ft " - 1 u $ f;.f7 ;,.fr v-(T 11? l! :L0CAL GLEANINGS. Z103"' G- SEPTEMBEB G, 1894: -.J.I. ,p in burke at t nding t . :ird went to Asheville last i;ird was in town last 1 1 OKI? SKfllEST. utity t'ourt is in session ! - -:irt Jr. left lust week for of Morsfantoti, was in Mr. I'.url tlii- we.-K Ml I j. i:. I ( ii.V T'"-day. ,,r :in.l Mr-. F la-t Sun!.i i St ivctman ami Will (hooper wfre in Tl-' m.e school opened Tin-slay muriui'K "A " " a - " ' Mr ( : i :- 1 1 . n-nois, 01 ixiiumiih, ;, i i: 1 1 r ri'lat ivi:s lnr A?:iin in our Comity, inmate or Count) Jail. 4l4Itr:iul Hnr. derer. Among the arrivals on the w st hound train yesterday was a man heav ily ironed and in theeharge of the (len ity sheriff of P.urke Comity. The man thus honnd as a criminal was the well known murderer Hoke Seerest. One of thf most cruel, outrageous and brutal murders we have ever heard, he is eiiaren witn. Ahout twelve years ago worst scene, it that was "lusion hi brutally murdered his wile and child Heaven's sake give us a rest. II. Wood in Morganton. spent Mi- a, viMi i Mr. 'illst..!.' -Mr .if J - : 5 ! ill. - Mi - ,irtll"!. i- J. A. M; irrfil a' mIiiv. -J. I.. iLei!i Mi-.- NilN. In l :lli- Moore, of 'l'ilihook i! u in I he city last Monday. .;,, i. im- Neal has rel urned to .I :.i I "iid Davis M ilitary .Shoo!. I i t;iA I'allonlias accepted a , . . I. i l: with Win. Mcl. liur- 'Iv'i'' .lustii i-iling h'-r or tin? i'b-miiiiiii !,,-li.!i left be gone a . of Puther brother, K. J, ( V, was reg House Wed p'terday for ;.v r two on uii; M r. U )! ;ui .V litir-vibe - r. n. Mie SI impt-'on, of l!agli' i count v. is visiting AJ is i . Ihiu MeCalbof the firm of ilcy, is visiting friends i: a. TIIK HAD. poi". IC01V. They Fuse, Confuse, and tbe IeopIe I'eriise their Ticket. 'Tis sweet to fuse, but oh how bitter, I o fuse for oiHce and then not git 'er. The Kepublican-l'opiilistio-Confus-ionist Convention met today at the court house in Marion, and in the lan guage or Stanley Walton, as applied to Democrats, "raised h 1' Of all the political rackets ever seen in Marion this Senatorial for I. G. NICHOLS, R. L. NICHOLS. NOW FOB THE RAJE. This is a day of hot competition, and we new anncunee that no firm shall beat us in furnishing goods at near Hickory and buried them in a shal low grave with his own bands. Tin- trial was mnved from tfurke to McDow ell and he was sentenced to death. He secured a new trial and the result was he was placed in the Insane Asylum at llaleigh from which ):? escaped, was retaken and placed in the Morgan ton Hospital from which he also escaped. When next heard of he was sentenced to two years imprisonment in I he South Carolina States prison for stealing a cow. He was ii iso charged with com mitting an assault on a white girl but was never tried for it. 1 mmediately on bis being released requisition papers were awaiting him and he was brought to Morganton Sunday. The clerk of McDowell court issued a capias for him and hence hi presence here. His trial will occur at the next term of court and it is to be hoped that he will meet with his just deserts. The bones of his dead wife and child, which are still under seal in the Clerk's office appeal to the law for justice that has been so long delayed. A liiinetby, of Asheville i!u-oi:ii the city Tuesday on his 1UV t' VlOi.l II. !-,-. Kt::i!ce and Ardie T. on anl. ot linrke. arc visiting lneiids and ii: town. Mr .1 . MeCurrv and d.-umhtcr Mi-s lit! :ia, spent .several days at i ret n hihI ( il.l Fort la.st week. - Xm-tli Carolina was the first State in ill'- I nion l establish an institu- lioi b r the negro deaf and dumb. Miituii r.ailey, of Uakersville, p-M"! ti.n.ctli the city i uetfd.iyMiiv ni.s Wiv loIih'!i t. : 1 1 Scliool, Asheville. i: "! r llyams left last Monday Inr il!" where tie goes to accept a i'i-i! ii.n in the machine business. M. i. .1. Sinclair, K J.. Justice, 1 . 1.. M. . ( ol .1. !'. Moriln:W a;id M. A. N- iainl a: tended burke court. icl lonald has resigned his Magistrate, to accept the if the election in Novem- "The new taritF bill," says the Philadelphia Press, "will retard the in dustrial progress of the South at least twenty yeara." Is not that a very sud den change of tune, contemporary? W hen the bill was pending you and your fellow organs swore by all the stripes in the textile fabric that it was a sectional measure, which would enrich the South at the expense of the North. At any rate, don't, worry your self about the industrial progress of the South. It does not depend on pen hions ami tariff for it prosperity. -News and Courier. A Card. Notice is hereby given that I am no longer a candidate for the nom inati'.m for the Legislature Thanking my friends for interest taken. I am Yours Truly, J. G. Neat.. Mr. u alton, the chairman, made a bitter speech in which li looked tvild as a Comanche chief, and talked "dan gerous." When nominations wert? in order, S. J lilack, Republican, of Mitchell, J. V. Morphtfw independent of McDowell, and A. .7. Dula, Populist, of this coun ty, were placed in nomination TUr.ck and Dula were declared the nominees. nis "riled all the McDowell county Republicans, and they bolted the con vention, after hearing Mornhew's peech in which he said that he left the naeh'ne Democracy because of rings and machine trickery, and now he was about to get into another ring as bad. lie denounced the whole gang, except. the McDowell Republicans, who were ill for him, and said he would fhow em whether Dula would ever go to the Senate. He charged some of the dele- it es with treachery in going back on bun, and assured them he wouid run as an independent, and clean up the face of the earth. When he finished, Mr. Uu!a vas called for, and then about one-third of the crowd Dula walked out. Mr. Newt. Halliburton, the lanious loud bellowing bull ct Iiurke, nearly took the root off the bouse with his thuaJcr touts ind .cyc.lona gestures, in :in effort to prove that he wus preset'. Walton called Mornhew a renegade Democrat, and said he was too fresh, but didn't state that IMila had recently left the Democratic party ta search of tt greeu er pasture and more congenial clime. John Pool made a zood speech, euloii- iur Kd. Ji-slice, and we were afraid they were tiVuig then to endorse our man order to get him bpat, bin Pool uroctedrd aad we saw liU point, or we would hate moved to adjourn a. : piiMii.m ;h . u l-.-hip llT. Mi-cs .Mice Cuthric and Carrie -Milb-r ni' Ki t Iiei fordlon, were auto sruplii'il at tie Hemming Hotel yes- t'T.lny. The ivirular monthly meeting of ili'' M i i iiur.v Society will be held in 'Ii- Meihudist church on M-onday night Let eery one attend. --Tii. iv no time like the present, W tuiiitiiTow may bt too lale. Insure nr ll al once. See "ad"' of W. F "'"il i'.i another column. - Mr-. VY. Kllisand children, biirliam, a Her spending some t inie with ''Tli.iivi,!,. .-. :ld Mrs. F. II. Wood I'ft b.r I : r lupine last Friday. Dr. .t im. Met 'ampbell, of Yam-ey P-txsru tin-oiii;h town lotlay en ronti to M'lraii'.m, hi re he goes to accept a l'wti-.ii in Hi,. Slate Hospital. A pVauii party of young peep Pt In-red all he resideiicu of ii r. M . - K'wlmn! ;kt Friday evening. Rt' "CMiin mtiMcaiid pleasant conver itii'ii v., re indulged in, and "''"'heni.M,.,!. and U. I.. Nichols have font. ei pan ii- r-hii in the mercantil I'Nii.,-, and will conduct their bu n;'ai u,e old stand of McCurry The name of th- firm will - Me- r- nin-Ki "lis We . sbil'. Kolaud, W. 15. Bank Mmerior Court. Cant. W We have just received a large .stock of CI. thing, Hats, Dress GouJsi Shoes, &c. t5 suit every one, and soil thorn with the T A X IB1 IE1 O IF" IF1, A large and general line of Merchandise, Groceries &c. CALL AND SEE US, J. C3-. JS; ICHOJLS &c JBttO. An ILtIauatiuii. We cal! the attention of our read- i's to the letter below. We publish it in justice to our friend and fel- v townsman, W. Mel), liurgin. The letter will explain itself. W. McD. Ibirgin, Esq., Deputy Collector, Marion, N. C. My Dear Sir : Your resignation of the office of Deputy Collector to take effect onl he 81st. inst. has been received and the same is here by accepted. I deeply regret that your continued bad health compels vou to take this step. You did not isk lor the place wlicn you were appointed to it by me, and you have held on. long alter you want ed to quit, simply because I would not accept your resignation, tenu red on occasions neretoiore. In severing our official relations, permit me to thank you tor the courteous and efficient manner in which vou have discharged the du ties of your office, and to express the earnest hope that you may be peedily restored to your wonted health. Sincerely your friend, M. E. Caktkk, Collector. &t B I I, not a Candidate. We are requested by Mr. Ii. P-Craw ford to state that he is not a candidate fore the primaries for the nomina tion for the Legislature. BUSINESS PARAGRAPHS. TIic Income Tax. Some people are under the impression that the new income tax is retroactive This is a mistake. The income tax clause oi' the tariff bill states that from and after January 1, 1S!)5, until January 1, 1U00, there shall be assessed, levied collected aiid paid annually a tax of per cent on the amount of income over $4,000, and that this tax shall be assess ed by the commissioner of internal rev enue and collected and paid upon the gains, profits p. ml income for the year ending olst. next preceeding the time of levying collecting- and paying such tax. The law cannot go into etlect un til January 1, 1S!)5, and no income tax will be paid until December 31, 1395. This is the status of the tax and it is ill no sense retroactive. People with big incomes will not have to pay the new tax for nearly a year and a half. In that time they will recognize the jus tice and equity of the tax. Atlanta Constitution. Urins of Interest fn These Hard Times. Martin Bros sell womens shoes at 75 cents that others ask isi.l'; for. Farmers! If you want solid com fort, durability and cheapness einbined in a shoe, try the "Stover Ties" at McCall tt Conley's. Martin Bros sell the farmers shoes for $1.00 that others sell for $1.25. The biggest, prettiest and best line of 5 cent calicos ever in town at Blanton's. Finest stock of Razors and pock et cutlery at Jones' Hardware. Of all the goods, Dr. Jones has the finest. Go there for hardware. Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Sifters Duckets, " Baskets and pictures cheap at Modd's Variety Store. lien want substantial and com- ortable shoes - McCall cc Conley have them as cheap as the cheap- t. Go toMedd's Variety Store for ill sizes of Fruit. Jars. 1 hey are the best and cheapest. Bring us your chickens, eggs, Irish potatoes and all country pro duce and receive in exchange cash or goods at extremely low figures. McCall & Conley. Martin Bros, have the largest assortment of fine shoes in town at low prices. ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Slieiilf. I hereby announce myself a can didate for re-election to the office of Sheriff, subject to the Demo cratic primary election. Thanking my friends for past favors. I am Yours, G. II. Gakmx. Among them are the latest 'theng: in Fine Dress Goods, known as CdVart Clotii, 1 yards wide, 81,00 per yard. Ladies Br-ad Cloth; Dress Flannel, Tricot Outings in Attractive Colors, Linseys 10 cents and upward, Calicoes 5 cents and upward. Warner's Coraline Corsets, all kinds Veiling, Herculc Brnh!,r Velvet ' Skirt Binding, Black Silk Inserting, and colors (Jimp of Trimmiug Lace Curtains cheaper than ever. Our Shirts Collars and Cravata ar unsurpassed, all sizes, all qualities, all prices. We have an elegant Umbrella for $1.00, worth $1.25. Our stock of Shoos, Groceries; etc., in complete, as you will always find it. We have a full line Jeans, Cotton iats. Cotton Yarn, Knitting Cotton, School Books, Domestic, Plaid-i, Bleeching, Sheeting. Bed Tickimr. etc. etc. Wilson and Dr. J. M. nl Yancey, were in town it tending the Republican N'"-Uurial convention. - The le tow n was scarce of 'lk last Minday, on account p-iiieeting. Everything passed 'llli' t;N. and onlv a lew skinned "' report L-d. There were rocks, pistols in the air. " 1,1 '-lit- w indow of the store of our "''I'l iMii- merchant J. C. Nichols is imi.pe display. The Brooklyn "'S''iii mltiutiire is presen ed to the ?'"t th.- passer-by and is a pretty K'a :i,hnise!iieni. The bridge is llllt"t -.,.o thread, bale snuff, and 'kn "t a of I,.-, 'A I ia Mr. Nichols seem "w to display what he has to j fun aheifd j Eight. Slower :ind Liime). The two oratorical giant-j of this part of the country, lions. W. II. Bower and IX. Z. Linney, candi dates for Congress in the Stli dis trict, met at Morganton last Tues day and lired their first campaign runs. Mr. Linnov spoke first, and in his usual rasping and impres sive manner, denounced the DeYno cratic party, and arraigned his op ponent for what he considers short comings. Air. liower ionoweu in a forcible and eloquent speech, de fending his record throughout in a manner that but few men can imi tate, and said that while Congress had not done all he wished, what it had done was a great reform and improvement, over the McKinley bill, and that the Kepubhc ins and L...maf flm Viirtherii Democrats t ...... - . had worked together to Jnmler the progress of tariff reform, while the j Southern representatives mm moou i chmibler to shoulder to secure the I relief demanded by the people. Both Bower and Linney are orators of a high degree of ability, and their largo audience was spell bound for more than three hours. It is out of our district and we have nothing to do with it, but there is for the boys m the My boy w as takua wi:li a diseiise resem bling bloody flux- The iii3t thing I though t of was Chainbeilain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kenedy. Two doses ol it settled ilip n:mer and cured hiiu sound and wcil. 1 will answer any inipiirirs rigarJiin; when stan-.) is enclosed. I reler to any county official as to my reliability. Wm Roach, J. I'.jPrinuoy. Campbell Co., TV mi. For siiIj by Viorph-w fc Ktrt-i tmaa. . Notice. Notice is hereby given that bids for letting the county home will here t-eived at this otlice till October '2 1S!4. All bids will be under seal, ac companied with a good and sufficient bond of 500. The board reserves the right to reject all bids J. C. Bitowx, Clerk of Hoard of Co. Coins This September 4th 1S!U. rpHE voters of McDowell Conntv J- I havi ng b en urged by my friend some ct the prominent and most influential men ofoai county toeffer myself before ih Public for the office of Register of Deeds aud as there is no political issne in said of fice I with due respect to all parlies hereby announce myself nn inL'eeiuleut canci !a e for the olf.ee ot Krgister of Dteds. I wi:i make my campaign with t ie other candi dates and if elected I-will serve you like a man and favor yon all I c. mi to all who may make inquiries conccr. ing my worthiness and competency are thfci f illy referred to County Superintendent of Public fnstruc tton fx-county .Superintendent of Public In struttion also to the Public St-bcol Com mitteemen for white race district number 16 wheie I tatghttwo sessions. Citizens come out and vote fur me and have vour Deeds niul Mortgages r; gist ered at a lower per-cent than ever before. Young men vote for me and have your License issutd cha-iji r. Respectfully, J K. Cri:- hereby announce myself a candi date for re-elect ion to the otlice of 'leik of the Superior Court for Mc JJowell county, subject to the Demo ratic primary election. With pro- foundest thanks for past favors, I am l our obedient servant, 1!. Ii. PlCICE. J. G. ichols tV; Bro. have jus received a large and varied stock of clothing. Notice! To the Democratic Voters of Mc Dowell Count. Sin?e announcing myself a can didate for Register of Deeds my family has become so badly ahTict ed that I cannot leave home to can vass the countv therefore I with- Boots or Shoes we all must wear, The good will wear, the had will tear, Have patience folks and don't be scared t the riedmont can be repaired. It. W. Williams. Wanted : A few boarders, good board and a plenty of it, good beds and good rooms lor man ami horse, on Spring street. Mas. N.G. Rich Wanted a partner who can fur nish'from $300 to $500 capital. In vestment safe and big profits, for narticiilars address the Marion i Ri;coui. An elegant line of dry goods notions and a lull line ot celebra ted Red Star Dress Shirts, hats Jmfs. wroceries tvc. at Martin Bros. Wi defy competition prices. Notice. We as a firm have dissolved, ami will run separate businesses after November 1st, 1894, and all per sons who are indebted to the pres ent firm will save cost by settling with us at once. Respectfully, Hkmphii.l & Clark. Marion, N. 2. aug31-4t Hafsl Mate!! w have them, Boys and Mens all sizes, all qualities, all prices. c I o t il l m g v We guarantee that we can save yon money on clothing. Call and ex amine our stock. Wo keep almost everything and as cheap an can Le bought anywhere. Come and see us. Bring your produce. Bring y wr cash. Very Respectfully P. Blaxrfon, MARION, N. C. ril O the Democratic voters of Jlc JL Dowell County I hereby an nounce myself a candidate for re-election to the otlice of Kogister of Deeds, subject to the act ion of the Democratic Convention. JJesnect fully. J. C. Jtnowx. Having been solicited by many of the good peonlewf McDowell coun ty, hereby announce myself a candi- dane for representative in the next eiieral assembly of North Carolina, to represent McDowell county. I will make my campaign for ajreforni in gen eral taxation and the public school system. I am in favor of economy in public expenditures, anil reducing the salary of state officials. I am ulso in favor of pensions for disabled soldiers, and providing homes and physicians for tge poor who are deserving. 1 ask the support of good people of all par ties, and pledge myself to be faithful to your interests if elected. I am opposed to making the rich richer and poor poorer. Your obedient servant, -Aug. fith 1S94. M. L. Dkai. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. SouTHEns Railroad Wi st bound train arrives at Marion tt 1.46, p nt., and leaves at 1.43. East bound train arrives Ut 4:33, and leaves at 4;35 p. m. C, C & C. Railhoad Train arrives at 12:45 p. in., and leaves at 4:4j p. m. A T the solicitation of fri.mds t 4. throughout the county of McDow ell. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the Legislature, sub ject to the action of the Democratic convention. W. A. Cox LEV, July 24, 189-1. T" Hereby announce myself u candi Adate for Coroner, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic party. T. M. Dale KcsiMrars of Flection Ordered by the court that tin fol- drtiw from the campaign with man- lowing earned citizens have be;n y thanks to my friends tor their Interest manifested for . me. Yours truly, Wm. McCurry. I , .i : ..,fi... .!..:.. appo.ii.eu regisiiuisti uic fnt-c:uii for the different precincts of Mc- sah hy w. s unimproved land for II. Hester, Union Milis. J. (i. Nichols & Bro. are certain ly selling clothing, hats and shoes cheap. . Something new, Tapioca, just re ceived at J. I'. Norton's a fineprepi i ration for making jelly. 1 DjwellCo. twit: Marion, R. L. Nichols; Turkey Cove, J. D. Coii ley; North Cove, W. A. McCall ; Finley's J. Frank Wilson ; Dysarts vill, J.W.Tavl -r; Brackets, L. A. . . ... ..... , ion cy a roruier tenant, va llaney ; Monttords Cove, m. V il-1 f, temeDt it son : Lrookea creeK, i . l . L,ytie ; j cu,? n,i j)UrnSr ; can testify to the truth of Broad River, J. W. Lailiast a; Old jthis. Ko'.liinjiri allmy txjieriectehasfouDd Fort, A'. M. Goodson: Higgir.S, 1 hsiual foriieiting blis'.ers or buriis F. J G Price. j E. R.irrrtt, manager Le l?i!epr Seatim-1, L r , , Kninr, 'Minn. I'ain HjIdi iji stso a urs core . . j . Vs. jro X, j jijr rheumatism- For sal br XJorphew anJ Clerk of Board of Co. Coirs. Sjrct-taan,1riiesjjtj. roret Fire Victim.. MixxK.tPoLi, Minn., Sept. 4 At'.is patch from Pine City says the number of fire victims in and near that place from forest tires will reach at leat 42". A dispatch from Ilim-kley, Minn., dated Sept. 4, says:"'Miis is today place of mourning. The presenceof the charred and unrecognizable bodies of the hundreds of victims of the great forest fire has saddened the survivors even more thanthe disaster it.-elf When rcof ing into our jres?nt boiue I found a bottle of JharuberlainT3 Pu'U Balm left by a foruier tenant. Ua tbe la'je) I was good for Dissolution Notice. The public is hereby notified that the drug firm of Morphew & Streetman, doing business in the town of Marion and Uiirnsville, N. C, is this day dis solved bv mutual consent. J. W. Street- man having sold his interest in the above named linn to Dr. (Jen. I. White, the business will be continued under the firm name or Morphew & White, who will pay all liabilities of the old lirm of Morphew & Streetman. All debts due Morphew & Strectman must be paid immediately to either Dr. Morphew or J. W. tftreetman. M. F. Morphew, This Aug. 27, 1S91. J. W.Stbkkt.max, 35 COMPLETE NOVELS NEATLY liOCND, AND A VE.lR'j fcl lWCKll'TlOX a larye lG-fflg? illustrated oiontblj magazine for ONLY 20 CENT. Tliis is a most liberal offer as Household Toiricp, tlie magazine referred to, la a hili-d-isi paper, replete with stories ot love, adventure, travel, and short interesting and instruc tive sketc lies of fitt aud fancy; aud in Hie Hit if 35 novels t re such treasures as "A lirure Coward, by Robert I-ouia Stt-venson ; A Illacksmilli's Daughter, by Etta W, Pierce; NineUa, a most pleasinj? story b.y M. T. C'aldor; A Gilded tin and Between Two Si is, by the author of Dora Thome; The Truth of It. by tbe pc.ui;ir writer, Uujth Conway ; and the Moorthouse Trae dv, rather sensational, by Mrs. Jane C. Aus.in; A Heroine, a delightful story by 4rs. ICeoecca II. Davis; Wall Flowers, by the popular Marion Harland, and the great story Guiity or Not Guihy, by Amanda M. Douglass. Space forbids mentioning the other novels, but they are all the same hi eh crade, popular, blight, lommtic. .i.ic-v. interesting stories. The 35 novels and the current issue of Household Topics will be tent vou tbe dy your order is rtteived. This will supidr you iih a st-asoB's reading for a nitre eon"-; ana win oe apprctmcu a.iiu the liou3-.liold. Send at once SO ceota to HnCHKHoLn Topics Pcb. Co.. 1'. O. Dox Ili: New York City N. V AT GOST AT COS! ! A lair notice to everybody. I will within ifle next sixty daya SELL AT COST FOR CASH my entire Stock of Merchandise. Stock now Complete, Comprising everything kept in a first-clarjs country store. I also have one genuine Fteam Saw-mill, Six hundred acres of ridge and branch land, one-third well tim bered, Three good mules, two good wagons, two good log carts, A splendid yoke of oxen, One good dwelling house, larn and other buildings, on a 4-acrc ' lot at Nabo, N. C. EveryJiody come and eee me, or address me at my office, Respectfully, G. 3L ANN IS ICecord and World 1?1..0 Uv snecial arrangement we are en abled to send you Tint Makios Kkoud and the New York Veekly World for one vear for in advance. Old tub- seri hers who pay up of course are en titled to this rate. THE EAGLL BAR KEEPS Pure Kentucky .Ryo- and North Carolina Corn Whiskies. Wines. Urandies Export Reer. Chamjagne Rrandy Reaches, French Rrandy, at:d in fact; all "Ikpiora 'kept in a first-dass Saloon. Orders solicited from adjoining counties, ... , -: . ,Address the EAGLE BAlt, LOOK HERE. I desire, all who want eho re paired neatly and substantially will please apply to me at thcdrk" in Marion, N. C. W.II. Wakefield. - Thk Rkcoku and Atlanta Weekly Constitution one year for $1.50. J. A. MtDSAUroirxetor. ' MAltiPX, X. CV .

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