d i-t 1 ! 03 3- . OGAL GLEANINGS. M,; A a -Am died lat Tues- ... ,-oiivene at Jvnoir next r.turt , ,i,r,. df lfetidersonviile, , -,,. - :nto-.vn Tu'-d'U- . i, I ,1 :irsoii returned from raft vJ VM-.l!ii-i:i.V. r i,.,. Crawford, of Old Fort, ; m ii Tuesday . 1 i(Ji: ii.-:iLv KrownuI ilr. Merrill yr (;.( L'vams, of Mi,'a' was 3,1 ..,-k.iit 111.- Kagle. N ,.v ()f Woodlau i', Tin- MAIOIT, IsT- G, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER -13, 1894: ATTi:TIO., I)OIO;i6ATS ! On next Wednesday, all Demo crats in the county ar earnestly requested to meet t their respect ive voting places, and vote for the men of their choice as the Demo cratic nominees for tlie county of fice. Let every Democrat vote in the primary election. 2TO 26 To .Hen of I'riiu'ipl ! The following id a letter which Black and Dula did not write, hut we kindly offer it to them ns an explanation of their platform. Nf. cl .COMMUNICATIONS. On Various Topics i'iiey Come Written an One Side, and Short Therefore are Printed. L'ditor Rkcoki: The nomina tion of L. . Crawford for the as sembly is the key to the situation. He'll I... elected by the best major ity given to a Democratic candi date in years. Hurrah tor the two Crawford ! "Dkmockat." lo vn this week. )ir j ,. uiAr, J 'Jarvis 'will Virion October tlie 4th next. ll.-ctor .1. C -eai ana k in li. ti'it v ' ' ' . .i .: i. II I,,,Miil ' , !re I" l'Ui iic ,..ji retention t li is. week to the , : .1. 1 .v-:irt in another col- j diet i--''. one oi r in-ii wn- !,t . ii -pending a lew uays in Mr. il. W. I'.mwn, of North Cove, ydi n.iiiir "r three days at (.aniens. .1.1. M rphew left i.n-t Sat- lV i,.r ' ! r ;'.Mi;i, iu i-.t mo : r -j 'Jay- V,. u.-d NVil1 White, who i.-..n v i -i I i u r friends in tile coun- Hunictl home this week. Mr . lient-elt, who has b.-en visit ;,, i!!e. lias returned, her r Mr-. I. w. is accompanying her ,;.(;. ora l :id M lascs Dora Uob- ai.il ,le.ie ami Ceorgie Carter have ii iit mi' :it .Mr. n. n. irovvus m rlli ( i. Mr-. T. !!. ;;ri in went to J'ukre iitv ;indav 1 o v isu i m iiome oi inn .( I.. ...::;i d. who accompanied her ;-;!in-r In, -lids here. Mi- Minnie l'.lalock,of Mitchell v who has been spending a few nil.- uiili menus in j.ouisvine, nj ii.-itia;,' i" the Eagle Hotel. Our esteemed townsman, Vf. B .:! Iia- been appointed magistrate ( 1 r'.v l;. Ii. l'rice, to 111 1 the posi iv-L-iu .l bv Jiitlge Mclon:ild. - Mr. K. .1. .1 1 1 I ice has niaile some ill -.i.r.-1-lies this week in Hurke, and i!: .;! I.em.ir nexlnext YYednes !r. Iu!a is ihvited to a div:si( - .vii.i ' i! can boast of more can ,o; ii- population lha-i any ii ti'iC na". ioii. We have no, heard ;,r .,!' -m.wu riii tr" bein z hurl lit Cli'Mi. i'l. ' tT. -li": :.ai-.-t lect uretl on liurenojO ii r.-i-iui! Mime oxeellent pieces of '- in th.e court house last Sat unlay U"i lb- is t he linest lielofaonf ionLst l.a bci n iu town in a week or Al! u bo survived his niivaleciiie. lecture arc iargi s. It it doesn't suit you. hy l;n't nse it : To the voters of the Mist Sena- orial district : Whil.j it i.? true that the Repub licans with the hatred of Satan despise the Populists and denounce their doctrine as tending to an- trchy; and while the two parties do not agree on a single issue, ex- pt that we both vuntoliice; hiie one party wants free silver and the otiier is opposed to it, and one party is for high tariff, and the other is opposed to any tariff, one party wants the Government o buv nil the railroads and tele graph lines, and the other believes such a course would eternally ankrupt tle Government; one party wants to give every loafer lifty dollars in tspot cash, and the oilier can t nee where m the dev il the money is coming from, and while the Republicans consider the populists renegades and eore- teads aim disappointed Ueniocrtus whose party cauhln.t give them all otlice. still we believe the voters of this senatorial district are a set of blamed fools, ami we believe th honest Republicans can be induced to lay don their principles and swallow Dula, railroads, telegraph, suhtreasury and other cranky planks, and that the few honet Populists can be whipped into taking their pill bv voting for Black, a man who is m direct op position to every thing that the Populists are in t&vor or, ana as suring the blamedufuol voters that there is one thing we do agree upon, and that is that we both want ollice, and you can go to the devil after we xel it. We close bv s:ving we have "fused,' and expe all good men to support us. Yours truly, Rlackemlu'y. Haw ISrniitli. Fine weather since tlie recent rains. Mr. Pink Simmons has been vis iting o;i Haw- Branch. The series of meetings which have neen in progress at Bethle hem for the last eleven days, clos ed yesterday with 71 conversions and 19 additions to the church. t Mr. T. 11. Xoblt.t and wife, of Crooked Creek, are visiting Mr. Monroe Reels. Mrs. Hood Xeal's school at Reels school house is flourishing. Rosebud. J. G. NICHOLS, It. L. XIUHOLS. HSTOW FOR THE RAJE- This is a day of hot competition, and we rscw aniKunse that no Firm fehall beat us iu famishing goods at We have just received a large stock of Cicthing, JIat3, Dross Goods Shoes, &c. t? suit every one, atid. rell them with the T .A. IE? 1 IF IB1 O U1 IP, V large and general lino of Merchandise, Groceries Ac. CALL AND SEE US, J". Gh ICECOJLiS &c EQ Dr. A. II. Xabors was in town this week. W. II. Hester is here this week looking after his interest ; gl.-.d to see him. W. C. Tato has been elected and master of the B. S. Band ;suc- cess to you H ill. II. lorney was called to Ashe ville last week by a letter from his attorney, Hon, T. II. Cobb. Mrs. Looma Estey, of Henrietta, Texas, who has been spending the summer here, was called home by a telegram last week. Rumor says II. Forney will re sign his position as manager of the torney estate on Oct. 1st to accept one with the Southern Railroad Co. Henry is a voting man of the high est character and has held his pres- nt position lor 11 years. He will be sadly missed by the owners of this large 'estate and also by his many triends here. v. ill. -Th.' reporter had the pleasure of fjmij; smiie exiiuisite music 1 uesAlay niiii;, rendered by Jlrs. M. A. New il ikui old-time piano, which nf (.rii'u.-i- has iust overhauled and iii' uittiil a-; new. It is said to be over 'v-.-ar.- old. - VYe call attention to the new ad-rii-.-nicta of W. 1.. Poiiglns $3.00 it' lii' h appears in our issue today. W , I. -ii. i ..X..I-, .,.Mr.ii IV,, 1,1 tlli a.anutii.-t ur.M- tl;at the recent improve- ""uNiii style and quality will give w -atisfactioi! than ever to the Mivr.- ol these po)illai' shoes. - fee i 'raw t'wrd has decided to be a iii'iuuite for tiie h moeratic noniina- tur the l'iri.-latun'. He prints a int in this iue in vvb.ich lie declare "iiswerv inr devotion to the Demo- Mlic part v. I.e! everv Pelioer:tt at- Hi" priinarv election next Wed IH'mIiu ! v..t.. 1.,.. il.,.;r .-tioii-e nf I 'amii'latc.-. Mr. K l,. MeUurrv announces l.iiiiMlt a e-iudidate fr Keirister of .;. . t t,, t !. m.-i i.m of tlie Dem- r't'' primary election to be held n,,st Wednesday. Mr. McCurry is a "tfriinn- lvmoerat, and a popular and '"""'tent youni man, whose reputa '"''iiisaii honest and upright man is '. all ho know him. -W,. i,.arn nlut (10 oan as,s 0f a cow !'ilnlied from fever .she contracted mie -razing about the back lots of tlie town allow i d to remain so near '""vntrv of the city that it could be 'i.v located by the effluvia arising ruai i. 'j- js a sanitary condition ym read about. Whoever left his l ousj.it to t ome after it, and pay a u v besides j'r. i.e. of Shaniokin, Fa., ni Marion thi5 week, lie extre ';ii- li .-lii-hiy I,ie;id with the larni- . ''r'-'l, rtj he bought near Dysarts 1 ll'ii. ;;:!;,.. i;o, He has never seen it ti.-f Pr:- You W'll see that Sberill' Ceo. 11. (Jardin is a candidate for re-eleet ieii. TYe cannot say enough in praise of Sheriff.' C.ardin as a man, and his kind ness toward the people is well-known and appreciated by them. No man in the county is stronger or more popular than he. No man more deserves pop ularity than he. True to friends, obliging to the public, self-sacrificing to all, but faithful and efficient tisan officer, Ueorge (Jardin is too strong a candidate to need any recommendation at our hands. I BUSINESS PARAGRAPHS. Hems of Intercut in These Hard Times. There is uotime like the present, for tomorrow may be too late. Insure your lives at onee. See "ad" of AV. F. Wood in another column. ANNOUNCEMENTS. SIN7CE withdrawing, my name as a candidate for the legislature in the last issue of the Recoko I find un friends ate anxiout for me to remain a can didate before the piimary. Jugatn declare inyjtlf a candidate fur the nomination fur the legislature, subject to ttie Democratic piimary. ' Lkk P. Cbawtoro. We are receiving our new fall stock of dry bought at low be sold on same basis. We invite a Comparison of goods and prices T Hereby aanouuee myself a candidate .aCome and see. I iurme uuci! oi uegin-r oi uevas, goods and notions, We ar? I!Vtl"este(1 1( announce . W. west prices, and will t 'on as an independent can , 1 .- I didate for tl Legislature. with anybody. Among them arc the latest then-? in Fine Dress Goods, known as Covart Cloth, Yk yards wide, 1,00 per yard. Ladies Br-ad Cloth, Press Flannel. Tricot Outings in Attractive Colors, Linseys 10 cents and upward, CaiiciM-s .3 cents and upward Warners Coralino Corsets, all kinds Veiling, Hercules Braid, Velvet Skirt Binding, Black Silk Inserting, and colors Gimp of Trimming Lace Curtains cheaper than ever. Our Shirts Collars and Cravats a t unsurpassed, all siws, all qualities, nil prices. We have an elegan Umbrella for $1.00, worth Our stock of Si:oes, Groceries, etc., is complete, as you will always find it. We have a full line Jeans, Cotton Bats. Cotton Yarn, Knitting Cotton, School Books, Domestic, Plaids Bleeching, Sheeting. Bed Ticking, etc. etc. ' McCall it Conlev. Martin Bros sell woniens shoes at 75 cents that others ask $1.25 for. subject to the Democratic primary flec tion. Kobt. L. McCvriit. Hafsl Hats!! w have them, Boys and Mens all sizes, all qualities, all prices. For Sheriff. I hereby announce mvself a can didate for re-election to tlie office J. G. Nichols & Bro. arc certain- Gf Sheriff, Fitbiect to the Demo- ly selling clothing, hats and shoes cmtic primary election. Thanking my triends lor past favors. I am Yours, It reported that typhoid fever rainir mover CO counties in this .State. A Daltimore Oispaicn siaies that a blip's crew at that place are sick with something like yellow fever. Cholera is spreading rapidly in Kurope We mention these sad facts to warn the people of this vicinity against the habit of living in filth. Clean up your premises, burn up your old rags and trash, tak a bath, disinfect with lime, perfume your breath with carbolic acid and garlic, wash the children with lye soap, scrub t he last year's dirt oil' the floor and whitewash the kitchen. Du anything to keep oil" fever. We appeal to the authorities ef Marion to enforce the law requiring people to keep ttieir hoines and back yards clean. I ne Horse lets, hog pens and alleys of ti e town would kill the inhabitants were it not for the splendid climate. liclfont. Fodder time is here. Crops aro looking well. A series of meetings began, at Bethel and Siloam on the 10th. Prof. Harris has closed his school for foddering time. Mr. Frank Noblett's school was out last Monday. He will leave fu WVaverville Coilege next Friday Mr. Grecii, who came from Indiana to this country for hi health, is boarding at Mr. John Turnei s. Siierilf L'urgin and Jas. Moihtt have been buggy-riding for the last few days. Two new houses are near com pletion in this vicinity. W e are glad to announce to the public and the friends of educa tion, that Prof. A.C.Tate, a recent graduate of Greenville, and Tuscu- lum College, has taken charge ot Bel font High School, and will run a permanent school at this place. Tho doors are now open to all, male and female, who are seeking a thorough and practical education at small cost. Tuition per month, first grade, 7o cents ; second, if 1.00 ; third, .fl.L'o; fourth, tfl.50; lil'th, 2.00. Good board and washing at from $.".00 to $7 00. Rooms and firewood will be furnished free to students warding to board them selves. In connection with the school the Philologian Literary Society has recently been organized, and we have a thriving Union Sunday School at the Academy. Wo ask tlie friends ot education and all interested m the up-building of our community, to lend us their aid and encouragement. Sc 111 BULK P.. choat Something new, Tapioca, just re ceived at J. P. Norton's a line prepa ration for making jelly. See the nice buggies ai:d carts for sale by W. P. Jones Martin Bros sell the farmers shoes for $1.00 that others sell for $1.25. G. II. Gakdin. fTHJIE 1 I In voters of McDowell Count v. having been urged by my friends, some of the prominent and ja.ist itifluential raen of om coutitv locfTVr mvself before the Public for tlie office of Register of Deeds and as there is no politic d issne in s:iid of fice I with due respect to id I parties hereby The bluest, prett iest and best announce myself an independent candiJate iu of 5 cent calicos ever in town for ,he "' togwur of D.eds. I will 111K at Blanton's make iny campaign with t'ie other camli dates and if elected I will serve von lilvo mnu ana iavoryou nil l cm to s.:i wao irxiy make inquiries concerning my worthiness and competency are thetil'iiHy referred to County Superintendent of i ublic Instruc tioa ex-county SuperintenJentof Public In ?truttion ulso to the Public School Com Buckets, Baskets, and pictures miUcenien for white race district, number Finest stock of Razors and pock et cutlery at Jones' Hardware. Of all the goods, Dr. Jones lias the finest. Go there for hardware Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Sifters O I o t h: i n g , We guarantee that we can save you money on clothing. Call and ex amine our stock. We keep almost everything and as cheap an can lo bought anywhere. Come and see us. Bring your produce. Bring your cash. Very IlcBrcctfully MARION, N. C. ABUIVAL AXD D-PAETURE Or jATGOST! ATCOSU cheap at Medd's Variety Store. "Why in the world didn't you buv those phoes from McCall & Com lev. and save monev?"' They Til; lies trip, but is acreeably sur as the pl.u-e is Letter than h ", t"l. I be best part of it is. there '. cold mine on it. and he is ar-.s'ui- Tu develop it. 10 wlicie 1 tatghttvo sessions. Citizens come out and vote for me mid have votir Di-M'ds aud Mortgages r;gisi ered nt a lower jier cent tlmn ever before. Young men vote for me and have your License issued cliaap- RtS'icctfully, J K. C'aiz. keep the best shoe at the lowest nrices. Also lull stoclc dry go.ts md notions lias arrived, unng u vour produce and get good prices. 6 McLall t L-oliley. i hereby announce myself acandi I -ii. late for re-election to the othee J. G. Nichols it Bro. have just I of ;lerk of the Superior Court for Mc- r,M.,iin.,l ii Inn',' and varied stock Dowell county, subject to the lenn- rratio primary eieeuoii. iui pio- foundest t hanks for past favors, I am Your obedient servant, li. li. 1'KiCK. TRAIN Soctiiebs Kailroa w Wi st bound train arrives at Marion at 1.4C, p w., and leaves at 1.43. East bound train arrives at 4:33, and leaves at 4:35 p. m. C, t'. & C. Kailuoao Train arrives at 12;45 p. ra , nd leaves at 4: 15 p. ra. of clothing. 200 acres unimproved land for sale by W. II. Hester, Union Mills Go to Mend's Varietv Store for till sizes of Fruit Jars. They are the best end cheapest. Martin Bios, have the largest assortment of tine shoes in town at low prices. ;oots or Shoes we all must wear, TO the liemocratio voters of Mc Dowell County 1 hereby an nounce myself a candidate for re-elec tion totheolice of Kegisttr of Deeds, subject to the action of the Democratic Convention. Ke.speetliiliy, . J. C. iiuo ivx. TT aving been solicited by many of XJU1 Irving W. Lariniore, physical director of Y. M. C A., Dcs Moines, town, says he can ccnsrieiitiously recommvnd -Jhauiberlain's I'isiu Kalni to athletes, ymmi3ts, bicyclists r, i.rl a'l id?. vers anJthe profession in pens :tor:-I am iufjiiaed that it was j lor briii"e3i Sj,rains au;i dislocations : a frw days since that I withdraw fareorenMg and Eli;fn,.S3 0f the mus cles. When applied belore the parts be come swollen it will effect a cure in one- half the ime usually required. For sale by Morphew & White, Drupgists. Sic is u Ieniccr:il Mr. Ed reported my name as a cnuuiiiaie ior tue L'cuiucrawc neminatiou for the Legislature to become a candidate for sberilf. This is nbsolutely rue. I am now a candidate for the Leg. islature subject to the action of the Deaio- cratic primary election next Wednesday, aud whether I am nominated or not 1 am a Deuocraf, and will work zealously for the success of the ticket- It Maj. Conley defeats me I will support him heartily. 1 wilt sjppoit every nominee of my party from W. T. Crawford for congress down to Coroner. Vety truly yours, Lac P. CuAwroKD. A Warning. The law requires that all residents of our village shall keep their premises clean. The marshal will hereafter at tend to those who seem to ignore the law. Ji. A. Cheek, Supt. of Health "VoJice! To the Democratic Voters of Mc Dowell Count A.M. Hadev. a wt'l-kuown citizen on tm?e announcing mvseii a can- v,irnt... r.-irnn.s.ivs his wi;e has for rears I dhhite for Keirister of Deeds 1UY been troubled with ci.ronic diarrhoea ;ini family has become so badly alliict used many remedies with little relic ' until j i-d that I cannot leave home to C!lli she iried Chanibi i Iain's Colic, Cholt-raand vaSS the cotllitv therefore I with diarrhoea Remedy, which has cured Ler i dr"av fr.';ll tllO Campaiiru with mail sciuaa and well. Giv it a trial an ' vi n 1 y t nanks t o my trielids tor til wuii e surprised at tLi n.ii ;.t relief it i int lXt UV.r.ifetsted for Die. affords. 'Id and DO c;nt but'.ita MorplwEwi White, OruggUts. tor Yours truly. Win. McCurrv. ie good people uf McDowell coun ty, hereby announce myself a candi- dane tor representative m tea Tt,.. .-i.rt.l will ue;ir (be bad will tear general assembly oi Aorta aronna, to "lv-r , . . -, . rfiueM-'a .ui oumcii i i'niiij. i . ICcgistiars of Election Ordered by the court that tin fol lowing r timed citizers have been appointed registrars :f the election for the different precincts of Mc Dowell C. t)wit: Marion, R. L. i Nichols; Turkey Cove, J. D. Con- ley; North Cove, W. A. McCall ; Finley's J. Frank Wilson ; Dysarts vill, J.W.Tayh-r; Brackets, L. A. Haney; Montfords Cove, Win. Wil son: Crooked Creek, T. Y. Lytic; Broad Iivr,J. W. Lun-.ast a ; Old Fort, V. M. Goodson; Higgiii:.:, J.G.Price. J. C. Brown, Clerk of Board of Co. Corns. lave patience folks and don't be seared At the l'iediiiont can le repaired. K. W. Williams. Wantich; A few boarders, good board and a plenty of it, good beds md good rooms for man and horse, on Spring street. Mits. N. G. Kieit. Wanted a partnei who can fur- nish from $300 to $500 capital. In vestment safe and big profit;, for J poorer, particulars address the Marion Kkcot'J. j An elegant, line of dry goods, notions and a full line of celebra ted Red Star Dress Shirts, hats, shoes, wroceries .c, at Martin Bros. We dety competition in prices. Pickled tripe at J.P.Norton's. We as a firm have dissolved, an 1 will run separate businesses after November 1st. 19-1, and all per sons who are indebted to the pres ent firm will save cost by settling with us at once. Re-lectfully, Hemphill d: Claki:. Marvn. N. C. aug31-4t inike my campaign for ajreform in gen eral taxation and the public school system. 1 am iu favor of economy in public expenditures, and reducing the salary of state officials. 1 am also in favor of pensions for disabled soldiers, and providing- homes and physicians for tge poor who are deserving. I ask the support of good people oi all par ties, and pledge myself to be faithful to your interests if elected- I am opposed to making the rich richer and poor ThK Rkcokd and Atlanta Weekly Constitution one year for $1.50. Your obedient servant, Aug. h ls't. M. L. Deal. VT the solicitation of fri.inds throughout the county of McDow ell. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the Legislature, sub ject to the action of the Democratic convention. W. A. Con ley, July 24, 1894. I Hereby announce myself a candi date for Coroner, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic party. T. M. Dale. olice. Notice is hereby given that Lid for letting the county home will be rv eived at this office till October 2d ls:4. All bids will be under seal, ar coiiipanied with a good and suPi.-ieTit bond of $j"0. The board reserves the rielit to reject all bids. I. C. I'.L'OWX, ( lerk of Board of Co. Corns. This September Jtb ls'Jl. 3 5 COMPLETE NOVELS NEATLY ItlU'.Vii, AND A YK.iU'S btCaCKll'TIOX 4o a large 13-page illustrated monthly magazine for ONLY 30 CENTS. This is a most liberal offer as Household Topics, the niaiiaaine referred to, ie a high -class paper, replete with stories ot love, adventure, j ttivel, and short interesting aud ini-truc-lire sketches of fict and fancy; and in the list cf 35 novels re such titamres as "A Urare Coward, by Hubert Louis Stevenson ; A Blacksmith's Daughter, by Etta W. Pierce; Nineita, a most plea.-in-r srory by M. T. Catdor; A Oinien mii anu nnci n Two Si is, by the author of I'oia Tbonie; The Truth of It, by the pf imiar writer, lluiih Conway; and the Moon-bouse Tra'e Av. rather seusalionaf. by Mrs. Jane C. Au3lin; A Heroine, a delightful etoiy by Mrs. Rebecca 11. IJaris; Wall fioucrs, u the popular Marion Harland, and the great story iiuiity or Not Cuilty, by Anetud M. Dougla3. Space forbids nier.tiouiLg the other novels, but they re all die same high grade, popular, blight, loci-iuuc, spicy, interesting stories. The 35 novels ani the enrrt-nt issue of Household Topics will be sent yo i the d ly tour order is rtceived. This will supply you with a 8sod S reading tor a mere song; and will be uppreci ited by all-in the LouSihoM. Send at once 30 cebts to HOUSKHOLI Toi-ics Pis. Co., P. O. Dox 110: New York City N. Y A fair notice to everybody. I will within the next sixty. days SELL AT COST FOR CASH my entire Stock of Merchandise. Stock now Complete, Comprising everything kept in a first-class country tore. I also have one genuine Steam. Saw-mill, Six hundred acres of ridge and branch land, one-third well tim-- bered, Three good mules, two g'tod . wagons, two good log carts, A sph ndid yoke of oxen, One good dwelling house, barn and other buildings, on a 4-acro lot al N.-bo, N. C. K very body come and see me, or address me at my office, Respectfully, a. ji axxjs THE EAGLt BAR KEEPS Pure Kentucky Rye and North Carolina Com Whiskies, Winea, Brandies Fx port P.eer. Champagne. Brandy Peaches, French Brand', and iu fact, all liquors kept" in t. firet-dass Saloon. Orders solicited from adjoining counties, Address the EAGLE 11 All, LOOK HERE. I desire, all who want nhoe re paired neatly and substantially will please apply to me at tho "ark" in Marion, N. C. W. II. Wakcfbld. Record aud World $1.30 I'.v MH-e.ial arraneiie-iit wt are en abled to send you Tut: Mamox lir.cokn and the New 'York Weekly World for one year for $l.r0 in advance. OMmiIk) srrilH-rs w bo pay up of course arccn-j titled to this rate. Ecifllc 'Itctcl, J. A. Mi Donald, Proprietor. MA.':lON,X.C f r 1 4 I r;4 i v l. V- 1 " f ! ;1 'i

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