oases drugs ; . , ; - - ". rT' An attractive and elegant line of W .!m Y 1 .. ;-',v ' ! - ' ZV - T , -;'r 7 " " Fancy and Toilet Articles, al-o " ' i) U' I TV tCV: I il fTKt v ' Hi v McCollV 'JoiJ.eV TROPICAL FRUITS, and a full hue 1 1 U , N fH - Mini! lift WlRv1Jm&$(fa I A iiyV; DRUGS .. MEDICINES, " "iMRjfci L V ivll " 1 - CT VVAyW $ I ;,,g uALL VOL ,; j V,11 C LOCAL GLEANINGS. Hems of More or Less Import a nee Pointedly Printed For ICecord Headers. County Commissioner!! meet nest Monday. Mr. Will C. Xeal went to Rutherford Thursday. Mr. James Bradley died at Old Kort last week. Mr. K. Seals, of Bridgewater, was in town Tuesday. J. II. Giles, of Glen Alpine, was in town on Monday. Mr. A. K. Weaver went to Thermal City Wednesday. Mr. J. W Strettinan has opened his soda fountain. Mr. fi. W. Crawford was in Ruth rfordton this week. The editor f thin paper is away this week. on business Mr. 15. A. Newland of the S. A. L. was in town Wednesday. Mr. Wm. K. Gray died at home jiear this place Tuesday. Kev. W II. White's school is hav ing a picuic on Bek Creek to-day. Miss S. Mi-Call, of North Cove, was visiting relatives here last week. Lightning f-truck pine tree on iarden street during the storui last week. Preaching at the Cemetery at 4 p. in. Sunday afternoon by Rev. J. W. Greenlee. Several car loads of poultry passed through here this week on their Way to vasteru markets. Miss Mamie Sinclair') school closes o-day. She gives a picnic to the chil dren on next Monday. George Garden, known as Miller Gerge, died Thursday the 20th tilt, at Mebo, of typhoid fever. General Manager, Samuel Hunt, and Chief Engineer A. X. Molesworth of the 3 C's were here this week. -Everything is getting green, we don't mean some people around here, thrv have always been that way.) Messrs. Charles Bobbitt and John heck will open up an ice cream parlor in the Flemming Hotel, in a few days. Miss Grace May Xeal gave a birth day party at the residence of her father M-aj. J. M. Xeal, on Wednesdiy evening. The St. Charles Hotel was burned in New Orleans Sunday Morning. Loss ;HKt,XX to $100000. Four lives were l-t. - Col. Frank Coxe and family pass ed through here last week on their way M the Col's, farm in Kutherford county. Miss Harriett Xeal, who has been visiting relatives in Newton, has re turned, accompanied by her sister Mrs. W. Ivey. Miss Alda Motz, of I.incolnton, and Miss Christmas, of Durham, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .las. Morris. Frank Hatton editor and part owner of the Washington Post, one of t h leading papers of the country, died in Washington Monday. The time for commencements is drawing near and it will not be a great while until our boys and girls that are vfl" t school will be at home. Mm. W. L. Bryant who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ir. Mor phaw, for the past Tew weeks, returned to her home in Boone Tuesday. Its Ir. Morphew this time instead of Col. and its a 12 pound boy instead of an pound girl. Anyway both the Dr. and Col. are rejoicing together. Mr. E. A Thomas has a bear that was caught a few days ago a short dis tance from the Brick House on Buck Creek. It is only about two months old. A Fine brood mare belonging to Mr. G. W. Con ley, of th firm of McCall & Conley,hasa young Forest King colt liuh it is caid, can pace as fast as It row n Hal. Mr. Chas. Bobbitt will open his Ice Parlor next Monday morning. Call around and get Ice Cream, Milk Shakes, Sherbets or anything you may want that is cold. Register, J. C. Brown issued ten marriage license last month. Just think of it, twenty people made happy and still there are some left who con tinue to cry "hard times." Mr. D. X. Lonon is having his house repainted and otherwise improv ed, lie has already made a garden Madam Rumor says all this means we won't say because we would be tell ing a secret () I.awson Howard, col. who killed ('. I). Jones, white, in Cleveland cownty a few months ago was convicted of manslaughter in the Superior Court at Shelby last week and sentenced to twenty years in the penitentiary. M r. Lee Sommereau was in town Wodneadav. If will lie remembered it was reported on tno streets here last week that ho had killed himself in Columbia. He Wfc very much surprised to learn that he was dead. Maj or Morris had George Duncan before him laFt week for being drunk aud fined him $2 50 to be paid in work on the street. George worked very well for about half day, and then he man aged somehow to make his escape. We expect a great many have been won dering what has become of George Tne above accounts for his forced at- Ul'ILTV OF E.TIBEZZLEJIE.VT I What the ttrand Jury Says of Ex-Sheriff Reynolds. Arhevii.i.e, April 30th. The hearing of ex-County Tax Collector, I). J, Rey nolds, under rule for contempt, charg ing him with approaching a grand ju ror with reference to a bill pending before the grand jury, was had before Judge Jones to-day. The judge dis charged the rule, deciding that the of fense did not constitute contempt, but directed the solicitor to send a bill to the next grand jury under the laws of '91, which makes the offense a misde meanor. The grand jury this afternoon re turned two true bills against Reynolds, charging him with embezzlement. Charlotte Observer. Mr. Reynolds has many friends throughout Buncombe and and aJjoin ing coun'ies. He has been a very pop ular man, and his troubles were not, it is believed, brought about by dishonest motives, but by risking too much mon ey to help build up Asheville. We trust he can settle the matter satisfac torily. Capt. John Carson went to Ruth erfordton this week to attend court. Aluminum thimbles 5 cents at Swindells. The ministers of the town will again this Spring, and the coming Sum mer, conduct preachingservices at the Cemetery every afternoon. The country bride and bridegroom with clothing crackingly new, walked lovingly hand in hand down the broad hotel dining room, two fouIs with but a single thought, and blindly oblivious to all things else but each other in this great happy earth of ours. Almost crowded on one chair, hefondlj fed her as the parent bird its little chick. "Dar ling," he munnuringly clucked, "shall I kin ye a pertater?" "X deary." she gurgled, "I've one already skim." Ex, A. li. Gilkey & Son have iust received a full lino of family gro ceries, consisting of canned goods, sugar, coffee, barrel pickles, flour, candies, snuff, tobacco's etc., at cost for cash. Dr. Wr. H. Wakefield, of Winston, X. C, will be in Marion at the Flem ming House on Thursday, May 10th Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Xose and Throat. ft A competivc examination will be Leld iu the court house in Asheville on May the 10th nnd llth.for the purpose ot'selecle ing a Nazal Cadet to Acnopolis. The up plicants must be betwen the ages of 15 aud 20 years. Dr. V. D. Ililliard, Chas. A. Webb aud II. L. Madison will constitute l he boiird- Xoticr. All persons indebted to us by note or account must come in and settle same on or before June 1st, 1854, or the account will be placed in the hands of an officer for collection, as we are going out of business. MeCurry fc Xichols. April ", 1S!4. The Bumps on l our I'ace. Are caused by iminue blood, and will never be well unless you cleanse it and build it up in richness and purity. Botun ic Blood lialm, the great blood purifier and tunic, is what you nerd. U ic bottle nill clear your complexion and puiifyyour blood. "Try if Price $1.00 per bottle. For gle Uy diuggiscts. A fine Jine of ladies Oxford ties nnd in fact anything in the line of ladies fine shoes. Martin Baos. A first-class shoe, the "Perfec tion," can be had iu any size and quality for $1.00. worth $1.L3, at Martin Bros. Ladies and gentlemen, if you have any walking to do, or a sum mer tramp, it wili pay you to call and see Martin Bros., line of shoes before you start. New line of window shades just received at the furniture store. If you need an extension table call on Geo. A. Gilkey. New line of window shades at the furniture store. Sweet Water Valley and Tellico flour fresh, just received at B. Gil key & Son. Mrs J. P. Morton has just re ceived another line of New Mill nery goods. McCall & Conley have reduced the price on all the goods they have in stock, and their customers will find it so by calling on them when in need of goods of any kind. Marion April 20th 1894. Good Beef Cattle Wanted. I will pay geed prices for good beef cattle. T. II. Maktix. SPECIAL RATES TO THE WEST. The following special railroad rates went into effect March 1st 1S94: First class limited rates via the Missouri Pacific to San Francisco Cal., will be as follows: From Memphis or St. Louis one way $27.50. Round trip $47.50 good for 60 days to return, good going one route and returning another. For further particulars, address, A. A. Gallagher, Southern Passenger Agent, 103 Read House Chattanootra. CAROLINA. ITEMS UATIIEHED FROM ALL PARTS OF TIIC STATE. Tho Stat'! Cental Association m.t 1:1 Durham .n May lt. A fire in Durham one night last week burned a livery stable ami nine horses. According tho Landmark, Iredell county citizens have contributed the first money to the Vance mon ument. A three or four weeka old baby was left in the orphan asylum at Oxford Sunday morning by some unknown parties. Col. Harry G. Thomas, of Thorn asville, N. C, was awarded the first premium on wheat at the World's Fair at Chicago. A swarm of locusts passed over a part of Cabarrus county last week and were so thick as to darken the rays of tho sun. It is reported that Sheriff Adams of Surry county has been killed who he near Mt. Airy, by a man was try ing arrest. It is not an uncommon thins for rich specimens of gold ore to be picked up on the street where ma cadamising is being done in Char lotte. Calls are being made all over the state for forming the Vance Mon ument Associations, to begin col lecting money to raise a monument to the honor of the iate Senator. The next meeting of the North Carolina Press Assoaiation will be held in Morgan ton, commencing Wednesday, May 23, at 3 o'clock, and closing Friday afternoon fol lowing. Gov. Tillman sent to Collector Carter at Asheville in one week $3,500 in gold to pay for stomps on North Carolina corn whiskey he had bought tor his fcoutn Caro lina dispensaries. R. O. Burton, Esq., of Raleigh, has brought suit against State Treasurer Tate and State Auditor Furman for $5,000 for legal servi ces in the Wilmington fe Weldon Railroad tax suits. The case will be tried at the present term of Wake Superior Court, which began Monday. Rev. J. W. Little preached at Cedar Grove, Anson county, Sun day, April 15th, and befora he left uhs church whs arrested by an officer on a warrant sworn out by J. II. Davis, charging Mr. Little with using slanderous language against him in a sermon, preached a month before. It is behoved that Davis will fail to mako out hio case. Hickory I'ress ami Uaroim- ian. THE GALLANT KH0" CoAey Arrested, But Turned Loose. INCIDENTS OF THE MARCH. St. Paul, Minn 24. Shortly after midnight 500 men at Butte, composing the Butte contingent of the Coxey Army, entered the engine house of the Xorthern Pacific Railroad, appropri ated and prepared for service an engine and proceeded to make up a train, com posed of five coal cars and one box car. This action occurred after a struggle of four days between the local author ities aud the mob, which yesterdsy as sumed such proportions as to overawe the officers of the law, and the depart ure from Iiutte was without any oppo sition upon their part. The train was manned by members t f the mob. It crossed the main range of the Rocky mountains early this morning, and reached the main line at Logan, seventy miles from Butte, at about 4 o'clock. They break fa: ted at Uozeman, and flew eastward at the rate of fifty-five miles an hour, coming to a suddeu stop al Timberline at 8 o'clock on account of a cave in. Attorneys for the Xorthern Pacific have wired the sheriff at Livingston to place the mob under arrest for the larceny of a train. Gov. Nelson has been asked to call out the militia to prevent the Coxyites from entering Minnesota. Later the mob shoveled itself out and parsed through Livingston eastward at 5 :30, Washington, D. C, April 25 General SchoSeld, commanding the army, last night sent a telegram to General Mer rim commanding the Department of Dakota, instructing him by direction of the President, to have a sufficient force sent to arrest all persons engaged in the unlawful seizure of the Northern Pacific trains at butte, iontaudto hold the train and all on board until they can be delivered to the United States Marshal for Montana, subject to tne oruer oi tne Lmteu Mates District Court. Telegrams received here state that bands ranging from 50 toHOOmenare congregated at as many as 25 stations oi that railroad from the Pacific coast to Minneapolis, with the avowed inten tion of coming to Washington by peaceable me.ms if they must. Already one or two trains have been seized and constant threats are being made of seizing others. LATER. Washington, May 1. Jacob Coxey's much advertised demonstration on be half of the "Commonweal of Christ" in favor of good roads and the repudiation of national obligations to pay interest on bonds, ended to day in a ridiculous fizzle. All told, about 600 men out cf the originally promised hundreds of thousands, marched up Capitol hill and marched down again. In this COO were included all the unemployed of the capital who could be drummed into i support of the movement. NORTH AX EARTHQUAKE PROPHET. lie Sajr ew York Will be Over. whelmed tkis SuKimer. Speaking of Professor Falb, tho Austrian expert, whoso earthquake prcaiciioiis have attracted so much attention, and who predicts that New York will be overwhelmed by a tidal wave thia New York Advertiser says : I A history of successful earlh- j quake predictions, which are nu merous, is given by Professor Milno In 1843 a bishop of Ischia fore warned his people of a coming earthquake and saved many lives, the shock of 1851 at Melphi, was predicted by the Capuchin fathers. In the first case the warning was based on a change m the character of mineral wait is, and iu the other a lake near tin; tioor of the monas tery became turbulent without ap parent cause. A crazy soldier an nounced in advance the London arthquake in 1G91 and a Milanese astrolager that of Leghorn in 1742. Th0Se Were haPi)r guewes. I" earth Hua,4C (.uuuiues mere arj shock prophets just as there are weather prophets with us. In both cases only the successful guesses are re corded. Professor Falb bases his predic tions on the old theory that earth quake shocks are produced by the attractive influence of the sun and moon producing a tide in the fluid interior of the earth, which causes fractures of the solid crust. Possibly when we understand electricity better we 6hall have an earthquake as well as a weather bureau. 3Iadeliue Pollard's Letter. New York, April 10. A morn ing paper prints as a special from Washington a statement from Miss Pollard in regard to her intention for the future as follows: Washington, D. C, April 15. As my unfortunate case is now erded with a verdict in my favor l do not see why 1 may not say how deeply and heartily I thank the press of the United States n general for all that has been said in my behalf, and how clearly I see and admit lustificacion f r much that has been said against me. I should like to say how deeply rateful I am for the kind let.trs which have come to me and to my counsel from all parts of the United States during the terrible ordeal through which I have just passed. It tho future holds anything for me, it cannot be in the direction of publicity and sensation. If my untrained literary ambition is to receive any reward or justification it must como with labor and pa tience, and 1 have no idea of going on the slace or the lecture nlat- form or otherwise accentuating the publicity which my unfortunate career has had in this trial. I have been applied to by various publishers to edit a report of the trial, but I have not brought my self to think that this would be a wise step, and if I t-hox Id take it, it will only be becausw 1 believe myself able in a good sense to point the moral of my misguided life and to awaken good sentiments in the public rather than to keep alive bad sensations. "Madeline Pollard" Notice. In pursuance to a call of the Repub lican Congressional Committee ot the 9th District of North Carolina, I here by call a Kwpublican County conven tion for the county of McDowell, to meet at the Court House in Marion, on the 7th day of May 1894 for the pur pose of electing two delegates and two alternates to represent this county in the said Congrw&sion Convention to meet in the city of Asheville May 10th 1894, and at the same time it may be necessary to recognize the County Committee. W. J. Nesbitt, Chairman Republican Executive Committee. 35 COMPLETE NOVELS NEATLY BOUND, AND A YE.-iR'S SUBSCRIPTION to a large 16-pags illustrated month!) mag.-tiine for ONLY 30 CENTS. This is a mo?t liberal offer as Household Topic?, the magazine referred to, is a high-cUss paper, repletr with stories of love, adven'ure, travel, and short interesting and ii uru -lire sketches of f ict and fancy; aud .Bti? list of 35 novels f re such treasures as ' A Brave Coward, by Robert Louit Stevenson ; A Blacksmith's Daughter, by Etta W. Pierce; NineHa, a most pleading story bj M. T. Caldor; A Gilded in and Between Two Si is, by the author of Do Thorite; The Truth of It. by the popular writer, Hugh Conway; and the Moorehouse Tiae dy, rather sensatiocal, by Mrs. Jane U. Aua.in; A Heroine, a dt liglitful story by Mrs. Rcoecca H. Davis; Wall Mowers, by the popular Marion Iiarland, aud the great story Gui.ty or Not Guilty, by Amanda M. Doug'.as. Space forbids mentioning the other novels, but thry are all the same high grade, popular, blight, iotuntic, fpicy. interesting stories. Th 35 novels and the current Uaue of Huujrhold Topics will be sent you the dajr : your order Is rtceived. Thia wdl supply you with a stason'a reading for a mere 9ng; and will be appreciated by all in the lious'.bold. Send at once 3'J teats to Hoes (hold Topics Pcb. Co., I. 0. Box 1159, New York City, N. Y. Record and World , ( By apecial arrangement we are en abled to send you The Makiox Record aud the New York Weekly World for ue year for $1.50 in advance. Old sub scriber who pay up of course are en tirled to this rate. 1894 SEHE8AL NEWS 17 EM 8. PARAGIAPB1KI iFOIt XI1K ' Et'OUI KEAliKJtis. Juuge P.radley has lvfuf.-I to gram a new trial iu tiu Poliri iireekiiiriUgA case. In a square inch of the human scalp the hair numbers about 10u0, ' and the whole number on an adult scalp is about 12,000. The earth, traveling at the rate ot i,uuu miles a minute, passes through 550,000,000 miles of tpace in the course ot the year. Representative Simpson, of Kan sas, is very ill at his home in Wash ington and, his friends are ry uneasy about him. Mrs. Jefferson Davis and mi General Graut will Loth alt lid the commencement exercises ' at the West Point iMilitary Acadtmy this ! year. j The House Restaurant in Wash- ' ington has been closed to every body except irembers, owing to th arrival of Coxey 's army. The telegiams from Columbia, state that car loads of whiskey are being received in that city and sa loons are being opened everywhere. ' Governor Tillman thinks that the decision of tho Supreme Court that the South Carolina dispensary law is unconstitutional means that whiskey is to be free. Walter L. Braggs jr., was shot and killed in a duel by Dr. J. II, Naftel, in a drug store in Mont gomery on Sunday morning. Dr. Xaftel -was also seriously shot. A judge in a Sioux Citv. Iowa. court, vindicated tho dignity of the c 3urt by coming down from the bench and mauling a lawyer who insinuated that the court lied. He then re-mounted the bench, fined himself $10, and proceeded with bjsinees. Six lives were lost off Point San Lightburn, Cal. by the wrecking of the steamer Los Angelos. She was an old steamer and was crowd ed with passengers, who have all been aecounied for as alive but six. Three of the dead bodiea have been washed up on the beach. The Wheeler Cotton Mill at Mill burg, Mass., which is taxed at $38 000 was sold on the 20th for $7,100. Tho property includes a four-story brick rrrHH -31 acres of land, and 10 dwelling houses. The uncertain outlook of business was given as tho cause of its soiling for so iow a price. Old Fort News. We regret to note that Dr. J. T. Reid otitinues quite unwell, but hope that Dr. Uiieek, ho has been called to attend him may goou re tore him totia usual lualth. Mr. Geo. B. Thoroasoa buinj suddenly t-iken veiy i 1 on Mon'lity morning, it be c nue ucce.'Stirir t set d to Ashevil c for Dr. Williams, who cni.ia :lorn 03 fie eaitbound train. The rep j tation sustained by W. as one of th most skillful physic inns of the State is well founded, as we are glad to fay that Capt. Thomason is n iw much improved. News is a scarce article about these parts. Farmers all bard at work, nobody in town Everyone see a he ma kin? 0d use of this rtrfe:t we tier. We he r ofqui.e a ntrimonial c.clonw jut west of our Tillage. On Friday la?, our jovia.1 J. P. J. O. Sandl'n was called from bis Itbors at the still nousa to make two loving hearts one, and on Sun lay afternoon in the presence of a large crowd ot frit n Is and neighbors be tied the Boo-e of hymen for Mr. Stacy Kelly of this township, to Mrs. Mary Messer of the Mt. Mitchell Hotel. Their many friends wish them a Jong and happjr life togetier. Sidney. Unclaimed Letters in Marion Fost Office. J. 31. Vaughn; Miss Carrie Tate; C. S. Peston; Samuel Ash; A. K. Jinimer- son ; .Miss JUiIhe Kmeaid : Mr. Thomas Ausbon; II. G. Ardiss; Miss Julia Jones, col: Daniel Sooker; Mary C Miller. J. C. McCckrt, P. M. NOTICE! NOTICE!! NOTICE!! We are now in possession of the most valuable mica property in Mitchell, Yancey and McDowell counties, also fine timber lands, and it will pay the northern capitalists and speculators to call on us when in need of such prop erty, Dale & Atkin. Valuable Present Free. We wish to introduce our System Pills into every home. We know that we man ufacture the very best remedy on earth for the cure of Consumption, BiIliousne.es, Sick Headache, Kidney Troubles, Torpid Liver, etc.; and that when you La vt tried the pills you will gladly recommend them to others, or tak au agency, aud in this way w shall have a large, well-paying demand created. As special inducement for every reader of this paper to try these pills and take an agency at once, we will give to each person who sends twentv-fire cents in cash, or thirty cents iu stnmps. for a box of System Pills, one of the following presents; A Handsome Oold Watch, a good Silver Watch, a Valualuabie Town Lot, a Grnuine Diamond Ring, aCfukU of Silverware or a Genuine $5.00 Gold Piece. Every pu rebus er gets one of the above presents. There are no exceptions. Shaw Ketaedy Co., Rutherford, S. J. A first-class New Homo sewing machine, equally as good as new, tor sale cneap, or exchange. Apply nine ntcojjijomce. - : 'j; ... . , jv 7 JM1H k THE .A.JBOTHE HAS BEEN KE.MOVKI) TO THE Stood. DRY GOODS, Hats, flows and all Kinds of General Merchandise CILEAVEll THAN USUAL! -CALL WHEN IN TOWN AND GET BARGAINS ! ' MARION, X. t, April 1st, 1394, YOU'D BETTER KEEP POSTED The Record Tells Who i Alive. Dead Mien Can't Talka tive Ones Advertise. A good Texas Cowboy Saddle forsale cheap, aply at this office. The Rkcokd and Atlanta Weekly Constitution one year for f 1.50. Paints, oils, Hillside plows, well pumps, iron pipe, Piedmont wagons and buggies at Jones'. Everything at cost for 30 days, we want to make room for spring goods try us, we mean just what we say; Martin Bros. All kinds of Spring and Summer dres9 goods at lowest prices at Medd's Variety Store. Mrs. J. P; Norton lias just received a new stock of elegant spring millin ery, embracing everything in the mil linery line, ladies hats, bonnets, trim mings Ac. Tinware, Glassware, Crocker', lamps, Looking-glasses and Clocks cheap at Medd's Variety Store. T. A. White, the old and estab lished wood workninn can always bo found at liU old stand, readv to do any any all kinds of wood work, and do it cheap. If yon want anything like a handsome nccktio Martin Bros. has tho only nice display in town. It they can't suit you you will have to visit the Xorthern markets. Clothing, Hats, Shoes. Sifters. Buckets, Baskets and pictures cheap at Medd's Variety Store. If you need anything in the no tion line call on Martin Bros. Go to A. B. Gilkey & Son for first class syrup "Surrar I)ri" at 40c per gallon ; also Taffy in different flavors, at 15c. per pound. For Sale. Two good milk cows. Call on J. S. Klliott. Kodak Headache Cure, ten cents per package, at Morphew's. All kinds of garden seed at W. McD. Burgins. The largest line of notions and novelties in Western North Caro lina at Medd's Variety Store. Martin Bros, have just received a full and complete line of spring and summer fchirts, m variegated colors. Municipal Election. Mayors Office, Marion, X. C There will be an election held in the Court House on Monday May 7th 1894, for the purpose of electing a mayor and five aldermen, for the next year for the town of Marion, X. C. This April 12th 1804. J.G.Neal, James Morris, Secretary. Mayor. nS6siNG0UT8ALEr MeCurry fc Nichols will sell their immense stock of goods in cluding dry goods, notions and hardware, in fact everything they have in stock, excepting groceries will be sold at cost, postively at cost, if you don't believe it call and see for yourselves. NOTICE. The following list of watches being held by . R. Brookshier, two to four years, will be sold for repairs unless called for within thirty davs from date: C, Darl- tou, Wm. Lane, P. A. Coscy, Gad- dys, ft. A. Uowman, Gibson, R. II. Ballard, Cosby, Will Wells, Tom Carson, Logan Jackson, James ilterson. James B. Swisdell. March 0, lb04. The Customers Will Find Tht-m Still on Main Strw main part of th.- lluiiding, tolling GROCERIES, HARDWARE, SHOES,' Lewis Maddi-., Pkksidext. ASHEVILLE, N. C DESIUXATF.D KTATK Ji:rOMITOHY. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS S25 0 Wo havo Special facilities for handling the business of Merch and others in Western North Carolina. If you have no Bank nccc' or think of a chango, we will I e glad to have you correspond with t: COOKIXC3 anil II t: ITIXf. NTOVE.N, Good and Che Doors, Sash aud Blinds, Glass, Paints, 0 Iaint ISniHlieH 2Vall, IIoru .Shoes Ar. at wholesale prices to country merchants. I keep on hand a tsu CELEBKATED PIEDMONT wAGOI REPAIRING A ?SPECIALT, Prompt Attention Given to "Work Kecei BY MAIL, RETUKN POSTAGE PAID ON REPAI HOTEL LOCATION WHERK I- P. McLopd, Caaan IE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL-; I take this method of informing )'ou that I have just opened LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF HARDWARE, FAn::.7: IMPLEMENTS, BUGGIES, HACKS AND SPRING WASC.3, Ever brought to Marion. cf the which for price, fin- h and durability, have no equal. j The) areV rranted for 12 months. . E7 CRAIG BUIL Estimates Furnished as to C bargee ml m am MABIOir. JET O

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