www WW WW 4 VOL 4 r.cLF.s wk don't nRF.AK. J The schedule of the Southern ; 70 z. Iou't take the paper out of the posl office utile? you intend to pay for it. No candidates' announcement pub Ildlnd nnlfM paid for in advance. Lcal notices 10 rents per 1 in for f r-t insertion, 5 cents thereafter. liplay ads $H0 p'r column per year. i JiUBSCirTIOX It ATF.S. One Year - $1.00 Six Months - Thre Months- - - No subscription will be uken unless Rairoal has been changed. The 1 paid for in advance. 1 Fire cent- per line for all obituaries ; westbound paner train a due lien at 1 :, unci the uaelbound at j 4:11 p. m. All who start from this slate to South i Carolina, are warned that the .'egisla tnreofthat state passed a law that if t'ey take a drink of whisky ou th journey, they are required to stop at the stale line and throw it up. Judge Jacob Bowman, (ieorge Pritch ard, Senator elect Hlack and others from Mitchell and Yancey counties passed through Marion Monday en root to Raleigh The jude is Jeter Pritchard's father-in-law, and of coure they will all pull for Jeter for the Sen ate. Maj. Wilson, owner of the beautiful Pleasant Garden farm, has recently brought to light an old home-made aword which was used by en. McDow ell during' the .Revolutionary war. (Jen. McDowell formerly owned Pleasant (Jardcns. We learn from the Ashevilla Citizen that a cow chewed, and eo far as we know, swallowed, a pair of old pants belonging to an Asheville policeman. Now, what eliect will such a diet have on the milk? It almost gives us milk sick to contemplate it. lint if the cow survives her dinerous experiment, -e have no riftht to complain. ARRIVAL ASH DKPARTUUE OF TRAINS. SooTiiim RAitnoDW. st bound trm rmi at Marion tt 1.&7 p m., and leaves at 2.04. Ft bound trin arrives t 4:15 ad leaves at 4:1 1 p. m. (J.. '. C. hiiLnoAU Train hi rives at 12:1 p m , nnd leaves a. 4:45 p. m. LOCAL GLEANINGS. Kring your job work to the Kicori. C.'apt. Jaden, of Vein Mountain, was in town Monday. Mr. Frank Dale spent. Sunday with friends el Nebo Ciry. Messrs; Jan. l. and Ab. Weaver, of Thermal, ver in town Tuesday. "The man who would have done .so and To if he had been there never ct thrc. Mr. I-ee P.Crawford left Tuesday for Kalei-i totakelti- seat in the legisla ture. Charley Forster kM? a lirst-class meat market, next door to Kjmj. Sam Dale's. Advertisements are the legs that b is.ii ens walks on. Try the Kkcoiu's Columns. - -We have put in a new and splendid job press, and can do all your job print lug cheap. Mr. VT. F. Craig is in Raleigh look" ing after thr position of railroad com- misioner. L. L. McKay, of our town wauts to boy for cash V.t,'yO feet f poplar lum ber, at one. Don't Fell your Peas, Eggs, Kye Cora, ltean Ac, until you se J. U. iehols & Bro. Monday was juite a busy day with magistrate, commissioners and the board of edncatlon. Mr. J F. Morphew is in P.aleigh' where he will content the scat of Mr. Crawford in the legislature. Kgg stay 15 cents per dozen. Hotter in 15 rents por pound, and vegetables and eatables federally scarce. Mr. Jame. P.. Swindell, o;:r popular jev.olcr, is permanent lv located in Ma rion, with a neat stock of goods. Dr.JC.ro. 1. Pcid. of Old Port, who' had a leg broken Sept. :!7th, was well enough to como to Marion this ueek. Mr. Will Nichols emiles because a fine ten-pound girl arrived at his house last week a a New Year's gift. J. C. Pool, Esq., went to Ka eigh to help some of the boys out in the scram ble for pie, and especially Jeter Pritch ard. All the engines used on the South ern read arn having the letters "S. II." put on them instead of the letters "It A D." Charlie Itird, who got too close to the J.usiness end of a mule recently, is recovering from a painful kick, and warf in town Monday. A delightful party was enjoyed by the yoang people of Marion at the hos pitable home of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Mc Kny last Saturday night. Will some of our subscribers in Ashe And Wautauga counties haul us over A cord of firewood? These people about here sometimes forget their premises to paj in wood. Mrs M. M. Craig, of Colorado, who is A sifter to our townsman, Mr. Joe. C. Brown, arrived in Marion last aturday to visit her relative Mte has not been here for 2- years before. A lrge nun. her of o.ir country friends were in town Monday. Sctii? kind-hearted ones reme.r.ibi red lh Record, and paid their subscription, for which we are thankful. Many stubborn and aggravating cas es of rheumatism that were believed to be incurable and accepted as life lega cies, have yielded to ChaniLerlain'sPain iJalm, much to the surprise and grati fication of the sufferers. One applica tion will relieve the pain and suffering and its continued use insures an effec tual cure. For sale by Morphew & While, Druggists. The Value of a Hyphen. I recall an advertisement which act ually appeared, sans hyphen, recently in a London daily, to-v. it : "llr. and Mr. Nathan Levi, having cast off clothing of every description, invite an early inspection " Chap-Book. Iu the Blizzard. Sing a song- of icicles. In the sunny South ; WWen suits and rubber boots, And muffled to your mouth! Sing a eongof snowstorms, Ritin' wind and sleet: Break the rule and bell the mule And sleigh it through th stree Sing a song of cyclones, Sweepin' through your soul ; Give a bale of cotton rale For haif a ton of coal ! Sing a song of freezeout Early morn and late; Sugar's sweet and Hard to beat, but better take it straight ! Atlanta Constitution. lia-illlaut SticceM of 1'rof. AV. . Itauall. The Morganton Herald published a sketch from real life, the hero of which is William U. Kai.dall, of lurke coun ty, in that State, who, filled with a Iiudab'e ambition to acquire an educa tion and make a name in the world, walked away from his home under the shadows of Tabk Hock, and, without money or influential friend, graduated with distinction at the State I'uiversity :ind by unremitting toil, and industry has become one oT the foremost por trait painters in America. Today, in his studio iu Paris, yoi.n Randall is t xccut ing ''OMU7iisi!i!&for the portrait of 5tnatofs. go.eriMr und ijeau'.ifiil women from all parts cf tne l. nited States. Baltimore Sun. Prof, ilatniall is well-known in Marion, having lived here, as a school master a number of vears. Carlton Cornwall, forsman of tl; azette, Middletown, N. J-, believes that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy hould be in every home. lie used it for a cold and it effected a speedy cure. He sayi : "It is indeed a grand lemedy, can recommend it to all. I have also seen it used for whooping cough, with the best results." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Morphew & White, Druggists. Tie flew Fiend Run us out of the old stand, but wc are now fitted up in the Hyams Store House, next door to the Baptist Church with a large stock of Bring us all your produce. 31c CALL CONLEY. GENERAL NEWS ITEMS, pkitciiakd am bi tlkk Having deciaed to remain in Marion, I respectfully ask a continuance of the patron age that I have received from the people of this community. Thanking you for the liber al favors o the past, I am very truly yours. TIIK JKWELER. Parties desiring Firo IniiuraiK'e Please give mo i A call. I am n , ,. . Ag.'iit for a eocd uhcil your patronage. 2ly oflic Building, where I ic i nt th old Crig Hatl Eler Suspicion. Mary ?.l. Sccly and Jason Hodges, of Proviacetown, Caie Cod, were engaged to be married for 43 years. The en gagement was broken last Thursday, because Jason pulled a corkscrew out of his pocket along with his handker ch;ef. Miss Seely says she is glad the discovery was made, because ;;he had had her suspicions for 3o years. Phila delphia Ledger. Hoard of Elu-nf ion. The board of education met last Monday at the court home. Members present were II. A. Tale, chairman, J F. Wilson and T. A. Morphew, actinj. secretaries. I he l)oari procetueu to apportion the Heboid fund. It was found that the total receipts for school purposes was $ii,'73.41. Amount deducted for expenses $.111.4t Balance ' $5,HJ1.f() This gives each child in the county $1.20 for school purposes. 1 know an old sold er who had chronic diarrhoea of long standing to have been permanent ly cured by takins Chamberlain's (.'(die. Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy," says Kdward Shumpik a prominent druggist of Minneapoli Minn. "I have sold the remedy in this citv for "over ?-even years and coniider it suerior to any other--medicine now on the market for bowel complaints. 25 and .r0 cent bottles of this remedy for sale by Morphew & White, Drug gists. Died nt Ihe Age of HO l esrs Aunt Cinda Creenlee, colored, i.iotne of Tug Cireenlce, who died a few wee! ago, died at the borne of Shiii tireenleo. who is a grand son of the old lady, last Sunday night of old age. She was the oldest person perhaps in North Caroli na She leaves great grand children in this section who are married and have children. Her descendants will pe haps number one hundred a:;d fifty peo r lc and was a most useful servant of t he early settlers of this country i5 years ago. i Xom" li ouiins-sivrie:- 'i ioi e. Trrer.ty f Mci on-U r :i;i '-: .! ma rit rales asemblci iii iic i-.: house in Marion on Monday toiie county commissioner to fill the vacancy ( Itoss Pearson's Scheme Busted. Vccording to the News and Ob server Richmond Parson wont to Raleigh the other day to dictate to the republicans just how and what to do in regard to the senatorial matter. II called a meeting in his rooma, which was largely at tended, for the purpose of indors ing Pritchard and Butler for the senate. Some- vigorous kicking was dene by some of the Republicans pres ent, and no action was takxm. The Nhws and Observer, npeak- insj of Poarson'H methods to secure Pritchard's indorsement, faya : . 'Republicans exhibit considera ble feeling against Pearson for his ollicious interference in the sena torial contest.". Well, we will wait with woll wishes and willingnes to salute our new Bonators. PA R A G It API I E I FOR THE RECORD READERS. The legislature met yesterday. Congressman Post, of Illinois, dit-d Monday. J. C. N'cFr.rland, postmaster at olunibus, is deud. Ren. Hampton, a Rutherfordton merchant, has assigned. Captain JJursko killed Captain Rittlr, both of the German navy, while engaged in a pistol duel. Coxcress is in session, but to far nothing at all of importance has been done. Hence no report. Senator Harris, of Tennesson, and Senator Pettigrew, of North Dakota, will succeed themselves in the Senate. This, the 5th North Carolina in ternal revenue district, has a great er number of distilleries than any district in the United States. Is the AVaj it Look. Walter is to be Speaker. The caucus of the reps and pops held in Raleigh Tuesday night de cided upon Zrtb Vance Waher for speaker of tho houe of representa tives. He i tr;in Davidson. The republican nominated T. N. Halliburton, of llurke, for eer-geant-at-arma ; Spencer Blackburn for reading clerk, S. E. K. Buchan an, of Mitchell, for 3rd assistant clerk; L. L. Hoyt, of Onslow, for 1st assistant engrossing clerk; E. Atkins, of Guilford, 3rd assistant engrossing clerk; all the above be ing senate ollicera. The popull.ts nominated for sen ate ollicers: Hill King, for chief Keep a good li-v. uf .Hardware. My stock Will be more complete Than ever. Honine T.i . YOI IIS TIU I.Y. "W. IP, vJOISTES. g,." I am Lewis Maddu i, 1'rksidicxt. t. L. T. McLotD, Ca.hi.b. WESTEBK" CABOLIITABA.2C it:si;.VTi.i ST4TK Ds;poHiroitv. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $2K nnn. Mr. Jas. Garrison, of Mcrganton and Mr. Patterson, of Texas, were in Clarion yesterday. Mr. W. Johnson, of Manchester, X. Il.,arrived hereon yesterday's I rain and will spend a few months among us for his health. Mr Wallace Hyams, the talented young editor of the ltakersville Enter prise, died January 1st, at his home in iiaker.uille, cf tjphoid fever. He leaves a wife and one child. Handsome line of ladies' lac pin1?, baby pins, scarf and stick pins, watch chains and fobs, silver and gold plate lock bracelets at Swindell's. There is good reason for the popu'ar itv of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Davis A riuzard, of We?l Monterey, Clarion county, Fa., ay : "It ha cured people thai, cur ph)&ciaus could do nothing for. We persuaded tliem to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Ilemedy and they now recommend it y. iio f I'f re-t of us &,j I ."-0 cti b':t t e- ! v.- -lie by .....:( e; VVi i.-, Governor Carr has commuted th death sentence of Fred. Lloyd, who was sentenced to hang in Hender son county, to 25 years in the pen. The Citizen says that Tom Ward, colored, a car coupler, was instant ly killed on tho yards of the South-' ern, at Asheville, last Saturday! 1 night. Tt is said that the cold snap has ' ruined tho fruit and vegetable crops of Florida. It is said that 2,000,000 boxes of oranges out of 2,500.000 on the trees, are ruined. The President has approved an ' act to establish a national military . park at tho battlefield of Shiloah ' similar to those at Gettysburg and . Chickamauga, carrying en appro-: priation of $75,000 for purchasing tho land. An Asheville dispatch of Jan. Vk IL". FOR SALE CHEAP dose of choral wuicn is mougni to A .nncc CIULOT PRHPi-RTY in We have Special facilitu s for hnndlinar the busimss of Merchant clerk ; J. B. Lloyd for 1st assistant i n u- t v clerk!A K Wallace of Ruther- and otI,ers 111 NN ctorn Norlh ohnn. If you hav no Rank account ford, for engrossing clerk ; Howard or think of a chance, we will ! ir'ad to have von corrosnond with ... t r it- x- a i w junes, ui arieu, lor isi assisianv engrossing clerk. It seems that the contract al leged to have been made to elect Pritchard u:id Butlor to the s-rnate will be carried out. A.B.&ILKEWSOI I Lai UUUU La D I o Have opened their Grocer Store in th Southern end of the FlcmmingHote , whoa tliey are prepared to lurnish the public w everything in the Grocery Line. Wc will a?so have our Livery Stabe equipped with good horses and vehices in a few days Respectfully A. B. GILKEY & SON Marion for residences. Three room have been taken with suicidal in- tmnt TIa w.vh 55 vears old and was a'native of Grand Rapids. cottage, stable, fruit trees, grape , , ... vinos, excellent well of water, etc. A North l kesboro dispatch to ... , . .., , , M the No -v. and Observer, says: Two This ,s a high and beautiful loca- fatal blows dealt Drew ry Coffey, tion, and on a good street. AY ill on Jan. 4th, supposed to have been go at a bargain in one lot or will done by his brother while drunk, bUb-divide to suit purchaser. n,, lua . ib two dnv later. The affair occurred near Mulberry. 10 ACRE TRACT one-fourth mile . . ... , , , . A from 3 C's depot. Good water, and All ASIHUUO unjiaiu wx WmJivwUnfMll HA WARE Hardware land lays well. nMF Rinnii LOTS. 1 mile from Tan 7th savs! A sensation was created here today by the sailing in a lot of the Asneville Street railroad to r imltrmont of nine hundred dollars. The road was courthouse containing small house purchased by A. Moore. The for sale cheap. roud i :n full running oruer, em i "OearTim: lam spndinc you my old eoat b parcels mM. 1 h.ive'Ut ou made! by the reij:nat ion the buttons because it will make it Crawford, who was fleeted to the W-gia-lighter. You will lind them in the j lature anl eotild not till both otliee.. breast pocket Yours, etc., Pat." j chairman dohn Laiuhrid;e, of ly- . sartsville, presided over the lnedinc i apt. J. l . -)ri(ii is in jijtieiii. ii is said bis friends have endorsed him for doorkeeper of the House, of Kepre entative, a place he is well jualified to till, liaviuj "been there" before. All person.-, ii.d-i i u iu i . of Mr. Lv V. i note or account will pleas? .v?uie J. S. Dysart Tor Sale. bracing ('lx or seven Lines ui tiia. and running about 10 cars. Saved Troni Hie Fire. T have saved bedsteads, bureaus, w s'ps'-c ehnirs. sorinsrs, lab!g, ..1 Ail Tho vr'- hii ;'. t:u I;".e in i'rO'1 of -A. i:. RIIRIIRRAN LOTS. I have some beautiful lots for $10 to $50 t ach. 5 ACRE TRAClS Ten of thsc just close enough for good market or poultry farm?. Prico low. Ap nont for ot'.ieri I have a lift of LAR3Z AND SHALL FARMS 1 -1 iixV-C1 M M UM While w have jreod sidewalks on Mam street, thereare several crossings, back streets. Ac that need repairing. The sidewalks and crossings to the de put and elsewhere need attention. Where is that firewood voh pronu-ed to bro sr "Q if y" lived We don't ear? . ; :.itn i: !i:ri:,Mvi:'i'., bu: al'rait 3 ; u- ;U-::d, ::: v. wii". so . r.u haw ihe pleasure of publih your obituary. I have a tiood and He'istrr. Ice Hr"wn was secretary. j.jj sejj fwr cash or on j o i .m ... i' i ii.,...., On the first ballot Mr. 1'. Ii. Uernp- , time. W.M. Mr J. Hl RfilN. w. c. .Nr.wo N'n Lenoir, N. C. All IVotice. persons indebted hill received nine votes, Mr. U. II. Moore, of Old Fort, reeeived nine vte anpMr. A.W. William received three c'om i i i me i: t ar v votes. . -.i i ..i . it i. : 1 1 , lilniit.-.n in;iet inll 1 n'l iiir-. ..f Miiorc. .livfn.and Mr. J. I.. Win nls.irsiin; riipninr nca unite I Wilson, of eoo, or.e complimentary . . cattle, and no more can bo ! Vlle- , , , , , .iput on the books, as the estate i MARION, -Mr Mooru was declared elected, and 1 , ' . . , tt ' must be Oit'seil. Iiiir reduction m Practice in tn tne meet in sr aujourueu. lie is a ou, - i i c? f- business man. and wiii make a all lin. of merchandise. Call earl; y 1 1, and ltu districts, and the J?u -oo ! o!ilc-r. r.d Atlanta TiViklv : ' TilE Kecokd Constitution one year for? 1.40. Stop at the old Hyams stcre house with your produce. We have two-hore hack ai,)-'BJ" 7,, n.iv i on the Cakersville rr ad, in Mitch m a Ni.ivi.isD. ell countv, near the top f.f the lilue Marion, N. C. R., h5s Cf,!irajns .ytfj M I acre, will produce 500 Uns of h -y iin(liiet- Mf in abundance. It is is mile? running accounts aTTOKnEYS AXI COUNSETJ-ORS from Marion. It is abundantly watered and timbered. It i on eurveved line of the '.' C's road. A large lody of this Lir.d is level For sale on ea? terms. Call on or address, J. It. ATKlSs 3I.4UIOS, X. V, AT LAW. X. C court3 of the 10. Hardware. OF ALL KIM 1 hfivc a full assortment of all kinds of hardware, inclu ding Guilders- supplies, such as nails Iocks and hinges, also, paint, oil and white fcad. i have a fine line of Guns, both breach and muzzle loaders, from 2 5 0upto$40 00. Stoves of all prices and kind, including the celebrated New Patron Cook Stove, ll.-ating rtovwm i.u hiii-w i-i.. I also do all kinds of T n Kuof.nj? and Gutterm?. V-nmmU-r I d axe for W cul', agoo.1 Mattock for 60 cti. I'will 11 you nails at th" v-ry lorr price of 1.50 per keg, factory r:ce Mailrders will receive my por-onal and prompt attention. lviti"-;iht voaM -xperie! c- in the hardware butiue I think I am nretiare-l to give voti gvji m my int nt ui .njr Respectfully, 1 and save fuitlu r trouble. I nreme court of a. C, and the t . . ... l1 ..... TV . i J. t (',. Ncal and W.M. Blaxton. S. Courts ot western lisincv oi Administrators. "N. C. T. I .G-illam. Morganton, N. C.

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