: - A (j ;- 1 a. E3? DIMS An attractive and elegant lin of Fancy and Toilet Articles, alto TROPICAL FRUITS, and a full line DRUS3:A3D MEDICINES, at 31. iaOIU'IlKrt'. McCall & Conley A HAPPY NEW YEAS GREETING ! e tak plonnure in announcing osr incrtmW faciliti to rreyou lfriugu ALL YOUR PKODUC Andjt G,xd Clipper than wit ar els in Tuwn, ! tn " """ i LOCAL GLEANINGS. I,e f florr or Less I o, . , :iii lniufllv liiiit-I l or lit'cord lU-:il-rs. Mrs. J. (j. McXaughton in serious ly ill. 1'rof. K. L. Ma-: in 1 happy fat her f n H iij ul boy. Tjik Kkcih:i nml Atlaiit.i Wc-kly I "oii.-t it nt ion one yvar ftr $1.50. Mr. Kil. srr was itiarru-il last Tliurxlav to .Mi-is Ali' t- Holland. St Mm advertisement, in another column, '"Stenographer Waste!." Thanks to n-uriitor Hon. It. M. FurniHii for a ropy of liis report. Plasterers have been at work, fin ihliiuj; up some rooms in t lie 'atawha Motel. A hil1 of Mr. W. I. ;rtenlc has tuiei) very iek fur a few days, "with" diphtheria. W. P. ltlauton 1ms a full line of everything now. Call on him, also tins complete line of School JJook. Mr. I. re l'olet was married last Sunday to Miss Klmin.i Morgan, at the residence of Mr. Tub Morgan, father ,f the hride. "Mr. .1.1. Norton is putting- Ji liiiixhin' touches on the upper htory of his handsome. More building and has iui elegant hall or otlice room for rent. It is aid that Col. Kiehmond Pearson's friend over t his;' (list rict I a Tor him for 'onrc.is, and that he in u very acceptable candidate to all the ItitiulTi icmis. John lloan,of I ysiirtsville, bad a alight dilliculty with Tom I av if, '- day last week, wiiici resulted in Davit: ftrikiu Iloan in th- ye with a bot t! of w hi.'.Uy. Mrs. J. P. Norton has just rcetivrd a H4W tock of eltrjant spring inillin erj, riubraeinjf everything in Mih mil liury line, aud including a beautiful liiu of laJieii h s, trimmings Ac. Mr. Thou, f.undis nay the people iM th Southern purl of t tit county ure lud in their primus of the Kki.oki. He drought in a nice list of new sub scribe r as "material rvidtnr.e of the fv;t. id laft Tuesday the distillery of Mr. Columbus Williams about 1T mile from Marion, but in Kutherford county, xra-i seized by the revenue otricrrr.. They jjot 14 barrel of whirVy, th st ills, worms, cups Ac. I.ant wcik the beautiful pet Arvr taluuing to Mr..I. i. Jr. -nit l-ine rirliiu of mob violence at Ml Lands f lot of Uood-tbirMy twa dnj. Tb Cant Wi. jirobubly t Kxtfu), but Trj r:inin tl, wbil d are mithr. On Wednesday, th "Xtb, in P'!rk county, !Jr. II. T. Newlatid.of Klkrille, CRldwell county, iv ill -lead to the hyiifiical ;iltnr one 'f I'.urkeV inot-t hirnrn daughters, .Miss Kate McMowell. Mr. Newland is a brother of our townsman. M. A. Xwvvlaud. j --Thf followiuic is a ood explnna t ion of the h.ird t imes : It ain't the work o' t he congress That's keepin' u in these whirls; KV llm old man rumiin' fer ollico A n' t be boys a-hunt in' Fqitir'li. Mrs. l.ye. of Chicago, had her jaw so badly injured that she could riot talk about her neighbors, and became violently insane, chopping olV linger wit h a hatchet. It woubl eause fome folks we know of in this county tocvinmit suicide if they could not yossip about aud slander somebody. lvcnue Agents Vandiford and Pcruson were in town last week, m vcsti;atin kes;s, barrels Ac, about the depot. A drayman happened to drive up with a lkCr in his wajron which looked a lit Mc suspicious. One of the otlicers at once seized it. but was soon convinced that it was a key of pickles, and not blockade -l.irkeT," and the property was released. The celebrated Sherwood Yuth Hand will jfiv one of its famous Musical concerts in the court house in Marion next Saturday night. This is a band of twenty colored orphan boyn, using K"M and silver instruments and per fectly trained. The proceeds of these concerts go to tho National Orphan lion, eat Peterburg, Va. Many of the loading papers of the country are loud in their praise or ttu entertainments Kivun by this little hand of negroes l ha admission w ill b 25 cents for adults, and 1.1 cent for children. S. A Chambers, the advance agent, billed Mitrion last Tuesday for this concert. We arc glad to note that the , general comment upon the late Preshy- ! teriau church sociable was favorable Another sociable, will be held at the rcsinence or i oi. p. j . Sinclair on T uesday evening, March the tit h. Mem ber f tht Presbyterian families, and all member of the congregation whether members of the church or not, ar. invited. As the sociable will be held during court week, all visiting Presbyterians are invited. A pro gramme consist nig of recitations, read ing and muic will be rendered. The object is two-fold; for social inter -ourse, which tends to aid in church work. -Mis. Agnes llyanislias moved to the hutt hotiM', and would ho glad u seo all iK'i patron bacteria do not occur in the I'loo.l or in t,c. ti-Mtes of ; h..:ii!hy living hody..ii!:.-r of mtti or the- l.-.w.r animals." So p:!vs tli ooh-lTiit,..! Dr. Koch. Otliordoctors say that the h,..t m.-dioino to ren tier the l.toow jx-rfectlv pure ami hoalt!:y is AyerV Siirs:jarim. MURDER NEAR MORGANTON. bl 'e M " Liqnoi and a j. Lat Sunday morning William Causby, a young man of twenty five years, was found murdered about two mile from Morganton, with evidences of aeveru choking on hn throat, cutis on his fuce and a depression ovt his right frontal , hone, which was the immediate U 7 lo Mar,on Satur- ,.. , .. UlalM,,ai veiling by Ofiicer IJamrick, who oau of his death. 4 f, .. as en route to Shelby, with his pri- At the coroner s inquest Phillip loner. Williams, one of the witnesses,) Wlieu the reporter first entered the w eakened at the sight of the corn, e I and confessed that he committed the murder. JIjs evidence was also sufficient to criminate Sylvanus Morrow, who was with him at the tiiue of the murder and who is considered equally ' guilty. Williams and Morrow are both peaceable men when sober, and this deed is attributed solely to the ellocts of ''mean corn w'.uskv." A few days a.sro a case was tried bei'ore J. (j. Nicl o!s, J. P., in which n colored si'htMyl teacher of District No. 8 had indicted one of the school commit tee for locking the school house in ttie absence of the teacher. It cropped out during the trial that the teacher had left the school house on Thursday. Counsel Tor the defondaut took the position that the defendant locked the building to preserve the property and not to interfere with the school, and j asked the teacher who was on the wit ness stand if he usually suspended his school for several days at the time without applying to the committee for permission to do so. The teacher who in an educated colored "gemman'' re plied "synoptitiously" I do. lie was asked w hat he meant by synoptitiously, and replied I mean ''frequentially." One of the committee testified that the tcncUrr 'was a "good" one aud taught a "food itchool." Counsel for the State argued this fast and commented on tba defence not contradicting the statement. Counsel for thu defendant said it was too "yuoptitiouly" and 'frequentially" evident for him to try to controvert, as he used wcrds that Noah Webster was not even educated euough to use or define. The defendant was acquitted aud the synoptitiously and frequentially educated teacher paid the costs. iiui ke (.'eHMly If MNiMr iu th A special from Morganton to th Charlottff Ohtervar eys that th colored troops who fouftLteo nobly in (be lte unpleKrantnoM, and who hnT ince ! n uilmnj from all the ills that ilesh it heir t , contracted by exposure while in line of duty, have bvn in s. fvor of unrest all hf patst week, caused by the appearance of a special agent of the Pension Department, who was making inquiries as to how many children the widows of the deceased soldiers had had since the death of their husbands. This inquiry was of such astounding nature and o irrelevant that it was imiousjIi to cause tne emus as well as the fever, and to cap the climax he (the agent) arrested Mr. M. . liliike, the pension attorney who had engineered all the claims through the Pension Ollico, for charging illegal fee. The agent is still here and is pushing his in- nunes and finding young pickin- inies by the score w hose fathers' bones (as appears to the Pension Oflice) lie bleaching on the battle fields of r,0 years ago. Plake is a nejrro school teacher. Died. Mrs. Xancey Lewis, aged 73 years, died last Saturday evening at the residence of Mrs. N.. C. rin ley, near Marion. The Hartwell Sun tells this goo one." "A traveling man who is m Hartwell gives an amazing illus tration of the fertility of the soil of Texas, Jle savs that he l in formed that a man out there plant ed ton-penny nails that yielded a fine crop of crowbar. Granted that tlv above is true, it would b dangerous to plant sinners out thor-j or they might raiee well, let us say the temperature to an tin- comfortable degree. Untitles laiMgraih. When yon want furniture, call on Geo. A. Ciilkey, he has a nice line and will sell it cheap for cash. When you want curtain poles, win dow shades, picture cords and picture hangers call on t;eo. A. Oilkey. The Kentucky liaron West. Main St ner the bridge, ha on hand at all tunes drinks to s-iifv the thirst of the most fastidious. hverythinjr at cost fer SO days, we want to make room for spring good try us, we mean Just what we say. Martin Kres. Wanted: A partner with five hundred dollars to invest in a good paying business. Apply at this ollico for particulars. Much of life's misery is due to in digestion; for who can be happy with a pain iu his stomach? Asa corrective and strengthener of the alimentary or gans. Ayer's 1'ills are invaluable, their use being a!v sy attended wit h n.arked benefit. A first-olass New Homo sowing machine, equally as good as new, for sale cheap, or exchange. Apply at the Recoi l olhce. HOWARO'S CONFESSION- Jo-ies' .Tfnrdcrer Sjx nds S.uar Mglit in TIai iou Jail :iii1 Talks of Ilis Crime. A Kecord representative was per mitted last Saturday evening through tb kindness of Sheriff Oardin aud Jailor Nichols, to visit I.awson Howard, uie negro, who vras captured in Ashe VjU lait Wt'ek hy ottl,'l'rs Hampton and ce l ,u the jail where Howard was hand-cufled and chained inside the eage, the prisoner seemed to be soine w hat excited, but he became calm and cool, and in answer to a number of questions, made a statement. He was asked if he apprehended mob violence, and said, "Yes, I am afraid, but if they hang me I hope I'll go to Heaveu." On being asked why he killed Dula Jones, and whether there liad ver been any ill feelings between them be fore lie raid that they had always been friends, and had never had any trouble ant t Iial lie liyd not the f-lightest in tention of killing Mr. Jones; that h struck him with a small utick, ab,at the size of bis thumb, ai;i as scon a.? Jones full lie was afraid be had killed him, and went for a doctor imme diately.' " When he learned that Jones was dead be came to Marion, got o a freight train and went to Nebo City; was put off tbere. "He had no money. Cnucht another freight, ud went to Biltmore, and thence to Paint Kock, and then walked to Knoxville. He worked one day there on a material train. From that point he went to Kentucky, and stopped within eight miles of Louis ville. He felt that tome one was on his track, and that he would be caught, and having no money or friends, he de eided to return home and surrender and py the penalty of the crime, in any way the court might decide. He says he could not lp at night, and suffered much on the trip be took to evade the ofUcers. Howard i 23 jars eld, and 6 feet 2 inches tall. "Whew arrested within 1J miles of AhviHe, he says, he was on his vay home. He wrote a Utter to his friend in Cleveland county, after being arrested and appealed to them to gaurd the jail after he got home, r.nd save hiin from mob violence. He regretted very much that b had ctiiKiiUed the crime and ray he ntruck Mr. Jomi wl.il in a Ct ef anger. It wan feared h would b lynchH hi1j iu Marion, bya mob which it was reported would -e.on;e bre frew Cluveland notiaty, asd the efiicers ef the eounty had determined trt prevent it. YT learn 4Lt there is no danger new of mob violence, Vm the friends of the deceased believe by investigating the tase iu court pemv one else will be implicated in the killing. Howard re fused to make any statement after he left Marion and is now in Shelby jail. Persoual. Pvov. W. II. White, was in Old Fort, this week. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Lee went to Old Fort Sundny. Mai. W. II. Malone, of Asheville, was at the Eagle last Monday. Mr. J. G. Grant has been quite ill for some days, at his home on Mam street. Mr. Butler Justice, a popular young lawyer ef Rutherford ton, is spending a few days in Marion. Messrs. C. C. Smith and T. C. Starnes, of the internal revenue service, were in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Conley, who have been visiting friends in Rurke, returned home last Satur day. Col. Richmond Pearson, one of the early promoters of Asheville, and a prominent politician, was at the EkcIc Hotel in Marion this WM'k. Mr. I). J. Carter and wife r.n3 V.U. Maud Ashmc-re, of Forest "it y pni; t hi: Kklouh a pleasant visit 'Vt'dnenisy. Mr. Carter will start a new paper at Uuthcrfordton, to be called the Harald, in a few days. Mr. Isaac E. Avery, of Morgan ton, was in town last week in the interest of the Herald, and gave the Record a pleasant call. The Herald is a progressive paper, and we wish it Faicce&s. Notice! I have just received a letter from Judge Shuford, who is to hold our Court which logins March 5th, stating there will be only one week of court. All jurors who have been summomed for the second week are hereby notified to not at tend. B.B. Price, Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE! NOTICE!! NOTICE!! We are now in possession of the most valuable mica property in Mitchell, Yancey and McIowcll counties, also fine timber lands, audit will pay the northern capitalists and speculators to call on us when in need of such prop erty, lale & Atkin. BIRDS " UOTHINFlINIMENT. and WHITE LILY SALVE For 1MI.KS, cuts, bruises and olJ sores, WHITE I.ILY .SALVE is guar anteed a sure cure. Tlk Lest remedy in the world for Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia. Kheti matisin. Sprains, Kruises, Si.re Throat, Diphieria and ail kinds of pains and aihiients both iu Man and l'.east. l'ut up in 'Jo and 50 cents bottles. G. W. Uikd, Marion, N. C. LATEST EVENTS BF INTEREST I Condensed and Commented ia for Record Readers. FI P. Mimnaugh, n prominent merchant of Asheville, has assign edLiabilities $l0,000, and assets said to be $30,000. Jos. Sluder is the assignee. The failure was caused by the hard times, and fail nro to collect. Yellow fever is raging in Rio Janeiro. It is said about 40 casa are reported each day. It is raported that dynamiter threaten to destroy th executive buildings in Honolulu. Great ex citement is cattfecd by the report. A Mississippi cyclon on the 14th blew away two whole towns, Georgetown and Martinsville. We could easily ship them down enough lots to make two more towns. Mr. Kope Elias is a candidate for congress. It is presumed also that Mr. Crawford is a candidate for re-election. Col. Frank Coxe, also h&H many f riendi that will in fc?t Tipoii h-i nomination. Soiihtor Whit", oi" L(;mi?iiK r:td iiominaU-d !-nt Moisdav by th Presidunv for sr.pri.-nie court jiItioi of the United States, to ' fill the place to which Peckham was nomi nated, but failed of confirmation. It is likely Mr. Ulanchard, con gressman of Louisiana, will be ap pointed Senator to fill White's un expired term. On the 10th of Eebruary, J. Sterling Morton, was hanged in effigy in his own town, Nebraska City, Neb., by Democrats. They offered this insult because the fiec retary has appointed a rank lie publican to a lucrative position in the packing house at that place, over a good Democrat. The Demo crats are very indignant orer the appointment, but do not endorse the insult offered the secretary. More It u rued. M Neb City, on the uiht of the 14, iut. the Btore bouse of George M. in nis was byrned. He lost part of bis ftock of general merchandise, about 100 bushels of corn, 25 bushels of rye, a new rubbtr mill belt which cost $100, and some other things of less value. TLe building: was a new one. rhe origin of the fire is unknown. The safe contained route ilver, paper money and note. The paper money was dentroyed by the fire. Xo insurance. YttHMg America CJets It In Ike Neck. A tragedy occurred at Mar Hill, in Kuneor$bc county, last Weden day. Willis Morgan, a desperate young man, who, however, belong ed to a good family, persisted in paying his respects to Miss. Mary Sams, a daughter of J. R. Sams, Mr. Sams objected to Morgan's visits to his house. Upon learning of t heso objections, Morgan became infuriated, loaded his pockets with cheap pistole, called at the Sams residence, and asked for the land lord. Sams met him at the door with a gun, and shot him. Sams is a brother-in-law of Hon. M. E. Carter, and is a highly respected citizen. Miss May is a beautiful young lady. Morgan is dead. In Love and in Debt lie Prefer Death to Misery. Will J. Atkins, of Asheville, who is well-known in Marion, having been a popular drnmmer for sometime, com mitted suicide in Cincinnati on the 14th inst. He was 25 years or age. He wrote a lengthy letter tt his sweet heart, stating that he loved her dearly, but had lost all his money, and could not marry her to drag: her into poverty. He could not live without her, and could not pay his ieWs, and had re solved to commit suicide. He lias three sisters living in Asheville. Misses Bertha, Lessie and Kusie Atkins. STENOCilArHEE WANTED a gfH.-c Mejvgrapnrr '."'! from Two liys to v.v.? .yA -worir in Marion, North Ci;r Hun, during March Term of McDowell Coun ty's Superior Court by addressing Lock Pox 132, Pond Creek, L. County, Oklahoma Territory, sta ting salary wanted. For the depression, weakness and Conjrh resulting: from La Grippe, nothing is better than Gilpin, Lantrdon & Co.'s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites, 35 c, 50c. and fl.00 per bottle at, I'isoswatV Dnro Mtork, Old Fort: N. C. Go to Stroetman's drug store for brnshes, combs, perfumery, toilet articles, pure drugs and patent medicines. TAKE NOTICE! I take this method of requesting all who owe me either hy note or account to call and settle with mo at once. I must have what you owe me, and by settling up, you will save cost and trouble. Thank ing you for past favors, I am, Yours respectfully, J. S. Dysart. Jan. 23, 1S94. MICA MINE FOR SALE. Good Jlica Mine in Mitchell county. One hundred acres of land in the tract. 40 birch trees and other timber a Largahi Apply to the Carolina Improvement Co.. Marien, X. C. KID AIR WRECK A Cnble of the Aerial Car l in Break, Causing a Fearful Accident. Xoar Knoxville, Tonn., acroas the Tennessee River, is the only Aerial Car lino in America. There, is a bluff on the north side of the) river ! 325 feet high. From the top of this bluff, suspended across tlm river are two large wire cable, upon which track a small car is used to transfer passengers across tho river. Thi was a scheme of the L'naka Park Land Company, and has been successfully operated for some time. On last Sunday afternoon six persons got in the cur, and started across the river, and th trip was safuly made to within two or three feet of tho high bluff, when one of the cables broke in the cable house, and the pulling cable began to run out with great velocity, carrying tho car in the direction of the bank from which it started. The proper f.re'.hougat had not been given tko actit.n of the small cable. Thii4 is, of course, doubled, the weight of the cablo was pulling it trough tho pul leys with groat rapidity. The cable is tarred to prevent slipping and great Hare of flame shot out around the car. Suddenly there was a crash and the car was seen to rock from side toide and then the hor rifled spectators saw the planks ishoot out and down as if the car was falling to pieces. The broken end of tho cable had struck the end of tho car and knocked it in. When the smoke from the burn ing tar had cleared away it was Been that the car was at an angle of at least 45 degrees and that the passenger were clinging to the1 window frames, the sides and the upper end of tho car with tho en ergy of despair. Their position was most perilous, for they were sus pended over tho river at a height of no less than 200 feet. Tho employees of the company pulled themselves together as quickly a they could, and shout ing to tho passengers to keep up their courago, thoy jumped in the boat, pulled across tho river and climbed the precipitous bluff, ap pearing soon at tho other end of the cable, bearing a long coil of rope. One end was thrown over the cable and slid down to the car. It was then doubled over the end, falling to tho river irhero, in the boat, was a larger rope also a heavy block and tackle. When thiB had been pulled up to the car the work of rescue was begun. A loop was made and placing a foot in it four of tho passengers reached tho boat in safety. Rut a man and woman wero left, and a ngro man stopped in the loop to bring them down. When he reached the car it was readily seen that the horrors were not all over. A body was handed out that was limp and helpless. It was Oliver Ledgerwood, a young 'lawyer and politician, of Knoxville. Ho died before he could be brought to the city from his injuries. Miss Waddell, who had accom panied Ledgorwood, on tho trip, was rescued, also, a boy named Rule, was wounded by tho trailing cable. When the States Seceded. Frequent inquiries are made as to when the Acts of Secession were passsed by the several States. South Carolina seceded December 20, 1860; Mississippi, January 9, 1861; Alabama and Florida, Jan uary 11, 1861; Georgia, January 1!), 1801 ; Louisiana, January 26, 18ii; Arkve:iP, May 6, 1?G1; Nrth (.Hroiiri, -My IV, ISO!. Tennctee'; puTt! the Ordinance cf Secession May 6th, and it was rati fied by the people June 8th, 1861. Texas seceded Feb. 1, 1861 ; Vir ginia, April 17, 1861. RESOLUTIONS OF RK8PK0T By the quarterly conference of toe M. E. Church South, Muriou, N. C. WherenR, our llearenly Father, ia His alliriee preridrnce hag teen IU to remove from oar miJ?t, oar belored lister, Mrs. RrtleteA Garvin, and Wherf , we detiiato exprrgs ear hMrtv 'e!t cjmpathj for her afflicted ralallreiand frirndt, aarl to place oa record a tuiubt testimonial af onr rjard for ber wemanlr virtu and lovtl chrinian character; therrf.-re be it Ro)veJ, 1st, Tljal in doath thia com. manitv hat loit ene of ita best, brightest, Eaaleua, coatitteni nd consecrated mem bers Resolved, 2nd, That we will fondly cherish Iter gnile and unselSsh life and the cheerful christian fortitude ith which she bore her afflictions. BesolveJ, 3rd. That we tender to the brreaved and sorrowing friends oor prayer fill svmpatbv in this dark hour of affliction and pray God ihst His g;race may sustain and comfort then iu llu tuc-ir tito ot trial. r.eso!vd, 4th, That tLEe resolutions bespread upon the minutei of th;s quar terly conference, and a copy be sent to the Uarioa RccoaD fur publication. T. J. Rogers, J. G. ClDSOitUf. S3. 1894. TWENTY-SEVEN TRAITORS! THEY JOIX THE ENETIICS OF itcroRw, Betray Their Inrty, are FaKe t Their Fledges, mid re not Ltriuvcruts Anyhow. Last Monday an excitiug caucus was held bv the Ili'iuir.ij ; i.: for the purpose of comb;- to an under- standing about the repeal of the prohibitory tax on Stat banks and the Uland silver coinage bill, two of the most important measures that have come before the present congress. All the Southern aud Western Democrats are in favor of free silver, and the re peal of th bank tax, but the- Eastern Democrats bolted the caucus, and went to the Republican on the silver and bank tax bills. These bolters were severely de nounced for their treachery to the party, by mauy good Democrat in the caucus. It is believed, however, that the present congress will pass the two bills above referred to, iu spite of the lle publicans, and their Democratic con federates. wur latest news indicates that Senate will pass the income tax also. the bill It is apparent to any man with sense that npon the passage of these bills de pends the fate of the party. In the n.van while, the great Irmo-rf tic statesman, Orcver Cb-vcUnd. Eeoj, is very Mler.t on these vital questions, but still, we prvsmne, having a rrguUr course of "uight-mares"over tho qaeen ofliaiwaii. ix Years For McKane. The trial of John Y. McKane, of Gravesend, New York, has excited much attention. II has just bem convicted and sentenced to six years imprisonment in Sing Sing for tampering with the ballotd of hie precinct. McKane has been a very prominent Democratic poli tician, but hi trial and conviction was brought about by Democrats. Mew I take great pleasure in announciDg that I have as nice line of New Dress Goods, now nats, New thoes as can be had in any town of much larger size, and will continue to show new goods in the most modern styles every few days. OLD GOODS MUST GO AT ANY PRICE In Older to keep my stock fresh with new goods, i also keep ail kinds fechonl Books, Groceries, Hardware, in fact a little of every thing, i take produce in exchange for goods. Come one and all and fek any thing yoa want at low pricm. Re-s fretfully, W. P. BLANTON. KENTUCKY BAR Fure Kentucky Ry and North Carolina Corn Whiskies, Winer, 3randios Kxport Hoer. Champagne, Brandy Peaches, French Brandy, and in fact, all liquors kept in a first-class Salon. Orders solicited from adjoining counties, Addrcsj the KENTUCKY BAR Lbww Ma&dcx. Pkbsidist. WESTER CAHOLIITA BHTIS: ASIIKYILLK, . I CAP,TAL $0,000 We hare Special facilities for handling the bush,.,, of MerekanH and other, in Wtern North Carolina. If re. hat. no Bank aeoo.nfc or think of a change, wo will U glad to have jou correspond wifck DIM CROKf F21 HtfiOlXULE ASI BETA I take this method of informing y that I Wave g optmrA ttra LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK SF HARDWARE, FARMIN8 IMPLEMENTS, BUGSIES, HACKS ANI SPRINS WAG8N9, Evr brought Morion. COOKIBrn and IIEATIXtt KTOVfi:, oel and Cheap! Doors, Sash and Blinds. Glass, Paints, Oils, Paint Rnifthcft, Kails, Harne Hhec etc. at wholesale prices to country rnorchnnts. I kop on hood a tfuppp cr tub .:rV;L2! CELEBRATED PIEDMONT vrAGONS, which for price, finih and durability, have ao ejraaT. Thej ar warrantM for 13 nionth. REPAIRING A "SPECIALTY. Prompt Attention Given to Work Received BY MAIL. Estimates Furnished as to Charges. RETURN POSTAGE PAID ON REPAIRS 43. I P. McLocn, Cashie. DEPOSITORY. S8RPLG $26 000. UTS. LIS IU m m TV4" A TXON, 3JT O

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