....... A-v- A ti attractive and elegant line of ini'-v n.'jcl Toilot Articles, al-i McCall & Conloy t-M. ii I f t ,! many JnVii.l HAPPY NEW YEAR GP.EETH.Cl' TROPICAL FBUITS. and a full line DRUGS AND MEDICINES, VW take piea.ur. in :mriouneii:.' Jiri!.,-iv:tMl flu;- t;- ;tis. n.'voi Urinous ALL YOIM: IU'lDlCi Andg.'t Goods CIkm p ti-!,! :,i.v where hi T v.:i. Jionr ii i:vs I-i.M.-v and loilot Articles. alo - T!X vl lJ II II V iAWfimr' r-rrv ... H? V v J I ' LOCAL GLEANINGS. 1 1 his of JIor or I.'ss Import a nre Pointedly Printed I'or Iterord Headers. I. iit your taxe. h.- fanners are bus' culling vln-at. Kolit. T.rw in, of Morganton, was in ilJ(-. ity Monday. Mis Justice is visiting her Imtli- r. Mr. K. .1. .ImtiVe. )r. M. M. Lanilrurii preached at l'.riJgwat-r Sunday. Tli rain inaUrr is sadly ueedei in 1 lii sfciion at present. Ir. M. V. Morpliow went to I.ridge walT Monday on business. Sam Yancey, of Vv'omllawn, Tur key Cove, was in tin rity Tuesday. Kd. Tale, of l'.ridrewater, was in i In.; ity Sunday attending the meeting. I'U- editor is at Morjranton this week attending the l'ress Association. There will te preaehinjr in the i ciiK tery on next Sabbath afternoon at I ;W. M). John Wood, of Ashboro, iMtiiig his iiiiclv, Kev. I'rank 11. Wood. Miss Molt, of Mt. Moune, IreJell county, is visit ins her friend Mrs. F. 11. Wood. M is.s Jennie I.andis returned last Saturday from visit ing friends in Hut h irfnrdton. K. 1. Me( 'issick, proprietor of Mat tery Park Hotel, Asheville, was in the city Monday. Mr. ('. V. McKesson sH'iit several days in town this week attending the iv ival serv !'.. Kev. V. II. Wood, returned from an extensive trip in Rutherford and j'olk counties Monday. The Misses Yancey have been in tin city for the past two weeks attend ing the revival services. Miss Maud Crawford left for her home in Old Fort Saturday. She lias lieiMi visiting Mr. (Jeo. I.ee. We were glad to see I. J. Carter and wife, editor of the Kutherford Herald, on our s,reet last week. -We were felad to weleome Miss J iz.ie Neal home Sat urday from Ashe xille, where .-he has been attending school. Miss Kunicc Wood returned from luirhani Saturday, bringing with le-r her two neices, Misses. Hessie and lrti- sie Kllis. Samuel Hunt, K. V. (Iray. S. H. Lumpkin, J. A. Maxwell and A. Tripp, railroad otlicials. were registered at Hotel I'lemmiiig Tuesday. We call the attention of our read ers In t lie adertiseinent of F. M. Scroggs ol Western Hospital and Deaf iMimb S hool of Morgantou, for sealed beef proposals. Among; t lie arrivals on last Satur day we were pleased to note the arri val of Miss r.ontuo Ueid, of Asbeville. She will spend some time visiting at Sheriil' Neal's hospitable home. J.C. (irant left Tuesday for the iire ami limpid waters of the South Toe, for recuperation. This is a warn ing to the trout to leave the river and go to to the woods for safety, and the birds had better go north. Mr. Kben Stenhonse, of Columbia, S. '., originally from Scotland, is .-pending his summer vacat ion with his only daughter and son-in-law, Kev. and Mrs. W m. 11. White. He is pleased with this regiouand climate In Another column our readers will tl ml a communication from Mr. W in. Karl Hidden, in regard to erect ing a chemical laboratory in Western North Carolina. We think Marion is the very place hp is looking for. We are in the most suitable place for its location. An Kpwortli League was organ ized last Sunday afternoon at the Methodist church with a membership of 23 persons. J. 1.. English was elected President ; s. Y. Weeks, Mrs. A. J. Gil- key and W. F. Wood, vice-Presidents; Miss Kdna McCurry, Secretary, and Miss Sal lie McDonald, Treasurer. We are informed two men named Mill Carver and Anderson, had a light last Saturday with a young man scarce ly grown named .Vace, near the foot of the Hlue ltidere. Mace stabbed both '"arverand and Anderson severely. It is neneveu that Andersons injuries w ill prove fatal. The parties were all drinking. Our Democratic friends who are candidates for the nominations in Dem ocratic conventions would do well to announce the fact in the Record. It will only cost you five dollars, and we will publish letter, from your friond3 endorsing you free. This country is fnll of pure air and cold waicr, but these alone do not stimulate a printer sufficiently to enable him to eel up cr ticles to advance the interests of individuals: Joung man in town i-w.mi.. , ... ... -?wieiiie, ana while tlJ;. re was nil rod need to young lady, and bidm- one of those kind that like to make a good impression, was speaking with all t he eloquence her charms demanded. In his ardor he evidently said a littl too jnch-nothiiig more natural when speaking to a charming Hrl His feel ings may be imagined when she said in 1 crushing tones. "I m ,,, . . bail, (wasn't it. ) to give hini'such a w' J - On last Saturday about one h.m- ! .. ...... ..R-i.Mins garnered at the Uaptist church, at Hridgewater, for the purpose of having a nicnic. wbieh .. . .i..,.: ... ... i..juuuj present seem ed to enjoy the occasion immensely, and day, place and occasion will belong remembered by many as one or tin most pleasant of their lives. Pror. W. K. Abemathy and R. X. Kineaid, Esq.! entertained the crowd with speeches. Pretty girls, music, love and flowers, and a sumptuous table of good things to eat, were the leading attractions. John Krwin, colored, who was con victed in the magistrates court last week, for assaulting "Governor" Mark Winters, colored, with rocks, with in tent to kill, was on Tuesday taken from jail and tried before Esquire McDonald for living in adultery with Susan Jane Winters, wife of the Governor, lie was convicted not by the voice of one man. but by a score of witnesses, and in de fault of a bond of one hundred dollars, was committed to jail. It was proven in the former ease that John had threat ened I'ncle Mark's life, if he (Mark) indicted him, and he went to jail on the former charge in default of $ 100 hail. And now John sighs: Don't weep for me dear Susan Jane, Don't weep for your John, The reason I don't come aga;n I cannot give the bond. We are reliably informed that a capitalist from a distant State visited our county to look at a valuable piece of property and that he was pleased and would have invested, and improved the property and started a new industry, but declared lie would not put a dollar of his money in a county where private gates were allowed across a public road. He preferred to bereleived of the trou ble and risk of getting out ol" a vehicle to open and .shut a gate on the public highway because often he would get his feet wet in the mud and start a cold or he might have an accident by bis horse running oil", while he was engag ed in shutting the gate. Now this is a nut for our commissioners to crack. It is well enough when crops are o:i and freshets come to give temporary relief, but to lix such an incubus on the pub lic as a permanent trouble to them for private advantage, is a matter for se rious consideration. We have heard it suggested that the County Coninii.-.- ioners have not the legal right to ob tiuct the roads in this way, in a non stock law community. ut if the com missioners do have the right, is it best for the community at large ."is it good public policy? Since the 1st Sabbath of the pres ent month, Evangelist Western II. Gales has preached each morning and night to constantly increasing audien ces. Services l ave tieen Held in tilt; oil- tVreet churches, .iirviig-Iiening the spirit of unity. The etlcct of the meet- is decidedly better, wider and deep er, than any held in Marion for many years. AH classes have been more or less concerned. Even in the mornings, the largest church has generally been about full. If about 125 chairs had not been placed in the church, most of the time, the people could not have been seated even in the morning, which is very unusual. The membership of the churches are very much revived, and we trust in a substantial, intelligent way. Mr. Gales is wonderfully earnest, sutliciently logical, properly and pow erfully practical. Most and best of all he is, it appears a very conecrated man, who goes to the J'.ible only for the "Bread of life'' to men. He is free from tho new, patent methods of some evan gelist, lie lias no disposition to count converts too last. I'p to going to press there have been about sixty professions and re-consecrations. The meeting closed Thursday night, The singer Mr. Taylor, of Asheville, has rendered very good service, botn as a singer and worker in the meeting. So has also Mrs. Gales, the accomplished, consecrated wife of the Evangelist. Mr. Gales will ever be held in the most grateful and confidential remembrance of this en entire people uf ail creeds, w hose pray ers will follow him in his work, lie goes from here to Asheville for a few days, and then he wiii hold a meeting at Spruce Pine, Mitchell county, X. C. Kev. M. L. Kaylor will preach for Rev. W. II. White at the following places: At Greenlee on the Mh Sabbatn a:so, at Siioam, on the same day at3;30 in the afternucn. Ihese servicee wi:l Deininep ace oi me ijra ?aoDatn on June, as Mr. bite is detained in .Mar ion that day on account of the Gales evangeistic meeting. Lost : A pair cf gold spectacles. A liberal reward is offered. Return to this office. J. Q. Gilkey wis in Asheville last week. A RXCDIST, 1ST- GEN ERAl NEWS ITEMS. I'AltAiiKAVllI l i oit THE iti'Coftu irr ni:iis. Durham nnd Ilal;igh urc now -onn-.-cttd l.y telepii.-no. Tin; State Pays Association h in convention this we.-k at Morgan ton. Suitor Walsl, introduced a hill for a iNTiiKmont National Exhihi- tloIi ut vgton. v. Dr. V. T. Milhurn, tl.e Ulind Man Eloquent and chaplain of the U. S. Senate, lectured at Durham Wednesday. Cashier Drenizor, of Collector Carter's ofhVo, rejxirt.s that the rev alue collection for the fifth dis trict of Xortli Carolina during the month of M!ay were $94,528.80. Senator Gordon Monday intro duced a bill in the Senate appro priating 50,000 for a building at the Cotton States Exposition at Atlanta, C,a., ami 150,000 for the maintenance of the exposition. Vice-President Stevenson, left Washington last night on a special train over th:j Richmond k Dan ville Railroad for Charlottesville. Va., where h wiil deliver an ad dress at the University of Virginia Tuesday. The Chesapeake, Ohio & South western shops at Paducah, Ky., have shut down, throw ing overoOO men out of work. Eight trains have been taken oil' one end of the road and six on the other. Scarcity of coal and fulling oli of business are the causes. . At Preeden, 10 imle south of Huntington, V. Va., five young wo men got into a ight Sunday even ing and in the melee used knives and pistols. Mrs. Lizzie Maynard was killed and Jennie Morris mor tally wounded. It is thought that the ali'air originated from jealousy. Coxey and Prowne went to the capitol yesterday, using the as phalt walk instead of the grass in approaching the building and spent sometime in the senate gallery. Prowpe did not wear his theatrical leather g"it and consequently the two Commonweal leaders attracted little attention. The ruin waiehor.se of J. T. Thomas, Son Xr Co., of Chattanoo ga, Tenn., covering almost an acre of ground, gave away Sunday night and thfj building, of corrugated iron, is a complete wreck. The loss will approximate $10,000. At the time 00,000 bushels of grain were stored in the building. At a meeting of the board of di rectors of the I'nion League Club, of Chicago, held Monday, tinal ac tion was taken in the ease of Con gressman Prnckinridgo's honorary membership in that organization. A month ago the directors voted to strike his name o'i' the roll and ns no defense had been entered by the colonel, the action of the director ate was put intoelleet. !Vo I.outjev 12ic II. & D. New Youk, June 1. It is relia bly learned that on July 1st, there will be a reorganization of the Richmond & Danville Railroad sys tem by which the name will be changed, and it will no longer bo known as the Richmond and Dan ville, but will be the Southern Rail road Company. This arrangement will not at present affect the re ceivership ot the Charlotte, Colum bia & Augusta, the Georgia Pacific, or the Columbia & Greenville, but they will be included in the new system when their affairs shall have been settled and placed in such shape as is necessary to that end. Tho new regime w ill go into effect Julv 1st. Waxtkd : A girl for general hotel work. Address, M tEl'SSKT &. MlLLEi:, Round Knob, X. C. As You Sow So .Shall You Heap. Greensboro KtcorJ. Last evening about dark two po liccmen went'ed their way to the lock up, having m charge a man who, live years ago, was earning $5,000 a year as a commercial trav- ler. In those days lie dressed hand somely, was a prince of politeness and a superb salesman. Xow h? is out Gf a jon, penniless, and almost j a" outcast, with old age creeping ' over him i or two or three day he has been on a drunken debauch, and yester day evening wad unable to get away from a tdcphohe pole, too drunk for anything. Liquor never vet tailed to get f tho o1 a mat! if he vnY sticks 'to it. O, FRIDAY, CTTJIsrE 15 1894 Old Fort News. We are glaJ to welcome to O.d Foi t , tli t C;tirnaLle ent-Dian end skille l jdivsician, ' Dr. Benjamia L. Ashworth, of Fnirview, j N. C, who 1ms located in our towu. Ilr. A. j is a graduate oi Baltimore College of Phys ician ncd fc'urg'-ors, lias had two yean of successful practice and ccnis to us big!. ly rn-on. mended. We wish liira ncse g and f.el pure that his nierMs" tv:il descne the Fiittie. It is li it, dry, dull and duny here, fi:1i no news of any moment. Wc learn that fanners are worki g very hard, toru looking lairly well, tbongti in sows localities rain is needed. We have had Iie pleasure of meeting Dr. 0e. P. Ueid, (nephew of our lamented friend, the late Dr.-John T. Reid ) who h.n begun practice in this section. Dr. R. took higli honors at his txaminr.tiou.an'l is well prepared in all branches of his pro'ession. We extend a hearty welcome and feel that with him and Dr.- Ashworth of our town, the lives of the people are in guod hands. The thanks of the "If. I. C' and th peo pie coi.-jpufinr; their audiences a.e due to the OM Fort orchestra, which under the leadership of Mr. J. II. F.lalock, has uis coursed "sweet music'- at their several en tertainments. The Mutual Improvement Clab, of Old Fort, rive their third performance on Sat urday night, to a crowded house, the pur pose being to raisj morey to put seats in their new hall. To the c'.crer family of II. West i man, Ksq , is much of the cieciit due that we now have a suitable dace for dra matic Ar.d other entertainments, fitly ar ranged with a good stage, dressing rooms, and a droo curtain beautifully painted by the hands of the artistic Miss Westermann; and not only hag this been done, but the same young lady shows much managerial capacity in each tppenrance of Je M. I. C We can not in this t-hoit notice speak ot the merit I of each actor; the epplause ol the large audience showel that every one did we'd, and as it is the intention of the club to appear in Marion some time next week, (probably the 20th inst.) we will say that if one wishes to spend 'a pleasant eveuing this wi.t be a rare opportunity, as a ''Morning in China,'' and the roaiing farce of the '-Village Doctor," are alone worth the small admission fee, not to speak of the declamations, dialogous, etc. Fiokv. Old Fort, N. ('., June 12th 1S91. Pits. ITlurllia Jane Fiesrll. Tne subject of this biograplib al skvtch died on .March tLe 14th 1894, at the lei dcuce of tier l ite sister, Mrs. A.u.-iud i Kail ey, and o;: the fullowiu day was interred in the M.-itioa Crmet-.ry, the fanetal service having been conducted at the home. She was the dtughter ot Mr. 1 hull) is K. mid Mrs. Marv Collins, of Spurt uiburg r.junty, S. C . previously of York county, s. C. In bis d.iy, t.er father was one of the pil ars, as an elder, in the Spartauburg Fres- bi teiian churcii. tiUo was born nt Yorkviil,S. C, in 1822, here, at her death she was about 72 years of age. She was educated st Newberry, S. C, moving thenco with her parents to Spartanburg in 1837, where at about 15 or lb' years of nge ehc connected heiself with the I'tetbvtci-iau church. l-nring the grei-.t civil stri!'.-, ia 13G3, both of her parenss being dead, she remov ed to North Carolina, McDowell county, where on S,rpt.2'th 1S70, she uas m.-uiitd to Cnpt. Ilcniy Prcsnel), who s.iii survives her at about 84 years ol a;e. .'he Ut three years of her life was spent j with her sister's children, Mrs. oe I oteU j and Miss Mattie Uailty. Being prcvei.ted from "housekeeping"' by the blindness i.f Capt. Fresnell. Ilei relatives "always thouiht of her with the most tender affection for her kindness of heart, and prized her for her real worth of character. lSesides the relatives mentioned, and otliers, she leaves two sisters, Mrs. Julia Mitchell and Airs. James, the r-ifeofa l'resbyterian minister, Kev. A. A. James. of Pacolet, Spartanbuig county, S. LV who was the first pastor of tfce wiiter. Her neighbors speak of her as having beeB one among 'he most pious persons of the community. Wheneer the light of her life shun, it shone for Christ. Mrt. Frcs uell was strong in what ia collet the gent ler virtues (really the stronger) meekness, patience, love for the true,'etc. She bore uncomplainingly in trial and cuTtiuated thvirti:s wh ch 'make far peace.' In ner last illness she gave most plain evi dence that her pious lite had fitted her for dying, for she had no dread, but a confi dence of triumph in her savior in crossing llie -raging, turbid waters of the Jordau.'" "O grave, where is thy victory; O death where is tby sting?-' "O for the dea'h of those, Who slumber iu the Lord! O be, like tl-.eir., my last repose, like theirs my last reward." W. II. W. Marion, X. C, Ordered by the court that all persons owing taxes an I .receiving county claims of any kind whether witness ticket?, jury ticket?, half tee tickets or any other county claims, must present th.Mn to the County Treasurer for payment, or iiH'iisiuci iii oe, aim is nere- by directed not to pay the same, when they have " been transferred to other parties. J. C. Bkown, Cierk iioard C'ouuty Conimi5&ioE.ex. BUSINESS PARAGRAPHS.! Item of Interest i These II:n ,l Times. The IEeoi:r $1. per year. New line of latest ntvlu Alpitf Hats at YV. 1. Wantons." ihe kkcokd and Atlanta W Constitution one year for $1JX. K!y New line .standard.paper novel just received, six and eight cent each at Swindell's. All kinds of Springand Summer ttress gool.s at lowest Medd's Variety Store. prices nt Think of it a 400 page cloth bound book Aldine edition lor 11 cent", at Swindell's;. Tinware, Glassware, Crockery, lamps, Looking-glasses and Clocks cheap at Medd's Variety Store. J ust received a fine lot of m port ed kippered herring, boneless pig feet, and a nico lot of French cand crackers, oranges, ami a keg of apr icott cider, etc., at J. 1'. Norton s. T. A. White, the old and estab lished: wood workman can always be found at his old .stand, ready to do any any all kinds of wood work, and do it cheap. The Jiiehinoml & Danville railroad will selU;. i: T. ticket to Goldsboro if 1 1.20 or to i roensboro $0.50 and return. Tickets on sale June lsth to 22nd, in elusive. Limit June 25, 1S1U. Hoots or Shoes we all must wear, The good will wear, the bad will tear Have patience folks and don't be scared At the Piedmont can be repaired. li. YV Williams. The Hiclunend & Danville railroad will sell S. It. T. tick"i to Commenco merit at Davieson College, Davidson, X. (! , at $3.75. Tickets on sale June s, to lltli, inclusive. Limit June 16, ls!4. Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Sifters, Buckets, Baskets ami pictures cheap at Medd's Variety Store. The Kiclunond and Danville Kail road will sell S. li. T. tickets to Annual Session (irand Lodge K.of P. at Salem X. ('., and return for !f7.4r. Tickets on sale June ISth, 10th and 2Jih. Limit June 2:ird 1!U. The largest line of notions and novelties in Western North Caro lina at Medd's Variety Store. Waxtkd: One white girl for waiting on dining room Address, MlKi'SSKT it MlI.LKI!, Round Knob, N. C. The Richmond, and Danville Kail road will sell S. Ii.T. tickets to Annual Meeting' of Xortli Carolina State Fu neral Directors Association, at Winston-Salem, X. C, and return at S7.4". Tickets on sale June Hth, l:tli and 21). Limit June 23, lS'.U. lean up Voitr rrruiUe. All persons are required to keep their premises clean. Those failing to do so will he prosecuted. 15. A. Chekk, County Superintendent f lleallh. Itccoid :uui YVosUl 1.50 l:y special M-raiiiTi'ir.i-ia v.e are en abled to send yoii'l im. Ma!C!u. Kkcoki and tin' Xt'iv Viirk V-ekly World for one year tor !.;o in advance. Did sub scribers who pay no ot course are en titled to tins rale. The ISumps o Vo:ir "ai-e. Are c.niseil liy impure bli)id, and will lu-vcr be well U!lle yuu citu'ise it mid b:iild it up in ricii net5 ind (unity. Botan ic l!oud Ualm, 'lie great biuod j u ; i tie r and tonic, is wimi yi u net-d. ' U.ie bottle will clear your i.-i.nipk-xion and purity your blood. Try if I'ncv $1 00 p- r bott'e. I'or sale dy di nSls. xotick: xotice:: xotick:: Vv'e are row in possesfioii of the mo.t valuable mica property in -Mitchell, Yancey and McDowell counties, also tine timber land-, audit will .pay the northern capitalists and speculators to call on us when ia need of such prop ert v, Dale & At kin. XP A. McDoxAi.n, I'n-prietor. MARION, y.( You can see wh re rtlnr people S'll at cost, just call and see our goods and prices and compare, the you wiil se? wle-rc bargains are. M Call it Co.L;;r. ' Cloiliiu. All sizes, shapes, ci lors and j Prices, we are going out of the c'thjn.T ,Uripe- cm! wi'l give Bargains in the . line, we have "on hand, we could duplicate 'Jacob's coat, as spoken of in Biblical times. McCall & Coniy. i. is Ji.u!f, I'l.-Ksii.i N1. I ami i: villi:, . c i CAPITAL $50 000 We ha, Vl! M ecu; !i:c.;il;. f..i- 1. ' ""'" wi - i.-.ivm ss ot .Merchants 1 others in UVstern North Carolina. If y,.t have m, Bank account oi uuiiiuit a change. ie wiil be r,u -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I take this method of informing you that I have just o,ed the LARGEST AND iY03T COMPLETE STOCK OF HARDWARE, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, BUGGIES, HACKS AND SPRING WAGONS, Ever brought to Marion. lOOHIXU and KBCvtTIXfa KTOVIW, io,I and heap! DoorS Sasli and' Blinds, Glass, Paints, Oils, laint ISrusheN, XaiN, Elorsc !e Ac. of ,.-l...l..,.i . . . .... ut iwum-Miiu pnees i'i country merciuuits. 1 keep on l1:uui a CF .-.--'-vs. I .' I ir- v -f i'- . . i --y CELEBRATED PIEDMONT wAGONS which for price, finish and durability, have no eijual. The are warranted Kin THE JLABG-EST AND THE OI HA WST ST li 13 TJiat has ever been tit NEIJO, C. Tlic inpid iiKMcasc of iny trade cncoiiraawl 111c toctin )lctc my stock in everything that is generally I:ept in n tirbt-class country store. Conic one and nli and ex amine, it is here impossible to enumerate. ome and sec for yourselves a bargain in eveiythi"g I sell. I can also furnish lumber and laths in any quantity desired at the lowc.-t prices possible. Jtespcct fully, G Jf. A XXIX 35 COMPLETE NOVELS NKATI.Y i;or. J), AM) A YE.lH'.S Srn.SCIilf'TIOV 'o a I:rpe 3G-r: illustrslc J monthl magiizin' for ONLY 30 cKNTS. Tlii i! n most liberal oflVr :i IloUirhoM Topic?, the magazine rrfeired to, 'n a h irli -t t . s l'(-r, repletf wi'li Ft"rie of love, 'lveutare. travel. mnl sliort ii.f ervsl'ng anJ instruc tive Sketi lies ot 1 nt urwl r.incy; nmlinfje Itt f 3.1 iiovtb ire s-itii treasures as "A l!r.irc ( ownr.l. l.y Kui-.-t l.ouU Stevenson ; A I!Iack?ia:iii's I.ni-'.iter, by Ett l W. I'len-e: Nine'ia, a most jileasin sTcrr b.y M. I. C'aidor; A Ciiil-i ."-in unl Between Tivo Si is, by lli- autlior of I)!r Tliorne; The Truth cf It, ty the ioi.uir writer. 1 Huzh Conway; nu.l ilir Moo-ehoiise Tra-e- dr, rather Sfn?;iiioiiwl, l.y Mr. Jne C. Austin; A Heraine, a deliLtful story by Mrs. Keiecct II. Oavi; Wall lowers, by the popular Marian lUriand, nn l the great story Oniiir or Not Guilty, ly Amanda M. Douglaj. Space foibi U mer.tiouih the other novels, but I Ley :tre all ihe same high grade, pi.pu'ar. blight, jommtic, spicy, iulereiiing s:ori. Tde 35 mtcls and l,e varreut isue of IIouieLcld Totjits wili be .m i the dy your order U rtieivj-d. This will supply you wiih a S'ason's reading for a iceie soiig; and wiil : n;ij.r .; ud by all in the hous.hV.J. Seuil ai oace 30 cett to llorstHOLK Top:c I've. :o., i. (i. Bar 1153 'tw Yj.-k C.'.y . 3-0 13 I- P. SIi-l.. , 4'A-HIKTt. m:Ke.siTOKY. SURPLUS $25 000. ., .. .1 i . . . .1 . - ( to nave you correspond with u. ardware sujiply TIIK- for 12 months 'JIIAIG TiUILDINt;. MARION COPPER WORKS. KSTAIJI.LSIIED IN 1SM. 7 7 .xf Bepairingand Fitting up Register ed Distilleries on short iiotict-. I have .Stills, Caps i id Worms. CHEAP F0II CASH.' (JuMering and Boofing, all kiiuU of Bill lis made to fj-rd-r, ihlaet any thing in the metal lino. S.-wing Machines repaired and put in good running order. J. (J. McXai ohto.v. Valuable Irreenu I'rvt. We n to introduce our System VWr. into every l ome. We know tint e mnn ufacture the very bt-it remedy on earth f..r the cure ofConsamption, LIMiousness, h'itk Ileoda. he, Kidney Troubles, Torpid Lirr, etc.; and that when you hare trie I thru pills ou will gladly recou rnen l them to othrr., or take an ngencr, and in this war we thall have a lare, well-paying demand created. As special Inducement for every reader of this psper to try tbe3e pills and take an enct at once, we will give, to etb person who sends twenty-Cte cents in cash, or thirty cents in stamps, for a box or .System Pills, one of the following present?: A Handsome OoW Watch, a good .Silver Watch, a Valualnabie Town Lot, a Genuine Diamond Iliog, a Cfi.-ktt of .Silverware or a Genaine 5.00 Gold I'iece. Every purchar. er gets one ol the above presents. There are no excepilona. ijhaw Hemedy Co, iiuthtrford, X. J. K..k Sa p. : A Valuable Iron Mine, Call on or a'Mre. 8. A. WJeESM.V, Marion, X. C.

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