DREGS! VBXW attractive and elegant liu9of ,i)-y a Mil Toilet Article, 2.L0 TROPICAL FBUITS. ami a full lino DRUGS AND MEDICINES, at M. F, MOKl'JIKWS. -M- McCall & Conley i-Mi to tbfi" mny frii'jjda A KAFPY NEW YEAR GREETING! W e take pleasure in announeini our iiu-r. atl favi,i'i..-;trveyou Bring us ALL YOUR IMIODUCj And get Goods Cli.'r ti.j;i any whejv t l.-,e in T..:i- YOL 3 LOCAL GLEANINGS. IM ,ns of .Hore r Import ,, l,int8ly Prisiu-d lor Kt ronl Headers, u-. M. .):ii"-; is veiling in town. im.ii'I fi.rget tin- lojjetTt Mond;iy ..i.'l'l- Will N. ;il aiiil W.V. P-'Hiit on spent ,l. lib at A-li'-vi1'- 'Ji.- -4 li-iij' of tiw Ii.fc. IwiJI t. chunged ;;-xt wcuk. lis Mat tit? Burifin is i iitin lier IMIRTOILST, 1ST- G, XJDJIT, CTTJIL. 6 1894 On Saturday morning Jim; ;joti H.Clay Siskslmt mid kilb-d 15,-rry Lane son of Lafayette Lane, m-ur lirindle town, in llurkc. From tin? ri.,.a?re reports i.Ltainalilo it seems tliat Lane k4 w hipped Sik that morning early, Mid was about to r-'p-af the pe'rforni anee. Lafayette Lajw. father of the friends sympathize with Iiiru in his trouble. Jearn that Sisk Went home after the kilji- and up to tlie present time we liaienot heard t hat he ha buen arrested. ilto is 'the organ men have left Vrs. .(aiiusf Morrw. .C.,I. O. Ib Hh'ker, of Jd Fort, v:l, in the rity Wednesday. ,Mr. I.'M Saijdlin and :n, of Ohl j ,-,', were here Oil tin ltl. 1, ,m Hal-' of t In Ki'.eoi stif wa tj-iiit.gi: llurkc Jart ttvk. Mi Mamie- 11 iw, of Gastonia, U 1 in -at Kev. T. J. lingers. Si-vi-rnt eommiilitt-atious ve;-e this xv.-. k erowded out Uif la k of sjyaee. See the letter In Mioltier e.olunin ,,l,ep.il.)ieof 1. X. Lmion & I'-'"- Samuel L. Atms, a represvnta ,ivr..fthe C)jarJiJt, Observer, was in ..n je-'ierdaj. The Mayor's wurt U thimr, a bi(f ,,,,-iness I his week. The eollee lt wiJ ,.,il oereertain. 1. UiiM uiiit-t aloiitf the Pofomac :,t ireselll. and pea reigns. ifvi.ii BerrtW a ghost, Ki to ihe-hoM jiariy to-night a the Kauipe j,ue on G,in!' stn-t. fiirlis has a tact at hin ,., i ,r if ou don't believe it try )n, ..da water at the dm-st n.r Theeon. ert Monday nteht by the m 1 c . Old Fort, is for a worthy '. 1 ..v.tv ..iu should jfive it their .i'i-- - .-.ujiport, I it tie Arthnr Fraz'nr.son of apt 1 A l azier, says he went JLshin last w...U with the liveliest erowU he ever had tjje p) :i-ui'e of met'tiuj;. -on last evenin- Dr.atwJ Mrs. Lan ,',imi. ente t ""l a l:il,.V .vi-nd-i in a most delightful manner at Iheir hojiu CarOeii street -.m.1oiiv ifn'w fastiion potato 1 arrived iii tliis vicinity last week ...m ....... ri it... notato crop e-era.'ly p,d aloiijt- their line of mareh. I. Mood on the hrilKat miduiRht, As hot as a hornet's nest, 1 , ..old i.ardly wait for I he tixht. And everybody knows the rest. Mrs. i'. F. Crilhiitfa former aeeon ... . . -i ... M ti arrived iter purlieu ii'-im i" ' Mon.l-.v fro... Washington Cit.V. She ivai...-l U-i-e .V Mr. t;ri5n,ni Uwy l. li TiieMlay for Spruce I'ri.ie. I. N. l.eiion ami wife returned ,,.. tl.eir bridul tour to the northern .-ilirslast Saturday. They took m all heights at Uastiini-Mon and Balti nirc. 5ir. Lomoii l;ou-ht a lar-o stock ;.f .mm. Is wliil.' north and is now open ing them up lor .sah' at Streofman's old tand. - Newsn ached Marion Monday of t he sudden death of Mr. S 1L Wiley, a pri.inin.-iu bn-iness man of Salisbury. Hist vo sons v. ere in M itchell, and a messei.-er convc.ved the news to them 1 mm this They reai'lin! Marion about:! o'clock Tuenday Jiiorniti-and look a freight train for Salisbury m....:.... t , wi.ro No. 47 I O. . F. mi their reirular inecj in-' .Monday night (..Mailed t he ,li.. in-elect tve uMiccrs whieh had been ejecteil for the ensuing , ...... v 1 ..e .ti: W. K. I.as.di V.t;; J.i;. Nichols, Treasurer; "Win. Sweeney, Secretary. The ' ' m.urihin!' condition, and Odd Fellow Miip is -niwin- raj.itlly Ditoii.i.out North Carolina. The Mutual Improvement Club, of Old Fort, will give a concert hi the Court House Monday ni-ht duly !lh, f,.r the benclir of the Vance Monument Fund. This will he a repetition of the concert Riven by them in Old Fort, .-oiuetime atroanil is well worth feeing. The concert will be well worth the nrice of admission tud is fl worthy let us eive them ft crowded )itiie. Kvery one should go. AJtnif i..i. lit and 15 cents. We have been rejueted to con - in -tit upon the had nr.duvt t tne Marion bos. and to write an essay on 1 h..v to raise boys." A we have never raised any, and have seen but few suc- cesM'uIly or protitably reared, we de eline the task. We would also add that if parents are willing to sil quietly and see their boys go to the devil, it is none of our biiMiiess. Idleness is the devil": Hf.rkshop, and the boy, like the mule needs plenty of work. We will sny that it would perhaps be a good idea for the a'.dermen to pass an ordinance requir ing tlw town marshal to put the boy all in bed at 10 o'clock p. m. An ordi nance i.irt.iibliii'r jinv uersoii under '2 years of age to go on tin streets afte that hour, unless a legitimate reason be given, would be a good one T.est Banjo and Guitar Stri- g !o not think tliat .e Kcoito is serenaded every day and nigh.t, and all the time, by cow-hells around our windows, that it is because of our popularity or that we love music. Neither tdioiihl jou tliink that because we lay awake all niht anl listen to the i:o-bcjJs, w ar. frpe ially fond of musie. It i H4jt tliis. hut we listen o it because we cannot sleep, nnd we now desire, in lndialf of a non-music- viig town, to enter a protect against that wearing of bell by cows in town- W'v condemn it as one of the evil.-) of the day, and a terror of night. We ap peal to the board of aldermen in the name of a peace-loving a nd long-suf fering community to unbell the bell- ou, and let her go 111 the even tenor of her way, seeking a weak place in her jwltfhbor's garden fenc, or outside grass while it may he found. Let her limb into tht wagon of the country man and steal his last bundle of fodder, at the cabbage that the shop-keeper hangs out for a sign, chew the light summer coat which hangs before the store door as a sample, eat the gardens. hook the children, ornament and beau tify the sidewalk, but in the name of peace, health and chaste language, dis possess her of the privilege of wearing musical instruments w hich never cease to phi", a.'id never change the key or tunc. I'ouliU 3Ieetiuir. The populist party met in convention 'uly 4th, pursuant tothe call of county Chairman, A. .J. Dula. There were six peoples parly men present, who sat in iid..'t he court house bar. S or 0 Demo crats and one Republican sat outsidf the rail as .spectators, 't he convention was called to order: and a motion inad that lie v. J. ('. Iirovvn be elected chairman carried ayes li, noes 0. Mr. Brow n f(io!i ih:.' chair and made a few preliminary remarks. I It was moved that A. J. Dula act as oeretary of the convention, motion arried, ayes f, noes 0. M. ;. I'endergrass moved t.o admit How to Advertise a Town. There are many ways to adver tlne your town. We submit the following, after reviewing the pat-t ami contemplating tho jires ent conditions. When you Bee a stranger within tho gates of thw city, B'ek his ac quaintance, and if you learn that he is prospecting with a view of locating here, with hi wife and children, tell him about all tho sickness of tho community first, curse the schools out, and slander all populists present to seats in the your neighbors, invention, motion carried, eyes G, If you rind ho wants to buy land noes (i. tell him the late boom and land The 0 faithful sat still hut no re- agents killed thi; town. Don't emits joined them. forgot to mention that the title to A, J. Dula moved that an executive tho piece he wants is inferior. If committee be selected to serve the en- it be a farm of 200 acres 'with a I good thousand dollar house on it, be sure and tell him that the whole thing isn't worth $500. If he inquirer! about the church es, be sure and tell him not to at tend, that big organs are flying through the air, and one might strike him. If he is a secret society man; and inquires about tho Masons, tell him we have plenty of brick masons but their chimrevs all 4th July Picnic. The glorious Fourth was celebrated by the people of Marion with a grand picnic at liuck Creek Falls. About 75 or SO people repaired to tli.it lovely and romantic spot to enjoy themselves Kveryone, big and little, were in the b-st humor, (and some in the water) pleasure anil jollity reigned supreme. F.atables were abundant- and of the best, tuiie an array of geod things were present ed tothe view of the linn- ?ry suing two years, motion carried, ayes 0. noes 0. Committee was then named. At tliis point Kev. J. '. Drown invited all per sons present who expected to vote the populist ticket to come forward and participate in the meeting. No re sponse. The faithful ! sat still, lie also invited the reporters to come close up so they could hear everything and report it correctly. It was moved that the nresent chair man act until new committee meets smoke, and he had better not build and orriinizes. carried nves (i. noes 0. I he 1' The chair stated that next .in order It lie aJcs about public enter- was the election of dele-rates to state prises, don't mention anything i ..i ... 1...1- t. ii i.:... ii i l ai convent m. M : l'i.iiilrirr n.i.ved I else, IIUl It'll JUlll UIWB UUOUL IV that the chair annoint 3 ilelesrates and distilleries in the count', for in s nitern.-.tes to thU con vent ion. c.ir- tit 13 way you will create a sjood ried. aves 0. noes (I. Thev were named impression on him. and Penders-rass moved that the If he speaks of starting a cot chair ai.noint -2 dele-rates and 1 niter- ton or woollen factory tell him ,,,.te o...i1..ii,.iMic'.1..v1...iioT,. carried, our cotton all turns to cuckle- m ves b. noes o. M. c. l Voder-rass moved burs, and our sheep are all born that the chair appoint 3 delegates and naked and wool won't even grow 3 alternates to the congressional con- on a "nigger's" head. Finally, if he vention. Motion carried, ayes 0, noes 0. still persists in locating, get vour It was moved that t he chairman be ad- gun and sneak about in the dark, ded to the congressional delegation,- just after he has retired, and shoot carried : aves C. noes (. It was then mov- a couple of times through a window ed that the Sec. read the lists of dele- near his room at some one you hold irates named for the various conven- a grudge against. t ions. Carried. Ayes (i, noes 0. The list Jt tins tails to impress him ta was reail out. It was then moved that Asheviile be designated as the choice of tbisconventiou as the place for hold ing t hi? congressional eon vent ion. ca:' riN'. Ayes (i, noes 0. Cc.nniiit.ee eonist- vorablv with the town get all of tho nicest boys and well-to-do yotu'g men you can find and get rii'it in front of his window and fire oit 1,000 in rse-povt-i dynamite irtniles till daylight and then BUSI NE33 PARAGRAPHS. Itcui oT Interest in These Hard Times. The Kkcohd and Atlanta Weekly Constitution one year for $1.50. See the nice buggies and carts for sale by W. P. Jones. Go to Morphew & Streeman's foi ice cold soda water. Pine canned peaches at peaclu at A. B. Gilkey & Son. Finest stock of Razors and pock et cutlery at Jones' Hardware. Of all the goods, Dr. Jones has the lineet. (Jo there for hardware. A full and complete line of al! kinds of canued goods at A. 15. Gilkey fc Sons. Go to A. B. Gilkey & Son for th finest sugar drip syrup in town at 40 cents per gallon. Blanton pays the biggest pricet for Produce and sells goods thf Ceapest, call on him. Si All kinds of Spring and Summei dress goods at lowest prices al Medd's Variety Store. Tinware, Glassware, Crockery, lamps, Looking-glasses and Clocks cheap at Medd's Variety Store. Just received at J. P. Norton's a nice lot of fresh French candies at 15 cents a pound. Go to Medd's Variety Store foi all sizes of Fruit Jars. Thev are the best and cheapest. acw More, Aew woods. It you ant to see a nice and complet stock of new goods call on D. N. Lotion a Bro. W. P. Blanton has just received beautiful lino of Drv Goods and Notions, also the largest line of Shoes everolfered. li A first-class New Home sewing machine, equally as good as new for sale cheap, or exchange. Apply at- the Kkcout) onice. .CtJRSiXON: FROM THE MOUNTAINS ..... , -.. .-.;. niirot A.J.iniiunm m l eiH-ei -gras? vl..OlA,.m t-e..v too. ii... , - ; . - . , , - -, satiated and there were taken up I was api.i.oiieu a.... u. a i. ahuuivmc- r ( . , i " "J mirhi 9 s resolutions BC2II- Jl uraiu uivmiwu". ning"e the people'' as usual with such If all this does not make a good gat herings. impression wait till he starts down J m. ;. ivnd.-rirrass asked ( liairman main street for a drive and get all r.:-owntostieaU to the resolutions whicti the highly-re fined and well-raised he did for a Ion- lontr time. After boys and young men in town to Chairman Ilrnwu had orated sntliciently sit along the sidewalk and holler to satisfy the noble c. mat they would "( say, et'-'li, G-say !" at him as one dav cat olli. ial pie from a populist he passes, and if any of these smart i was moved that the res- noys are your sons, laugn ami cmp ..,!,.,r.i M..t;n ci.-i-ied ! vour haiidsas the stranger looks a- ' " I i c i.: i. n. .,t.i,.s s;..ller.- aves t. noes o. itwasnexr moeu inai i"" - .i..v.,., .. ri.e crowd all the icsoiutons be published in theC.u:- cuuuieu, iwo-ieggeu jaLKasses. Motion several baskets full of provision that were left. We are not certain that any were left when the party arrived home. The party arrived home about 7 o'clock and all wet, dusty and tired. It was the general sentiment of the crowd, that all enjoyed themselves hugely. In iddition to our own charming young ladies, the i omnany was enlivened by the presnce of r-cveral young ladies js-; pi counter, it-no-in Mario. i. viz: Misses Julian, olutions be Molt I'.nririii. Carter. Huduins, Seller Wiseman a ml Sludge i -.si, os in evi.ressin-r their an-! casia.n and .uaimox ia:nniD, eciation of the eil'ort of Kev- I I" Rogers in arranging the picnic, .1. A ;iiot rarty. V novel entertainment will be given at the Kanipo house, on (iarden street, Friday night July 'Hh, at S;30 o clock. Sjiecial comnui meat ions may be nan with a real ghost. Ow.ngto tne nign reputation and genial manners of this ghost, the young ladies of the rresby tcrian church, have begged its presence in Marion. Its gliost-ship craves audi ence with all, and extends a hearty in vitation to each ami every one for a quiet chat on ghost lore. An admission of 10 cents nil) be charged for a chat with the ghost. Ice Cream, Sherbet and Cake, wili be be served on the lawn. Ml may exf-cct to nave a pleasant eve ning. When nights are dark, drear and still, Olsosts walk around with tlieir own free will. They tell of dark deeds secretly done, And trouble the conscience oi me wicked one. When clocks are striking the midnight hour Lights stream from windows of a haunted tower, ud weird, shrill screams, you then do hear, ild gruesome faces and hands appear The people all who will not obey, re told of the ghost w ho will take them away; And on headless Horses at miningm will roam. Never again to see their dear home. Bob IVIcCall Win. Hon. 11. S. Met 'all was nominated on yesterday for Solicitor of the 12th Ju dicial District by Kepublican Conven tion at Way nesville, so s'ates a tele grain received by the Kecokp, from Hon. J. tJ. Pritehard. 3Ir McCall is a native, and for year a resident of tliis county. lie was one the most popular and successful law To' My I-'rieiMls and The Public Jers at t his bar and is a hightoned ge tenian, at:u an auie lawyer e uon i like his polities, 'but we do like' the carried, ayes , noes 0. It was next moved to adjourn, mo tion carried, aves C. noes '.) and the convent ion adjourned. Tho convention was composed of A. J. Dula, Win. Oray, Kev. J. C. Brown, M. (J I'endergrass, 31 r. Lowery and a young man that your reporter did not know. ;ctH-i:il. We have just returned from the Northern market, win-re wo bought a now and complete line of Gen eral Merchandise, consisting of: Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, Straw Goods, Shoes, Groceries of aU kinds, Tinware, (fueensware, Hardware, in fact everything nec essary to mo' t vour demands. All of w hich was bought for cash an and are confident that the Kepub Means have made a wise choice, but of course Democracy win win, ami we hate to see our friend .McCall Ueteateu OHIO WVKIv AND CHARLESTON J K. CO. MKKTlNtJ CF STOCKHOLDERS AND DIRECTORS. The undersigned having pur c'.iased the property and franchise ot the the Charleston, Cincinnati it Chicago Railroad Company, un THE SEASHORE. To leave Marion, N. C, Juiy21tli Leave Wilmington July 27th. to Hi 3C'l, I L L. and C. & L k 3 ns is my first Excursion to Wilmington, and I expin-t to of the nicest Excursions ever pulled into tVilinington bv This i me make it steam. Dry vour Blackberries and take them to Blanton. He wants them and will viv a good price. He has the goods you want, and will seil them cheap. .iis T. A. White, the old and estab lished wood workman can always be found at his old stand, readv to do any any all kinds of wood work, and do it cheap. This Excursion is for white people only, and will have no room for lrunkards or men that are drinking. No 'man can buy a ticket unless ie signs the contract on Ticket in regard to drinking and good order. Any person not satisfied with the order kept on this train in regard :o drinking can draw on me for the amount of his ticket and it will b i-efunded through the Banking House of H. I). Leo & Co., Shelby, N. C. There w ill no over-loading or crowding, as there will be from 10 to 12 coaches and only o0 to CO in each coach. There will be a private car on this train in case any ladies got sick; they will be cared for by Dr. D.S. Kainseur, who will be in this car for tiiis purpose, at my expense. No one w ill be allowed go to the refreshment car. I will have young men and porters in each coach to wait on you at any time. Each coach will have a good police, with full power to keep Rood or- der. Good order is what we will have, or tro into Wilmington with an nnpty train. The Mt. Holly Silver Cornet Band will furnish music for this excur sion. Also every day and night while in Wilmington and on tho steam er out on the ocean. The excursion train follows the C. C. Passenger, No. 30, from Shelby to Wilmington. iotel Rates The Orion, $2.00 per day, o0 rents deducted from your bill if you miss your dinner. Notify Clerk the morning you go out for dinner. The l'urcell Hotel, $2.W per day, singh-. Double $1.50. Costs, $1.25. Bauetz House, 75 cents per day, or 25 cents for meals and 25 cents for lodging. The Sutton House, 75 cents per day. Plenty of room for all. Have arrange! to take care of 1000 to 1200 people. THE GREAT EMPORIUM GENLRAL MERCHANDISE. Dry Goods and Xolioiis, SSanager, MARION COPPER WORKS- ESTABLISHED IN 180. at rock bottom prices, and will be der forecloseure sale' and being obi cb.':iit(r for r ash or yooii trade nw corporation as provided by tl ., . . ,. .. Ar , I Code of North Carolina, to beknow HUH, L.U UL-M.iU X . , oh;() j,. iuul Charlest(.n e nave openetl next door to m r. I;.lilru.ul (:on,pany : xotiCe is here Win. McD. Burgin. where we will i,y given that there will be a meet be pleased to have you call and see I ing of the stockholders and direc .,i.r new -t.n-W before i n rchasi nil tors of the Ohio lliver and Char- tdsewhere, sl&oes and groceries. Respectfully, D. N. Loxox ec Bi;o. Notice to '!!' her. All persons w ho desire to be examin ed for certificates to teach in me puu- lic schools of McDowell county, are hereby requested to meet me at the court house on the Second Thursday in July. N o cert incates win oe cnuort-eu or issued except unon the examination of the teacher. Do not forget t he dale. J. F. Ml KCHtW, ( oiin'.y Sunt. leston Railroad Company, at oflice of P. J. Sinclair, in tho town of Morion, in the State of North Car olina, on the 20th day of July A. D. lS'J-l, then and there to transact inipe .riant bus'ness connected w:th . , .. f saiil railroad company; ' All stocK- rial Convention for hollerg are requid io jo pr,.sont, jet of North Carolt- 0tr i person or by proxy. Chaki.es E. Helliek, Purchaser. Southern Express Money Onltrs Cheap Method of Sending money to all points in the Unit, d States. Perfectly Reliable. On sale ALL HOURS IN THE DAY at my Senatorial Conven ion The Senat the olst Distric na, composed of the counties oi Caldwell, Burke, Mitchell, Yancey and McDowell, will be held and is hereby called D meet at Marion, N. C, on the 2Stii day of July lsyi for the purpose (.f nominating can didates for the State Senate to ! represent tlie olst District. The Chairman of the County Demo cratic Executive Committees will please call their county conven tions to elect delegates to the Sen atorial Convention. Papers in this district will please copy. J. C. McClkkv, Chairman Pern. Son. Ex. Com. McCALL cCr CONLEY, Aotiee. P.y virtue of tlie pmver vested in me hy a iiiort8ge executed by j. II. Atkin nnd wife on May l.'.th 1H91, to secure a debt therein providpfi for, I will sc'l to the hlgl.c st bid der for cash at the Cn'irt Moui-e Door in Marion, N. C, at 1 o'clock on .Von.'ay tjlin j tv: mefd line. Repairing and Fitting up Register ed Distilleries on short notice. I have Stills, Caps and Worms. CUE APFOK CASH. Gutterinff and Roofing, all kinds .if Baths made to order, infact any- H iving qualiSe 1 na A Jruinistrator of D. II. LM on t ie 12;'u day of June 1831 notice is l.ereby given t all persong indebted to the estate of said D II. Bell, to make iraraedia'.e j-ayn.eiit; and all persona hav inr claims .ijniiist said estate will present the in f.;v j avinef.t on cr before tf.e 2h day of June IS;.1), or this noi'ee w tl be li.e:iivd i:i fcur of '.iitir rc.-ovcrv, June "iiilli J. F. Wilsos, Administrator of U- II. Hell, deceased. Jatr.e? Morris, Attorney, Biij line of 5 cent Callicoes, at Blantotvs. 2is August Dili I8'J-4, the foliowicj d'.-scnbtd rral estate to rit: Situated in Marion Township in MeDoweT county, adjolni: g lands of J. S. Elliott. Clias Greenlee, P. J. Sinclair, J. Yenciy, jr., SaHie Hicks, Jerry Gardin and clliers. I!!cek No. 3 eonli'.i i:ig 33 lota ; B:Ov.-k No. 1 1 co-it Onii-g 52 lots; Hlock No. 12 cortninir.g 30 lo's ; block No 13 containing 10 lots; Ii'eck No. II con taining 21 lots; I'.lock So. 13 c )ii;air.i- g 4 lots; block No. Ic containing 4) lots; '5:ock No. 17 containing 45 lots; block No 18 containing 31 ioig; 'ilo' i; No. l'.i.-on- ttiiiitig 14 lots: Riock No. 0 rr.n';iiri-.;r 43 lots; Rlo rk No. 21 cont lining ;0 lots, and Block No. 22 containing 33 lots, which said Blocks and lota will fully appear by reference to plat recorJel in Registers oflice for M.-DoyviL coun.y, Covk H ;:-.ge 530. J. Yakckt, Jr., Mortgagee. Sewing Machines repaired and put in good running order. J. G. McNai oiiton. Tiie Bum- on Vour I'aro. Are caused by impure bb.od, iitidnili never be well unless you t-U-atise it an'l build it up in richueS3 anJ purity, botan ic Blood bnim, i he great blood purifier and tonic, is what you need. O-.e bottle will clear your complexion at.d purify your blood. Try if Price $1.0u p- r bottle- l or 3!e iiy d;ugji2t. DR. B. L. ASHVVORTH, Physician an.l Surseon OL.I FOfilT. X. o. 35 COMPLETE NOVELS NEATLY BOUND, AND A YEAR'S St'KSCltlPTIO.V o a large lG-page illustrated mouthly ningnzine for ONLY 30 CENTS. This is a. most liberal offer as Household Topics, the magazine referred to, is n high-c!j paper, replete with stories of love, adventure, travel, and short interesting and instruc tive sketches of f itt and fancy; aud in the Ut cf 35 novels rrc ruth treasures as "A Brave Coward, by Robert Louis Stevenson ; A Blacksmith's Daughter, by Etta W, Pierce; Nine'ta, a most pleasing story by M. T. Cnldor; A Gilded Ma and Between Two Si is, by the author of Dora Tliorue; The Truth of It. by Hie popular writer, tingh Con war; nnd the Moorebousn Trage dy, rather relational, br Mrs. Jane O. Austin; A Heroine, a delightful story tj Mrs. Rebecca 11. Davis; Wall Mowers, by tl.e popular Marion Iiarland, and the great story Guilty or Not Guilty, by Amanda M. Douglas. Space forbids inentiouibg the other novels, but tbey are all the same high prade, popular, biigbt, torn. otic, spicy, interesting stories. The 35 novels and tbe current issue of Household Topics will be sent you the day your order is received. This will supply you with a seasoa's reading for a mere song; and will be appreciated by all in the household. Send at once 30 cents to IloisrHoLD Tories Pea. Co., P. O. Box Uj: Jew lorlt C;ty i. Y ."Notice. Having q'la.i Jed as Execntor of the last will of YV. R. Gny, on tbe FO day of May 1104, notice U hereby given to all persons indebted tothe estate of tbe said W. K. Gray to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said e.i-ute will present theta for payment ou or before the 28th day of June 189"., or tli'u notice will be pleaded in bar of the I" recovery: June 20, 1331. A. G. Gt, Ex. of W. R. Gray, dccfal Jaaaeg Morris, Attorney. it S i:n"e