l KlDAV. I )KC. 2, 189S. JOTTINCS. Mr. .1 M- Hobbitt's new house Ti.p 1 larsre, handsome building. Mr. Kirby made a busi- i'Jit to Morganton this week. and Mrs. I). H. Greene ''-,! ir.g at Mr. C. P. Rader's. M--..' McNaughton has been . - . time, but is convales- T:.c ';''""- l'ne likely be u to O'd Tort by Jan . - rv; es at the episcopal i next Sunday, Dec. 4th, at ; ; ,. ;ir.d 7 p. m. .!. i.c-i! court began on last .,1 . ,v Tiit-re are two murder ... ;, the ducket. .-Mr.ThwS. Medd, the variety . 'V. .': ti , lias his advertisement f vis'rnas gu'.ds in this issue. hi in cai iy. -'!':, ad;, fur another Christ--.:. ,n art appearing in our ( . . :. ain. Read them and turf-s. ;;. v. K Meyers of Old Fort , Wi.it. i.r next year. The : . j: II. I'- iihuid may take the ; i 1 ' : ! ' ' - M; II. II. (' -i'fee, of Knoxville, ... . tit r: this week to at j- huiii.1 of Mrs. Annie .-,!.; sis' e r. ; ;.; i much expressed in .,! the m.vdyism on last - . v i.is.ht. Let us have ; ! if r always. :.( xt t'-rni of McDowell ( ' 1 u 1 1 will begi n on the Moiidav in December. ! , ,. II' !iv I. Stevens on the Mr. C:. A. Bobbin's ad ,! !, big dll and Christ . .- .hi'.ys. Look at the enor- .1:1 d pretty doll in the show '.! ; Tims. Morris, the snpirio' .; (ink elect, has rented and rui'Ve to the ('liar lie Foster ,-rt r.'-ai Col. Sinclair's, within a i k .r ten days. Mr o-s ;r,u t.tth W. W. White contem im i id i ng a d wel li ng in the oi: his lot between that of ,-r, Mr. T. A. White, and bvterian church lot. t h- !--The completion of the Nica r a i ;i canal would be one of the 1:; t important commercial enter ;! s,-s of these times in the world. There ate signs of its undertak- Mr. A. V. Hrown, late quarter master sergeant of the 2d Regi ment, N. C V-, left last week for Washington to resume his work in the express business. lie is in the employ of the Adams Fxpress ' mpany. The First (Juarterly Cunfer- I c- of this district will be held :;i the Methoilist church here on the Sunday and first Mondav it December. Fresiding Flder .' .'ties, who is returned, is expected t be present. -Congress convenes on Mon ihiv next. The President's mes . :io- will be a lengthy and import .'.' document, treating mainly the 1. 'section's brought up by the war a ;ih Sp.iin. The session will ex ; :; e on March 4. The case of Scaife vs W. N. C. I. oid Co., involving about 100, uou worth of land in several west em counties of this State, recently decided adversely to the plaintiff, will be appealed to the Foiled States Supreme Court. Whv not have a dispensary :i Marion ? It is making the best ! .n evil that we cannot get rid :, and is mote orderly and more ;ro!:tabIe to the authorities. :her towns in our state like it. is worth careful consideration. -The Rev. Wm. Flack writes that he will assist the Presbyte rians here in a meeting soon after the first of January. lie would ! have been with them earlier had j not the synod instructed him to j devote the last two months of the : year in the financial part of the ! synod's evangelistic work. It is stated by the Asheville ' Register that Mr. Pearson has de manded a recount of the votes cast tor Congressmen from the ninth district. It is stated that Pearson will contest Crawford's election before the house of representatives. Why of course, he has the major ity there on his side, but will they do his will ? We'll ?ee. Prof. W. K. Abernethy of Rutherford College informs us that there is no ti uth in the rumor that he has sold out his interest in that educational institution. An offer for the properly from a joint stock company was declined and the school will remain under its pres ent management. The next term will open Jan. 9. Spain has accepted practically all the demands of the United States and peace is assured. We pay S-0.000,000 for the Philipines, instead of being paid that amount for feeling compelled to take them. The war ( hanged the map of the world considerably, and this gov ernment enters upon a new and dangerous policy. To Cure Const t.tt Ion Kuretfr. Tal;. .iscaret s Candy Cathartic. 10c orSSc. )l C. C (,'. til 10 cure, Urusfc'Hjt-j jynua Uiout). Look out next week for the dainty line of holiday goods at Swim.ki.i.'s. Fine lamps for hall and sitting room, nice china, quaint and pretty, at Swindell's. Parties in Marion are endeav oring to obtain a franchise to put in a new telephone system in Mor ganton. If you want something that is up to the mark in tastefulness and quality and moderate in price, in spect the new holiday goods at SWIXUKLIS. At Swi.mjki.l's, a nobby line of Chatelaine watches in gold and silver; an excellent line of silver novelties ; beautiful designs in sil verware ; handsome patterns in link buttons, rings, pins, etc. There will be a communion of the Lord's supper in the Presby terian church on the second Sab bath of this month at the morning services. Preparation services will be held in the church on Friday night and Saturday morning pre vious, at 11 o'clock. Mr. Reuben Clarke left for Portsmouth, Va., on last Saturday to resume his position in the United States Navy yard. The "Childrens Home" enterprise which he and Rev. Mr. Greene had arranged to establish will be held in abeyance for the present. The pastor of the Presbyte rian church was treated in a most appreciative and thoughtful man tier by the iadies' society of the church in the gift to him of a fine coat and vest last week. Words do not express the extent of the appreciation of the favor, and may that Being that can bestow greater blessings than man posseses, be liberal to them of His gifts here and in the beyond. In the Charlotte Observer re cently, it is stated by the Morgan ton correspondent, that Mr. Spain hour would contest for the solici torship to which the face ot the returns have given Mr. Ilarshaw 20 majority. If more votes, it is stated, will be found to have, been properly cast for Mr. Spainhour, then this will furnish the basis for a contest for the seat. A fashionable wedding will he held at the home of Mrs. C). II. Weed, jr., "Broad Oaks," on the I. ":h inst., when Miss Sue Caldwell, of Greenville, S C, who has boarded there for some weeks, is to be married with Dr. Bull, of Paris, France, an orculist of large practice. Miss Caldwell has traveled extensively and met Dr. Full in Paris, where they became engaged. The wedding service will be conducted by two Roman Catholic priests from South Caro lina. After the ceremony the cou ple will go direct to Paris, where they will have their home. Her ald. The jurors for the term be ginning Monday, Dec. 12, are W. A. Brackett, G. W. McUurry, II. A. Ileffron, V. W. Cooper, T. V. Lytic, .1. A. Seagle, T. L. Poteet, Fred Ledford, J. C. Garrison, W. II. Ledbelter, M. J. Harris, A. W. Wilkerson, L. M. Price, R. F. Sisk, John Silver, W. L. Padgett, .1. P. Ray, C. W. White, A. L. Hogan, W. L Settlemeyer, Xoah Green. G. W. Bradley, R. R. Gettys, J. L Dobson, James Hennessy, L L. Walker, F E. English. R. S.Curtis, I. J. Marlowe, J. S. Hemphill, W. J. Gibson, T. L. Upton, A. L. Bird, C. J. Heatwall, B. S. Rabun, !. C. Hensley. Recently Mr. John Yancey, jr , suffered the loss of his comely cal ico horse. Some one with evil in tent and no fear of the law stole the animal, saddle and bridle out of the stable, riding to near the foot of the blue ridge, about twelve miles towards Bakersville, when his fears, perhaps, got the better of him and he turned the horse loose, throwing the saddle in the corner of the fence near Mrs. Reid's. It is supposed that a sus picious darkey rode the horse. On Friday night last the mail rider to Mica found and returned the the animal to Mr. Yancy unhurt. Nothing is known of the thief. Mis. Annie Nichols, the wid ow of our former townsman Mr. W. W. Nichols, of respected mem ory, died in Morganton near one o'clock Wednesday, of consump lion. The funeral service was conducted there yesterday morn ing by the pastor of the Baptist church, she having been a consist ent member of that denomination a number of years. On yesterday the remains were brought here on the west bound train and imme diately conveyed to the cemetery and laid to rest t t-side her husband. Otiite a number of friends gathered for the funeral service which was conducted by ttie pas tor of the Presbyterian church here, the Baptist congregation having no pastor at present. The most disastrous bbzzard and snowstorm since iS5S pre vailed over the New England and Middle States on Saturday and Sunday last. In New York, MaS i sachusetts and Connecticut the ! snow was ten inches to two feet ; on the level and drifts in many I places were from iS to :." feet i deep. Railroad and telegraph j business was blocked or inter rupted for two days At lea?t a I hundred persons lot their liveg, and many vessels on the coast were driven ashore and wrecked. The steamer Portland from Boston fur Maine, with about a hundred passengers, went down and not a sou! survived to tell of the disas. ter. No such storm so early in the season has been experienced in 47 years. Kiluoate our Uo- U With t':ioarctpi. Cuiulv t.tbartk cure cons-tipunon forever. IU;. II 9. c;. fail, aru-iM ri I md auf. TIMELY WORK. r,",,n-' rvn , I r,.pnrin is iixa iil l'.,r I'ruit IMaiitinu To those who c-.iu-iiir hit.- fruit plant ing nxt hprihy th Iowa Homestead 'ifffcr.s tlip fr.llrnvi.,- ri-roimiir.ndations: All the pn-ijaratiou.- h;nl he mad sc far h possible this fall. The n-ound fchouM h-thoroughly plowt-d, and plo-w-fc'l deeply, ,! jf it u. a kind ( f goi that -will Us benefit! d by subroiliuff the woik hould bf d,,ij.- tJu-n, fer it i.s gen erally admitt. that mL.-uiliiitf is not (i inueh advanta;-i if ih.nw in the priny. Thu thoruuyh uvA deep prepa ration of tliHsoil m th-lall often makes aW tb- li:!Vn-nce in th- wv.rM between fcueress failure, and in those, eases whr-tlie planting would not entirely fail the suere.-s will be mueh better with thon nrh fall pr. j.aratiou of the ground. This is true (Jf tree planting and of all kinds of small fruits as well, and whatever may be one's ideas about lall j lowing in general arieulture there is no doubt ulont the matter wh re fruit planting is in que.-tion. Another point at which fall prepara tion should he made is in th ordering of trees. The H-Jeetmns should be made and the orders plae.-d in the fall, and indeed it is not a bad plan to have the trees delivered then, too, in which case they should hy buried close to where they are to be set out and mulched fuihciently to prevent the ground from alternately freezing and thawing. I3y adopting this course the planter has his trees under his own control in the f-pring, can plant w hen h. is ready and can guard again.-t the drying out of the roots that makes so much of thy plant ing that is dene a mere throwing away of stock and labor. If tues arj received in the fall and carefully buried and then as carefully brought to the light and air in the spring, tiny are almost cer tain to grow when planted, which can not always be said of trees received in the spring, even when planted with tho greatest of care. Many planter-: dig th" holes for the spring planting of trees in the fall or during the open weatlur in the winter. 1 his has some advantage, p. :icularly in the time that is saved in rhe spring when other work pres.e-. One of the ol'ji eti'ins niiifie to hprint,' planting hy tline who live in f lociility that permit- a elii'ii'e between p.rin and fall i-i tliat work is so invent in the spring that tune enoo'!i is not likely to he tak- ii to plant the tiees as carefully us it f-houM l,e done. The oljeetion lia force, hutitean he rohhe.l of much of it iy inaKin m tlie tail every preparu- Hon th:it is iiiU-iJ.!,. so j, to "h:iv. iif.Ui- hnt thci ac tual planting to do when ' ' spring e lines. L)i:i:iiy, the holes Diiny the holes in tho fall is one of the points at which valu able time can he save.l in the spring. A Iliil::l-lp!ii!i Institution. Lettuce is fall sown and grown with out heat in tic famous Philadelphia truck gardens. The following informa tion ahout the "shanty house," an in- SIIANTV HOfSK FOK LKTTL'CE. ftitution of high repute among Phila dclphi;v gardeners, is quoted by Rural New Vorkei from an exten.-ive grower: "joth frames and shanty houses are huilt right on the ground. There is no liothrd foundation or anything more than Held cultivation. Owing to the way the structures are built we can re move the whole thing and work up the ground with a horse and plow or cul tivator. Tho frame?, built with boards laid right on the top of the ground, the . a.ht s over them. The shanty houses are built just like the frames as to the bed, but a ridgepole and rafters are Pet up, and, instead (if a single line of sash, there is a double row meeting at the top to furm a high pitched roof. The root" is mueh steeper than that of a greenhouse, having a pitch of ahout six inches to tho foot. "The .sides are formed with a single hoard one foot high, this being nailed to short posts in the same manner as onti would do for a cold frame. The center posts and ridgepole are made, of y by 4 scantling. The roof is composed of i by '.1 foot sashes nailed or screwed to the sides and ridge. The ends aivi closed in with barn boards, or any kind of cheap lumber, and a door about 2 by 4 feet inches for entrance. There are mi rai.-ed beds, the lettuce being plant ed on the ground level. Tho shanty h'usi-s catch and hold a greater body of in at than the frames and hurry the ealad along. " Ni'H mill ott'. Si 1 far as heard from, tho rate of yield of potatoes indifferent sections varies gn atiy. The last crop report of the depart ment of agriculture gives no average condition of tobacco for tho whole coun try, but ivp-rt for nearly all the im portant tobacco growing states from s9 per cent (as in the case of Kentucky) to per cent (as iii the case of yTen-nes.-ee 1 of a full crop. In r gard to clover seed the govern ment's crop circular states th;V: it ia manifest from the reports that have bet n received that the acreage- is less than it va Iat year, and that, the con dition is in the main unfavorable. In many states there has been a more or less e.tenive conversion of clover field to pasture, owing to the pox prospects. The Ohio station coniudes from wheat tetthat Velvet Chilf is best for black lands. Valley for sirong bottom lands and Poole for lighter soils. In comparative tts cfl 11 varieties of rape at the Minm fota station Dwarf Essex trodneed the laijest yield. TO Cl'KK A LIIN ON K TiLr T .untivr llr. .mo 1 ::mnc TaVcts. All .'rus-iM.ts r:-.:n,! more M it it tails to cure. ei-r.ts. The -cauinc l as I.. H '. on each tablet. rvDr. (laillail S. Teunent of Asheville will b in town lor one dav and will se patients alter 12 o'clock at Molphew's Drugstore, Frid.iv. Dec. 0h. Practice limited to lie;lses of fLhe eM'. -it Tlie wist -bound tram ot Thursday v7as delayed about two hours on acoam of an eccentric having bfen broken about two miles east of Marion. 9. .ft I ii t.-r flit 1 r'ioi'. Mr. Bo a . at iU'.ki- llailiaw Mitchell an. C. If :i !' : ! t ' omi t. s-VUH:. 1 1 h 'i .i,ihcd M I . thai his majoiity in ul:: was 1013. This elected Spaiuliour. Several da8 later Mr. Bownjan telegraphed Ilarshaw that bis majority was 1141, which would elect Hnrshaw by 20. Mr Spain houi 's euriosity was excited to know how it was that tin- n. joriM tor . irhavr a up so h:'h a lew bts at'er n election and he and V. L. Lam belt, esq., have this week exam ined the returus in the Clerk's otlice in Bakersville and found palpable frauds which show that Spainhour and Messrs. Eaves and Lambert were elected bejond any question. Thus under 4-tbe honest election law " in tin strongest lie publieau county v 'Vestein North Caiohua. Dr. A. P. Rowe, dentist, from Hlsie, Mitchell county, came over last week on a short visit. Delicate I I Children 1 They do not complain of j anything in particular. They g j eat enough, but keep thin and X pale. They appear fairly well, $ but have no strength. You jj cannot say they are really sick, and so you call them j$ v delicate. What can be done for them? 2 t Our answer is the same that 1 thp hrtt nhvsirians hnvp heen 3 i V t ' rr r,( n M tury. (jive them . g Scon s Bniiisionj j of Cod-LlVCr Oil With Jfj'0- l tJlOSphiteS. It has most IC- t j markable nourishing power. 5 j fc It glVCS Color to the blood It " I K t . . . t .!... 9 K nr nr". sirenrrm m r ip rnii. w t aHf. vpr tn th 5 T. , " nerves.. 11 iiicaiii. rouu.i f health and vigor. Even deli- x cate infants rapidly gain in C flesh if given a small amount JJ three or four times each day. v 50c. and $1.00 ; all druggists. "2 SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists. New York. THE STANDARD RAILWAY OF THE S O LT T H . The Direct Line to All Points. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA CUBA AND PORTO RttTO." Strictly lirst-class equipment on all Through and Local Trains , Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains; Fast and Safe Schedules. Travel by the Southern and you are assured a Safe. Comfortable and Expe ditious Journey. Applv to Ticket Agents for Time TablesRates and general information, or address R. L. Vek.on, F. R. Darby, T p A C. P. & T. A.. Charlo'tte',N. C. Asheville, N . C. No Trouble to Answer Questions. Frank S. Gannon. 3d V. P. & ' J. M. Cl'lt, T. M. W. A.Turk, O. P. A. WASHINGTON. D. C. cttcr to 1 My Dear Friends: Knowing as vour every wish concerning the Christmas tide now so near at hand, this method of doing you a little service in the way of setting you right in making selec tions of the numerous little gifts you are to purchase for those who are near and dear to vou. And the matter is indeed very simple for in vour city there is a store in which is assembled together such a goodly assortment of attractive and useful presents that cannot! fail to please the most fastideous purchaser.! T nm sure vou will agree with me that the! . ! line is by far the nicest and most artistic! ever in your city; that each article will ap peal strongly to the very best taste, means and preference of every right-minded prac tical buyer. Take my advice and see if this is not so. j Do your Christmas shopping largely at the store of J. B. Swindell. Sincerely your old friend and well wisher. TMs C. A. EVERYTHING The Largest Doll in Town Seen TO BE GIVEN AWAY CHRISTMAS EVE, Koike of Sale. V T NIICK am hv virtue of the ntithoritv coiilcrrcd on tnc as commissioner lv a k-crtc ol'tlic SutK-rior Court ot Kurkccount v a.; in a civil aiti.in cntitlcil I. aura M. Avcrv ami Jmiirovcmcnt Cumjiany ami others, I j vvill. on Monday, the oth dav of December, 18'JS, tlie same luiiij; the first Monilay, expose to sale lor cash, to the highest bidder, jit the Court House door in the town of Morgan- ton. N. C. Hll those four certain tracts of land. to-vit: I-yinfj in the counties of iturke and Mcliowell, consisting: of tour several tracts, three of said tracts of land lyinjj on the north fork of the Catawtia river and Linville river, beinj; the lands conveyed by the Carolina I nvestnicut Company to The Morfjanton Land and Improvement Com pany, by deed of date the 17th day of April, isyi, as by reference to said deed as re Corded in the office of the Register of I iced m of McDowell county will more fully appear, said three tracts ajrjrreKatinK fifteen thou sand two hundred and eighty acres. The fourth tract adjoininy'the above and known as the I.inville Falls tract, for com plete description of which relerence is made to a deed from J. ;. Wiseman and wife to The Moruanton Land and Improvement Company, dated December 1 7th, 1h;io, em oracinR seven hundred and eighty acres, all of said four tracts in the aKyrexate em bracing sixteen thousand and sixty-eiht acres, and beinn the tracts embraced in a certain deed of trust executed by The Mor ganton Land and Improvement Company, on July 17th, 1H'.7, as recorded in the otlice of the Register o,f Deeds of Mcl "owcllcountY, in Hook No. , pages 4-57 to ... inclusive. This 1st dav of November, IS'.ih. I". 11. DAVIS. Commissioner. the t'f the speedy and permanent cure of teller, j.Aijt rheUm and eczema, Cham herlain a .eye .-- aaui Oiniii...- . without an erua!. It relieves the itch ing and smartiiifj almost instantly and its continued use effects a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch, scald head, pore nipple?, itching pales, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. Dr. Cady'g Condition Powders for horses are the best tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Trice, 2.1 cents. CxrThose who buy coffee of me I will grind it free while you wait only a minute or so Bobbin's. at C. A. D me reonie. I do happy I take SANTA CUAUS, My BOBBITT, YOU'LL NEED FOR XMAS. Attractions That Attract At Gorman's, the Jeweler. IN the way ot High Art .Silver and 3 our parlor. .lewelry licit are so very useful that alter did without them. wur ime win Ue HJM I'LL I bv j tlu. lafPSf tin vid t iow i n 1 ,K 1ll-tt UOMIUCsltJ Sterling Silver .11 id Cut Glnss SILYKtt PLAT LI) TAI'.LL AM) HOLLOW-W ALL that will wear. .Jewelry of the very best quality. In fact, every aiticle we sell wv i ( ' A KANTLL. All Roods bought of" us will be LNCKAVLI) FULL OF rilAIU.L. Yours for U A ltd A INS, J. H. GORMAN. B o e o o a o o e ; New goods in every department. We cordially CD ? t ; call and look through. STOCK COMPLETE Greater variety than ever. Prices will astonish you. Latest things in Capes and Jackets. Never leave town until you see us. Respectfully, A, BUANTON, t CLOSE TO COST. Having bought the valuable stock of goods formerly belonging to Mrs. McCurrv, they will be sold nearly at cost prices to make room at an early day for my Fall and Winter Stock of Goods. I will sell for cash, and those coming first will se cure the tarest bargains. If you are in need of Ready-Made Clothing, Dress Goods, or anything in the lines of Dry Goods, Shoes, Notions, Hardware, Tinware or Groceries, it will be of interest to you to call and sec this stock. I will also pay the highest cash market prices for merchantable country produce Wheat, Rye, Chickens, Eggs, etc. Respectfully, A. J. BAILEY. At the McCurry Stand. 3 in My Window. Wan- (r jour table, to adorn iur person. ur dreser Novelties UMiig ihem ou will won.h-r how oti the .!h of Dcctinbei eouipr:siu invite the pubh o o o o o i c 10 ; N

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