A A ,nvna Tnil.. ? The Uosscager Prints . the News ai Is sonant after by tbape- pl cf M-Towll, Yanoey, Dun coml--. Ilutiicrforl, Barks n 1 other couutie la Wettsra North Carolina, and la there fore a Good Advertising Mdlurrv Rata faraUbJ on applieatlta. THE MESHENQIi, trios, N. & JOB PRINTING T 0- 3 5 V(a .Aft r , M ! ion. M. C. . . A -mracy, Neat new , a "' ' ' ' : 'ruaranteed. K y-t lit a la, BUI Ueada, i, ( 'ireulurs, Card 9, Pos- l.-t, and any kind of 1.-' VOL. IU. No. l MARION. N. C, FRIDAY, AUOUST HMSHS. 1 Per Yonr inAilvaiue- r vwi S3 r gfr-t81 I IV V5H. B! . Hi. HK 0: civ After Signing the Protocol the ulent issued Ordes to that Fi'fect. (ill RAISED Or r;'' t at Havana Ventur.Ml Too Nyar and was Fired Upon ij-i-Av., FIijj of Truce f ' ot Ruspyck-tJ by Span ,iir'!r at Porto ITcu. Cost of the War. I N ill N. 1). ('., lec- With :-;ia !ii'ity in k;ep i it i-,.:bl lean iii-itutin'i, . , i bctw ee!i SaUl . I ; t ate:' tor a i eri d of i v: !ity, was juietly i .. mi :i ates past I (t'clurk, t !..,; .f August 1J, when i'.i', the Cutted States, '. in, for Sj ain, in tho j'i oh- i 'lit Melxniiey, signed a !.;'! will f'Tin the basis I a .! v ' i ' :i'-o. 1 luincd iately . m ein!n y, Acting Hec- h. ' 1 tlie Navy 1 n 1 1 in -ut, M .i i uii'l Adjutant 1 1 tieral .; i m rd. haviiii! been f.lllu : tin; Wliito Hoiiko tiy tlie . ,,nd tli.-v u"e adiultte'l luto inuiii jusl in m-iuii to wit ' ; i:Mt iiui i essivo features : v, when tho I 'resident ' tii. IciTid of the ambassudor, -.mi 'mih letutiifd thanks to tho I ' iic of France for the exci i.! i v.wwd oiJi:es iu briniriii'j i ile also tliauked the aui : ' . Miiiily for the imiortaut i lned in this matter, and 1 1 !i. I in suitable terms. As iimrl; of Ins disposition, I'res-Ivinli-V calleil for thy Tochi- . iiii li lie hud can t;d to I t-drau !i bt'U hostilities-, and signed it . i !i. - f M. ( uniboii, whoex !,!:, u pi t ciutioii of the action. K.-l;iv. A.tiii' Secretary Allen ! to the tul phono and directed 'l', ine.'saes be imuiediutcly ;.M tint li:ial rumiualldelS n S 1 1 i i i j i i i i Sniiip 'un ut i, iino, :t'nl the various com- h! navy a?ds and .'-tut ions - to -t'lMi, -- iiiim.'dia'tlv. There is h b-.,;i a: iS'-n- Ixouf, and it . - tl:;.t it can reach (leu. Mor- :;!! :.t top spci-d. I ai t of t iio a: my, while Scc i v-i n'.iiiivd himself of tho tei- lji!ta:it (Jeneral Corbiu : . . -t-.i in and i ll: hed across to I j ;.i t !'i"ut, whore tie iimiuo is.,! t ci ilcrs whii'h had , ,ir i i:i .ilvaiicc, to all of the , ',! n..- m to ci a: -e their i i ho M.i'1 I epai tuient tilled i not if viii; all d l ploli' :tt lc aud :. !( - of the action taken. m! it iv-, ug I " n dis . ! I l i-sldciit s j eiit half ati ttin uli tliot-t; present, and I the ambassador and his . . .-I t : i -i i- carriage aud :' ; i ill.- I'm 1 'uss-. 'i ut.'. ol -, a repai ed IU dup ! M.tii' I cpa' t ment, one i ,,t;t,ii,"i bv the luiti'd nt :i :.l I l.f ot her to be 1 i o i -! i v oi' Spain. The text ed in a running i 'I bach copy o f the din tloiible column. I n:;!ih, sta'idint: aloiiL,' , coin i arisoti as to tho : i a;. -!at ion. The t wo c?t . , 'pt that the one held ' t:;e'. ;m ver ii men t has i .: in the tirst coluiuii 'ii;iie of Secretary lay : t Al. auiboii, while tho ltt.-d to Spain has tlie : o'umu and the si'iia ..... in after that of Socre i I en which was used by --iiiiii the l'rotoeo! t In, f lei k Michael, of ; :ii t ment, who had sjokcil i; ."-.uitiaiiii .farifl I'uhlislicd. i.isulc h:i.' ained at San- fifth Volunteer Immune i .'i i I'ol. Sargent, and the i .ii i avalry. The enlisted i:' v iiom MisiMr-ippi and :'. some are from I lliuoiH. id las published a taritV. li. i.i!. for retailers, under . 1 ho fcale of prices I on after eonfei ences with : hi aiu hes of trade. ii V.ttMin.ij Vrrics. : d Mat.-umia Oki, of the a:. i t-c nas v, has arrived iu I-. , i a the eamer Kio .fuu Any t.' Loudon, where ho ' ; M-iuf liue. supeiinteud--t!i;,-tita of two cruisers e-lnp for his government : the na les of the world. ! t. cf in I ouisiaiM. itioit having been re- . ie death had occurred fe ei at l i uukhu. I. a , I i un te: , -rctary id the ot Health, has .piai antimvl M :si'-Mppi aain.-t the t'tii and St. Mary's pai i-.-h. .ua'ed. : i" "Ccte I iriii!r." 1 15 iiaeive I a telegram from r. i hi Mali '' I! ; i ! ! l.eiieial ut W ashin i:i.; that peace had been a a t d in t eply : "Thank .1 ov.ee order the Seventh v! t utcr the R.iee. i oi k atch Club, at a spec i;u:i!n:o'id v voted to ne--:e of the Loyal I'lster to luce for America's cu w mmm 10 HB1 HD II. for it. M. Thiebaut secuied that usel by tho Frtm-h ambassador. Itia'kude 0rd.t cJ i'tiitd. 'J ho following cabled older were He it to Admirals Sumpson and l'einey: "Navy I'ti artmpnt, Washington, Aulr. 1. Sampson, Santiago: Suspend all liovdilities. bloeado of Cuba and 1'orto Kieo is laised. Howell tuab red to as Hemlib; voxels at Key Wet. I'roceod with New York, llrooklyu, Indiana, Oregon, luwa and Ma isa husetts to To'Mpkinsviilo. I'lace lnoiiiiois in a safe harbor in I'oito l'ieo. Watson transfers hi the Newark and will remain at ( iuantaiiamo. Assemble all cruisei'n iu 'safe harbors. Order ma rines north iu Kosoluto. Signed. Al len, Acting Secretary." "Navy I epart ment. Washing :on, Au'. 1J. Keinev, Key West: lu ac coidauco with the Fresnleiit's piocla mation telegraphed you, Buspeud im mediatedy all hostilities. Commence withdrawu! uf vessels from blockade. Order blockading vessels in Cuban waters t assemble ut Key V.'est. (Signed) Allen, acting secretary. " The I'niiouil. 1 olh.wiinj are the maiu features of the Protocol: 1. That Spain will leliiHpuish idl claims of sovereignty over tho tit I o to Cuba. "J. That I'orto ituo aud other Span ish islands in tho West Indies and an island in tho Ladroiies, to be se'ei ted l-y the Ftiited States, shall bo coded to the latter. i. 'I hat the Flitted States will oj cupy and hold the city, bay aud har bor of Manila, pending tho conclusion of a treaty of peace which shall de termine thy control, disposition and Toveriiiueut of the Philippines. 1. That Cuba, Porto Pico and other Spanish islands iu the West I tidies shall bo immediately evacuated and that the commissioners to be appointed within ten days, shall, within .'!! days fiom the fioninjt of the Protocol, meet tit Havana and Sail .'nan. respectively, to an aii;;e and execute the deiails of the ( vacuat ion. ". I'hiit the Piilted States ami Si;aiu will eacli aepo-nt not more than tive eoinmissioncrs to negotiate and con elude a treaty of peace. Tho commit sinners are to meet at Paris nut later than the 1st of October. (i. On the si:ruiiuj of the Protocol, hostilities will he suspended and notice to tliut effect will be ;;iveu as soon as possible hy each oovei iimetlt to their comma! idot s of its military aud naval forces. lireJ (mi h M.:rru Castle. T'."' !la.:ship San Francisco, the mon itor M iaiitouomah and the auxiliary yacht Sylvia were tiled upon by the Havana balteries shortly before . o'clock o'i tho moriiin of tho l'Jth. One ID or PJ-inch shell stiuek the San Francisco's stern as she turued to irct out cf liint', aud tore a hole about a foot iu diameter, completely wrecking Commodore Howell's quarters, aud smashing his book case to fragments. Nobodv was injured, and beiu under citlers not to attack the batteries, the ships retreated as fat as their engines could carry them. Tho evening preced ing the warships drew ni closer to the shore than ever. Nebraska's Oldest email (ioiie. 'Mrs. 1 tl tlali Cromwell, the oldest woman m Nebraska, recently died o her home near Tuhlo Pock. She was a small jirl when .Vashiiii;tou was Pres ident, and in.-isted that she was born in 177s. Neighbors who have kuowu her for ;;u years believe the was ubout lin years old. Her fourth husband died of old aire a quarter of a century ao. imther Ri'lIi hnd. A Epecial from .luueaii, Alaska, says: What is rtirded as a most im portant discovery of rich piucer di iu's, is repotted to have been mr.de on Pinecicek. a small stream empty lu iuto Atliu lake, a feeder of Luke la vish. The discovery is located iu the Northwest Territory, Canada. fpain Hunks I rai!t.e. Puke Almodovar del bio. Minister of Foreiuu Atl'airs, has asked M. Pafe notre, the French ambassador at Madrid, to tiausmit to his govern n.eut the thanks of Spam lYr the .-ood o 'dices which have resulted in tiie earliest possible signature of a protocol of peace with the I'uited stute.-. Cut-tu Receipts at Santiago. Oeneral Shaftet retorts to the War j Pel artiueut coiieernnm the custom le- ielpts at Santiago. n follows: "l have the honor to i eport for your inform: - i.. n that there w cre taken in at ti.e j custom hou-e here, flora duly :loth to August 1.-th, inclusive, r.-.--, .. . "Su ! i iv.:. Muj en. Niaet) Massaertcd. A special from Pomv. I'orto Pico, avs that ninety i.atnes were mas Mieed bv Spa'.ii.-ii soldier- in the towi of C ialo's for raising the Ajuericao llag. Majr ol Truce Not Kespected. C.am.,, p(Jrto :jcu (j;y fttb!e.) rc-iitra! Miles sent u party with a Hit;; of tiucu to notify the Spanish of tho suspensiou or hostilities, but tho tl ig was dot respected. This was by order oi Governor ( Several Maeiaa. As ( itu eri Mucias ha. uo communication, ho iuy thus cut himself oil from ofliciul notiheatiou of tho situation, although native have boeu scut through tho I auiaii lines to ppread tho news that a cessation of hostilities had been ordered. Counterfeiters Overhauled. Information hai beeu redeived by Chief Wilkie. of the Treasury Secret .Service, of tho arrest at J etroit, Mich., of u gaug of counterfeiters whoso oper ations have givou the goyerumct ton si h i able trouble. There were also taken lifty Hancock aud ."JOJ Win-dom.Hs- the latter belli;,' regarded as the bc&t uil-round cou. rfci which liiade its uppearanee up to the discov ery of tho ,lu:j silver certiticate, iu the spring of last year. His Majesty Mas a Fall. Fmpe-tor Wil liana, while out riding 'it Wilhelinsruhe, was apiaoached by two ladies carrying bouquets, which they uttered to His Majesty. The Fm peror reached down to accept the bou quets, when his horse reared and un seated him. His Majetsty was unin jured, and, joking about tho accident, mounted a fresh steed and leturued to tho castle. Assembling at Key West. In accordance with orders from the Navy .Department, following the Presi dent's proclamation of a suspension of hostilities, Commodoie Howell, of the north Cuban coas.t blockading squad ron, is rapidly assembling all his nhips at Key West, Fla. The hisurjreii's Will Cease Tiring. Tho War Department haa been ad vised through the Cuban junta, that tho Cuban insurgents will accept thy terms of tho peace protocol between tho United States and Spain, and that hos tilities will cease on their part. hopes Spain Will V,t Act Silly. T he leading pupers of Perliu wel come peace between tho Fuited States mid Spain, aud express tho hope that the latter country will endeavor to ac cept tho situation aud will not regard the loss of her colonies as an opeu wound, only to be healed by revenge. Italy's Coii.irratulati'ins. Tho Putted States government has re ceived tho lirst congratulations from a foreign power upon the successful ter mination of tho war with Spain. Thy congratulations came from Italy, through tho Italian ambassador, Paron Fhyu. Accident en a French Railroad. The night train on the railway to Pisieux, ."!! miles eas;t of Caou, was de railed near Ponvillers, aud six persons were killed and 4i were injured. Jenkcs Machine Company Huriicd. The works of the Jeukes Machine Company, the largest industry of tho kind iu Canada, were burned at Sher brooke. The estimated loss is -Ooo, probably covered by insurance. I ight are Dead. A terriiic wind and hail storm run ning from northeast to southwest, struck Mortz Siding, about live miles west of (tray, S. D. , recently. Every thing iu tho path of tho storm was swept away. Fight people were killed. Yellow Fever in Key West. Three genuine aud three suspicions cases of yellow fever are reported at Kev West. Also two of (Jen Shatter's transports have arrived at Montauk Point, Long Island, with yellow fever on board. The Cerruti Claim Settled. The Colombian government has agreed to all three poiuts included in tho Ital ian ultimatum as to the payment of the Cerruti claim. Hay Accepts. Ambassador Hay. at London, has accepted the ollice of Secretary of State, made vacaut by Secretary Day's resig nation. Condemned by a Mass Meeting. Pul.ltc indignation over the law less act of the Ninth Cavalry iu taking one of their men from jail, focussed iu a big mass meeting recently at Tampa. Strong resolutions were passed con demning the allair aud tho ollicers were denounced for allowing their men to leave the train. The Secreti.50.- of War is requested to take proper actiou iu the case, aud Congressman Sparksman is urged to see that it is not dropped. Colored Companies for (jarrisun Duty. (iovemor Mount, of Indiana, has re ceived a telegram from Adjutant Oou iial C'orbin, assduiug the two inde pendent colored companies at Camp Mount under colored captains, to San tiagofor garrison dutv. The companies are anxious to go. cll"w Feer of the Worst Type in Mexuo. Y'ellow fever cf the worst. type pre vails at Merida, aud had appeared :v the interior ef the States of Yucatan and Cam pose. The heat is sudocatiug. Tho health of tho City of Mexico Las v.ot been improved since the rains be gau and it is proposed to adopt the cremation system oa a lare scale. The Cast ef the W ar. Although the war w ith S nia lasted ol!v 114 days.it is estimated that it h i s co s 1 1 h e go ve r n m e u t s o far 1 ), i o, -.: -ot of which !,.'.. has been ac itu'iiy paid out of the Tieasury. The total charged to" the War Department is v.'.,i'in,ii total charged to the Navy Department, ToOimM. A Thicing Cuban Shot. A Cuban was tdiot at Santiago by r sentry who caught htm stealing oni uiisfary stores at the dock. he fiffl m Wani'a Surrendered Two Hours ; ft.r First Gu; Was Fired. ; VELLOW rEVER IN KEY WFST. I t h-w n!.r.ca.i Cruiser V Orleairs At-K-:rrp.cJ pi Inter th; ii irb-jr ef San Jjji; i'ort .' I'-e". hjt Foiu.d it Blacked Wit!; a Sunken S'i:p. Disrutelies fiom Hc:ii; Kong give the foliuwin account c: the battle which ended m Manila s fall: Ad miral l)..v.i t,av.j Ce r ugustiu au hour in which to surrender, at the time of lire lust demand, made on the Pjth. (leueral Augustin refused to comply. i he bombardment, w hich be 'au at :i ;;o a. m , was coutiuned for two hums, uiid thea thy Americans stormed the ttei ehes and swept all bo f"''' t!u ut. I hose within thy walls at' tempted no icsistance. The First Col orado Volunteers stormed the outer trenches and drove the Spaniard ltity the i-e oud lino of defences. Then the Ameiican tioopi swept on, driving all the Spaniards into tho inner fortitica -tions, where the Spauish eomuiaudor, seeing that further resistance was use-ie-is, hoisted thy white Hag and sur rendered. 1 lie iosi-es, American and Spauisb, are not kuowu. The Spauiards iu tho trenches probably numbered :j,UtKi men. lhe Atnencati attHcltii: force uuni bered !i),0H, and the Americans were b.-tti r r.t med. better trained and iu bet ter condition. Tho foreign fleets watt hod the bombardment with acute interest. lhe American warships en gaged were the Oiympia, Petrol, Ita! eii;h, Mc' . 'ulloch, Postou. Monterey, Charleston and Paltitnoro. Tho Man ila ccrrespoudeut of tho Pondon Daily Telegraph says: "Nothing could b more humane thau the Americans' cap ture of the town. The plan of CJeneral Merritt and Admiral Dewey was to spare every object but tho armed de fences aud the trendies. Spain's loipes The government does uot think tho Ftiited States will try to make capital out of the fall of Manila, but the papers express much anxiety regarding that poiut. The Spaniards are pleased with tho fact that Admiral Dewey excluded the insurgents from Manila, and are hopeful that the friction thus indicated will weigh with tho Fuited States iu tho settlement of tho Philippine prob lem. Harbor Fnirancc Hiocked. The American cruiser New Orleans attempted to enter the harbor at San Juan do Porto Pico uuder a llag of triu i- with a notification of tho signing of the protocol, but w as unable to do so on account of the sunken wreck at the entrance. Her captain went ashore in a smali b-ut and w as graciously received by Captain (ieiieiai Mafias, who ac cepted an invitation to dine on board the ci '.'iher. Mtatt-.r's tVcport. ( ieneral Shaffer's dispatch to tho War DcpartuHut, concerning tho ho-dth conditions of his troops at S!autiago, reports the death of eighteen men, cov ering a period of eight duys. The fol lowing is the sanitary report for Aug. 1 Jth: Total number sick, 1,7'L; total number lever cases, l,:'.t7; total number new cases, total number fever cases returned to duty, l'i:?. Pise in Cuba's I'uMic Stocks. The repoits put in circulation with respect to tho pi ogress of tho peace negotiations between Spuin and the Fuited States, have had the c Meet of stimulating orders seut from Furopo and other countries by cable to buy Cuba's public stock. Ocori;e I'uliman Married, ileorgo M. Pullman, the sou of the late sleepiug car magnate, aud Miss Lynch Feruald, of Chicago, were mar ried in that city recently. The match is said to bo of thd nature of an elope ment. The Corbett Tragedy. K. J. Corbett, father of Jatues .1. Corbett, the heavy-weight pugilist, shot and killed his wife aud then turn ed the wtapou ou himself with fatal ef- feet at Sau Frauei.-co. It ia believed' that the murderer was demented. He had been in extrememely poor Leaith for some time. Death was instanta neous in both cases. Ambassador White's Vies. Ambassador White has given out the following statement regarding (terina nv's attitude toward the Fgited State-: "So far as I can see, the state of thing between Ocrmany and the Fuited States remains satisfactory. Throughout the war the 'iermau gov eminent has tieated us lairly, and so far from seeing any cause for complaint on our purt. it seems to mo that the fairness of the (tcrniau government's attitude require? recognition. " n iKjer tor io.ii.rj im; aririd?cs. The h' vi) och Ce in i any, of Firming- I ham. Kuglaud, i- reported to Lave r-j- ceivcd an order fer 1 ,), i) ) militarv j cartridges to be I iolli tiy liehvere-i to j the Fuited States goVel Uhie-it. j Immunes Sent Out of Town. ! (leueral Shafter hm ordered the s. 1 ond Volunteer Pegiaient of immunt-s to go lut'.t camp outside of Suiitiago. It is said that members of thj regiment Lve indulged iu hquor until they have veigeduion acts ot lisceaee aud dis order, aud m suue quarters inhabi tants complain of loss of property b force aud intimidation. Declined to Sene. It is slid tht Senators Allison end (ioimau Lave declined to serve oil ibf? f tite ciimuiit-sic'n. iiiiiiEi. Gen Augustin Hed to Hong Kong on German Warship TROUBLE EXPECTED IN CUBA, i An hiaecuraev ifi rticle . Triut!e in San j i ratxisco Uttween Termes. Vannteers j and a Ncgra. Cuban Army to Disband. j , "1 he following disputch has beeu re- : ccired at the Department of Stato j from Consul Wildmau, at Hong Koujr: 1 'Augustin bays Tewey boiubardeJ. j Manila cn the 13th. The city tur- j rendered unconditionally. Airgustin was taken by tho Germans in a launch j t the Kaiser Augusta and brought to Hong Kong. I credit the report' " The Westminster, Fngland, (ia:ette says it has received from a London bus iuess house a report that Manila has : fallen. The report comes from the tirm's Houg Kong agent. According to La Cot i espondoucia do Fq ana, Madrid, the rurrender of Manila occurred after the last attack made upon the city. Trouble I pected in Cuba. Trouble with the Cubans is breeding. Their attitude is one of sulleu hostility toward Americans. Tho better class in Cuba favor theannexattou of the island to the United Stutes und a majority of the masses are ready aud anxious to w ork und accept the shelter and protec tion alloided by an American protecto rate; but they are in!ueucei by a cer tain c'ass of rabid orators aud breed ers of sedition and rebellion against anything smacking of law aud order. T his inllamiualory class demauda and urges tho recognition of Cuba for Cu bans, and spurns all olFer3 or sugges tions tending to prosperity under au American protectorate, and excites pop ular discontent. A wild rumor is ulloat to the ell'cct that the Cuban army will attack Santiago and capturo it, to the glory of thy Cuban arms, assoonjas the American garrison is weakened. This is dircctij" traceable to tho abovo men tioned SOU! CO. (jcnerai Blanco Resign. The Madrid government has received from Captain (ieneral Piauco a de spatch tunderiug his resignation. The leasou given by Oouerul Piauco for re signing is that he does not wish to biipei intend the evueuatiou of Cuba, (iouerai Plcnco in an address at Havana, said: "It hav ing been resolved by tho Mad rid government to conclude peace with the Fuited States, I consider my tuis tiou in this couutry ended, and have solicited my relief t'om duty. I could not urge upon a pacilie solution of tho existing trouble, when not long ago i advised yon to maintain the war at any evert. " An Inaccuracy in Article 3 Corrected. Owing to an error in transmission, article '', of tho full text of the per.ee protocol as cabled from Madiid was not given with accuracy. The text of this article is really us follows: Article :5. -Tho United States will occupy aud hold the city, bay and har bor of Manila, pending the conclusion of a tieaty of peace which Bhall de termine the control, disposition and government of the Philippine:!. b'sn Carles Will Oppose I prismas. A special despatch from Lucerne, Switzerland, says the following in spired statement has beeu made there: "Notwithstanding his disapproval of the course the government at Madrid is taking, Don Carlos maintains his linn intention to discourge any actual rising iu Spain, and is using ull his inllueuce to quell insurrectionary ten dencies aud attempted ii risings among and on the part of his too devoted fol lowers. "' Another Transport Sailed. The Spanish steamer Isla do Luzon haa sailed from Santiago for Spain, having ou board "J, b'i" Spauish solditrs. J he mortality is so great in the Span ish camp, w here disea-o is rampant, that uo longer are the dead buried. A luneial pile of luor Pg bodies is made, satuiated with keiosene and set lire to, L-rematiug the bodies in the open air. Trouble in San Francisco. Dan Thomas, a negro fisherman, was wounded aud narrowly escaped lynch ing at the hands of -00 Tennessee scl diers at San Francisco. T wo men of Troop It, of the regular cavalry, which attempted to quell the riot, were diagged from their hoises bv the vol unteers and slightly injured in the tus sle. The negro's house, a block and a half from the presidio, was almost ivrecked. Cuban and I'orto Vit.au Commission. Tho personnel of the Cuban aud Torto Picau military commission wil probably be as follows: Cuban Com mission Major ( ieneral Wade, Major (lenera! M. C. Putler and Admiral W. T. Sampson. Porto Ph'o Commission -Major -(ieneral John It Prooke, Major-! ieneral Theodore Schwun and Ad miral Wintle'd S. Schley. Koocc:t and Wheeler landed. The Lough Piders, wiU 'ieneral Wheeler and Colonel PooFtvelt, have been lauded from the Miami, t Mon tauk Point Some of then were so weak that they were hardly able to walk. The Cuban rrr to Disnar.J. At a secret meeting between Ameri can and Cuban army eCIeers at Sunti i-u recently, the Cuhau situation wa thoroughly" reviewed and it was re f-olved to dil and the Cuban aimy and that tl Fuited States should pay th men o:l This involves the exjen iitur of $ b w., ')'). In Justice Laudrum's court, at At lauta, William Pain, a white-haired old man of 71 veare, cut the threat of Jame Phillips, aged whom the aged father claims icduceJ his daughter. Attv r hj Surrender of Manila; AzirnalJo's Fo'luwers I TURNED UPON THE AMERICANS. Matii1.! Heionjps to lK'e. DcfcnJmg Aujtustin's Ib'tit. Immunes Still inc Trub!e in Santiago. A special from Mauila fays that af ter the nirronder of thut city Agui naldo's followers turued ttpou tho Americans aad Httackcd them, but they were easily defeated after a brief conflict Kir troops met with mach ies:. tjce in the attack on Manila. cibt being killed and :M being wounded. Mal?t only was bombarded. All the ships escaped injury. Pear Admiral Dewey has raised the blockade and there r a great feeling of relief among the people of the city. Tennessee Republican. The PepublicaU State convention mtq at Nashville and nominated a candidate for (iovernor und three eaudidatea for railroad commissioners. James A. Fowler, of Cltutou. Fast TeuueBee, was nominated forOovornor by accla mation. The platform is chieily do voted to demanding rcfo nm in the ad ministration of Stuto allairfa. 't en dorses tho St. Louis platform, aud the maintenance of the gold standard. The administration of President MeKiuloy is endorsed, and the annexation or con trol of new I y-ac piired Spanish terri tory recommended, .fames A. (Steer, P. A. Haggard und Zach Taylor were nominated for railroad commissioners aud the convention adjourned. Manila I'eloiis to Dtwcy. Manila is being held by virtue of the military occupation and surrender, aud not by virtue of tho protocol. Iu poiut of actual time, the signing of th peace protocol preceded the actual surrender of Manila by a few hour?. Put it is a well established rule of military law, accepted the world over, that a pea' O urmist ice or cessation of hostilities does ii ot become bindiug upon commanding ollieoia until they receive actual notice of it. Dcfcndinir Auxustin's llieht. The Norddoutsche Algcmeino Zcl tung, Perliu, explains that tho Kaiseriu Augusta, which brought away ( ieneral Augustiu from Manila, left the harbor afttr the surrender of tho city and asserts that the Spanish, ollicers were allowed to go free, bo that (ieneral Augustin was ably to go whither he pleased. "When Admiial Von Died lichs permitted him to go to Hong Koug ou the Kaiseriu Augusta." The Spaniards Surrendering. A sre('hil from Santiago do Cuba says: At IJairacoa !'.'. Spauish soldiers aud oflieers have surrendered, with l,"JUii ' itlos and 'Jonjioo cartridges, and at Sagua do Taunauio 7,' soldiers and ollicers with one Kruppgut), I.OToritles and 'goss.'MJO rounds of ammunition to Major Mi ley. .Major Miley carried ill) tons of rations for tho Spanish troops, and Dr. Hubbell took i0 tons on behalf of tho Ped Cross Society, ull of which has been divided between Paracoa and Sagua de T'anamo. Immunes Still min Trouble. The authorities at Santiago are lind ing great dillicilty in maintaining dis cipline iu tho city. The immune to! diers are causing much trouble, and though the city is being patrolled by tho Fighth Illinois Pegiment 'coloiedi it w ill bo necessary to supplement them with a special organized police force. To Intorce Law and Order. The Stuto Department, in reply to a despatch from Admiral Dewey ami (Sen. Merritt, asking for instructions as to tho manner of dealing with the various elements, ai tictilarly tho in surgent, bus instructed them toenforce law and order sn 1 to treat all law abiding citizens alike. Attempted Assassination. An attempt has been made toasaiBi. nato llobert Pagcian, Second ( Seorjria Volunteers, at Tampa. In defending himself Pagmau fehot and mortally i wounded hii nogro asailuut, James Jackson. Pagmau recently received an i auouymous letter infoimin; him that no would Ikj killed if Le unl not ceaso his attentions to a young lady of that city. Nnothcr Great fireiu Nijni Nojorod. A special from St. Petersburg, taya: There has been unotLer great fire at Nijni Novgorod, capital of the govern ment of the same name, aloit g'jO iiiiles northeast ef Moscow. Tho city work house was destroyed, the inmates jumping from the win dows. many being killed and many more injured. Thirteen bodies burned to a crisp have lten found iu theruirift, and many of the inmates are fctill un accounted for. Senator Dais Vccpts. Senutot Davis, chairman of the Senate committee on foreign rttlutiona, hai accepted the tender of an appointment as a member of the Spanish-American peace commission. Kcad r. the Cabinet Council. I'esjatchen were real in a recent meeting of tho French Cabinet from President McKiuley aud the vneen Pegent of Spam thanking the Presi dent and government of the French republic for their good olTIces in j ro moUzz iace negotiations. M. del Ca-se added that the governments at Washington and Madrid, deiiring to give France a proof of their high es teem and confidence, has selected Paris as the scene of the negotiations for the tinal treaty of peace. VR1!I C'.R'MIM CHW lUtUTIN. InereaseJ sdudJini of Ce'.len m Host 1 tali ties IIoj Corn Cno. With 1hr et cj t' .n of ore ci Its day? at the beginning. en. ending M rdav, iigii-t 1'tl . w character ized by ctiitHHiel cloudy, hhuwery tttutlicr. with. i hi :h aver ig huiuidity. From the P th t tio b-tii light rains t ccuire 1 tin v tlt.v In a few counties the n:i:i was irclrl, but tit-r the lertu n i f the State thy weather il'iindant utjshlnt' aro now t p.atuiiug ci.v: thi i especi ii., ie oei the eutn? pevtion west f the Flue Ki L'e. wneretlie rains have been tvi;li i o .is and heavjr. 1'resl.etn oeeurie i . n all lower lottoma ef the French Pr :d and other streams, injuring corn con! ioiab'y. iheteia perutuie has coiitieuetl td oM tho uor mal ami fuvoiablc, the excess did not cxteed mote tl. ri from one to two do glees, aud the extremes we.e moderate iu range A week of fair, sunny weatlicr we. .id r:t.w be very le!ticial. A few f.-irespt c.de nt" ulute tnat dure w as Muin lui roteiiictit lu Ctittoti, bnt the majority of repoits iu luate iu creHsed shedding an 1 the continued formation of too much weed. Cottoa fan attained such tt heavy growth, -jtCiHllv in the south, that morn aun chiue is i-tleil t prevent mildew aud rotting of lo'fer bolls. Some India ar oi eu; plants coutmue to bloom' freely, indicating a good top crop. Here anil there aro t-ections where cotton i very promiiug. Farly tvru ill be a very heavy jiehl aud the late crop is practically assured. There was again itomo injury by too much rani and lloodiug d bottoms in the west, but generally throughout tho State coin continues to be very fath fuc'oi v. Mn h fe-blei is ri ts uud cv ing it is beconi'tig general, though tu wcath'T was iot fuvorbl. for the work, and there some d.-migo and loss. Tobacco has nearly all I ecu cured in the southea-t . cut iug continues activo in the cential. but not l eguuintho Wet,t portion of the State Some un favorable teports f.ine fiom the north cenlral Cotiutu-n ,lerroti. a lice) aud leports d damage bv im-ccts from" Per son, Chathuru and Nash. Tlie ilanip, rainy weather has inter fered with drying fruit and ha caused n!eh rotting of fruit, melons, toma toci. I it t cabbages and uomo potatoes. Fall plowing 1- progressing rapidly as cirruiuMuucch wil! imi. Many turnips have been i hinted uud aro coming op well. Pice is very lino. Miuor cropit, especially fiiniit". Held H as und b wi e! pot Jtyes in e excellent. Frequent rains duringJuly and August liave caused an improved uud moro abundant supply of ui in springs and wellsr. I'r jiits in Sin.-ill lncrt:ors. j A eeji.iifi Aim i n .:n pi'i ut for fas tening kid u!oi - .Mil.l.d ;l foitinie of several hundred th u:.-:ind .hdhirs for its fortunate owm r. and He- iuetilor t.f a collar ui"- '". ovnlty a yen- .i tie- n n-lid fol I i- einbavor. A t: w l.md ol si.-. t- butt. :; 'u.ih tll.lde S.Vi ti;;" ill tie i.ll for lis p;jt elllee. .111.1 tie -V.i.ple twf-lilig of K f C tv pill-. i!l s'I' li .1 .. tiflt th te ts un possibl. jd.iug"-.- oi ih. point stieKitig in lhe "l 1 1 1 1 pioi - lo enrit h Its owmr b.y on. I any ! 1..- rail; dM-aitis of winllh A iM.-ii one d.iy niitn,1 :i pice.- ot win- as lo hol.l a cork tiioie s. i un ! in i l"t'f. and forth with s' lin Lo !y aw a I'lllliatit tl .1 mid patented th. in-.'!- t n wi:,- stopplf hol.hr winch i- iio. ii-.d .niiiually u .i ral i.i Hi-.1; Im.mI. - 'lli. o id. n'.il bending ! .1 li.mpin l.y a woman t l.r. - nt it In to -IMn.g out of h. r hair . -. t -i - pfod'ued a foito'i.- tor her hu ll and. who iiiii'nilii'ilv ..iw th.- pim a r ii.l. 1 -I hnipvi to! w ie. n. Ne-.v Voit. Woi Id r " . ' M rtf r. Pobbie had b. ci ludy ing his dear old ;-rau-lfaih'-r' . w t i-d b-l f. e along tie.. ' Weil. Fob." ...i I th- old getlt!')- man, "-l vmi Ilk. my i '- ''" ' Yen. :-r:ind.a " sai-l Pobbie, "lf an awfully ni-.' f..e-. P'A w!iy Aolx'i yi Iriv.i .t iio;i-! ' The Normal and Collegiate Institute FOR YOUNG WOMEN, ASHLVILLF, N. 0. Fall Term Peginuiug Sept. 21, 1HIH. Offer to tlt Sstmleiit. 1. A normal course for tho thor ough truitiing of teachers under in rtructors from the best normal whools, unbracing careful instruction in the luoet improved methods of teaching, with practice in tho model school. 1. A fully organized commercial course for the preparation of young women for olhce work, unbracing Stenography, Typewriting. Pook keeping, (-ingle aud double entry) Penmanship, ('ommerci-l Arithmetic au 1 CorrccpoudciiCc. .'5. A course in Domestic S i-uce, (t) in wLnh the pupil is taught to draught, cut. tit, make garments and millinery, (b) To prepare a m-al which hLonld be healthful, economic j ami appetizing. The teachers in these department are from 1 rati intituve. Prooklyn, N. Y. Sytei.atic r-tudv of the Pible iu all lepartm nti. A sj.cialty n made of Health Cul ture under one of the btfct teachers in the South. Py s eei d tna tment of the Legis lature of North Carolina, graduates from tLe Normal Department are ex tmpted from txatnination when ap plying f-jr positions iu the Public Schtxdn of the State. C-t of Uoar 1 and Tuition in any of the Department ") per term, or 100 for the tchool year. No extra.- except ixiusie. For Catalogue, address Rev. Thos. Lawrence, D. D., AS UE villi; n. c.

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