N. 8(11 If I p.iF If 'fulfil C rgc IK TS of ) t ,rdJ UJ .5"-J . I i tr' ... It CO- i i I eff-'' urt ' dior- LOCAL GLEANINGS. I or More or I. liiiioit poiiiUtHy l'riiiti'd ltrorI Iteadei. i:!a:iton, ' asnevine, is ton, r!m-. ! u 1 1"1'-" !. f'Tt IMin'jrs excursion Lull:"2" ' . ; riinf, f r.lacksimrg, was in In- v"'H. . . - ...1 l.-.vwrl. . : . U . cyclone of shows am! concerts Mi-, Saliie M.-ln.nald is visiting at MiKUwk. Cot !:!!.' """" 1 .,,( call of roiml y Domoer.itie Con- on i;i :Ui'I lier rtiiiiiu.i. tr MinIfV McDowell, of Morgan- iiarin'.v Wanton lias returned after II: Carolina. liarlfs King is visit Fnff friends .d r.-l itiv.- at i:hiMily,Tenn. t NininieiMcCall, of North . . '..itl.ur iii tnivii Tnesdav. Cove, va- - Kl. N t-:il, who lias been working st Hi.-knry !rove, has returned home- , I. Jmo. F. Morpliew is in Mar hall tlii-w v-k on professional business . Sh-'i UT ;anlin abd Col. Sinclair in Abbeville this week on business Mr. and .Mrs. i ares, 01 uuoxvine, Teiin . art- -."iimu a .- . .... lip!,- 11 ut el. Mr. .1. 1-aiulis, of Ij s -tsville. iWiinz b'-r son, W. K. I an lis, and Ih.-rivlatives. P..H I iv ni Ml Vir. stepp I'.ennett and Mis Eliza Tate, daughter of Mr Ab Tate, of liridgovvater, were married last Sun day by Siiire Will Pool. The Ikcori extends its heartiest congratulations to the happy couple. See ad. of University of X. ('., in our columns and write to President Wins! on, at Chapel Hill, for catalogue wilh pictures of buildings, also for little hand-book entitled "I'niverMty Education, what it means and how to get it." Ihe crops are reported good all over the county. The Kecokd also has a large crop of dog-fennel in our back yard and a bigger crop of delinquent subscribers on our books, which we are going to reap off pretty soon If they don't pay up. When you se a crowd o;' ni'.n riding horseback r.t a rapid gtue inroiign our streets uon r he uneasy or get excited, for the long ppearsthey arry are only for punching the eyes out of rings in the Tournament races on the. 2:rd inst. On Tuesday night, the 21th inst. Rev. Dugald Monroe, of Xewton, X '., will begin a week's lyeeting, embracing the Tith Sabbath of this month, in the McCall School house, Xorth Cove, as- isting Rev. W. II White. AH will be most cord ially welcomed. From all reports one of our promi nent lawyers is an awful bad judge of ducks. lie bought about half dozen with the intention of reaping a" abun dant harvest of eggs, but after consult ing his neighbors why they did hot lay he was told they were not the laying kind drakes. 17 House on next at 10 o'clock. and Oph Wanton, of ivere in I he city last Sutnr Miday. J aggie Clay aeeompanied iusl'.il:i Williams, who has teen vis- . , ! . .. I .. i .1.1 !.".... in;' .11 i-;s i.i.v , i ' v i:, v. It. K. llrooKsiucr preacnesar ihe lb-a-Ii'.v sciou Sunday iinirmii .biliii Vut, of I.incolnton, who has eini-iiinir friends and relatives in ilii.i-nutity.iviiiriwd lumte Wedmfsday Ah. r.it.inon' and J. 1.- Morgan wen- in A.-hev ille this week. e are ut nlil.- to .-l.i'.e what their business, -M; lt:!t:i c.nnley, of Xorth Cove wlulia --ri v:-it i g in Johnson .uy IVnn.. U visit ins.'- at !:er uneJe'.s .1. 0 B.-ohii. Mi-i Ihiilie Kaoul. AJrs.Kobt. Hal il.iirlon ;.'id lit I le boy. ol Chester, S. I trrivf 1 i'lif Mi-iy en a vi-Jt Jo Mr. Jii u'ec.ill the attention of all Denio-:it-tn t lie con vein ions which appear in tl.i i-- je. Co to I lie work, and or- ;auie iii iii! m ' I i'ns. .Inn Wood, of Ashboro, who has litcii yf ni'.iii" the suninu r here, and vln mad luativ friemls while hero, I 'ft Mii:i!. I'm- his home. We a iv g.'ad to know that some of our nciulithu-s have made good wheat tii . Mi-. .'. I.. Morgan threr-hed about Iimi bii-ih. N on ! acres of upland. Tii.- h.iys are preparing to have a jnni! luiiriiaiiient on the2:i'd inst, l( Lf f.ill..wcu by a ball at night I.et every ene come and have a good nine. Mo gladly correct all mistaker. Wotaiid in lat week's paper that W. IV. Nt-al spent the glorious 4th in Ashe ville. It was not so. He was ui Uilt- Uiore. l ost, strayed or stolen, a (iospel Hymn Hook. No. 5 and i at the Metho- dist ohtin liMuring the revival services. The Under v ill please return to this office. What money you didn't spend at lluM-onet'i-u and stows, save it and go to Wilmington on Ramseur's Excur sion, h is "uiiiir to be the nicest one or tlie season. Mr. W . M. James, a former citizen "f this idaee. who has been in the em ploy of the Southern Express Corn wall. 'it Salisbury, is mov ing back to uis old lnune. S;.m Pitt man was Jiistol on IVnpcrs Creek shot with a on Tuesday. So particulars are learned, but it is fiipposed t hat a man Sevier McKinney dm Hie-.shooting. "sunt" Lovingood, is now lan guishing in the county boarding house. got drunk a:ul t oinmitted an a sult on the tovvu marshal with a pair f "brass kmu-ks." M"m. lvilinger and wife and his iter-in-iav, Miss Morton, accompan Ied by Dr. and Mrs. Landruni, left Tut-wlay to visit Roan Mountain and other points 0f intt-rest. -Missl.u.ii.datie.tty.s, of Dysarts V.N.( ., died on the ;rd inst, She WasTl'i Years old -.H l.n.l Kii.m n inrfll H lor: v oars Evangelist Sainre" Archer, former editor of the Revolver, ( deceased.) is laboring as a missionary in Buncombe onnty, and has been figuring in the meetings of the Reps and Pops. He failed to attend the convention at Marion, of the '"big six," onthe-llhof July, but we suppose he sent them greetings, ami urged them to keep a still backbone and buy all the railroail: In future all communications ad vocating candidates for otlice will be charged for at the rate of 10 cents per line unless the candidate advocated has his card in the Rkcoki, which costs only $5 in advance. After ample expe rience we have come to the conclusion that the only way to keep a newspaper alive in Marion, is to charge a reason able price for all the work we do. a-s- Every body ought to know that newspapers do nor publish comiuniiiea tious unless the editor knows the party writing them. Xeither should you think that because a sheet of paper has two sides, vou are obliged to write on both of them. We will not publish any communication unless the name of the author is known to us. and the man who writes on both sides of the pape can call around next week and get his communication out of the waste basket. The concert given on last Monday night by the Old Fort Mutual Im provement Club, consisting oi uui Fort's mdst talented young ladies and gentlemen, was enjoyed very much by a large and appreciative audience. "A Morning in China," was well rendered. The costumes representing the differ ent nations were well gotten up. A recitation by Miss.Tressie Westermann j entitled, "The Polish Roy," shows she has talent as an elocutionist. Miss a n.i.. Siindlin acted "Widow Redott" to perfection. Most of t he club returned to Old Fort by private conveyance af ter the concert. A tramp about 50 years old, badly disligured, but still in the umbrella business, was in town Monday. He tells a story, which if true, is disgraceful to our county; he pays that while coming along the road above oiu on, n met by two young men, who without any provocation, assaulted him with rocks and beat him unmercifully. He says he layed in the woods in an insen sible condition from Saturday evening until Sunday morning. The villains who committed this deed, may never be punished in McDowell county, but from the deviltry that is going on, it would seem that it is not far from here to a place where they do punish such rascals by feeding them on melted lead in July. In another column we publish a communication from a prominent Dem ocrat in Rurke. From the tone of his letter we infer that our Uurke county friends who realize the situation are anxious for harmony in the party. This is essential to success. This county and Yancey are clearly entitled to name the nominees for senators, and we will coiue forward with good men, and let us work together in harmony for success. Judge Bymim is Burke's candidate for the nomination forjudge. There is no abler lawyer or better man in the district. Mr. W. C. ewland will be Caldwell's candidate for solicitor. He has made an excellent official and no wiser choice could be made. Xow mi-:,.ii nnd Yancey come xor- J. O. Grant commenced working a force of hands grading a road to the t op "( ; r a n t'n Pi r. n ac le" Tl 1 1 1 rsd ay .which has an altitude of 27r.() feet, and from the top of which all the grand moun tains can be seen. It is reported that a man named Boone committed an asnault upon a girl named Calloway, near Old Fort, last Saturday, and that he has left the country. irs. .viary jirown gave a recep- i ticm to a few friend-i on the even- ! ing of the 10th at her attractive homo at Lakeside, near Marion. The- lirst watermelons of tho Koason were cut, and everybody present enjoyed, tho occasion. v T ti - sad .vev.-.i of t Ik. .udden death ofMaj.tv'.IT. Jfalone, which oc curred in - .Slatesville Wednesday night, reached her.' yesterday morning. A telegram to Mrs. J. A. McDonald, his daughter says, Maj. Malone was visiting at the house ol friends in this place and on leaving ibout 11 o clock and got as far as the door, turned back and attempt ed to reach a sofa, hut fell on the floor dead. He never sinike after falling. His remains will he taken to Asheville today for burial. Maj. Mnlona has for many years been a prominent lawyer, and was well- known and highly esteemed throughout Western Xorth Caroli na. He wat for some time a resi dent of Marion. We extend our sympathy to his bereaved relatives. He leaves only two children, Mrs. McDonald ofthis place and Chas. Mai one, Ksq., of Asheville. COMMUNICATIONS. BUSINESS PARAGRAPHS. Mr. Editor ; I wish to compli- items of Interest iu These Hard ment the gentleman or lady who Times. wrote the article in the last issue of the KKcoiu,headed, How to adver tise a Town. I think if our town did not have so much of this adver tising matter we would be far more successful. A Pious Boy. Marion, X. C, July 9., 1894. To The Recotu: As we see in yo;:r last issue quite a' complimen tary piece on the town of . Marion and the surroundings, we are surprised to know that one gener ous hearted man in Marion ha-3 come the front for. the purpose of giving the people a fair explana tion of what the peo le are doing in Mam and arcund the subutbs. There is plenty of sharpers and the old plugs are the worst. Hope the gentleman that wrote the lirst piece will continue to writo. . Peck-. Bad Boy. Big line of 5 cent Callicoes, at Blanton's. iis I k IS F if! suicide In ISurkc. Dr. Wood on his return tram his quarterly conference in Burke, Monday brings news of the suicide of one Shuf fler, by hanging, last Thursday morn- Shufller lived somewhere in the vi cinity of Table Kock. lie was under indictment for an attempt to burn the house of a Mr. Kincaid and to have been fried the day he hanged himself. lie was in bad repute. It is said that a bad woman and whi.skey was at the bottom of it all as is usually the case.' Mokoaxtox, X. C, Burke Co., Emtok IIecokI); I have heard and seen s j much of the discussion over the Senatorship in our district that I simply write this to say for a large number of Democrats, that we only ask for what portion is due. Xow you would be surprised to know that so many Burke Demo crats feel the tie between the two counties, and I know the two men mentioned from this county (Tull and and Abernathy) w ould not go before any convention if it affect ed McDowell's interest. We are for Avery Conley for the legisla ture or any such good Democrat you may put up and of course Sen ators too, Yours, etc. A Fair Democrat. Pidmont Wagons always in stock at Jones' Hardware Store. Cane Mills, Grain Cradles and Grass Scythes, for sale by W. P. Jones. Buy your shoes 'at McCall ic Conley's, the finest and cheapest n town. Xow is the time to bu a hat at McCall cc Con ley's, Alpine and all other ttyles. See the nice buggies and carts for Rale bv W. P. Jones. Go to Morphevv fc Streeman's for ice cold soda water. Pino canned peaches at peaches at A. B. Gilkey & Son. Finest stock of Razors and pock et cutlery at Jones' Hardware. Of all the goods, Dr. Jones has I the Iinest. Go there for hardware Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Sifters, Buckets, Baskets and pictures cheap at .uodd s anety Store. McCall & Conley have a stock of j first-class cook stoves, which they want to sell at cost, come and see ! them. A full and complete line of all kinds of canned goods at A. B. Gilkey & Sons. Go to A. B. Gilkey & Son for the FHOM THE MOUNTAINS THE SEASHORE To leave Marion, N. C, July 21th Leave Wilmington July 27th. tot Ik i L I asi C. S L Es. , Soulier's Iteiciiioti. A meeting was held at the Court House in Morganton on the 4th day of July, for the purpose of arranging a1 Iteunion of the Confederate Soldiers of the counties of Caldwell, McDowell and Hurke, Col. S. Mcl). Tate was made Chairman and M Silver,Secretary. It was moved that such a gathering take place on the 30th day of August, and last till the Saturday following. The place to be the grounds of the Iturke County Fair Association, and that the soldiers camp tint on the grounds. The following committees were an nounced by the chair : Arrangements, John II. Pearson, A. K. Perkins, W. C. Kr'm, M. M Silver, I.P.Jeter, Y.. B Clay and J. L. Anderson. r'inance, T. I. C.illam, J. A. Dickson S. T. Pearson, S. K. Collett, K. P. Tate, I. I. Davis, J. L. Laxton, W. (J. Turner. J. W. Wilson and Thomas Garrison. It was moved that the counties of McDowell and Caldwell be requested to hold a similar meeting and appoint committees to act with the gentlemen selected by the chair and notify the secretary of whatever action they take in the matter. The grounds selected have been kind ly tendered by the Directors of the Fair. It is well to state that ample ac commodations will be afforded. There is ample ground to accommodate horses and vehicles, and a large building for the soldiers. There will be music, speaking, drills. barbecue and other entertainments. It is intended to make this a grand affair. Union 31 ill IVews. Will C Tate was here this week. Mrs. Will C. Tarker came up from lilacksburg Saturday. H Lee Parker has returned from Asheville, and reports a very pleasant trip. Dr. Xabers summer residence at "Syl van Dale," wiil be completed by the lirst day of August, there will be a pic nic on that day, and a grand ball at night, for his young lady and gentle men friends all of whom are cordially invited. Messrs. H. A. Hoik and 11. F. Tate, went to lluiherfordton. this week on business and pleasure, and report very pleasant stay in the quiet old town of Jiutherl'ordton We are glad to them back home again. Mrs. Dr.IJoguc and her beautiful and charming daughter, are Visiting at "Fairlawn," the lovely country home of Mrs. E. M. Forney, en Second Broad river this week. We envy the delight ful times they are having over there this week. Lizzie, Particularly. This is my first Excursion to Wilmington, and I expect to make it ne ot the nicest Excursions ever pulled into iVilmington by etcam. This Excursion is for white ivo-nl rmK- .;ti . .. Urunkards or men that are drinl-inv XV. :..w finest sugar drip syrup in town at nc fellls Ule contract on Ticket in regard to drinking and good order. 40 cents per gallon. Any iierson not satisfied with th w n,:M ; , to drinking can draw on me for the amount of his ticket and it will be leiuiuiea inrougn the banking House of II. D. Leo & Co., Shelby, X. G Blanton pays the biggest prices for Produce and sells goods the Ceapest, call on him. 2is All kinds of Spring and Summer dress goods at lowest prices at Medd s arietv Store. Tinware, Glassware, Croekerv, lamps, Looking-glasses and Clocks cheap at Medd s anety Store. Just received at J. P. Xorton's a nice lot of fresh French candies at 15 cents a pound. Go to Medd's Variety Store, for :11 sizes of Fruit Jars. They are the best and cheapest. A first-class Xew Home sewing machine, equally as good as new, for sale cheap, or exchange. Apply at the Record oHice. Dry vour Blackberries and take them to Blanton. He wants them and will pay a good price. He has the goods yon want, and will sell them cheap. 2is There will I, no over-loading or crowding, as there will Ixj from 10 to 12 coaches and only 50 to 00 in each coach. ,. .- There will be a private car on this train in case any ladir gt siA they will be cared for by Dr. D.S. ltainseur, who will be in this car for uns purpose, at mr exnonse. Xo one will be allowed go to the refreshment car. I w ill havo yourp men and porters in each coach to wait on you at any time. Each coach will havo a good police, with full power to keep good or der. Good order is what we will have, or go into Wilmington with an empty train. The Mt. Holly Silver Cornet Band will furnish music for thia excur sion. Also every dav and nitrlit, while in Wilmin.rir.r. ... er out on the ocean. The excursion train follows the C.C. Passenger. No. 2ft. from Rl.nlW to Wilmington. Old Fort IVews. The Old Fort "M. I. C." speak in the very Jrghest terms of the kind ness of Marion's good citizens, and return greatly pleased. Dr. Ashworth is winning golden oninions lT Ins urbane manner X , I 1 1 1 The Orton, $2.00 per day, 50 cents deducted from your bill if you miss your dinner. Xotifv Clerk the mnmhxr nut f.r ,Kr,,,.. The Purcell Hotel, $2.00 per day, single. Double $1.50. Costs, $1.25. Hilliorz lfmicn 7" ni-iiitu nn .1.... i,. t. i i . SnHmrn l,-nrn ,llV Or.rs , , I" ' "1 CCIUS lor mCUIS UllU 20 CC1US wvuwiv... "-m'"-"" ' j ior lougim 'heap Method of Sending money to fjie Che all points in the United States Perfectly Reliable. On sale ALL HOURS' IX THE DAY at my office. G. E. Lee. Boots or Shoes we all must wear, The good will wear, the bad will tear, Sutton House, 75 cents per dav. Plentv of room for nil arranged to take care of 1000 to 1200 people. Have and medical skill, ou.' citizens are 1 Nave patience folks and don't be scared quite delighted with him. At the Piedmont can be repaired. r i K. W. Williams the Episcopal church on Sunday pected in this church regularly DR. B. L. ASHWORTH, hereafter morning and evening, on 3rT Haw ISrauoh IVews. Mr. Editor: This place is seven miles south of Old Fort, and is one of the. most enlightened places in the county, and is noted for pretty girls. The young men and boys gather in from every direction towards the shank of the week and remain until late Sun day night, you can guess at the rest. - Most all the farmers are done laying by their crops after some beautiful showers of rain. Corn is looking fine, wheat crops is reported bad in this sec- lion. Squirrel hunting is getting to be very popular in these mountains.There are two young men who would walk 40 miles to see a girl and claim that they were squirrel hunth g. Mr. Landrum Curtis passed through II aw Branch very late Sunday evening. Quite a crowd out at Bethlehem Sun day. , v.tv sad accident occurred near the third Sunday of each montn beginning July loth. The entertainment for the bene fit of the Episcopal church will be riven on rriday evening July 2UUi nt th Hall of the UM. 1. C." The patronage of all is solicited and an attractive program isproniiseu. An interesting meeting is now going on at Presbyterian church, ! the pastor being assisted by evan gelist R. V. Miller, whose sermons are hiirhlv spoken of. The half hour of song service each night be fore the sermon is greatly enjoyed by the large congregations. Physician and Surgeon, oun$3f Democratic QQjgXE The ladies of the Episcopal church here will give an entertain ment some time next month, as sisted by local and visiting talent. We safely promise an evening of irenuine pleasure to all who may attend, and bespeak the kindly pat- I ronage of our people, as the pro-J ceeds will be applied to putting the church yard ui order. Will Commence To-morrow Ito MAKE BARGAIN" DRIVE ix A CHOICE LINE GF HATS AND SHOES- l...iii ivonltli nntol.l ill the church, Mr. Pink Simmons hap- , u d but ifc remaill5 pnedwith he ooj 1 towlJlip toshowthe most ea,o.u i v- ..u,., startling results. A short time since Early he will recover. yf o-ur faf nieiS Our grand old county has hid I The Finest Stock in this Line in She vvasaconsitent mem- ! :".:, ,rniv, moa for senators, and A. U- Ui Key cz sou nave a k ltmin of ivulvenzed sugar suuaoie, e :! ! : :nt, Aua for all purposes uie wuiuui'' j the Ueps and Pops and the devil a id all his hosts can't beat Democracy. I.et us'agree.A house divided against itself cannot stand. ofhe M.E. Church South -";- hite Caps'" seem to be all the go re, but. they are not as dangerous as wir namake. The only danger about Iwrnicthe danger of getting them Thev are perfectly harmless. all purposes, and which make. the finest sj-rup in the world in two minutes, by putting it in cold water. Twelve pounds for one dollar, and the finest. ot j turned up with his plow within the town limits a full set cf artificial upper teeth. If this lead holds out "there is millions in it," and we advise Marion's popular dentut to look into the matter and '-get in on the ground Moor." Town. Also a stock of fiit-class COOKING STOVES AT OC ST- and ail kinds DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, &C. CHEAP FOR CASH OR PRODUCE. C-dl and see us. By orikr of the Democratic Executive Committee, I hereby call a Convention of the Democrats of McDowell Countv to "fT" meet at the Court House in Marion, N. C, for the purpose of appointing delegates to the Senatorial, Congressional, Judicial and State Conventions. The Democrats of the various townships are hereby requested to . meet at the'r respective voting places on Thursday, July 16th, 1804, at o'clock p, m. and appoint delegates to tho County Convention to he held at Marion, on the 21st instant. At tho same time and place, tho Democrats in the said Townships will elect a Township Executive Com-, mittee, to consist of Five Active Democrats. The member of the Township Executive Committees, bo elected, are earnestly requested to assemble in tho Court Hou-ein Marion, on Saturday, July 21nt ixbtaxt at 11 o'clock a. m., to elect a County Executive Committee Every Democrat in the county of McDowell is earnestly requested to attend the Township Conventions. Thin July 9th, IbOif Wm. McD. Burgin, chairman. Dcm. Ex. Com, h li i i i V