"f - - ti OcLl I'-n x'A-- . ' McC'S Conley mend many friend A KATPY UW'YEAR CkLEUc! V.e ul-9 jlvnsur in nui.oLiic-iig tx-rve uu. Lring us ALL YOUii i t; Am. get Got;s Li.c . ;-: when? i!ic i?i T ... ; i.v - VOL 3- An attractive and elegant hiof Syll Hf j- At A A -rsfV Xm OW I Fanev and Toilet Articles, also ! INtl? l VJ W ftf Brtf TO hU rf$p flfl? fPiSl ! at 77liOKPHnV'S. y Ny vr-sy vrW ' W j LOCJAL GLEANINGS. .:k AHinno, YOU'D BETTER KEEP POSTED. FROM OUR EXCHANGES C IM iiih f JIor ' -" Import ance Pointedly Frinted Tor ICt-cord Header. Mr. W. P. Hlanton wa-t in Arh; v iile this week. . Iis- Harriett Neal is visiting rel wi ivt" i" Newton. '1 he !; orl Tells Who is Alive. Dent! .ilea Can't Talk. Lte Ones Advertise. A good Texas Cow boy Saddle l'orsale cheap, aply at this cilice. Swindell, the Jeweler, has the latest designs in hair ami hat pins. Tin: Kr.conr and Atlant Const iin ioi: e n-; v?ar for ! Weekly KlntilUk was II:iti l liy a Vutiir Thirteen Peculiar Proceeding. From an eye-wit :ies we have it that Hoi English, was hanged in Mitchell county two weeks ago by a boy named bob '2rroll, who was under thirteen ears of age. Rob is a brother to Eng lish's late wife, tvliom he n.iinln.J I tr. Simmons, of IyarUville, waa j When theme!) readied Ilakersv iib i vs n tl i- week. j j iv i I . !; ja.'or .-u d l.i-: .j;;r' :!, of ;reeiifboro.i '" l ''1' " ;l!;;"u ' V J.l: j.lre.i : tr.)ii'. s;nil the. threatened t' i::-:s; d- luiiinte, ail the jailor atvd to fur- render the prisoner. Thy pro-ijred the i KvrJthiiig ai r(,-t f.,r :io day.-, -,v victim and tied his handa b-hmd him I want t0"iak,! -"' for spring goods and placed him .,n r mul- behind little j try We Ule:ul J""1 w,,:it we saJ'; Iiob Carroll, to taUe his last ride on j Martin lire. t'art!l- All kiiul-4 of Hpriiiuul Sumn-..-.- When the mo!) reached the orchard ,!r(.tS -, H u l,e-t prices at near tlm church on the Canherry road j Jledd's'Varicty i?lorc. J j in l I rom isakersville, about .! :.;n Snndav 11 oi niiw tluv hnltctl. nnlcrcil little Iiob to ride u under an aim'e ! , hne Jot (,f Va"ts: Everybody ' tneiii ior tree, and l.nglisJis feet were tiea t. irief Xcws Aiotes From Taiiou Poirls in the Suited State. Congressman ttower is trying to have a taritf of 25 jer cent put on mica. The grand jury at Durham, N. C, has indicted nearly fifty boys ?. k! vcuih! niinorsi for fr:viv.nt- TJiIKI fos Kiaunt. (i. II. Uoysti this week. f Thermal, viMtiny - Mr. w.i' h.-r Mr. J. K. Carpenter, here tin- week. Mn. It. II. liellllftt relatives in Matesville. The rain on Tuesday helped the gardens, but hurt the .-how Kx-Mayor, Cha. I. Klanton, if A'.h-ville, was over tbi.-t week. Mis Sail it Keid, of Old Fort., was vi-iiin friends here thi week. Mr.-. W. 1.. Uryani. of iloone, is visiting her daughter, Mr-. I ". Mor- pl.eW. Mr. and Mr. Kdaar Izlar are in Mar-hall, where, they will epemlthe unniier. Some ,iortsmen in our town went ,ird hi'v.tiiisr rec.-Mitly 0:1 MniiiKireet wit lion! fi!!i or los. ... Mr. !. . Chne. ( f Sbeiby, has piiri-ha.M'd an interest iu the !:ale I5ar ;u,.ivi!l make Ibis bis future borne. --.J. C.. N'eal lias Hold bis entire in i .1 in t ho l!ii'-k Creek Mills, known th" j:;-(!vvi and loun. i-.; Mr. .;:.lin Lonley. Or. W. H. Wakefield, of Winsto;i, N. ., will be in Marion at the Flcm iniuur House on Tbiirstiuy, May loth pr;4eiiee limited to Kye, K.ir. Nose and ia:)ps, i! .in i hnmr V The Little I toy bo Killed Pat terson in Kuowille, is Acquitted. Some dayg ago tiie folio ving appear ed in a Kncxville paper, concerning the trial of little Arthur Cardwell. who killed Walter PaUeron, because lie be lieved the latter was about to kill his father. I'attcron was rn:eeu in Lurke otiiity. tf;i state : ;:r;(; ..: . , .. 1 1 or i X. C. C. C'i :C pic un ci n:i.:-:s4ii, . I . ft cm Jlillel d), i i-.-terd.y . i-..-ocir I it I.-J; ! 1. a wd r t'. e court house hnr.t. ( be youii": ladies of the M. K Church are yettiiiK up an entertain ment known the "Last Loaf," which will be phijcd in the court house about tin- middle of April. I.ioUsl.V c I)emoei-;it ).-st Frid matter he bev. ltu- lined t In: I'liai-ns in v:tlUHl)le o lut- r. iy.r by the .st Asbeville, nsirieriiiir the nomination. M. I.. Kavbr has !is( n ered a mica mine on bis property in l ie ..orthcin part ofthe count y, huh Jluj; luu froi.i I iie sui face n ill.' nun.' w ill prove I t, rant's do-I.'oy" andMi's Fdna McCurry's deer, conclmicd this climate w.ns too cold lor t h.-m, so t bey moved farther South, "Koy" stopping at Shelhy, and "Nell on f.iny Jtner. ( barley Ward took a batn in the r ver lad Sunday, and in making a Utn-i tlive rdruck a rock cutting his b.-ad seven -ly. lr. Unrein r.f-wed the wound to-tlier, taking lilteen stitches in i'. ib:v. i". J- Kocrs tvas married to Mi--s Katie Wiseman. at Henrietta, on the 1Mb. insl.at the residence ol the I ride's parents, and returned to Marion It. .-aine day. The Ksrono eviends eonratulations Som parties w ho were arretted Mid eonlined in the ealaboosi snow day lor disorderly conduct, did with mal ic a forethought, maliciously and feloniously with knives r;ne their wav through the wall and niale jjoo.l ! heir escape. ihedry weather for th f a-it fe'.v weukn bad made the fences, leaves and woods alon the railroads so dry that sparks from the railroad engines spread lire alone; the line m M -l'owelt and Uurke counties. bd hk damage lo fences and t imher. get her, be Hill sitting on the lnubs be hind iiob 'arroll. Tlicy then pave Bob the rope made of liwup grass, and told li'm be must bang Knjrlish. The. boy tied the ropf to a limb hanging above bis head, and hold ing th' other end in bis band, said : "Now, I'ncle Ihd, I am going to tie the other end around your neck,' and proceeded to do F.ngli.-Ii was given lifteen minutes lo pray, 'i here were three preachers present, ami all prayed for the doomed man. He begged for mercy, protesting bis innocence, but tin: rope was tied, and he and Iiob still on the mule, und when tiie fifteen minutes expired, a burly fellow in the crowd commanded, "Iiob, spur that mule.'' Jicdr sparred the mule and left his brother-in-law suspended in the air between the limb oftho tree and the ground. His feet only lacked four inches touching the ground. The fall did not break his neck, but death re sulted from .strangulation. We also learn that English's wife bad two little children, whom she left at home the evening he murdered her. li ... ti:.v ieporJi-a that he eoni.r.-.en the rriiii" to Col. Bowman, whom he had retained as counsel. Mcf'all & Conley, have just received lafet week to x pair spring pants. PemeiiiLor that Tom Martin's Restaurant is the l .t place to get it Mjuaru iiH.-al when you come to court next week. Buy your grocer ies from him. Kx-Pol;o';man Rollins, of Dur am. was trivd f-r u.t.rder y $-.-. ioniLh t;gv, t.iid ivunu guiuy. hv got a new trial ad was accuntiea Near Charlottesville, Va., a little girl wandered off from hom When found f-ho was sleeping un der a tree with her head pillowed dangerously near a vunomiH snake. hand in bis hip a::ault and had hi pocKt-t as be v.as just getting artvan- tage of Tlirop Cardwell Th boy had I good reason, from the evidence of sev- eral witnesses, to believe that his father ; was about to be killed, when he took the pistol from behind the counter and fired at Patterson. After brief consultation, 'Squire H,,ll.l,.l.l..r. .,.1.1 .-..... 1 .1 . Mrs. J. I. Aortrii has just received . , 1 ,p , .... .... . . a new stock of elegant spring millin- 11031 "riantto, antl swai lowett one mey naa unanimously aareea cry, embracing everything in the mil- pair of boot and all the old shoen upon justifiable liomiciJe and to dis- nnery line, ladies Hats, bonnets, trim- . that could le found. The noii.C charge the prisoner. The assembly avvoke th citizen, vln dispatched broke loose in tremendous applause, the hdui nui. v;-:i'v Florida alligator crawled into I thtsidonoe of a sleeping citizen Three iiion, while lighting on a Everybody that want- their walls whitewashed this spring, must call on McC'all &. ( onlev, and get the finest thing on earth, the Plastico. All colors ' train in Missipnippi, were huried st0(:K- from the platform while the train Tinware, Glassware, Crockery, j was running at full pwed, but which showed the decision of the court alio met with its happy approval. The presiding justice cited some his t d-ieal local cases of a similar cbarac tsr, and a number of decisions on sim ilar cases elsewhere, showing the court lamps, Lcmkipg-glasses and Clocks j wer. well enough when they landed j m .(s clieap at Medd's Variety Store. Farmers, take your Eggs to McCall .t Conley, and get the cash. For the very best clover seed, go to .McCall & Ceiiley. Only 15 cents per pound. to jump up and continue the tight. There approximately 1,050 hub allianccB in North Carolina. Mr. I'arnes says they are rapidly being ; reorganized. There are about 50,- 000 nn nil)ers in good standing and --Col. C V . Hall's show exhibited here last Tuesday. Cwingtothe severe rain und oohl very few people were in town. There, were some splendid al- ti..iw i i the show, and if the weath er had been good we would doubtless , have witnessed a line performance. --Ipu Sle;i!l. I.ogan Nicliols, went to Abbeville Tuesday aveuing to eet Joe l':itton, colored, who sometime ago, -hot the negro .Inn Cowan, during a dance at a cabin in the "gallows lield." Pat ton was arrested a few davs ago by oUi.-crs in Asbeville, and is now in M-rion jai'. --We barn from (.'apt. t. W. raw lord, wlu has just returned from Polk, that Pr. NV. P.. Walker.of that county, was shot a lVw days ago and killed by bis grandson. The boy is now in jail in Columbus awaiting trial. It is claim ed Hint it wa accidental. lr. Walker j vvrt-a son of ex-SheitT Walker, of Kuth-J rford county. We hupv that our reader.-, w ill j overlook (or !okoverx all shortcomings j errors, mistakes, etc, etc.. in this i-. ue, j a the wditor i- i' Morgsnton. the .ircil- was here thi- week and as j every one knows employees of print ing ' V;..v.'s itter have o much religion j that they can't attend a circiis when it comes r.'.ori!'. especially when tbev j Ji tiaic:tl Election. Mayuks On ici:, Marion, N. C There will be an election held in the Court House on Monday May7(ils )l for I he purpose of elect ing a mayor and live aldermen, for the next year for the town of Marion, X. C. This April Pith bS'Jl. J.ti. Nkai., James Mokkis, Secretary. Mayor. Jimmie JI. Hemphill, Robbie L. (iiikev and Kddif 1). Rulliam were in Old Kort yesterday. A touijielive examinaiion wib be held in the court bouse in Ashcvilie on May ih, lOlh mid lltli.tur the purpose ofselect injj a Nn al C adi-t lo Acuopolis. The up pli -.i!! tri must ljebatw.:n tbc- ot IS hiiU 2i) jimis. I'r. W. I). lliiliHid, Ch.ti . A. YVeloi nmi K. b. Wiedisoti ill coioiliiu te lite board' We understand that one of our progressive merchants proposes to start a subscription to make a good read from this place to Uakersville. All citi zens are interested in this matter, and it is surprising that our merchant I havf sieii; on thi cuettion so long. We j are truly oriy tint ril thai ha been .aid and 'rtrittu n this -jucstie .( 1 ,i, j ,( n . I i:p r.ail. Can .e al'.nu i. sit j si ill, and allow Morautoii to take the I mountain trade away from usV (lb, this is all stuff, some ray, but. you will see ' what kind of stuff it h. if " don't go to work. Is Marion so dead that the business men are quietly wailing to at lend the funer.o"J T. A. White, the old and estab- j halt' uf lh linhed wood workman can always be found at his old .stand, ready to do any any all kinds of wood work, and do it cheap. George A. Gilkey has a nice line of Provision Safes, from up. Call on George A. Gilkey and get a baby carriage. are women. You can gel anv kind and siz3:- of window hhailes at George A. Gilkey 'a furniture store. If yni want anything like a hands )ino necktie Martin JJros. has the oniv nice display m town. If thev cun't suit von voa wiii have to visit the Northern markets. Clothing. Hats, 'Shoes, Sifters, Buckets, Baskets and pictures cheap at Medd's Variety Store. If you need anything in the no tion line call on Martin Bros. (Jo to A. B. Gilkey & Hon for first class syrup "Sugar Drip" at 40c per gallon; also Tally in different flavors, at. 15c. per pound. Ton Sale. Two good milk cows. Gull on J. S. Elliott. Kodak Headache Cure, ten cants per package, at Morphew's. All kinds of garden seed at W. Mel. Uurgins. The largest lire of imlionp and r.ovelii s in Y,Y ....: a N :lh Cvm i'.i:, at lUJ.'W Va ::' -ton. M:it'n Br.'t!. i.-.ve ;::-:t :' -ivril a full and complete line ci spring and summer shirts, in variegated colors. ''Oh, aren't they they sweet!" exclaimed a young lady, on toeing the sword pin", in Swindell's show window. Mr. Crawford has introduced a bill to pay the Eastern Clicrokees their jjro rata of one million one hundred nod sixty-eight thoiis-cnd dollars ofthe sale of the Cherokee outlet. Years ago the courts deci ded that the Indians who elected to remain in North Carolina when tht most of the tiil e went west, had no right to the western lands. ! Tli is being so Mr. Crawford will not likely be successful. (Growing a little eloquent, the 'squint held that though there was no pre cedent at law, common sense and the laws of humanity and Hature establish ed precedent. It is conimen instinct to defend from harm those of year kin, not only in man, but throughout the entire animal kingdom and the forte of hia remarks made a good impression and elicited rounds of applause. Young Arthur was marie, quite a hero out ofthe affair, and as he left the court room in company with ki.-s par ents he was followed by quite a crowd up street, and people stopped and won dered what it all meant. THE" JLJBOIU HAS HKKX ItKMOVKl TO THK LOCATION WHKKIi Stood. Love and the Mailer. Love, be ltd i lie Miuter In a :rifn lone Where t he dukiu-s; ihaibwd liim With its Brief and rajiu. Aid ( tor li in tiie Master Wit I. ia tli it garden drear ! Keen thorns climbed and kinied lib lips Aud leU their crimson llierj. I ove, he led .lie Master From tl.nt gard;p din. And with sharp thorcn in iuock-ry Wreathed rouaJ the brow him. And U for 11 iin the Master, That Lo.-e should ki.s and kill, And carve Hun the re a crcs3 t, bear Alone to Calvary hill, I.eve, he led the Master From the midtiijtit gloom; C'cr the wild and wounding morns Made thu link-' bloom. And O Ior l!i:u the Master, For c(;r'ieii, truss a-.'J bid! COMMUNICATIONS. Ma. Kditok: Ai the sta-on fot po'itics ha ariiv.rl I dtsire to suggest the; inline ' !r. Joisu K. Moijlew tor itie S-nate. Vt is :n :d'l? debaU'i', a popuUr null with ti e ptrople and a s'.aunch Democrat. Youis, CoCKTRY DBMOCR4T s The Custom r Vi'ill Find Them Still on Main Strt-et, in tl.o main part of the Building, Selling DRY GOODS, GKOCLRIES, HAKDWAR2, SHOES, Hats, Plows nnd all Kinds of General loreliandise CUh'Ari'It THAN USUAL! ?-CALL WHEN H TIT.VN ANU GET BARGAINS ! MARION', N C., April Ut, ISOi. 1'iiblic IoaIs. All civilize! people hire good pjbiic roads. This is n ino lern evidence ol eir ilizat'ou, it b.-lm:jfs to the Ki?, aud the modern raitro' historrenn tas'iy wiir.cas that Heme anIGrrce dated their strength ot emnire frctn the beginning ot ihoir good i o.i d 3. The Fng'.iBh iid Scotch, for teu tu lies baciw the leading and most fiiiccvssfu, people i:itb vrorid, began wild go id ronb' The nurthrrn States of this grand Atai ri can I'liiou have Sjenl tiiillious upon mil lions cn good roads, and siili theyd'i it. The bbUt cuiiu'y in North Carolina is spending $1.50) per mile, bu i'.dia;; god roads The eunuty of Mecklenburg iy her pride in n.nd.s to Charlotte, the county sea'., lias built it tut to be tl.e forrinnst in Thf h ie..?.! tliat seoiti ll CitT l)f 1 1)0 -S. The con Susan Lew is and her two children, Jessie and Agnes, were urraigned be fore Justice Mcl'onalil last week on the charge of keeping a disorderly house. They wt re bound over to court, but it was agreed that if they would leave the count) , .".to! slay away, t lie case would not be carried up. This is a move in the direction of reform, and theolticers should sec (hat thejudg nuhl is carried out. It is said that seme of the "kids "who have been visit ing these places are very indignant at the action of the court, but the; are ;ts guilty as the Lewis gang, and the court will probably pull .omeof them if necessary. li lit- Should icl l lit re. The authorities at Washingt- ha. con .-.lie ts. Ha v. that Goxey und every man m his brigade, will be arrested imme diately upon arriving in that city. Th'Te i? a law that makes it an ot-ft-nce i'.r any person r persons to bring into the iistri;t ot Columbia persons likely to lu.-'ome a charge on tl:.- conurunity. and anoih.er statute that will authorize the ar rest arid imprisonment of every man in his army. foICA mi FGH SALE. Twas cn n weird l.Krar.a peel She l:pie", this ipieen of martyrs And thv jrinr.'ui dudes who aw br reel Kxclainid, ".'ly slurs and garters " Louisville Times. n.nonly this iifc familiar i.e proud it James I..r.--. .v'-reu.c know it i.s "t i :.ek." de;arted Tuesday night. "Crack" w as j character in Mnrioii. lie was wtierof a "pic.v'ful g 'odpe---! i: but be could never be induced to underany eirctim-tance. His re pi) to anv offer made to buy was, -niil'iii can make me part wid dat dorg." but. the above event hai separated them cur ing this life, at least, .hi; t as we coto press we learn that Cood M..-a Mine in Mitcb.'ll cci:t: Due hundred acres of lsnd in the tr;: -loO birch tree and other timber liargain Appi)' lo tiie Carolina improvement Co., Marion, N. C. FreacSicr IarloEi n I'j aiu!. CentrrTA, (J.i., A;.rii 4tn I tS4 Kmitou Mahion- Ukcokd I'c.tr fc'jr: Xetic-iug in your v-iluuhle p i er ot March Ji'th. cli?iing frori '.he V'n; nt?vii!e Ooti-- ler, ia r iri to a Kov. Jno. Marst'ia. 1 bi; space to inform the people ani jour read era, t h t I person illy ki:ov this celebraied divine. Jno. Mutstou, better known here as Puck M.i.ston, who was born nerr iin place about -7 or SU years ago. From hoy l:oo.l. ilaittun 1ms been a notori t. ratcal; ids r:t step to tame 'a ti.s e.lrrction was forging cheC'.s. oi lers etc. I;'.ead of bis leir beiuir etm oil 1'V the Caatuoaitf , it was crusued by the iron ti-et of a G orgia ft eight U.-.tJ wiii e at e 1 1 i :ig a ride . I a in in capable o!' exp.cr.-ii.g th if contempt the citizens of ihis coni naiiity b.inf for ties a llow. Mia iitv .le I in jther has been th. on'y nioaas of keepia in in oat u' prison rears :gr. '!) be. n:e btin la Marion. N. ('. i mention tli.s merely to c p ojde of Miir.on maybe ira.iy t wclcou.e hna s!ioi;!U be roach ther..'. Yours trale, Will M. McJosali. CLOSING GUT SALE. McCurry ct Nichols wiii f-11 their immense steel: of goi-ds in- chnling dry gculs, notucs j hardware, i:i l'aet everything they ! have m stock, excepting groceries j va ill be sold at cust, p: siivelv al ! cost, if vott d.di't beaevo it c.ii. t and see h r vourfeiv-?. A rcdiin attempted to rii A sweet little lay about ?pri;ir, Uut ere he h ii ut t-re.l a note An infantile blizzard Contracted his pizz.rd Ai d tl.e n.t:cu.'y froze in l is ;Lroat N". Y Jout n. l . SPECIAL RATES TtVTHE WEST. The following special railroad rites wet it into effect March 1st lS'.M: First class limited rates via the Missouri Pacific to San Francisco Cal., will be a? follows: From Memphis or St. Louis one way -7.o0. Bound trip $17.50 good for 00 days to return, good going one route and returning another. F r further particulars, address, A. A. Gallauhek, Southern Passenger Agent, 10, Bead House Chattancega. t 1 M. ;..... t c... in J V.'v.i. v nai? Jo roa . C irs hckisj the puVic roads! liiriiers i.ac:-d across .Be puo.ic wa.vs; iiarion iu coiiutT 8.t s!iut in by gHtef! idnnie otia ooaid ol'tomruisri )uer? wli veil! bluit nt public road wirti agate for ths peisoual convenience zt foiaeboJy who ought to maka his own fence or vote to have no tenet:. Iaeid of g-od roads, the roads l blockaded it!i gales 8tid no ladj Can uismouut to open ti. em, ana no stranger uiow.- whether uc i irospassins oa t..rbui ;en giour.d b.'C.iiue o! th-f gile. Tbec things ought not to be. Is there no remedy. i'LBLlCL'S. notiie! MiTin;:: notuk:: We are now in possession of the most vaiuable mica rrcpcrty in Mitt hell, Yancey and Mcl'oweli counties, also line timber lands, ami it will pay the 'Crack" is still in the land of the living. . northern capitalists and speculators to The life line has been thrown out and (.:llu11 us wluMl Iu.e(1 cf such i rop eaught him ami he may ) et live to eaten jt.rtv many a fat possum with that good dorg. I ' ' lale S: Atkin. Cards are out announcing the I ' """TT ni:irr :rf b T.ibn W Strc. t- A first-class New Home )0vin man to" Miss i)aisv Eaves at the machine, equally as good os new, j Wilkerson. Tesid .nc r f the bride's parents on ; ir sale cheap, or exchange. Apply Tuesday, April 17th. 1 the Record ofhee. i not i: t:. The following ii-t of wa'ches being l'.ehl i y ll. ll. l.rot.ks'i:. r. two lo b ur years, will be sold for repairs linh'SS Called ler Wlthlll' tentton in th hea . , i , i . 1 t i T Increased urinary thirtv davs troin date: ( , i arl- t of the expulsive : ton, Wm. Lane, P. A. Coscy. Gad- i dvs, S. A. Bowman. Gibon, B. II. Bullard, Cosby, Will Wells. Tom Carson, Logan Jackson, Junes tm ANIMAL EXTRACTS! Prepared according to the formula of i Dll. WM. A. HAM3IOND, I In his laboratory t Washington, D. C. i CCRFBRIXE. from the brain, for dis- ea..s of the brain ami nervous system. :WEI)I LLIE, from the (tpiiial cord, for diseases of iho cord. iLocomotor-Ataxia, A etc. t X CARDKC, from the heart, for disease T of tiie hPftrt. X TCMT1MK, from the teste, for disease cf the testes, t Atrophy of the organs, eter- idtr. ete.v ova BIXE. from the ovaries, for diseases of the ovnrie, I?jiartsviile ."svs. Mr Editor: Ab I have seen nothing in your piper l.oia our village lately. 1 wil. ive the readers o:your valuable patera ieiv i ens frsiu tuis tn t of t.ie county Hoping iliat th -y uuy not fiud taeir w ay to tin- waste b.-snpt. Our farmers ae aisout ready to plant coru and are waning paiiemly for ti.! weather tj t irn wa. mrr, i..d io.- the moou to get nghc. Deputy L) L. Laws is busily engaged in cnpluriog t .t T.o.ulcii of bucle Sa.u'o Statiotici. Our Wi.-rch.ats, T.iylor & Pitar:, hive more houie-nitde .n;-t to se! 1 this spring than tr s.-v rii year), havtn lvo or three thousaui Jioauus aviev, they think lbei will not have to go lo c i:.ci.i.;a;i f r t ry rtiueh it :tl tiiis coeii.-tg tHini.i -r, tveiiii v: 1 tend to some outil, ij keep o it money L -i.iv. j !r. W. if. Taylor, who b been at Siui;- aine. in l.tierlorl co.iuty. te.irli.rg e ool is exjK-cteJ borne Saiurdar. We wei c me ii:ui ixcit biuoiig us. Pr. Join) j. .Siraiuon and U.-. J. ?. IIw i.:is fi eiu Aiab.iina, who gra .ua . o Ciiatt.uo v, Tenn.. e ,ic n Cvdse, tvi- :o. ;i k i bete la frsctio- meili-.-iat. We vr a :lo!ii i ven iiealvr ucce, if possioli.-. Liu r S icinj.ij lis I last samm-r. : ev. Mr. tioroo p.e.i' sermon at t i Vetbud.-t church last uu Old Fori !V"vt f. l?r. S. V. Ib bertson dii'i put up a blacksmith shop near town on tie Crooked Creek road, which will te handy for quite a number of our far merj. Several Sunday; since, during inter estingserviees at tha i'resbyterian Church, our tow ii.sman, TJr. J. II. I51a lock, was mad a I'eaeon, Kev. W. II. IVhite ofliciatinjf, and preiichcd a line sermon. Easter services at the Episcopal Church here were of more than usual interest and beauty, and we were pleas ed to see that many of our citizens en joyed them. The Sunday School exer cises in the afternoon, with the sing ing of th? children were evidence of careful training by the teachers. Don't fail logo to the concert on Friday night, as the object i a good one, and the funds will uite somewhat to the comfort of the .;stpnablo pastor and his worthy and charming wife and baby. There will be a concert at tin-Jlen- zie Store house, on Friday night, 13lh inst for the benefit of the Methodist Parsonage. The low price of admission and the general gathering of local tal ent coupled with tho worthy object, should draw a lare crowd. Owing to the scarcity of money the tickets will be only Ten Cents. The case of Muhlenberg vs Hester, was tried by arbitrators last Monday :.r.d Tuwdny. A'U r careful eousntcra- j ; i jon f.ut' .;!"-:.t voiii.riiis of evidence; ' b.-e-kec. I' rl - .igt o . ii'. j d jm-r.t I .no -"ven i: M. .n ti.e M'u: .Illi."-? ' iii'i o;v.-. Jiay Ve I W-rd losu),: without offending anyone concerned,! that tins verdict was r.nmrv. bat of a j surprise to many in the smali amount J awarded. j Hev. O. W. Phelps will preac'.l in the I Episcopal church here on Sunday 15th int. night and morning. Old Fort i.s to be congratulated in that thin spring she escapes the anx ieties fioid sometime ill feeling.) of a municipal election, the new charter makes our t:wn election i bi-enuial. There i.s a very little taiX of the man whom this district should put forward to defeat the boodle candidate set out by the liads and populist, but it is quite a comfort to know that wc also i can at the proper time put a "Kieii- j iiiond in the field," who will make it mighty interesting for Mr. Pearson, and leave him "writhing on the plain while our "Cox" is crowing over his pror.trat form. Ho mete it be. Mr. I.rm-e Llack -.voider and family have removed to Asbeville, where he has secured employment in a newly es tablished wagoti top factory. The many friends of Tom Tate and Pcridergrssi wire s rry to see tUeni foing West iat vn.-ek, but hope they mar -strike it rich" our. there. ! The forcibl-- words of your lat w.-ekr ( j editorial on improvement in rai-dngj ! stock are on thr. right line, tbo' we fear j will not avail much, for it seems hard t i to get tiie ftrtiiiug eornnnuoty out of j tile jtu ruts, i'.nu toe ptiy oi K ii mat. , I tin-re arc those &:.iong Ihcm to whom a I i word from any other than a Populistic , i schemer is vry di-tast ful. j ' The exbi jitloii of him-clf, made by i the wild irovernor of South ( ii-i;In:a, in 1 the late troubl ? in ti.r.t State, wiii b i .-..... i.-e l.i the world .ld tei.-.I to isub- Ekvms Mnm-x, PkesIpknt. I 1. MeEot'u, CasMiKB. am:i:vii.m:, n. c I)K.MflX.lTS'B KVAVI-: Ii:rONlTOKV. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $25 000. We Lavtt .Speciiil facilities for handling the bubinetH of Mcrcbnnta and others in Western North Carolina. If you have no Bank nccotlit or think of n change, we will bo glad to havo you correspond with ui. 6 BU F WHOLESALE Aftf RETAJt I take this method of informing you tliat I liav jHsi opnJ LARGEST AND KOST COMPLETE STBCK OF HARDWARE, FARMIM3 IMPLEMENTS, BUSS1ES, HACKS AND SPRING WAG0N8, Ever brought to Marion. . 05il. anil IIKATIXG MTOVi:.', CJood ami Claeapl Doors, Sash and Blinds, Glns?t i'aints, Oih S'aiiii ZSrieniics, ail, Ho;-e ?.m.m ic. at wholesale prici t fount ry r.ienli :i.s. 1 keep on hand a suppM K THE- CELEBEATKU PIEDMONT wAGONE which for price, finish end durability, have no eqiwl. Then are wairant.'d for 12 month. , ! F, .Jones, CBAIG BUILD -iRF.PAIIUNG A VSPKCIALT i? I.e. rood if i: (a :t ei.oul.l,; cjt.ses con servative men to itiieci ere in.si.! .... . . 4,XT1r U neAtr thev cast their vote for any of his pu- I rl l)t AtlOnUOIl VjlVeU IU U11V "tu JL JIl'Nei'UJfC. thyrodine. etc. Dm, FWf Drop. Frit (I lrchni MM. X The rhvsio'OKical effects produced t f T 'nt-i ! tif I rrrbrinr are accelera.lon of the pulse with leelinKOI luuness ana nis- exeretion. aucmenlstion force of the bladder and peristaltic action oi tne inietnes. meremw . in muscular strength and endurance, in- . James B. March ZQ, 181-L rwixr.ELL. creased power of vision In elderly people. ana increased appeitie inQQisuri-ri. Where local drurpisU are not supplied with the Hammond Animal Extract they will be mailed, together with all existing literature on the subject, on receipt of price, by nr Mrll rnmiriL CO f) WaafclactMt, D. C. lltical faith It li a fact beyond ques- a.i laierectins I ..... ,i, t ,.ct 1 1 ii -neo- lioil liiai niiiin' r- 1 ks party" has gotten control of State .-..vrnmi.nt. invariably troubles more or les. serious have arisen ; and it is no J reply to say that .t i-. the fault of i iti- j ens who under Democratic rule have j n ' vvav - been S;iW-biding . 'i tlluian in lcDueii ci.cuit, i 1 be i.eii at Piaac.e I a fanatic, an I wo can easily t-e that all j uurch tht eecuuJ fu.iiav auJ s-aturcar this furor is intended fvr party effect, i .0 but we predict that liiawiM career will I . wi i say no more at pr-seiit. but ifuVe I prove a -boomeranj"' in S. C., and w it - res ti !u tu J it. tt e itiruiiu when r I lmA hf a wnrnin r to the vmiA neonle e;ic.iea Pyj.-ivi.ie, yen may l. ar ft .ui of her ister fctte. me Kaiu. j ;-lD.ZV. - ir-iiK. 1 Old Fori, N". ( April 13tl. J li i't'tott ;of lelTic hts l.rt n put oh ,1). Taylu 's mail loi'.e. Pce,l tu t. al co.uir.untly- vtiU -jne I.e. eafi. r a 'tally ti.-il. The decon I quarti n tiicetsuj ! r the BY MAIL. Estimates Furnished as to Charges. RETURN POSTAGE PAID ON REPAJ "lfffMCT v V t.'.r.f r. SWINDELL, it tvt a "FtLTOTnT. 1ST C . k-f-.

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