V VOX., 4: 1894 i:i i.ks wk io.n"t iikeik. I The u . of til'.- Southern N'u -ii'tH'Tint ioM will be taken unb ' i : l .., i.,. i . . i i , . " . , uanioaM iias ; -n ciianr'd J he paid !r in advanee. , "'"-, j ,i Five 1 tits j'-r line for all obit nark-. ' westbound pa.-s-ng..r train is dm Pout take the paper out of the post j hor- at 1 'u ', and the 'a-tboiirid at u ti l'-s y?ii intend to pay for it. I .1 J () j,) . i r t .. .... i. ! I " . o la ;1U 1 l I ( all nou ii -uieii i uAii- mi. 8 n 50J IS lMhcd uii1.'-m piid lor in advaixe. Pocal iiti i" , l' ri'n'-t ,'-r line for Sr-t in Tl i mi , rit ? hereafter. Piiplay aiii p r " ; i s 1 1 per year. LOOAL GLEANINGS. l'.o'i"-' nt iii demand. New l-.ve hai r: s at wiixbdl'-. iotlii "gvt J. Si hoK . i:r. Priug your Jul) work to t he Pm r.i. 'l b editor lis been away this r.tek on buines. Mrs. I. I. i'avii, of Morga'don, died January 1 1 tli. J P. Norton's store house will soon l.e euniplet .-!. See new ail of Minin A: Co.. of New York, in this isue. Pi M.M. Pandrum preached at r-ridgcwater Sunday. J. (Jrant after a few weeks iilni' i- on tliu idrerts again. Niia'or Pritelurd paed through Marion on bis wny home. Silver marqui.-e ami bundle rings, and 'J.r cents. at Swindell'. ongress i in s'Aion, but doing iictbin.f but draw inhalarit-.. Shritr Oo I'ritcb.trd. of Milrhcll county, was in town Wi-du.'Mlaj. J. Nirliol-4 n P.ro arc selling i l'l i iK-jpi-r t lian ever b furc .1. A. JavII and Mr l!arrj, of tb" :: ( 's jid tin I'dwnnit a i-it totij,. ( 'apt. vi i Wood 'Mjipcil tm.. car load of cattb IWonday to Virginia. j .!.;. ii boUV Jn I;av just n-i-.'icJ a lsr? stock of now clothing. Wood and jnoiicy are M-arre articlos, aii.iind tl.c jiri.it inij idiict-, anjwiiy. Tii-mw fr int in l).JV. I.onon &, l!ro"s ''tor' is ijiiite an i m provcin-nt If you want to be rwardM above f.ir kiTidicsf-, kindly brin ns a load of vm d. id J. F. .Morpbevv, and Maj. J. V. lt.ivMiir.ii, nM timed from Kal ijb y'h tinlny. Til v;:it lur hii b:.'!i tilt' coldest during tin- past week aver felt in this omit ry. A. I.. 1'inley, who has bcrn very sick with typhoid ftfvcr i iinprovin;; -:tidlj. The brick layers barn aain coni niencvJ layiiit,' brii"k on Win. Blantoii's i j i i'v, ; ovv. Wc bvo put in a new and splendid pre.., an i can Jo all your job print iuS beat . 1.. I.. McKay, oi' oiirtor.n want lo huv i't rcash :'-i.,' 0 (ret )f pojd.ir luni- i i.vo. 'iliitr,- f the Ohio liiver i' .n liailroad couJiwy was U w i e 1 erd:i v. r 4W or tar A, Y. i '. VoiiTir, of Pleasant (iar-d-ns. i -jiv-im i nj .. few weeks at the i I. nulling: Hotel. AK' ivaiiijie shot and killed a very ;.ir.re w i Id cat atoul live mil sftuth of Iuvmi v ivsi c-rU-,.y. l'li, i. i. nt inc fore . on t lie Soulhrn j'ailroao l5;iiiied paint i n:r t he depot at t hi-, pi i e Tiie-ilay . .1. P. Norton, i he popular projrirlor of the Pa.;! Hotfl. n t urnoil from K il. ih lai Friday. There ws a small .-Tide on the juoiintaiu Tuesday nibt d-lavins? the Ira n only a short tune. j Pioidin K!d.r llovle preached a Up'.endid seriHoii n the Uitlhodt .-.iurch Wednesdav it l 4 1j t . T1h News am! tbserver cunio out this wick with a new ilrn.v Which uUlt greatly to its app. ara n e. We regret that the fusion legislature failed to irive the doorkeepet's p!;i'e to ':. p;. Noil (,n. lie is a worthy man. has. Kinjr. t lie popular nijrlit op erator at this place, seems verv ueter- niiiud to kill out the partridge tribe, i That is not a stick of candy on the f'Jrfwalk above Swindells Jewelry t-ture; it is Win. Sweeney's new barber 1 , dn. I The pillar that make llui 'raiiT 'UiM::i look so tui ti like the louri 1 t i -e, rer thro vn tlovsix vstciI . ou t srive np. but keep on kicking. The b;itter will come after awhile. A short paragraph on Iho editorii.1 p.ie telN .1 story for the bard times Lenoir Topic. There has tfen nothing of import ance don in the lei.b.ttire excej.t wliat we ive elsewhere. We vvill ive full reports of the actions of that body after this issue. The Imocrat says that some nights a 1,0 some one fired three shots at Hey. A.J. Hen-ley, of Mchoweli, who now lives at lint hei fordton. None of the shots to' k effect. ' . liev. Mr. White began teaching in the Academy on last Monday. Ills terms are from $lto$2 per month. After a bruit two months the. public school will begin. We beg to apologize this week for th small amount of reading matter in t he IJK i)i:i), which is ncca-sioned by our compositor severely cutting his hand and being'unable to work. A. P. Miller, of Washington, former ly a mica dealer of this county accom panied by Messrs. John Collins and T. Koyal Waite, of New Haven, t., passed through town eurout to Mitch ell Monday. Willisfioodruuiji'ol. had the pleasure of cuttting down on la-t Monday two locust trees in front of J. S. iysart's store on main street, that he had set out forty year-; ago. Willis says they have sen pietty rtuh tiir.v.iince ih.-ir youth. n T;ie-ilay of Jr.st v,e 1; Mr. Will i McDo -i.tbP w.'i uf oi;r lov.'iisiiian (, d. John ilcDonald, ras jjirried in C C hntta, (Ja,tO Miss Hat ie Sammons. ; Will is a popular and wort by young i man, and we extend our congi at illa tions. Eilitor Carter, (f th nutlnr fordt.ii Herald, was Kftistcd a tW ilayu a;o and imprisoned on tl:e chai!) that li; liad thrown ivw.'k (iirough the w indow s of the oll'U'v of iX'jujoorat, a coinjictitor of hi.-; l-n;w.T. Mr. Charlcfi Mackay, agod years, died at. his hoice eight milo west of this place, list Tiiesda. He was a highly esteemed citizen, and was once a county ciii)ini..:-ioner and afterwards a magistrate. Ho leaves eight children, aiiioo t,1iI!i Wr- Jul,n Mackay, register ol deeds at Asheville. Marrictl !v John li. Dwnton on tho Mth of .: 1SH4. Mr. M. D. (uorn and. Miss-Jano tliljiis. On lhrumUr UTtJi JM, Mr. .!. (I. Simmons ar.d Mi?s Suihii A. Tavlor. U11 January Stli lblX, Mr. V. S. Tavlor and Liis Khoda Harris. Past Saturday night a thief broko into W. li. IJatliJPs (Jrocery Store, built him up a tire in thestuve,brougiit a bucket of water and opened a can of baet. He eat, drank, warmed and stayed all' night and left everything else as ho found it. Mr. Pallid' says he didn't leave an v moaey to nay for his lodging. Many stubborn r.nd aggravating cas ts of rheumatism hat were believed to b Pa-arable and accepted as life lega cies, have yielded to ( li.uiiberlain'sPain P.alm. much lo the sur:-pri:e anil grati- licution ot the 5i t!'erers.. One anplica tioii will relieve the pain and sutlering and its continued Use ' insures an ell'cc tual cure. For ale by Morphyvv White, Druggists. John F. Morpbevv, who w as the fusion candidal for.' he legislature, and w ho was defe-Hted by Pen P Crawford-returned from liaieigb. where he went to r .mtest M r. (.'rawford's seat. Mr. Mor pbevv says that ho ret.nrr.ed to Marion to secure additional evidence, a lid that I upon inv est igat iui he linds that the j port ion of the regisira.ti.oii book from j t to Z hasben destroyed. His stata- meiit is veruieu uyoiner responsiuie men. The boox was in charge of Peg ister P.row n. but during t he r cent lire was carried out of his otlb e w ith t ther valuable book", ar.d anne ine took ad vantage of the epporl unity ard des troyed the records of registration. This will cause no little, trouble as a new registration of r,.ters will have 10 be ordered by the cumuli-Monet's. Mr. Morphevf exonerates Mr. Provvn from all blame in tlw matter, and Mr. Uroivn regret f- very vnu-U that i'jc resist 'at I. '.ok .v:is t j.'.o 1 ' . Fler? lorn Uale -rav- an c.'eant t-artv t the Mkcor; oil J. st night. (nir tie tdites were preM-r.t: Air. J. j. :ilkey and ?4iss Jim Ponon, Mr. !:..! Hulej and Miss Jim fiilkey, Mr. hvrlesA. Kobbittand Mi- P:h,.p (iilkcy, Mr l.ob .ilLeyat:d Mi-s Ton; Dale were! a iijii? Hit. m..t ..-.., ..t 1 .. .1..- -- c .upie.. About 11 oVio kJMr. iii, I Ul111 S Ollt of tllC old S land . hut 7p nro nnw (iilkey waseaacht hu-oi.j.i I)rir(rt.r j and . m h co.ulm t being a violation of IlLteCi ll 111 t JIG HyaillS SlOrC HOUSC, DOXt in stif-b cases, ti:e p irty v. a r.To 3. Fiend TT -v:lli,V CTd torc,i i Marion, I ;l?tl (, "l'YaSka cotinuance oftlie patron- thai x have received from the people of tins community. Thanking you for the liber al favors o the past. I am Very truly yours. T a a y . - atonced - C mnr fO T IP Kjmficf ( 1 hnvr. 1 tt-W!- elared null and vodnn,t .,,v.jri L'v 01114 stock of a larg w a requested to gt home. The "la-die- kicked aJittle about having to leave siudi good coma?:y, but they wore pronij.tl "ihvd" out of the door, i lit lit vui will give a cake walk next week in honor of its d( iinijiier.t subscri bers. No man admitted un'ess he is in arrears, and this rule will let the ma jority of our subscribers take advan tage of the festivities. Cariton ''ornwell, foreman of the tiazelte, Middhtown, N. .1 . believes that Chamberlain" Cough Koimdy should be in every home. He used it for a edd a:-d it ellei-ted a speedy cure.. He sayc: l'lt is in leed a grand lemedy, I .can i'eco;amenI it to all. I have also seen it used for whooing cough, with the best results." 25 ami ."') cent bottles for sale by Morphew !c White, Drug gists. A t ake Walk. A cako walk wa. given last Monday night at the l leinniiiig ilvt-P and a very large crowd was in attendance. About a o'clock theyralk commenced and all the cottjdes walked in the iost graceful piani:er, but t'.e com in it tee said Dr. White and Miss Mamie Sin clair, were the nvis.t jjrraecfu! walkers and :b" 'c-ai!u 1.: - a v!;.r .!.--' u thvinTlh,; sec I.!-' "w .;: ,Aci .1!". 'a: a.-, Ciil::y AifH Mi VSrie (i rubor, a a '.!.. 1 (.'.by prii.e wry jj.ve.i av. J. IP ile.-.i-phil! and Mrs. C. F. !'. (iraber. The entertsinmeiit was somsthiag new, a;;d All Die young folks enjoyed themscdTcs Iniirely until a late hour. rJ Is A. 'x T Bring us all your produc . McCALL if COX LEW Mr. Tm-iilMli-s ?Iarrfjs-o. shoes sit fsi. TLo following from tho ilornn- j Wo have CO) pair of men's-, k. ton Jl.jraid was crowded out of our d:e?r and chiliircti's i( av' shoes j for sale at cost ! A ESohl Tiiief. Past Friday morning a young mulat to by the name of Sam Poice, of North Cove, came to the store of Nichols P.ros and waited to sell a cow, and bargain ed her to J. (. Nichols, saving he .votild have to go home, a distance of about PS miles, and bring- the cow next da v. He arrived somet'tne after dinnt-r Satrday driv ing a very poor cow Nich ols was over bid by Lewis Whit, on who b-!can:o her owner. After piirelusing so.ne arti; its Pouv j fi'ivot nro t..w ui.tii about ; o'clec!- in the afternoon, vr hoi; he r.er.t ! out to a row of feed sheds in t lie rear J of Nichols' store, unhitched, mount-; ed and rode sheriff (Jardin's horse up j Main street, and stoppin,' in front of j the KagSe liar, sent in for .ume wliisky, I a ad :i'i r ge. ting it he jro ceded on j his way up North Main street, and ! last issu-o : "La.-t nit-lit at 7 tod at the vth- I o.lis't chu'vJi, .Mr. John Tttrtiliil, of Marion, was married to Miss I Ileniiie Anthony, of liitrko. Tlio party. caine in in tlio follovr in o;rlrr: Mr. M. A. Phi for, Mr. V:T. I'owe;, Mr:i:. T Clavwell, Mr Jel.n I'lxsiM il; Mr J. Y, Wil s n, Jr., Miss Uovvdcn; Mr. (jilkev, Mies Anthon v Af r. ! TurnliilK Mr Martin; Mr. (k-oro Antliony, Miss Wli?lai chairs, springs, taldes, Ilennie Anthony. J und safes. All who aiv in noed of Tiie Pride was drc?sod in a lau-1 such tiling can find m-j at A. 15. nun " v 1 1 I of-ji" vM.ne r'tHii.i i;;i .- 1 vi; 1; ' 1 i . ai d v : :ii (it.-) IV ! l.ll'X m(iiV, always ii;ir formed Pv Ilev. il. The Pride is a daughter of one of our well-known and highly eisU-fin- d citizens, Mr. . It: lip Anthony. Tho Pridal .arty were given a re eeption hy Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Sitn mons at their house on Lenoir street. M.ktpv IIuos. Ail p.t?n-ons indeideil tiune Pv note or account will please settle J.S. Dysakt. Sai d 3 i (iu lh. l ire. I haxi saved beds-tends, buroatis, i!i!Lo i :,e c-ro-j 5,; ,M ( !;:();. A. (Iiikky. !:!; il;o iii.;! 1 fya.xi.s 3ior 'h V; v;v Hr. Oii-:--. .W'ehav TIIK JKWL I'.LIL Partii's desiring t i "e Insuraiico Plenso giyo me A call. C ompany and solicit votir oatt'otia-n 13 J5tiilding. wl-re I Ke..j a good line of Hardware. Mv stock 1 am Ag. nt for a go.d My oflice ia-lit tls old Craij? To merit your p:d N ill be more complete 1 ian ever. JL. ronago by honesty at YOPPS TRPPY, "w. i?. vJotnte; ping fair dealing, I ap, I.KW1S Maidi x, I'kksihent. I.. I. MePoi i Casiiikh. ASHEVIM.i:,,. c I5i:SBA'E'I-: K'rX'FK Ditro.NSTOUV. CAPITAL $50 OCO SURPLUS $23,000. M. Anderson. M..-a!l & Con lev. w. c. Pe: iKWp VN !) :r.w I. AM), ari-on. N. ('. mmi l mm, T2ufni:d of the Jky ami Koyoitu The l-'orum for January, under the title of "The hand of the sky and be-j praetic j OHO, Ulll ill ll M 11 CUUIMtti; JIIU 1 HIM" ou-dy illustrated article from the pen of Mr. Prank Presbrey, desc.'ibing a recent trip ovr He of the Sautli- era Kiitway, hich ia ...i.ic 01 min ute information for Southern travelers, giving a sketch of every place of resort, town, city and of all tho leadi' g hotel?. Asheville v.hich, is aptly termed ' The Pand of the. Sky," is fully and graphi cally described, as are the resorts of Ploi ida. it may surprise many readers to learn from Mr. Presbrey's article. ATTOIlN HYS ANI nH'NSEPI,! IiS AT PAW, MAPION, - - . t N. H. e in the courts of the, 10. 11, and 12th district?, and: the. Su preme court of X. ('.. and the r S. C.'urts of Vear Diitri.-t .( f A. C. We have Serial facilities f,r handling tie buncss of Merchant, a.ul olhns in V,'e,tcrn XorM. ( aroliio,. If you have no liank account ur think of a change, we will !.c g'a 1 to havo pu convKnd ith un. OB about nightfall the SheriH 1) m:i rea.iy , tj.,t te South now jK),-v.s,es a great to st .rt home, went f.-r In, lioi-s-e ciiiy ; railiroatl ..yslera owntil hy one corpo to lind him gone.and upon Inquiry w::i , rat:oili t.f "which Mr Samuel Spencer .is t.d.i of lioice riding him oiP j president, t nibra i:;g about thirty About!) o'clock the shoriiV accom- ! (,ine,.,,nt r0?t vitl ..rSo Ii:iI(.s (jf panitl ty a deputy, started in pu.s.rt of j ( .,(.k wJth a f1)sr,(, ni.u,:,zenK.nt. ,i Ihief and horse, tvhich he found about j (. ,M, , mi, jf ..The Southern Kail- RFA ; o Have opened their Grocer Store in th they are prepared to furnish the public w everything in the (iroery Line. -..' We will also h ive our Livery Staba equipped with good horses and vehicej in 2. . Kejpectfuliy A. B. GILKEY & SON few days FGI1 SALE CHEAP d miler; north of town. Lie had tarried wav." and reaching every part of the Among the at system are th.? horse loose and gone to bed at Mrs. j S(V"(ii an(, So.!th v.t Polly Pralg-s, but the slier; It d.slurbed r:l(lsi.,u1,rarea j,, thN ioinmber about 13 o ciock ana ar. cm-. w llh.htuimil a ,i i)AMVil o, and the cottage ed linn ami nayeu mere uiu t me nt.-w i pflst 'jvnne.ee, Virginia and ;eorgia. iay- Mr. Prebre.v lias done full justice to They arrived in town Sunday about L vc.rv diir.euli lak .and his article is ucor and a preliieinery hearing was had before Ktip Nichols. The j rio;ier j waived the evidence and was taken on the ear-'-bou ml train to Mcrgamo ' jail, j lie denied having stolen the cow all ! the time, but acknowledged to ridin.r the horse oil'. Mira S.ott, a colored;, woman who lives r.boiit three mi not only readable from the fa-;t that it possesses literary and descriptive merit of a higii order, Put because of the full information it gin.-; of great value to thes-who contemplate a trip to the 'South for either health, pleasure or bnsiiK-vs I'be Sou; htrti Kaowa v lias mu! Mn from town, came in bright ami early ' Vn.!.hr(.y-:i iI)t cresting article neat y I3'l:ilxri' ami SJh'I'iujjii 8S'1':j(-1 I Ntiiii;ty uifiiiiiDH. 4 ASRS FifkbT TROPRTY in Marioii tor le.-ideiii-es. Thro;1 room stable, fruit trees grape vines, excellent well of water, etc. This is a high and beautiful loca tion, and. on a good .-treet. Will go at a bargain in one PA or will sub-divide t" suit pur:haer. 1G ACRE TRACT "-fourth milt- from 3 Js depot. fb.d water, and land lays; well. Will divide or sell in a let. ONE CLOCK LOTS 1 niile from cotirtiiou.se contuining small house jlounay morning ana swo.e io u.e cow ll0Um, in p.u,,iilet form and a copy can and took her home. He had seen- : ill j , haJ hy ,;il,.lo.,nsr a -,-rcnt stamp to ttie money laat naa oeeu pan ikiu :iu ; y. K T(rk (;lMlfr:l ia5.Bf.?,.r Agent, , . . , , Pewis was out ho.h money ar.d i ow. Wnl;iiittii. D. ('.-The ih public V'V r'1 " ' i , , , , --hin-i-;u. I. . u. Jan. 1, ls-.C. SnRti3 iM LOTS ity of Clumbei -Iain's (dugh Peinedy. Pavis iV: liu.ard, of Vv"et Monterey, t . I . . I i .. I r.KU Li.il . ...I.. .a, . 1. r 1 1. ( . 1 id ire itilii m. nerman, w no jll-l cio:;h eiioiiit ioi o inao.ii wv-re c.nvi."ed of libfd and seiiieneed ,,r pollltrv farms. I'rk" o t.toaevear. nppeai-'i. nau an aovei de;ion fr.un the Supremecourt, pnt a few da sin pri- a ami Wt re then Vo.j.hew A- W bio.1 r;ir'" "tu v - I breathing Abbeville's fre-hair. m 1 '1 he men. nat urally. heard thnews of their pardon Saturday w-th uiom--takabl- delight,, l ie y remained ineo;-.-lineivient until Sunday afternoon at ; o'clm i.. Jo. S. Adams Po.. re'erm-d fri:o Kib-iirh bearing in hi r.oel.e' th paper sign - l by the ove w '..!! r:i uvri fr-e. '! i ,T !! x '.- .-ese'.T j eo, le that our plt. s'eians c Id do nothing foi. We persuaded tliem to j try a bofle if Chamberlain's ".ugh j Pemedy and they now reeommeii 1 it with the rest of uh " 2", and ."i cent hot , ' t i's for sale by f Iruggits. I have eoiiu- b.-autiful lots for S10 to each. 5 ACRE TRAClS- T-n of ho As fluent for otlers I have a list f LARSE AND SMAU FARMS one of which is the ch-brated " 1 Hardware ..... ... ; : , . .Hardware. ui all nm. At Ieatli"H Door. A we. go to press e are pamrJto learn of the serious illnes of Jtr'h Newland. ls-y-ar-old son of i r. M. A. Newhii.d. He was tri--ken with some KlvCt !' I'J.Vi; r,o:-')!e :e ' i' h- i-r-- .1.. -. : - :' - .' . . :i.O! ' j.. ; nor whlc!i i to .';;:! .7 th' 1 Iptveii hill assoitiiipiit (f all kinds of hardware, inclu ding Buildav supplies, such as nails Io.'.cs jui:1 liin;3. also, paiiitil and white lead, i have a line line of Guns, hothbrc'apii-and muzlc loailuis.frwn 8- 0uptj$40 00. mv,M,, ; I W. p,. PatlitlYau beUKjadin the rmr J old Mand with a fresh line of (Jro teries to accommodate his old patrons Uh prices to suit. 1 1 j It was reported hen tempting to arrest an ie Sort ( drngg. S3, j e hcatt t'on Ij ipertin patioa, j worm turn" j ' tint whi e at oli'puiler of tle Uw, Sbernt Woody, of Yancey county. is shot, but not fatally. You needn't hollow now thinking tph'i-!' i -. rid pl:ee t o l..ck you up. A 4ev and substantial calaboose has jut i n completed on J. Neal's lot. "I know an old solder y . ''-' chrnnie diarrhoe i f loi.g 5taaCi.nL f- hivebeen permanent Jy cured bj taking 'hamb'rlains Colic, Cholera and Iiar rhoea Peniedy," says Kdward huinpik a prominent diuggitof Miniieaj olis. Minn. "1 have sold the remedy in this -Vii pri's. ;.-, irii.t p .. i .' Ulanton nirst call at mc"and ' i-; tie. also p.-rdis running account.-, mu.st si?tt!o. and no moiv can l.'i ; ,;. . - v !..ei .-I. w as eUsol. pill on the books, a- the t--t:ite city for over .-even years and consider must bo closed. liig rcduetioji in it superior to any other medicine now aj jj, ol' :lt.r.'!iandis.-. Call .-arlv on the market f. r bowel com;p!aint-.- furt;u.r (r,,uI,le. J5 and ,0 cent bottle of this remedy. for sale by Morph.ew .V White, I rag-i J EM. and -d 15 PANTOS, oits. i Atlmijiistrators. A Mather Hoi st-vliipif On last Monday ir. Chirioro-. M'-s May Hirt. cowhided a dry good clerk a:d llirt named ..John Ptlane. Mi.-s Ii in afterwards indieted Delane P r .iamk-r. She hid been engageu to him : for tlve years ard sayi Ielare aetel th ! seoundeel with hr. io:n I w at-i UrV V' A iai' F. r , Pik'-rcvi1.1.." r-ad. in Mitch-i .v. )! the i p of th- bl.'o i 'i'lii - ' ''c cov.taiiis .7 H ) ' i i a i. t -1! pr-es and kind-, it.cluding the. .mlorirnted Xtw I'atron '-u- : !K;'ire:ijiii3 ?v.-s of all kin !s and prices. I dM'a;H: kdiids of T n Koo!mg anl ijuiic-nn?. I wil! a : ttid liiv I . It i-, i'r-tiii.i-erL It is ot t!ie ?, C's r- ad. ody ..f thi- land h i in w.ij-v t v:n. r .... .i r4,.i- fr - m a X." 1 ' r r I i - , ,i ' n i .Mailing I'll w.' un. . .1 ... I i.i-ir. t.t I .-. I nor L-t.if inflow : -n ... ..... . .i-.rixn 1 mul T.r.rir.t aMontirvri. i ... l . - ;;':' i,vi.( ri.-.o: ill I1' .r'l'tlSt 'v. ft W.h in mv line ut thuvery lowvst price possible the hardwaro iiUiiuen, I think I am i.j vf-ry lowvst Ili'rp'.'Ctfully, C.i'ii on or add re-s. T. xillam. rt Morganton, N. C 11