jfti i -SZKDOJDXEI 70S. 03 PRINTING -TO- E MESSENGER, Marion. N. C. Tl l!.-.. us iuwaa6.gei mm Prints . the . Newo and I Bought after by the pee pl of McDowell, Tancey.Bun comb, Kutherford, Bark and other countlet In Weatera North Carolina, an J ia thor feire a Good Advertising Medium. Eataa furnlaheJ on appliotl Aidraa, THE ME8SENOIB 3r!an, N . O TH 3 Ipl. f: f !r--M, Accuracy, Neatnaia f5tok Guaranteed. -; il-virt, Note Headi, Bill Heads 1 v ; Circulars, Cards, Poal phlots, and any kind of VOL. II I. NO. 20 MARION. N. C, FRIDAY. SKPTEMHKK iM8tS. 3 Per Year in Advance A vJlItftlylik ,:. -"A I A t.oii. r ..il I'Oil" ba'.l i f t!. !.ect- X f ? nnn n ni n t . ?- m m (.ii i . ----- jiptii? mm II.. ii I I I I I I Ml I I ! I 1111 I I II III II I I I I QrUlrU r I -i. r I- ! i 1 i j oannarro invasior Army Left Tampa. -"ii CHAMBER MEETS. Against The Third ii i ! (ien. Butler N;t Sus i't I n q j i r y . V 'Mo.) Star prints li r jiijci.il war coi -'i. W. -i. Whipley, ' )'; A Iger-Miles coutio-f-iiement iado semi r; W.i - h:ngton that Major :iy not in command of ' . ; Iit:o:i u to the- time i I - i:.;t borne out by the Wur Department. , . 'uV-J that Mllo3 hot ' ! i '-iini i inri-s w ith but was then lec'og :i. I 'epartment as eti ' - I'U'U (Jeneral SSiiaf- '' "i 'iou. Shaffer's actual i I method of movement "y ;-jt to Shafter, but a . devised by (ieu. .Miles '.v oi issued to ieu. which, after leaving liM.r entiiely ignored, i i' Tampa with the full ' 'i t !.' w as subject to or- ii. Miles hiuI up to that ! 'e;ai tiueut iecoiuizel ;!'.ni which is irovidel ' i -i m 1 statutes oraiiiziutj i.':n I i ite-1 States.' p-n:ili chaiiihcr Meets. : .i !i-'!u Mmiri.l of Sejtember ' hnM;!'eis HHPciubloil hero ' ; tiM) (i eiim- of tho Senate :..i.v i. a I a letter from Senor S.jnitt jr from 1'urto Hico, fi'My tliy sumuioiiH to at ' 's finer, Sen or Hnasta, i i ti. insignia of ofliee, ! !! tiilmiio iiml read a decree !.-,' Ii!; govern meut to present ! :n-,lr.r a diai't of a law em . thu iiiuisters to renounce i ; over the colonies, in con vit;i tho .stipulations of the 'ii.nnaries between Spain and d Stales. Tho I'resident of !e ', i).e l a Fecret tliscus t'ue decree, aud despite ' of some Seuators, :;.':i:e l:'Yn.y bt cleared, - am:d loud mnrmers cf i;. M,.ewhjhad expected -e!n-j on the reopening of ' ! 'Alio disappointed. 'The i; I ! i." :- eiiis mdillei ent. '1 ho ' !are' iho apparently cou it Spa: ii must accede to what I iii'e.i Sliits demands. KMthr n.is Too Seure. ;i I o" in iiiry appointed to iu- 1 1 1 1 t'niiUe in the Third Vir o! inii ei ', at Camp Alger, v an u'!c 'ed assault upon a ! t! .H'l t st iiueiit issuance of eii.'ial I'.utler reflecting o:i llio le'imeiit, restrict lei s to the limits of their tU'i'ii several roll calls a I. !ia- icported its tindincs I an meut. The report, puts the regiment as a , r it 'i-i and unbecoming ii as w as uoiieate 1 in Jen-.- oi ier . The report ex ; !.e oj ini.iii ( f the court eiieia! I'.utler been cog- la' ts of the chso his uou!l not liavo per i:e so drastic an order. ! nl I' at d'Uis imiial Report. :i i! report of Hon. H. Clay u'ii:--dotier of pensions, was !. i e -eutly. The eomtnis- lie roll is not only liieis, but in value. out at the seveial ;. -wv on iii'iiiiut of general laws, were Mvount of petitions I une 'JT. lvHt $;', t. I'cr of penioners m nt the cIosa of the ai "a- i.-i'l. haini: increase 1 . t ta! amount paid to peu !l n: ai trad was Ss'iii'.i, ,ti Movement-, of o,r Armv "rciti To! J. l (eij V,"L-?'J,-'r i;i i'ltro-lnciiitf Preii de:it A.'jKiiufy .iuKjg his recent trif t' uiup W i!utr said: '-'lhe I'residen of cur grtat to'ihtry lats cmc here tc greet the Soidier.: that maicbed so gal lantly up Sun .hiun hiilon July 1st. H (om-s iieie to c.vj !v:i the ' uatiou'i inanl. i. I w i: h to f.-ii y-.u that v.heu the ('resident sent mo here two weeks f.g'j to c(mraa!id this cami he eujoine 1 me in tim inost t-iupliatic Jauguaue tLat 1 i-hould, without re-ard to expense, exercise uuv j;nd every authority ne cessary to hiCKt comJoi tuble this body of bravo men who bv their coiiragt have mired iLi ii-pub.ic to the hi-helt J.osition among tLe great nations of the efti'h. I have tho honor and pleasure of introducing to you the President of tho 1'nited States. " fUre ? I 'iuies-1 1 ei aid from ba, siiys: "Indians rmn the far north n !'.s.uimaux, who iiv-e among them of !i liiM-endeil from flii'io of Hudson l among tho whites Audio, the Arctic i! v izier at a Crossing. of tin Troy City Uail- . U iK-k by tho night I 'el a -a ii; A 1 1 u-lsou ct .-'ii'u u; the west end I !i ir.ei i'f.du'e, wh'.ohcou- e.-. V. . , it h 1 -allMIlLrblirg. . t ti: ''' passtnei s were a! ica?t ten of the remainder b'.i 1st -no's U ill. of :iii 'i 'e Kight Honorable ( i i.ei-tono, has been pro s that his personal es . d .at ."o. Mr. ( Jlad- ! .-;s written lv himself in i .!.( i. orandum bc-k. It iB I ot ubut '2,"0 wcriis and is ie -pi eimeu of penmanship. ."n Ne Minister of War. in iiadeu, military gover s. i accepted the ministry ::.- --siou to M. Cavaipnac, ent-i a! Zurlindeu w as ameiu l.ii oi cabinet which wentout :.-ber -J, 1:5. Drills r i -i. r i- uiiuin fitt; uonsu: ai uanaia Crete, of Burned by Mussulmans. LI HUNG CHANG DEPOSED. (liHi.iii? el' the (i. A. R. i " v.i-. i iv of the thirty -e eooud :. ! ;it of the (. A. K at '. f'ii.o, surpassed expecta ; t:.e i ttuadance and in the sue- p oj eis of, eveuts. i ormal chances have been ireferred against Mujor Uennett and Major long, of the Fourth Illinois llegiment, by Colonel Andel ,n diarges of con-Jiu-t unbecoming (dlicera and gentle men, and tliey w i I b.j tried by court martial. Major Kliiott, who was also under arrest, has ljeen released and re stored to his battalion. 'Iho charges grew out of a joint telegram sent to the Ciovernor oi Jl'inoi?, stating that the regiment desired to go to Cuba, to which statement Colonel Andel took exceptions. 'l he transport City of Mexico, with tleneiiil Shatter on board, has leached Montauk Point, from Santiago. Tho ('ity of Mexico had on hoard, beside Cie.ieral Shafter, the members of hia stall'. As boou us (Jeneiul Wheeler was notified of (JeueiT.I Shufter's arrival, ho ordered a salute of 1". guns to bo tired aud troops AI, I', C, H, and K, of the Second Kegular Cavalry, were de tailed to escort (Jeuerul Shafter into amp when ho should land. A soldier dead for three days was about to be dissected nt the Algiers Military Hospital when he woke up, and, before the doctors it-covered from their surprise, got off tho dissecting table and walked into tho next room, where ho wrote down some words ou a fieco of paper to make sure that ho was ulivo aud awj,ko. The doctors now say that ho has completely recovered from his lethargy. Colonel Kimball, deputy qunrtor master general received from (Jeneral Miles a dispatch dated Ponce, Septem ber 1, stating that -1,000 troops sailed on that date from Puerto Pico ou the transports Manitoba, Mississippi, Con cho, Alamo, CLoster aud Obdarn. He himself sailed ou the )bdam. The transports will all come to New York. The President has made the follow ing roiuotious for distiagushod ser vices at Santiago: To be major-gener-uls of volunteers, Prigalier (Jeneral Win. Ijiidlow and lirigadier ( Jeneral S. S. Sumner; to bo brigadier generals, Colonel Richard P.. Coinba, Fifth In fantry, and Lieutenant Colonel Joseph T. Haskell, Seveuteeth Infantry. Private Alex laili ke, Company I, Second Wisconsin Volunteers, was placed in tho Federal pi is u at Leaven worth, Kansas, recently, to reiaain for life, for the murder of Private Thomas Staltord, of tho Thirfeuth United States Infantry, in a saloon row at Ponce, Porto Pico. Tho United States transport ;China, accord iuL' to a dispatch from Hong Kong to 1 he Ltudcu I uily M;iU, has arrived thrn w ith ( Jen rnls Meiritt and (ireeue, the foi mor ti. routj to Paris to attoud the proceedings of tho His-, paiio American peace com m. sioii, aud the latter en route for Washiu,-ton. Tie Fnitou Stab., trtrsport Obdaui, having en bor.rd Major (Jeneral Nelson A. Miles nr. I his stall; M.jor (Jreeu leaf. Captain V'hitncv. the Second Regiment of thirty oflicei rnd M0 men. and the h spitj.l corps, from Porto Pico, arrived at New York re cently. Tic United States hospital ship Re lief, from Pouco and other points in Porto P.ico. arrived i;: Philadelphia recently with -'U sick soldu-rs hii": oflicers ahoaid. Ihirini: tho voyage from Porto Pico t he i e were four deaths, all of whom were buried at sea. Chaplain Melntyie. of the battleship Oregon, wiil be court-martialed for newspaper uttorHiices derogatory to Admiral Sampson. Captain Fvaus and other naval oflicers. (ien. Piooke's march across Porte Pico wa.- a continuous ovation from tht natives and :i respectful welcome from the Spaniai The gun boat Wasp, Captain Ward. Bailed from San .'r.au. Port ) Pico, for Charleston. S. C. . recentlv with Capt. W. M. I'olger, Knsign idackley and Cadet Nelson, of the Nc.v Orleane.. Lieutenant Commander 1 v is lelt lu command of t lio New Orleans. The United Staes transport St. Paul has arrived at Muinlu fiom Sail Fran cisco and icpoits all veii on 'noitrd. The light houses in the southern Phil ippines l ave I ten it -established. It is sai l a. the War Pepartment that the troops which , ,il be used to garri son Cuba pending the establishment of Mine erirt!ii:t!ii government theie. will be principally t ovulars. The reg iments, however. .:..- not yet beer selected. The United states transport. Seneca, arrived at San .! nan Sept. '. with Ad miral Schley and (ion. ticrdon of the IVrto Pico military commission. She then proceeded to Ponce, with .?l.t"o, I'oo for the troops. Five hundred Hebrew iamiiies from various cities are ready tocu.arkas set tlers in Per to K;eo 1 ho steamship City of Pome La; been chartei ed by Captain Filiate, of the Spanish navy, to transport b.'i Spanish ofiice-rs and !,:;0J men. (ioveruor lauuer. of Illinois, has ee leeted Miss Paisy Leiter, slaughter of Levi Z. Leiter. i t Chicago, to christen the battleship Illinois, which will be launched at Newpoit News the latter part of this mouth. The Secretary of War has ordered an investigation into the death of Private Hugh Parrett, at Montauk Point. Secretary Alger has announced that he intends" to m.-iko atounf the various camps at v. Ii e':t ia' e b nkes of men aie now sialioii.d wsth avii-w to useer 4aiuii;g for hinibelf t': exact conditiou of allairs. Governor Pinjjree Hooted Down V.'h'.le at tacking Secretary Aler by G. A. R-AUm. 10.800 Dervishes killed. A special from Colorado Spiinge, Col., of Sept. ?, says: A iitcheI bat tle occurred in this city at dayhra-ak, today, between the two factions of the silver Republican party of this 5-y.ate, in which one man was killed and 'three were wounded. Tho dead mt.a is CharleB S. Harris, of Denver, fnu em ploye at Denver of the (Juif llar'road. Tho wounded were removed bjy their friends, and their identity hns not been definitely established. It is said that a man named l'almer wa3 shot in tho cheek, but not seriously injured. Another rnan had his hand shotuearly ofl'and another received a Heshuvound in tho arm. 10.800 Dervishes killed. The P.ritish War Office has received -.- . i r t : II 1 a Uiapfucii irom oenetrai r?ir iibiuku kitrhner. the' comnuinacr oi iuh-i .-, 4 1 .. I ' m r. frYT-i t ilotAil fl'lilll 1 Omdurman saying ttjat'over ooo Arais. mounted ou camel, were dispatcheil after the fugitive Khalifa Abdullah. Tho general added that the Dervish leader was reported to be moving with BRITISH ICE-C0slL BIRNLD. How th: Disturbance Originated Twent) Kille J and f iftj Wounded. A special from Caudia, Island of ept. 7 says: Tho Pritieh battleship Caiui eidown, Laving on IcuidSirA. Pillotti, the Pritish con at Canea, has arrived here. Several c'her w arships Lave abo reached this port, ra-enforeeiaeuts of Llneiackets hao been landed uud an early restora tion of quiet is expected. The fires LiHV'i been c-xtiuguished. During the noting the Pritih and Oerman con sulates were burned. 'lhe custom house, barracks and court house were saved. (Juiet ia i d':g mpidly re stored. Sir A. Pillotti, the Pritish consul at Canea. w ho wnt to Caudia on board tho Pritish battleship Camperdown, rallied to the Foreign Ollice, saying that tLe rioting at Caudia was caused in thtf following manner: A Pritish soldier on guard at the tax ofliee was Serious Riot'ng in Candia B?tvveer Erg-ish and Mi.ssuimans. THE P0FUL1ST CONVENTION. Spain '.Vants to Send Gja I' oils tu A3ii:!a Insurceiiti Not Cruel t Their Prisoner. To Istahhsh Ha"k. MCD(TCInAMC EA NILPREION CA.tTCf MILCS 4 I I . X I -ti3JA-' . I THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. TtCk k!SlNi IN Till: St'lTi' 1 be South. Senator Tillman wa3 banqueted ia the Hotel Wentswotth. at Poi imj -utn. J X. H., rcceutlv Betlef k i:i.ifa Annur.i.Aii v: cii k tH: ial j -"-INfLUCCC , suddenly stabbed in tho back and he j dropped his rille, which exploded, jc J "1 Killing a Mussulman, ine nnng tueu J ! became general and a partv of twenty ' I I i. l i... .:..i. t . V. tuna uiut:jttiftuia, jiuiu ilio iiuiiau torpedo gun-boat Hazard, was almost annihilated before the sailors could reach the ship. In addition, a detach ment cf 4" Pritish soldiers were driven from their quarters near tho telegraph station, and many of them were wound ed. The total casualties so far as known are -JO killed and 50 wounded. The fate oi the Christians in other towus is un certain, but it is feared that only those who succeeded iu obtaiuinz refuge iu the court houses have beeu saved. The Pritish vice consul. Air. Culocherino, was burned to death in his house. Polavieja's Revolt. A special from Madrid, says General Polavieia, tho former captain general of the Philippine Islands, has issued a manifesto, in which he says that while he was never a politician, ho "cannot auv longer hearken to tho sorrows of such speed tbvat some of his wives had boon dropped along the road followed by him. I'Ljo Sirdar says, also: "Ofli cers havso l3en counting the Dervish bodies ou thid field, and report the total number of 'dead found as about lO.KK). Prom tlve nj'tmber of wounded who have crawled to xhe river and town, it ies timated thsit Id, 0(H) were wouuded Re sides the ubove between 300 awd JlK) Dervishes were killed in Omdtcrruau m hen the town was taken. I noae as. prisoners Uetween 3,00" aud 1,000 fight ing men." Iowa's Fusion Ticket. Tho fusion conveation of tho Demo crats, Populbats and silver Republicans of Iowa was held at Marshalltown. The attendance was small. A ticket made un of the three factions was! nominated. The platform reaflirms tho Chicago platform and re-asserts the. party's allegiance to free silver coinage at Hi to 1; endorses AYm. J. Pryan b leader in F.00; upholds tho commea'p meut of the war with Spaib, but score Secretary Alger aud the) national ad ministration for the conduct of hos pitals and camps. On the question of territorial expansion the sentiment of the delegates was almost equally di Tided. Pmgree Hooted Down. Governor Pingree spoke co the (J. A. R. men at Cincinnati, and during his speech referral to the mismanagement and destitution of the soldiers. He cited several instances of suffer itiz due to the delay of "rel tape," and.became very vehement iu denunciation'of such for malities at the sacrifice of comfort, health and htiman life. Alter citing a 1 -articular case of bad management iu the distribution of disinfectants, be said: If Secretary but (Jover- uor I'ingree never finished that sen tence. A voice in the audience cried: "Hurrah for Alger!'" The cry was taken up in a boisterous chorus, (iov ernor Iugree continoed his efforts to resume, and only iutlamed the audience more ami soon shouts of "Take him ctf:"" "Ye don't want to bear him!" aud the like, were heard throughout the hall. Sued for SI5.000 Damaf es. .Tames K. Scott, through bis attor ner, .L A. Johnson, has filed stiit acainst the Norfolk .V Washington Steamboat Company for S10"0 dan: h -esfor iujuries received ui a collision between the Newport Nstts and Colum bia, near Alexandria, on September IS' 7. C.F.NEKAL SIR UF.niiEHT KITCHCNER. M'nmrnander of th Anlo-Tgyptian Army whi -li destroyed the Mahui-ts' Power.) my country without protestinir. " The general asserting that he has received numerous calls to place himself at the ?ead of a teutral party, adds: "The parties which have hitherto governed Spain are rottou and the principle cause of the county's troubles." I i Hun Chan? Deposed. Li Hung Chang has been dismissed from power. It is presumed this wa; done iu accordance with the demand which, it was rumored, the Pritish minister at Pekin, Sir Claude McDon ald, was instructed to make on account of the alleged general partiality of the great Chinaman to Russia, culminating in Great Pritaiu being deprived of the contract for the Pekin-Hankow Rail road, by giving the Russo Chinese Rank financial control of the road. The Industrial Commission. President McKialey haj announced the names of his appointees on the industrial commission. Iheyare: An drew L. Harris, of Ohio: s. N. D. North, of Massachusetts; Frank P. Sargent, of Illinois; Flhson A. Smythe, of South Carolina: John M. Farquahar. i of New York; F.utrene D. CoDger, of ' Michigan; Thom-v W. Phillips, of North Carolina; C. M. D. Ratchford, of Indiana. A delegation of Alabamians called oa President McKinley recently aud invited him to visit Birmingham about the Cub cf October when it is propos ed to hold a peace jubilee. A .Manila -j eo-tl mu -: At a meeting of CO leaders cf the I ino- cf a'l sec tion, called to rii-euss tho policy of these l.-lands, eighteou of them were emphati -ally iu favr of outright an nexation to the United States and two were in favor of a reynblie. lhe gen eral native opinion is that it is best bo adopt United States Consul Williams' suggestion and t lVer liberal induce ments to the independence factious to co opeiateau t to rew at d tho services rendered. National Topiihst Convention. The middle of the- load Populists met iu Cincinnati and reorganized the People's pai ty, reuewed ita former declaration of principles and nominated its national ticket two vents and two mouttis in advance f the date of the election. Iho object of this early actiou was to hold off any such fusion as that of is ;;. While thcradicals con trolled the convention they could not carr- out their program without a b dt from Northern delegates. Iho Western and tho Southern delegates nominated Wharton barker and Ignatius Donnel ly, and declared tho principles of the reorganized party, 'lhe Pastern States were not represented. It was the smallest nat onal cotiveut on onrecarJ, and it adopted the longest platform on record, one of over T.ooo wolds. Serious Rioting in Caudia. A special from Candia, Island J Crete, of Sept. says; Caudia is iu a state of anarchy. A colli.-ion between tho Mussulmans, w ho were demonstrat ing ugaiust Furopeau control, and the Pritish authorities, who havo beeu in Btalliug Christians as revenue officials, culminated today in bloody righting between the Mussulmans aud the Prit ish troops. Riots occurred in -various parts of the city and many were killed. When the outbreak was fieicest a war ship stationed in the harbor began fir ing shells, with tho result that a or tiou of the city is in flames. The Turku set lire to the whole town of Candia. The only warship theie at the time cf the outbreak was the Pritisii gunboat Hazard, which lanole i a party of ma rines to assist the PJ0 Pritish troops there. Insurgents Not Cruel to Their Prisoners. Admiral Dewoj' was recently called upon to investigate reports that thy Spanish prisoners taken by the insur gents in the Philippines were subjected to cruel treatment. A cable message was receive! from Admiral Dewey saying that the story robably ongi nated from the fact that insui gents were unable to meet tlio w.tutj of the sick Spauish prisoners, owing to a lack physicians uud medical supplies, lie said he had been unable to liu l auv proof of acts ( f cruelty on the part of the insurgents. To F'Mablish Hanks. F. Dumaiesq, J. D. H. Luc? and W. II. Lathrop, i epi e-e-Jtiug i!o.-tou firm of De Ford .v Co., which has been ap pointed the government's fiscal agent iu Porto Rico, will establish banks at San Juan and Ponce. They believe the United States government will eventually retire the Porto Rican cur rency, w hich the local banks aro trying to maintain close to par at an arbitrary trice. It 13 valued approximately at g 1,000, 000. hat Spaoi Wants. The Si anish government La- request ed of this government the privilege to sei.d a few small gunboats to ceitaiu of tlit Philippine is'ar.d-", where the in sti'gents ure i artnulnrly a.-tive, with a view of maintaining S anih sovereign ty there. It is un 'erstood that ti:e request will be granted. To Pannrn the 5.000 Spanish Prisoners. The S anish cabinet has r.uthoi icd the Foreign Miuisfer, Alinodovar de llio, to negotiate with the Fiiiiippiuo insurgents to random the o,'0o Spanish prisoners now in has been decided to transmit money t a Manila for that purpose and for the re lief ot tLe Spanish troops, which aro urgently in need of fun is. o S...tiTn f bwr (ire it ccrr.;r JipteJ 1 Ins ho-jsir;.. Ml of that gte it region of country . ii . -.mt;. . f ti t ' and ca-t of The Central of Georgia Railroad has t',e Tl9,1:,sippi r:er i rnot a liuira decided to lay J per cent interest on biv adai te l't' k ia:-tnr. ltUec lirtt referred income bonds. tu,n CUii J li,, , t, y. ires of Vr There were cae of yellow fever gin!; Nrti! and r ut'i Citroliiu. reiorte l in Orwood. Miss. ," J-ej t. , a'so i Oe.v;i, Alabama, Mi :s-tpt i. Florid, J suspicu us cases in Meridian. Miss. j i v' i:ie-ie au I Ken r.c ! his is a Mr Vr,.,L- I'm !.-lri rf .1 o,-L n n - i dola s 1 u 1 : ii I er 1 il i :i e v ; 1 1. 1 . u: e h a'l" t a viile, 1 Ion ia, w.fe of thtt r lori'U pas senger agent of the Atlantic Coa--t Line, j died suddenly iu a drug store oa . ProU'l'iVuy, in New Y"ik. j A spc;u! f'oin .noxvtlie. Tcnr.. . says theie was aciou Itcust m the lower j part of Knox county recently, causing i much damage to lumber aud coal yard bv heavy iloods. Baltimore is about t( send a pioneer commercial expedition to Cuban aud Porto Rican pot ts to ttbt the advan tages to be derived from trade with the West Indies under th new conditions which will prevail therein with th chauge of ownership. 'lhe Commissioner of Agriculture ol . Alabama, after a trip through the east em aud southeastern portions of the State, reports the cotton crop damaged by continuous rains, boll worms and rust. ble iu ruater'al r: sod a it is nt.il pro; er conditiou - t Ii- hut !:atir.o it'll ti e : !. io'-t ii-'' v f t1 "... ; : ta' . ; meat n-..w :n j s ...m e-- lowed t' lt b'g'.ca' c- .: metit n;ad ab.iVf :.l "gll! te! 1'ig ge-.to ai t v tangible and r. t.oii .1 as fertile iu una'.-. Under i Ct loll ollg ht t a IlliV Spellivllig -i Ut : I I' hereto!" ; o devovd the raising of c tc while thfse s'uj'it liud h le.i ly mar i. foi tunate'v for t!i command such pr tive to the j rodi crops ure ii.oi- or soil, aud thi- is mere parti'-u when theie 1-: no ritat.ou !:out I oo. 1 c c'l 'ctloU I it i1- :u"ve cnretully ful-.o:-.the rtato a e t lea an I I t ci ine a .:i.tv. (Jeuet ? 'i 1 .tt hum Lai elf !.rgely io l t . baeco, uud ,cts generally , tl eV dv not. un farirer and -ia.i(er, , s s.s it-i enuniera-,!-. C.i'i vi these t s chiiM t w e of the uy true f eropf". Thf North. Twenty-one deaths were reported it New York city recent!-, due to the ex cessive heat In the regular biennial Yermout elec tioii recently, the Republicans electcii their entire state ticket, headed by Fd ward C. Smith, of St. Albans. The custom house receipts for Sat Francisco, Cab, for August amounted to .''. 7 I t. the largest for a singlt month in the records of the depart ment. I ho city of Pana, 111, has been placed under martial law. Iho sheriff took this tep m order to prevent aciash be tweon the striking coal miners and ne gro laborers, Tho Democratic State convection o! New Hampshire adopted a platform ex pressing admiration for and confident- in Win. J. Pryan. The War Depart incut is accused of incompetency, aud territorial expansion is opposed. Fire at New York City totally de stroyed tho Fast Side Boulevard Horn, Rubber, Bone and Ivory works, en tailing a loss estimated by the owueri of the building at .JO,0 M, nnd by tin police at ., 0 . The works employee 'goO girls. Israel Zangwill, the most 'prominent Hebrew iu literature since the time o Disraeli, Fnglaud'a premier, has arriv ed in New York. Ho will visit Wash iugton aud othor citios before return ing to Fugland. 'lhe committee representing the Roya Flster Yacht Club has issued a forma challenge to the New York Yacht Clut for a series of matches with the yacht Shamrock against any one yacht or Vos sel constructed iu the United States o, America for the American cup, subject to the deed of gift and conditiou agieed upon. This baa been j rcveii over and over again by the vvLtat i-vrinei s of the West who have fonud wheat growing prof itless industry and have been c me!l ed to change their s -ten of farming, and it will be found tiuo in very nev tion. The South La-, tens of millions of acres of land tspvciaily adapted to stock raiding l he bin I is well sup plied with water an mdi-q enible ad junct to stock raising ; the null is to duetive and all l.m Is of nutrdi.U! grasses gr-v luxuriously, whre tho, hhort, oi in ina-iy ctions theabneiice of anything iil.e. w .:-.ter, make-, an i leal f-huia'te u-ol cmditi i f. r the well be ing for all liillds o! .-t;.-k evei iu the year. Fe-i le. ; to Dot imoovel l the ia !. tt ary eiir.cLeH t l.e i . SiO'li e, ndltl 'll thai i"-'.! glow ii, whenever itiuiv to crop the soil f rmei stock range 1 1 does riot rc.piii e to engage in sto.-k i ai o way. if i'o : y ta: n.er iei v moat li i ;t i -1 'i ' doe ! i II the coll l j ::to it IU , ; ,., f til bo u d- ti .ib It n e l it t a ii h capital i a s;ii!l I b.gi.i bv adding a cow, a she' year to his stock, he vet ry ew vears a i.oi his a v ailable as o h I d ,eb 'is W hle'n a hog eaci: tind IU il giowlh ol ha i been acquired with a little labor and a piuoII outlay to himself. I ' put this propo sition in figures it looks as follows: Fstunated number ot farms iu the following States would be: washed during Imperor William's Idea of Peace. Emperor AYilliam, speaking at a banquet at Porta, Westphalia, on the subject of the goverruueut labors, said: "Peace will never be better guaranteed than by the German army thoroughly j f ,s3 cLatrberlaia efficient and prepared for war, sections of which w e now have the pleasing oppor tunity of seeing and admiring, (tod fra::t we may alw ays be able to care for Joseph Chamberlain in New York. Ri-jht Hon. Jos. Chamberlain, Sec retary of State for the Pritish colocies. .n i Birmingham's rej reentative in Parliament, arrived in New York re cently on the White Star liner Majestic. He was accompanied by Lis wife and A cablegram from (Jeneral Brooke, at Porto Rico, to the War Department in dicates tLat wL'le the charge tLut merican tro-ps are net receiving the world's peace with this keen aud i proper medical attention is unfounded, well preserved weapon." thera is an increase of sickness. MlicfllancoMS. Sixteen miles cf track was away on the F. '. A" P. Ry the recent storms. Foreign countries owed us a ut bal ance of siibi.oo l.i o 1 as the the result cd last year's commerce. The steamer Del Norte arrived at So attle recently from St. Michaels with s huudred disappointed miners, boip.o ol whom were almost penniless. Two til tho Del Norte's passenprs had gold dust amounting to about .Vt,0fv). The Secretary of the Treasury ha' issued a call offering to redeem the bal mice of the bonds, amounting to 5! t. coltoo, issued to tho Pacific Rai' road. The expenses of tho Postoflico Ue jaitment last year were .?'.:!,,M"',r . I'he receipts w'ero o.otoi. Thin year it is expected the receipts will reach S10o,ooo,(o", breaking all rec ords. A freight train ran into an open switch at the long bridge. South Washington, recently and Fred F;ee 'and, fireman, and Prakemau Cooper were instantly killed, while Engineer Harmon was fatally scalded. During the past fiscal year the United States exported 81, I.": worth of typewriting machine", .?:, l', "-". of bicycles, 1 PVJ'.t of sew ing machines and j?'.', TTo.so.s of eci'.-nt ific and electri cal instruments. Mrs. Ulara Barton, of the Pe l Cros Society, has returned to America, aft r distributing a fchipload of provisions in the country around Havana. Not only does Admiral Dewey regard tne work he has yet to do in the Phil ippines as of more importance tLan any mi ri ! tiA miirht roiivfv at Vi hinp- tlic-:r LanUs. an t it i rr. , ir,. v-. r.r.l t.f ...out-., t.ni i. also urges upon the Navy Department the necessity of sending a battleship and an armored cruiser to re enforce his eqtiadrou at Manila. TLe Baldwin Locomotive Works re cently shipped 4 locomotive fur the Chinese Eastern Pailwav', and gl more are being built at tLe works for tLe Fame road. Returns for the fix months ending July 1 fchow that the value of living animals imported into (Treat Britain for foo l was 4 o.:',P (?27mX,, as compared with 41-. "VTi, o"i !, texV. in the corresponding period last vear. Virginia North ( 'arolina South Carolina ( Jeorgia Pcnncsseo Alabama Mississippi Florida ' Kentucky 'lot id This would iu i i a'l fctock ot nearly I.m.m u fingliv year, w Ltc'.i at would 1 (? W ol t II ni e r -lncieasy of the e an m:i l iite w ould be Vi'l v i a soon I each t-!i- an l i i inilllol! :' d..l -if i 1 i greatly add t- ti I i ns of hi'iii-.'. Again, t;i:o liiav good stock time ' i loniiey. l best, and so ai 1 - u w ill be sail-lied w .! I : ver-i!:e I t"i in order of mteib :en that it is not only r: bt:?:je-s entiii'-1 nt d a lr.ghc: oi .b-r of n,-iiiH i.t-Mi-i living wocl implies, ati-i th' flef-'l'.f people eiet Phis Stlbj?ft is u! I 1 o I j ; ! : ! : . . it i a . c -tui int. ! l:t.t.(H 1M(, OOO lH.ooC Kt.o'M. 1-',0t . . . b', i,t); IL.'i'M ;:... i IvilKI.' . . j,:!i::,o'H) li'-l'IO'! 1!1 I1VO aiiitiials til il lov. estimate .o m',o 1. 1. 1 h at ii ii'.rinal 1 and would i buu b -ih ot a , iiiid would l;ty of 111 1 1 - rai-f moi c to uise th- toe,. lr-en Spain and the Philippines. General Jaudenes, ad interim (Jover nor of the Philippine Islands, re- flying to the government's requests ! for information as to the tine situa tion cf affairs in tLe archipelago, reports that to assure the le-estab.i-h-raent of Spanish tovereignty over the islands would require a ermanent army of '.!. o0 mn. a fleet and eudiess quantities of materials. .000 Spanish Prisoners Sent. Home. During the past week :',,') Sraaish yri-oners have been .'hip; el from fiiiiit&uai.in, ,, i,i) fiom Leon and I,'111' freu Van Ignar,.,. (idv abo,;t r-Tf; left, aud the-e will be'shij e 1 rapidly to Sj ain. Ships Decv Sank No Good. Forelsn. The British Cruiser CJeor-atrae sunk the Norwegian f-t-Looner Lively, near Haven Ieland. I he Cleoratra nl s b!u -ackets on the schooner in an furt to f ave that vessel, but Le found ered ho suddenly that six of the blue jackets were drowned In the "lO-kilornetre cycling race at Paris BonLoura, the rrencamen, beat A report from Constructor Carp-?, tt ('. W.Miller, the American cyclist, by juai.a, ;u-i ifctiu'i in vasn:ngiou, p,o metres nates tt at a?;-te trora the tsmall gun boats which Lave Leeu raised an-1 pv.t into the service of Admiral Dewey, none of the Spanish ships of war en paired in the battle cf Manila Bay is Jikelv to be raised. Thirtv Workmen kilie-J. Two si uh of the bridge cf the New York k Ottawa Raiiroad. over tho t. Lawrence river, Ler St. Regis, fell recentlv and thirtv workmen were 'killed. The coronation of ueen Wiihelmica. at m6teruam. v as a notab.e occasion Tbere were over 'gOO.ovO i-eople in the streets and around the palace. Two earthquake hocks were felt in Santiago Sept -'d. lhe first, which oc curred at g:l waa of unusual severity ar.d hLot k evtry Loure in the city. TLe fn 'Ltene l ttople ran cut into the ttreet. TLe tecond fcLock, which was lighter, occurred just an Lour later. , i k.'- iol a iiigLel '.:, l -.. it follow ? I i .lit ibbf as n ti -. v i. i t i v ng erit e. . ,11 i o i. I hi v nil nl! that tLe 1 i- !es:i e I bv pro . -A here. ea I v oini. landing rcat deal of a! tent Illid good I e- U.tn urn 1 mat. v loeiilitie But t .1 op or I u : 1 1 1 y tor it gi a' done in tins d:n-.-t k i. time to dolt. II w !,o outh. -howu in ooin mid iijor- to b .ow is lhe . in s'ock- rai-in g w I I find it a i hv ing investment. The Normal and Collegiate Institute FOR YCUNG WOMEN, ASHLYILLF, N. G. Fall Ttrr.i Be,:ini;ing S. pt. 1.. Offer f tfn- Sf ul-t. 1. A normal cours; for tL- thor ough training of teacher utj'Hr m tructors from the I t r.orn.al pchoola, embraciLg careful in-tr u-tiou in the most improved m.tl.oi f teaching, with practice in the model f-cj ,oi. 2. A fully orgam.-.d cornme'cial cour'.e for the pr andion oi youritf wom-n for cthoe work. mbrnriug Stenographv, Tvpewriting. Rok kteing. fingloaul double entry) Penrimn'-Lip. Comm'-rciai Arithmetic and Corrifpf'h-b nee. :i. A course in Do:i.ti: K i. nrt, fa) in wLich tL- pupil is tanht I) diaujLt. cut. fit, inak- garment and millm-rv, M.) T prepare a rnal wLich hloul I be healthful, economy and appetizing. TLe b-ac-Ler in tLf"e dtpart.net.ts ure from Pratt Institute, PrcKiklyn. N. Y. Svst-matic ttudy of the Ribb in all dtpartmt Lts. A -peei.ilty l made of Health Cul ture nnd-r t'w: fd the btot t-acLers in the South. By P- ial rMieta.ef.t of the Lt-gia-iature of North Cro!no. graduate from the, Norraal Depirtm- i.t are ex empt l from a-.-ir.atiMh wh-n ap j. lying for p.Mt:on in the Public Schoo!.s of the State. Coftcf Board and Tuition ia any of the Dej.arta.ents S" ) pt r term. t ?1J) for the i-cLool year. No extra except muii'. For Catalogue, addrea Rev. Thos. Lawrence, D. D., ASIIEVILLE. X. C. 1