CTT HHHHH NBGDES 70S- JOB PRINTING -TO f B MESSENGER, Marion, M. C. ; Accuracy, Neatneo t ; : Guaranteed. .is, Nte Headi, BUI Heads i - Circulars, Cards, p0a- ; M--"s aud any Vind 0 The Hessesgcr Prints . the . Newo and 1 sonpht after by the p0 p!aofi!ol)Mwr;i.Tancy Bun combs, Kutberforl, BirKt and otLr counti- In Westers North Carolina, and U thera lor a Good Advertising Modlum. Kai furoUhJ oq appllaailoa. THE MLoSLNOZlL 3rio&,N. 0. VOL. III. No. .i MARION. N.C., FRIDAY. ,nE. 21 1MS. I lVr Ve:ir in Advance A :t the Deadly Fire of 'j Americans. DRUiN EVERYWHERE, : lag of Spain Uulf Masted ; for Several Hours. Was . in. ---- i :to 1 i 'les J)ispateh via i, J u'io it), sayri: A m -! ' fortilie a'ions "i the. Liils defending i since the. bombardment Mini, shows, that Auieii s spit-ad wreck and ruin S rut) of tlio butteries i -Led beyond repair. 'J ho ' ' ' i circle i uu level wings US tllli'k U.H KVa!oS -.-iiii.-i.-y, hours after the I. funu-dics tfiuesoiuo iho fatal dy among the li' i s. Hundred of tiooi a : liom the ships, digging ' at th pile i up by the cx t ." i i ujectilts fi om the t'.i Sivl lc-.-t. while their 'a'ito-d iy tllO WHlgS of tho ' i-'-n of tlio battle-field. "i, literally blown away. I the places where the oargei -f gun cotton, tin- Vesuvius, lauded. ' I- H ' ( ft M.' i!, tdkeiiH cf (1eat!i Hew ;i '. I li Batlion Hair of . I ;..ast, d on the keep for ', ! (Mne ollh-ers of tlio . that the l!;.- was half- .' t : ii.-it i'iu to the Ameri- -i tj :i .. t llohnoll an 1 1 his ii a I. I f hucIi in the . i t have heeil wautouly Wither A'huiiul Sampson Srlih v l.-elicvo that i.'iod aii'l his paity Lave i'.'-; lent if the loijilarl tii'! i a Spanish oflieer, ii uImii- the parapet uti !m ein- iii i aain bis men . ir -11 us. liut ami shell i it:-. an-.l aftei ois-j te! I iflio v .! f-ei-ii ii( more, aud the ' i .ip; . :n e l. 1 1 e eouhl not i i '.' of tlit 'ro:klyu, : : i .h. t he men on the I 1 ho! i. eJ, hut a minute i Mv in vlehris would take :h' I u hen t he smoke cleared I "t of red earth eouhl he :: I j.:ii:i!hms having been 1 1 w :n the most ileadlv ' ive l";ijl!trduieut of the. ;." o i -u .ii it ios i ii the Heet, r-i.ips ht-id a lixed j-ohi-i . i ? i ; i j the Spaniards to : :ii. ! he half-stl ipped t . lU'Wi w oi Led with more Kear Admiral Samp 'i t : i't iiee the batteries I t i,-: eoutiuue tiring ; ': ituA are reduced. "' i s 1 1 1 1 1 1 v obeved. ! i I i ii t ',: e St rt-ets. .ts report that the in- tiinanera have strewn -1! ;iv. and oil, w ith the !i o the city and I iiuiiie tti loken. ! t 1 ie ultimate triumpii of t . t 111 ms h:m1 Mithuut taith iioi of t!u Spanish opie in e bid ie ed to i to leave their houses tin ui an t seek nafot r.i the nort h. .i..it M. rl I'lant. the Kepublie from l'n- la . s;i Vs: The Alabama : i i 'i i Id mi: ("ompany was ith !!. 1'farker. of . i i e-M.ie.it, and w it h a i n iut liud uuthoiity '.'' of bonds. The pro te; rise are loeal and :;ud the Jeunessee '.li.iea.t Comiauy, which a: ;;ai atitees its bouds. ie ! Western Wreck. K-atioke, Va., dated ! folk and Western - " : erked at 1 J : 4 5 1U. ; west of Statesviile. !.. i a:id several injured. : i !.:.ur;iiter Al Horner, 'i-;-moa I'A Sadler, 'I.ul Clerk A S. l'laucis, ii Die U iebs l.niid? n co' i e?p.ondeut of the "it seems jrobable that e ey is unable to tnidcr- . u-ibiiity for the safety of ii? Manila, Admiral Yon I land a force. " Insurgent Fleet . t Ie :.g Ko'.,g eorrespoudeut of i I 'aily Mail, telegraphing "A conspicuous object 1 ay is the nucleus of an in- t. It consists of a vessel ! tons burden, presented to -uihaldo by a rich native, 'u s the Hag of the Thilip- i ' thiee triangles of red, . ie on a w Lite p round, or a ii:d of the old rebtlfl2f villi: i i;uLu:i on the vl- M VI I .1. tLe, Secret of Angusti's iresignatlou. It is said utM-uhi-l that Captain Gen eral Augusti ro.,i-u.-l tho raiiitarv leadership at Manila p. the Spanish general commanding there, so that tLo capitulation of tUt lace i:iuy L-- sigu- f hi h. -vMAA urns V. i l r.. is - ) I :,";.v ;f ; ed ly the latter and ih i have les'i i;n portau'..; i:i thu (; . ; -! the natived than if signed i,y th eiptatii genera! of the I'biiippiue !s!:::i v A li'm .M;tr! 11 i 'li t Keens. As one of the results of the seuatoi b:l liL;ht of last winter, the Kcpublieaus if ( 'ay uho'a county had the liereesi ami most turbulent i "! v ei.! ion battle ever seen in northern ()hio. l'amie monnim lu"!;e loose. I he police eiiai'ed oil the platform. elmiliin.' o'.er the rejoi it rs table, and ioiced Coili.-tir and every I latum man with liiiu out thi oiih aside eiitranee. livery llanua delegate b-il the hall. The Hauua men went to I'.ib'et's Hall, near hy, and held th' i i w n convention, choosing ueii'.'alei to the coming State eonveiitlou ami a eoiinty committee of 11 for the ensuing year. 1 he .McKissou men in the Army and Navy Hall did the same. Serappin;; .'Iiiiili .Shore. A hot brush between some Kpuuish ti'oojis asid a I ec--!iioiiei in party in iu bteani cutters, ccL-iirrel on the mornaii; of the litn m a small cove (M i i -J " ? f V ..est of Mo'! o ( "a.-tle. The New- York's j cutter v.'ai hit ten t;':ws and a marin: : in the cutter of t!:" la --.iclins.-tts had the stock ot ho. 1 :t! h.itt.-red, but by' good luck no o!i' was hit. 1 he 'J'ea- j oianediiie wth lo i six pouudti' on i the hillside an 1 the 'te!i staamed , light into the co. au'l pep; et ed the i blockhou e v. l'h her rapid lire guns ! liveiitr.ailv the Spaniards retreated tc ! the woo. Is mi I the two steam cutters! withiiew. I lot A tie i- a Spy. j 1 he grea'i'st excitement revai's in i Camp Meintr. San I'r.uicisco, over the j repoit th.d leaked out to the elVect that oue of the luost nod I and diiimgoli Spanish spies had been c.iptured in I camp. An investigation revealed tht : fact that the Srauiard had not a yet j been apprehended, hut :t is kr.vwu that , tl,i I'lHi.nin.i.'it ,. : 1. eied leliiibie; iuforiuati. n iua. lead.- it t believe that Spain has a spy in t'ai.ip Merritt. Ihiu aii a ! p.iu. the following loiter v. as received by Sj aiu's Yice-Ci nsul in t cply to afoimr-1 protest against Haw ail's vh'latiou c! tut neutral it - law s : lo It. -. L ;.. V: I r S; an;. 1! :. h.l i : ".sir: In lej iy i .-taut, 1 hu" lie h. the iuti:n;.t- rv.:.' i tins Cv'iiatry ;u: 1 irt eri;:n':.t ha- :. 't f . f n.'utri.Uty. h.i. i:.: '.v.'LtJl '. t .-l a -en :!: t'tlt, t h th" .-!:tr.-l! I'lilt'- i Mat.-- j n . .1 wlii h r-a-'ii ;. r f.irther us! t- ra: r it.- reeeij t. 1 Lav- ti:- !: r ' . ear !: T t f :'.!t f th. : 1:1 . Ui-" u I M.it-slh i a i r t -t!;- n- nl 111 Tried to Uiow I p t he I . Ii i ti ! It is faid that Honolulu came neai 1 being the scene ef as frightful a h aster iu that i t the Maiue, and su much ; the same v. ay. 1 he stoi- is to the ef fect that an alttinj t was made to blow . up the Fekm's n.uga'.ne. An enlisted j man was caught arranging a fuse cou- needing with the tuaga.iue. The inai:a- I ziue contains id tons of powder and) hail been guarded clo-ely. The dastard, I it is said, is now under the c.ostst t:uurd mi I when the Fekr.i gets out on the high sens will Lu LanteJ. to the imp: I Sr7i ifi: or M-.v-i.-.i! ii i i.iin.i.i. arm. b joins mm. The Army of Invasion Lying off Santiago. WILL LAND IN THREE DAYS. Sampson, Mialter ami fiurci.i on-sult--Traiisji t AVcleomel Vitb Kiniii C beers. - - - - An Associated J'resH disjuteli, via. Mole St. Nicola:-, Hayti. June .'I, says: The I'nited States army for the inva oi u ot Cuba, l." ( Etiouuf, com manded by Cieneral Shaffer, arrived ctf Santiairo de CnVta, at uoou today. The time of its disembarkation Las not yet been determined upon, but it will probably be within the next three days. When the Heet of ;!? transports, with its freight of lighting men, swept up the southern toast today, and slowed up within sight of the doomed city of Santiago do Cuba, the anxiously await ed soldiers were greeted with ringing cheers which faintly reached the tiaii-s-ports from the warships, aud they were uuswered by the trooi'S mos.t heartily and in kind. The ( oinniaiuli is ( onsiill. The Bteamer Segurama, having on boaul (ieueral Shufter and his stall, steamed to the llagslup of the American fleet iu order to visit Kear Admiral Sampson. 'The general went on board the flagship aud later (ieueral Shatter, Admiral .Sampson aud a party of oflicers boarded the Seguianca, which went to Aserrudeo, about IT miles west of San tiago, and near which place ( ieueral ( iuicia is encamj ed with 4,0 -0 Cuban soldiers. ( ieneral Shafter and his stall uiid Hear Admiral Sampson went ashore and proceeded to (ioueial (iarcia's headquarters, about a mile inland, where they spent several hours in con sultation with the Cuban general. At the conclusion of the conference, (ien eral Shafter and the other ollicers had littie or nothing to eay regarding the plans for landing the Americau troops or for the co-operation of the Cubans. The be9t information obtainable is that there will be no attempt to make a land ing for two or three da vs. Voyage of I be 1- leet The army of invasion left Lgmont Key at noon on Tuesday, dune Hth, convoyed by the I nited States war ships Indiana, Caxtinc, Helena, Anntip olis, Haucroft, Morrill and Hornet. Th; passage was necessarily slow, as two big water barges and the schooner Stevens, also used for water, had to bo towed. At liebeccaShoals light house, tho fleet was joined by the I'nited States warships Detroit, Osceola, Washington aud LT'icesou. When the transport tleet left J'oit Tampa it was tho intention of those in authority to take the western course, around Cape Antonio, but later it was decided to go via tho Florida Straits, that being a fhoiter distance. After the fleet got into the rough waters of the straits thy transports were formed into three hues, about I, not) yards apart, with t'-OO yards separating the ships. 'J he voyage throughout was tedious and uninteresting. The weather was excellent and consequently there was little sutiering from seasickness. Hut fourteen cases of typhoid fever and some little measles developed. The surgeons, however, say tho health of the men is exceptionally good. l'robable IJesiguat ions. There are rumors current in Madrid that the Cortes may Ptispend its sessions during the coming week, when Senor I'uigeerver, the Minister of Finance, will resign, in which event it is thought the Premier, Senor Sagasta. will be compelled to submit to the ,'ueeii Kegent a question of confidence iu the ministry. It is possible then thai Senor Sagasta ax i 1 1 resign, iu which case, it is said, a national government, pledged to tho most euergetie course, will succeed his ministry. Nominate a Full I'lcket. The middie of-the-road members of the 1'opulist part 3 of Michigan held their State convention at irand Kapids at'd nominated a full ticket, headed by SuliivuuCook for Covernor. I be Adhesive Mamp. Secietarv (iage has written a letter to the lluti'O ways and meaus com mittee and the Senate finance com mittee, stating that it is absolutely impossible to put the adhesive stamp section of the war revenue measure into operation on July 1st, and asking that the time be extended until July dtli, and that the commission be in creased from 1 to '' per cent., in order to increase popular interest in the dis tribution of the stamps. Crj ing for Peace. Tho Madrid correspondent of tho Times says: "Fl Diaro de Harcelona, one of the most important if the i 10 viuciai newspapers, strunly urges the immediate conclusion of peace, be cause every day's delay raises the price at which peace is obtainable and the American resources are such that even if all the American squadrons are de stroyed. paiu ought still to demand peace at any price. F.I Coireo and LI Fpoea reproduce the article, though without endorsing it. L i e u t e n a u t - ( e 11 e r a . The House committee on military af fairs agreed on and favorably reported a joint resolution reviving the grade cf lieutenant-general in the army. Ordered Out of Chinese Waters. A special from Hong Konir says: The American supply ship Zatiro, which was sent here from Manila by Aiimiial Dewey to procure provisions ami ether uaeessaries for the Heet, has been compelled to leave b- the Chinese authorities. The Chinese notitied V. S. Consul Wilduian, at Hong Kong to take the Zatiro out of the jurisdiction of the Fmperor at once, and refuse i to allow her even the customary twenty four hours stay, or a pouui of coal or provisions. General s , , r. t r . i.t i ties t be Wur Up p. i i t no n : of t lie I. a tiding of I roups. hi -::i dh p.tt.'hes r-ive-l by both Keei. -tr.ry Alger and i iC'.et..ry Is-rvj cu F'.iLe jj.l indicate th:ii. the lauding of tr .: i s u,;;. r nii'iag wprogtoss ilig :m.-t l.t'. oi ab.y . I i.e tirst lauding wa -ir-eie 1 at iaiouui, aiil met with c- ii,j. ,i i.ti.i -!y sliirht l' -ituce. This was stated i'i a dip:.eh J?ceive l by this t-v.-uing Secretary ALr, which, although bi ief, was lull of news and mei:ii!!r. it follows. "I'i.wv i.kl Ksik, June 22, 1 "Seer-t-;iy of War. Washington, I.C. : ' li 1 )ai pi:ri, ( 'iu.-a.Jtiue 2 '. Land ii. at Dai pin i th.s morning successful. t ry little, if any. iesi taiice. i SM-'Ue li ' -S; ,rrKH. ' Von Diederiehs In Command. Th' Daily .W.v; p ib'i-has a state ment aliened to come- from a corres 1 on lent La ving access to good informa tion, that the occupation of Manila by I arts of the news of thewurships there is an accomplished fact. The commu nication proceeds to say: " ver a mouth a-o Admit al Dewey prepared to boiubiird Manila. At this juncture, however, a new factor was added to tha situation, i he t ferman consul, acting on precise in-ti "o tions which had just at i h ed ! t he Cci man wars-hip lieui', strongly opposed a bombardment. 1 hesi; insti notions weie clear and cate toiaal. and emanated directly from limieror William's cabinet.'' 1 be Michigan Mixture. 1 he follow ing ticket was nominated by the State conventions of the Jemo ciats and I'opttlists and silver iiepubli eans: ( iovei nor, -Ju.-tiu II. Whiting, Dem.; Lieutenant Coventor. Michael I'. Mel Nma'id, Dem. ; Secretary of State, L. Ii. Lock wood. I'op. : Auditor (ieneial, John L. Trisbie, silver Hep. ; State Treasurer, I'.dgar J'. Smith, Dem. ; Attorney (ieneral, lloyal A. Ijawlev. silver Hep. ; Laud Commis sioner. Carlton l'eck, I'op.; .Stiperin teivleut I'ubiic Instruction, Mrs. Flor ence Henkes, silver Hep.; member of State Hoard of Ldueation, (leorire K. Willitts, l op. J I ' rajn ing for Mines. The lauehes of the cruiser Marble Lea 1 and the gun-boat Dolphin by command of Commauder McCalla, drau'Me l the channel leading to the 1 town of (. annauei a, and turued up sov 1 en contact mines, e.i-'a containing 1 12 1 pounds i t :riiu cotton. Tho mines were I exactly similar to those found by the Texas and Miirblehead, and evei-3' one had been hit by one of our boats on the I occasion of the bombardment. Com mander Met n!la said the e.scano of the American warships was little short of providential. Il'iiina's Triumph. The hio Kepuulican State conven tion, at Cleveland, was a record breaker. Its session lasted less than two hours, and most of that time was devoted to unseating a small lnmority of dissenters. Tho follow ing nomina tions were made by acclamation : Sec retary of State, Charles Kinney; Su preme Court judge, W. T. Spear; clerk i.fSupiemu Court, .losiah 15. Allen: Food and Dairy Commissioner, Joseph If. Iliacliiituu; member of the board of public work. W. (i. Johnson. May be Some F.mbarrassinent. Lvery possible effort is being made by the Secretary of tho Treasuiy to put into operation on July 1st the adhesive stamp tax sections of the war revenue act. It is not thought possible, how ever, to have stamps on sale iu all parts of the country on that date, and m consequence it is expected that for several .lays at least business embar 1 ass merit will be many, and in some instances serious. Dr. Dept w 011 Imperialism. Dr. ("har.ucey M. Depew has partly recanted ids position as to imperialism, lis the re- Uit of the latest war develop ments and of three weeks iu Furope. Dt.tnig his sojourn lie has had unusual opportunity ot learning the sentiment of politicians aud of the public. Fourteen Sailors Katen by Sharks. ne of the boats of the P.ussiati ship. Fay of Naples, from Fort Natal, April 2-, for Tehio, capsized oft' Noumea, capital of New Caledonia and fouiteen sailors were devoured by sharks. Popular (ieneral ISIaneo. There is absolutely no foundation for the report published iu the I'nited States of an attempt to assassinate Cap tain ieueral Hlanco bv a member of volunteers whose brother, it was al leged, La i been shot for complicity in a plot i.gain.-t the government. Captain lieueial liianeo denies that he has de cided that there shall be no exchange of piisoners with the Fuite States. Kcaeheil l'ort. The captain of the steamer Adula, rhicii has arrived at Kiugstoii from Cient'ie-ro-'. leports ihat he had learned at Cieafuegos that the Spauish steamer. Furi-ima Concepcion, which sailed from Kin'-toii on dune l'dh with food nil plies tor the Sj ani-h troops an 1 rv r ;ng. it is understood. SP i, o t i in gold, had ai lived at i rii.ida 1, province of Santa ( lara. ha-ed Pi the l.iit;li-h Channel A vessel which Lis arrived at Cadiz leports that she met in the F.nglish channel an American vessel, which gave i'!i:ei'. TLoS leport leads to the belief th.i' the Americans intend to bjmbard Sj aui-h poits. l!iwiy Koiigb Klderw. At Tampa. Fla., a party of mule pack, er and rouh riders w ent to the h'ise of Alice May and raised a row. A general tight followed and Alice May was shut several times by the men. and. or.e of the mev wis fhot by one of the inmates i f the Louse. One of the. wounds h dangerous, an 1 the n.ea nre Lei 1 to await developments. 'I he man who was fhut is Hot seriously injured. F't; -:.g a q-jarrei Oeorge W. Hush. ci Sav.-iiiLfiL, (ia , fatally shot Lis fiitltr-iu-law, (ieorge De Weitt. m i IUL. Alleges That the Merrimac Pris oners HAVE SEEN TOO MUCH. War Department Will Ketali.ite. SaKusta Is noted as Saying 1 I1.1t No Decision Had Deen Ifraelied. J'isi-atches acuoiinciuir that Cap tain (ieueral Fdauc- had it-fused to exchange Hibsou au 1 Li- fe'.low prisoueis citatei tuin miigua. tiou which was molitied latei by Ma i rid advices quoting Sagasta assaying that no decision had been reached. Should Spain adopt the ci uel aud uu usual course of ief using an exejiange, tho regulations of tho War J epai t rceat are sullicient to meet the case. The following principle is laid down iu its regulations: "Retaliation will never be resetted to as a mea-uie of mere revenge, but only as a measure of protective 1 ett ii-u-tion, and, hioieovcr, cautioti' !y and un avoidably; that is to say, letal 'all- ti shall only be 1 esoi ted to after ca: eful iiiqtiiry into the real occurrence, and the character of the deeds that may de mand let! ibiitioii. I'nju-t or inconsid erate retaliation removes the belliger ents further and further fi em the miti gating rules of wai fare, and by rapid strides lea U them t. the internecine warn of savages. " Why (be Fxebauge Was Refused The Madrid correspondent of t!i limes says: Spain's leiu-a! to exchange ijieuteuaiit llobson aud his comi an ions ot the Merrimac is eadiy explained aud justiliable. Without any intention of acting as spies they must Lave m eu many things iu or around Santiago about which the American naval an I military authorities woiiid tila lly havt information. Affairs a( Manila, According to advices from Manila, dated Juno Kill, it was reported that Ceneral Nonet, coming northward w ith 4, otto armed m0j s from Falacan, thirty miles north 0f MitUila, found the rajlw :iv line blocked and was taken in ambush by the insurgents. Fieice fighting ensued and was carried on for three days, during which 'iei.eial Nonet was killed. The native troops joined tho insurgents and the Span iards who were left, about oio, sur rendered. A bata'iioii at Fai-ipauga, of live militia, tired 011 tho insurgents, killing live. At Zapote. also, a wholn regiment revolted at a : it seal i::.m-. ut. Declared I n depend cue ; . There was a great feast at Cavite on June 2, w lieu a 'leca ation of iude pendence was formally made by Agni ualdo. He had invited the A m-i iea olliceis to be present, but none a--c pt ed. Aguiuahlo is reported to have ad vocated autonomy under American pro tection, similar to the Ihitish protecto rates. J he insurgent-, it is he: lev ed, out of deference to Adinir.il Deweyj Lave resolved not to bombard Manila. Found oil a Dead .Messenger. A report from the Spani.-h mili tary commander at Cuantauaui'i was taken from the body of liU unfortu nate messenger who attempted to 1 as) the Cuban lines. H gives tLe ofiiciai Spanish version of the attack rf th-i American fleet in the captuie of th) outer harbor of ! iuaut.tnamo, and dis closes tho fact that starvation 1 fac ing the Spanish troops iu ea-tein Cuba ili Not Slay Dead. All is quiet, according to the latest advices from Puerto I'lata, 1:1 the Do mincan it-public. Nevet the!e-s, it i known that another revolntnuiarv u spiracy is on foot. I he Olivia, a smali sloop, is 1 a-si'ig along the not I hci 11 coast of Hai ti, picking up Domiucm-. for the pin pose, it is under.-tuod. oi a new de.-ceut upon .Monte Cri.-ti, or I'uerto J'lata, with a view to the ovti throw of Fresident Herer.ux. I.i linn- hang. Official changes at Fekin, says a dis patch to tho Daily .Mail, from 'J l.-n Tsiu, foreshadow the return of Li Hung Chang to pow ei His influence is predominant 111 the I' sung Li Yameu, and he is strongly biased iu favor of the Hucsiaus. Aguliialdo Capturing Money. A dispatch to the London Iaily Tel egraph from Manila via Hong Kong says: "f ieneral Aguiuahlo has captured a good deal of money, which Le has sent aboard tLe American wart-hip for Btfety. " A Cubic I. lid f urel The War Department Lus received information in heating that its (llia!s Lai been able t,i ec'iie an end cf one of the cables running ut from Ct.ba and which, when iiojeily cotin-et'-.S. wiil give Admiial Sumpsi u dii.ct cm li.uiicatlei: with tie J q ui tr er.t a Wajhinihgioh. reck on f b- ..ist Idn-. Fasseuger tiain No. boiti. 1 fo, Augusta via the Muin-h-ti r A.ug i-ta I'.HiIri.al, was wreck-! on th-,- 1 - th :lv. miles from Suuiter. '1 he train, i-oi.-i-t-ing of engine No. one -.-end i. 1 one first c!a-s cuach, e?.j less au i 1 ..g gage car and the l ulbi 'in s!--per "SLa'iiion, " vvas derails i and a.i I :it tLe engine ditched bv a wa-Lout. Augustl li'ii-s Into lltre.it. The London Daily Mail's corres pondent at Malrid lav: "(aTtain (ieneral Augo-ti teiegripLs that I.e Las g.ne into the wal.'cd lty and ti.t he wi 1 be unal.-le to com muscat e furtLer with tLe government. Asi!i"l to C.-u-r.il l.e-s Corp. It is rej orted as j rob.tble t ! t Col onel Wiiham -lenmngs Jiruu a:, i the Nebraska regiment under hi-, cj-ui.-un i wi;I Ie a;-:ae i to the a: ray cr;5 ccLuLiuiiJei by Major Ueitial litz hugh Lee. iMii.ii staiks ( (N(;i;f.s. I'roi edie if Sen.ttf- ;ind 11 I'av to D.i v. Ilotisj 1 im: s f.n ati: Jtxk b'r.i. After deriding an Lour to th- d.-cu-sioji of a bill resorte.- the uiihuitie to t: e r-is, t n aud W ahp-j-t "1 I aii't - et st-'iix i::di".us. tie se..i'e re ".v.? 1 consideration ,.f the bill t 111 'oi p..: ate the !:. ! n.itiou.il American ' ;.k. I'ai, a!, if Vrrgin:!, otU-re I an j e ic mtii.-nt to sr:Le out the t-it!r ,-cv-tilth section of the bill, which confer pow.-r on the bauU to act as tbe finuti cial agent of any nation. State, muuiei la'ity, corpoiatiiii or et son, and 10 act as trustee f any . -b. A vote upon Daniel's amendment ni taken, the amendment being rejected 2 lo 1". I he Senate then went iu.o executive ees.iou and at :li a ljourn l. ini ITih. lie foreign i-latio.vs cimmittc, through Senator Davis, the chairman, repotted favorably to tho Senate tho New land' resolution for the annexation of the Hawaiian Is lands. The bill to incorporate tho I iitt! iiationul American Hank was I a-se.l by a vote of -jr. to 21 At 4 p. 11. the Senate went into executive fessiou and soon afterwards adjourned. . -It .1: VM!!. Discussion by the Sen ate of the question of Hawaiian annex ation was begun m npi u session. Mr. White aflorded the friends of auntxa ti' u the opportunity they had been awaiting. Hemo-edto adjo'un, and like 11 flash Mr. Davis demanded the ye is and nays, th" motion t- vote upon w Lich was a test i f stle'.th between thofiieii'is and opponents of anna tloll. It was decisive. 11 to 1".. I he Sciiat". at ' :'.. went into executive Mssion, and at "i:l" p. m. ailjoiirne I. I 1 m. .'!. Interest in the dincus-ion .! the Hawaiian annexation, which is pi - feeding in the Senate, has begun to flag. W hite. Demoeiat, the leader of the oi eiH-nts of annexation, spoke for three hctirs and a half. Among the 11 lis passe-1 was one piovi ling severe penalties for the malicious injury 01 de.-truetion of submaiine torpedoes, foi tillcatiotis or other coast defences. At p m. tho Senate went into ex ceil live session, and at i:l p. m ad- jotl ''1.0:1. Jim- J.'o. OppoTients of annexation of Hawaii again occupied tho attention id the Senate. White, Democrat, le sumel his speich beguu yinteiday Fettigrew discused the resolution for an hour and a half. White concluded his spe ch. The conference report of the Indian appropi iation bill was pre sented to the Senate and lea l, but no ei it was made di-pos. of it A joint resolution was pas-e l loithoi iing the I'lesi l.-tit of the i'nited States to invite, through the pro; er channels. t;ie govt 1 incuts of Fuuluud. Fiance, I te many, Au-ti ia, llussia, lielgiuui, S w 1: , in land, Mexico and Venezuela to send details of infantry, artillery an I c.'Va'.jy to tiiis country to participate in a military jubiic ) t b.j held 111 M.:.ii-ou Squi'e Our.i ". e V,,, ; . ! ;.i vis a - ki d i i. sued !a"c c usidei at 10 u of the following 1 eso! at ;..u : "that the Sc. letaiy of the Navy i- .in t cted t ) in fo; m the Senate whether Lieutenant llobsoiian l those who weio captured withhnu Lave been confined within th-iiues of i'ne of thel'uited States l!- f t. and, if so. at what place or places they are tr Lave been coiilined; also to inform the Seindo what eli';rts have i .-en made to eliect the exchange of -tich pri-oners and with what result; also to tiansiiiit to the Senate copies of Lis cones pon lence or report upou the subjects of this inquiry." The res olution was agreed to. At 4 :' the -enate went into executive sesfion, and at ":! p. m. adjourned. thf Hoi-si: Ji nk Pirn, "i he general deficiency bill was considered by the House, but w as not disposed of A heated debate v as precipitated over the paragraph (allying SI ;.!."'. for postofli'-e 'icieiicy. but it was i:ot a-sed, and the Hon e at ".:!.' o'clock p. 1.1. a 1 adjouilie 1. Ii m. liill. The general deficiency I id and c ulennce upnt upon the Di-t 1 i-t of ( 'ol 11 in b;a i-ppi o.i lat ion bill occupied the attention of the House. t ioclo'-h the Ho!lse took a I. -cess 111111 -, tlo-eveini.g session being de voted to the c ui -idei at ion of Lision legislation. .Iim J'Mli. I he Hoii-e passed the general delicieucy biii, cairying 0 1 , 00 1. I lie -onfere:o o reoit Upou t i ; o Di-tiictof ( oluml'ia api ioj 1 iation bill, a- well as a number of other en .i.-ne.- i-ports upon legislation affect ing the Di-.trict of Columbia, vieiod:s- 1 o-ed cf au-1 consideration was then gr-n to tiie coiifeienco report upon the l-.II to open to settlement the In dian lerritoiv. allot lands theieia and ptovi iIor tlie 1 rott-cUon ol tut; peo ple. Witj.out any debate the lepoit v. a - a bq te l. i he Houfce at .: p. ui .1 1 ji. urned. .Iink J!sr. After pa-sing s vtral bills of minor impoitance the House in committee rf the wholo considered without di. osing of it, a bill to refer to th- 'onit f Claims ji tain claims of It-isons fjr pi operty taken or destroy ed liy the Confedeiate invasions into the Southern counties of Fennsyl vania. he ci r-oiients of tLe bill candidlv de c'are th"ir oj position upon thi ground that tin- bill suggest- 1 a j roj o-ition m- Inou-tl ':- as tode-etv.; n oU -1 b-i a t.on. !'.:. ''it. g 'ii-j o:-.iti'-:i d the i:.i e '!!. th j fo!'ii.n:t ro.-e ai. I at f 11 ;-. ... the II ad out"..- I. .I'M ,'.'-?'. To t.iv s -( H-:on of the il'..'1-e w as line. e-;tf' i. -. i'. i the e:.-( - li !, of ;. brief I n n-v..-r- ii'-n.::1e!-.,i a bv-1':: -1 Ti. 1'ifl I-". f l; !-' .j-ti'.- I iro-Venoi '- sie. cjj at the ''hio :.- ni'lican convention. b;ii no rj . rating th National 'oi.gr - . ti Mother-! wa- j a--.- l. Several b.l,-. ..-: 1 a-'.- i, and th-n the Ib-u-e v i-l! ir.t committee th" w,.o!; t ' u--ide-r I'.-trid of Columbia legislat". L-, t'i'i af ;.1'J p. 1.:. adjourned ; I III III 11 II fa. The I hir 1 II gim-!it of Hi.MuriC.s I e ing mobilied t Macon, ia , has about i'rn so far. Je.its Lav e been pitched aud men are b-n g drilled daily. Le fruiti c.'!:i'' liiuii pvi-ry train and the full q .ota of all coin anies will L re r orted bv Jul v 1. liip IS. ing Inipre.!. Il.e govtrr.ii.erit La taken a Jiia. fctan 1 with regard to s-ecuriLg trat.i j cits to criy the treoj-s to Manila, and fr. i;i this time I rward vu regiment wiil 1 e the rule until enough vts-tris Lay- l ira -eoured to carry the ar;gy the I'Liiii pi-es. iu: makui. r-. k .i;s .riit n rrnrs. New Y.nk. ' .'! !! easy ; Middling ti Futures-closed weak. Opening. Closing. May .... hi ne ;.. ' Je.iy . tl K22 ev'u-t fi -'' Sei'ti -nber 1. t ' t VUio - i p t Nu ember ". " 0-5 I .abet . . " I i O'i lat.uai v . ! I " '. rebrtiiu v I 13 Maid! .". op.' " F uTiir :; 1 ... M:Ki r.- Ch.u'eston. CoM i sU'ilv: mid. '. i'oltiuibi.i Coton q'l.et; imd. ' I 11 1'. Ch-irl.'tte. Cotton ;tc.dv: ur.d. t'.i. Wilmington ott -n steady . tu .!.. Savannah. ', tP'ti .pr.et . int-l. .V Noifoil.. ('.'tto'i 1:0m inn! : mi l. Memphis, ('ott. m rt.aty; mid. . Augusta. Cotton low t i : 1111 1 :-P.. Faltiuioi e. ( "ot ton uoimi!al ; mid. . New Orlc;.US Cotton q'l.et. Ulld. . I: M. I T M K!" I ::"IO T 1 MlKKT. 1 !i!titn .ie i'hi'ir weak and lower; Western si.pt tfitic. i-:. . ?.. . Wheat Duil i.ii l I'ji, spot ami l:i III!'. .!'-'.. ui V . I bid . August. 111. So'ltio tl! w he..', by sample, 4 I ' ' 'oi ,1 S' ii-r. spot and n;otitli. : i-:'... lull. :: 1 V. . : A ugtist : J ; j So'lthel II w lute i oi II "' . I 'ats O net. No. .' wh.ite .-2 -f. ''). M M -KOIi . New Votl. 1 1. .-1 :i teaiv ll.tpell I tine steely at .'. ; " , j Cli ii le-t n I ui ; . nt;!if linn at 'J II; I,iN:I qlile! Savannah. 1 in pcntine tirm at -'4. liosiii film an I uiodiat'ge.l. C. i ui.i n '- A I . I ii di Tin' F.'tllil c-iiesp ndetit of fhf 'I lines, coiiimentiii;.' on the continued disc'issiou f tie' I'hlllppilie qlle.-tlon. savs: I hiit" would he a stotm of indignation in Ii..- ( .e, u in piess if tlio I'nited States w 1 1 e to I . come master of the I hill, pines wh: lleimanv got uothiug. Feurn I li.it Ibex Have Itreu Klllrd. Ilepoits from Man. hi savs a special dispatch fiom Shanghai indicate tho existence of fears that S n.ia Augusti. w ife of Ciiptaiu Ocnetal Augusti aud her childieii, have i . t n ed by the lebels on the llul ii an. May IJesi;;n I rum I In- lluislrv. It is ruiiioied that Mr. Joseph Chatu beilall), Secietaty tor tiie ('olonit-i'. will shortly t. sign fi : i th" iiiinistry, in el der to a-suin' t'o- b i h i hip of u large number i f I n i . ' iu the lloit-o f f . 'oni.i :. . vi... d i-contented with th" govern!,.' . t ncigu policy. I he One. iT, -I ( ion Ihe Vienna cmi c-p ,n l.-ut of tho Dailv Te'cgiai h -a. . "A!! the infor mutloll t hut nioli" . here hom Mndild proves beyond Ii d 'llt that the posi tion of the On... : lo-.-. ' !. lf.-rr.mo altogether utit. lial.le a.. I li.a' ll.T Mia-sty will ie ,g.. the iceucy wilhm a very shm t i -i .. d " A o.o mi ii n i . 1 1 i i n I inn l.i.il. The aichbi-h p . f 'Lind.-i, Mgr. Mo faleda, linn-Mince t i. .it I." has Lad a commu'iicatiou fio i i.od, who ha promist-dhiiiith.it the "unl.e" piga" will be oriveii out of ? he i - luL d Hint that Spain wili I e ti lumphant m tha end. Augu-li's I Lilly C.iptuif-'l. 'I Le Hong K ng c tres- ond.-nt of the Times tavs. "A c ! ! :ng to Man-la ai vices, .late i Jrm- I , a . I I toiight her by II. M. S. I . ? i: .. i,l.(.l, Lave cap. Hied lii" faniM : u : ri ieneral August!. "Do you i. illy 'ie-.! t., s'ar. I ty v. hai vo-i -,iv ..l..u' !! ng from pnV I III' lif"'.'" lil'l'lil' d ! .' iU'iUl It- ft MI'l 1 jtist before an - h "Mow )., I I hur.'. V r.-pon.'.-! 1 - ! btici.in. "Ida ' I'" "iu:''" ' U ' '' S: " j Ths Normal ant! Collegiate Institute j FOR YOUNG WOMEN, AsHLVILLF, N. C. Fall I uu r.eini'll;-' S pt. J 1 , l -. Olfers to fin- Slul-lif. 1. A normii c.urfc" for the thor iMigh training of teachers under in structors from th- b. nt i. ormal school, embracing -r. fi.l ln-tru' tiou in tha in nt l.-i'prov. 1 riMtl.oh of baching, with praetp-e in th- mo i. 1 s' hool. 1. A fully organ!- 1 romtrie'cial course for tlo- preparation of yoiinjj women br i-flic- work, tmbraciug St rjography, Ty j i iting. Look ' kt. ping, -ing!" and .lo-ibb- entry) t Ft hin c-liij , ''ornri. xii i! AritLtnetl'i ' an I fl. rn sj on-j. im-. . j ''. A cur-" n. Do'n.sti" S'ience, j i) in whi h tfi - iiil ii taught to 'ilnught, i nt. fit. : .'.. g irments au 1 iiiiliin.iv, lo in j'i part a meal which rhoid I I.- hi a. thf il, tconouiio ; ur.d 'j p-tiiug. It.'- t'i ii'i" n tljiw department- are from l'r.itt ln-titute, Frookly:,. N . Y System ti - t-ln ly of ti:- F.ible in all departu: nt-. A Spec i'llty Is In . b - f He-tlth Cnl- turo un b r i f the best tetchtrfl in the South. liy spend -LKi i tmei.t of tLo liegis lature of North C-r"lin i, gral nates from the Norrj.al I p irtmei.t are hi e ru j't-'l from t x arum ti -n vhtu ap plving for p '-iitioni in th I'ublio School- of tLe Stat". C.t of Hoard an I Tuition in any of tLe Dtj artinef.ti S-V) p r t rni. or $10) iot the scLooi year. No extras except mii-i.. !' r Catalogue, ad.lresa Rev. Thos. Lawrence, D. D., ASllLYILLi:, N. 'J.

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