DRS3S! W&Si An attractive and elegant Hue of Fancy and Toilet Articles, also TROPICAL FRUITS, and a full line DRUGS AND MEDICINES, nt M. F, UOI&IMIKWS. 31 : 'jjil.y A HAPPY KCW YEAR n! Wo take pleasur-- r. n:MncW;-. o.ir increased fci i t . r - vm, Urinous" ALL YOH; i i.- K And .t (.? ).; ( l.vi ir. . ; .. . wii le iri T ' ' i VOL 3- MARIOIT, O, PBLDAY, -AuTPR,TL, 6 1994 LOCAL GLEANINGS. JUDGE LYNCH IN MITCHELL COUNTY IIol. EiiglUli Itlobbcd for .Tim. l-riu His Wife Taken from Juil Siiuduy .Ioruiiigby a.TIob of Two Hundred. On Sunday evening, the 25th March. II, .1 Vnfrliull fl n -ll-l.- L. Kaylor was in Old Fort I . " , , ' . ' . ? 1 character of Mitchell county, eommit- Iteui of More or ! Import, ante Pointedly Printed Tor Itecord Header. Monday wa CoinmNioners' day Mrs. McXauguton rumaliu serious Iv ill. -Hcv. M til IK Week. Lojran Xlehola nai li. Old Fort Wedlitf.il.iy. ' Sum W. Blalock, of Ledger, was hire thi Week. j. J. tirant sold tlirte ticketa to Cali luihit tui week. Mr. J. W. Bowman, of Eakerville, was here this week. Remember that next Tuesday is how duy in Marion. Mc all A Conley at the front because they advertise. Mr. S. A. McMurry, of Richmond, Kj., a ' town lust week. J. L. Spaiuhour.editor and lawyer, of Boone, was in town this week. sheriff ii H.Oardiu and Dr K.J. liurin were in Old Fort last week. Mr. and Mrs. II. V. Ren net t went to Abevill on a isit Wednesday. Mr-r3. J. CJ. Xeal and J. R. New ton, went to Thermal City this week Mi-s I..inrs Carpenter, of Lincoln- t..n, wits visiting in Marlon this week. -.uuuel Archer who was editor of Revolution, was In Asheville this week. Msr-t. W. II. Malone and R. S. i.f Asheille. were oer this wek. The early bird eatche t he worm , hut the early gardener caught the frost thh year. --Meiers. W. A. and William Me r .ill, of North Covu, Were in town this m c-k on hiibiness. --Mr. R. 1. I.oelae was visiting .riouds ami relatives in Rutherford i wiiiit y this week. (jrant, the rnd estate man, ha ren'ed llirt-r liudifS tliis wek to parliej who will un Lere tor (lie cummer. -- Col. Child--, a prominent railroad and bank ollhlal, of Columbia, S. C, vva at the Kale this week. --When you come to tl show re member to ' bring along that little rhauge yo owe the Rix'oun. Mr. Thomas Miuire and Miss l.lllle Rich were married in Morganton Iat w.ek. They returned monday. -Tlie l.uiii s will tlnd HUulon's an ..I.... .... L ,.( I.MU' il.rill:1 L'ljll'l. I'K l tfui.'h m d ladic' jbooi urc eto-iMi Iv i t rm ii . -Attorneys Morphew and Eaves went toOIdVort Monday to appear in :i u it between Mcir. Muhlcnburg i.nd Hester. Miss Carrie Bryan who has been v. siting her sister. Mrs. Dr. Morphew, for the past few months returned to her home in Dooue, Monday. I'rof. Wins: Mid wife, of I'.oston, were registered at the Kagle Wednes day. They went to Ledger, where they I ave a beautiful summer home. Fire broke out on the north side wf Mt Ida yesterday morning and has turned over and damaged all the wood land in that section including Ida l'ark. Ir. W. II. Wakefield, of Winston, X. C.. will be in Marion at the Flem u.ing House on Thursday, May Mth. l'ractiee limited to Ky Far, Xose and Throat. 51 The young ladies of the M. E Church are getting up un entertain ment known as the "Fast I.oaf," which will be plajed in t lie court house about (be middle of April. The Marion Methodist congrega tion are setting enterprising; they h ive secured the service of an expert . oriietist, Mr. W.W. White, who will play with the choir in the future. 1. J.Ftly who ton been here for the past few mouths in business, has old out to Mess. Dempsey & Klanton, 4f Shelbv. Ktly jfoes to Burke county A iia.k or HEMP ii ix;it;. THE U AItOVCH. Tlie intense Excitement in 8ou!i - Carolina Over the Darliugtou Uilliug Has Subsided. Wli uiliCLrnj reacLed Governor Till man at Columbia, lal Friday tliat a riot liid occurred at Dsrlington between Ida constulea and seme c'tizeos in which four were killed iwo officers and tiro citizens and a dozen woutid;d, lie at once o-dered ted a most dastardly crime that of -e.-nl companies of the tate Militia to murdering his wife. Mrs. English, ' rlinaton, rhere exciiemcnt rn hi! for nee Fllen Carroll, was married to Hoi. thre or four days. English about a year ago, but they sep arated a short time after their marri- agu. Recently English has been visiting his former wife occasionally, for the purpose it now appears, of taking her life, in order that he could marry an other woman. On the evening he accomplished this terrible deed he called at the house where she lived, near North Toe River, a few miles to the north of Bakersville, and induced Iter . to walk with him. The couple did not return that even ing, and neighbors instituted a search for them on Tuesday morning. Upon inquiry being made, some peo- It fieined that the peace of the whole Stale was threatened, aul the governor had troops out at Columbia and oilier places. The nhisky diapeniary lav, which gives the State complew control of (he whUker biitinesi, and works sgainst the interests of f whisky uenf n ag the canic of the trou. ble. The otticera v.ho were killeJ weie sent to Darlington to inspect tenia rirate house where it wus reported contraband wliufcy waa kept and sold. This so incens ed some cf the people of the town that in sulting language w3 iodulge-1 in between the ofli. ers and citizens, nhich resulted in a I ig roic, ua above stated. 'iovtrnur Tillman made' a speech la9 Y CU D BETTER KEEP POSTED. ! Tlie l.air iie Didn't Sit . ... . .,h no is Alive, gr.noat the doling himn one night re- -Head Jle. Can't Talk- , fentIri .MrInptej to fU' down OB , ,ir Live One Advertise. W.,kh nt that m.m.nt happened to be , .-nuuje iursaje ttai w,,liou, ,..-. n:,.. :no. .,:mjt- pie who live near the bank of the river, Tuesday to a large body 'ol citizens at said they had heard what seemed to them to be the screams of a woman after dark the evening before, but it was late and they had paid little at tent ion to it. Acting upon this information a search was made along thu river, which resulted in the tin ding of the body of Mrs. English, in the river. It is believed from the bruises upon the body that English had beaten her to death and then had thrown the body into the water in order to cover up the hideous crime. After the news of the murder spread throughout the neighborhood, English came upon the scene, and appeared very indignant. He swore he would avenge the murder by killing the per son who committed it, if he could be found. In the meantime a neighboring wo man made a statement to tlie crowd who were assembled, at the home of the dead woman to the effect that English had offered Lcr $10 to poison Mrs. English. English was promptly arrested by the crowd and carried to Bakersviile jail. Other evidence was found also which satisfied the people of that community that he was guilty, and on last Sunday morning, a mob of about two hundred men went to the jail in the quiet little village of Bakers viile, took English out about a mile from town on the Cranberry road, and with a skein of hemp, as a substitute for a rope, hanged him to a "sour apple t r e " English was said to be i-lightly taint e.l with negro Mood, but ii' wife v. a white. Hi bore ft b.t'J reputation. Mrs. English leaves one child. Columbia, in which he defended the di pensiry law, and said (hat he would n force the law or' die in the attempt. It seems that a large uijority of the people are with him. Iluring the period of insuri cction the governor seized the railroiua and telegraph lines ruuning through the Stxte, in order to prevent outide sympathizers from coning into the Slate and aiding the aati-Tillni in men, in case, the war grew serious or gen eral, lie slopped the telegraph companies from stnding messages to newspapers out of the .State. Mr. (irosvenor, has oflVred a resolution in Congress to appoint a committee to in vestigate Tillman's action in interfering with i lie railroads and telegraph line?. where he has erected A steam distillery The young people had a "surprise party" at thu residence of Col. Jno. Yancey on last Friday night. One young man went no early that they thought that he had come to take sup per. The Marion Missionary Society will meet in the Methodist church on next Monday evening at s o'clock. A ery interesting program has been pre pared and everyone i- cordially united to attend. Mr. Clarence McCsll, one of our n-.osl popular young men, is studying dentistry under lr. R.J. Burgin, who is a thoroughly competent instructor, being one of the mot killful dentists in the State. To Our Patrons. Our few yionlhs experience in the newspaper business in Marion forces us to these conclusions: I. Tha' the majority of newspaper readers in this county would rather have a paper for nothing than to pay for it. Therefore we intend in future to put the Rkcokd on a strictly pay in advance basis. It does not mat ter how good a man is or what he is worth at home, that does not help to pay our bills, and we will never take another subscription in the future un less accompanied by cash or its equiv alent. 2. Many people who do legal adver tising are very polite and clever unt 11 the ad. has been inserted its regular time, and then the newspaper man can whistle for his money, and still it some times fails to come. In the future no I.UtiAL AD. WILL UK TAKKN from lltiyoIH unless the cash accompanies the copy 3. When a person dies some friend who probably owes two years subserip tion, will write a column obituary Hereafter "ve w ill charge live cents a line for all obituaries exceeding twenty words, cash in advance. Xow you. need not die thinking you are such a clever fellow that we will deviate from this rule. Xo pay, no obituary. 4. e have decided alter repeated appeals to those who owe us, that some of them never intend to pay us, and never did intend to do so. Therefore you had better try to remember the good things yon have read in this paper, for you w ill never read it any more, unless you pay in advance for it, or borrow or steal it from your neigh bors. Xow, get mad if you want to, we are already mad. We would also remind some of our leading leinocratio friends of the fact that this isa campaign year, and that they are doing absolutely nothing for the party towards organization. Many of you promised to assist the editor of this paper in his efforts to build it up, and some who volunteered this prom ise have not been worth one cent to us in the way of patronage. ISeclitler (old Coins. Many of the oldest citizens of Rutherford county well remember the I'echtler gold coins which were stumped in $5, $2.r0 and sfl coins and widely circulated as good money all over the South. Martin Harris, a very intelligent, citizen of Rutherford, now 73 years old, ppent six years working in the mint in which the iJechtler coins were made, and aided in coining the gold. The man who built up the estab lishmnt was Christopher Rechtle a very skilled artist, from Ger many, who came from Rhode It-buid to 'Rutherford, i.bout !hei year Mr. Reehtler hud two sons, Augustus and Charles, who worked w ith their father. Mr. Har ris entered their employ about the year 1S33 and was with them until 18i9. During this time thousand of dollars were stamped and circu lated, the coins being received as good money. During these years the gold mines ot Rutherford and McDow- 11 were yielding gold plentifully. Uechtler bought the gold in small quantities, fluxed it into bars which were rolled into i jieets, ana then cut and stamped. This enterprise went on success fully up to about the year 1838, about which date Christopher Bechtlor died, his son Charlie hav ing killed himself previous to his father s death. Augustus died m Rutherfordton al out the year 1811 The remains of these three liecht- lers were buried at the homestead where they lived and coined the gold, about 4 miles north of Ruth erfordton, on the Marion road, the land having recently been bought by John Koon, w hich will br im proved for his home. Shelby Au rora. cheap, aply at this otlic Swindell, th? Jeweler, has th.' latest designs in hair and hat pins. The Record and Atlanta Weekly Constitution one year for $1.50. t Paints, oils, Hillside plows, well pumps, iron pipe, Piedmont wagons and buggies at Jones'. Everything at cost for 30 day- w want to make room for spring cod try us, we mean just what we say. Martin Bros. All kinds of Spring and Sumnu-r dress goods at lowest prices at .Jleuu s ariety Store. McCall & Conley, have just received a fine lot of Pants. Everybody co to them for a pair spring pants. Remember that Tom Martin's Restaurant is the lest place to get i square meal when you come to court next week. Buy your grocer ies from him. Mrs. J. P. X'orton has lust received a new stock of eleirant surinir millin ery, embracing everything in the mil linery line, ladies nats, bonnets, trim mings xc. Everybody that wants their walls whitewashed this spring, must call on McCall & Conley, and get the finest thing on earth, the Plastico. All colors in stock. Tinware, Glassware, Crockery, lamps, Looking-glasses and Clocks cheap at Medd s anety Store. Farmers, take your Eggs to McCall & Conley, and get the cash. For the very best clover seed, go to McCall S Conley. Only 15 cents per pounu; T. A. White, the old and estab. lished wood workman can alvvavs be found at his old stand, ready to do any any all kinds of wot.d work, ami do it cheap. George A. Gilkev has a nice line of Provision Safes, from $3 ui. Call on George A. Gilkey and get a baby carriage. You can get any kinds and sizes of window shades at George A. Gilkey's furniture store. the bsl way he conlo. be turned t hii congregation who wre brav'y trying o keep face stiaigh". and snid: -My friend, there are tceion upon which laughiiis; is right and pro;er and this is one of them Laugh j.ist as inuc' as you please." The congregation took biin at his word. Mor ganton ilerdd. i One of the whales captured at C;i e Ljokout is CO feet long audi ro t IV1'0 It ex,ee ei t yiidd I f mo . ,. of boue aud 100 gnl'ous of Mr. Benjamin Ft Smi'h. who a in ii,e Bos im bridge wrei V, n-ai Stltrsvi -t in i ltiOC. has received $2,000 fr..in the ttich. inon J and l).;ville lailroa I company. An executive reward efSSOt) has been offered for tit arrest ofGrortrr H. M'oo.lr who led the mob which several weeks ago lynched the murderer, Daniel Slaughter, in Alleghany connty. Woody was (he ort person to enter the jiil. He is a married man and is bcleived lo have gone to Vir ginia. 1 he hustling Hustler of Urevrdt together with the enterprising citizens of TraiuyW vauia cuuty are determined to hare a mi! ton u trom Brevard to ilendcrsonville. On th30i!i ult., the oil d pot at Maxtjo aud crlaboose were burned (,y iuctndiai ies. The State Dental Association will meet in Durham on May lit. A boat containing three men and a col ored weniaa was capgizad tu-tir '.Vasl.inton, N. L , last week, uud the woman wai drowned. Eight ho ises, a lively stable and a hotel were destroyed by fire at Franklin, Maton county, on i tie 'i')rd. No insurance. Loss I5,00J. 51 r. (tales Again. Wachapbkaui e, Va., .Varco, 28, 1 804. Dear Brother Wait : I lind that in 170 3 L J - '- THE AEOYE HOTEL HAS BEEN liEMOVKIl TO THE LOCATION WHKKK s liore Stood. DRY The Customers Will Find Them Still on Main Street, in tlie main part of the lluilding, Selling GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, SHOES, Hats, Plows and all Kinds of General Merchandise X CllKAPFAl THAN USUAL! rCALL WHEN IN TOWN AND BET BARCAIN3 ! MARION, X. C, April 1st, 191. IVebo City Xewi, Mr. Editor: Will yon find spice in your valutble paper for a few dots from lieie. The cold snap killed a' the liuitandj making my dates ahead, 1 have crowded and vegetibles in this sect ion. Lkwis M.iinu x, Presiokxt. Deserved u Idal. General Wade Hampton knows as well how to snub impertinence as any man in public life. Tin other day he called on a Senato who has a private secretary who is a victim of the impertinent hab it. As the General after leaving tho Senator was passing through tlie room occupied by the private Secretary that individual stopped him and said: ''You asked for half a minute and have stayed in half an hour ; you ought to get a medal." Young man, replied General Hamp ton without a moment's hesitation you remind me of what Mrs. Part ington told Ik when h said ho was going to get a medal." What was that?'' asked the smart Aleck with a grin. "Well, Ike, you do If you want ai yt ling like a hands'ime necktie Martin Rros. has the only nice display in town. If they can't suit you you will have to visit tlie Northern markets. Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Sifters, Racket r--, Raskels and pictures cheap at Medd" Variety Store. Grand Free l'alloon Ascension uud Parachute Jump at Marion, Tuesday, April 10th. If you need anything in tho no tion line call on Martin Rros. Go to A. R. Gilkey & Son for first class syrup "Sugar Drip at 40c !er gallon; also rally in different llavors, at 15c. per pound. Col. Cooper the English Giant, the tallest man on earth, with Col. Hall's Show at Marion, Tuesday pril 10th. For Sale. Two good milk cows, can on j. o. jlliott. Col. Hall's Railroad Shows will exhibit at Marion, Tuesday. April 10th. Re in town early and secure a good place to see the Street Par ade and Ralloon Ascension. Kodak Headache Cure, ten cents per package, at Morphew's. All kinds of garden seed at W Mcl). Burgins. The largest line of notions and novelties in Western North Caro lina at Medd's Variety Store. Rring the children to see Queen, tlie big elephant, and her Tiny Baby, with Col. Hall's shows April 10th. myself beyond my strength and I nvit ask now at ycur ha: ds anrt!ier indn'ijrenc in regard lj our work in Murlnn. Kir.dl inuk e my dute with you June 3, in&tead f May l'itii, i difference of three weeks, which I am sure will not inconvenience you in your fine summer climate, but -a ill b more within my reach than the earlier datr. Orop me a line nt Greensboro as to this, and rest assured I will be wi h you June 3rd, Cod wil ing. The above letter is self explanatory. We cheerfully agree to change the date t June 3rd, to suit bis ability to b with us. The next union choir practice Tor the above tiucting will 1m held in the Presby terian cMireh on Tuesday iiifht the lOile iu.M. Krii g yot r -i.-Bpel iljiai!,'' N'r; 1 to b. "riie . r.maphanl bangs "and 'rcnte- eiai Ilyusnr,'' witU you Let a l ho wit' friends Miss l.ula II 'in ter w s visitin here Saturday and Smu'ny. Mis Sina Biyson, of Balsam Mountain, Jackson county, is spend:ng a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. T. K. Snipei. Miss Mafic Snipes was visiting relatives ia the c'ty last Sunday. We were a'ad to have Mr. Joe Gibson, of Morganion, to visit us S'undav- Mr. Frank Dale and Misses Sina liryson and Lula limit took a trip to Marion, ou 'ast Sunday, re.urning the same day. Mr. H. F. Murphy, of Morganton, has z. ctptcd a position on the railroad here and has u.ovc.1 to the City. ' Mr. E. It. Mare, onr fcliool trr.c'ier Mill con i in s Lis fubsuriptirir vihool at Nilo, with a lair attendance. '' Bev. (Jibain mvuts all the perm's lo , L. P. MeLoci, Cashikk. as hi: villi:, . c lH.SK.ATl.lt MATK KlOSITOKY. CAPITAL $50 000 SURPLUS $25 000. We have Special facilities for handling the bubiness of Merchants and others in Western North Carolina. If you have no Bank account or think of a change, we will 1 glad to have you correspond with juin Ihe the choir, come, and we drsire all bring their children'to Nibo oa the scond the singers in the community. t Sunday in June, it fe ing what is known . Very cordially, as '-The Children Day. ' Wa II. Whitb. I Jakk. I ... L.-L'?Mq? T7TT S Hardware THE ONLY SHOW COMING Til to YEAH! EUROPEAN SHOWS ! WORLD'S MUSEUM, Menagerie and Mexican Theatre, "WILL EXHIBIT -A.T - -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! I take this method of informing you that I have just opened tlw LARGEST ANO MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF HARDWARE, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, BUGGIES, HACKS AND SPRING WAG0K3, Ever brought to Marion. COOKIXC and IIBMI IC. NTOVIIS, C.ood and Cfii ap! Doors, Sash and Blinds, Glass, Paints, Oil:', faint ItriishiK, AaiU, IIoit? Miim Ar. at wholesale prices to country merchants. I kenp ou hand a M-pnly J F THE . ',. .i... i, i deserve a medal, for vou are the jjuiu iiiin r iinwri iiju i'i-uni i iiui ou- ministration do not advertise in, or subscribe for tin Kf.coki. It cannot be that because you have tlie unices you do not care what goes most meddlesome cues 1 ever taw Good morninff. Mr. Secretary.'' Wash. cor. Concord Times. A (Irt-cla-'s jiassfngi-r car caught fire at th 3 ('-'a UujhU one night last week and wain a fair way tobecn- tircly di rt reyed when the night watch man discovered it. It was badly dam aged lid it was. Mr. and Mrs. I'l.tnclers who have sneiit the winter here at the Kagle Hotel, returned to their home in New lluiupslnr tin- week. iney made Yuu can pat a fellow ou t he back tilf stav, provided the blackberries ain't all many iricuils wiuie Lire who rcsTt't , . . Ih,t . kulc very mnch to see them have. with the party, and you certainly know There is a rumor afloat that an- that a Democratic newspaper is ab?o- other Democratic paper wiil be started lutcly essential to party success. t jn Marion with the Revolution outfit There arc thoe who are great party 1 It may be that the Democrats would men, and blow a great deal about dec- appreciate and support iwo better tnan tion time-, when it does not cost any- they do one. :-ti!f whether you do your 'thin". "duty or not, tha Kkcori is going to lie's as gray as a rat, but that decs uot keep his stomach in order, nor run his Charley McAllister, w ho was acci- Tb new schedule of the 3 C's , paper, if we had the patronage that 1 tlertly struck in one eye with a small vrent inu ettect las; fciinlay. A pas- i paper deserves, w would ir.ake t!;e ! pk-ou of ro:ie, a few mciitli- since, has icie;( r train will be run l.etwveu iSLcl-1 ItycPRU a lir?t-clas local newspaper, j lo.-t the sight of b;th eye;. He had the by and . atuden. A mixed freight and ' Tellow Democrat and citizen., it is j injured eye ball removed xouiet :um a;o, passenger train carrying mails, will be j t-r jou to decide what ycu will do, and I but the eperatioa aj performed too run iHt-.een Ph'.Vifburjr and Marion ! yeii can do nothing if you choose. I late to save the other eye. Martin llron. have just received a full and complete line of spring and summer blurts, m variegateu colors. ''Oh, aren't they they sweet' exclaimed a young lady, on seeing the sword pins in bwindell a show- window. A light took place on last Sunday evening 1 mile from town, at the hon e of Mrs. Jake Creson. Some parties went into the house and cured and abused tho family, broke the dishes, and the chairs Were moving around like tra in a cyclone- Let every man in the county read the article in thin paper entitled Farm Mares and Trotters." Don't continue in the eld "ruts." Improve your horses, cattle, sheep, hogs ai d poultry, and as you do this you improve the condition of your neighborhod and country. Mr. W. B. Wrav. and a party ol younsr ladies and gentlemen fron Shelby, wore at the Kagle Hotel Hon day night en route to Burnsville, w here Mr. W ray was married to Miss Ji:!ia Iiav. a chariniiisr and beautiful da ugh tcr of Mr. (Jarrett Kay, of Burnsville. The happy wedding party will pass through this place today on their way to Shelby, where Mr. Wray is in the livery buine;s. The rpe.-lion, ''IttMolred that nature i a greater evidence tf the txiVf n e cf a .-ii-fru.i: 1) -in; it: i u tlie Uiiili-, wi;! be 3: gi.ed bv Mr. Jutia Mt.r':letr ia t'.ie alLrnia- tivcani Mr. Jjhn Too! ia tbe n jf.iiire, ai (lie ruurl bo-.ise in itarion n (tomorrow :c lT nig'jt Lit cv?rto a'.t Sif.j trt-e. I I April lOih; CELEBRATED PIEDMONT wAGONS; which for price, finish and durability, hav uo vA. The are warrants for 12 niontlm. WI. P, Jones. CRAIG BUILD rut tai I COT CICCUAUT FVCR FXHiRITED. 0::kn and hr Little Ilk I nkbbd I fcfcfci linn i w -- Nursing Haby. COL COOPER, THE GREAT ENGLISH GIANT, BALLOON ASCENSION ANO PARACHUTE JUMP EACH DAY. 2 COMPLETE PERFORMANCES Crand Tree .Street Parade Atll GVIotk. $10,000 I-n of To-forming LIOXo! Oa-i Ticket Admit t All. Children Jfaif Ii.-siij. J-irip Hxcurio:i Tickets on all Railroad, ffirriemcmbvr the Day and data, MARION, TUESDAY, APRIL 10TH. REPAIRING A 'SPECIALTY.. Prompt Attention Given to Work Received BY MAIL. Estimates Furnislied as to Charges RETURN POSTAGE PAID ON REPAIRS in EE, MABIOIT. 1ST C t