-8EJID OXDIS J0 J fAT) TT TITmTVM J The E!esse?:g:cr -T 0 j THS MESSENGER, Marion. W. C. Prints . the . Newn aoi Uonfht after by the p- pie of McIoeil, Tanoey Ban- ir I coasts, Itutherfori, burke end othr couatif!n Westers 2 a- North Carolina, aad U there- fore a t Oood Advertising NUdlum $2 Batee furnished on applleatlea. !E Iddreas, THE ME8SENOEB. artea, N. C riftn-gx, Accuracy, NeAtaei it ;; I O jo I Btuck Guaranteed. j., ".-r JiaiB, Note Head, Bill Headi ;:-: p-s, Circulars, Cards, p0iI I -m phlots, aad any kind ot VOL. III. No. is MAKlON. N. C., I-'UIPAY. AUOLST2n.l8!i S , IVr Year in Advance- cMm f tiff iiMr$ II mm IIi;n J; edsof Thousands of People Along the Riv it Banks and on Vessels of all Kinds !iiu il.' msI: Residents of Porto Rico Terror Stricken by Depredations -.tive-i. foreign Policy Convention. Deeds of a Georgia iv&fu. Pitiable Condition of the Spanish Prisoners. i 1 , N. V., 'Special).- II un J - i and i of reoplo along the ' '! 1 I M'l - HI, unl thousands i liver craft, blended - i a loyal welcome to tho ' "liliot tin) Atlantic squadron i i t - ii t i of Pear Aduiiial Sainp a i !i io uu August (lay us 1 in d was riatuie'tt tribute ; of the victor s For bonis hltrfti-i whistles of ' :i:a mumh ami small guns n muiekod and boomed i I to 1 1 play the heartfelt en toi h: home coming of the -with their battle scarred ''- tho big, dull-looking h.cs. 1 ' 1 1 1 i 1 1 high above the i contusion of MM!il!er 'iuft i '-"iiie !oh ii to. get a glimpse ic icitly for moveinent. : their decks, in loU;', , v. ,;i c t Ik; white uniformed liefc ami theieahiuo- all si l "h'.'ly roll 1 1 listed .-oimIii'', lead cohered armor he n t ho hour for the , n li l ed a-i if it would lo 1 t the -it-at tdnps to make ii'ioM-h the I'eifect jam of ' i.lt. 'e.-eels of all deserip ii I h'J smaliest Mteuui lauucli AT- 'IlK V. I . H WI-HOS. " i .-i-.i'i luitT, w" "iiaiikt'd '!.c ni idii'ii Suddenly there .. :...-!.( oil the Ihuhip New , i i li" I', c-.-el Mtarted for : h a .-low. -lately -lide. She ii U fidlowed hy the Iowa, i ii . lvii. MaHachusetts, i : I I cu in the order named. t i:.n: heioro the veHels i wi'i! t f i v M'Uftt formation, ' in...- il," cv Vnrk'.s i row 1 1 in.- II h ( io el mil 's Ik . th-. i m:i;is !iad fermed in a kin,; battleships niov the crowds became t h u Masai more mark -I ' 1 w ith its steep, cene was like a va-t i . e: -;.'.e. 1 -a! i c. c. en--, id thousands of led the i'ell slope and as 1 1 - a i p oachod, a in it: li that teveibeiated back icss the Hudson. At the i'i i-hpo an idser vat ion 1 i.tily aloii, keeping r i.'.ps; above this the va-t ,t iitv, and crowuin this nil dii;i Men en Heard Sunk. -li!er I .aura struck a rock ; ici and san k iu ten feet of i'it'.ao leoently. At the . i lent she had on board I went y third Michigan '. 1 w ere en 1 heir way to !iaiai'd No lives weie i : 1 1':: mu amble for the . t e in which mauy of tho ie ' ha'h.w kator. " "t Crinu' in rk;rlsa. ;! i t clime inaugurated iu e.!:i! wtcKsao, cantiuues ! :.'' i e-.t At Paraeould. !;!ui .!et was asleep ra his '; uukiunv u assassin I.: ; . i 'w and shot him, 'antly. A cutting af- t v, i i oiniuent farmers " fed from Carroll county. '! t with knises and one -'abbe i. 1'he decoinposeJ dic-sed man was found '!!e. :n Conway county. eeicd from the body. ' was found near Mount iii- trom a fractured ;-t i without equine; euu- At Hairibiirp; two iu- ' oei a woman and one is i.e other injured. ill N"t IIjuJ (Her Cuba. ' i!i;n-;er wdio was iuter- ' e i c.-entative of tha As- at Madrid, suid it was 1 n plain tienoral H'.aneo :--ud over Cuba to tho Auier- he had expressed a desire tu K'wov and Mcrritt. v- K'r.Iny Lr caLloil to I tfouorai MpirtU r.atioa a couxrAtaUtfoAi u fM 11 TREME !ueral Cranfs tomb, which was to mark the l.eiiuing of the return of the R'piadroii, where a national ;-alu!e of 1 tftiris was tired. The toiuh, ataiid inr 1j i t-ii . wIm; ...'...... tu- ,..,. v.. ; Jli() wtri of the river, looke'i to le ! iuiit upon a foundation of faces. Iii'-t at the point of leturu tliero was r I'uii.'ietitai v lull, as if exPrfa:-.t of the climr-.x". Suddealy f!oni the sides ami turrets of ths hattleships theie was a vivd flash; foi Jowiii this a ticmci'dous roar aniioiiu in- ti!f; liot uii ef the national sa!ute. Iho litavv Mir die curled and tu.nhljd ! down to war is the wat. r and up into j the air until the ships hud been hidden, . but the roar cuiiiinn' aiaiii and itaiu ! sJ'iiied to rock the w at era t hem.se! ves. It was un impoBin spert-ude ai the li Itattleships boomed a salute ii the l.a tion as the wui ship ; i-aiiited the liua! resting place of tieiieral 'iraut and the J-'Uns that soundivi the kmdl of .dmiral 'er ei u's siiips at Santiago boomed a reverential obohaueo to the dead hero. Tho salute ended, the return of the squadron a!ou- the line of review was be.min. it w as a l e etitou of the en thusiastic M-enes on tho wuy Up the l iver. '1 lie paia le of the ships from the time it pa.-so i the battery ou its way up tho river to tho lime it re parsed on its way to anchorage oil i ompkinsville, o. 1., occupied just two hours and thirty live minutes. Spaniards Tcr i or-Strickcii. A war of retaliation against tho Si'au ls!i resident:) of tho Island of Porto liico within the American liue. is thieatened. J'he natives burned the town of 'eta. seven mi'es from Ponce recently. Tho Spaui-di residents llvd. Throughout the urroiiud ii' country the Spaniards are ter: or -.stricken and are appealing to the Americans lor pro tection. 'I he shops kept bv Spaniards at Police which v.eie opened uftjr tho hiu'Uiii of ib been clt-ed u.; t peace piotoiv;!, li.ive thn.u-h fear of Hie rioters. r.dii lomi of two pap is wluen hy slei leai I tiie exoiil.- I'.i'lf.i Vcl!;;iiim-.l ll'.i l all -'paui-.d iioin resi dents were siij.pi e.ssed y fie miliiaiy authorities, who are do'.n aii 1:1 tiicir power to allay the fears of thoSpaue-h inhabitants. I he natives wiio are fo ..lontin tlie trouble are of the lowest class and many i f th.sii are c iminals. )ver-J."t of I he i iiileadei s i:i the dis till bailees have b en ario.'ed. All in i Stiliil CM;.ii;ieu. '1 lu condition of the Spanish prison ers at Santiago, who were recently stilt baekto S pal u on the hospital t hip, Alicante, was .-o pitiful as to hi ui;; tears to t lie eyes of ineii not lea lilv moved totems, Aspauuh olliecr referin- to the camp jii: t out-ide of Santiago, said: "It ;n not a c.o.id out there, it was u 'iaveaid. Pet ween . n ;;n. .ini weut into the hospital daily. Mospit a!? It was not a hospital there were no medicines, theie weie no attend ants. I or ty ai e d vi u:: every dav and the trenches are full oi the dead. We have saved you many a . ' for passage money to Spain. That camp has been nearer hell t han a:it:iin; el.-. in the war. The are '.mm i o.;t theie y t t, only u thousaiuJ came in to bi, but Ihey will not last lone. hyseiitery camp dysentery we edl it. and it is worse than the plague is i aryiu them i ll". " 1 rtiihi W rn.kcd. The ihroiiirh freitrht uidn.-,' north over tho Southern was wrecked in iastonia, N. C. The engine, tender and two or three box cars j assed over a point in the track where i ipm had been plant ed to allow the water to pass when this portion of tho road ao way and a lar'e uuuiber of the lemaiuuii: ais weie piled cue upon the other and smashed itito a mass of timber arid debris. Three persons were injured. UccJs of a tieergia Neijrn. The most fiendish crime in tho his tory of Sumter county, or the whole State of tieotia. was committed at Friendship, U mile-, wot of Macon, recently. Mrs. dames Mc'iarrah an I hlr son .lames Poetic, were murdered by a ntvro in an with an ax, while they were in their bed-. After this double murder the tiend outraged a nero woman, tied her to a tree in the wools and mutilated her iu a t-Ii ckiiii: man ner. She died also, but not until she. had told the murderer's name. The murdered people weie discovered hv dohn P.oone, a son of the murdered woman, and a crowd at oucj started after the tiend. He was caught and promptly lynched. A Thirt -One !kaths on a Cmiuu Sh'p. 'J he Perliner Post says that annus; j a recent voyage of tho Siberian convict i ship Anirara, fioni Tieum. Sibeia, to Tomsk, capital of tho govern:;, e;.t of ! the same name, on the lorn, western Sibera, :U out of -mm prisoners died : from suffocation and oe:rowh:iir. Celehratcd pani!i l-jintcr UeaJ. I Spaniards Secured Term; of Humane anJ Most Ih.n'irablv.- Character. Tho War Depaitueat has received a cable message from (Jen. Meiritt yiviu de'aiis of the surrender of Manila. a" follow l; t. - tivV Tl' V1.'"1" ir'"- K'iroj.-ar, a. l ,.a- ni " a" Of war. ,1,'! . Mt,;-i(, jJ !mV j.V f-j'H- -l'Mat-1 i.v th..7,.i;l",.r. f ' Vv) t'id.l btates and 'r.-ia-.ii.i; ?u t'Piartrsil'it.f!Kt.d Ld u lcrt,-t i it- l va-.es amhoriu. ,.ni,. Va,. ,.,,L ,..,.... ;i tr.-,,tv j , 3,.,, b,.tw,., ,n th; t,yij t (,.lji: r4Lt :-"-tf' r.s. AJ! persons wu te.j h it., a.i-m P-nn!;, at liberty; tie- ol!i.re.v .-. v -er,-liiJuth-ir r.vpvUve hom. w!,i h -liail l e r.-.pe.-t...l ii,b:,loi-:l.viru-i -";!,. ti-.Ls pre.-..:rii,-,i tortLeirj.,v-rfcta'.-Lt and th law in P.r 'e. . Ofll-.-rs fchall r- tain their side anus. Iktsi and private property. Ail I 'lMi-u-irsr-n aud puMie pr..,,..rtv of ail Ui.ds -h..!! e turr.-l over to stall ottTv-is .'.'viL-Late.l ,v tie- t ait.-il state-. -I. Ctnijletc r. turns ia duplicate .,f m. :, '-y erh.ai!atioij. aa l full li.-t--, ef i.hi;,-l'-r-rty and .stores shnll h rejrh r-d V tie- I LH-d Mal-B witLin ten ila-.s fr.,M, tl.i . All -U'.'stioris rvlatlLirto th'rei,atriati .a of oflh -em a:el raea of tLe .Spani-h f..rees and of thejr tan.ilie.s an-i 0f ti- . xj .-i.-.-.s wbi -b -ai l repatriation may oci.-ivn, sliall l e r. f'Tre.i to tie KoVernm-i.t of the Paiicl Mates at Wasl.ingtuii. Hpaiii.-h faauiies mny l'-ae Manila at any time e,,i, venieat t. tl:e:i, . 1 he return of the arins hurreii'iered t v the Spaiii'ii forces shall take ph,,-. wh-a'they "V''" "'"M the city, oi when the A 'ueri'-a:i a::.',v . v.'e-iateo :. Mll--ers aiel na n ia:luded in the '-apitu-la-i'.n shall he supplie.l t,y the Unitvl States, a-cr'Sirj to tte-ir rank, with rations auil neee-i-ary aid, as though thev were prisoner?, f war, until the . .uelusioa a tr. aty of p :i -e I n the tnite.l Ktate.s and H ain. All tie- funds i;i tt.e tSpnnisli 'J rensnrv and all ..th'T i al.ii,- fi1I;d.s shall he turned uVcr to tie- authorities of the I'uileil State-, . T'.ie city, its Inhabitants, its chu r'-h-.-ui: 1 teii-ious worships, its edaeaiional es t iMi-!i:ue,ts and its private proj ert v of ail d -seriptioi-.s. are l.la I iimUt- i.-.l :;,... umar I oi the faith au.l honor of the ar.uy. lite Cambria Iron Company Absoi bed. i ho ( 'ambria Iron Company, w hoso extensive plant is located at Johms town, Pa., will ba abHorbed by a new corioratioii, tho Cambiia Steel Cem imuy. Tho new corporation will have a capital of M,0M'Mn and the holders of Cambria iron stock will have the privilege of fmbscribiu; to three slates of tho now company-the Cambria Steel Company -for every share of tho old company. Seven .Men Killed in a Tunnel. A terrible accident by which seven men lost their lives occurred iu the tunnel of tho Cartiera division of the Pan Handle Railroad, at (Taueie, Pa. The work of tearing out the tun ire I hud been pushed uiy;ht and dav by a force of -Jin) men. Much blasting ban been done and from the reports received it seems that y usin too larj'a juantit of explosive, an unexpected amount l earth and rock were loosened, which caved in on tho workmen. To Retain Lunn Island. A special from Washington savs that the President has decided that the I nited States shall retain the Island of Pu,: n on which tho city of .Manila is situated; that tho 1'nited States shall have epia; tiade facilities with Spain iu the rest of tho Philippines; that none of the Islauds shall be transferred to anv ot the other foreign nations, and that church and Mate shall i-ovcr relations in tho Island. .V.erritt Got the N-ws on the l-'ith. The War Pepartmeut has received th foliowiui; from (!eut;al Mcrritt: "Hon Koii",', An;-. "Jo. Adjutant ( Jen era!, Washington: Cablegram of the 1'Jtli directing that military operations be (suspended, was recened on the af ternoon of the bdh. The Spanish com mauder was notified. Acknowledged receipt of cable-ram same date con taiuiue; procl amation of President (Signed) Meiritt." Grain I letator Burned. The Northwestern terminal elevr.tor at ( diica:( was destroyed hy fire re cently, entailiu; a loss of crooK, imu. this amoiiiit j:.,immio fell upon the ( hi i'hu'o V North western Pailroad, w Iiom freie;ht yards are close to the elevator company, w hich owned the i;ram that was withtu the buihliti''. flte I. oss at the Manila Battle. A dispah h from Manila says tho total number of killed on the American side duriue; the attack upon and captuie of Manila was forty-six, and of the wound e.l about one hnnred. The Spanish losses were 'Jntt killed and hnj wounded. Saiiasta's Claim. Premier Sagasta"s claim, as set forth in Madrid dispatches, that Spain will expect indemnity for all government property, buiKliu rff. barracks, forti'j cation, etc , in Cuba. Porto Pico and elsewhere, has excited much comment in ;rovernment enelea at Wa'hintou, assh-nvme; the ditlicult questions to be treated by the military and peace com missions. Search I or a Child. V "l iesptead interest has been aroused j m the abduction of littlo Gerald I.api ner, at Chva j;o, by the oirer of a 5l', oo ' lew ai d by friends of the father, who are members of the I'niou League Club liieie is already an oiler of ' olljre 1 by the father, but it has failed to restore the boy to his parents. Spain's Commissioners. For Cuba: Major General Gonzales Parrado, Pear Admiral Pastor 3- I.aa dtio. ?ilai''p.iis Moutore. For Porto Pico. Maur Genera! M te o v I 'ia I Commodore of First Pack Yailariuo v I Cai ra-co. d ude Advocate Sanchez da a v Leon. r ' letrin.t.t.ii cf Bh.i Cloth raster, l i e PiiusCloth Manufactory, at Uoti tu. France, where J.o jersons Ht-re c in poy e I. wa iiesirove i uy ure re 1 eeutiy. 1 he lire was the work of an j incendiary. It is estimated that the loss is more than i. io ', o". i Fi -ht million dollars in cash was carried through the fctreets cf Xew York i:: LaudLag lt-iriitly by AnLur !. i.ea;h c! : L-id L;:yin"g asJ a v-unry ai fibgul tb till v iifit FIRST mm SPA ii Que?- Regent Congratulated tiie I roop. RUSSIA COLONiZ'NG IN CHINA. I.itcran p.ajir I icin 4 (,i hritl. Ln. !laui Was Se..piciouS -lire V.i'.av.i Mine to he Pcnioed Htflit n? m the :scaas iheSuni'h sieni lica te, with the liist of Spain's repatiiate.l soldiers from Suiitianro de ubj, arrived at Co rni:ua, Spain, n the J-lth. Knoimous crowds gathered on the ipiays, but were not allowed to ,et near the ves hel fur fear of the yellow- fever tonta giou. Ail the military and civil authorities wtte present. Tho 'ueeu Ke'ent rent u !.n;i.ni:ii to the troops ou board the Alicante congratulating them upon their conduct in the field, and saving that she proposed to be the first to welcome them home. liUrarv Treasures I ound. C. Noiris Matthews, the librarian of Pristol, V.nts. , has made a uiofat inter esting iliscoyery. Amon; agreatnum ber of brown 1 nper parcels in the lumber loom of the library he has found a "-rand folio of St. Autrustiu's "Ijo Civitate Pel," printed iu Pasle in llT'.i; Peter Mai tyr's "Pe Grbo Novo PeeadG'." coutiunin the earliest printed data of Cabot's voyages, and another work with notes, supposedly uiade by the hand of Chattel ton. Pe sid.es the e Mr. Matthew s discovered Borne mtt 1 ;.stino mauuscript on the subject of mediaeval surgery aud num erous other valuable works. Inciting Opposition. Ihe natives as.sert that the le lie;ioiis 01 dels in Mauila are iustigatin- opposition to Amcr ican Mipremaey. .Manv Spaniards us bert that they are ea-er to invest their fortunes in new enterprises, but that they fear ruin if tho Americans withdraw. A few monopolists, fearing competition, are secretly iutriuin' Mgaiust the new regime. Newspapers published in both the Kut'lifih and Spanish Panua-e have already appear ed. Kiis.sia Ciiloniziiig in China. Ti e de,;sa correspondent of the London Daily Mail says: "The o -eminent is providm- thousands ol Motijiks, who have completed their three years' military service, with in ducement t; of freo passage, an outlit, Mich as horses, cows, oxen nnd im plements, and a loan, repayable ou easy installments, to emigrate to China and form colonies, thus forming a fpleudid available lighting contingent 11 necessary'. South Dakota Republicans, the Pepubiicau State convention which lecently met iu Mitchel nomi nated the following ticket: Governor, Kirk Phillips, of Peadwood; Lieutenant-Governor, .1. T. Keane, of Sanborn county; Scciclary of State, W. II. Pid dle. Pesolutious wore adapted oppos iiu,' free silver and endorsing the irold fctaudard; approving President McKiu ley s conduct of the war, and com mending the administration's course on the annexation question. The lljuuia Mines. Negotiations have been oooued through diplomatio channels by which it is expected that the Spanish govern ment will co-operate with tho authori ties at Washington in the removal of tho mines and torpedoes iu Havana harbor before the military commission assembles there, the naval authorities believing this to bo a proper precau tion before any of our naval ships enter the haibor with the commissioners. Ihnti Was Suspicious. It has just developed that the Hay tieu government, in its recent refu-a! to permit the establishment of a Fnitc 1 States Weather Pureau there. baed its action on a suspicion that the Fuited States intended it as an initiative in territorial acquisition ou that island. The Ohio democrats. The Democratic State convention which lecently met in Paytou nomi nated the following ticket: Secretary of State, I'ptou K. Guthery, of Maron; jii'lte of Suprtme Court, Hul'Ii (J. Nichols, of b rmout ; Clerk of Supreme Court. Pavid S. Fisher, of Pe!a inare couutv: Food ami Dairy ( 'om nnssioiicr, John Paker, of Jfancjck; member of the Hoard of Public Works, T. Dwight Paul, of Summitt county. I it'htin? in the Vicaas. ihe Madrid government hasreceived a dispatch tro:a G..i:era! Pio?, Gover nor of the Vicayas Islands, paving that theie Lad beoii bloody fighting be tween the Spaniards aid the insur gents. ith an estimated loss to the latter cf .".0 i.: n. T he Sj aui?h losses were "unimportant.'' Santiago's TuMie Schools. Tiie conference between General ! Wood, military governor of Santiago, and the local authorities with reference to 01 ening the public schools, has re Fuited f;ti-factorily, and places will be ready for I, ".'i children on Septembtr loth. lid Net Come Frem Madrid. 1 Govrrniuent authorities at Madrid i deny know 'edge of any order? giveu to j Admiral (Yrvera to leave Santiago Lar- bor with Lis .;. udro::. It is stated that I the order wan given out by the gover I nor genetal of ula acd and not bv the Madrid govcrcL'.eat. " I Tint. Merrill in Charge ! A srecia! frorr. Mayiia Fays: Gc-nera! j Merritt I. n? i:e-;l the (iurcruor's ilu'.y a:; I trn.ric.ict Pie cf! tb Lislitu Itsjj, In MftjwOfBtriil I THROUGHOUT IHE CUUN FRY. j The Kej ublicans of Missouri ieeenl ' ly held their convention m St. l.tu-.s. Private d. F. Costeilo. Putt- ry P.. j Fifth Fnitl states Aitilb.iy, died i i i the hospital at Fort Ihcina Ky. . ot '. typhoid fever. ; Six j ersotrs lo-t tLeir lue- iicentiyi by the- buiiiirigof the Natu-na! and Windor Hotels at Hct Spi lags Aik. J Mayer Collier, of Atlanta. i ' . has accepted the upi ointment as a member rf tL"3 Lafavrtti Monument Commis sion. Pev. .. p. Fletcher, u Congiigsti u 1 minister and one of its Mu:ouaric?, was shot while attempting to organize a eiiuich at smiley, Cia. The South Pud Hotel at Tybee Is land, (Ja. , with four adjoining cottages belonging to the hotel, wai burned to the ground. Senator Paeon, oi Georgia, does not believe in the reteutton of tho Pihri'ine Islands, but says the Fuited Statee ought to hold a irood si"e "testing piece." In a duel with 1 istols, near tho heal of Poplar Creek, Pineville, Ky., Isaac Lusford, Pratchor Williams and John Head were killed and Miu.!l Maloue dangerously wounded. The trouble ocenned over two disreputable womeu. dos, C'astelunos, alias (ioorge Fduard Vauderbuilt, an allegod Spanish si.y, w ho was liberated from Ft. Mel hersou, came near being the victem of a mob of half drunken soldiers and civilians, at Atlanta, Ga., recently. At McL'oom City, Miss., ?dr. Scott ausey ami nis wiio were loullv mur dir d. The assassin used a gun loaded with Luckehot. The oiticera put blood hounds on the murderer s tuiil. They followed lorn Games, a neiirhbor cf tho Causey's. Games was taken to Magnolia jail to prevent a threatened lynching. Alex. Walkei, u uegio living near l'ieasant Hill, Ala , was called from his cabin lecently by a party of white men and carried to tho woods, where he was strapped to a stump and beat with buggy traces. He was re leased aud managed to crawl back to his home, w here he died half an hour later. The North. Two hundred negro miners have been imported to the coal mines at Paua, III. Lightning htiuck an electnc ear in Pittsburg, Pa , recently, killing one pussenger and injuriug several others. Withiu thti past ;u days the receivere of the Paltinioro k Ohio Pailroad have ordered uhuoftt ii,Hio new freight cars. The Pev. Dr. A. P. Simpson, of New York, raised for foreign missions at the Christian Aliianco Ct.ii.i- Meeting 10 cently bold at !d Orchard, Me., .iio, oo'. George ('. Taylor, a messenger iu the Pension Oflice, committed suicide by swallowing laudanum and inhaling illuiniuating gas, at his boarding house in Washington. "Kid" McPurtlaud and Owen Zeig ler fought J"i rounds before tho At lantic Club, at Now York, recently, aud Charley White, thorefeice, decid ed in favor of MePartlaud. Saloon-keeper J. Hymau Gruft. cf Division aud Hester i treets, New York city, has begun suit for ?,., omi ao-tut Frank L. P.osen, a furniture dealer, for alienating Mrs. Giuft's affections. At White Lake, X. Y. . on the Mo hawk .v Maloue Pailroad, Fred Peclc mdl mistook his son, Philip, nged for a deer while hunting, and shut him, death ensuing soon after. A few years ago another son, George, wad shot and killed in mistake for a bear. 31 isccliniifous. The Spanish prisoners at Ft. Me Pherson have been sent i j Portsmouth N. II. Three transports recoally aimed at MontauL, L. I., from Santiago with sick soldiers. The acme of precision has apparently been reached by a Peiliu clock-makei named Lobner, who lias just peifcc ted mechanism for measuring and rec .i d ing the thousandth part of a second. The National Association of Mexican War Veterans will hold itsfouith a:: nnal reunion 111 Louisville. Kv , o September ",'1. next. In isi-io the imports d i-an u! t.-t 1.1 cs of iron and steel in the Fnit. d S'ate were valued at ST 1 i';U and the ports at .tl 1.71 '.,.: I In 1.-" the im ports hu.l fallen to v, i'.l-.'.i:i and !. exports La i risen to Tu, :;. ?,."):;. Major (Jeneral Merntt has notified the War Department that the cable from Hong Kong to Manila is again in working order. The total capita! stock cf the 'treat Xortliern, as now legally established. coriri-t3 t-f .?oI;m '1",'"hi 'j rcferreii hvl author. tv to issue i'-'1 oo1 1. 1 coiinui.il in addition thereto, no j art of which has been i. sued. The comments of tho German pre-s are generally favoiable anl friendlv toward the 1'nited States. At the National Life Under w 1 jf.-r.V convention recently held in Miune aj oils. Minn., the contest for the Caief loving cup wan i-ett!ed by the awardi!;g cf first place to the essay f George W. dohLon, agent of the Mutual Life, at Cincinnati. The second essay wc- by Pobert L. Foreman, of Atlanta. Ga. I- orrij rt. !d Confederate notes are being I a-sc-d at Ponce. Porto Pn-o, for legal U. S ten ier. Gen. Morales, the. ( Juatti.a.an revo lutionary lea b.-r in the late uj rising, w as found dead in a cave rectatly. The authorities at Hmam receatlv dediLed to allow the landing of a Luiuher if c rre-j cn b. nt, who arrive I from Sanbago. A dispatch from Vienna to The L a don Daily News oiys that taiti-m were drowned by the i!oo!:i;g cf the Iaimir coal liMi.e, a4 N:e:.c.-. n-.ar Schr.owi.se, Silesia The Ma drid government La ?.c -e- ted the resignation of the governor f'e-ri.i-al of the Caruaries. General Maan.. His successor has not ytt bre:i aj. I oiated. The latest advices from General SLfter are to the ehVot that he nil! cc! !cae attia.'3 uiitj; r.Pcr the .ic i.aiU:e cf ail the trocis t lis eouv Assauite Cu-t oi; H'mso Inspector, j Tr.bjte froid Merchants. ! I 1 VHE ANGLO RUSSIAN DISFUTEI 1 C inrreiihM. J liitorftiJ:-.int -rh.irjtor Mec: in Cashtt. CamJa l'vv Giiirt r.rniis-ti to ir h ps at Hon; "" iv V i V!i.i kc Beiwtiii ! raact. -r :;:j:: .-r:J b,,,j. It is reported that General Calixto (5arc:a after euteiiug GiNr. assaulted the customs house udniini?trator, rlp ping his faco and afterwards ordered a nero to beat him with a machete. It is also said that General Garcia de maudpd t.-onry ftotn the Gibara mer chants. Ihe tr.erchuDts refused to complv with his demand whereupou lie cide:elthat they sh uiM j u- double the amount of his tirst exaction. (Jen eral Garcia ah- o ordered the arrest cf ovr 1.4'nj Spanish residents. International Vrhitratert. cjiiir. , Can (Special.) The ice if broken; tiro somewhat rigid Pritish formalities of preliminary eit;iiiii'iou aie- j a.-, the commissions have become nc jiiainte 1, and the body of interna tional iu i.itrut'.rs are now ready for the had woiii be,. 10 them. Ihe ccre m: nies o! cig:i'j.-::ti.r; t..ok p'ac m the Pi-.i lisnient b. Hiding", and while thev weie chaiacteried by a considerable degr I dignity, the utmost degree of fi K'lidhiM -s, hii i-iiin ift st in ev t ry word and iu . enn-nt, 1:11 I a:i aeucblo ad-iu-tment f all questions is predicted by both the American and Pritish com mis -1 on ei s. Cf '.tei' I lpoMr. 'I he oil:, ial returns of the exports of cotton goods fiom tho United States for the fiscal year ending fMtie:ii. ls.Ht show a falling oil compared with tho previoua year, the quantities being 7o.r.M;,siv; yar,rt i,o:lp,st ;ii.;,.vt:!,ou yards, and values ,'., l.i against 7, .'sj 1 he deci ease in value is gi eater relatively than tho decrease in qu ility, the average pi leo per ard of the cotfou etpotted last year being but 4. l'.i cents, against -Vol eeuta for the year lni-7. Orccr Lsued hy the Adams I pres Co. '1 he follow ing order h.ss been issued to the managers of the Adams Fxpress Compau: "In compliance with an o ii i"u of the United States Attorney General, agents are instructed that Leu-utter receipts issued for money, bends, secut ities and other commercial pni eis must have a one cent htunip uh'lxe 1 and cuueelled. the same as for shipment of good", and rates therefore must be quoted plus the government tax. " Spain. I ranee Jild Russia, 'ihe. Mad 1 id coriuspoudeut of The London Times says: ( Hie paper here declares boldly, on the authority of an I'.i.onymoii ; French diplomatist, that (-win.' to M. Hahotaux's exertions, a tieaiy cf alliance hit bee'i 1 igned ho tw een Spain, France and Pussm, with tho object of counteracting tho Angio Gei man iutlueueu in Morocco. Ceiiipromise Arrived At. The Loudon Daily Mall Copn hagi u corres.jiondeht reports that a comj romiso lias been arrived at be iv.een PngUud and Pussm, the latter eettiiig her way in the lailioad quet tUjii in China, and I'nglaud f-ectirtug concession in other directions. "In any case," Fays the coi respondent, "( Inna must pay for it all. ' I anijr 4 Sons I'.urned l u. I he w holi sale drug stole and piopii ctaiy m dh-ine maiihh-tory tf .1. Pan. at . Sons, at Macon, Ga. , wm ! totally de-tioye I by lire. Tire e. tab li-limetit is aid to I e the largest of it.-; I m l in the South. j he liio started in the ba-emeut, r;i',nid by a negro em p'oye holding a lantern too near a var nish bane!. sks for a Higher Assessment. 'ol . .!( hn Jacob Aetor is credited with having asked that Lis taxes, which rt'- a .-.v .- .VHito..t p iajS..l 1)V a higher asse-s, ..(.r,t uu JS , jmrnenf-e roperty. He also has j hilanthrof.-.c ?rhemen, and luteals t rank with Cooper an-1 Pea body. He will build a college and en dow it, and iirqoses to establish cheap restaurants throughout the city of New Yoik on the plan of tho-e of the Pnnce-s cf Wales in London. Konuuest of the ouJai. J iie Anglo llgyptiau re eonquoit i f tho Sou i-tn is Btoa iily upproaehing 1 1 1 cuiriiinat.oa . Khartoim will bo ctp lure 1 an 1 Malidiira sm i-he I within a yionth. but Lngli-hiaeii h r.e n..t jet reached the stage of t v.'-ite;iie.jt j ver what is one of themoit rem ark b!e and uninterruptedly suf-esfi:! military t-n-terpri.-es in P-riti-h hitory. Prospects browm Better. The Associate 1 1 rei learns that the Philipiino j ir.t.i in London xtcived p. di.-tateh fiom MauiU reeeatl v ai -E011.K ing that raatt. rs there are rapid 1 v quieting dow n. and tLat the fricti u Ifctwcch Gereral Agumaldo aad the AtiiericaLs is difansariijg. dee Can doek His Ships at Hon? kon ArxiLasador Hay, ia a cablegram to the Mate Depirtraent, ayi t'uo Prit -l-h government La- directed the g jv era-.r at 11-j'i.' Kong to ae.-ept Adrnira'. J e v. y h apj.i.-atioa for permission to d.ck aal clean Lij hips at Hong Kor Ve Nsicmbling of the Cartes A ii tl-j Mudriil era auaiuuee iL the s?U ni Vilk Cf HFlfUbi.' Miaift ckiiu cior iiimtin. 5.c p.;0, a;,J ((.;..,, ,. c?;eo -rU PiO- U-MI.mi i dele 1 orating !r I liug; n;d r ust .t - i'im h-h; :; in mswjr place ev en half 1 ow -!G :.ie dropping, "ile, o.ug .i t:;e e weed. er sive I'.io'-- ai e au ? !h-'"'i' of su-inhinc, lower I ,'! sai,- s oM. tig. 1 he pr osjvctii .ire .ow not a- go, A -i liiey verr ten dtsng. t t!o- ii ; -.'.uug ripi llv 111 the s.oitii and h lotl-- h i'-t'2 ptekr t Tneia is st-U llm.t toi najTOV meat 1:1 t! , 1 . un L i 1 n-pCt euuih tioio. Corn i- "til! vrr !;-ic. but tbe WeutLl-r 1? tv net f.'T t.C.s l. p also. .1 good deal 1 f c r 11 1ms I't'-ii i-i unlet on ! la- I-. .:': !- nun:'!.: r !" Yhn .v c k w.;s 10 ti!:"itv..: 1 lw :or .--aving; foddvi . much of hu h h:.s l-een spoi'eil I siting and curing b-u-co h.in f nrly I'e.'iin Irr uorthein and ivtiUw estern counties Poor -arcs Hie reported from Peroll county. Wet weather pr ntiii' jioper ripening U'l in m'V? lnstatK -.u im c.iumiho s, .-..11.1 growth. IhoM t:h looking thritty. it is thought that field peas, peanut;. :id sueet I tatoes ht inakit.g too much vin. ras n I Weeds have nrrard in crops Vei v iHpidiy. Making hay ha been tdoppf.1 l-y the Wt weather. Fall I lowing is i:tgiixrMiig slowly nn.l feme waiter oats hae been sown. Fiuit, e-pci iil'v i.'nii'i-', continue to ilecay and fall. M:-ro than tho U. ual amount of fiuit will I cnuned. Howl foitnl erlalii I irt M. I Mi-Wlfrt The ,.. !i of Jos.-ph Chamberlain, ji.hi" atinu :.r alliam betwe- n Groat Ki itaiii and the I iiit. d St.H. s. atract -d mi much :ii !' in ton ill. 11 i'i.-n lT soils il. dls. UsMl.g t':.- s.il.Je. l r.-c-ill ihe visit wlii.n Mr. CI..1 mini la ill mad to C;i-lii:a:!"ii in lv7 a - . Iiairiiian of t!;o Ii ! 1 I ! 1 s o ! : : 1 1 . s - , i . , : , 11 Wiisthe mv:.:! l:..:i of the hoiu. A P:iUimor holy wdi.i m. 1 him tells lie- toll.tvwliitf sImit lo i he Sun : "lie Was. ;f )' J. bii!l In II. .ll'i'l H.7 lltll for his .trance that at .'in- of iho 1 t a-h:.. 1 1 .hi. - ..inn. r- '!i si- l Mill his n ;u;i: c- I lt !" ! '" :dlll's under hi- ear and his hiii si, id cuu- u : I i s 1 1 1 1. d . and h. sal ..duily oblivion.-, in cilhei ac, id. nt. 1!. I i alios and i harm iu on v. i -:ii ;on ...'i him fri-nd v In P i r I..- went. "I il.iy he eall. .1 ...l .1 l.oiv w h- h.-ij.pi ln d he time a gh G- lino h coll. She ui pi ..lit :;l .m lo see hilll. aiel l.iiij:hin-l v s.nd thai if h. did not mind being tl nly ni.ui pu s. nt -li" would be ih li-h'. d it he ...u!d OIIIM ill the dilliliC loom ll'el hlk" lie' Ml cant pl.oi- of oi f h.-r voo'ig friend who did ii'd i.-ii.e. lb- w..- P" afraid to face .'I lo! of -Alil--lei.il b. alii ii-si." h't he a- copied ;;.iy l. . .1 1' I ' ! " "" l '"'" hnpp.-ii.-d to hi n. f that "!' '-I - l.iidl o.ll. da u-hf . .- "i' S- i ' i v "' il illi.im C. Fu.Lc.tt. " VJ-- i- liu-.-fts. a dove bl. , -louder 'ib -f t!c ;;leat. si b' II' - .' 'he Idle ..in. ..me i !i: , w a - f If mar riage of ihe .:t-b- h -i Hi -man ami the "I'lirit iu maid." ; -if v. .is cfcii ail- d. I. Is io i. !,!..,;- ..: nt. Main n. . nt P. v. hi. l, h. had n bid l.ii by tha' T.m- '" ' h-'p' - . w ends. r.'UL'h '.- '. tin m .: ' w.- will."' Ilillllii: 'b N il's s. j j , , j - ;: i.. . ry '! ,-. u ay t CIHC . -hi!. II. II '.I 'he bad hah.! ld - lug th.-ir iLib- l" i.'-i ' ting i W ith qim-s a f-i and all a 'le .i 1.. dry. in II 1.1 -I'd it will Ga !!' I H in'!.! t r to cos.- tin- pr.f t II Uu i'- are no s"i.- phi'-es ..n th. !:ii:-- t tq . ;t v ry iitlle col.H-vntli ...v. hi. uhn-h I- 1n ti its. y bltt.r, in.ii b.- .hist. .! ovir Ih.-hi. W hen. h i. -I ;-i-:n-' Ih" liugfi- e'ld- in " I-;1' i t 'i ' oi t liK. a It son,, tun. .oh i!M--e.- fill ..imht I., he Pie.-I 1 'Ii a s..,;l u,.ri tho propi iispy ! - io-ili' a'- I ( mil t-r lt." J . 1 1 1 ii : M ft. t I n- !', t i . 1 1 a I- (I IJ l.olelort ,.i!al b. ii v 'h it li . : . i . -I lie n-.i-ot . lie I ; - ! i: l .i no .it eat lug'. The Normal ant! Collegiate Institute FOR YOUNG WOMEN, A.-sHLVILLi:, N. C. I'al! Term JhaMnriihi' S.j t. 21. 1". Ollcru to the Student. 1. A normal course for th- thor ough training of teacher unb.r in frtructors fr.rn th beft normal fccLoilfl, embraemf cartful intruction in the most improved method of t aching, with practice iu the mo b.l school. 1. A fully organized commercial course for the preparation of youtg women, lor o!he work, embracing St. n-graj hy, Typewriting, Look -k'.ping. f-iLg!e 'mi I double entrj) Penrn'in-hip, Commercial Arithmetic an I ( "orr rj.on b nee. A course in Domestic .Science, () in which the j nil H taught to dian-ght, cut, lit, make rarmcnti aol millimry, (lq To j-rfj-are a meal which rdiould be Lenlthful, tcoie-mie and rj p titng. The teaehert. Pi thene b partmi nt are fn in Pratt In-titule, iJrooklyrj, N. V. SvstemntlC etu ly of the Pible in all departme ut-.. A .j.'ci.ilty is m ie of Health Cul ture iiii'l-r one of the btfct teachers in the South. Py special enactment of the Legis lature of North Carolina, frra-luaten from the Normal Dt-i-artment are ex tinpt.'l from txarainutiou when ap" j. lying for rttiutut iu the Publio School-, of the State. Co-tof Poar.l and Tuition in any of the Department $ j'J per term. t ?PI for the t-cli'ml year. No extras except rnui.-. For Catalogue, addre- Rev. Thos. Lawrence, D. D., A-iiinviLLi:, n. c. ...... ..s 1

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