-SEND OKOXBI 70S I JOB PRINTING (frit A ft 0 ftft"A"fr frwftftltll ftftlk A A 3 ' The Hesse-igor Prints . the . Newo and U fontrht aftarby th po pl of McDowell, Yaawy, Ban combe. Itutherford, Bartt aol other coanti ia Weatsra North Carolina, and it thara tore a Good Advertising Medium Bataa furbished oa applloattea. AddreM, TIIE XESSENOZB. 3rlo&, n. O. w it It r j I -TO THE PASSENGER, J Marion. W. C, 1 -try is Accuraoj, Neatntw od Block GuarantMd. A J Lerrr Heads, Note Headi, Bill IXMds 5 ;:.-.-: --r-, Circulars, Cards, p0! i LLpaiets, aao. any Had 0j r-H MARION. N. C., Flil DAY. AUGUST 5.180S. 2 l Per Year in Advance- i - - - ; i m r i w -w- Tv w i . VUL. 111. .U. ltf. 1 (U!I m i r i f i I I Lin M " It I it Our Noble Executive Acceded to the Prayer of the Great Frenchman. ;i m mm i sum w she rck, the Great Ex-Chancelloi- of Germany Dead. The i Ship Maria Teresa Saved. Gen Mcrritt In Command Manila. Natives of Porto Rico for Vengeance. .NTs of the most momentous .n r occurred at the cua- .it tho White House ou ! ' M. - :n tho President, Aiu-u.-.Axji), of France, and Se y. cnrying tho pecca nego ! yond tho mere euh.uis im of peace by tho United : c:t 1 i i : ii i? the point of a pro ..:,; of pence between the r-f Sj au.l tho govern- ' 'mied Statea, needing oa! y of the. Madrid cabinet to bring th'e war to aa . -v.'.s accomplished ou the ii vIm !i A liibassa dor Cambou : ti.e Pre.-.ident credentials '''-'I from tho Spanish gov 1' : i : i i i : : him envoy extra : '1 minbter plenipotentiary, ins; ructions as to tho -lir upon every ouo of the i : .n f re.-e:ited by the United .u-l-.ng tho disposition of ' Philippines, the i ' : i r ? : . m 1 1 . , armistice, and : t;c::s hl.ciy to ; r ise in the negotiation. Tho ineot .'I in tho I 'i esident's privato i ho'.h in tho subjects di s : il.'j impressive iu an ii or in : i.:Umolit.-i proceeded, It VAi .' o do-tnie-l to become . i :vii and the ambassador ;:..!( other directly, with tho ! in nnd frankness, each r 'he j'i! t c i f his position P-ints involved. When : "!t c'( ijuent pica hy tho :. ;t was agreed to modify : s in on.- particular, Seere "i .t'ndi ev for half an hour 1 to draftini; the inodiiica-.i-'':.:np!isl'L'd, the a:nbusHa-'-! !ii::;sc!f to the I 'resident, ' as tho a Ivocato of Su;in, having with tho i'resi- 'ii ri. a liLo interest in .'!. Ciiii!. oil i a man of i i-.:ol he spoke with an : i -.van.; whiea made a deep !: t!i I "resident arul tiie i- i'e poke in J 'l ei'.c'.i, . bci:;-r caught r,;i and iu ; o :oi nut m! !i i ai'idit , i ii i:o -:nc-s i f the nmbassa-!-.-t iHtle by this indi i t i,H..'inic.iiion. Tlio ; I'.i'V.iili equal frankness, '!..' i.y ii -. u.-ioii there uxh 'it v.i tt.o wliolo rane of v.t.s not met nud freely s of tii. ..i.e. te'-ms of peace n.s : ; u-.rv i 'uy are as follows: . 1'. rt. bico to bo nit.'d States; ono of t'so 1 pro! ab!y 1 5uai.il to be liite-J States as a calim; - an n.anediate step, all i:i tht West In-lio to bo ' h Hi:- formal re! inquisji- - i i.-r -o ereignt y over rin.-i'L,' llo.-so inlands, s.it v wdi bo tlonisuded. pines, the cabinet -' ffllowin-; j oint: That . i; ii ti:e city an I sur tory, should be retained "ii of the tinted states :ch a length of time u is vise and put in opera-i-r the future govern tire group. .cs tor Vengeance. ': iou o at I'oneo of a large Snnu-er Spanish deserteii t'"i 1 roasts of the natives a if-. enge, und thoy began to '1 the Spaniards in the city v 1 1 beou in the volunteer t er- t,Ve l theia to the plaza. '.'..Is c)uhl not have been i he most ofthoSi an i.i. upon being discovered ;' i in triumph by hooting, to ( Jeneral Wilson's head- ' to the provost marshal's ' i..:in;cipa! building. Some ee:i l ogan looting the of tho Spaniards. They c.ty t-r license and were : ' .i tiiir.-t for vengeance. ' "-'u. however, eoou taught 1 :r;.' could not be wrealv- ; l'otee: ion of our tlag, ; r::y or-'.ered that the nr- 'h suspoots should ceau ' K. '.irJcJ as Serious. : -o-.ios hieh have arisen ' : : shutter and (ieneral ' l' regarded by the war ' ' : "-s and little dould 13 -:-:t. tl.ey ill be amieabli ''-in;! Now in CemmanJ. rr;it arrived at Manila on I nnn-.o liatoly after report - 1 I'lweyon the flagship -u:;:od command of the r toL-j. (ion .Merritt wa ''-:i;::e 1 by a salute of vice ' t: j j ot S liu's report for the - i shows the follow ed in hand, iucrease, : silver in hand, in r.otes in circulation, o n n a I PRINCE BI5MARK DEAD. Mis Death Due to a Culmination ef Chronic Diseases. Ihinco Iiistaark, (lenuany's great Btatesmau and warrior, died at his hoc:o in Frie lrich; rule an the nijjht of July .'JO. It apijears that tho es-Chan-collor's death was not piecipitated by euddeu comji'icatious, but was rather tho culmination of chronic diseases ueura!-ia of tho face and inflammation ef the veius-which kept him in con stant pain, that was boruo with the iron fortitude which might have been expecteil. Tho beginning of the end date-, from July 2i, when tho I'riuco was eonhued to his bed. Official Expression of Sympathy. Uy direction cf the 'resident, the following dispatch was sent to Hon. Andrew I). White, United States am bassador to (Jennany: "Washington, J. July 31. White, Ambassador, JJerlin: The lhesident charges you to express ia the proper oiucia! quarter to the bereaved Oermaa nation and to the family of the deceased blatesman, (ho sorrow which tho government and peo ple tf tho United States feel at tho passing away of tho great Chancellor, whoso memory is ever associated with the greatuoss of tho Gorman Kmpiro. Ad::!:, Asbi.. See. Eli 5. Life. I'rinco Otto F.duard Leopold IVih-iriarek-Sehonhauscu, avr:i born of an old family of the "mark" (liranden burg) ut Schonhausen, April 1, 1 s 1 ". lie was created a Count on September b, IS:, and i'rinco ( Furst) Von J'is marck, in March, 1m?I. Ho was edu cated at the Universities of Gottingen and t ii iefswald, spout tome time in tiie army and subsequently uettlcd down a-, a country gentleman. Frought up in the political faith of the Junkers, or I'lu.ssian Tory Squirearchy, ho be came, in 1cFj, u member of the old monarchical part 3'. During tho revolu tionary period ot is is the services he rendered in tho public debates to the Conservative causo led to his ap pointment as the representative of Fiussia, in tho Diet of tho oldGoinian Fund, at Frankfort. Fismm ek was seat as ambassador to St. FeUrsburg in lsvj and held that posi tion until in iay of 1 !; he bo camo Frussian ambas.5a.lor at J'aris. i ivo months later he was made First Minister of tho Frussi.m Crown. With in the next ten yearn he humbled the Austria : empire, destroyed the Freuch i m: i:e and created tho new German :;i: t:e. i le reiuodelio I the map of Fu iOi -.'. disinemhci ing Denmark aud France. He enlarged tho frontiers of Fiiiss;a by the annexation of various 1 rovinces, including the dominions of throo dethroned German princes, and succeeded in placing Germany, which had previously been tho weakest and leas: respected of all the great powers, at tho head ct ali tho States of Eu rope. Battieship Texas at New York. The Hattleship Texas has arrived at tho New York harbor preparatory to going into dry dock. Sho was given meat welcome from tho thousands of people who crowded tho decks of the outward-bound excursion boats. Fvery vessel that boasted a steam whistle let it shriek for all it was worth. fJhe piping tones of litt'o tug boats mount ed with tho deon-mouthod rnnr .if tlio ocean and coastwise steamers, and the usual calm of the Sabbath was sup planted by a veritable pandemonium. mnrmm The .Maria Teresa Sa'.ed. The War Department has received, tho following dispatch from Admiral Sampson: "Flaya, July 'J'.). The In fauta Maria Teresa, upon which the wreckers arj now engaged, will be iloated and brought to Guautanamo as soon as a small leak is located, which is fomewhere in tho bow of tho ship. Whether this is due to a small valve being left open, or a hole which may h ivo been made ia the bow-, is not known. Her own pumps are being used to remove the water, there being sVaiu m ono of her boilers. : Signed 1 Samp sou. " Garcia Has Resigned. Advices from Havana confirm the report that (Ieneral Garcia has relin quished his command and gone to C a maguey. Vants to Be Friendly. There is a strong desire in French official circles to bring about a complete resumption of the pleasant relations with tho I'nited States which existed previous to the trouble between Spain and America, and winch were disturbed by French newspaper utterances. Federal Judge Ilanford, of Tacom.i, has dacided that an insurance policy dees not lapse because of non -payments until the holder has been duly aotifitd. - nr WAR NF.WS KPITOMIZKI. Briefly To!"! ?o7 the Ilurrln Reader. Tjiciisi ay. Term cf peace being reduced to form. Fever report from Santiago, new cases 22, total -I F2 death from fever 2. Wood's imiann regiment sailed for Santiago. The authorities at Fort Monroe refused to let the steamship Concho with eick soldiers from Santiago touch at that port. The third regiment of Fenufyi vauia and the third lisvis:ou hospital corps arrived at Fer naudina. State Department replies to Spain's charge of bad faith. Wreckin" expedition oft' for Santiago. Contain Cook's (of tho Urooklvni report oii tho destruction of Cevera ifeet made public. JTtiDAY. Fort of Fonce, Fcrto Iiica, surrendered. President McKiuley and his cabinet wero ia session for live hours discussing the forms of peace that would be acceptable to tho United States. Fritish subjects and natives of the Philippine Islands in London cabled to President McKiuley praying him not to abandon tho Philippine Is land for the sake of peace. Through Spanish sources it is, reported that Manila has surrendered. Another transport sailed for Manila with tho First Dakota Kegiment. Hatchday. Peace- negotiations re ceived a great impetus at tho Cabinet meeting, when M. Cambou appeared .11 the capacity of plenipotentiary for Spain. News of Gen. Merritt's ar rival at Manila reached the War De partment. An ovation to Gen. Miles at Ponce. Si xiiay.-Gen. Wade ordered to Porto Pico. Tho battleship Texas ar rived at the New York harbor and was given a great welcome. Dispatches re ceived in London say the Madrid gov ernment considers the reace terms as boing very hard. Spain becoming do Bpondent about the Philippine Islands. A military club formed in Santiago by the American military ofiicers. M. )MAY. News reached Wnsliin.-- ton that Gen. Augusti was ready to surrender. LArect cable communica tion between Santiago and Ponce, Porto Pico. (Jen. Mile being jovfully received by natives of Porto "Pico. Transports ordered to Santiago aud Porto Pico. TrnsDAY. - An unofficial dispatch from Madrid says Spain accepts tho peace terms. News reached the War Department that Gen. Otis had reached Honolulu. Wkim-:sday. A conference between the 1 'resident and M. Cambou, relating to peace negotiations. Fever situation in Santiago not encouraging. Presi dent ordered (Jen. Merrimau to muster in ono battalion of Hawaiian infantry. wak notes. Miami, Fla., has been abandoned as a camp for the United States troops. Gen. Breckinridge has assumed coni ruaud at Chicknmauga, relieving (Jen. Frank. Camp Alger will be abandoned as a military camp on account of the preva lence of typhoid fever. A private dispatch from San Juan, Porto Hi co, eaya that 2, 000 volunteers have surrendered to the Americans. Letters received from Cavite, dated July 2!) 6ay that (Jen. Merritt b: completing his preparations to attack Manila. All Spanish political prisoners in the surrendered territory have been re leased by order of Geu. Shaftcr at Santiago. Tho Fritish steamship Adula, cap tured off Guautana;no Pay by the Mar blohead, has been declared a lawful prize of war. Assistant Secretary Yanderlip is novr sending to subscribers about bonds a day aud this number will he increased later on. (Jen. Greely, chief signal ofiieer at Santiago, has established direct cab'e communications with (Jen. Miles' head quarters at Ponce, Porto Pico. The protected cruiser Columbia went ashoro while attempting to enter the barbor of J'once, l'orto liico, but it is expected that she will bo floated. Tho lighting strength of the Ameri cans now operating near I'ouce is about '.i.l'OO men, equal to the entire force o Spanish regular troops on the island. Capt. Catehings, son of Congressman Catching, of Mississippi, oa duty in (Jen. Lee's command, died at Jackson ville, Fla., aged 27. The Spanish schooner Dolores, of Q tons, loaded with corn and provisions and bound from Pragreso, Mexico, to Putaboua, has been added to the list of war prizes. The first detachment of the Third Prigado, First Ary Corps, in command of Priiradier General Fred D. Grant, has sailed from Newport News on the transport Hudson ior Pcrto Pico. A dispatch from Madrid says that ' King Alfonso is convalescent from tho J attack of measles. Tho same dispatch says that it ia quite apparent that , everybody in Madrid is resigned to ! the acceptance of the American terms of peace. Tho only matter that is rais- J ing any difficulty is the Cuban detb. j Captain-General Macias, of Porto j F.ieo, has ordered his ls,oj men, now ! scattered over tho island, to defend j themselves as best they can, and as a i last resort to retire to San Juan. Secretary Long and the naval experts ' have decided to revise the plans for the three new battleships so as to increase their size and speed. Congress will be urged to make an appropriation for j tho additional cost, which will cot be J great. i The govei nment transport Uio has! left Jacksonville for Porto Pico. She carried, in addition to a force of about ' T mechanics, an t nearly t'.oO colored laborers, about '),', 0 j feet of lumber, j which will be u?ed ia constructing , j ontoous and buildings for use by United States troops in their invasion ' -f the island. Proclamations have been issued by the authorities cf Yuaco, as a United States city, expressing delight at an nexation and the administration cf General Mr'.es and welcoming our troops. The fever situation at Santiago as reported July was, total sick 4.27:'; fever oases, -!.4-v; new cases of fever, t',:.i!; rases of fever restored to duty, ".'!; deaths, l:Vii::-e, asthenia, follow ing mr.larial fever. Montreal has been tcic'vd as the place for the world's champiortfhip bi cvc!c races in H I CONQUEST Of 110 RICO. Rough Riders and Gen. Shafter's Cavalry Will Leave Santiago. CARLIST .UPRISING IN SPAIN. The Fcer Situation at Santiago Gen. Wade's Diision The Nebraska Ticket T!i2 Texas in Dr Deck. A DISPATCH from Ponce says: Nine additional cities have yielded to General Miles' ad vance besides Juan J)ir. They include Arroj-o, Patillas, Yabucoa, Cael, Sali nas, Santa Isabel, Adjuntas, Penuelas, Guayabal and Guanyama Spanish troops were captured in moetof the cit ies. All tho cities were taken without fighting, the American troops being enthusiastically welcomed by the citi zens. The Texas Democrats. Tho Democratic State Convention, which recently met in Galveston, en dorsed tho Chicago platform, aflirmed its allegiance to W. J. Pryau, de nounced the war revenue bill, favored the construction and control of theNic arauga canal by tho United States, fa vored the independence of Cuba; but in the event that tho people of that island should hereafter desire to be an nexed to this country and the terms of the annexation be satisfactorily ar ranged between tho two governments, favored tho annexation of Cuba as a part of tho territory of the United States, favored the acquisition of Porto Pico and all the Spanish possessions in tho Western Hemisphere. The Nebraska Ticket. The following is the ticket nominated by tho fusion conventions which re cently met in Lincoln: W. A. Poynter, Populist, for Governor; P. A. Gilbert, silver Popubliean, for Lieutenant Gov ernor; John F. Cornell, Populist, for Auditor; W. F. I'orter, Populist, for Secretary of State; C. J, Smythe, Democrat, for Attorney General: Jacob Wolfe, Populist, for Commissioner of Public Lands and Puddings; W. K. Jackson, Populist, for Superintendent of Public Instruction. All excepting Poynter and Cornell are the present in cumbents. Ordered Away I rom Santiago. Ail tho troops of cavalry with Shaf fer and tho eight compauies of Poose. velt's rough Piders, have been ordered to proceed to Montauk Point, L. I. General Shaftcr has been directed to use all the transport facilities he can command, and to send tho troops north as rapidly as possible. The regular cavalry with Shafier comprises eight companies each of tho First, Third. Sixth, Ninth and Tenth Cavalry, all dismounted, and four mounted troops of tho Second Cavalry. General Wade's Ditisbn. Tho following regiments have been designated to constitute General Wade's provisional division for service in Porto Pico. First Phodo Island, First North Carolina, Find New Hampshire, First New Jersey, Second Texas, First Maine, 1'ourthMissouri, First Alabama, Fust Yermout, First West Virginia, First Kentucky. Third Tennessee, Twenty-second New York, First Ar kansas, Fifty-second Iowa, Third Vir ginia, First Delaware aud First Mary land. Attack on Prccisco Plantation. It is announced from tho palace at Havana that the plantation of Precisco, Matanzas, waa attacked by a force of infantry aud cavalry under the Ameri can ilag. It is added that a squadron of Spanish cavalry, from the plantation of Dos Posaa, "assisted in routing the Americans, " who are said to have left ten men killed on the held. The Span iards, according to tho report, had two incu badly wounded. A Carlist Uprising-. A special dispatch from Parcelona says a formidable rising of Carlists has taken place near Lorida, Catalonia. No Extra Session ef Congress. There will be no extra session of Congiess, thoa-h tho Senate will hiA to be called together for the prompt 1 ratmeatioa of tho treaty of peace, if the present plaus of tho President pre vail. It is stated at the White House, that unless there should be some ex traordinary development, the House will not meet until it convenes iu regu lar session next December. The Texas in the Dry Ik-cK. The battleship Texas has leen placed in drv dock at t li r.nw mr.l I -- j j . . .in examination of her shows that except fcr a slight dent ia her keel made bv sttiking a coral reef od' Dry Tortugas, she is ia very fair condition. Military Governor of Santiago. The Columbia State eaya that Gen eral Fitzhugh Lee has been male mili tary governor of Havana. Just when this wa3 done is not known, but that it is a fact remains a doubt no longer, as the information comes from a source the reliability of which is beyond question. Cjcine and fiood in Spain. The village of Medina ha3 been wrecked by a cyclone which kille.l many persons. Several houses at Homilies have been engulfed by the J r'.ocds and & number cf tne people have i perisLed -Alav be Added to Our Naxy. A special to the Saa Francisco Chronicle from Cavite, fayn: "It is probsbie that two of the vessels sank by Dewey's ileet may yet le raised aad rendered serviceable. '' INSURGENTS BECOMING ARROG VNT. A Clash Expected Between the American Forces and Aguinalde. General Merritt has again cabled tho War Department relative to the situa tion in Mauila, which he rinds very un satisfactory and dangerous, owing to the attitu le of the insurgents. The at titude of the insurgents there is similar to that assumed by Garcia's Cubans upon the question of their right to en ter and possess themselves cf the city, although ia this case the insurgents are very much more formidable, being not only more numerous, but better armed and liiled with the anxganco following numerous victories over their Spanish foes, (ieneral Merritt, how ever, indicates that he will do his ut most to protect the citizens from the savagery of the lnsureuts. Up to ths date of the report Geu. Merritt had with him about 12,0u :-oMiers. A dispatch from Cavite to the Nev York Journal Fays: "Againaldo is re spectful toward Admiral Dewey, (ien eral Mcrritt aud Consul Wildman. and will go auy lengths to reta:u Consul Wildman's good epiuion, but ho holds back from giving energetic help to the United States' forces. He will give only a negative sort of assbtunee until he knows the exact form which the American policy will take. He is dis turbed by telegraphic reports that the United States will abau-lon the islands to Siain. There are some indications of a clash between General Merritt and Aguinaldo. " Democrats Secp Alaharria. A special from Pii minh.nn, Ala., dated Aug. 1, says: "Joseph F. John ston, Democrat, was 10 elected Gov ernor of Alabama today. UuolH.'ial re turns from 00 to (J-i counties iu the State, indicate a Democratic majority for the State ticket of .",:). The chairman of the Democratic committee claims 7o,0'j(). The Populist managers concede the election cf tho Democratic State ticket, but claim they xvill elect not less than 22 probate judges. The lower house of tho Legislature will con sist of HO Democratic members, out of a total of 100. Tho Populists elected but two Senators in today's election." Razors at Fort .McPher? on. A fight took place between a uero by tho name of Mcfiinnis and one of cf tho negro soldiers stationed at the post, ia which the latter win danger ously cut. After the cutting a crowd of negro soldiers made for McGinuis, xvho immediately lied to a house and crawled under a bed to escape the mob that was ia pursuit, and but for tho prompt arrival of the corporal of the guard and a large squad of men, to gethor with the assistance of Marshall Pyan, of Oakland, tho negro would ia all probability have been lynched. Monthly Siatement of the Public Debt. The monthly statement of the public debt shows that at tiie close of business July oO, l:iM, the debt, less cash in the Treasury, amounted to .'J7,(!jl.(.Mi;, a decrease for the month of f',0.)4, Independent of the cash, tho statement shows an increase iu the debt of -r'l ., 1";. The cash in the Treasury' in creased during the month by over !:), 000.00't, principally from receipts on account of tho new war loans. Died in the Electric Chair. Martin Thorne, the murderer cf William Guhlonsnppe, wa electro cuted in Siug Sing pri.-on at 1 1 :! 7 a. in. August 1. When summoned to the execution chamber and chair, Thorne showed no emotion and walked Vj it quickly, repeating prayers after tho attending priest. There was no un toward incident ia connection with the execution, aud after the current had been turned ou Go tcconds, Thorne was dead. Great 0ation to Gen. Miies. Gen. Miles was given a irreat ovation by the citizens of Fonce, Porto Pio, and the keys of the town turned over to him iu great style. United States Consul Hauua, xvho is a i ersonal friend of Captain General Macias, telegraphed to the latter urging him to wire th j Madrid government to surrender in the name of humanity us the Americans are certain of success. Juan Diaz OccupieJ. Col. Hulings, with ten companies of the Sixteenth Pennsylvania, has occu pied Juan Diaz, about tight miles northeast of Ponce, on thft ron i to Sua Juau. The American llug was raised j and greeted with great enthusiasm by the populace. Advanced t; Coairi3. The American troops have reached Coama, about sixteen miles northeast of Ponce, on tho road to San Jnai. Thus far they have met with no resist ance. Defeated in the Twentieth Round. McDuff'ee defeated Taylors by two thirds of a lap in 20 miles wheel race. Time ; I :". McPufTee breaks all world's records for the 2uth mile bv 22 1-5 ; seconds. j Col. Astor Arrixes With the Offfkia; Report- j Col. John .Ta?ob Astor, who was de- J tailed by (Jen. Shr.fter to bear to the Secretary of War the otli.ial report of j the surrender of Santiago, La rea-"L:d i Washington. He oa.Ied at the War Dei artmeut and w ith Adjutaat-titneia! Corbm went to the White House and j reported to the President. The Last Colonel Gone. Col. Pae has tailed for New York on the Iroquois, fr danger ously ill with malaria! fever. Colonel ' I'n- ia tl Inst ..-..:! .J t. . ...' I re.; u.a army left in Cuba, who came originally killed iu battle cr ness. Ail cf the others ! ..-l..,- I. ...... ! have d.e 1 of sioli- Ordered to Command the Ca-icroft. Lieutenant Commander L D. Taus sig has been detached from the Norfolk navy yard and ordered to command ti-e gaa-boat Pennington, which is tiuiier orders to proceed to the Hawaiian Islands, relieving Lieutenant iV-m-niander J. F. Moier, who ii crdcie.i to command the Albatross. The transport stean.fr St. I a:;!, bearing the F:rc.t Fatalhon of North Dakota Volunteers an ! tne Minnesota and Colorado recruits, has r.i ;d fcr Manila. Bjtthe 2 U2 and 2 Cent Passen ger Rate Maintained. ONE HUNDRETH BIRTHDAY Celebrated. The Hero of the Merrimac Gien a Great 0ation in Statesxiile. The 0. R. & C. Railroad Sold. Tho railroad commission has reduced tho assessmectof the Pullman Car Com. pany from $2;0,000, which it recently named, to S'..OO.). T b a cor pany'a at torneys plainly informed the commis sion that while it had no right to as sess the com pany'a cars passing through the State, it could only lega'ly assess the car which runs between Wil mington and Wehlon, yet tho company would make no contest on $:!, Out) val uation, but would pay this, as it had before done. The commission jrives the express company, at the latter'a re quest, three weeks to prepare its case ami show cause why it should not pay for war revenue tax stamps on receipts". The railroad commission, July 1st, assessed the Western I'nion Telegraph Compauy at $1,000,(0'. It has reduced the assessment to S7"il,'K), which tho Western Union accepts. It had assess ed tho Atlantic A North Carolina Pail road at S777.0 M), but has reduced this to ."" l.ooo, which was last year's as sessment. It reduced tho Postal Tele graph Company's assessment to ?(,- mm. Jt overruled the exceptions nd decided to maintain the 2 aud 2 cents per mjle passenger rates it recently ordered on the Wilmington .V Wehlon Pailroad. It has not yet decided as to whether it xvill or will not reduce pas senger rates on tho Paleigh and Gas ton Kailroud. It orders tho mainten ance of an up town ticket oflico at Mt. Airy and of an up tow n express office at Lexington. --- Cheered at Statesville. Quito a crowd of hero-worshippers gathered at the Southern depot to see the hero of the Merrimac, xvho recently visited relatives in Statesville. Lieu tenant Hobson was quickly recognized, and the large crowd xvhieh bad Gathered at Hotel Iredel.l, broke into cheers as Lieutenant Hobson drove by. Feeling that Statesville and that section of tho State have a special iuterest iu Lieu tenant Hobson, tho Old North State Hand, in a traubfer, decorated xvith Hags aud streamers bearing the siguiti cant legend: "Pemember the Merri nme, " accompanied by a convoy of old ar.l young people, went out to Mt.Stir ling and serenaded the hero of tho Mer rimac. The demonstration w us a pou laneous and uota!,' i one. - Ceu orated Her One Hundredth Birthday. Aunt Sally Ilendreu, of Alexander couniy, celebrated her lnoth birthday Julty 2.th. Pev. J. . Shelley, of Statesville, xvas present. Mr. Shelley saw tho Piblo in which the aged lady'. birth is recorded and there is no doubt r-s to her ae. She was born on July i'i, 17!". lho Piblo in which the rf.xrd is kept is is. years old, having Leea published in 17!.". -States ville Landmark. -- . The O.R. & C. Railway Sold. A new compauy comjosed of the bondholders of the Financn Company, of Pennsylvania, bought the Ohio Hirer .V Charleston Pailroad, at Ma nop, for i'.f.uiO. The purchasing com- cxiee xvas composed ol Messrs. J-ara Hunt, of Cincinnati, O. ; Simon A. Stern and John (5. Collier, of Phila delphia. From good authority it is Ciid tho road will ho finished to tho Ttfiniossee line, as sooa as possible. Au;usl Weather. An examination cf weather bureau ri'.cids shows that tho temperature tx reached Kx degrees on t j occa sions; in s and again in I-.s. 'J he p-wtst tempe; a! uro ;n August, ..' de giees, was recorded iu 17. 'I ho aver age tcmpear dure for tho month is 77 degrees. An average cf II rainy days it ju record, and of clear days there are eleven; partly cloudy, twelve; cloudy, light. I he average lainfall is 1 C2 inches; the greatest amount during any month, lo. o7 inches, iu !.; tne bast, 1.0"i iacl.es, in I-;, the winds have blown tqua ly fiom noithiast and souths est. -4 - Large attendance on the Institute. Ther i was an attendance of :5,';0) at the Fillers' and Deacons' institute at Pol Spnugs on Suuduy, July I it The services were very iui res.-ive, and tho scope of tLie subjects discussed veiy wide. - -Capt. SparncM Sh.t. Capt. Dii k S; ari.e'.l. yard conductor at Si.li'l ury, wus shot and badly xvounded by Fob Moore, a ilagmau. S"!rt ar.d Killed bx a Bar keeper. A negro 'ii'i fd Harriett Plalock was shot a:..l killed by Wii! War", r4 liiT keeper, at King's Mountain. i he b l took eiM-rt in th? 1 v!i of thw negro's he.t 1. lie died almost instantly. l!unt:ng Counterfeiters. Detective Shaw, cf Charlotte, Rith four men. Las gone to a point in western North Carol ii.it to round up a gang o! counterfeiters x ho have I ten jutting out ii large quantity of t uncus coin. Ne Charter Gra-iicJ. 1 he State charters the North Caro lina Coal aud Coke Cora pan v, of ( 'hat ham county. Stocki.obicT.s; Samuel P. Laag-Iaa and others; cap'tal ihf),- -- Tf-ps a Dax Output. The output cf coal at tLo Cum nock mine ii 3 O toa a day. Py the end cf the year it will ba .') tons a day. All this coal will Le sold in North Carolina. Noue will be sold commercially cuti-ie tLis State. - -- A Net Kind of Purse. A young u:aa was arrested in a Char lotte store recently, charged with steal irg money. He Lad a good i ocktt book in his mouth. He was made to cough -p teverul ii'ver pieces and a dollar ia greenback. THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. Tli South. It is vtj,l that about PVk) sheep wi: rerish ns a result of severa diough ia CauTwrnia. Mr. Pearl J ohn-ou, cf Pal tiro ore, tried to take her life by drinking laud anum. It xas her third attempt ai self-destruction. The lemo rat of ho First Virginia district met in c-.'nvoati-m at Urbane and unanimously re nominated Hon. Win. . Jones, for Congress The res olution adopted re affirms the Chicago platform. The Georgia Hailrcad Commission has rendered a deis-.oa that express comp.mir ia issuing a bill of Ialiu xvere required to put a stamp on )t in order j make it legal, nud tnat the cirupinie3 had no righ' t-j exact tho cost of the st.ii.ip in i i .!. hiid t r Fdward K".medy, X. LouU. Mo., was passing a sr. loon sad Mopped on the sidewalk a moment A colored waiter ordered hira to move ou. Ken nedy started slowly, whu h enraged th colored man. who drew a levolxcr and shot Kennedy through the forehead. As he fell tLo waiter ran. The North. The Hotel Fei wyn was destroyed by tiro and three lives lost at Chicago. A freight wreck on the lUocton Prauch of the Mobile and olno Kail road resulted iu the death i f two nm-.i. Mayor Van Wy.k, who has I eeu summering ut Froeport, I.. I., recently distinguished himself us a life t-avpr by rescuing three young xxomeu Irntu drowmug. Commodi.ro ( uri s Fi-rryio. i f the Peruvian navy, v ho is n route to Fun, for the purpose, it is sai l, of put chim ing xvorships for the Feiuvian navy, was iu Now York recently. The express companies opeiatingiu Texas have defied the railroad commit, missiouers by paying no attention to tlm mandiite of that body directing them to pay the xvar tax of one cent ou all re ceipts. The excessive heat cf the Inst few weeks culminated in one d the Dost te-ririi electrical storms that Las ever visited Philadelphia. The rainfall was the heaviest iu tho hisUu v of the local xveather bureau. Iu one hour mid time quarters .r l-l'i inches of rain fell. A draw xas the decision rendered at the (irealer New Wik Athletic Club. Coney Island, after Tommy White, of Chicago, and Soil y Smith, of I s An geles, had fought twenty liveiounds to decide the featherweight championship of tho xvorld. Fob I itsimmous, chum; ion heavy weight pugilist of tho w o; !d, announce that he his po-b-d n fi felt of ?2, r0 i with the spotting editor of a New York newspaper for n tight with Jim JelTiies, of California, tiie contest tooecui I e fore ( ctober 1. Tho Pepublii-ans of th.x First Maine Congressional district met at I'ortiuu l j;r.d I 'Loii'f.s Ft-I . rpMiui'ed by Reclamation aunl much ciithuoiHsm. Later Mr. Peed appeure I n the tlooi of tho hall. He xvas gie-(ed with deaf ening U-pIaue und lespotoled in a speech. A passenger tinin on the Noifolk and Western was ditched at liuunoii, Ohio. The engine and bugcugo cur lulled down ii 12 foot embankment, ar.d the smoker, xvhieh wus filled with passen gers, xvas ove: turned, I ut none of them were seriously injured. Fngiueer Frank (iursl and Fireman Odour i-Hve-l them selves by jumping, but w re Ludly in jured. Prakemau F. W. Lanoy Lad his leg mushed. Jl IseelliinroiM. The President intends to make strong recommendations to ( 'ongre-H for legis lation multio" l'li i.uvl in,e i rnvmion fur f completion of tho Nicuiuguau rauul. J and lor mailing it tne dn act property or the government. 'i ho President lias issued ri proclama tion restoring the lauds knotwi us thi eastern, middle and western Saline 10 serves, in the CLtroLee outlett, to tho public domain. Pow.t of V.'o'o m- Many n band 1l r-T:i x -1 at tin- :rg'..'y of woman, xvhh-li no o'!;-r j '. -r -u i .vVJj coiiM inert. H-v. J. II. K.x him o, Fp'.Si'ulA lijii. N. City. The formal and Collegiate institute FOR YOUNG WOMEN, ASH Ii VI LLP, N. C. Full Term Peginning Sept. 21. lfc'JB. Offer to the Muder.t. 1. A isormfd course for the thor ough training of teachers under in ftrnrtor fiom th1 Lest normal hchools, embracing cureful i r j -1 r uctiou in tho iao-t in proved methods of teaching. With practice in the model hchool. 2. A firily organized commercial cours-e for the -reparation of young women for ifhcc xtork, unbracing SticograpLy, 'J'ypeuritir.g, I'ook koping. (""ingle and double entry) Pei.i.-i'in-hip, CoLiLntrcial Arithmetic and Corn spouut nee. .'5. A course in Pomotic Science, (t) in which the pupil is taught t diauLt, cut, tit, make garments and millinery, (1-) To prepare a meal xvhieh sLoid I be healthful, rocoriiig and n petizing. I he teachers ia theiw departments are from Pratt Institute, Prooklxi. N. Y. Sytemftic study of the Pible in all departm-.ts. A ecialty is made of Health Cul ture under em of the Ltht teachers ia the South. Py spot i.l erjttctrne-Lt of the Legis lature of North Carolina, graduates from the Normal Department are ex empted from examination when ap- plying for positions ia the Public Schools of the State. C: of Hoard and Tuition in any of the Departn-eiits per term, or 100 for the fcchool year. No extras except n:uiic. For Catalogue, addreia Rev. Thos. Lawrence, D. D., ASilCVILLE, N. C.

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