rV J -BZHDOMJES J0 $ j JOB PRINTING s j TO 2 J THEfESSENGER, 8 Marion. W. C. 1 4 l,.T"rii:i3, Note Heads, Bill Heads K-.v,.,;e? circulars, Cards, Pob: 'rr . ...t7rr ' aad an7 kind 6l i i if Ml 11. U!iUmu oias Issues a Note Look- t.-rnational Peace, ni:H VICTORY A FACTOR. U-'i.eiptS Well oil at buiitidgu a Street Car In i ! ' , . ;' ilmporor Nicholas, Count ' ! 'reign Minister, ontho . i "... . U the foreign dip'.o- s. si. in g, u noto doelar iMh.j maintouaneo of peace ami !'i-;juuof tho oxcossive iiinia !:. ; u. iiui-nil nations is tho ! wlr-n all governments ought ' :.ti : ;j iders tho preset lao !,i.jrnh!.; tin- the inauguration of nj-iit looking to this end, and t1:' to take part '.a an tti!ii t! conferoneo as a meaus of :r-uring real ami lasting peuco OUR PUACG COMMISSIONERS. . Mil., rill fi,mn(ir,l ..f s:. -.- r.:- o van uiu fie Annexationists -Views of ' V "r rTi: V. I:. LAY. :it:!i tho piogiessive in- il'iitUtMit. t i c utums Business. Adjutant (io!!iral Corbin has re '0! ! tlu- follow -in:.' cablo from (Jen t'i Miaftor. utider date of Santiago: I luive transferred all business relat- (hir H. lory a Factor. A Washiusrton special says: The ex Hunhnai v circular directed by the !'!ssi,m !.rei'i Minister to tho mem 1 -rs ,.f 1 ,,. ,! 1 1'luniatio body at St. I'e ti'i'f'biif attir.cted tho earneBt at tention f t he ol'u-ials here. It is be 'y.,1 luMtMhnt the victory achieved by '! i' I rite. 1 Stiitos in tho late war was a '"i;ti il.i;tni4 factor in tho preparation ' the note. It is surmised that the i-tcjy imi. .1 clearer at ouco to the ! uro.,'.-iu statesmen that to maintain 1!i' l :i'.t:u'o ot p-.nver they would bo !.! to ii .!(. 1: tIo their expenditures ' a.-iv.::it of the army and navy, else "v 1:: u'u! ! outstripped bytheUnit- v 1 man liL!or on the Staff. 1 r tLo 1:1 -t time in the history of t.;' Ameiicau aim-, a woman has been ; 1 a member of the medical ;'!'. I r. Anita Newcomb McCJee, ' t i'rof. v. ,1. Mclee, of Wash and iaiiMiter of l'rof. Simon ' ..i. ioMuerly of the naval ob .,: v. v. ;;s formally sworn iu as ' ; .(! jeecutly. This, accord !: . ' .! r.ivy Alger's general order 1 iitle her to the uniform of a l:;';i;uaut without designation or rauk VOL. III. No. i;, LaVtor T T to,M' or withth Ltt beea collated, nil 1. aolauss of ollicers and liuol'TtT ''""S city officials, oavin. A ' -V,uvo LeuQ to date loaviu- oter S'.m.OOO ia the treasury been fTS tL C'lstoru house to A Si, Wli I?. K0JU per annum erially reduce,!. These collections are a,1(i uder the minimum tariff in- Jidiug a large reduction in tonua-e 1 he i economy ami celerity which baa omraoteneJthobusineJof tho cus tom house has been brought about in a reat measure- under tho supervision and good management of Donaldson " Special Lkase of the Czar. Upon tho occasion of the unveiling at Moscow of a monument to C'zui Alex ander II, grandfather of tho present czar, Emperor Nicholas issued a ukase referring to the event and eulogizing the deeds of the deceased, notably the liberation of the peasants from bond age, which earned him the name of "The Deliverer in the month of a grateful people. The ukase concludes: "Wishing to seal more lirruly the mem ory of this historical deed, we havo re solved to make hereditary the wearing and passesfuon of the medals he con ferred upon his co-operators as a Bigu t ..... njc di.u w nucidw kcm. Are uciietcd to Justice White Nnj tv;n. fi NATOR TV. r. FUYE. of his gracious their laboro. " acknowledgment of Mr. Huirhes, a wealthy retired broker of New V01 k, while passing through the Arliugtou hotel dining hall, at Hot Springs, Ark., discovered his own daughter, w ho had beeu lost to him for twenty years. y I nJowmeut Rank. Treasurer Hitisey's report of th con dition of the endowment funds amount ing to i VJ-J.-JTi1.. as rea l to tho su -preme lodge, K. of 1'., gives a list of the mortgages held by the order and places the cash on hand at $.0, :tjr,. vi. Supreme representatives say they are satistied their mortra ln)lili!i' r I good. Merritt Appears InJecideJ. Major-(eneral Merritt, in conversa tion, has avoided a declaration oT pol icy and has given the impression thtt ho is undecided about the possibility of arranging to retain the Philippine Is lands, although personally he seemed to favor that policy. General Merritt to go to Paris. It was announced at the War De partment that (ieueral Merritt was to go to Paris to give the peace commis sion the benetit of his experience in the Philippines. The original plan has been to send Admiral Dewev to j Paris for that purpose, b it this was I changed upon representations from j the admiral that he emM l c of greater I service at Mamia than m Paris. I Malietoa Lacupepa, King of Samoa, died ob August 22d, of typhoid ferec S ' '''' ' ' Jt'STH R r. I). W1UTH, WHITELAW REID. MAKIOX. I SUICIDE M RESULI. Investigation Into the Dreyfus Case Discloses Forged Testimony. A REVISION NOW INEVITABLE Admiral chlev and Gen. Gordon flaw Sailed for Porto Pico A Heau Storm ul Saannah -Suspected Poisoner Shot and Killed -Spanish Prisoners Pdeased. Lieutenant Colonel henry, -who h leeu arrested on tho discovery that Le was the author of au importaut letter that figured iu the Ireyfus case, com mitted suicide at Paris. It appears that so Koon as M. C'avaignao assumed the ollice of Minister of War, he charged tho oiilcial bureau to make a thorough research of the Dreyfus case, and it was this impiiiy whioh resulted in the discovery of documents lately read in the Chamber of Deputies bv M. Cavaiiruac, showing that proof of the guilt of Dreyfus was forged. When ( olouel Henry was summoned to the Minister of War and questioned by M. Cavaiguac, in tho presence of Gen eral PoiHdelfro and other, ho at fhvt aflirmed the authenticity of the incrim inating document. Put w hen discrep ancies were pointed out, he at first ad mitted adding sentences and linallv confessed to fabricating tho whole let ter. It is u dinned, however, that "hilothis discovery has not changed M. Cavaiguac's belief in the culpability of Dreyfus, the minister is determined to punish all the guilty parties, no matter what their rauk or position may be. Colonel Henry coufessed to having committed forgery, "owing to the abso lute neeeshity for landing proofs ugaiust Dreyfus." It is understood that the document in question is the letter which has hitherto been alleged to havo been written by tho (Jormau military attache to the Italian military aitacho in ctobor, 1 '.;. Ail the newspaper comment iu Lou don, Perlin, Vienna and elsewhere regard a revision of the Dreyfus case as now inevitable. Uueen WiMielmmj Issues a Proclamation. rpon tho occasion of her birthday and tho attaimut ut of her majority, Oueeu Wilhelmina Heloua Paulino Ma ria issued a preclamatian to the peoplo of tho Netherlands. It was worded as follows: "On this day, bo important to you and me, I desire before all elso to say a word of gratitude. From my tcudorest years you have surrounded me with love. From all parts of the kingdom, from all classes of society, young and old, I have always received nh iking proofs of attachment. After tho death of my venerated father, all your attachment to the dynasty was ti annferred to me. On this day I am ready to accept tho Jplendid, though weighty task, whereto I have beeu call ed ami I feel myself supported by your lidelitv. Peceivo my thanks. A lleay Storm in Savannah. A special from Savannah, Ga. , of August :!st hays: While there was no loss of life from last night's storm, which swept Si'.vaunah, the damage to property will foot up close to half a million dollars. Tho Btorm began earlv Tuesday night and raged with increas ing violence until H o'clock this morn ing. It was at its height between 4 and o'clock when the wind reached a velocity of SO miles an hour. It was then tho heaviest damage was douo. When daylight cime tho streeta were impassible from debris. Probably U0 buildings were wholly or pratially un roofed, and as many more were dam aged in other ways. Chinese Custom Mouses to he Seized. Tho Constantinople correspondent of tho London Standard pays: "llussia it is said, has given satisfactory assur ances that she will respect tho Pritish sphere iu China. It is also asserted that tho Pritish admiral had orders to seize the remaining Chinese ships and cus toms houses, iu the event of the Tsuug-Li-Vamen refusing to comply with Pritish demauds. " Spanish Prisoners Released. Acting Secretary Allen has author ized the release of all of the Spam:-h I) aval prisoners captured in the battle of July .M, from Cervera'a rleet. The prisoners are to be returned to Spam at the expense of the Spanish govern ment. That was tho condition upon w hich our government agreed to release them without parole or other restric tions. Off For Porto Rico. Wmiral W. S. Schley and General William W. Gordou, Fnited States commissioner to settle the conditions H-i tho Spanish evacuation of Porto Hid, have sailed for Suu Juan, on board tho steamer Seneca. The third n:emler of the commission. Major (ieueral John M. Prooke, Fnited States army, is at present in Portj Pico. Ordered to Remote the Mines. The F reach ambassador, acting fur the Spanish government, has noti'Jed the State Department that nril 1 i eii issued to the Spauish anthonties j i t Havana to remove the mines vnd l mil tufiiuuiuuj iu UBllJllUU lil U.ai harbor as rapidly as possible. Battle Supposed to be in Profress. There has been a sudden interrup tion of news from the Soudan. It is supposed that a battle is in progress be tweea the Anglo-Egyptian forces, ua- Ur General Sir Hei bert Kitchener lb Sirdar, and the Dervishes, under the i Khalifa, north of Omderman, the Khal-1 ifa's capital. oia Shoater SentenceJ. I A coutt-marti.il at Nantes France I s-enter.ced a private toidier to three j months imprisonment and oOO francj I line for shouting "Vive Zola!" X C, FK1 DAY. SEITKMHKR LUSHS. THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. I tie oiith. Gastou A. Pobbins has been nomi uate I f.r Congress in tho Fourth Ala b;..';.a district, -Mobile has quarantined agaiust Gal vc-ton, Texas, and Fraukliqn, La., on account of yellow fever. Hon. J. F. Stalliugs was uuanimously te-nomiuated for Congress from tht tecond Alabama district, by the Demo crats. Commission.-' of Agriculture Nesbitt estimates that the cotton crop of Geor gia is from 10 to W per cent, leas than it was last year. Dr. Wymui.; Surgeon General of the Marine Hosi ital Service, has received ei.e uracil- - .M.nv fever news from I wo Mississippi editors recently fought a duel near Vicksburg. The diflieulty arose out of an editorial con troversy on the failure of the Kosedale Pank. Conductor Cason, of the Plant Sys tem, was shot and killed at Duoont, Ca. , by a rowdy negro. Tho con ductor was ou his way to South Caro lina to be married. A Winchester, Va. , special says that Mrs. A. E. Tvssowswki, a leader iu Washington society, committed suicide at Jordan Springs, by swallowing a largo dose of carbolic acid. Several furniture and hardware stores and bank and bowling ailey iu Nashville, Teuu. , were destroyed by lire recently. The loss is half a million dollars, aud is one of tho largest lires Nashville has ever had. A bpecial from Piukard, Ivy., says (Jen. Cassius Marcus Clay has" bought a farm nc-i.r there for his child wife, Doia Kichardsou, who still refuses to live with him. Ho declares he will pro vide for her as long as she lives. The North. A cheap-rate long-distance telephone company has been organized at Cleve land, O., with $1,UU0. UUO. A dispatch from Ware, Mass., says that a traiu ran iuto a pleasure party at a crossing, killing five and seriously injuring three. The most decisive feature of the Ohio Democratic State convention was its preference for Pryau in l'.MJO on tho same platform as in 13',M. Fx-Governer Claude Matthews, of Indiana, died at his home in Wingate, surrounded by his wife and all the other members of hia immediate family. Ill 11 luttlT til Ilia liril'ltn a niril a United States Senator John I. Vrtchell, of Wisconsin, announces that he will not be a candidate for re election. Captain Edward Murphy, who com manded the Associated Press dispatch boat Daudy throughout the late war, lie'l of liiuluriwl fever in Now York city. Miss Fannie Peck and Charles C. Herrick, editor-in-chief of the Law Co-operative Publishing Co., of Koch ester, N. V. , were drowned at Widsor beach, Lake Ontario, while bathing. At Charles Piver Park, Poston, Mc Duflic beat Frank Putler one lap in a ten-mile paced pursuit (tandem) race. rimeiO:4i4-, which breaks the world's record for this class of race of 'JS.yc, held by Harry Elkos. Labor Commissioner Pozelle, of Mis souri, states that over 8 IS, 000 worth A corn cob pipes were manufactured in Missouri last year, in the making ji which almost .00 persons were employed.-aud to whom were paid $44, )0 iu wages. In tho match race, best two iu three, ne mile paced heats, between "Jimmy" Michael aud Major Taylor, colored, at Manhattau Peach, Michael won tho first heat, aud Taylor won the second aud third heats, the time iu the third heat being 1:41 J-o, beating all com petition records. An Indianapolis dispatch says that the special committee appointed by the Supreme Lodge Knights of Pythias to investigate the matter of changing the plan of raisiug revenuos, favors a per capita tux on each member of the sub ordinate lodges for tho purpose of pav ng tho expense of the Supremo Lodge. The Pepublicans of California in their recent State convention at Sacra meuto. endorsed the policy of the President to accord to the people of Cuba an opportunity to form a stable government, thus redeeming the prom ise made to the world, but tho platform Jemands the annexation of the island of Porto Pico and other West Indian islands aud of the Philippines. The ac piisitioj of Hawaii is rejoiced in. Miscellaneous. President McKinley has appointed (.'. D. Wood w aid as one of the commis sioners to represent this government at the Paris exposition. Tho work of the arbitration commis siou at (Quebec, Can., is evidently in creasing. Each day more time is do voted to the session. Sj anifch will be added to the list of studies in the Chicago, 111., public schools. Ferdinand W. Peck, commissioner general of the United States to tho Paris Exposition, has appointed the Governors of the different States as vice presidents of the Lafayette Me morial Commission. In tho public and private high schools and academies of the United states iu 1 w"-"-there were studying French 4'.,::JT, erman il.'jy, Spanish . There havo been S.V., l(r.,?oO of the new bond;- distributed to 117,T7o sub scribers. Five billion cigars and three billion fovea hundred and fifty million cig arettes weie smoked in this coiiutrv m the last liscal year. Assuming that there are 2 ", 0; t , (oo males of smoking ae, this means 2oo cigars and lo0 cigarettes for each one of them. The fruit and vegetable canning in dustry of the United States represents an invested capital of Sl-r,000,ooO, with an annual trade of about :j0. 0'O, o m and employs mere than tlO.Ooo persons Negotiations Lave been opened with Washington to cdtaiu permission for tho Spaniards ia the Ladrone Islands to go to Manila, as the situation in the Ladrones is extremely critical. Ihe f-tearner Koanoke arrived at r-eattle. Wash., recently, from ht. Michael. Alaska, with 4V. pasenger.s and gold dust which a conservative es timate places at S I , Coo, UOM. He War.!$ to Check tn'and's Am bition, A QUARTERMASTER MURDERED. Inglisn Army Has a Skirmbh on the laiik of the Nile Holland's New Queen -An Anglo-American Trust. (ieueral Weyler, accordiug to a spec ial dispatch from Madrid, has outlined his future policy, lis proposes, it au pears, to be independent both of the government and of the opposition, "al. ways aiming to preserve the couutry and to reorganize the army." He ex presses the belief that the Carlists havo plenty of money, some of which, he al leKes, comes from I'rauce. Hesaya the United Pepublicans havo no personal animus against the Oueeu, their only object being to adopt a tirm, interna tional Btaud, one rosult of which would be to check in some measure Eug'aud's ambition. A Quartermaster Murdered. Pecauseof the death of three hospit al patients of the Twelfth New York Regiment encamped at Chattauooga, Teun. , after driukiug milk sold by negroes liviug in the neighborhood, Quartermaster George P. Franks, of Company G, would not allow the ne groes to sell anything to his company. Recently a gang of negroes caught Franks outside the camp grounds, ami after beating him nearly to death, throw him under a passing railroad train. Since then the guards have been ordered to shoot uuy negro who attempts to pass tho camp linos. 1 nglisli Army Has a Skirmish. The brigade of friendly Arabs under Major Stuart Wortley, which Las been pushing arouud Omdtirmau, with a view to cutting oil the retreat of tht forces of the Khalifra, has just had iis first brush with the enemy ou the banks of the Nile, capturing live men ,aud a boat laden with grain. The Dervish scouts are now fnqiently sighted. The whole Anglo-Egyptian army has reached Umtarif, thirty miles from Omdurman. An Anglo American Trust. The St. James Gazette, London, Faye it is reported ou the stock exchange thtit mi Anglo -American truvt, to enii trol the output and sale of sewing ma chine, knitting machine and all other kinds of needles is being formed. Sev eral American aud two Midland firms are reported to havo sold their business to the combination. Tho capital, it is further announced, will bo JL'l,o00,00l (57,000,000;, divided iuto preferred and ordinary stock. Holland's New Queen. The ()uoen of Holland in a procla mation issued upon the occasion of her daughter, Wilhelmina. coming of age, expresses her pleasure at seeing the whole nation rauged joyously around tho throue of tho now oueen and thanks the people for their loyalty and loving Miiport. In concluding she Pays, "May our country become great in everything in which a small nation can be great." This Soldier fared Well. One of Undo Sam's returned soldier's boar led a street car in New Yoik the other dav aud discovered when the conductor camo around for hisfarethat he was penniless. Tho conductor said it was a enso of pay or walk, and this aroused the passengers, one of w hom passed the hat, himself setting an ex ample by putting in a 3 note. Tho Boldier, who protested, was soon roll ing in wealth. The Zionist Conference. The Zionist conference was opened atPasle, Switzerland, August 2-th. Dr. Theodore Heral, tho originator of the project to purchase Palestine and re-settle the Je ws there, presided Mid welcoinod the delegates. Dr. Max Nordau made au address on the situa tion of tho Jews during tho past year. Chinese Imperor's New Idkt. The Chinese emperor Las issued an edict, providing that European and American editors and mipsioiiaries and their converts in the empire be fully protected. He says iu this re-pect the Chinese officials heretofore have been derelict and he issues this edict as a final w arning, detlai ing determination that there shall be no more riots against these classes of foreigners. Clara Barton Could Not Land. Miss Clara Parton, of the National Tied Cross, arrived at Havana recently on the steamer Clinton No. with supplies for tho htarying inhabitants of that county but the Sj auish author ities at Havana would i.ot allow the supiliesto be lauded and imposed a fine of oo on the master of tho relief ehip because he had no manifest. Lmperor William Willin? to Attend. The official North Deiif-che Allge meine Zeitung. believed to be inspired by Prince Von HoheuloLe, the Impe rial Chancellor, declares tL; willing ness of Empwor William ami Germany to accept the invitation to attend the congress as t reposed by tLo Pultun Emperor. Powdv Soldiers Rebuked. Section Foreman Hartmin, Lis wife and Lis sister. Miss Carrie Hedley, of Everett, Ga. , were insulted by a party of soldiers near their home recently. They were watching the First Ohio Regiment go through to Huntsvilie. when some one of the privates ma le coarse remarks to them. J hey retreat ed to their Lome and iho toI li-r -t fl foweb 'fwj rf tha soldier lire 1 a; Hartman. Hart man and the women folks returned the tire, wounding two soldiers, one seriously. 1 Per Year in Advance- AP..'t AND DOINGS. Trie Movements of Our Army anJ Natt Breifl TolJ. 1 he ttauspi'rt steamer Scandia had railed b.ir Honolulu and Mauila. For Honolulu s!ic carriei Companies A, P aud I . of the First New York Regiment. cousitiug of JJl men and ten officer, in '"vmntsud of Lieut. -Colonel 11. P. Mack pole-. For Manila the steamer takes Second Lieutenant Hayne and men of the First Pattalion Heavy Ar tillery, California Volunteers, to act a" guard for sjloo.or) in coin for tho 1 1 oops m General Merritt's command; M n jots Scholield, Slteary and Stern berg, paymasters and three clerks in charge of money ; llujor Kobbo, Third Artillery; Lieutenant Wedgewood. Pat tery P, Utah Artillery, and 14 medical officers and l.j'. mutts of tho Lo-j ital coi e, und four PeJ Cross nurses, mak ing a total of 4.i?. I he pat ado of the Seventh Army Ccrps was the most magnificent mili tary pageant ever seen in Jacksonville. Nearly :;o,mkj men were in line, and every regimeut presented a line ap pearance. Good weather favored the soldiers, and not a drop of ruin fell during tLo day. The procession started past the i (.viewing stand occupied by (ieueral Lee aud stall at 10, and it was .".::') before the lat regiment inarched by. I ho streets along the lino of march weie lined with thousands of people, wliJ cheered aud applauded tho soldiers, each regiment Keemiugly get ting its full share of applause. Col. onel Wiu. J. I'ryan, iu command of the Third Nebraska Regiment, received a continuous ovation all aloug the line of mutch. Mexico in the New Woi Id has the largest standing army, with a war stiength of b'.o.O-Hi, while Ptazil is second with ,imk) aud ,M,iKM gens darines. While tho standing army of the United States is but "Jo.O'iO in times of peace, it is estimated the President could call 10,00,MM iuju if necessary. Tho Argentine Republic has a peace force of PJ.O'rl. Canada is garrisoned with ,(K Pritibh troops, with in ad ditional 1,000 Canadian soldiers and a militia of Uo.OOO. Now that hostilities are over, the United States is Rt liberty to receive from the Pritish buildt-rd the fiue cruiser Albany, sister ...hip to tho New Orloaus, which was ouo of the two acquired from Prazil just prior to the outbreak of the war. Acting Secretary Allen ordered Passed Assistant En gineer Nortou to proceed at ouco to Newcastly-ou-Tyne, England, to super vise and inspect the completion of the machinery of the Albany, Au order has beeu issued by the Navy Department detaching Commo dore J. W. Philip from command of the battleship Texas, at New York, and placing him in command of tho recoud squadron of tho North Atlantic f'eet, with the ctUiset .er Vvik in Lis 1 ship. Ho thui succeeds to tho com mand formerly held by Rear Admiral W. T. Sampson, as commander-in-chief of tho North Atlantic Ueet $ soldier dead for three days was about to be dissected at tho Algiers Military Hospital when he woke up, aud, before tho doctors recovered from their surprise, got off the dissecting table and walked into the next room, where ho wrote down some words on a piece of paper to muko sure that he was ulivo and awake. The doctors now say that he has completely recovered from his lethargy. General Haines, now in Porto Rico, has been ordered North. He will be relieved in the command of the Second Prigade there by Gen. Grant. 'I he First Kentucky Regiment will bo attached to Gen. Ernst's Division, relieving the Second Wisconsin, (ieueral Graut will have only the Third Illinois and Fourth Ohio Regiments uudcr his command. Floyd W. Gay, Company F. Sixty lifth New York Regiment, charged with robbing tho mails at Camp Alger, has been dishonorably discharged lrom the service of the United States, for "e'ting all pay and allowances, aud ieutenced to serve three years at hard labor in the military prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. The following troops havo been or lered mustered out: Ninth Massachu setts, Seventh Illinois, Fifth Illinois, Sixty-fifth New York, Fifth Ohio In fantry. First Wisconsin, 'I bird United tut Volunteer Cavalry. Fourth I'eiai. Tho Navy Department has received a cablegram from Ponce, Porto Rico, Auuouuciug that the Puritan, Amphri trite, Terror, Hannibal and Mont gomery, have sailed from Ponce. Thry will go to Newport, R. I. 'I be Spanish transports San Fran cisco, San Augustin and Colon have left Santiago for Spain with 4,.V;s Spaniards, including l" ollicerB and their families and four priests, l our men died on the way to the ships. Their corpses were "checked off" as passengers. Presideut and Mrs. McKinley re viewed the troops of Camp Meade, Middletowu, Pa , recently. The Pres ident was much pleaded with tho camp and the condition of the eoldiers. It is announced that it will be prac tically impos-ihle to maintain tLe'l bird Army Corj at Huuthvilie, where it Las I -ecu ordered to proceed from Chickumauga. The indications are that the corps will be fen! iu its entirety to Aunistoii, Ala , a place raid to be ad mirably a lapte 1 for camping a Urge body of troops. There are about I'V) American sol diers in Porto Pi, and on August -'J, I there were over l.O-ctmen on the sick lit. f this numbjr one half were caies requiring prompt and careful treatment. Cupt. Taylor of the battleship Indi ana, La written a letter to Admiral Sampson protesting agaiust the icaut mentK.u cf his ship in tLe action at Santiago w Lich culminated in tho de struction of Ccrvera's lleet. Orders have Leen issued directing ienc-ra! Miles to send Lome from Porto Rico, all trooj s not actually needed for Mr vice tLere. Eight hundred and fifty men of the Twenty-third Kansas Volunteers arriv ed at Santiago recently on the steamer Yigilancia. They are all well. TLe department of the Gulf was ordered to rend all tLe recrnits for the regular army now in tLe department to Montauk Point at once. TLe Preilent expects to be in Jack sonville, Fla. , on September 1, and review tLe roldiera of tLe Seventh 1 Corps. (Jeu. Lee's command. Tho Mosseagor Prints . the. Newo and 1 aought aftar by tha peo ple of McDowell, Ysnoey.Biw omb-. Butnerford, Bark and cthtr countic In WeiMa North Carolina, and U thsre fora a Good Advertising Medium, KatM furnished erf appUaatfoa- lX Address, TIIE itESSENOZB. T Z atrtoa, it a y rmn cwoi.m c ? nii UTiv. Cotton Ir-ithf Wc'l i;i S'im. Scttioii. ten v.jpjritir wn Cotton Las ugprvtd lu ie and thete; o top.rPl n f;:r.t!n e'l r.i s'uo scc:iou. A g.Ki I deal i . -hi n light, sa i ly s .il. Ko-ay Las b-joit p'vuod u; I gtnnod a't I bale ii v. ' e.i vul the m nket. but picking wili .iut I pc 'ma general tint 1 fettled lur Heather rmuiJ. Ovjr tho tu.-! i-rolucHvj cotton coitiilio he nop )i not ini- roed, she I ding form! au I bolls con tinues, and i;i-t Um luiictv; I lu-.itcr-billy. Ct-rn ! maturing Well, it ban boivi tt j tred on 1 ttom :u the south portion by fre?d;eU. Po okr pu'ding i under way. but the work i.a4 ',! rokUk-l by nhowets, and. whtle l. t.'rti h M bcetl taw'J, there ar- mauv repot t f b!" or damage. l'.i:uco h.i. sulb l m homo M'clion.t fiom wet waliier. lirro it is ycliow mg ir rotting in the hiM-i ( Ya lkin. irauvilie. David.-urt). Potter cut es than expected are icpotled from IVr-yth, Rockingham and (iudfor.l counties. ()er mo t of tho cum' aBnl routh portiou.s of the Mate curing W linihed and the clop is on tho market. Turui h aiu doiitg very well. Rice is heading nicely. Field pea aio very line; mauv me rit e and re; l v for pick ing. Late cabbage and tomati.e- ro nearly a failure. I i. grapo crop ! shut an.L inferior n compared witli lat year. Hay making i going ou briskly wheie possible, but tlo-ro rn mains much l ay to be cut. Fad plow ing progres.t. shiw'v. Mrs. Faddc. l;iit!i u-;.! ) your graudfath'T r!i;s m -i ;.;!! ;. Pndg et' -He still has !ne r 1 : 1 1 : . . . M i - nullity bad. ilium." "V'ii m-;u le- il.ii-ks h has the rebutnat i.-m. 1! re n u- !i thing .'i-s rhfumaM-iii." "V ". mum." A few days l it. r: Ami do-s ie-r grandfather still persist i!i hi- d-luo,..ii that he has the rhcumaUxmV" "N". mum; the j m m r m;iri r ! j i i ; K now th.d h U dead. We burled 'lm y isU-vd.i y." SupcctcJ Pu'so'iir Mi 0 and killed Several attempts have recently bii made to poison the fumd y of ( aptam John F Legawood, f Athi-nn, E p one of t!o nio-t prominerit men in th Stale Dick Dabney. colored. otit f the persons who was hus,e-ted, wan f-hut and kilicl by ('ha'. Logawood. Hon of Captain I.o.'ftwood. w h ..bdrctoil Dnbiiey and another ne;:ro trying t escape while the latter Vas abep Tho uegioes eutere I the houo and went discoveiel by yotlUg Logawood, who chafed them into tho .:rd and tired. Dabtiev fell dead, but th. 'oilier negro made hi oseapo. Die Oliuitc I(Kit-. id'MMit. The gooriimMit transport t teaiufhip Olivette sunk at Per uaiolinu, Fla., wiilif taking on um! .it ilo- quiirantiui Station. Site h'iddeiil v iiiadw a heavy list to pott, water pioin- I into her port boles aud she went to thr bottom in 20 feet of water. She ih t nt;re!y hubujfrg ed except her iipjci deck. N'o on: w as injured Alldiew F. Stifle, a 1 ot'i.liciit bust nods man i f V ; iii'.i i v . iinda prominent factor in poi:t!i--i. i. i I about .ri0 year, was phot a:. d l;i!iif Mer ritt J. Hughes, ul-o a mini U b'iMi l:c-s man of t' t lace if-.c:i!!v. Grand Household of Puth. The fifth Knaral meating asd first triennial session of tho (irand House hold of Ruth, of the Grand Order of Odd Fellows in America, closed its reu nion at Washington recently. Almost every State iu tLo Union was repre sent by a grand representative. The North Carolina Railroad com mission decided thn! the Southern Ex press Company rd.a'd pay the ' Stamp tux .n aekages. I he nl-r ptt into etlct Se tt-mber I'.tb. and the penalty for failun- to c.mplr va fixed at '". It i- t a: I tioit l!i "mi a BV Will ol'CV tho I I'b; . The Normal and Collegiate Institute FOR YOUNG WOMEN, ASHE villi:, n. c. Fall Term Peginning S. pt. Offers to the Sdidrnt. 1. A nonu'il course for tLo tLor ough training of teachers under in fctructors from the b l normal schools, embracing careful instruction in the mort iu'i rovt-1 mtthols d teaching, with practice iu the model r.c'f d. 2. A fully organized commercial course for the preparation of yo'ipg women for ollice work, tmbrncjng Stenography, Typewriting, Rook keeping, (single and double entry) Penmaurbip, Commercial Arithmetic and Correspondence. '. A course iu Domestic S i-nc, (a) in wLich the pupil is taught to til aught, cut, fit, make girment and millinery, (b) To prejmrr! a m al which bhoul 1 be healthful, teonomic and appetizing. TLe teacher in tbewo department are from Pratt Institute, Rrc-.klyn, N. Y. SyKtematic etudy of the Pible in all departments. A fpexrialty i made f Health Cul ture under one of the best teachers in tho South. I'y rpecial enactment of tho Legis lature of North Carolina, graduates from tho Normal Department are ex erupted from examination when ap plying for positions in the Publio Schools of the State. Cost of Roard and Tuitiou in any of the Departments 830 per term, or ?100 for the EcLool year. No extras except mnsic For Catalogue, address Rev. Thos. Lawrence, D. D., ASIIEVILLE, '. C.

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