7 r " .-: gT" mm' -nt : : A rod o ..JAitll v I'iiC v ;.d ! t !i, e i;:.t . rr is V? .a; Y A hrJ FY NEW YEAR fiREtTiSiB! U c take .I. in su.m i:t.cu. our incn-,..,,! !.:u : t s i ou Lring n.- ALL Yosi: ! :.! Cl-. Am: get Coons L i.ei . 1, ' : any where i !.-(.' ia T 4 nt ?3. i-'. 28 51 s a ie :". 394 LO Ab GLL,iri.ifao. !( .JJX;:;-. north Carolina. :.,a i if i;is.i rim i'SlVS'S OS' 'flit: SEA III. b" ! :. . r Mors- StM;--i,. :.... ; . i. i y,, -'t' ;i . i- r. '.-ti:i ' i - I '.m.--ei-y i;, ,-Verv tin: , .1 l.-illl V. II') l.'tYt: I w ill ;: v -rt i-;- th-!:i. ! !. 'ii!T iM.l).,jlitc.I J. I). v v.' i- A-!m- ill'-A.-!i.vi!1c- -.1 . x j : - : '!1 A'-1i- rtiiiil.ili-. jail Kiml.-i :( -;;i:ln-l .-'. !.-, mi"!i as 1 ! -;lt-:n. a!-i!.' lillil.-r all ..-- liitc wini'-, viin-irars, i-t-.. ju-i im vt iii:;r du it 1 v v.-.'i.t to Ill.irks- .,. - !; II i-l'.V -i'li I'oiiU'n-.v'rnan 'I'.a.-k" Kite iiainax fMi::iiv aaa-niin. ju l'Mj.-ili.-t. HI ta' Si.aii- Ciij.ilol on Ttii-.-dnv, 3fr,v j I'Jiul in-t., U, iHiitu in liunoria iu:as'-'11 ; ti!..' iniiiiorial di.-atl, vWe tu"ds ;avo i'or-v"r jh:i,1 -li.ri.iii.-. llif (.!::.. I. 1'. ..i ii-lni aii! !.. v. I.. Kay- ;;' l. li,.v ,! ti,.. i i-l , -,t l:!..l,i-.r!i..l-t..n,,r,. k " ' x '"" -"mov .ton. of , a colujnn, 'T. !-.'! 1- tii.r d.:votiu ilr- ''ini:tin i ln:lin;Hi La -!' h.Mvc.ja. u ..f Xmi i!; Carwliua. TT5MAi?i..MAs. f'JEKERAL NEWS ITEKS. ?m' t,aj4. 5.ii i;iAi'ni:i roj: tiil Tm a!l i;:trioti" N.rt!i Carolina , IIKcrOKO i:i:AaSKS. fit Jioni'- or al-rrvi-l, an iiivitntion i- j Thre wore 275 now silver cordially : ::.;od to a.-niMt; ai 'dollar-- coined last week. The locusts arc cumin:? to the south in droves. ..i May Knh 1 ics.-.iiiai i a ail oi ui" mavor. IIO 9 1 i'. to.'I.in i', I'.isiuri!. I.ir, v. Ti--i--t -! hy I !i" "jiairl'-rly ret lVrcix i' at Mari.rii, a d'-lcaO's t o t ! ili-!r!t eonl'i-ri'iii-e at llnia-'.ille i I . II" 1 1 i.tia.'i ill. iiiurr'-.i i i,.- M M MTi.- T N . i! v mi- a Mi r-aiil'iii. . W. i ' r . -va .T . I::", v.!.'- Mo: ) ; . .11 i- il iilv r-ceJv- ; -mi r mi:'.ii:-ry. , .,. . ... i ., ; Knit.ni.-. I' -M,;-:. !'" ;- . iS . . l r l"a'i eora ..,,',.,.1, 1,1m- 1 ill'-i tu Jli-ao. r;. ;. ,r., , ll,,:;.;ti-l.-vvl--.,tar -li a! !' iiel'-l!:-. ! i av, :l.-! !: ; . . ( oiin :M Alii' lile I'l't . ..1. i:.,-." r. i: ::'! : , i. ,,-.'-t it V ali'l ' i-s- , ,A. -.; I'.; !.. r-;VA- iy i'.nc ; i-,. v.Ii.. !:-. ' i t!i Si'ii!.- l rieii;' ; ef t In- la! i 'r. J . T. IN'id su'trts.tril lit;', ion iti'ciiiiut of his L- ii'-n-.I wor'.li to t lie coiMininiif y, aii'l to show I heir aj'prr.-iat ion of ! hat wort h, they anii'-in aidiiito eri--t a suitahk' iiioie: incut So l i-; fravo. I . : i -i v.'i k so ainiiy of t !i;'c who liiliin"! on the Slate court docket in .Mitch. 11 .-lanfy, hai oi..' to icsal ;he I'.S. Court at .; -ville that Solicitor, W.C. X. wiaii"!, ot Ihroiih in two lays, an ! court a ijournol .-ine die on 'J'!iii r-day. 'i'lii"-!l ;onl 'ii"rokee couiitii-i .M-ein t o I,.- -i ri iii for t h:' cliainpion- hip il. (!: "iiioo!i-hiri." or hlockadi' hii'iner 'lhc had ahoot .".Ocas' - ea' h at the IVd' ial Court, si) il v.iii take aiiothi-r I'Toilo ilceide which eoiaily . h:.'l ta!-c the hell. 'I'll'-ili :l'cr:'iit in v. it rat-'S of var ious towi.-hiji.- in the county arc noii ticd to cicct in joint sc roll withilie ( i ':n( y ( " i j 1 1 i i : i 1 1 1 rs, ! he I.-t Monday in .!iiiic to ! vy t he fixes for .-!!. atui eleel County Coiniiii--iouer.s and tie1 'oiniiy 1 of iid:a ion. ?! r. W. il. I'.obl.iii rrc.-ived a se" 'i-.' ii;jiir on Wcdae.-day eniiu' h.v t lo- hrcakie-.; of a -!c;i as he iarted ih.v, a 1 iis ! o 1 lie l.':coi:i oilice. ri in:r him a fall of ata.ut S lVet, strik-in-his .! ,,.:: !t r :(raii't a l..-i-!; wall N'o hoii"s were hrokea, hut a very had hruee. Mack Alexander s: eias to think tiii' law is too how a way ' eolh ci a dei.i. Friend orp--i!in- owed him In c, I, ts in. d he Went lij) t o .Jack aad pull ed ..II his Sunday derby and t ook po-e--ion (fit. ai.de-.' .M.')on;ih m-xt had to.-ie t Ills Sunday derby and Mack, lie hound Mac1. nviTljiMiid, and .lack was boiusi! i" ha auotl. r hai. --.I.e. In is re pre: I'utat ive oi t In? ..,.: i,,.o... No. 17 of !. ).. F. :.t 1 ended t he ne i-i ti el' i he Irand Im!-;v ,..f Odd Ft !!o.s, at ;old:-hiTo, Mr.y M h- The d:;vc:-ei.t lodges oi tile vanci sow.,., ia the -e v. ere ail rep.rese!;te.I v, no il l'.is'i'' a i i:; ii'. " ibcC1:! 1 ' : ! : . i -.. . orphan A-h.i:i and : li i- a iua-iot'cent fniihliii.;'. -.:.,!- i i! ie.ii, wilo has be, u hohi i,::: I !,e coi.-r: of ; he !; ii .Iu'ii-atl i i--(..,,!, p..,-.. ,! ibroei::i (own en his n ;t;n: from li::!-.'1!'- i I le court. Owin:- i" i!,e ll-llt oe.-kei li.e ju('r'.' will iea.l a week at home a:ul lin n i.'" t Mino In-eii i'l'j.oiiit. (I lji.wiicasl'ir at Jliek ory and the Dem-ierats aiv hi-j.y. A (iivens!,,,!--. ,.)a. said tu 1; so stingy that v; woti'tevuii iaiioli sit a joke when it is at his cx)ensc. Woiiiiit: leads t!i..- world. She used smokeless puwdi r for ap-s ie fo;v im u ever tho'iieiit of adopting it. Tlw potatoc. hug is doing much dann.g" it, .-cyeral counties and the peoivj are; using paris Lrreen lihr-a!iy. Dr. Jno. F. Crow i. ll, president of j Irmily ("olleeo, has phici d his rosignation in the hands of tin, tru.-ti es. ine Asiievill' I'inah.! Cullegj and School of Music is lil'ty-oii" years old, and will graduat" its ,-i-sioir class June ,th. Th'4 closing ( Xevei.soS of l.ly illg the c rner slone of the ('onf"derat Monument Mayzil'nd will Ik.- closed ly "Dixit-"' from ll;e hand. It is a jiii.-di.'i:i"a!i'.r to export, from tla' Stat' a quail or part ridges, whether dead or alive, also I;) lake or destroy their eggs. The Stale Hoard of Medical Ex aminers was in s!.'i,sjou at viv ns l.oro ti la.-t Monday. Tia ve were aiioal .";" ca m.idstl. s for ;h. 'U--. It is niirpo.--. vi o. ih i :1 : i to incf'. a. so the i. lioov. lie f: i i,j..i m ! Trinity coiieg.- to at least ri JOD.-Ki-). Ten seinrds now train student.- for this college. The Cleveland duard of Shelby will go to liieiincnd on the o'lth. It is pro' 'a! 1" that seveml oth.-r companies, including on." from Charloite, v. ill ai lend. Fire at a id plani I. , e-!! llolU" ."I i l. .. Ai.- v.'id I e c ju ., erated to the memory of the thousands of Caoilinians, v.lio fell of i-v.-ry ran!., i..y land and sea, a:id hallow-d wiih their Mood, every liattle field of the war be tween the States. All organizations, military, reli gious, benevolent, industrial and comiw icial, corp rate authori ties, all college.; and schools, and patriotic association of whatever name, and especially all the sur viving Confederate veterans resi dent in North Carolina, are invited , ami can,' stly requested to honor this saci'ed occasion with their piVr-eiieo and active participation. The citizen.-, of liai. ig!i, pleas--d that this tribute to those w ho usive 'ternstl l'own to Carolina will be ''.'-cte.l in ;!ii ir midst, bid you a In arty w lcome, and tru.-t that no! on v coiiiity will be b.-und without its reju-f st ntative.s n this thri -e hollov.-etl occasion. Klias C.-.rr, cliairman; S. M" Dowell Tate, Octuvius Coke, (1. M. Allen, re'e-r 1'. llines, T. I. Dev on -ux, S. A. A-he, W. II. lluglies. C. lb Dem-on, secretary, commit tee of iirrangeuit nts. Obsrevf r Chronicle. New line of hitc-st stvle Alpin-j Hats at V. 1'. l!lant.ms." l i. (.'ce-riiy T'e'd, nerdiuw of the ! 1 -.J. T. is. td. v ! -ti- f.-,. t' : Congrefsjuan iJratton of Prin- cesse, M. D., di( d on the 10th South Carolina is now a prohibi tion State, so "they'' say. How ioiigvvill it remain so? Dy th will of the iate James II. Means, of Hoston, the Normal In stitute at Hamilton, Va., gets $10, 000. T1h Southern liaptist conven tion met in Dallas, Texas, on the 11th, and about 0,000 persons were pros' nt. Mrs. Lease, the Populist leader. is dangerously ill at her home in Kansas. She believes she will be assassinated. Two women, a man and one child were poisioned in Louisville, Ky., by drinking water from a copper kettle that was cankered. Th" S'-nate has confirmed tin nomination of F. M. Simmons, col-h-ctor of internal revenue forth Konh district of North Carolina Tip, the bij; elephant was pois oned by his owners in Central Park New 1 urk, on Mav 11th becaus' he had got so the manages could not manage hin The Wilmington Star says: "A mob wanted to lynch a p.nlicemai in an Ohio town the other dav but. as usual, the policeman couldn't be iound when wanted. The World's Fair cheese contri butcd bv Canada was recently cut and eaten in Kensington, London It v. t i-ei-tl ! i the citizen- of Old Kurt nivt'tUis "W ODEvlOHiUST "R A TNTTr fu:i ii.i.i:, x, c CURFLUS $25 COO. f;M ''"jctire eo.mly t McDov.eil and :"'!''- ' t. ;--.- olo. b i Ib' i -' t i .- veral 1. 1 :. Ilisd.'eision tvi I oc:' srreat .-sit t i.-fac; io.i. :. l.'ll'!. i .(!! '' !,.s e'i yes II.S 1 . tw ;ia I'tirit'".! li ills of Mcl.e m P.r--.1 s.i :::-:,':. A ;Ht .o: !1. ( : -v: rn r Can' ha-i or.!-o'd s;,t i'i.il term i' IvIge-'omLe S.iper-io4- Coiiri. for C.'Vil e s, o r IWo v.. .-k.-. to i-ej;::, .juiv rd to ! i eld ly .imlee Armlield. Wal.erC. Su-si young msirrled man, whif.' seining wish triends in ,.. , in. -i. i a i.-uii'iiA i'.-i- Ccni'. derate , i.ipe.n'beo.r, .1 in ..- i., ; he ct icciiietcr oil :o h au. i sn ' " :'! . . T. i. ia :o r. -pout .-track th-eCatawba . rai-.n the water- and we,,va. ...... ...... - stonv creek ntvrodd-bMro, on th - i 1" 1 a 1 1 1 , i c i . 1 1 . a i i a ! . : e , , .! I r ' I a -v . .... . . , , . . .1 imiec o i.eo.c is a - and j.ui.-t, :l All kinds of Springand Summt1!' di'".-s gca's a! lowest prices a I ed d's Variety Store. A fine 'in.- of ladies Oxford ties tnd in fact, anything in the line of holi--- !:::" Martiti laos, S'.v.'- t W : r Valley and Tellieo :1 ;ur fr- r,:o-.'Ived at P. Gii- Tiie h.rge-t line of no-i. ns anil iiovelti,-.-' in V-.'e -fern N.-ulU T'aro-lll!-: ft 11 Id's V:'i !; v St-. re. . ... . arm W iiH !l :.s 1:..' tiiii'-s in 1 nva, is a, San Francisco printer who i;avn up a good posi tion to join in the crusade. ,V ike i rsu I.e. en "for ,.i at VV. Ml' and eei;,i- ilons. The (.'oxeviles at Nort !i Yakoiiiii, Washington, had :i tigiit with the m.irshsi is, on t lie iOili, and two of th" marshals were sla t, hut the wounds will not prove fatal. Nkw York. May Pk The le v. Dr. Talmage's new Tabernacle, at th" coi-n.-r of Clinton and (ireeti avenue?. Proeklvn, was burred at . . , -'-L'sj Hardware eve.'ung at th" l'lfdie Jlall wiliil the mav. -r, Wa'-r Cr.da-m. nrc-I idling, to pay i vi i ;i to the m.-m- ' ry of tiie into IV. J. T. !b-n!. Mr. win ii ious in w.i.; ciio.-.'.i .:vn- ; tary. Ai-ni- .n ria:-; and F t:-!,;..:' i CAPiTAL CG0 alt )'r:es we:.- iiy.e-,.; I v M. W. If. Pisoswav. Col. o. i i. Pioe-k- V,V llilv" Sj'eckil facilities for handling th" busimrt of Merclvanta er, W . P. Knvli ami mayor Urn- j.llui ..ti. j W,.st,.n, X,,,-,!. Carolina. If v..n lfave i... H-..A- ..in nam. j ' ' On motion Messrs. J;',M.-way. i or think of a change, v.e will I o glad to have you correspond with ns. Blocker, Bradley, S.tndlisi ano! Crawford were a,a edu-'d a c m-j initio ; tu draft Pe.-olctio ns ex-1 presivo (,f tli - seiitiiueins of pa cilizens with a lvqu-.st tiiat the! same besi ic to th-j .Siauion Bkcoud j for puiilici t on, and that the Ash-- ville Citi;ei and Pal, igh-News j Obs-erver lie re piested to copy res olutioi s. Wh"i-eas, it has pleased Almighty (bul to take from us our fiiend and phyoiciau, Dr. Jol n T.ioinas Peid, we deem it littii g to thus express our grief at ti is Mid af fliction, therefore he it. Resolved. That we honor him for the poblo qualities f heart and mind as shown forth in his active ly g i. -'.i. us and. entirely ut selfish life, fur his kindly n.ini.-tr; ti jus at our bedsid.es, for his self reliam o and honesty, and for the noble ex ample shown by his busy life, thinking nothing of self but anx ious always to relieve suil'ering; tender hearted as a woman, brave as the most courageous and ever untiring in tin; efforts, he went about among us dearly loved of all men. Resolved, that in the death of this Patriot, Statesman, .Philan thropist, as well as a physician . and friend, the peoples loss is in calculable, and our-grief cannot I e measured in words. We feel, as his immediate neigh 1 ors, that tin WHOLESALE AND RETAILS I take tli is method of informing you that I have just opened tiki LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF HARDWARE, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, BUGGIES, HACKS AND SPRING WAGONS, Ever brought to Marion. iOOKL; ami IIILVHXU KTOVBtti, ioI ami C'hcapt Doors, Sash and Blinds, Glass, Paints, Oilsf I'uiut RrnIieN, XniN, Xlor.to Mtor Ac. at wholes ::Ic prices to country merchants. I keep on hand a supply - y i ;..' OM-t '.-.Mi-d Hi the S.al- .eM.au.. ; :uO JitUiih li with i:s in our c:piv.-ioa of sym pathy and regret. Pes; .Ived. Fidlv aware of the loss we have sustained, we are comfort ed hv the knowledge that he went from us fully possessed of a bliss ful hope of a blessed immortality, and we know full well that '"our loss is his eternal gain 1'' Resolved, That we tender to the bereaved wife and children our most sincere sympathy in this sad '.i ... ..... 1 1 ir. assuring u.em in.u mo uit.-i.i- avenues. .ro:,KVvn wa.- ou;r-,i t , ui;bai.d and father will n-oil to day. I he 1 lo-el Regent sul- . , , i i i ,.;,,,..,.. . , , ,.- . ever be cherished bv a loving pe- loiningaml s.'veri:l dwelling nouses , II:. any ni b- :.!) ii !i o!-: r: P. .!oI!"S. Aailie 'c!'i.e;.'ii. Kdea M.-Cnrry anil ra.iniet h "ck.ai d Me:srs. V. iii Ceoft r 1'iank Wood, dim ilcnij.hil! amid. .. ..-.!... . . i e.l I. . i-! I hi-: ro-llillL til " ' ,-, on companvforO.lM). o'-c-c:.l in a conc.lt tocie 1 1 a. . oo I l Winston P- i'ubliean : While at tending the Woiid's Fair hot Oct., Mr. 1. W. Pegram reo -ived injuries. and for which he has entered suit against the Chicago Street Railway IjM.eU. w'l" lias ,ci-ral Wee'.S. . r-,!:;.v :.:.. 115 ,, a., rcantil..' biisine-s al w n Vcd I'csday. t'hf i.a-t !.oa.." which was iv.'i'irdy oil is. Marion to. i larev and ajpre ci,.;e aadiciac. 'i id- cnienainm -n' V,. vvt. n-M.i. he libera;:;, ,a!roni:cd ";l oi.f Obi l'en I I' ie!:,',s v. i I I : joV 1 1 ".,-wland. i:-... rcllil'ie-d A-h.-vilb- wioi'c he had ; ! ci.i:n! Ui i ; b ni; cd sine- Court, m:..'. ' a bre.'.k !' , eroiisi ucar ,. . of l.-i-n snipi-eo ll( -r-on .-l reel an. , 1 o, Van.'.erbilt. al l.m !hr..ii'.;h l'e'!-e hi- ' ' 'i,i-!.v Monday aiu-rimea s; s'ci'iuy . . M.e'-hdh Miiio'i I'.oclir.aa.n, w.e-o'lN.-Mii:: i"ur f. S. pri-oni v., to jail lv: 'the 1J..V lb.h'i-ot ai tl.i- riace, .e-aii llvebid, who w a s w a 1 k . I! g a 1 : 1 - I her- wii n iu- oe lilierly. lie 1 11 U'e sheriil Neal's honsi; on in i'one atioui , j ar.ls b lore he w.o lair-ca. -.o eebanaa turned hi'- t hi r I'S'i.-om'i s Mr. High King, of Pink Peds, Traiovivani;!. comity has a tow which". :-eeral davs ago, gave bnth I , three calves. Less than 13 i . ii....... o ; . . . . in .mils- ago sne nsi-i iv. iu, jiiuui i erty, in a little over a vesir. i i.'i:ih:ie- !.-t- in .lf:?f3r:t J. M. Vaughn: Miss Carrie Tate; (' I'e.-t'.n: Srioael A.-!i; A. K. .1 isnrier- .-en; Miss Millii' Kincai.l: Mr. Thomas Ausbea: il. i. Ardiss; Miss .Julia .f ones, col: lianiel iSo.ikcrs; Mary C Miller. J. ('. McCr itiiY, V. M. XOTK'K ! NOTICE!! NOTICE:: We are now in possession of the im:;-t valuable mica j'.roj.erly in Miiehel', Yancey and .! ; oowell counties, aho fin.- iliiiber lands. ;.n it will pay the ner; hern c:oii; ilio and specnhitors to call on i:s v. 'ici! iu nied. of such inij.- .1 in the vicinity were also destroyed. The loss is estimated at a milVmn dollars. This is th" ihir.l tim-; Dr. Taimage has h st his church by fir.'. Wlc'ii the fire started he was in the church .-urround.'-i by a lmniher of his congi'egati u. but all escaped. He was moved to tears as he witnessed the destruction of t'.o beautiful edifice. Three tire men were injured during the lire, not fatally however, and there wen.' scenes of panic as the (Ire pro gressedCharlotte Observer. CELEBRATED PIEDMONT wAGONS which for price, finish ami durability, have no equal. Tliev are warranted for 12 months. o'e. Resolved, That as a further j token of respect these resoluliinsi be inscribed upon the minutes of the town of Old Fort, and a copy of them sent to the family. By the committee : W. IL Di.-ossway, Ciiairmai1, O. 1 1. l'.iocker. J- S. P.radley, J. C. San- lin, J. P. Crawford, Wm. Ooodsoii Secretary; Walter Graham Chairman. LI J A: 1 V 1 .:u.t'i'um wiil cendisci . ino.i meet 'n-l "' :' 1 Ve...! ;:io a oen ic on V i .ii'.c-day n the ( .. ,'.wb:i N h !!'!-. ami being Mai'.-b-d. .!. S. fin licran i:c!'.eld in .... .-,'. oi.d and lb:ch- ,.cr In lii'' 'bsih j ,iMea b 1; IV icy. a !i cly rac t -.,.o I'inlcv a cl ..' beuiud hnn, wbib' Mr.-. ' a O.'P'.Ht ii beld. W lie. t' the ilet ing 'e -" -ie,u l" I ,-.:,..! I uj. i he r.-ar cry ing. "Milt Iff .- .. ... -boiii him." Alii r r.;t:- il o,:iie en a in a a'.- I u-ne, about s yards I -miry eame aji he has I,-, a dril.kiner.J vi!:, all.i canght the leg. toe. no i has a.t a e..i,a i ;il.hl N.;;.Sl.,;len.'cd hoi week ai A:!..- Niilcto;; memhs uia-iM'n:..cm a... sl.ic, iiae. .) e.uv. Charlotte Niws: Mr. Pill .lack Loss. ,,f Sharon, has a c w thai gives .-even gallons at. a milking, which is equal to 1-1 galln p'-r ilav. The cow gave i-ev. n gallons Sunday night.' Tki, Mr. lhos pro-veil ny two gow.i wnne.-.--.-te.day. On Amrust : st the We.-tern North Carolina Railroad will be -u.t up for sale at am-thm, at Stat, sville. The minimum bid mu.-t be half a milli.-n dollar-; and mam' oi -j ' o ni ca.-lo iion. V mines i i ice i. r ( d lo make the sale. M.-ck- Cale ,V Atkin. i"oi: Sam:: V a-aable Iron Mine. Call en or address S. A. WisiiMAX, Marion, X. C. iiinl lit' I" 'i-tt!v Wa:sli3. I v. iil pay geed prices for good beef cattle. T. If. M.Kro. T. A. Whit.', the old and esta! lisiieit wood worKman can always A NOVlii. way of hafchi.i'r dollars i-i heir.":' - ie 1 by fie faithful of a certain caMcm church nociety. Isuffioswut ..it',-,. tn..ri mum none V xvao v.'Ielt- be found at his old stand, ready ai-nie.b'c1. wr Is the lxiilding of a to do any any all kinds of wood .i i, tv.an r.cemed. likely to bo HKPAI1UNG A SPECIALTY Prompt Attention Given to Work Received BY MAIL. work, and do it cheap. Tinware, Glassware, Crockery, hi i nps. Looking-glasses and Clocks cheap at Medd's Variety Store. Y;tiia(Ie mcmI E'rrc We wish to intnnhire our System Pills forthcominjr. To :: ;u i.u-rv. - curred the idea, of rai dirr "broiler." for the summer market. In a few davs tr.omrh. hens lav! b- . :r cdlertod to start tin; veataro. aad th:- friendly t Estimates Fuiuitlid rs to Charges KETURN POSTAGE PAID ON REPAIRS i r ' 1 1 L I ! u l- i l l k li MARIOU. 1ST C vi-.if.r--. of ti '..-ty -:;a;;cHARLE3TGNGiNC;Kr;AT!&GK!CAGa 35 COMPLETE NOVELS .. ......li.iri. for rea ;li!T .cu. ... -, into ver.v 1-o.ae. Wc know that we mm- a thon.,an,l "Lroilera," which they 1 SAMUKL HCXT,Ag.it for I'arcl.as.r. SUDSCKIPTIOX , I ........ I...BI r. ....... I,- nrt ...rlt. I'..i- . . .1. .O-- ,.r- -.n llollaT ... . Orci-aiee wii! i l'cac.i '.a ii . i..i.a h ill Marion :.;h el this inonih at While Cans made- a rani in ? ;,-i;'onrg countv a night or two ago. l ui',i in th- di-r of Johnson M, Cn.f's house ami attacked him ' oil :i i-iu'i' rai . oo-ai.::: 10? .u o.. ! an.i otloi'w i.-.- injuring him I am prepared to do all th" worL hc 1, inking lo Ihe profession of the tradt. Oi r j.ricc .- - leiii. (ail am! see me am! irive sue a ir:;'!. Ie.-hind '. he court hoii.-e ia ti e ai'lv iirsi-chiss harix r shep. Truly, etc., J. .1. ..'oaxsioN, Mario:!, N. C it'io lure tiio v.-iy l.i-si rom.-.ly on earth l'..r lOp0 to sell at one dollar or one dollar ihu Hire of Consumption, liiliioti.-ner-s, .Sick an, a palf a pair. !l;-ii'i:u'lio, Kidney Troubles, Torpid laver, Tw of old roil i wl'it'' I''''11''1 n. 1- i't -email, v.ere in.- a-.-..ii;uiis. o ui- its have been issued tor It. elil. b, l-l-V'T had I i ..unship, vvasarresied last wa-k at . ..: l... ; ... ..: 1 he o..-!:'l P.. .III. el C. Il r Me.... e -' " . ii.. was arraiuneii neioie i.. , .. vli ,. eeKlV s::V c le. ; iin.2 that when you have tried the .e pi: ia ou will giiidiv . econniu"! 1 them to olliei's, or take an agency, unl ia this way wc tliall have a large, well-paying ileinanii ereaSed. As i siieciul i'i.luefci)ii-i.t !or e very r.-ad. r of Sliii paper to try I h s pills and take an ii -i ni-i nt nio e. we: will g'.vetoeaeli ptr-jn who Sends tiveiity-l'e c eenls in ea-li, or tl.i tv cents in st .'.ops. for a box of S'ysu-iu Pins, one of tin- t'-.dlo ivia prestois; A liand-oin.- C il l V.'.i!iii, a eo.el .Silver Wiite h,:! Vulii da-.'.iie u Lot, a fo-i.uine ;...o--Li iiv : :n oi it- lil. id an I win . 1... w.-:! aides yea cleans.- it an : j ie::,i:re 7'' e..H i 'ie.-e. Slvi-ry puri-has-i: n;. i'l ii.'!.i:e.-s ivii'l purity, iiot.iu j (-r j.-ls oat o! ibe above preietits. There !:, ::.. o .- -re at l.iooJ p.uilier and 1 e txcf.f..,....S. tii.ev no- iy Co., v.hai v 11 nerd. Uae l.otsie wi.l I , ' t X..U1- .-..n.pi.xn.n :u.d 1 ui 1! y v an' j ' " t'-' lo"h J- "iiv-.i piice air I i.ti.e. for ' 1 A iirst-ciass .N'-w j loine s--wmg ; A glaxc:: at the inap of Lnbnu'.or s'.ows tlie iuor.irc-r that of that great region, two and ore-half tinn- ai big nTc.reat Britain arnl Ir.-land. almost rothin? i hnown. T-ut light is break ing at last. A. I'. Low. i t'.ie Cana lian .-logical survey, has just rc-p.vt:-d hii j 'c.ra.-y throu-h -it from -oi'ih to rcrth. ::::d will in another ore.:.:., ii u- Time table of the harb-ston, 'in- t( R ,nre io.t,?e illutriri monthl cinuati and ( hieago Railroad, in ef fect from ami after IhtcihImt 17, 'M. iiiiixti Noi.iii 1 No. 33. I No. 37. bv. raindeii 12 Cfipm lJ (tK pm " Kershaw 1 Ospm: 1 Oh pm w Lancaster 1 4t pin 1 41 pin " atawlia June., 2 15 pm! 2 15 pni " IIiK-kllill, 2 45 pin 1 2 3S jmi " Newport :tU9)in', 2 55 pm " Tirzali, 3 I'.iiim. 3 03 pm ei 'cat befall h'aa t-iis Yorkviile 3 40 pm, 3 16 pm u Sharon 4 l pin. 3 .51 -m ,.,..,. r ,,'1 v-hat he fln.i.-, on a t-car " Mian.n s , .t ..1 ,.-ii. ru.rn.u r, t,.i n, I u Hickory Orov? 4 'i pm! 3 4 1 j.n. throv.':'. t'.o vo t I ai.:.,e. a irora ea... u la,-ksh.ir- -JS p... t S pm KarU ti pm j i 4.. pm Patterson Sniigs 7 01 pin; 4 52 pin Shelby 7 15 ;iinl 5 02 pm .Moorcsboro 7 43 pun 5 3 p.i .e ot. ier o.-.y n " 1 " . 1 Hetirnita 7 51 pin, a 4') pin f.ie: -! ;ri-ril'.e:.ian c-r'.le! tli--. 1 rr'.c.nd .. .-oret Oity S 12pm; 5 5 pm 1 i 1 -l t'l" -t c r e . 1 bi:;,'j: " Kill ht-rforutoil h 2S pm! ti 15 pin X '' t i v.-o-, : .a '.a. It j Ar. at Marion 'JSOpmj 7 20 iu t- west- J A o;...v.i) of V::.- :.;-. r.t-.vs'joys J rAW.i have Ihf.-aght the la'.'.lenaiv.ai had j -ort'.v.re.:- . v-1 llo.t t ic-r -.s b..:io- bre-v. r v. Ii') so toe v., ....... , - ( eiiiiinssio:.. r I ..yi: v ;,d .risen, au esiimsd h i:oivr; iTir ::sU!s. 1 A lirsi-ciass .M- J lonie' s- s l ug 1 f a ,r va. i a V, asioie. -.; 1 o.e--i .. 1 - 1 , ,. I mac!1 in (("-'.aily as go, ,d a ie-w, i;lsar:.'. IU ffj.ian- ; I. V. Marion S05am ti45am r. Hats, hoes, Mlt-rs, l"i ;e M'e,. oi . -., h.o.ge. A rp-y a:,-ut ei,.ca ; ForcsM'ity 02 am ho:; am Ua.-kets and pictures j a'. In" Li:co;:n oim-.-. t!.: stn,iir ;-.rt c.p m.i..t.ir.vy j jj.., i,.f,:l ! 12 am' H 21 am I No. SC. j No. 32, -.ad I-esnid o t'armer. was siru-K .- a I,: dii-.-i.-ur ii' 1 '' a- on-' nihil!. e ibi'lk 1. ii,s lo li-il il il. he lo da - ei the ipcc! . anon 1,-r trial a: --Ian -o,;e j.jo,.j vhile going ; ivtol.T. li a; Tears m-tu the ; t(, js l,Uf.... al.m I ai,ecelha; A. V . Mei.p. odei'. V. so ..I .,',,..-. .e ah.-Vl I If , ia k 111 o :,' ill.-- y :og '. s li i 10 i.i- v. t:o. a l-'w gulning m h. i - iili!"s l-.ouroav vs b, f..r- ; t e : h hi-'" oi ai Old I' .-I'l . W i.( i. W. s;, ,.p. so: i. V. lcpp asked ' ,;.-;. .gh c il Shei'c : jin"-. and w to 1...1 o- aa. lOClheC 1:1 d I'O.' ,'.-! tl. the bendy m v. !-. i.v r. Winston lt"piib:iea ,,n- 1 lie' Ail-gi-.tt v. and who v. ::.- ! 1 .. ii Al x il- Cl. ;il yi i!it".- Vari--tv Stop. r? r ;:!.' rt'T Qffl r J Tat: i:i:eo;o and Athuita Weekly j o.nisot at! n e-i.- ye.-ir !" r - I i GFcSl.U RATilS TO THE WEST. f.,re hi rclative-ica:ti: rs hitn. Monr.-iojoro it 52 am' 32 am j Shelby 10 22 am ii 00 am an ex- . J'au,.r;,,, S;,, ,t am '. II am .... ..o-';r i .l.-r ' 1. i- ... . ...1..- iw 1.1 mil o jiiiii C ova-: 1 " ' - no.. tniiKarhi.- for ONLY 30 Cl .NTS. TUii 1 iiio.n lihernl u'ter a llouiehoia loplC, me iiiaci.tie n-ferre.I lo, il hirh-lM tpT, leplrle uiili toriefi of lo, 'lTeo;ur, loivel, hii.1 gborl iulcietiiiK nil inclrnc live bkrtrhea of fitt anil lacj uJ la Ilia ;t,t c i 35 novels i re uth treatarrt a 'A Urare ownrd. by Itobert Louit btcvvnlun ; A Ulaeksiiiiiir JJ.,uKIHer, by Kit W. Pi.-ree; NitieUa, a tnosl pl-iujt itory by . T. Hhio'; A nide.l in and Betwrra Two .-i i, bv ili Hiitl.or of Horn Thome; The Truth '.f II, by the popular writer, M11J1 Conway; nli'l ie Jlou.-ebauaa Traga Jv. 14'lier irimuiioiml, by Mr. JD C. An in; A ller-j.ue, dtliglittul tory by ilii. tlrorecd II. lvi; nail riowen, oj ti e popular Marion Harland, and the rreat ry t.uiar or -oi iiuiny, oj abh.m m. Ivm:!a.(i. fipiice lorbids meotioniag ui other novels, bet iLey are ail iaa aaiww ,ixii nrnle, pipuUr, bngbt, ronwaUCf spn y. int teaiii Biorir. Hie 35 n.oreii ua lue carrrui iiiu w. Hoi: it hold Topic will be sent you tbe day rour order is rtteived. Tbii will aapirfy you wiili a arasoa'e reading for a wwra sons; and will be apj.recivled j all ia be lioui.bold. eod al ooce JO ceaii lo IIOL.-.HIOI.I. Tl,-IC4 I'fB. .o., r. v. u 110: New Vork car . .1.1 : o . 1 1 f ,r r 1 I , riiss-.uri i':i. Ca!.. will he rr..m M- late. v. in Fran Si. L 1 'Mi Otitic at. . MAlX STRKKT, MAltlON. N. C. Keeps io stock llie test cf 11 YE AND CORN WHISKIES, . the' r.r-.-f..-':-v'i- ' --e 1 to?'-..- "I w. 1 1;; St. L--. CLilvrc l a v ho-n-s ir: b II 15 am 10 M am Hickory (.rove 11 43 am lo 55 am -baron H 51; am II is am v..i.l-.-;ii. i- i-) 1 1 ii ... -. i . :...- r - 1 rsr.li 12 25 pir. 12 M pm r a o ' Nev. p'-rt 12 32 pm 12 Is pin . .,. ;..-. 1 10. ;. inn J2 oe pni 12 .!-) :a - ... . " 'atr.nb.t Jcia-., 1 lo pm 1 lit pm a' '' . - I-neai-t.-r 1 It Jan 1 41 pm i ' I r-haw 2 3'i pm 2 :: pm 7 ; - c,ii,c v. Ar. Sit t aiad.-a -, I...-.; -e a'i-.l frwat ; . . 1, 1..:.. , -.n : Train .os.:;2 and 23 run daily e 3 2') j in: 3 2') pm l. l . e il'hd .-..i-'- io led 1 i..i O jai s.'1-il-.-is who ) :o ,i-iei: U tLi- :;0 U'- ;-. Tom LL. Eolith m i'a.---:iger Ag-nt. lo:; Ih-ad Ilou-e Chattsibooirs- cejit siinda y. and iraiiM Nos. 3'i and 37 r ' ,-i 1 .- i'.c. lie wsM. liov.c-.er. . ,a r coim.-et ion v. it!, the !'.'. 1 A. at - .n.. fi ver O f re he l ad c.r-i- !. k Hill. So-. :s ari l :'; eonii.-cl ; 5 1 v.--i a'.t.-rv.ard v.nli tin- Natiar.i .ir lAv.r at sli-iljy. picvc. i.k J"- o .nll.ftIin. ;At i:o-I-lys,,l.t I'.'int. Kii.gV Creek f.jtii.d that toe : u:'.o-- ' am! London, train slop only on riitial. loc".el IJrains l.c'-essary in a11 j SvcoinlCla tr.nns, whidi al-o carry txa-lcs. I pa..eiizers, leave aimlci. al a. in., ; Jamiarrue at J.' ck II ill at ' p. ni. Kf- j l i i ' - r'l.i o-'"tl -men if vou "riifn? ihey l-avi 1:h k Hill at 3 p. in. , " n r '" , "1 " . ! ami rriv- at (amilcu at 7:4j. hi. havean walking t., d ? or a -urn o, r:lijl, , f ,-,.aract.r leave I mer tramn. itwi'i nav you (o -all ' inacksbur? for Marion al ! a. mn ami A gooi 'I'ex.-'.s i owhoy Saddle ftrsal jandsii Sillili Li v ... line 01 rh, "rn at P-; (; Cigars, Tobacco. aad Bottle G( ds. ; l,nvi (fully aolicit a il.aie of jour pat" ronase.- CHAMP ELLIOT (lia p, aply at 1 1. is- t-ih bef re vou start. A. l'l I'l', iij riiileu'iut.

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