nr S RUG Si 1 All iltll'iCtivd till! ' j i Fancy and Toitet J y TnGPiGAL FRUITS. drugs i mms. McCall & Conley extent! to their many friends A mm NEW YEAR GREETING! Wo take pleasure in announcing -it ii'.cn.isHl facil ' i--s t: wrwymi iSringua ALL YOUR mCDlTa Anle,n Oo. Cher ';? thvi imy v hr?r els-.? in Tat.)- xud elefant line of Articbs, also and a full hue DRUGS Af-D MEDICINES, VOL 3 MLIOlsr, 1ST- O, IFIR.-IIDA.'Y", J"TJTE 8 1894 Mil WW LOCAL GLEANINGS. BUSINESS PARAGRAPHS. 1 1 of More or Less Import- i I'lUllieuiJ m l or lteeoi'1 Headers. j'l,, u -Ml h'T is dry :im.1 orops are t.iii. rinv rain. r.nulv Maji-1 rate-; iiiH monday tl) . . j f i nt ' Commissioner.-. Mr. A. H. Cjlkey went to Ashcville -- 1 1 : " attend Commencement., "1 j... r- will lci M-rvii-s al. the Cem- tHi Sunday afternoon at 4oViix:k p.m. . Mi Mat tii Gilkey returned from -in -villi' We liM'sdriy ill with t lie meas- Mi-- Matrif Hudgins,of V.'arren i,,n. i- vi-it i titr her brother, Mr. Hnd- . M, r-. .1. L. C. Iiird and K..T. ,1ns- v,i-Til l A-heville Tuesday on busi- iii - -. The North Carolina Pre-s Convcn lion will iin'i'l in Morganton it n -.'.ay. Mi' Masruie -'olroy, of Morgan- j r, s ! , .-, vi-iling her lister, Mrs. W. W. N c!liis. M,:iie of our farmer-! have cimi- n.,,-in fii i in t in g wheat, which is I timing a 'mill cii'p. - - Will Neal went to Aslievillv Tues !i, to attend the Commencement of -!ii'le l einale Seminary. Mi ;. I.iiie N'.-al left Tuesday for V. iii-t on to attend 1 a is S'-bool Com- i i-iiii'iit mid to visit her daughter Mr. and Mrs. Win. McCall, of ,,;-ili "o-.e. and a member of the firm MeCal! A Con ley, were in town this Mr. 1'itJ-li Taj lor, of Abbeville, i- ;-i.:itT;.-tiii;-Ibe singing in the gciist services, is ill at t lie home .! Win. MT. l'.urgin. This i eommeiieement week all I the state. All of t he younr ladies ;it:d srenl leinen from Marion are ex pected lioine this, week. .I.e. M'Curry is oil on a business j. in( barbate and other points, and Ileitis at Interest iu Thpe Hani Time. Tlx; K eco Ri) $ 1 . per yea r. -- I're h Mackerel at A. IJ. Gilkey & Son. Nice iine of children shoes at Mar tin Bros GENERAL NEWS ITEMS. icixoud i:eaiei:s. Marion Hut lor spoke to a largo audience in Durham Monday night. Twelve person?? were wounded ly a collision of eleUric cars in At lanta, Tuesday. Bargain in Standard novels at I ."ilior(l county lias started a Swindells. i movement for the improvement of the county roads. .11! nr jr!i- iMt yoiinr man, d.C.tJrant. i :.- i ii.ii-ire ol t lie rostoltii'. Will White's little baby daughter ,;.-( Monday i.ioriiinsr and was buried I ii.'.-t.:!. 'Ve tender oir warmest t-yni-(...ihiis to the bereaved j!:t;-f!its. There will be a pieiiie at I'ridjro ,ater ti fi iirrow, whieh was rotten up ir. ;ree nnd Messj-s. Kd. Tale and Ci.ldle . A plea-.itil ti'' is nntiet the r boys o r (.enirv to .'Stel S a! ;om's Mes -iv. S.i:; J?y-;:ir. ir.l I'snrene ;";;al, I'! -..!:: Tw enty pounds of sugar for $1 i ni A I' r:, !.... . v.... I ' ""J .7ll. A good Texas Cow boy Saddle fors al eheap, aply at this office. New line of latest etvle Alpiti-; Hats at V. P. Itlnntoiis.' Tiik Kkcori) and Atlanta Weekly Constitution one year for .!(). Mrs. J. 1. Norton is daily receiv ing spring and summer millinery. i . Four-oil net packages of Bruton's Smiir at J. !. Norton's for ten cents. Latest and best, the anti-lever eolar buttoi) 2'. eents each at J. 15. Swindell's Sw.';et Water Valley and TVl'ieo Hour fresh, just received at H. (Jil- key it Son. All kinds of Fpringnnd Summer dress 'joods at lowest prices at ed Vh Variety Store. A fine Une of ladies Oxford ties and in fact anything in the line of ladies line shoes. Martin Baos. Tin lar-st line of notions and novelties in Western North Caro lina at Medd's Variety Store. A first-clas: New Home .sewing machine, equally as good as new, for sale cheap, or exchange. Apply at the Unfold office. Tinware, (ilassware, Crockery, lamps, Loo!:ing-glasses and Clocks cheap at Medd's Variety Store. T. A. White, t lie old and estab lish -d wood workman can always he found at his old stand, ready to do anv anv all kinds of wood work, and do it cheap. ! Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Sifters, Buckets, Baskets and pictures eheap at Medd's Variety Store. J. 1. Norton keeps a lirst-dass grocery in every respect. You can find all kinds of canned goods, such as catsup, apple butter ail flavors, w hite wines, vinegars, etc.. just anything yon desire. The Kichiiiond & Danville railroad sell S. U T.lieUets to f II -jo ei' to Cre liS'Mi'o '."'. and I'-rti-Tie'.o'-t- -n s:.!" .'iiu: I vat" iiud. .i-.sive. I.iiti!-. .J'.ise ':''. Secretary Hoke Smilh delivered an address at the University com mencement Wednesday. Gov. Carr has appointed E. F. Brahman, f Bo.- ton, a commission er of Deeds for North Carolina. The United Stales circuit court convened in RaHgh Monday Charles JI. Simonton and Aug. S. Seymour presiding. According to the returns from Ihe primaries in Georgia, Atkinson w ill have 78 votes and Evans 02 votes for the nomination of Gov ernor. It is said that the battlefield of I Gettysburg is a veritable Mecca for the people of the North. The number that annuallv visit there is estimated to be 1"0.000. lion. Lowrie Bell, 2nd Assis tant Postmaster General, voluntari ly resigned his ofi'ic to take the position of general manager of the Central railroad company of New Jersy. Mr. Walter M. Busbee, of Ral eigh, committed suicide at Wash ington Sunday by takingopiuin. He was found on the streets uncon scious and was taken to the hospit al where he died in a few hours. It is supposed that he killed himself in a lit of despondency. Evangelist Gales is conducting a series of meetings this week. Th meetings are well attended and con siderable interest manifested. Wanted: One white girl for waiting on dining room. Address, MlEl'SSKT it Mil I.EK, Bound Knob, N. C. Clean up Yo?ir Premises. All persons are required to keep their premises elran. Those failing to do ?o will be prosecuted. 13. A. Chef.::, Cotinty SnprM'iniendei'i of Hea'Ci. Wan'tk- : A girl for '.ya. r: Hound K:ii'!, N. C. Al3iiiisis'sri Notice. COMMUNICATIONS. What People Think ou Differ ent Sjibjerls. Mr. Editor : While we are waiting for the primaries and the county e.Miventicn to select a can didate for the next legislature. I would like to name a 'man that would lead the democratic party to victory and would make a tru, -af i representative. He has never as pired to office. Since he laid ('own his sword at Appomottax, he hrs pursued a quiet farmers life and his success at that honorable call ing is self evident of his s:)imd business judgment. While not an orator of any great eloquence, his reasoning on all business subjects will at once attract and convince the most skeptical voter of his ability to guard their interest-in the hall3 of the next - legislature. This man is W. A. Conley, well known to all the good people of McDowell, and a man of whom no one could any, but that he i a gen tleman of the old time kc1ka)1 Democrats, this is a time to organ ize. Don't let the little discord that has been caused by the op pression of republican laws cause you to lose any of your party fealty. But slick to the old tried and true principles of democracy. Men may change, but upon ita principles alone rests the future of this government. Democrat. Itoeky Vuhs Aews. Misses Betly and Cordie Morri son have returned from their visit to Marion, also Miss Stella Walton has returned from Greenlee where she has ibeon attending school. Winds and rains have been pre vailing in this section accompanied with a cold wave that chilled the hearts of our farmers with fear for their young crops. Poor wheat crops on account of the early spring blizzards, fruits and early vegetation killed so that theout- l.KWIS MaHDI X, PtF.tlCKXT. I- P. JlcI; D, Ci'mtn. Vi "s AiijiEvii.Lr:. .. c I5aJ..IT5'I f TATIi DEPOSITORY. CAPITAL $50 COO SURPLUS $25 000. We have Special facilities for "handling the business of Merchants This nan lost his his head, also lots ' a'l others in estern Norlli Carolina. If vou have no Bank account of Barp tt Conh'V s. of bargains by not going to Aiecau , f .... ,.ni . . U) .. voll n-rA a They have a full linn of Clothing Dry Goods, Hats. Shoes, Groceries Hardware, etc.,. . We sell as cheap or cheaper than any house in Marion. Wo aro here to stay, and ask our customers to come in, to see us when ill town. . McCall &Coxt.ey. MARION COPPER WORKS establisiied IN I860. Repairing and Fitting up Uegister ed Distilleries on short notice. I have Stills, Caps and Worms. ' CHEAP FOR CASH. Guttering and Roofing, all kinds of Baths made to order, infaet any thing in tlie metal line. Sewing Machined repaired and put in good running order. J. G. McNacohton. -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL- I take this method of informing you that I have just opened th LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF HARDWARE, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, BUGGIES, HACKS AND SPRING WAGONS, Ever brought to Marion, t OOS&IXC; and 13S: 1 1 J.i KTOVi:, jool mid Cheap! iDoors, Sash and Blinds, Glass, Paints, Oils, 'ai:it Brushes, 2VaiI, Horse Shoes etc. at wholesale prii.M t country merchants. I keep on hand a supply CF THE look seems lreary to many, yet tlie L;ird has promised, and bright d ivs of'ie and !:;pc inter- i J. A. McDoxalj, Proprietor. MARION. K.C. You can see vh to of her ereoU A r:t cost; j'.:stc:?ll :.nd see our .) i !s and )rivO ( v.nd couipare, CELEBRATED PIEDMONT wAGONS which for price, finish and durability, have no equal. The are warranted for 12 months. - Mr-. !!a Weaver and Mrs. I vi- . , We.-tver, arrived on t he -tl.-viiid ti-nin "yt'slerd-iy, and will !- ;nl :i days at Mr. A. K. Weavers' f .,-!'., re .-.; I iimiiig thvirway to.loues i T-'im . Tin:- ' will b" a ireeling in the . ,;,,isi . lnii-ch on next Sabbath after- a! o'clock for men and boys i.nlv. AM over fourteen (1-1) years of ;e i.e ieest cordially invited to be Pi- -en!. I.'vangelist (iaies will talk to tlie in en and boys plainly and kindly hunt plain duties. Let all come. An l.pwia-th League will be or-v.-.iii.ed at the Mctludist chuirh Sun day aiteruooii, immrdiately bel re .ab iath school. All the yoiuig people are especially urged to be present. Mr.Tay-I,.;-. of Asheville. will speak i-iithe work of the upworth League. !::;! o'clock is the hour. Let every one itteiid. - Me-tingof the Comity Magistrates Mulay was a lively day for Varion. I A cry pi inct in the county ivas well n Wc---!iteil. The eon m v Magistrates met for t he jMirpose of elect ing a board of c oannisr.ioners and county Supt. of I'Khlic 1 list ructions. There w ere .T2 MajriM rates present. The vote for commissioner resulted in Ihe election iM apt. lohn Carson. L. l Crawford iml ti. c. Conley. CoJ.J. V Morphew i- eL-cie.l County" Supt. of Public In--liu. lion. Tlie tax for the ensuing year ;i- levied t'.t eight and one third cems less i han last year. A motion to hiiiiilli iiuitv lu-uds was n-ade but w I- l...-t. Make your shirts at 'i home and '"iv l''i.- 'lr-h Linen made 'special- iy V r.osoius at W. P. Blantons. M'-nuiin ohlers are working Un i'. :! county, and the Monroe En quirer says one night recently they 'all"d at the house of one of the leading farmers of New Salem and nsketl for lodging, saying: ''Like the apostles of old we carry neith er scrip nir purs-'." The gentleman t' whom they applied for shelter lioois or Shoes we all musl wear, n... o-,,v,l ! 1 1 Cue bad will tear. I ' . , ... . ,,., .I,.,,-, i,., . (..,.,. t Having quali!iel as Administrix of Have patience folks and don t t"; -'' j , . T. (jP(,.,i. late of Me At the Piedmont can be repaired. , i()Vil.i, X. C . this is to notify J. V. Williams. all persons having claims against the , 1 estate ol saiil dewasttl to exliibit them Ceo. A. Cilkey has just received a car j (() t(, ,,,,1!, on or before Ihe 1st load of iieds and JUireau's,and will sell i :Xy tf June, A 1 IS'Jn, or this notice them iu-t ascheap as you can buy them will be ph-ad in bar r thier recovery u.vwi.ere. Call and see him when you 1 AH persons indebted lo sid estate will 11 ' . . 1 please make immediate payment. . -IX , -f i!ie vou will so j where bargains are. ,o p;-i:r as vet Uil the ;u.n.-it j , . ,. ,. ) Mi Call it (e.XLi:v. at Harmony Grove tor this year. neither have they a Sabbath school, j What has chilled the growth of t need anvthiiur iu his 'me Mrs. Norton has on ham' a lii't Vnw Thislst day of Vav, II- ". Ukid, Administratrix. J. Ii. C. r.ird, Attorney. of reatherstone Corsets of every vari ety ami style, Childrens, Misses' and ValwaWc 8Veen(i Free. I idi-'. For beauty of form, durability -,, 1 J , We wish to introduce our Svsioin I'llls ind ease in wearing, it is imeqmilleu. ,MIU''1' " "c:",' r 1 into rvcrv bouip. We know thai v? m-ti- .... Ml....i..ii rcli. tiit cor- i oin , .future the vrrr be?t remedy on enrlh f.,r t3ol3iug. All sizes, shapes, colors and this church and its work we ask? i Prices, we are going out of the Can the lack of brotherly love and i clothing business, and will give unity of purposo be the cause? Pit.- ' Bargains in the line we have on naele's new church, large corgre- hand, we could duplicate Jacob's gation and newly organized Sunday coat, as spoken of in Biblical times, j school sneaks of some sniritual life t Mc Call iv Coxley. - -1- i. in our midst for which we are grateful. Will not 1 farmony come CKAHr BUILDING. Lost : A pair of gold spectacles. set made. tiie cure of t lonsuin jitien, lJillioiiriif.-s, Sick The Richmond & Janvil!e railroad : neill;lt.u(. . Ki .!.,(m- TiouI.U-s, Torpid Liver, will sell S. H.T. tickets to Comniencr- Ptl. . .inj lIl!lt vou jiave trie l the e nient at Davieson College, Davidson, .,-,jis ,ou v. i'l g!.i-J!y iceo.nnien.l them to N'. C , at ijilJ.T."). Tickets on sal? Ju:e ti, : lit-or lake an aeeiu-y, ami in this way to lit h, inclusive. Limit dune Ki, IS'.ll. ,vo tXA hve : large, w-j!l-iaying demand to the front and give credit to its j A liberal reward is off appy name, secure a minister ar.d j t this olHce. ganize a Sabbath school? Mr- James Allison, a blind lergyman, gives us a plain and in- tructive sermon once a month at the Pinnacle. Mr. Allison though blind is interesting in conversation ind in the pulpit. Social. W vxtki : A part ner. with l.r.t'Ki t o go into the mercamile business m Marion. Apply to the KK.cono oHice for further inforination. ood ISecf C utile VaneS. I will pay geed prices for good toof i-atth T. I!. Maktin Koit Sai.i:: A Valuable Iron Mine, Call on or address S. A. W Isfmas, Marion, X. C. ISeeoa-a and World .I.SO I'.y sjecial arrangement we are en abled to send vou The Marion lii: oi:i and the New York W eekly W orld tor one year for $1..() in advance. C)ld sub scribers who pay up id'eoiii'se are en titled to this rale. created. As i special inducement tor every reader ol '.hid p iper to try llitss nils uini taUe an Agency nt once, v.-e will give to each person who sends iweniy-fi'C cents in cash, or thi ty cents iu st imp?, lor u box ol'Systcin Pills, one of the f'oihnving pri sutrl: A Handsome Gold Watch, a pood Silver Watch, a Viilioiluabie Town Lot, a (; tiuine Oiamond King, atfiket t f Silvern-are or n tienuine jr 00 Gold Piece. Kvery purcha?- er gets one of the iil-ve presents. There nre no exceptions. Ibiiaw KemeJy Co., vulherford, J. CLOSING OUT SALL McCurrv it Nichols will sell their immense stock of goods in cludiuir dry goods, notions' and hardware, in i'jct everything they have in slock, excepting groceri will be sold at cost, postively at cost, if you don't believe it call and see for yourselves. You can tell by car advertising columns the merchants who have got t Ik best and cheapest goods, for good things will crop out, and men who have good things will advertise them. 1'orket ISooli Lost. I lost a leather nonie-maae , Are ct used by impure Win"!, mid nocket book in Marion, or on the i evi-r be well unless you ciai.s8 ii I v ' Iwol,! ii on in i-iehtieee xnn liliriTP. Hit wav from home there, which con- j ic' ;;:ooj ua!m, the prei.t blood puritier wmi The ISiiuips on Voitr race. mul n il t lined some Yaluallo papers. A tonic, is what y u need, u .e i.ot:i i: n i j clear your complexion ruJ punlyyou liberal reward will be given any i)!o0(1 Try ,t. pnce ci Co ptr luttie. Fo one who will find and return it to me, or B. B. Price. replied: "That is right, go on as Thig Jum, 5j T. B. Hemhll. did Paul, traveling day and night 1 tlioring with your own hands ti Stoves, yes. and cheaper than S'.'.ppurt yourselves that vou may ! ih w ood would cost to cook a hve- n d lie chargeable to any man.'' ' cake on the old fa.hioned fireplace Landmark. " j at McCall iv Conley 's. i Try sale ily ill ugjjisets. "notice"! "notice ! "NOTICE ! ! We are now in possession of the most valuable mica property in Mitcbell Yancey McDowell counties, als line timber lands, audit will "pay the northern capitalists and speculators it call on us when m need of such prop erty, Dale & Atkin uclaiiued Letters iu lariou t'ost Oiiiee. J. M. Vaughn: Miss Carrie Tate; C S. Pest on; Samuel Ash; A. K. .limmer- on: M.iss Millie Kincaid: Mr. 1 nomas Ausbon; If. G. Ardiss; Miss Julia Jones, col: Daniel Sookers; Mary C Miller. J. C. MfClKRV, P. M. THE JL-A-IRGr-IEST AND THE :eikaii:kt htoesi-: That has ever been at NEBO, N. C. The rapid increase of my trade encouraged me to com plete my stock in everything that is generally L-ept in a i lirst-class country store. Come one and all and ex amine, it is here impossible to enumerate, ome and see for yourselves a bargain in evciythi"g 1 sell. L can ulo furnish lumber und laths in en. Return jCHICACO "1 Chicago. rrimah" BiIWham o T g utIHTIDIAK 45com , r KEWCftlAHS toWST 1 j CHARLESTON CluG!KKATl& CHICAGO 35 COMPLETE NOVELS NKATLY liOlXIi, SAMUEL II ('NT, Ag nt for Purchaser. Twin table el the t Iiarteston, in-, o n ,nr?e ,(. iih.mied .uouil.iy cinnati and Chicago Uailroad, in ef- j nntpaziiie jr OXLV 30 CKMS. Thi in n feet from and after December 17, 1'.':. AXI) YKl:'ri sn;scT:ji'Tio.v ioixij Nourn G3. 1 No. 37. Lv. Camden " lerhfiv Janeasier " Cat aw ba J une., " Hock iliil, " Newport " Tirzah, " York vi lie " Sharon iliekory (5 rove " lilacksbiirg ' Karl ?, () nin : 2 ;u pm a i; pin f-3 pm : to m : 10 pai -1 t6 pmj -i i!l pm 4 "iS pm 3 44 jm 4." pmj t lm C rH ion i 4 4-3 !ni Patterson Sp'ngs 7 01 pmj 4 Z-i pai " Shelby 7 t pM o o-' pm " Mooresboro 7 4 pm ' R pii " Henrietta 7 M p.m! 5 i pci Forest City S V pm! 5 ."8 pro " JiutlierforUton 8 'jspmi 10 pm Ar. at Marion U 'M pin 7 20 pm soi;tu i Lv. Marion THE ONLY LINE RUNNING THROUGH CARS FROM ASHEVILLE KNOXVILLE TO CINCINNATI. most liberal olfer us Houseliohl Topic?, tlm iiiKiCHZ.iie r fei red lo, is a h igh-cl.4i imper, replete with Kluries of love, n irenturc, O r. vel, me! tliort intcrefliii and innriK- 12 0." pm 12 Co pm 1 ,iv sKftidieg ol fut nod laucy ; and io the 1 OS pm 1 t-S pin j iit c f 3i novels i le such lreuuresu) ' A 1 J ! pin 1 it pm Ur.ue Lowiird. by Itobe.t l.otiit S'cvi tlf. ; 2 1 5 pm' 2 15 pai A LUcknuidi'ii Ii.vuhtir. -tiy Eiu VS. l.i pm! .in pm rurcr; .Min-oa. n must pleasing story b.r ii. i. laMu'; A oUileil mo unu Uetn ceo Two Si 18, by ihe tiutlior of Dor Thri ve; The Truth f It. l y the popular miler, Hugh Conway; aini ihe Moorcbouso Tme dy, intlier iseusationiil, by ilrs. June 0. Aus'.in; A licr-jine, a delightful story by .'lis. Kcjrecii H. I'Hvig; Wull lowers, tr the poimbir ,Mrion Ilarlund, and ihsgrmt story (jui;ir or Xot ' Ouilty, by Aninu M. DougliKfi. SpJio turbids mtiitionili tht other i.ovclt but they arc all ihe sni high prmle, pi.pnhir, blight, t'jinitic, picy iiiteretin stories. The 33 uireis and the current issue of HocseLohl Topics will be Kent you the d-iy - I ,.. .; .A ti.;.'..;ii , .. ...... .. iui a, men on; arid mil ht uioireii tied btr all in l he hounlholil. St liJ ut once 50 cents to Mouheiiolu Tones I'i c. Co., V. 0. llox lljD Xih- Vork Citr X. V DIRECT . LINE VIA LOUISVILLE OR VIA CINCINNATI TO CHICAGO AND THE any quantity desired at the! world's fair. lowest prices possible. Respectfully, a. ji Axyjs CLOSE CONNECTION FOR ALL POINTS NORTH, NORTHEAST, WEST, NORTHWEST. SOLID VESTIBULED TRAINS. ASK FOR YOUR TICKETS VIA QUEEN & CRESCENT ROUTE. at A,ot the a. o.. i. t. t. o.. Q ret u 'a at y :; ). m. CW..1. iU (in jm. tmmsUm u t. nmu. tmui, ( jj f .yiiptfl-c, ft. P. A. VcTRrEARS0H,C.P.A.,CINCINNAT1.0. A.Tkii-1, upL-1'i!!l-iiJ-n' Ne. r,5, 8 05 am o ;." am K'.tt herfordf on 0 OS am 7 4 am Purest City !) 2! am s (ill nin '' Henrietta li 42 am K 21 am " Mooresboro 9 T.2 am S .-'.2 am " Shelby 1 22 am J o am " Patterson Sp'gs 10 XI uia U 11 am " K.iris 10 45 a.n 0 IS nin " Jila.'ksb'irg 11 15 am 10 10 am " Hickory Orove 11 4.1am 10 .V am Sharon II 'iiiam II IS am " nrkville 12 13 pm 11 4 am 41 Tinah 12 'J5 pm 12 OS pm " Newport 12 2 pm 12 IS pm " Jio. k Hill 12 .'a pm 12 '.) pm " C.itawb:; June, I lo pm 1 10 pm " batiea-ler I -M pai 1 If pm " Kershaw 2 '.'.' pm 2 i!H pm Ar. at Camden. 3 H m 3 '.") :m Trains Noa. 32 and 33 run daily ex empt Sunday, and trains No.;. 3' and :t7 ran on Sundays only. Nos. 32 and 3H Ii ivc conned ion witi the C. c. fc A. at JK'k Hill. Nos. and 33 connect w ith the Seaboard Air Line at Shelby. At Roddys, OH Point, King's CreeK and London, trains stp only on f-ioal. Second Class trains, which also carry pas.Misrpr, leave Cane'en at S:-0 a. m., and arrive at Kin k Hill at 2 p. in. Ue l irn .z they leave JIuek Hill at 3 p. in. andarri.e at Camden at 7:40 j. ni. Train of the nwn1 elnracter leave 'Jlaeksb irg for Marion at 5 a. m, ami M A IX STItE K r, M A U ION N. C. Ktcps iu stock Ihe to bt cf RYE AND CORN WHISKIiS, WINES, IJIIANDUIS, DKEIl ALE Cigars, Tobacco, and Bottle Goods. i!cP"ctfu!j tolicit a kl.aro of jtjt pat CHAMP ELLIOT N.

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