J ' DtttJGSi drugs: An attractive and elegant lino of Fancy and Toilet Articles, also TROPICAL FRUITS, mul a full line DRUGS AND MEDICINES, at M. v. 3fiomi2Kw.s. F&A.'.v ifrL & sr w w W w .i:r iiifivj.M-a laci' i -.- ! .. rv vwu llring us AM. YO! li 1 t -1 I 'h And get (.riJs l'i;ei , :.n w here Is . i:i T .. ... hem am - Mr. - t.ti- I.TrC. I- tit : t. r .Ii. LOCAL GLEANINGS. i.- Mr. ,,. oiiif-lly I'lintcd ....1 Iti;ielei'. for !."" .iiii.-i-not-paec.l. -pring be here. ii. f Sh.-lbv. was in Wal;'ii. f Dyart I week. '.;r. m. ii.ei u i,.-:k. f I nloii Mills, paid the ; ,ji 1 ..inlay '. ..,i.i,i.- M.ail, 'f North i: urday. .1 ,t)r. ;ir--'ii l-t an old air. w and went to South i.iy on bu-'i uess. mI. 1 by apl. Ceo. II, ,i i it Monday night. ',!'- a ."oiiij):iii''''l her .-water last Friday. n n-t nrned M on Hur u--. ille cn-.irt. BUSINESS PARAGRAPHS.! N OR T H C A R 0 LIN A . lie iiis of Interest in TUvse Hard The llKcotiii $1. per year. -- Fresh Mackc-el at A. lb Cilkey & Nice line of children shoes at Mar tin Bros. Bargains Sv unit-Ms, in Standard novels at IMIRIOIDT, INT- C , ZFIRIID-A.Tr. 0"U ! 1 1894 I COMMUNICATIONS. IGENERAL NEWS I TEH S. Ti:MSATllEi:i:iFIMiIALE, M bat People Think on IHff r.uilMd' TJIi; STATIC r.d. t: , llri l, Twenty pounds of sugar for $1 at A. II. Cilkey A: Son. A good Texas Cowboy Saddle fors al cheap, a ply at this office. X v lino of la lest stvle Alpine Hats sit V. 1. I'dantons. Tin: Re.eoKi and Atlanta Weekly ( 'oiii ii ut i)ii one year for $l..ri(). 'Irs. .'. I Norton is daily recciv- Ing spring ind siiiiinier inillinery. l'o:ir-o;iiice packages of Hrwtou's Snuli' at .!. 1. Norton's for ten cents. Latest a. id best, t lit; anti-lever colar buMoii c;-ns each al J. H. Swindfll's ;. !:. I'rice iii ili- w. Mr. ,1 Will :, himI lo ur liicient (-ounty k a:id unable to bo ,n r lo.-al ctutor is v, allv ;ii on nd a lit- t W'Mt.-r Vid'o'V aiul Ti llioo .-!;, just. rf'Cfivi-'il at V'. (lil- Mr. w . i:. .. ,,inl:i -Mr. I V. I ;t i-. of ,r !h.- Ial v helhy, has ck on bu- U unil, I . I .. n l un. i d outred ah ull er a "' r. of T!i--rnial ii y, ll.il. I Hemming train bearing r: .1 ..ii the i:. .V 1- i I road Monday Ahematby.of Kiith .;.!.l the lltiultli a .-a-.-.l t . W. .1. I:i iii in N.I '.Ii : 1be .!i'-ti. io Ib- Ali Ulaiiton were w lit to U m.'l- an 1 -.! r- onvill. Svvi 11. .ur 1 k.-v v All kind of Sprinand .Summer dress "oods at lowest prices at eil i" Variety Store. A fin..- Jine of ladi.-s Oxford ties and in fact anything in the line of ladies line shoe.-;. Martin l'.ao.- The 1 unrest line of notions and nov.-ltii s in Western North far liua at Medd's Variety Store. Muko vmir sliirts at homo and i.uv th- lish Lin. -ii made especial lv for Ib.soiiis at W. P. I'.lantons. nrt-cla-s New Home sewing inaehm.-, miuuIIv as g.x.d as new, fnrsale cheap, or exchange. Apply at t!l' ltK' Oltl ollice. Tinware. (Hassware, Crockery l-ii.io--. l.uo! inir-irh'.sses and Clocks cheap at .Menu s aiieiy .-ui-. T. A. White, the old and estal li.-hed wood workman can ahvav The datj f;r the I'res Conven tion has again Ih-ou chansred. It will inet in Morgaiiton June 13. Hon. V II. Kitchen, of Halifax, has left Ui-e Democratic parly and joined I hv Populists. Peace go with him. jiis prooani; mat the jjemo-; ratic State convention will he ilb-d to meet the last of Julvor first of August. Mrs. Zeh N'ance will publish as early as possible, a life of our be loved Zeb. Kverv Xortli Carolinian hould have a copy. The Supremo Court adiouriKsl last wek. Th work in that court is conidtral)ly lighter that former ly, 204 caws were dhjjosinl of. A meeting of Franklin count Republicans, ail negnx-s except two. resolved to stand bv the G. O. P. and iave the Poimlists a3oie. Kijitoh : la ilie issue of the Vi t I'AIEAfiKAI'Ili:!) roit TIIK lKfOIX Ki:nr.Ks. us rl. .1. . ,. i . rant i.as been tju 1 1 l .1 1 1..- p-i-! w. !. but v.c ::re gbid , ::: i .:::i in. . Ii. !'. I.... la e r. l :.r:i.-d ?doi r r.il U.vk's ab. ..'!i.-e, ni.d in .-,ed -uiiU. i. lo II" I., liiiotn .. W i.o na i " an al lending Allies ille . re! iii-ned last week. I at i he l'.a-'!" liar, mortal coil and is (-.--lists oi' iinhibing f. .iiii-l at uw any any rk. and ! i't old ki hea.. sb. lain! ol r 'adv w o ('l.-lhin r. Hat- P.uckeis, P.a.-kets and cheap at Medd's Variety 1 1. 'Norton keeps a , Silt" picture tore. lirst-da Mavor Patton, ofAsheville, has brouglit suit against the Asheville Citizen and the paper was for 24 hours in the hands of Uie sheriff, but was released on bond. An Indiana man who lias ix'n prospecting f r silver in Wake, amis to have lound it at ten places from four to nine miles from Kaleigh and says some oi the spec imens are ncii. Of the fortv persons who pasned the examination hetore the Mate Medical Society, three were women ami one oi these was a negro wo man ; she failed to pass at the last meeting of the society. The next meeting will he held in Greensboro on the second luesdav of May. Th North Carolina Teachers Assembly, which is the largest Slate organisation of its kind in the Tinted States, will meet in its eleventh, annual convention at Morehead City, on June l'Jth and continue until July Jird. Several of the most noted educators of the 1'niteu Siates v i!l be present. Mk ion kEcoRU of May 17th was an ariic.e stowing conclusively that McDowell cojn'y and not Uurke - entitle.! to of tke Siu-ato-s lor tli is district. Tlie fact were there made to hppear thai already since this senatorial district was formed JJcDow ell has had lour senators and I'.uike lias had five. Jioth counties had stnit ors in lh!)U Neither had a senator in lf9!. It urke should nominate u senator tliis time, she would have had six while McDowell lus only luiu tour. If the latter b.hik-s the nator this time, they will be even, tu wit. five and five. Nothing but tfce ingenuity ol nr.c county in cas'ing a ound tor a reason why she should have an office could furnish a pretense for an answer to what appears from vhe above to be the justice of McDowell's claim. In the Mjrgantou Herald of May 2tth there is an eUort to show that Burke is entitled to the senator instead of McDow ell. Th: lesson assigned for this conten tion is (hat the two counties, Cuhlwell and It.irke, cast as large a Democratic vote a the three counties, McDowell. .Mitch ell mid Vancey. The DeiMo-.-ritie vote ca.'t in (he counties does not detei-mbiu the mat er ut all. but if it di 1, 1! irke's cl lim would not be helped. The larije Doiujcrat ic in.ij .ii y which 15u.il e and Caldwell give cuiiii-3 principally from Caldwell. If Kuike will join itself to Mitchell and Yan cey, ami liure up this joint Uciuocratic ni:ijority, it will liud that i. is not as satis factory us when added to Caldweli'j ma jority. In I.ut it is the old story ot the man who climbed iit the loft and letl his wit-.-to li,;ht the bear, and when Nancy had vanquished bruin, he descended and ex claimed in triumph, "Nancy a'int w? horsis in a hear li,;!ii!" lit la'J2 l',u ike's majoiitv for Cleveland over the coribined vole of the opposition was only sit, while Caldwell's majority was and McDowell's majoiity for Clev, laiol overall opposition was 25. Why then s'loubl Uurke be entit'ed to a senului he cause of Caldwell's Democratic uiajm ity. if that were the test Mitchell would never be entitled to a feuator, for she always gives a Republican lus.jority, while she Ini some ot the bravest, best and most patri otic Democrats in h r borders that ever Since his health is improved it is thought that Gladstone will ic su ne public life. The treneral assembly of the Presbyterians have found Prof. Henry P. Smith guilty of heresy. By a large majority, the faculty of tiie University of Virginia lias I.K-.VIS M ..;.l , I'KK: U.K.NT. 213 : i r. M i.i i i ... . "WESTEBIT CAROLIITA BA1. ASIICVILLi:, . c IlK-WiKXATKS) STAT II Ii:iOSITOUV. CAPITAL $50 COO SURPLUS 523 We have SiMi-ial facilities for handling the business bf b'-il ! :inl ushers in Western North Carolina. Ifvoti haw no HnnV CO bi were collisions, 02 derailments and j ." other accidents in which 28 per-. They have a full linr of Clothing. Dry rools. Huts. Shoes, Groceries Hardware, etc... We sell as cheap or cheaper than any house iu Mafioiu A'e are here lo tiy. r.ml ask our customers to come in to se us when iu town. McCai.i. A- Coxt.ky. This man lost his his head, also lot voted down a report favoring the ot- j5arrnjns by not going to McCall or think of a change, we will Ih glad to have vott mrresfxinil w"r.' admission of women to the acadeni- ;4-c :ile v?s. " c schools of the L niversity. The governor and many other prominent -citizens of the South met in Augusta. Ga., Wednesday to devise measures for turning the tide of immigration southward. The record of train accidents in the United States for April shows that there were 104, of which Xi w iii be d.i services at any of l.rv Sunday except at the ( Lurch iu consequence ol rut -l iu: of the ho.-r-5 of abb i l.i-: iv. ck, Marshall Kin ley ;iii.l Thomas Landis was el. fiil hi. place. Mr. Milton bailey. ( api..l. .ii. In- wile, ilaughler and k i-.ill.-, v.civ i-egi.-tei-ci ilut. 1 I Ins week. re.-ign-cted to I. H r- soil, of it the m v hi i verv fi-snec!. You can 11 ltd all kiad.-i of canned goods, such a t alsup, aople butter all llavors, w hit wines, vinegars, etc., just anything you desire. The Hichtnond A Danville raihor.d will sell S. If T. tickets 10 tioldsbnro .J l.-jo or to t; recn-b-.ro :!'...".U am' return. Tickets on sale .lime IShfo -'in!, in clusive. Limit .l'..ne ."., isal. P.oots or Shoes we aJl must wear, Tli e -'...id w ill war, the had w ill tear. Have patience folks and don't be scared At t ne Piedmont can ne ri pan e. It. W. Williams. Ceo. A. Cilkey has just received a car load of beds and liureau's, and will sell t hem just ascheapas you can buy them any w here. Call and see him when you need anything in his line Mrs. Norton has on hand a fiiif line of IVathcrslone Corsets of every vari etv and siv'.e. Cliiblrens, Misses' and r.iilri ad hi'idge on main st reel an . t-.l Monday froni the sparks of limine. I. n! v.as cxiiog'uished t!;ui;tgc was iKeie- night the beys were a I' I icy thought it was the -lib .I kepi upoinie a racket with a Lev. policeman. -.-list i i-ib-s arrives e n next aiierno-.n. lie begins his . in the Pre-byl.-rian i... .1 - -u i :u 1 1 a. in. , :i."i.ur t he nnprc . ! :i iriu.i-. .une a I. ( . P.inl's o;!i.-e. :..!,.! a-i-led by h" i . i 1 1 1 y friends 1 i.'lile.l genl leinan, --.e. el Merirautoii 1 :;n.N w i l ii bun . ineiils in town , iiieg in front erected by his . A. M. l'ii:::.;. of that jr.-nial , Mr. barbs 1". were glad to our streets I adies'. For b..aufy of torai, uuramiuy and case in wearing, it is unequalled. Kvery corset warranted, 'rtie best cor st I made. The Kichmoiid A lbinviUo railroad will sell S. K.T. tickets to Commence ment at Daxieson College, Davidson, N. C . at .'.::. Ticket to l-!tli, inclusive -.Mi i: A partner with $l.."i(Hto iro liiio in.? men . no"'' Marion. Apply to tiie Hk-ki ofiice for further inforiiiation. ;. IIe'i C':ttle V:tis!etl. I prices lor good !eol i'ndr the nlun u' K :.c p:: vs tatioii adop'.et5 w ir.-nVi 1 Conieienee of ti e Mi thocist Church, liisin-p Wilson will pre side at the session of the Western North Carolina Conference which meets in Statesville November 2t, ani also ;it the seKsion of the North Carolina Conference which meebs in Durham November 5th. The Conference also transferred the North Carolina counties hitherto in tlie territory of the Virginia Conference to the North Carolina Conference. Mrs. H. I. Scherer and children, if Laurhiburg, had a miraculous escape from lightning on the 17th. The I o!t struck in her room scat tering plaster and glass all over it, but hurt neither her nor her two little boys who were sleeping clow by. Her daughter was reading in another room close to the bureau which was struck and everything on it destroyed. Kvery window- pane, except one, in Mrs. Sh rer s room was broken and the trann thrown on the !ed where tho two boys were sleeping. liv-'l irrury coil it' i-i.a Is -A'.hb-g M:t..n-!l is i-odcst sons were kilb-d and 8s injured. Terence V. Powderly, who was at J one lime so powerful as grand mas- , ter workman of the Ktnglii ot La bor, has been expelled from the order. He is charged with foment-, ing discord and trying to disrupt the order. Mr. Bryan, the eloquent young Congressman from Nebraska, has announced his determination to retire from Congress, and will not be a candidate for re-nomination. It is said that he has senatorial as pirations. A wholesale dicharge of clerks in the War Department took place Tuesday. Secretary Itmont gave notice to 3tM) employees, compos ing one sixth of the entire force, in the Department, that their services were no longer needed. Gov. Tillman, of South Carolina, writes a friend at Spartanburg, '"that as soon as the courts let them alone they expect to resume busi ness" with the dispensary law. lie further says the State has made over $100,000 clear money in the MARION COPPER WORKS- ESTABMSHKD IN It. I I ! i coy oiis-i'.e.-.- t; i. fi.e li .us -li. iv hi-i- ive 1 !' o': on sab- June S, Limit .June I, !'.. it Ii $l.r(Mi hilsiness 1 will pay tile. I'oi: Sai.i: T. ii. M.i- !iN. A Valuable Iron Mine. fall on or address A. W ISKMAX. Marion, N. C Mi'. 1 it, li l'a lor. the singer, will i i..- !:ij from Ashe ille. Let i.f. , -ted with a large union . Iioir "M. ; i. .. ..ii in nigh! in l be I'resl.y i'i huivli. V : ' -'r.i excursion Iroin A-beville " M roii-h Wednesday goini; (o! 'r to takr part in the National j :n I ay exercise-. It w a-com-j 1 --I 'i.oi oi ncirroe-. I - ''b:''. ii will soon be connected : 1'. ' '. rioi-.lloii by t tie i list ru meat ' make, ihc w hole world neighbors. m l we will tiieit Has" can- of coiumunic al ion i:c4-ot-it World $1.50 Hv special arrangement we are eii nbled to semi youTiiK Maimi.x Ki.coiu. ..,.a.!.. .w York WeeKlV oriu ioi one vear for sfl.."0 in advance, sci ibcrswho pay up of course titled to this rate. )ld sub are en- Mr. Hugh Brown left last Tues day for Washington City, when lie Went to join the UniaedStates Army. i m l:iime: Letters in Marion lost Olliee. J. M. Vaughn: Miss Carrie Tate; C si i.ui,iie Samuel Ash: A. K. .1 1 muter sou; Miss Millie Kim-aid: Mr. Thoma Ausbjii; II. . Ardtss; .Miss .inn .I ones, col : Daniel Sookera; Mary ( Miller. .1. C. Mr' 'I'kky, P. M. Nona;. The following list of watche lie'mir held by B. II. Brookshier two to four years, will le sold i' reoaira unless called for within thirty davs from date: C, Dar ton. "Win! Liine, P. A. Coscy. Gatl ilvs. S. A. Bowman. Gibson. B. II Ballard. Cosby. Will Wells, lorn (birsim. Loirun Jackson, Jann Wilkerson. Jamks B. Swindei.i.. March 20, 181)4. rights Is it possible that UurKe m'j! 44 P""-' !!'Xi" "'P l''-' has well crouu.kd claims lor her lie- j conspired to old r.'.; uoei, Is for oilije and ih it her tipreuie j WOir.e t ouit Jiis.ice, hsr rfupviior Court Ju 1.-, j aiu! her Mate Treasu-er and Ch tiiiu.iu of the : WU.-j i Sliue Kulav Jouii.iissio'i, au.l claim tor United -jtxtes Senator to succ.-ed Vance is but her rights ? Dees flic think she s en'.iiied lo ail ih.Fe otlices because she a.ljouis a county that universally ii'r.s a large Deiaoc.atic in ijority, or ljec.-u.-c he gives a e:y small Democratic mnj ir- i L v heisell? Let our f-ieud- ia It urke take noiher v.-w of the situation und concede McDowell her rights, as has always heeii don-: to burke. Let our fi'.et.ds ieavc out tlej vote of Caldweil, Mitchell an 1 Yancey and com pare th vote of McDow'.ll and burke f.r the past 10 or 2'J year-, and then h.-y ill see that their only claim to a senator this year is that liui e is east of McDowell and geographically lies next to a safe leiuocratic couuty. .McDowell is ci.iiih.1 to the Senator this year and there is no uch custom as to give a county tiie Sen ator oliener than sue is eutiile.l to,bec:u sr he li.-s in thei-a-tera j.art cf llu ii strict W'e have given away herrtoioie t') secure harm my, but we do not think we should d so ahvavs as !t.eveiVl. .,..,1 il 'iik-.'x. Beairing and Fitting up liegistcr ed Distilleries on short notice. 1 have Stills, Caps and Worms. CHEAP FOIL CASH. Guttering and Hoofing, all kinds of Baths made to order, in fact any thing in the metal line. Sewing Machines repaired and put in good running order. J. G. MeN.vr;irro.'. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL-! I take this method of informing you that I have just - " LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF HARDWARE, Hit: V t IMPLEMENTS, BUGGIES, HACKS AND SPRING WAG0N8, Kver brought to Marion. COO It IXC anil IIKA'g IXJ NTOVI, Clood and I Doors, Sash and Blinds, Glass, Paint-. -i':t Paint It ru shew, XniN, Ilorwo Shoew At: at wholesale prices to country merchants. 1 keep on hand .si.; r, li-, vei-l v hit'. The negroes took Might in t- I-avi'-, but th.e learter wa;i caught and taken from an oai--er r.mi lynched. More lynch- iugs are expected to follow'. Tlie work of taking down the in -mense Ferris wheel, that attracted so much attention at the World's Fair, was commenced last week. Ten weeks will bu required to com plete the job. An idea may i.' formed of its immensity from tin: fact that it will require live trains of 80 cars each to transport it to New York, where it wnl be re-eret- ed, and that ."000 tons ol metal and 500,00 feet of timber aroused in its c nst ruction and its cost $150,000. Messrs. Morphew ami Streetman have consolidated 7.t heir drug stores, and will conduct! first-classdrug bus iness at Dr. Morphew's old stand. They w ill al.-o establish a branch house at llurnsville, to he managed by Dr. W A. Elliott, a popular and experienced druggist- J A. Mi Donat.d. Proprietor. MA ft I ON, N.C. SPECIAL RATES TO THE WEST. rrv The following special railroad rates went intoeliect -Marcii 1st 1894 : First class limited rates via the Missouri Pacific to San Francisco Cab, will be as follows: From Memphis or St. Louis one way !fIi.ot. iiouno trip .?-ii..' r,w,il fe.r (V) davs lo return, trood o-oing one route and returning anoiuer. For further particulars, address, A. A. Gai.j.aohkk, Southern Passenger Agent, 10. Bead Hous Chattanooga. PIEDMONT wAG fvi jrice, finish and durability, have no e" The- are warranted for 12 month. - P. Jones? CPAIG ) i i3 REPAIRING-A SPECIAL Prompt Attention Given to Work Ike BY MAIL. iph. wol-l r ! ing man verv be. re-id. 11- is a I..- is only sea thai the Sri hoar :'. t ow n ii--- of d of will You can lell by our advertising columns the merchants who have got the best ami cheapest g.w.ds, for good things will crop nut, and men who have good things will advertise them. We have received a communica tion too late for this issue, suggesting Cel. .1.1'. Morohew as a candidate for superior Court Judge. Mr. Morphew is ,,ne of ti e ablest lawyers in Wi stern Carolina, ami has talent that IUs him I for any position. There is a coinmutiicai ioi: in this i j.-uo er-b.rsinir Mr. E. -L Justice for -:-a:i!or I'i'om this district No better !s l-cti. n could be made if t he enl i.-e NOTHE! NOTICE !! NOTICE!! We are now in possession of the most valuable mica property in Mitchell, Yancey and McDowell counties, also line timber lands, audit will pay the northern capitalists and speculators to call on its w hen in need of such prop erty, . , . Dale ..V Atkin. .li-tri. t d: -11. drilU:;. - il! cpc.i : ille. ne i he in v :- i- a -t. a. .Ics j.,-. l.Oli.i! . e is an a. b-:.iai: car t.,r a eb: an 1 . ej!li- I elao- Valu:ilIe Present Tree. We w.h to introduce uur System ril!? ii.to every home. W e know ih il we mtn ufacture the very best remedy on t-iirtu f..r the cure of I'.o'isumptioti, liiliioiiiness. Sick U.-adaei.e, Kulucv Trouble e!.-. and that when vuu ii's vo," tri.I gl-oby rei oaeuc id t! i t r. i ii -zt --. ai ' in '' Mr. Editor: I notice iw tlie Kecoi(I of last week an article recoiiunendiiig Mr. Ed Justice for the notnination for Senator, to represent this district in the next legislature. 1 wish to express my hearty approval and endorsement of that communication. I think Mr. Justice would represent McDowell and the entire district with honor to him self and with honor to t he people of the whole district. Mr. Justice is a man of iine learning and of great intellectual force, a line speaker and a genial gen tleman, and in endorsing him for the nomination I think I voice the senti ment of all the Democrats of my town ship. 'ElNI.F.YS." IVill tiielvuike Ju3ie. Nealsville, May 31, 'at. Mr. Editor: As the Kecohp has clearly shown that McDowell county is entitled to one representative in the State Senate, I desire to endorse a gen tleman w hose liiiine has already hi en suggested Mr E.J. Justice, lie will make a line canvass, and also a splen did representative, lie has the ahili y to represent us with credit, and is pop ular everywhere he is known. Uurke county, as usual, urges a ilurke county man for I ho man, but McDowell is w il ling to give I'.itrke Justice in this case, and Ed Ja.-ticewill make the district j-roil 1 of it.- representative. Voteh. Dr. (Jeorge Keid, nephew of the, late Dr.J. T. Keid, will locate for the practice of medicine, at the home of his late uncle. Dr. oo. Moid received the 1st honor of hisclass t his year of a first class medical college, of Kichinond, Va. Mis decision to locate among us gives us great satt isfact ion. ?Iaiioii Irtlii-e Marke.t Corrected weekly by McCali & Coitley. M akiox, N. C. March, bth, lsOl. Wheat Corn - Oats ie - - - - - White Ibans Col. Deans -Clay Peas Chickens -Onions - E irgs - - - -Irish Potatoes - i Sweet " I iSatter ... CLOSING OUT SALE. McCurry it Nichols will their immense stock of goods eluding dry goods, notions Administratrix Xotiee. Having qualified as Adtnini-trix of Dr. J T. JJeid, deceaseil, Uie oi Jir Dowell county, N. . this is to notuy all persons having chums agaitisi tne estate oi sain ueceaseu in cini.... n" to the uiidersisrned, on or before the 1st day 'f June, A D IS'..,, or this notice will be plead in bar of tliier reco.iT . All persons iiulebieit losaiu esiaic please inaKe innneuiaie a.i... Thisillst day of Hay, 1".- II- V Hrii, Ailininutratnx J. L C. Iiird, Attorney rdiiii?.t(s Fn i n ic l ed cs lo tlcp, RETUBN POSTAGE PAID ON RE1; i wm, tie jlwh, MABIOIT. 1ST C CHARLESTON CINCINNATI & CHICAGO 3 5 SAMCEI. MI NT, Ag'nt for Purchaser. Time table; of the Charleston, Cin cinnati and Chicago ICailroad, in ef fect from and alter December 17, IWKl. COMPLETE I NEATLY BOCXi ANT) A VKaRVS SITLS' LS Hakersville, X. C. May, 2d.nl ls'.'l. Editor Marion Ke.-ord : I saw in a ne of your paper a coiam.un- - ol. J. 1'. Mor- jCHICAS6 r ,"T - " Chicago. - 10 to 20. m- jjAPRIMAM ice Chattahooga; SjK0XVni j - A Vtour 1 .r.0c. XSV ?" dAw-uiu ' 15 to 20. L.. ATLAN7A J ? T g L-ftEyiDIJt JAC0H i sell 4 JAa02tVIU ! in- NEwCai&MS StAugustihS 1 I and ;m.; xohth 1 No. 3.1. No. 3 Lv. auidc ii " Kershaw ' Lancaster 'at aw ba June., Uockllill, Newport lirzah, Yorkville " Sharon u li ickory (irove " r.lacksburg " Earls ' i'uttersou Sp'ng " helby " Mooresboro " Henrietta Eorest City " Kut h.-rfo niton r. at Marion 2 3H pm 2 ' pm t ()?. pin 12 ", pm 12 05 pm 1 OS pm 1 oh pm 1 i I pin 2 15 pm' 2 -i't pm 3 (ft pm 3 1!) pm 3 -ID pm 4 l-S ni . 1 2S pile r, 15 pm c. r.s pi n I s 7 ol pm j 7 15 pnii 7 43 pni i 7 51 pinj 5 12 pnii 8.2H p:n J :V) prn to Urge I (i -pge illuior ma'atine for lNLV 3(1 tl mort.lil.ernl ifter llou. I iiin?ii.ine refeired to, is a I. .. ref.lfte with lorirf of I. . tmvel. nti.l nhort iuternliic. live sketchea ot ftct anil I... l-t f 35 novels rr audi i 1 44 pill Urare Toward. y Kohert I . u 2 15 pill ! A blnckfiiiilh' Oaiifrhtrr 1'ierre; :ne't, a moat M. T. tnbio': A Oi.ded . To Si ia, by ih author u 3 HI pm The Truth i f It. I,y the , , ;t 31 pin 3 41 pm 4 30 pm 4 15 pm 4 7.2 pm 5 02 pm 5 30 pr.l 5 40 pm 5 .Vs pm ; 15 pin 7 20 pm s, Tori.iJ Liver, i . , , . 'ration reco-iinieadn i ph.-.'", to represent in hardware have in s will '-es. cost, if ; and see !' in l';.ct everything they tocK. ( .Id -pting :t cot. p o;i don't 1 r-'i-r voitr- Iv.-r. groceries tively at w it call iuisii sot Til No. 31'.. No. 32. THE ONLY LINE RUNNING THROUGH CARS FROM Lv. Marion " Kut herfordton " Fori t City Henrietta " Moore. -bero " Mi.-lhV n 05 a :n t OS am a 21 am a 42 am a 52 am 10 22 am !otic. I am prepared ! do ail the work 1m- ; Til rr t tin - i 1 it-.;.-.- ! C:.il i i f 'be irade. nd l le red ASHEVILLE KN0XV1LLE CINCINNATI. " J'at lerson Sp'gs H :i am " Laris - lllacksburg Hickory lirove Sharon " Yorkville Tirah " Newport Kock Hill ' 'atawb.t June., L.inca-ier K.-rsliaw Ar. al aiad.-n. H 45 am ' 7 47 am ft 03 am K 21 am : am a 00 am ail am 10 45 am a H um II 15 am 10 10 am 1 1 43 am 10 55 am 1 1 5i am II IS am 12 13 pm 1 1 Pi mn 12 25 pm 12 OH pm 12 32 pm 12 is pm 12 5o pm 12 50 pm 1 10 pm 1 10 pm 1 1 p:u 141 pm 2 :;c pm 2 30 pm 3 20 pm' 3 20 pin Huh Coimnv: nb.i ihe Mi ly, rather arnaaiionat, I. .. Au.t in; A Heroine, li... . Mm. Krurica II. Ini; the poitular Marion Mitrlai-.i ... try liuiay or Not Cui.ty. l)oii(',e. .S.iee turbi.Js u. ti other novel, but I hey ..r-m higb pradr, p,.ntar, lo icy. iiiteret.tiiij; iloriri. Tlia 35 110 I a and the .'.. ... ... Hon it-hold Toii-i will Le 1 i. t your order ia nt-eird. 1 !. you wi.li a n ami tea. 1 ong; ami will be jn . the lioua hold. Send al 1. lloi-XKiaii.il Tcpici I'te . . II On New Vork Citr .N. i 1 " iiarge of p in 1 ne .,- Police, ( apt L.iii.ii-. i-.b.!-.s ai.ut the city, a.-i v it h a n al black ,:i;;er followed, in which The K ' . 1 . T. Towles. of Mecklen burg presbytery, Haywood county, has lit-cn -lopping at the home of Kev. W. II. White for a u-w days. Mr. lowies is colncruiir for the Presbyterian ' Synod of North Carolina, in the sale of ' books and Bible- for the Southern I'res ' hwerian l'ublishing House at Ki-h- .aicli- sc. i-( !y. bat not lataity ! nU)tl(1 Va iie wjn vi.-it the coagre-i- hear with his pocket kniie. He I j,aiins ,,f Mr. White during this and -.ani- Icarr.cd it was a ictbe.'.rbe- next week. He has some undeiiomina ::. :o Mr. E. A. I nomas. ! tional books. ui tin. i.. i.-: to tr.. p'.i.f ." 1 ""'..c arenci at o:ue. c will p.vr to cch pitson w bo Sen. Is twtiity-tie cents in cash, or tbi'ty cents iu rl uii;.s. tor a bos of System I'llid, one cii' the following preMrni-: .A llaiidronie iobl Watch, a good Silver atch, a Vabnluabie 'i'cw a Lot, a (.leniiir.e Diamond King, ;.l iiskct of Silverware or a Genuine jii c0 iiobl Piece. Every purchas er gets otic ol the nbove presents are no excepiioc? Uu herfo:.!.. N. J. io i. 1 11 r 1 11 Tlier Keme.lv Co , I .1 i.- . i ii ia- ! n.ii and .;'l 1 1. I I am -aristied that by re; j many friends and popularit ii the strongest 111:1.1 ia t': tb.r cul l r.o.-.-iWv b rat people know him to be a staunch Dem ocrat and a nan who would make an abl advocate "i" Die rights cf the peo ple in the cnate. A Dlm.u kat. fi-nvTiNrrn to fovrih r.t:.r. 3rd c Tiie liitmpi 0:1 Yoir rare. Are 1--. u ; i.j imjuire h'o.!, nd will e ver be tte.l t.:.i'.s roil clears it ate ;.; 1: -n 1 r. t-s s &'a .nriry. nolan ic Il.oo 1 Kabn. the ereat blood iuri:.er ar.-! Tor- i'-. ii what y t- e.d. O ic bottle mill !f.ir viur ei tiipli x-on nii-1 purity yout li'on I. "Try -f I'-icelt0 i-r I otl'e f'01 sale iy diiigists. ri:C!.l'J l per year. OIRECT LINE V!A LOL'ir.VlLLE C VIA CINCINNATI TO CHICAGO AND THE WORLD'S FAIR. CLOSE CO.NNF.CTION FCK Abt rcnT3 MS it TH EAST, WEST, HORTHWEST. SOLID VESTIBULED TRAINS. ASK FOR VOUa TICKETS VIA QUEEN & CRESCENT B0UTE. tRINEARSOM. G.P.A., CINCtNNATl.O. Traips N-s. V-2 and 33 run daily t-i-c,'! I nedr;. . .;.id trjlns N.. '.' an-l 37 ; ) -i .--nr. !.iy - of.ly. No-, il and .'Sfi : e 1 11 . ! '. with ll. e C. C. S A. at 1 1 .-.-. ill'!. N.,.-. 32 iitel 3.J "j:ino.-t niiti the e:,iiard Ai. Line at Shelby. At Kn blys. Old Point, King's Creek j and London, t rains stop only on signal, j Second Class trains, which also carry passengers, leave 'amden at H:20 a. in., j and arrive at Kock Hill at 2 p. m. Ie- turnhig they leave Kock Hill at 3 p. in. and arrive at Camden at 7:45 p. I drains of the same character leave i.lacksburg for Marion at S a.m., ana retnru at a 11 p. m. S. R. Lt miN, fi. I. A. A. X K 1 1- i .. JH 1 I L. : cud J t. . MAIN" STRKKT, MA1.U. . Keep in htmk ihe LM oi KYK AN i) CORN WHI2I" V. IN hiS, Hi: AND IKS. 1 . Cigars. Tobacco Bottle Gocd.s. Respect fnllj to'icit a tht roage. CHAMP ELL' , :

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