1 it a further shake. - e aizam broken out i Muicni. aud by all ' nt soon occur ou a ' n'a'oiia. llverything 1 1 state of affairs at 1 t he only govern- ; ' -u t'.io semblance , : will bo a military en met tin expedition at lev uid with tlrn powetfu! force there is no lo'iirev reason tor apprehen sion that tbeiiauspi its can beiittackod successfully by any Spanish warships. oeu if such should have escaped the virilaut seai.-h oi the n.' val commander.-- at Key West and oil' Havana. It 1? believed that the rally out of Havana of the thiee Spanish gun-hoat- was inteude 1 t; create the imp1 c s-.on that they w- re prepared t" go out 1.. attack the train !. f- poi ts. It so tiie pi-' the crafts v. ere dett-Ced m.me-.iia'.eiy Commodore Wat -mi's orm.-ers ;i driven back 1 ell i.i- !i p. to Havana h: bor under the piot.-ction of th the shore batter:--. liven if these ho.iis ha.! could have done no da. :..!-'. size of the convov furnish. 1 troop-ships is sufficient to wa lief that they woiii.i have been destroyed should they have courage to make an attack 1: fleet of American ship gun boats are not ot i b 1 meu: Cherokee, (iarvuu, l,o! 'I men ; Seneca, Decker, lino men; Alamo, l!ix. '.' I meu ; Comal, Jlvans. iViij men, i oi hoi.-e-; Yucatan, Kobertson, H-iO men; lUiksiiire, Dizer, 4 1 ! nnrti. 174 horses; V. hitney. Staples, fUO u'f li; Olivetti, Stevenson, iti.i men, bV.V horses; Keg u runca. 'flag) 11 ansen. oOO men ; Concho, Kick, l,:in. men; Iioiida, Miner, t-fJ men; City of 'asluugtoii, Stevens, ; vi men; Alloghany. Nickerson, IV) nu n. 1! 0 horses; San Marcos, It.en, l'pi men, 'i horses; H. M.iller, i'oter nn, :" men. "''0 mules; Saratoga, .lohiisou, t." " 1 men; Loona, Wilder, ;,-J"o men; KioCrande, Staples, 1,70) men; N'igilnnci::, MclutoaJi, lJ-'O men; iMi.-.iba. Downs, 1,(MM) nun; Iroquois. Kimble. .i.m meu; Mattewan, Lewi.--, "i i 111 n. 4'io horses; Morgan, Staples, stdwater, Uault. break- wi.ter. llivero, ; t tnnberlaud, ....; Knickerbocker , i'Unien; Clin ton : State of Texas, (hospital', Yoiiu.:. f'arges: Ieosie, Martha; tug, 'a; t. Sam. Mi the side and on the smokestack i of every una of the transports which foimod" the fleet weio l aiuted ho ge white numliers, aud by these numbers the boats were officially known, their original names being discarded. This wa for the purpose of facilitating signalling between the flagship, and the of other boats of the lleet. work. For twenty miuutes both sides maintained 11 toriilio fire, Tho Spanish shots were generally wild and spas modic, while the Americans coolly fired away, aiming carefully and shoot ing to kill. For the most part tho Amer caus, bring was done individually, but at times the officers could direct tiring by t-qiiads, always xvith telling effect. It was bog inning to look as though 11 bayouel charge down the slope would be lieceisary to dislodge tho enemy, when suddenly the latter began to break for n thicket a hundred yards further on. Little groups could be seeu (ieeipg through lhe brush and zig yagging to escape tiie bullets. It was then the American fire becamo moat deadly. Mun alter man could be seeu to fall in a vaiu rush for shelter, and the lire from tho Spanish became" scat tering and almost ceased. Two Cubans lay dead and four were wounded, aud l'i ivate Walker, of Com pany D, had to limp to the rear with a slight wound in his ankle. Tho easy victory put the command in high spirits. Tho little black Cuban warriors waved their machetes aud howled, curses at the Spanish iu savage fashion. Their firing had been wild throughout, but they all displayed the utmost contempt for the Spanish bul lets, apparently being absolutely with- MU ! 'ear. tne enemy began breaking from j tho camp, the Dolphin, which lay out ut sea, was signulled and began pitch ing shells toward tho thicket for which the Spaniards were making. Mean while Lieutenant Magill was seen com ing with 10 men as re-enforcements and Captain Mahoney was on the way with n hundred more, but before either could reach the scene the trouble was over. The Spaiii-h retreated, the Americans moved tdowly forward, firing as they went and by the time the camp was reached the enemy had all gotten away, taking- their wounded aud probably many of t hoi r dead. Fiftesn bodies were found scattered through the brush, but the Americans were unable to ex amiue the spot where their firing had been most deadly. No time was lost in binning tho buddings and tilling the well with earth and stones. The Dolphin landed water and am munition, as an attack was expected on the return march, but none was made. Col. Iluutingtou believes the destruc tion of the camp and well will seriously cripple the bu-diw hacking operations cf the enemy. oaped the. e. for the f-.-r tho I t-edil y had the on the I ne Spanisli aidabie char acter, not one of them being the equal in power of the smallest ot the Ameri can cruisers, or even of such gun-boats as the little Fancioft. whbdi maybe used as (tenet a! Shaltei 's thig-hip. Second Army of hiva-ion. Arrangements for the second expedi tion of invasion from tho Fnited states for the Weft li dtc.Mire being hume l at the War Department Five trans ports are now at Fenian lia. Fla. , vbt: The Comanche. Knickerbocker. Louis iana, the (tale City :i:id the C;ty of Macon. The ( at.ini.t and the read a No Peace for Spain. The enmpaigu inaugurated by some 1 f tho foreign new. -papers in faor cf peace between Spain and tho Failed States is not approved at Madrid Ac cording to tho opinion of several gen erals Spain is capable of continuing the warm Cuba for two years, even under the most unfavorable circum stances. Therefore, they add, it is useless to talk of peace, unless it im plies a return of the status quo antj 1 :: 11 urn. minutes from midui;;iii .1.? Vesuvius w as about haif a mile from the h west of LI Mon o. Tno h egou'.s searchlight played ou the battery while tho black nose of the cruiser pointed at. tho vest ward batteries. Lieutenant Commander Fill- bury gave the word to fire, a'.il Lieutenant (tuimby opened the air vent. Thero was a slight hissing, a sort of couch ing noise, but 1.0 flame, no repoii, no warning to the Spaniards who were hiding in the darkness. Thirty seconds later a dull loar broke upon the ulem o of tho tropical night. Two handled pounds of gun cotton had exploded on the hillside below the battery. i ho ships on the blockade line two miles away shook with thj explosion. lie: firing of a thirteen inch shell is a no-re nth; crack compared to the deep and mighty roar. Clouds of earth thrown up from the hills teemed to stand out against the black s ky. Another pack age of gun-cotton was dropped on the other side of the battery and may pos sibly have btrnck tho torpedo boats anchored below, of the second Vesuvius sent hissing out. !t brow of the hi! Keemed to lie. aud tho smo half a mile. ln-i;iiot rat satisfactory and there is iuteie.-d in the first trial of the dynamite ember. Leloi'o tiio echo.'.. died away the a third charge lei! right on tho w hero the batter;, 'I he air was full of earth .e e ; ; cd t he late I for men's to 1 j tnrowii up on an spies 01 the camp, and waited for the attack that tho colonel was certain would come. It arrived within a slioit time nf.'tu dark and riym that time until daybreak the lii dig v " incessant ami at times very heavy. )ti the Amuican side two men were killed and four injured. I lie dead uro Sergeant Major Henry (oode, of the liiariues..-hot through the right breast; i'rivato Taumau, wounded and fell ot Hie! hit, aud instantly killed. Tho injured are: I rivate Wallace, fell off tho cbtf and sustuiiied a frac ture of the leg; Frivate Martin, shot through the leg; Frivate boxbtiry, shot through the arm. The above are all piiyates belonging to Company D. i iivte Futke, shot through tho arm. i he fir. t uttack of the Spaniards was made at o'clock and the last shot whs hied id. them at about o o'clock in the morning. During tho night the Span iards ufacked the camp- of the marines on shore, and the Marblehead, believ ing the Americans had been driven out, thtew" several shells into the place. lhe attack, however, win repulsed by the sm-dl detachment of marines in ctuiji w. tho. it trouble. I lie r hells of the Mar blehead struck among the marines. The tight win the first of the war iu I l.k;k i-.x i'ok r 1 1: adi:. I llra i:p r(a(l.ii of Wheat. 1'ott'JU (ii.."! stronsrr. The certaiuty that the Spanish At lantic fleet iinmprisoue I aud powerle j Jo Lai m b is Lei j ed to make the tou ; of the markets n.,ro c.Milideiit. F.verv ! step of progress during the week which ! bus I joked t -v..id :i railv terminatiou .'1 the sti Uggie bus I a ic'lectod in thd te.aiket uiid iu L,er i.:c- for money. All industries h iv" frit the uphfttus mtliieuce. In finance the yrowintr aniitty to Irtj 1. iou ou long evThaue at low rate 111 i ! of idnprueuts of fcidd to this co'liitiy, bc-.i.s toaccuniU late a staudin cie.iit m favor ot tho United Stales A stiouger r! tuition it moold be ilifiietllt dt -cribt. Men hav e been buy ing und sellie.g rfiuks if!i some blindness, though the '. s .f l It lltl illli !l l''C ii ih' KKI1..I . d higher 111111 kit. lher n Uiit ies ha yet to pay ia some way an enornioiM balance to the Fn:t.l state on mer chandise truasactioin. un I i vill ave t ecula'ors much trouble and losi to keep tha fact iu mind. Men talk as if wheat had gone down out of sight, but the collapse ol May speculation has only ma ie it morp evi dent that the out si le world requires neailv if lo t quite all the wheat this country can sj are. La-t week At lantic exports, flour included, wero , -.'a:', 'J'.'.: bushels a.-umst l,'.;il, ;-. List year, and I'acit: opoi ts were J I '5 against 1 .' ", -' ' '-' bit year, and it inclose to the end of the sin-on Ovr JlM.tMHI,. o-.O bushels w heat have alie.tdy beeu 1 xported.and almost t." ." ' .1 .uheU coin, 1, 1 .;!,- o ou- lii-:s itm ing ti n ni week, against 1. 7-. , i hist 1 ar, and the markrt is justified 1:1 feeliug that those who have g. m so fur heium! all pie.edetit in delying cuirent reports uro entitled lo pay for it. Iron and steel j ro Inction his de clined because several establishment1! have stoppe 1 for repairs. 'I he woo.eu manufactuiers me buy ing 110 wool and the sales at tho three chief mirkets during the past week weie only t?. M", :'v". p un b uguiiift l,;-7 .'iu Is'.'. Let the demand for goods 1 loves somewhat better in many directions thna was -xpected. and the eovcrnmeiit i npureuooits ha cm pel led some manalaciiiicrs t 1 buy somewhat hugely grade of W..0I which thev h ive not expected to require. In cotion goods tlieio is a stronger tone throu.:l"-iit with pint cloth sus tained at the lecent advance, but the coming crop lswab-hed with aiiv.etv. It is still soiuewhatiioiibtf.il whoti.er liie demand foi goods .firing the pint two months ion been i iateiially chock ed by the cp ctallon that the pi ice of cotton, and coineqipoatly the price of goods, would decline, and if so a mark ed advance 111 prices and increase 111 demand may be expected. Failures for the week h ive been jU't 111 the Fintcd States. gaunt J-.J last jear, and 17 111 Can.i Li, ugaiuat .'.' last ye 110 Xlelttie Xllnl-tl V l. fr.ili d. The Chamber of I 'epnt . s at l'atis. by to -7". 1 a-d a vote of confi dence IU the goV I 11m "lit. I he Mell'.O. ministry, lat-i , w a -b fai 't- 111 t!o Cham bor of Depntn-. bv ' i'. lo M';. and amid mid tipn.... 'd beaiiteux vtded: "tiet out. you tiie de feated!" lhers. p iiiiin.'t" themlti istenal bench, lief :!g d m a lo rus of "boosl" !n the bd.bie, ,d tho J amber tho opinion wa - I , ! v p - e I tht M. Meline would le igu, though noth ing i eei tain, ow:i::: t 1 the contradic tory dial ac?er of th- v t" . I' lflecn iCegiiueiilH OnL rol Out. It is stated that 1 dots w 11 e 1 ecei ved at ( hickam.i ;.: 1 b ' -.1 th- ! ; u fm-nt that lift, en of tl," b. t .-pni . " I regi ments IU iet:-iio I'rooS.i IIII.IV b' designa'" 1 foi no... : o- .t fotiio front. i which tho Cubans co-operated with the lhe Vesuvius le.tne 1 at a j American forces ai.d their ci op. ration It is regarded as highly WMS not a glutei ing success. At -r. j time duiing the afternoon, wh;neer ' the iiiuiini'.i were liiiiig ou a small do j tii'-'iiiteut of Spaniards that mile their pi pp. at atice a short di.itan'-e. from thy camp, the Cubans began tiring without ! 01 d -rs, and sent a volley right among the Americans. lheie weie r.everal very h.uicw i-.-ciies but ip one was with a desire to find work for their p, x 'nx ed. navy, and another success like that at j Lieutenant Nevill". of Conn any D. It is till, lei stood f. taken lrom the 1 no I dnloti Vk lip h v. lii 1,1 ai 0 to bo Pi icake the ex to i'orto Kici. iernoi ny 's Attitude. iermauy's attitude at Manila is re garded as the most interesting p'ha-e ot the war. The tiermaus ne credited Again Attacked ly (toerilbn. An associated dispatch fronHtuan tauaiuo, via. Kingston, .Jamaica, dime IF i-ays: When the pickbts came in for relief the Spmish guerilla crept along behind them and got within a hundred yards when the accidental dio charge of a rifle led them to believe they wet e discovered and they opened lire' with a volley wh.ch w histled harmlessly overhead. The marines then 6cruinbte I from their steaming coffee and "hard ta. k back to the trenches and met the gtiei iilas w ith a ragged, but w ell directed riile liie. In addition, five tield pieces, moiiuted at ungies in the trenches, and the machine guns poured a hail cf bul lets mto the ehapperal, scattering the main body of the Spaniards in all di rections. Shells w ere dropped into their midst as thev ran. A few of the enemv Kiao-Clioti would reconcile the natn 01 to the expeuditut e required to provide more warships. Therefore, despite oi!i cial repudiations, the matter is regard ed xvith some anxiety. It is certain, however, that iern.any would have to count U on the opposition cf Fngland and perhaps of.lapMu. fho Daily Mail says editorial! y: "We do not quit-) be lieve the rumors if piopOMid seizures by(ierniauy in the I 'hiiippines. and for one very good 1 easou ! Ing :.d would have to be reckoned with. John ibil! wili back up Jlrotber Jonathan if auy attempt is ma le to defraud hii 1 of his rights. " Idle Situation at Manila. A dispatch from Captain (lentm! Augusti. to th" Mr bid government, dated Manila. June-'., savs: "iho sit uation coiitiiraes critical. Tho eneinv was sent out on scout duty, and as on the day pievious, he attacked a small ftune fort. A hot fight fol lowed and the Spaniards were driven oft with b.s.s. It was during this fight that Wallai-e and Tatimaa fell over tho clbf Fifteen d?al Spiiiiiards, including r-ie lieutenant, wire found 111 the fort, j During the attack several shots struck the fchips 111 the harbor, one petielrat i ing the pilot hou-j cf the Associated j Fre-H dispatch boat Dandy. No one I v a injuie I on boatd of her. i h" Dolphin this morning located the ! S aui-ii water station on the ocean side i of the harbor enhance, which supplied j th" water for the attacking force. The well v. as situate'! in a bloekho.ne wind i ii:l. having n so, til gam-on. It was ! Fh'.v h.-d at .'. van!-'. 1 1 e!b-nt t rit:- tn e v.tn n.ale. ti.e -t.ttion ai h reeled surrounds ti. lines drawn strengthen ( ommunicat ti.o, I have l.a I .-e: a;oi':i I the clty it M.tel Vals I v trotic 11 is s'lll cut. I t 1 1 Soa . I .- - : s.ie o-t"l f s up If lose d t! 1 (ieutra! Monet with remfi rcei but I have ipi !:ert - from hi.u white population of the suhuib ing they wtli be ma sacie-l by ti els and preferring the ink of ho; ment have etiteied tiie fortif.ed srt t he town an 1 vi i a-ist in ii oefein" I tlo Jnot know when the bmbaid meut w ill C'jii-iiieiu-e. " ! ad 1 HI- Well I 00 tin ret it tti'-p ravine. .: ot w here :t uli: clou I of dust. 1 Ley 1. itlo g Ltei, d.tei we o ;int I o S in Manila 'I lie Ni ne Fieie I res-.-, Vienna, says that Spain has n .,.fsl.:d the p.wern .0 Urge the I lilted Stae to occupy Man I bl with troops, should the tow n surrender, nnd not al'o v the city to full into t!p hands of the irirurgeids. Tho fjorma! am! Collegiate Institute FOR YOUNG VOMLH, ASHLV1LLF, N. C. Fall Hrm JUidr d du- : , 1. i, Oll l 1 lo the Mil. !-.(. 1. A nor 1.1 ii cure f-r th oiigh triuiiii.g of te.o -in r- und. ffr-ictori fiom th- F t nornod sr embrMcing careful instruction most ir;'i ruve I i.oti.ois of t a uifb pracfi e in t!c- i.-.od ! school. J. A felly orgitmz d commercial rnur-e for tie- pn paratp n 01 voung vii.iis n for ofhee wi.iL, mbrcimz I v i i ' nti.n;'. -"a io, I double entry) on. men nl Afjthmetio 1- JJ. thor r in - h-.olH, in tho fe. bald 1 1 I'robab'v a ITritisli Nidt'Tiii.tn. Hugh W. Wiliirtn..'. teriously shot lecently co, ( 'nl. , i.- believed Fntish ncblcm.in. who wu-t liivs in San Francii to Lave feen k Aifairs In Santiago. Fear Admiral Sampson and Commo- spaln's Friends Losing Hope 1 he Faris correspondent of the Svm o il- S-i'ii.oat c.ie- "Sf tiin'a ?.-.r.i.t tlu t iis't friends uf "the press dci lore the I tlore s'r witlj combine ! forces obstinancy with which she accept war when totally unprepared, aud .: fa .teliane's Duel. C r. :,t ( a.-t! !.".::'. w'nomairied Mm ;!;!. t. fought ai'.uel with M. Henri 'I . ut! i -.x tho Mth. 'ihrev ronn is i :e f v igiit w ith sw or da and M. 'iourtl I whs wounded in eu- h round, tv.es slightly and the third time severely, in the VigLt forearm, thus ending the duel. " Four children of Alexander McCLes nc v, ai Uuntsvide. W. 'a , were burned to death in tbeir home during their parents' abr.. ::Ce. ciare tliat to continue lighting when the cause is hopelessly lost will pio't a 11 y alienate France, whose good words were at New iovk. and the Leiupasas j would prove serviceable ia the day of and the N.-uecs. of the Mnllory Line. . settlement. " 1 about closed whose charters have b-; by Assistant Secretary Mctklemhii, are ut New York. Already, t:p-:efoie, the Depaitinent 13 very weil tq:Uid s-1 with rausporta for tu? egcond iayasioa. i he l'w If !. -i! !i.t ill's sinnf.sr.l. Jamie Fernieie.s. who says ben first oflicer cf the Spanish Lo; ship Alicante. ii brought iu to : West as a pi is oner if war, 0:1 1 are slowly but surely placing such a 1 .-,!- .,.., ....1 .,.. 1 ilCllllI.-ioui . -.UU4J OU . UIT I'll" 1 ,. I , 1, , r - j .Ii. O f Tni .:- l tiugcifao erfcctually every source of j " ' " " , "' outside aid. thai within a short time captured by the crater St. i.oui., on starvnticn's tapj ing will give way to 1 June i"t!i. Ccr: dieting stcric-s are toM lledtti S so. id KIiOCa for U'lSilttatlce at I w.r.vrnin th. i.nuard' is 01 iu iii-iaie i uiace. i uree I- ...... t .1.. 1 I IJOara lua a ii-tcit::ai. nut ..ict 1 rei'amic u:;ae- ot nuppi ui re-eu- I gau, for,.v:..onth.-i,-el e-n c;t crfdnd Sactiigc i strong suspicion t..at be u a :-ore iu orlg. I ; ..'.t... 1 . g.i I 1 r-rs:,r nr tnri1 ti.it'l s u ' i .: 1 ! ( r Vicar General John F. Cunni of the Catholic Diccese cf ivt; j Sitiiipnoii Wiil Kori - the Harbor. j An .so-iat-l Fre.-.a di-qatoh. via J Ivtngston, June 15. says: lhe dvna j li.ite cruner VeMiviu, wLicii joined ! A'dmiia! Siimj -. n's i'..-et :r Santiago, i tlii- morning, i- t--j be fofowed by the 1 nc-o-j. the f . ot.- i.ml ctht-r torp- i- i l...at-. ih- a-riv d of the torp lo l!ret ! ill . f.-.ilri i : t i inioa that Admirul n j Saii.i son inte:-is to force the Lai bor on a ! the emmg i f the troop-. F.verymau ! iu t-.v Heel is atilioi.s.y ava.itng me . t-j. be: , for :t t- lecgntiel that no I dec:tve tiove-itit ii i-Caiib'e uatUtLa trocu rTt a laadiiai. in D"-i. . ,,p.l , miik" I.. ti" S- i-nc n taught to g trmef.is su'i j repiiie a m-al lithf d, coitoriiio J he f. io-hef n m th'ije from Fr ttt Im-titute. the Fif le iu all Ir Sti nograj by, k ping, '-iiigh l'i r.uoii.-i.:p, an I ( ' 'in 1 .''.. A itr-c f.t,, in M.i-.i th. lilatight, c it, fit, milhi;t-ry, . tq w hich shoui I le and njo ti.ng . d.-j.'tr ti!i r.t- are Vn .?u, S. V. Sv "ti iu'ttic rtri dc- ttitf.i nt-. A speeiitlty is r.i id tnre und. r one of th lhe South. ily epei.ti -.-.tcifi. Ist'ir-.- of Noith Ci from tLo Normal D.-ptrtmriit are t-x-rmpt'd from 1 xnn.iLiatiou when ap plying fzr p -M'u-. iu the Public .Schi-o'u of the Stitc. C .-; of Loar I an I Tiuti di in any of the Dej artmei 1 -V p. r t n:i, "r ih) fr the school year. No extras except liiti-i.-. For Catalogue, address Rev. Thos. Lawrenca. D. D., ASIIUVILLE. N. 'J. b Hralth Cul- f tear hern iu of the Legia-lii-i, graduated

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