ot fiLc ' , ( 7 ,1 1 M-IOK. ICT. G, ZBE2,:LEL&."2". .A.TJTC2-T7. 1894 LOCJAL GLEANINGS. !( :u.'i irnijxT- are jifi.! iiu 1. , i-i-i.- Ilicks, of J.'ut berferdtoii ' Vp, .1 il.n I ! ! I ! I . c. Fort, is i t" n. . Mr. V.'i!! W. Neai leli Tuesday for An Him la'lj targe row d is at- mling court. v -.-s V. A. ("'!l-y '.vi-r.t tmT':'!!' !. h . .';!. j.Viil. ..f ' v-.uih'. Me-, ., i.i I ic,'. ! V .!'IV. O'il M ooiivcricit !. l '"'::;, :ti v.-Ml ;t-l i.or: -No ernmua rov n fi.fiMir- C of i'lr-norf n n, were tried. V," v.iil ., , l " I1'1''1 !-n t he iro ' ! ina-s of II,.- oourt ii. x- week. A three ,!..ys , w;f ,)(. ?'in by R-v. 1V,. tj. V. hit. . i tll.. M.- a.i .sfiiodi house, North on r,"t j't"inl:tr to ".: eribt r. J,! ' r" i;- 'l'r e an ounces bin, ..elf ass. ,.r, il.te for re-election t,. n. on..-.- of. :.t. s-.Mprf rof!,.. ., K?Tt-.VfJV. Oxir r l.roth.r,W P. llj.ini'Ji). fi!u-Ufcil iiis tirtiir,- v.r-.hv cnr'r l' J. nt lii, ht.ni..' in M: !:. N. ('. Oii th' i.:y l.Hf..ro ho apjvnrf-d to 1 o iii.-.iv ..vtinfortaM'.' tl an t any linio during his illnes. of thtv' .:-u lays; i.Mico h.w i' ,-ii'ui thf sl4.-k t. wS,"!: ;it ul.in.it 7 f.'Vhx.'k j.. in. f; wa- M-i:cl with a vm! rjgtr i hat !!. '.1 in hh i-:ith as. al-ovc stt.l. ! .1!.- ' ..!. AT,.-.- J.M. 1 PS BR 0fi H f fj rj At r 14 P i 1 C ft i W f "WE ARB THE LEAD OF AJL,1, COMPETITORS IJ !j 1: Ni'.tl 'I'nvf;; t ;)-.!;. r- ''l..-.v:i. ; X;rt!i ( t !iis u.'fl.. ;'!.; t :..; .-a Itiiil lr-. K. t on. I- ;i ! i-" ricaMiiiiit; Hotel. II.'iMiii' A ni li.my, of I'.tirk', ' :.-.. t :ui;l ri-lai ivi's ill town- :! hi ! f MiV. i itii'i a":i -f i hi- M-ry Slu-iifl' Caiflin. ; sir v :i the t'.a rl-' ! 1 !.;rliai.i. i ;. ill .'! :- !". , 'I. w1' - .: t , J!iiii;i, i. r-J. V I' 1 '.. Li a. ist,. lsJ f y am? i! . ; . k,.i v n r. i. A..r....i!:i::.i (U i,;'-k-. ti. w!' '' . I .-- . . ::lll!- .,',' i, rX-rh'-iVi' .h'-fMii (5. .Miu :"!i; May 4th,'i.svj. von! :. tijro-? montli.- and Hi". -nt-'i, rvi:. iis'i i:ut;iiy i,- ;.t 11!.' i l- rii:!i.i--il 1 ,;. "v. .Si r. ,-i - ; ". u na, ,f (.. ('(.ji ilui drug- iin.i i.f .Vor- I A.-1 -trtHM wan, i-;..s sojj ins mtor- L.cr f-it hi (!i- t,, Jp. White, one of tin. l-hyici;;i!s ,f ilu' V.'f.'.t-.'ni Hospital, of lo:-ir;in: ,)M. w,o v.i'i iiiovi'lu Maiiw I M. tiii: your livo., wliile y-ii an in? i.:i'l a.!i; to pay tlie :iMtfm.. Vo!i not li:iv! to win n-i'lA-i in you forfeit your policif--. jieac' ixtract i'f.ua a wj-moa on fourth ;:i.' by l;cv. f . Dt'Witt T.-iliuag aa 1 p.-ii: thi-i'ly Wi' ii;iv- a list initio uat ol ill v!io tc.v.' u.-, an.! refuse to pay, ami v.f will i!-fjits io pt!llih it in 30 lays from ii..w luil-'sr n:i cithiT pay or inak' .so'iiear r.uiijt inputs to it.) so. lit-tler w rite ti-, r i-oiiio anil see ahotit v.' Tliis i, fair It you kne'.v 'iv- .ii.'i-. it vvr-u'j 1 i ti t j pi.lii-h :i ;:ij-ei ;.(! wot hi '.-'! io huI p..y thai .' rei.i .r t!(.l':tr !i ." .v.i! i.-v.f i!. 1 1 :i.-!r;i"r a of yo !! -si ii In r.-al -l ' li V'-:'.r or two -.u:'! 't:.' tiilor eiii of yoiir m;1-- the .-on W'n.. M. anl fUai.tM.M, !!f.W :f this w;:.- r. ;:; d i: t'.i-; -fui:i-1 It,.: i ri, !'; h" Jh'iVcd to N. "., atit t;itra"d in i r.ierci'Uttli- liiusuit.-. hut iur tl;o ui-.-r yc.-i Jio . has- botii mtT-cliatMti-;': ii, thi.'i nlace. iJiantuii Lad th'- fiitho i.a:cc- aini oiteem of his i eh'Hvh aiMl o.innmn:ty, as an xip ;:i';i.f. lome.st, d.'ott-d Christian j man, h inir ;.v-t l'v'adv to tal.o oavt. oontrihuto fo ril! matters for the 'ed t)f eh arch, pastor ..r friends, ills pastor's every waul was antici pated hy him. TIovv ii.- will jnissa hini ! A nuniher . of his friends luivtr Mtid the writer since his leatii, was j'.moii'j; lit" Lest friends I ever had. ii' not the ImIy' S tl!' precious mei)v.rj- of this lrrotiier and f-we-'t eunumiiiion in the home, Church. Ss1''aHi School v. if! :- ' it I i a- !...!..-as itfe !..:.!. ' I i'n Ha ;.-: Ii. v. ls!. 'i haVv P Pi SB d if u era 3 W'e will nave new oods cuniinix in every day, in the mean time, you can get splendid bargains from our present stock io.'. r than ever, in order to make room for new stock. Remomhor all of our goods was hoiisrht ut panic prices, and -will he .-old Ho per com cneaper than else where. MAUTIN BROS. Marion, N. C. Just received a new stock of shoes andwecarrv the largest stock in Men's English tie shoe, high cut, worth $1.25 the world over, our Marion. W'o have what the people ' , c, ' . I price $1.00. This shoe is sold for Uennum, good bhoes cheap and ! with the best of style and wear. Big drive in a ladies $3.00 shoe, but will sell them for $2.00 whih they last. Less than wholesale price. MARTIN BROS. Marion, N. C. le.3 than it cost to make it. Big drive in ladies lace and button shoes at 75 cents and $1.00. Cali and see these special bargains. MARTIN BROS. Marion, N. C. Mi In ladies doiigola button shots. They ndl everywhere for $2.() our price $1,25, less than wholesale. We feel gratified in being able lo quote this line of good shoes at such a popular low price, and trust our customers will appreciate the splendid value. MARTIN BROS. Marion, N. C. then M-ri .1:011 U: .1. ct! t.-is.y i n-ak. . ; i;::ty : : t ; ! i t-tit : !.e -e.-ili oi :ie To'- 'r-.iiiiii s; ill." I !' v. as it d vof".I. h : :: ti V;is- ii: ha!i;J in - h' Lives of great men all remind ua ! (fc That we niav make our o n sublim-. nd by liberal advertising the highest summit climb tin- - M ;-s. eor-r.-low n. s- K.-i-ie Hotel. ( ,! :lt t h - 1. '. Avery, of li..rke, and itt.r hoiil. j. ii''. the liuoia) a p'.-M-.nil . :t:i 'l iiers-ltiy. Mr Kh. Xetll. left yestenl.'.y to .I..-, ;t a position in t he freneral freight i. Dir.' :.t Kia. kslitii-.', of th - Messrs. T..I. 1".' t mi. I A. n :!' i- 1 list net '": : ; - -' I Mi-s - ' " i- ' i sp. lit a I.' ' ' n route to e " ' ' V i-s Sallie . . Mr. VV. M..lan:o, and a o.r.-.n . l ii' of Mi'.rior. is spending a few days h.Tf. ".i.-sr-. I.rt.est Pi Itintin, John Siiotwell. .!ane-s A. M iller and Sheriff I'd. Ileum, of UutlHM-f.irtlton are in t i"-r. '!"' ir.'piil.ii-:i:i Judifial C'oiuei. tion will meet at l.cnoir !o-day. Ir. .I.e. Poo! has gone to help fix th' I ifket. Mr. Hester postmaster at I iiii.ii .Mil! .-. was in town V.'e'.liiesthiy . avd reports husiness iniprovinar under the new tariif law. Mr. W. I'. ,r:iis laul thf r 'ui'f to i..'t I: is ho t h ix pain! n'ly ii:jt:r rd se eral days asr-, U!i'. is rtiH t oii- 1 to tl.i- house. i , .. .. ..i ,.. oil. !.!. 1 I ' ' J '. (. j, leouniy exei'titiveeo'iuiiitte.-, li.tu -a! !-. ' i! e T '.oan ratie priiaarie ;, lo he lu'i-.i j on pt. i'lth. Il-ad the ea!! in this ::! j j,i;,.?a,.; ,,. ; 1 J . , ;J ( S ( 1 1 t ;,l'i vote fiir the men i f their ehoiee for the various, oiiiees. nana tuttl h' liter oi ret, : in - An th.V.ff 'i'l'.e solicitor now, and tlie one that is to he, W. C. Xewlaiul, grows in pop ular favor, t he more courts lie attends and the more people see of loin, it will hi; a painful hour for f-pahihodr, i". hen l:e the election returns, and learns i o.-o .NeWai.d beat him. - '. !?. ''"-: . liro , lumbermen in ;:..: . v .... .V, sawtd lltf latrgest . : ; . . i ( v ti few days v! : - : ei' lumber. They got .. , he tree to the limbs. It . .. lies in diatiuter at t lie top . i ne hi t log was taken olf. Who can neat that? I apt Alney Jiurarin, one of our old..-: and most esteemed citizens, at tend, d .oi. -t here this week, occupy ins his position near the jury box, which he has for many years occupied during court week. He i.as never failed to at tvtid court si .ice Marion lias been a town or the county has had a court house. In this h site Mr. J. ( . I'.rown an nouiics himself as a candidate for re election to the cilice of JUgisterof Deeds, sutjeet to the action of the Deir.oe: itie primary elections. Mr. Hrtf.vn is too well known as a faithful, : or s: ;...(' e.v.np.-t"!it ot'e : a 1 t ne. d I .. . ,.:tre.'t!c!;.::. lie is .. od !:v.r..- j cr-.r. : '.i- tt.true man. i OI oi .1. ):' th ; eais- : ran: - j . h- is i ;!'; d' I - t,.' V ll oLi Mr. ,'rii Mo-gr.tio! : o: ,-:eeiin d by have --'dr. i.;. ;r.ia;. bavtnt- f'O'.sco ii : -r!t tolhe.'ool nisht air while try -.:.'t;. k- .-p the fi-oni eatitis p I .ti-ii. nas h.-eu (pii!-.' li'. witli A cold. iicd :tt iVd fort, N V.. August !'.':! . ai , ne o'clock .p. i'i-, Klizabeth. .: a u-L-hter of Win. H. aad I.:ie A. U'e' c.u-re ag-.d w o tu:nt lis and four K. l.andis has heeti appoitit-d 'he a-ent ot the C's K. K. at th2. I U. . i:d i- a reli.-iblc and cotnpi tent jeunsr man. :;tid we ore '!'' 1,:kS l,its IF - r.otor. W :. Allef was s ' ..:'i , by uio- p ii.i.i 'r and !" , ;-i.!;t,wi:::r p-'.ngrana eon i.ir i'jrmor lo:is;i.an i-- 'roe.; the loileigh V.-ws an-.', t !)-,". er : I -Mr. W. ti. irandail. the a.ii-t. has j -- io .;:; ; !':':! o paint '-?.-.' por- : ..r iii.- late Kev. '. U. Ma ; n wi.V :ni(i two ;:ai:cho r-. which nr.- io b- i i.;. ..! in the 1 ibraty of the l';:ie.sity. j ; '"'v tf.e will, wi tch devised i 1 ,c.(H to . ! the Cni ersity. -Mrs. Maa.-n made it I' itictnnhem- on the trustees to hang por , . trait ut hor hu.-b;t'-ti and two d iVi;!' ters iii one id" the buildings, ar.d i:-: i'ec;i-is e Committee has ens is ;'d Mr. Hat.iUil lo pain these and a.so a i1'. -ti tit of 3J.i.s. Ma -oil. " iiv tan ..vas tukfa with a dUt-ass hiir.fc' bloody t'.us- 1 no lirsi thing ! ti.ci.-.ut of was CliambetUin s Colic, C'lioirr.i &'..d Diairli a Ktreciv. Tv. o doses ot it seuU-d the nsuitet an-i cariu l.iai sound and I will .".iiswer iitiy inquiries figari ulifn stamp h .nolcioJ. 1 rtfor t . ,; ,4'V,..;!'aJHO mv l .diat.dity. HoHoh. .r. i-..r.itai')y ';tiit.li-. !i Co .. T.::ct For sri iy Morj.'w A. Mrcttmaa. I widowed wji'e und five swoct f.itii. r j less clii'uiren he has left hero in the? hands of Him who promise to be "A father to the fat i; rl vs. himI a husiiai:d to the v. idow," also assur ing them ''that His grace shall be sullieicnt for them;" that "He v, iii never l.-avc or forsake them." Vith those promises and the assur at.c.'. tii.it Willie sleeps m Jfsits, and that we can go to him, lei Jus coMit'oit nii'hearts. Look up bereaved wife, hiidr-':!, parents, brother-- and i'rien.i, tlm star .! faith will -rijide vou heaven war '. lead v.ki :ro.u the s' ad ;W of sori-o, to the bright realm w here the gat std ajar, and ii the gate stands sweetly smiling, beck oning you, "Will lie, your Willie," to welcome you home. ay t he ( Jiv-at ib-ad of the church eomfnrt and keep all his dear ones thrcuga i --.and grant them a hap py reunion in heaven. "There ii, re-t beneath the quiet see. When life witti all its foils cca-e, And in the bosom of its iod, The Christian luids ttert.ai peace " The worth and high apinciation of our brother was attested by the largo gathering on the evening of tiie 14th inst. when at his residence a short funeral service was con ducted bv his pastor, and then with the Knights oi I'vthias (of which he was a member,) a.- pall-bearers, his body was borne l the Marion imderv. and criven to the eartn fr. .io uhiei: it 'ante . a-.vaiti.i;-that I .rr..at. o:.v. vIhi i!:,- Lord j coiiio togaiher in ali the redeonu'd, il- ! -1'iK It Wi- sh.iit eve:' J. vith Vhe ed Lord." HisPasToi:. S. C.,Tt:e. 17th L i)!. iF W- IP- BLtAlTTOT, Will continue Business at the Old Stand, and ask a continuance of your patronage. We are Receiving Daily The Largest, Best Selected and Cheapest-Bought Stock F GE&RAL MERCHANDISE EVER BROUGHT TG MARION! EVERYTHING ! EVERYTHING ! Kenneth ISazeniore liutl the good fortune to receive a small bottle ut Chamberlain's Col ic. C holera and Diarrhoea Kemedy when three merabeis of his famiiy were sick with dysentery. Thisone small bottle cured them nil and he had sum left which he gave to . '"' Jtaker, a pro iiiiunt i-ieruhant of tl.r place, Lewiston, N'. C, and it c ured him the same coiiiplaiir When troubled vith dysentery, diarrhoea, colic or cholera morbus, give this remedy a t'ial and you w ill he pleased with the result. The uraise that naturally tallows its introduction an i use has made it verj popular. 25 and 50 i t. bottles for sale by Morphw & Sreclniati. WE LEAD, and OTHERS FOLLOW. J. A. McDonald, Proprietor. MARION, N. C. ANNOUNCEMENTS. J hereby announce myself a candi ji. date for re-election totheollice of Clerk of the Superior Court for Mc Dowell county, subject to the Demo cratic primary election. With pro- lounuest thanks for past favors, I am l our obedient servant, 15. K. l'KICK. TO the Democratic voters of Mc Dowell County I hereby an nounce myself a candidate for re-elec tion totheollice of Register of Deeds, subject to the action of the Democratic Convention. Respectfully, J. C. Rkowx. w e cordially invited to come and see us. it well. V:n- :. o. !'.. i nt trn-ai and able .partial i i le. - Vr. Tf.o-. iawvei , a:,.! a fair and Carter "no ' moved it-.!" ; :v. !..' .4 :.:,... a ..st l. Ivae.p" l-"'e . j. tiarden St. We Wf leo'i.v- t!' ;.: : t. -i icit- f l;;r. '. Moms, (ieo Sai ':';, Mic. i :!' ' w.-. bin-yin. '. I. Curgi'i. lasou Wh. sen, 'ik raw ford. Henry Westerm.tnn, V. l ate. A. .l.Dnla and others, of t'.e i.a'-e attet. !i:t eotift here. Th ti'u-i brought to prict .-11 th produc'-, in orlor Coah llf-'i; eo'oici en 't rvi re h-:t',o i .. p; . ot fid!' Ma::. a., ;;n.i tie- l".. ..ii for ca-'e r c :.r offer'-a at Li u t - ver lio. r--oi!;ins ttj !viiic t. , Ida i. -tip' No. K. of i'.j t. i-!a !odg . No. oS. !'.. i of fviluas. ot .vtano, ;C. 0'.. eoiici-'-ii with -the entire ro;n:.o.i;iitv been call' t! upon it, undergo a s.oi bereavem 'iit in i',.- death of our b. loved 'ovother kniuht. W. P. lilanto-i. Io solved : Ist.Tliat wo bow in hv.mhle subreis-ioii to Him "wlio d.H-th things w!i."J 2nd. That lit tho Vath of Rroth tv l)hmt-mi vo rt-ai'e lh::t we are deprived of a true friend of our or der and its .a. toners - a useful and progressive citizen am! a Chris tian ri-tttl'Tntiu. ;-'.rd. That v," !-nd t tin- b -rt ave-i family of livo. lib.nt'.n and most a.rticuhirly to his dwvoted wife our t-nderest svmp;illiy and j express ast .-artiest desire that in i ! (- '-'i'-liou s:: will call "n us r MARION, X. 0. Having been solicited by many of the good peopleof McDowell coun ty, hereby announce myself a candi dane for representative in the next general assembly of North Carolina, to represent McDowell county. I will make my campaign for ajreforin in pen era 1 taxation and the public school svst,.m T m in fnvnr of ecniuim v in .,,.!.!;.. n, lift, on. I ..I,,..;,,.,- llw' salary of state otlicials. I am also in favor of pensions for disabled soldiers, and providing homes and physicians for tge poor who are deserving. I ask the support of good people of all par ties, and pledge myself to be faithtul to your interests if elected. I am opposed to making the rich richer ami poor poorer. l our oueUu nt servant, Aug. titb ISO!. M. L. Dku.. AT COSTI AT COST ! A fair notice lo everybody. I will within the next sixty days SELL AT COST FOR CASH my entire Stock of Merchandise, Stock now Coirplctc, Comprising everything kept in n first-class country store. I also have one genuine Steam Saw-mill, Six hundred acres of ridgo and branch land, one-third well tim lered, Three good mules, two good wagons, two good log carts, A splendid yoke of oxen, One good dwelling house, barn and oilier buildings, on a 4-acro lot at Nebo, X. C. Everybody come and see me, or address me at my office, Hespectf ul !y, G- M ANN IS Vlti;iS!e PreMMils Free. Wo wish to introdiue our System Tills into every horns. '.Vp kno thai we man ufacture the v-"-y h-;l remedy on earth for ,,.. .,,r? ot i.i-. vs-.-'Tit'.or.. liiiioti-nep?. nick j i '. .....j i.-. t-.. - i Tumid Liver, i vo : Lave tried these i ramtierf r.Xori bwr. Viiauipxuu. THE EAGLL BAR KEEPS : K.-ntncky Kye ai.d Xorth : v.na. Corti Whisk i- s, Wines, T ANNOl'NCK myself a candidate iforthe Legislature, :-uijeet to the action of the Demoeratie party when in convention assembled, and retjuest in v friends in the count v to turn out and give inei full and fair showing at the time and plaees to be appointed tor holding township meetings. I'.anrc ing you for past favors. I am jour obedient servant, Aug. 1st 1S94. J.O.Nkvl. AT the solicitation of frionds throughout the county of McDow ell. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the Legislature, sub ject to the action of (he Democratic convention. W. A. Con ley, July 24, 1891. I Hereby annour.c myself a candi date for Coroner, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic party. T. M. Dam:. 35 COMPLETE NOVELS NEATLY I50L'NI, AND A YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION to a large IC-page illustrated monthly magazine for ONLY 30 CENTS. This is most liberal offer as Roust-hold Topic '.le niapazine referred to, is a high-das? t ' r, ' replete with storifS ot hve, alvc:.t : e, titvel. and fehort int creeling ami inf: live sketches of f ict and fmicy; and in the f imvi-lrf pie fu Ii treasiirea an "A j liravt t o-urd. by Robert Louis Stevenson-, A Hlacl.mith's Daughter, by Etta V. Pierce: NineUa, a most pltasinp storyghr M. T. Ciddor; A Gilded Sin and Betweei Two Si is, by the author of I.'o-a Thome; The Truth of It, by the ptpuiur writer, Hush Conwaj ; and the .Moorcbouse Trni dy, rather snsalioual, by Mrs. Jane Austin; A Ileroiar, a d-ligiitful story bj Mrs. Keoecca II. Iavis; Wall Flowers, by the j ovular Marion Harland, au i the gual tfry Uui'ty or Not Guilty, by Amanda. M. Do;la38. SpaCfc forbiJi rneiitiooii, tha other novels, but they are all th tame high grade, popnlar, blight, roaua .", spicy, interesting stories. The 35 novels and the current issue of HocidioM Topics will be sent you the Jy your order is received. This will supply yon with seasoa's reading for a mere song; and will be appreciated by all in the household. Send at once 30 cenU l Uoisiholi) Toricj Tre. Co., P. O. Box 115t New York City N. Y -' as sfie w b. r :. c r. th-'bioU:- j ' ana taat luI; .j:t wot , .TO Ctiar..tfflaias ! i'1'' ' l ' '" ''. i i!y itn.l also pi.- wo sold K-vcra'. d- i.ra:;tci n: od setvice. " ; .- ti, 1 tiV-o:t - of t !:"-.-'. br,rta dr.u in 1 -, ...rc.lT-.- and tl.lilii t S'i'-s cu.vv. V.. I- Mor-y. J.e -r A:-... v' t- o- l v y..rphev? -., ...i. I'll " . c tripe at J.P.Xoiton (io t. J.l'.N'O-o n sounny c. utc j weekL-r meals and U:n-.-k hours.. i-.. J. .ii sTi. i W. V. Wool., c W. V. . Nl hols. o; lit it-, cr ti a hir; ,:.v n I them to Brandv Ptraehes. French Jirandy, r!Vy. ai.: in iv.i3 way .and in fact, ail liquors kept in a v e"! . Hvin;-' den-.aa'! first-class Saloon. Orders solicited from aojoimng ida'.-niM t tor evt reader 1 .l'.'.s a::d take an rvle) S.-r.ti-i ftounties, Address the h'lieL f reig!:: !ra!!i (,;it I riii'M to Met all vV; Con fot 'MS o! ill! KU1U-. Utiles int' i-.u'i ..'i.u. ic r i j. .: II ...... .1 :.,- fiV.,tv nr. aoilt?. mtii'V scare. , ana u win pay er - - all, f s. -'th 'irucV,- go -ds i -fvre T-ur- jnre .vet.;;en-. ob-ov une I cl:asii:g elsewhere. Rtttht: 'V-'b -V ' of th; pap.- wcw:!i E-'-'e to rei50n -,.y-f:-e cents in cash, or t'..irtv n-nti iu rt.i:at-s. tor n !,ox cl ysl tn Vi:'-, ; of t'ao follow iug pit sent.-: A 1 j i;.. -i:.c Ga'.d Watch, a g--l Stiver I Ot s ' v. Yiiiu ibiabi T;-n Lo'.a Oi.-r.uiae ;.,ll it. . ii.!( C tUkc-t L.f h.lvrrware or a ! (bd.i l-ie. f. tvtry urchas- paired r.- atiy ana suPtiatnuiiiy Th-rc will i. lease aoniv to me at ine -ari; EAGLE ISAL LOOK II EKE. I desire, ail wh want shoes rc- r-0 Adiiiiuixtnitor .oti ?. Having qtialiiieti as Administrators of M'm. I'. Illanton. dectased. late of McDowell county, X. C, this is to no tify all persons having claims against the estiite of said deceased, toexhibit themtotlw undersigned on or before the 2Jtb day of August lsO.l, or this notice w ill be plead in bar of their re covery. AH person indebted to said estate, will please make immediate pay ment. This August ISth ls'tl. J. i. N'tAi. and YV. M. Blamon Administrators. Iisoliitioii !oti-e. The public is herein, notified that the mercantile business heretofore con ducted under the firm name of Mcdir ry & Nichols, has this day been dis solved by mutual "onsent. J. l. Nich ols having purchased the interest of J. C MrCurry. All claims due the Hrm Iitust. he paid at 0!ice,aud can be ceitied with eith -r ii emter of the Itri.i. J. . Nichols will conduct the Liisioess at tie-olti stand hereafter. Thanking you for pa-t favors, we are,1 Youra respectfully, J. (i. N'lrHOL", J. C M((;tKUY. Marion, N. C. This August lIi IstU. Co., i'i Vacion. X. C. W. II. Wakefield. S';e the nice buggies and earts for sale J.v W. P. Jones. Police lo Hie 1'iibiic. The Clyde line-i having aIandon d th'-fght of cutting rates thi S.utheru Iiatlway liave r.-.-tor A j their f-ieight rates of all cla-M-s io th'-? usual ratea charged prior to J tin; 8th '01. 0. K. ?e, Agt.

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