O LOCAL GLEANINGS. Thc corn crops all over county are r,.)orl-t K""1'' Important communications crowd r,I out t hi- w'ek. Ir .ami Mrs. T.aiulrum spent last Snixlay at M Fort. Kulit. Taylor, of Ah'ville, is in tl)VVii asjai" w,,,-'k- 'I'll heaviest rain during- the seas on Ml I Hi-Mini mi" niiift. Mr. Sam M. McDowell, of Morgan tmi, w:i' i '" Tuesday. Kl. ''ilkey, of AshevHle, is visiting h fat Mr. A. 1?. Gil key. There was a wreck on t lie U. & Ik niar Alexander station Tuesday. ll is reported that ox-Slierili' Xeal will he deputy collector, if Mr. Urn-gin rei-'iis. Mr. lireenwood, of Aslieville, is ,iver looking after some interests with I.. I.. Mi-Kay. Mrs. I.. I.. McKay and Miss Seilars arc i-itins friends and relatives in A-heville this week. Mr. .lames 1. Morris, of IJutl er tonl county, is in town visiting It is tunic, Mayor Morris. The Confederate soldiers' rc-union will tako jitace today at Morpraiiton, and la-t till Saturday.' Mr. Frank Pobbitt, of T.ynlibiirg, u holias been here on a visit to rela tives, has relurned home. Mrs. .?. C. Ilrown, who has hceii LTi'Nt sutl'erer for years, was al!e t his week to visit friends up town. Mr-, tii'o. K. I.ee and children spent a few days in Old Fort this week visiting relatives and friends. Kek Kirkland, of Old Fort, was in town Monday. He is an indepeiulant sndidale forJJeister of Deeds. Mrs. W. 1". Craig, who has been ill, has about recovered, but Mr Craig is still hi Bering from the injury he re eeived, Mr. I . O. hoggett, of Forest City, and Mrs. Sarah Ioggctt, of (.Jatlney rity.S. C , are visiting at Rev. T.J. Hogcr.-'. Mr. J. a. tirant spent a few days this v-rk at his old home in the cotiu iry, lulling, tnniliiigand enjoying him self generally. Oliver Turner and Mrs. Ann l'oteet were married Tuesday evening at the hiuV residence, Hsij. Thomas Fleni mingot'iciatiiii;. Col. J. F. Morphew, Supt., visited the public scliool on Kuck Creek, being I light by Sewell lirown, and reports the sebool in a flourishing condition. Mr. K. A. Thomas will receive pupils in music. Special attention will he given to scales and technique. Terms, $. per mouth, two lessons per week. Mr. Thomas Metld and wife left last Sunday for Philadelphia, New- York and other cities, where Mr. Medd will select and purchase a large stock of goods. Don't forget the primary election. Watch the date and let all Democrats go to the polls, and place in the field a strong ticket of good Democrats. Sept. I'.Uh i the day. st-e the card of Dr. Geo. I. Whit?, who locates in Marion for the practice of medicine, lie comes highly recom mended as a physician and man, and we wih him success. A gentleman reeently asked little Fay Morgan the four-year-old daugh ter of Mr. .1. I,. Morgan, what they a-ked her at Sunday school? "Ask me for pennies," was her quick reply. (Jen. Turnbill showe.l the Kucoiii) a sweet potato raised by Mrs. l'liillip Anthonv. of l'urke. w hich is a daisy. It ! -n't unite as l:,rre as Fli Leonard' turtle, but it would feed a family sev er:'.! days. All the hotels had a good run dur ing court. The Nichols House still has a few of its guests left, some of w hem have never seen thw capitol, and are thinking of taking a trip to Kaleigh with Sheriff liardin. Charlie McAllister, who has been to Haltimorerat Dr. Chisholm's Insti tute, to have his eyes treated, has re turned home. The physicians could not do anything to help him see. He i- a blind man. His wife accompanied him. K. A.Thomas sent Governor Till man a present of a box of rattlesnake last week. It is said one of them bit Tillman spy who opened the box, and the snake died in 13 minutes afterward, from hydrophobia. The spy was not hurt. Capt. J. P. Norton showed us a line watermelon Tuesday which weis ed .! nomul.-. It was one of a :n nit raised by one of our farmers from a I kage of pure Democratic waier iir'1. ! - t-ed sent liitn by Congressman a r.rd from Washington. Another firmer says he planted his patch with seed bought at the Third party store and i hey have never come up yet. ZTIOIT, 1ST. O, THTCJSIDJLY, AUGUST 30, 1894 Rev. James Morris, a colored Bap tist preacher, has had the misfortune to lose two daughters recently. One had been sick, and on last Thursday, at her request, they concluded to take' her out to the creek and baptize her by immersion. The result was she died Sunday. In this issuo appears tlic announce ment of Mr. Win. McCurry, as a candi date for Register of Deeds, subject to the Democratic primary election Sept. 19th. Mr. McCurrv served this r-,,-.T,rv - as Register four years, and his record as a faithful and competent public ser vant is well-known to the public. He is a true Democrat, and an honest, nn- ght citizen. The Marion Public School will open on Tuesday next, the 4t h of Sept. :it ! a. in., with Kov. Win II. White as Principal and Miss F;ilen Crawford as Assistant '' ai her. The school will continue about three months. The teachers and committee trust that they will have the active co-operation of all the patrons of the district in endeavor ing to make the school successfiilly beiieficial to all concerned. The patrons are asked to please note that the pupils may he fully supplied yvith books need ful. My boy was taken with a disease, resem bling bloody flux- The first thing I thought of was Chamheilain'ii Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Two doses of it settled the mutter nn cured him sound nud well. I will answer any inquiries regarding; it when stamp ia enclosed. I refer to any county official as to my reliability. Wnr P.Oiit'h, J. I'.jl'riraroy. Campbell Co.,Tenn. For sale by Morplitw Sc Strettman. nsro 24 , Icatli of lik-h,. Oardin. Died on the 25th of August 1894, at her home, Mrs. Ellen Gardin, consort of fcheriil G. II. Gardin, and a daughter of Alexander Tate, of McDowell county. From early childhood she had 6ENERAL NEW8 ITEMS. PAUAKUAFIiri) roit THE Ki OKH ItEAUEItS. A two-year-old filly named "Th Jiuttorflitos" won $50,000 at .Sheeps liead Bay on the 25th in one race. Senators ItcUi-um and Jarvis will .-peak on evry stump in North Carolina during th campaign in the interest of Democracy. -a.t. ratt Atkinson, a man to whom Aslieville owes much of lif r prosperity, died suddenly in Sali-j-hury last Sunday, where lie had gone on a visit. . Secretary Carlise lias offered a rewar.l of .fX) for the capture of the moonshiners who shot XV. C. L.-wis, a revenue raider, in . Stokes county, reeently. (ion. Butler, of i'oiith Carolina, who is a candidate for IJ. 8. Sena tor against Tillman, d.'dares now thai he will not abide 1-y the rt.nlt of th' primaried. A ashington siveial savs Chas. L. Glascock, of f?t;ite;ville, litis bronn-fct suit against his wife fr a divorce, and makes sensational charges implicating a prominent U. 8. Senator. President Cleveland did not sign the tariff bill, but it is a law any way. He says while the bill is"a great improvement on McKinley ismitdoes not fully meet the ex pectations of tariff reformers. The internal revenue receipts in the Fifth North Carolina district during the last fiscal year, under the different collectors, wereKope Elias $430,781.38; Samuel L. Rogers (acting) $411,041.11 ; M. E. Carter, $593,483.82. China has succeeded in getting a BUSINESS PARAGRAPHS. Items of Interest in These Hard Times. Congress and the Senate adjourn ed Wednesday. The Republican State Conven tion meets to-day. Martin Bros sell womens shoes at 75 cents that others ask $1.25 for. Farmers! If you want solid com fort, durability and cheapness embined in a slice, try the "Stover Ties" at MtCall & Conley's. Martin Bros ell the farmers shoes for $1.00 that others S'?ll for $1.25. Conrt Proe4iDffs. The Superior Court last week passed off without any particularly noticeable event. Joe Puttou, Hie negro who shot Jim Cowan at a negro dance at a cabin in Bon durant's addition to tlm (iallow'e field Ian winter, was sent to the pen tor one year. He appealed. Johns'. Water?, forthe pleasure of wear ing out Li3 pant pocket with a gun, paid $10 and costs. A regular corn liquor racket occurred a few weeks ago, by Will Anderson, Adan Carver, Sevier McKInney, Jno. U i J Ji x , Wil i Carver and ano'.lnr brother, assaulting til wood Mace in the northern part of the county Mace was acquitted. Will Carver and brother paid a fine of $5 each, and the other arswi'ants wore scut 10 jail from two t. three months each. Lura M;irtin and Chas. P;-.rks naiJ Xj.OG The biggest, prettiest and best each aud i-ost for as?auitiue James Polk line of 5 cent calicos ever in town Gillepnie. v i lieen the fond object around whom good supply of war equipments clustered the affections of parent' with which to fight the-Japs. The and family and never was there a; Chinese Jaundrymen in America . , t r i T - 1 it... 1.1 .. .11. 1 . i. .1 more wormy onject. r-uuoweu by nature with uncommon beauty und loveliness, w ith a sprightly ami intellectual mind, and a heart throbbing with tho tenderest sensi bilities. She always shared deeply in the affections of those who knew her. At an early age in the blushing springtime of life, while all was bright and gay around her, she gave her heart to God and for thirtv-five years she has been a consistent member of the Metho dist church. Were it not for this Iidoo and assurance, how dark would be the doom her death has cast over the hearts of those who mourn her loss. But the light ot religion illumud her pathway to the gravw, and the eye of faith be holds her amid the radiant throng, whose song unceasingly rolls over Heaven s wide expanse - anu though hearts are bleeding from everv nore and orphans are bereft of their nearest, dearest friend, yet there is rich consolation in that word - which assures us that He w ho is "too wise to err and too good to do wrong" does not willing- v all hot. Her funeral was the largest the w riter has ever seen in the country - another evidence of her univer sal popularity. The services were eonuucieu uy Revs. Kaylor and Sorrels, both ot whom iaid beautiful tributes to her lovely Christian womanhood. Afterl the services were concluded the long line of kindred and friends followed her remains, through the beautiful wood, where the tall pines were sighing with the breath of the passing breezes, to a little knoll in a beautiful valley where thevioiots and wild rose bloom toirctlu-r. There kind friends laid her to rest, in the old burying ground, whose brow at the toot ot tlio.se beautiful mountains win hare the kisses ot every dawn ana bathe in the glories ot all sunsets. Farewell sainted one! Thy mem ory will long bi cmbalme.i in our innermost hearts. J liy gent ienes, thy loveliness and truth will live after thee. would not have better weapons than hot water and smoothing irons, but they want guns "like ze nielicau man Capt. S. A. Ashe has announced himself a candidate for U. S. Sena tor to till the vacancy caused by the death of Senator Vance. Capt. Ashe has labored for the Demo cratic party all his life, and has never been remunerated. He is an old newspaper man, and one of the most brilliant writers in the st;;te. 'Die sugar planters of Louisiana, have brought suit against the U. S. government for eleven million dol lars, sugar bounty which has been cut off by the Democratic tariff bill. They claim that the law giving them a bounty prov.ded for tins bounty to the end of the year 1895, and the bounty amounts to about $11,000,000 this year. It has heen discovered at Sioux City, Iowa, that a firm has been slaugntcrmg cheap ranch horses, the ilesh of which is made into "dried beef." The product is all shipped to Jersey City. Tho pro prietors say they have converted llOOhorses'into -'dried beef." They b;iv the horses for less monev on the ranges for. at Blanton's. Finest stock of Razors and pock et cutlery at Jones' Hardware. Of all the goods, Dr. Jones has the finest. Go there for hardware. Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Sifters i buckets, Baskets and pictures cheap tit Medd s anety Store. Tinware, Glassware, Crockery. lamps, Looking-glasses and Clocks cheap at Medd's Variety Store. Ken want substantial and com fortable shoes - MeCall fc Con ley have them as cheap as the cheapest. Go to Medd's Variety Store for all sizes of Fruit Jars. Th"T are the best and cheapest. Mrs. J. P. Norton desires to an nounce that she is now receiving a large and elegant stock of fall mil linery goods embracing the latest styles-hats, ribbons, tips, feathers, and everything usually kept in a first-class millinery store. My pric es are as cheap its the cheapest. Mrs. J. P. Norton. Bring us your chickens, eggs, Irish potatoes and all country pro duce and receive in exchaneo cash or goods at extremely low figures McCall & Conley. Southern Express Money Orders Cheap Method of Sending money to all points in the Liu ted Mates. Perfectly Reliable. On sale ALL HOURS IN THE DAY at my office. G. K. L;e. Martin Bros, have tho largest ;is-ortment of fine shoes in town at low prices. Boots or Shoes we all imit wear, The g-ool will wear, the bail will tear, Have patience folks and don't be scared At the Piedmont can be repaired. It. W. Williams. Sieve Hemphill was rcmandeJ to a mag istrate nt Old Fort. State vs Jas, T. Griffin, not. pro3. Stiito vs. V. H. Eobert-1, ex-presiJt'at Marion Bank, and J. J. Steven', ex-cashiir, nol. pros with leave to re-i?? ui w rrint.?. State vs. Dunk Finlcy assu'il'., fined 15 and costs. C. I), n.'iolt, selling whisky to minors, 525 and cost. V.. A. Tl'.ir-ia-!, srlling whisky to nir,o:f, anil on iSnn.iiiv, 50 and cost?, aiiouutintr to about ?!2.- total. J?. Feamster, ussau't, and cos'. a;ie Tmley, forcible trespas.'1, judgment suspended. Joiin Lawrence, larceny, three years in the pent'tcntiary. Wm. Watkins three ironlhs in jail for cru?lty to animals. John (ireenlee three months in jail for to tin' n gun in his pistol pocket. John Krwin and Mr.-. Governor Win'ers F. and A. Ertvin in ii. jail six months. Jane pays costs and agrees to emigrate io liurke county. CIVIL DOCKET. T. Y. Greenlee, executor of D. W. Green lee, deceased, through attorneys Bird and Morphew, obtained a judgment against J, S. Mills, administrator of M V Mills, fo' $200. The case of II. F Scafe vt. E. L. Greenlee was removed to Caldwell for trial. John Carson obtained judgment through attorneys Morris and llird, for $2,991.93 against F.lliston, Brooks and Hare, itterest due on a note. M. M. Teftsrue, judgment E. L Greenlee for something over $100. John Davidson, judgment against ihe R R. Co. for $15". Will continue Business at the Old Stand, and ask a continuance of your patronage. XVm are Receiv'ng Daily The Largest, Best Selected and Cheapest-Bought Stock, OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE EVER BROUGHT TO MARION! EVERYTHING ! EVERYTHING ! One Fool Prof. Alonzo Kendall made balloon ascension at Schoolcraft Mich., on August 3rd. When 100 , feet hish tho parachute was struck bv th' balloon, and fell to the ground, killing Kendall instantly ANNOUNCEMENTS. iit . . , 1 1 iu uie vuiers oi .nci'iiwen oniay anted : A few boarders, good I , hlrhT .nlin mvit on board and a plenty of it, good beds didsite for the nomination for tlieOflice and good rooms for man and horse, I of Register of Deeds, imbjeot to the on Spring street. Mas. 2s. u. Kicn than cows can be had Card of Thank. Having sold ni interest in the drug firm uf Morphew A Streetinan, to Dr. Geo. I "Vhile, and retiring from t lie drag business, I take this opportunity of thanking n;y lrjeiuis and the peldic generally for the liberal patro.i.ige 1 bavc received sii.ee 1 have been in Marion. i ...... mist. lieartn'v recommend to you the newrirni of Morphew !c White. 15oth members ar.e physicians of ability and thoroughly competent pharma cists. Trusting the good people of Marion and vicinity w ill bestow upon tlicm the patronage they deserve, 1 am re--pec t fully. J. W. Msri!..r.vi.ix Aug. '17, 1 he iinest line ot ciotmng ever brought to Marion, and the lowest price on them fo spot cash or rood produce, ever offered at Blanton's. .Ilr. Vindicated. The many friends of Mr. J. L. C. Bird, who esteem him as an honest and upright gentleman, will read with pleasure the card re-produced in this issue in which Mr. Griffin apologizes for the use of certain language in regard to him in the West' rn Free l,anco some months ago. Mr. Grinm apologizes, and tiio libel suit i- withdrawn. He savs the c'.-tiges lie made were based on facts which were misrep resented to him. The apology sets Mr. Bird aright before the people, lie is a oung man and a ptibli? mar, and c.uld do nothing but prosecute a man for making such serious charges without fullv in vestigating the facts, that are cal culated to damage his good name and eharacUr as a citizen and law yer. Now that it is all over, let past differences be forgotten. Wanted a partner who can fur nish from if.jOOto ;M)0 capital. In vestment safe and big profits, for particulars address the Marion RkcoTU). Something new, Tapioca, just re ceived at J. P. Norton's a fine prepa ration for making jelly. An elegant line of dry goods, notions and a full line of celebra ted Bed Star Dress Shirts, hats, shoes, wroi i ries &;., at Martin Bros. We defy competition in prices. primary election and if elected, will always be found ready to oblige and accommodate you all with pleasure thanking you for past favors, 1 remain our fricuu, Wm. McCurrv. OF WE LEAD, and OTHERS FOLLOW. You are cordially invited to come and see us. F. -BXanfon, MARION, N. . ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OK TRAIN'S. Soutueu Railroad WVst bound train arrives at Marion at 1.46, p ni., and leaves at 1.43. East bound train arrives at 4;33, and leaves at 4:35 p. m. C, U. G. Railroad Train arrives at 12:45 p. in., and leaves at 4:43 p. m. hereby announce mywdf a candi date for re-election to the ollice of Clerk of the Superior Coort for Mc Dowell eounty, subject to the Demo cratic primary election, n it h pro- foiindest thanks for past favors, I am l our obedient servant, 15. 15. J'rice. Wlien mo lag into our present hot.ie I f.iuiid a bottle of ''jam!. "i n. .n f Tan. IW!::. Itft by a furmrr tenant. On laV.) I frmi.t '.lie stuuuent tloit it waa tro.id for cut? and burns. I can testify to tlie truth of this. Nothing in all my txperienoe lias found its equal for treating blisters or burns F. E. BiitrMt, manager Le Sueur Sentinel, Le Sueur. Minn. Paiu Balm is also asurscure tor rheumatism- For sal bv Morphew anl j Js'rcetmun, Druggists. "What Coiigi'PMS Ha liie" For some months the Plutocrat ic P. P. Dispensation Club, with headquarters on Main street, in Marion, has heen exhibiting a little book entitled "What Congress Has Done."' When you look inside the cover it is a blank cartridge. Now, another book is ready to be issued bv tho same title. Hero are its con tents : "what congress has don;:." It has made all money equally taxable. It has restored confident in ot.r currency and finances. It has given to allmir people th' opportt n ty of living cheaper and b.-iter. It has t;itlor-d the protected trusts of McKiiu yism. It has placed the burden of tax ation upjn tho rich man's surplus as well as upon every man's needs. It has restored tho freedom of elections. It has placed the transactions of TO tlie democratic voter. of Mc Dowell County I hereby an nounce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of JJegister of l.eils, subject to the action of the Democratic Convention. Kespeci fully, J. Brown. H, Dissolution Notice. The public is hereby notified that the drug firm of Morphew & Street man, doing business in the town of Marion and liurnsville, X. C, is this day dis solved by mutual consent. J. W. Street- man having sold his interest in the above named firm to Dr. Geo. I. White, the business will be continued under the firm name or Morphew & White, who will pay all liabilities of the old firm of Morphew & Streetman. All debts due Morphew & Streetman must be paid immediately to either Dr. Morphew or J. W. Streetman. M. F. Moki'iiew, This Aug. 27, !S:tJ. J. W.STR2K-IMAN, aviiig ii-vn solicited by many of the good people of McDowell coun ty, hereby announce myself a candi- dane for representative in the nxt general assembly of North Carolina, to represent McDowell coanty. I will make my campaign for ajreform in gen eral taxation and the public school system. I am in favor of economy in public expend i lures, and reducing the salary of fate officials. I am lso in favor of pensions for disabled soldiers, and providing homes arid physicians for tge poor who are d--ervi:ig. I f;sk the support of good peopie oi nil par ties, and pledge myself to lie faithful to your i. icrests if elected I am opposed to making the rich richer and poor poorer. Your ob:'di-it servant, Aug. ;th lss't M. I.. Di.vi.. IANXOITXCK myself a oanoidate for the Legi-lature, sublet f to the ! ;t iioti oi !he Deiiiivrnt i pir!y Alien in cnvenl i-ei a.-.-e;iibled, and request my fi'i- 'His ii'. t he co.r.iyto turn nut a:;d give me a full and fair show ; at the time and places to he appointee for holding township meetings. Thank ing you for past favors. I am your obedient servant, Aug. 1st lSlU. J.U.Xeal. IVotire. XV a as a firm h ive d:olved, ar.d will run separate bti.-inessi.-8 after November 1M, and nil por- e--ns wb- are indebted b th- pres ent firm v.ill tave e.--i by settling with us at (nce. ' Kesptctfully, llEMPnit.L & Cl-ABK. Marion, X. C. nug3l-4t Itlie government and its methods of j accounting upon a bush ess basis. it nas greaiiy retiuceu ine ei. penditures of th overnniont. For one solid y--r.r it has main tained r:u unrcit iitii!'' ti'ht aeiahirt the trusis and m-.,n(..pv.Iies wLieh protectit n bad created. "It ha, fought tha go! fight, it has finished the course, it has kept ! the fait ii ' A T the solicitation of friands i V throughout the county of McDow ell. I hereby announce myself a candidate for thr-.. Legislature, sub jct to tli9 action of the Democratic convention. . S. Con ley, July 21, l.-r- I Hereby annoui:c myselt a '-an.li-date fcr Coroiit-r, siibj..ct to the ac tion of the Democratic party. T. M. Vai. . 35 COMPLETE NOVELS m:atia' bound, AND A YK.-iU'a feUBSChlf'TION to a Inre lG-par? illustrated moi-.tlilj niftgAKine for NLY 30 CENTS. This is a most liberal offer ns I'onsehoH Topic, tin tnuazine referred to, ia a hii-i'lass paper, rejiiete. with stories ot love, ndventurp, liavtl. and sliort interesting and inslruc livc pker!ips of fitt and f:inry; and in list cf 35 novpU ' re such trPBS'irP3 119 "A J'.r'- Cow.vni, by uobcrt bonis Stevenson ; A l?Uc!;sr:ir.li's Daughter, i.j E":i W. Pierce; Nitietta, a most ple?ing etor '.y a. T. Cal lor; A tiil'le'l Mn nn-l i!.vet o Two Si is, by the author of Dora Thyre; The Truth of It. tv thp pcpuinr wruer, Hugh Cob way; arid the Moorehouae Iragr; dy, rather sen?ationiil, by Mrs. Jnne l. Auarin; A Heroine, a delihtf-d story by Mrs. Rebecca II. Davis; Wall Flowers, by the populHr .Marion Harlund, an'l the rre;il storv (iuUt or Vol Cuil'y, by Araan U -M V,u 'l.tiS f-'-i'SS - nt.. ti ha t.it 4:'n'-; ..-.- 1 r -1 u :1 ne f-i'.ic Hiffb jtra-Jt, pu?r. l- 'jUt, rom nt:, ! ',. .i!'-: ffstinir t'orl:. ' Ti'.f . nnTcls h.'A owrrent issa'i ofl Household Topic will lit tfnt you the day your order is rtceived. Thi3 will supply you with a 3;usta'a readiiig lor a mere ,oag: fcnd will be apprecKied by all. in the aou3vLold. S'-cd t oac 30 cenu'lo Hocshold Topics Pcb. :o., I. O. Box 1159 New York City X. Y AT COST AT COST ! A fair notice to everybody. I will within the next eixty days SELL ATCCST m CASH my entire Stock of Merchandise. Stock now Complete; Comprising everything kept in a first-dads country store. I also have one genuine Steam Saw-mill, ,. Six hundred acres of ridgo and branch land, one-third well tim bered, Three good mules, two good wagons, two good log carts, A splendid yoke of oxen, One good dwelling house, barn and other buildings, on a 4-acro lot at Nebo, N. C. Everybody come and nee me, or addrciM me at my office, Itefctectfullyt G M ANNIS THE EAGlt BAR Pure Kentncky Ilye and North Carolina Corn Whinkioti, Wines, llrundies Export IJeer. Champagne, Urandy Teaches, French Brand', r.nd in fact, till liquors kept in a fir-t-olusrf Saloon. Orders solicited from adjoining coiinti''., Address the EAGLE BAR Hocord and World $1.5 A By special arrangement we are en abled to send you The Makiox Record and the Xt?w Yo'k Wtn-kly World for or- vcar for tl.S-J in ai.'ai!ce. OWsul- ".riocrs who j ay o course arct-r-j titieu to ti ut.-. i LOOK HERE. I desire, all who want shoes re paired neatly and gubatantially will please apply to me at the "ark" in Marion, N. C. W. II. Wakefield. Thk KatOED and Atlanta Weekly Constitution one yar for 11.50 J. A. McDonald, Proprietor. MARION, y. 1