A ju. Ck. vo:l 1 i:A!S.- :A,;.KA,i -XV, ...... 4t l.M P ;. i : l. 111. I :l. .-. t Train art i vet at . ;..rtv.-s mi 4: Ji". w. -t hound train la., hi.iI leaves .rrivig at 4:33 L03AL GLEANINGS. :Urt to P.cgister. , Sii.-'.-ti.i'.m left Mon- Kfl::Haia option. j On lust Monday Ihn Rv-..,!i.:a coa:,.; I coiooiilioa waj held at ii,c court im-isc ir. Marion. A Very j;,ju J uov.1 irsj present, and the fuiluwiuj; ticket was nominated: For lin k superior court, John C. Brown. For rcgi-tfr of d-e.!, Will I.oiion. 1 or sheriff, Wu. .VcCuH. 1 or IrgUh.lurp, John l Morehetv. Far surveyor, C. O. hiudley. I''l" coroner, Hawk Jiuiiuersou. i'eace nml hiiruioiij seemed to rt:ir. eh- lr in.-, jiiiU perhaps eventhin i. villi Hie eh-cton, and then thev will Moor. C. I.ai.lim '., 1M..V. IS gOUC t ai d politics i 'in Fiii'i-v is visiting at s.,g... .it'llendersonville, ... .. Mmi.IV. Mrs- Geo. Lw, went tit- week. Ak-r M : :ls ami '.-hinquep'ms arc ,;i ,.::r -utvets. Klizi Carson spent s.-v- ::. t nvn this week. ;;. Yancey, ol Turkey i. ;w:i Monday. -h.c.v w i'ulow is wc'.l ,; wiili iim- jewelry. .: was well represent cd it '-ti fair tins wek. .Vi'iu :1V. There is in iiK-.iiciiic so nfjeu ncrfU-.l in -. fry home and so ndmirs !y ud.ip:d to (he purpose i".r which it is intended as l- U imbei Iain's IV.ir. Bahn. IHreVy n v,e. k Iiii.sv. hut s. to,' n.ciaiber of the fimily ha--Need of it. A toodiaclie or headache may be ei.red hy il. A toU'-h cl" rlii u.-uatisui or nenra'jji.i quieted. The severe pain of a hum tr scald promptly leliwcd Bud the sore healed in much less time than wlif-p medicine has lo tie sent lor. A strain in n he pionii Jly treated before ii:!l.lina,ion sot. in, which insurer h cure in Hliout one-third f the time i.therivi required. Cuts an ' bruises should receive immediate treal-in-n'. Ix'fore t!ie uatls become fwol.m. whicli can only be lon w hen 1'aiu l!lm i? ki pt t hand. A sre throat may be tun d I eture it hecomwc riou. A iio.il.lt g.mip corn nisf l.e leiuoved hv ani k lo Hie .oiiiiiiceM. Thoru an- in the cottntv a ft-w h.rgaiiizrs. The D?ni(j.:rats of -McJJow.-il county hav) much at ta!:e tlii- year,i ami so i;v? t!i lJ-!ii.rats of tb State It is tho tn;ty of nil Itniacratc to fori-t p:;.-t !i!l'i'r...n vs nl p to work for tli nomine.'?- of tiV party. In thin ounly v.o hav wl ct-! an f?xc!-- ut ticket, now k't'.- h) to it that I wu tAi.'ct it hv a laitrur r.iaioritv t!i:m " i tlx; coui.tv ov.-r.-jrav... In-for.'.' Wf have h.'ard lli. awful c!iarir !:iaii! that -omt" of ot:r county offi cials h;ivt lnhl ofliw long i!iou-j;h, iml tliat tlir-y onght to hi'V.iv.ov.'tl, not for thi.ir int:acity. not U lausy th.-y do not g in-ra! sat. ist'nction. but Ik'Oauj th:y !iavi b.'i'n in ofJk'e long t-nfuigli to know ;xnctly how to transact the husincsj iiiui ought now to turn over tho affair;- of lh.: county to other?? on thirf ac.'.'ount. This in.lcl a ilinisy ph'ii, and is ijlaad .- far as wu know only hy tin "iml pend ant'' who want in themselves. Mr. Price has served sometime as Clerk, and he isthjonly county oiiioial wljo has heon in ollhre as 1 - - 3 ZZ irrZi it U. -.tJi ' TH.UBSDA.Y, OCTOESH LISTEX TO WEAVER I REPU3U0A? RASCALITY THE CAUSE OF HARD TIKES. (htihn, i, in town M Ot 1 . 1'daiiioii, of A.-l:e- i . r I ;;!, j. ;?' .-iM-mimg : hw -i;iy . ;,r !; i-cu (Jardiu wa. visit- M,- i attie (lllk-V tills week. T!i I!tit!ierford county fair ( i.-t. 't:i and euiiliniu s three ::ay-. M;,. Kdna Mcl'urry is visit i', ;. ihU and r-Utive" U Asfie. , who lsi. d.tV:- a.- i Ill-en , i;n- 'dTv: , JJ" Tn7 y l''V"" MMgas four wars, liut all-the fvo- lay tor a week or t wo. A lamo uack max j . ,.- - v v . e cured and several d;.v of valuable liu.e P' WiUlt 1 ri' fu' "clffk ot the ive i or a palu in the si 1 or che.n rtli.-v j court. 1 hey all have eoiuKlenee in od without paying a doctor bin. Proem.-1 his integrity and a'oilitv, and when aao cent bottle. a once and you will nev.r I thl, ,'a:1jvri1v w,,t him IV- reprei it. For file lv Mori.hcw tt at-eel- ' t , i J man, diujfgisti. jinectttl liow can tlie minority gfit a. -m- j him out? This ipie.stion puzzles the Carrie Cheek kit la-k week to! minority niore t'ua i it docs the attend clmol at l.ynehhurg. Vn. j.Dumerati' pa:ly. ' ! .Tiw C hriiwn Jew iniili one 1 lie AUsses JMiglisli ami Airs. C. F. Ciinin, of Spruce Pine, are autographed at the Kagle Hotel. Mrs.J. A. McDonald, John and Mary and .Miss .iVde Carter, leave tomorrow for P.ur'isvilk' to spend a few !ays. No i-oinioiiiiii-at inns iiutilis!itti if the writer's iiymt- is net known ti tiu e.li !ir. Write on one hU nf I lie iier imlv, r wu will tlir.iw botli sidi.-.s into the' waste Iia-ket. Mr. Lewis. Mister of Mrs. II. II. Heuuetl, who has heell spending mini!' months here, returned to her home in t:tteville't!ti week. ll. ie:m. w: liver. 1: 11 in i:ive i:rmi .mi. t Ne i It -.. h--re -'P.! C!:ri-tian lift in tl.-- l'i'- -..lav l::-,'i:t. -V'.-Ut !!" il" -.i ;i!i-!h' r II . i !M;o tie-i-'n! oiVer ! iu -'.v .!.:. V. r l-.n.lea .vl.'.-iiii tf the mot tiecomotliitiii"; and at tentive registers we have ev -i had. lie is thoroughly competent t till the position, and is popular with all parties irre.Kpectivc of polities, ami as long as tlie people will vote for him, ami demand that he hold the office another term, we can't sec how tho kickers and indepeml ants are going to put him out. He w a Democrat, but in his ollieial capaci y he knows no politics, but treats a' 11 alike. . When voutalkof Sherilf (Jardin, but w : beliuve it is agr-d that In is a fixture for another tern'. No inoeneiidanl i- sillv eunuch to ....!,. , . !.;-. I,,. ,. tui'-st on his i iiiiii 10 oe r-iiei in. j i vliv.,.'ii. " i i i..,-ir;:i Mini V,'i I is ne of t iie most ticconimodatmi. lilarnes. this wJ-k after a dav s I !-!''!d lemen in the county, and Ins ! hunt on Woods" Knob, killed a fine I relations with tlie people have U-en 1 l-u-.r.i .'( - s o :-.leas;-.nt uiui nooouv .aiu.-s j ' ' " new sherilf. j A eiiihlreus party was yiven Mr. J. i. litirgm a Democratic i lv .-Irs. r.. A. I nomas, at m r n.-si- unn mee tor Survevor. is loo wen 1 vi o;, harden street last Tu- ; ;;,l lavoraoly known to the people aiivi Vi'm, j da v" evening on recount of lit! le i t.t r,e.. v.w introduction, lie is a wen." lit I KnunetV fourth l.iilhday. ;;o.d and competent man. I ' . i : ii i; nr v- Tuin Dale will be eiee- -Sen,t.r .larv.s ,.- a i.-n ,-, ului if h.; lsll't lu. v;ill be- :,-moc,-:a.c ,peecn 1.. -re on , ,t 5, 4;ur opinion llnii-stmv.Hewasto.li.wecl bv Hon.. . , ..,.,;,.,. Lt I ( . Kwart, e-eab lean. Hon J.i1 . . , . .. .... , .- it i '1 Ins "tniml m will mai-cea j Adann: to owei i-wart !ii a ifoocl . Democratic speech. U is isiling n Stalesv ille vej-tenmy iatioii i:i l"i yeot-rday -.he toe t" ..C1- chureii amili. and jiav d tverage county crouei. Uitt the lust we .mention, but Attention ;s called to tin fact I fnt in importance is our nominee thai Messrs. Justicv and Oardi.tr and j .j. the l.rilalure, Lee P. Craw- tli- oetiosii.sr i-a.-clioiiic-s i.u- . ut- .--ii:iic- .1-d. mo , ii.Mi-nevveM Comuyat the follow- Tl:i ; u year in whi.-h we have to MiiT times and idat-c- : .Marioa. W. d-. v two L. S. Scmilors, one from 1 i.... ... li'i . ivoiruvi ... ., . . ... i .... i' 1. . .. i v- .1. v. ..... I .-j- . -. i in.; r.asi aim one i-in in..- i.-.-c. tw.n. -j hi.rsdav ctoiicr iim; tu;i, ij.- Ilr'.iMUU I day (( her 1-Jtli. Io;tnIi.slN, I on ISelseve! in Oen, Weaver Two l ean Afro, Do You Kelieve in HJm Sow! Many honest, but minled Popu lists in North Carolina, have been lured into the camps nml traps of their enemies, and the rnetnies of our entire country, thj Republican rtiHy. Your trusted leader of two years Hgo. (Jen J. II. Weaver, has the l)iains to see the trick jlu Re publicans, and the manhood to 'ex press his opinion, which is a correct one. He savs: '"The Republicnn nnrlv is like the tliief who swore his crime on nu innocent third oartv, and then claimed the reward offer ed for the aipi.relieii;-ion of the criminal. The Republican nartv isdireetlv responsible for every law on the statute books when the hard times came. Any man who statks that Tin: IiK.MOi it.Tie I'AttTV IS KKSFOlBLE Koli THE I'ANiC IS EITllKIl A KXAVK Olt A KOOb. OK BOTH. For a generation this great Re publican party, which claims all the virtues, and attributes to its opponents ail the vices, has virtu ally had control of the government ; that with all its lioasted wisdom and virtues it was unable in this time to place the government on a firm, substantial footing. The idea is absurd that the :ireat majoritv of people should elect a President and a Congress, after mature del itera tion, a d immediately thereafter iiecome stamped over what tiny had done and throw . themselves INTO A FINANCIAL PANIC TlIK TRI E CAl'SE, THE ONLY CAUSK OF THE ilAIID TIMES, IS VICIOUS RePI'BIJCAN LEGISLATION. Immediately after tlie war the money power took charge of the people and their business, public and private. This party has sup planted black slavery in coUon iields of the S-.uth by w hite slavery in the collon and corn fields a .d worksdiou-i of the entire country. It is wicked Rep ;biiw.ni legislation on the money question, on the land ipi.'siion. and on the tarill question, and tne iailio:ui question thai, hrwiighl the hard times. The charge bv liepulilicans tout the cause is elsewhere is an insult to 'h" intel ligence of the Ar.iej-j..an people. The Republican party cannot es capf.' tins great responsibility verv inu'.'rv moutn to iav con lem'.i ti.is partv; evet v Jmnioless ::n is or should be its enemy ; tnr- li 'oplo, dod people, against whom I his party has wickedly legislated. uid Iroiu v.iiom it lias taken then imilienal.de and (iod-given rights pronoe now to have an jtecount- W'ii 0 2 n ' - f. O z lj XT r H - 2 " bd J c m 8r i? q s a H lr" O BS3B3HBI rD fW8B! C2 rrs sa r- BUSINESS PARAGRAPHS. R. L. NICHOLS This is a day of hot c m.-tition, and we new an:ic:;nee that no firm shall b-at us in furnis'-intr guod.-- at 1 nm Ldn MULO We have just received a large stock of Clothing, H its, Dress Cood, ?hces, ;vc. t ) stiit every one, and ell them ith the TAEIS'P OFF, A large antl general Iim; of McrohainHse. Gioeeries See. CALL . f Xf) SEE US, cj. O- InTICHIOJLS &c JBO- ANNOUNCEMENTS. lieiu of Interest in ''liee l(at'l Tinier. Love chains at Swindell's. w. neat and nobbv Hare is the place to buy your part. We have them at greatly reduced prices McCall iV Con ley. Tlioru is no time like the juvsent, for tomorrow may ho too late. Insure vuur lives at once. See '-ail' of W. V. Woixl In aiiolln r coliinni. We are receiving our new fall stock of dry goods and no'i '-ns. bought, at lowest prices, and will bs sold on same oasis. We invite comparison of goods and prices ith nnvbo.ly.aCome and se e. McCall cV Con lev. Mr. Cr el ectt.'t -in -n uuicii 1 1 v.-ek. oljS Were but thev Tli. seliooi the me ; math ford must and will he He is an honest, self- man. He is a most success- as e ear :y i a number of horse pass 1 l:,i. 'r;'.i town Mondav i.ii fotile . i'.i tor t.L Moniut'on. .1. !i,.i Crais:. who was cut by r.'ak Pobbins while cmieavofiiig si l.im hi-t week. iiuprov- ii.s. Lmina and Aim:-' ; u , f old Fort, l.-ft ye-tev-:i .!': til-- State Normal School at t ... pe .'orkinj in tk first month just been concluded, ful fanner, ami know f 'Cl. . ...! ,.......!!. -...of cv ;i-: -;nme- inst c liat olir IK-olile lieetl as ail thing ov r seveiitv, the average at-t man. He is ;t popular man. a Dem te; dance-ueaily sixty. It is hoped j ,, rat and lei us all work to give that I he average may ' kept, up to j him a large majority, the close of the term, about 1 he last i jr7 1 1 1.1-m. "... ; , ..I , 4 . ..; o i.;n mol'thlv re ci ts will e I. mier ine eiuoc i.e.... c ...c ..-. ' i h.. tarmeis ot America win save i t..ti millions f dollar.- in-r vear in The public is hereby not i Si--ii ( C(,st ,,f agricultural imph - th.at thisnewspapi-rc-aniiot pul'.is.i , A targe per cent, of the obituaries, cards. d' thanks, ivso'.u-, i, ,,n,iist- are j-turdv tanners, who lions of resix ct. etc.. nines- pain . i,,,.,.,.).- desin relief from the biir- for. T is is a rule of tlie N. C ti(,I)S j,,ipo?.ed upon them by the im press Association tiuu n-J y''--"1 I scrutMilous polu can violate, without. e-ri!e iug ' ;Utv I m-inciide and hor.or. Wlcn ti ! j ... usVe:i-on togetii"V before you piace j-,.;,.u,i hands us .His to trie hubti-. The CIvde lines having abandon- d the light 'if cutting rates th Southern Railway have restore their fjcight rates of all classes to ie usual rates charged prior to lllie Mil 'VM. G. K. Li e, Agt. W IK tic deiaved a few .f the "le publi matter, th I' ml. , I '. ill- ick iu v. Mr Liighind. of Neh.. in the Methodic eluirdl ; pla.v hist Sunday, morning -,v, r -.:-ssrs. Pdant.n A Demjisey !i; sold tic- City P.ar out to Mr. dil. .runnierson, who taken uniir. . Tuesday. Tli.- noted timber ft.mily h-ft ! -! iv t'..r Moigaiitou, whiv they ! h'sni'ii mu-icaleiit rtaininent, '-ii ! i'-l.u :i toiin.rrov,-. -- Ii. M. V. II .rah w 5lud J. F. I hd t. the b. .u;.!.. I1,..;.- tv.ntlu-r. in i-i.!i must aecomtianv th we positiely cautiot pub ili it. -Maiiv ! lhe i::;.; r.s o! I'.ahi-rviile, ti.dU a:i.i nr'u.v- r wili:..rl a hoi lie ct' Caiub.l l.iit.' ( oi.;;lj Uoil-ly !n t " house,' Kay. .1 .....1. i; (i. ..e !e.ii..i iin-1'.-.'iinl ot liie pu.ee. Thii I'.- ii.euy ha proven of o. ini.cli ' vatue t.u i ;.:ds and c-rou,. m ehi .' '-i !'i:C. tvw ii.oih.-is h. know its orih a.e il Ui.tf to he uithoiu e. I '-r .-a:e c. i pi.ew Ot .-Sin.etn.ai., di ic-sd-l . 1 1 o e r t'.i.-ir sick iviother. . r.-; mn. d Sunday. We hav-' received secr:ii o.ilt-j ' - w'ni.-h will Le imnos-sibh- for ' ' !idi until nl't'cr tlie eh;C : . Hi.iiiir to ,.ur limi','ld amount i' o ty m... her r.h....l I k.u lh-t e.oip .': ; .,, ,,..,1, ,1 'ril- l' .1 SS:.i"ll l OM- 1 ' I... .i ,fie.- i l.-U.w.-l t.v a " I t n.ti.h e..r..'h. l! l.a i.U r!iii-.- -' l: -lll.-.iv ii.i.fU il e-'I.V i'.'U H " ' i.i .l t e. i, me hou-e eve-i aU l' the -' ' .i-vt...pe-l il ci'l picveul lh 2a and ,-ents booh !' tut .de by :' A. .-:il...:,v...r. d.itL-Wti. sacrifice vourselves and vur lnt'-r ..ts tot-an indetinite time to tin, -freat fusion monstrosity that i irving to beguile you hy offering von a Radical ticket sugar-ev.al. with just enough Pop.ulb-.tii to al- imvs . in tin nunoiuv. rigi.i voi'ir hat ties on princiiiie. or conn ii.-.et like the nrodiirai son to tin Democratic partv whose interest I ;.re identical with yours, and win TTTTn 7' " .1 UoeoglUZ.-s l.utotiewtcUeilnml Uhi- A. J..lH.ev .-on ou ..M-mv. and that s tlie J: -ii.sa," the U-st oeent Xt M publican puftv. Read what (ie, I',w- UVe.versavs about tlw conditio . .. i-... . i. ..,..! n.i.i L.f t l.c c.iimt rv mid its causes. Uur , cnec line i ii-.v..,. ...... , - - v-..,.i chains, frer.ii from I he fac- 1 Populist lrieiids ought to hi .. ....b.ii . Iil.-ii the Republicans have no it" iur,c iini- , - ..... . .,,,.1 iv. i t inn. ..n v tor tlnir votes, ami .lu-t r-eived a fresli line ''! wc do not hesitnte to say that n cakes and crackers at A l. tulkey J u...u wj() js Sl populist from pure A oi":S. !.,nd honest molivcis, cull Vote ti Republican ti--kct. If you ar- hm le.-t iu vour o.'hei,sliow-your coi ( S.Ik.oI A oVat kiln. 1'lie law requires that all resident is of our village shall keep tlieir prenuse lean. The marshal will hereafter at end to 1 hose who seem to ijjnoro I lie ivv. 11. A. t ni KK, Sunt, of Health. OUl 4'2oihei ?lale cvv. And at reasonable prices. I color lothing both gentlemen and ladie: nod., and I guarantee satisfaeti ml 1 nUo bind, repair and clean the niot delicate fabric. Give me trial and be convinced. S. V. WKKKS. Marion. N. C Marlin Pros sell womens shoes 7o cents that others ask .f 1.2-r for. I. -. Nichols A Pro. are cci'tum- lv selling clothing, hals any! sho.?s leap. Something new. Tapioca, just re- civod at J. P. Norloirsa lineprepa- ation for i:ud;ing j"lly. Seethe nice buggies and carts for salebv W. P. Jones. Martin Pros sell the farmers shoes for $1.(10 that others sell for The biggest, lirettiesL und best line of ocent calicos ever in iwn t Pdantun's. Finest sl'.ek of Razors snd tiock t cutlery at Jones' Hardware. ; Of all the goods, Dr. .Tom , has the finest. (o there lor hardware. TTTe :re recpiested to auiii-iiiic'. ti. W. tJihsoti as an iiiih-iieiicl-.-nt can didate for the Legislature. THE voters of Mi-Dowel I County, I having been urged ly iny friends, some of the prominent an liiioji inliui utial . men of oai count;.- locffer myself before the fiihtic for the oflice i'f lleyi.Ufr of Ieul3 an 1 as tl.er-.- is no political ia.'iie in suid !' j lice I ith due respect loali panic hereby , iti li'.ti neb myself nil independent cai i'.Jle j for the otl.ee ol liej;i:!ler i" theds lsili in ike my can-piigt wiilt l ie oilier candi- . dales and if elected 1 will serve you line a m.iu ar.d favor you nil I en to all who may make inquiries eoncer..ii:jj :aj w oi ihiness . and competency are c hceiful'y rel'tired to County Superintendent of i'ab'ic luslri.c- . lion ex-county Superinteudtiil of Public In j slruclion s-.lro to lb"! Public i?ei ol t.'oai-mitteiiiu-ii for wh're race clisOie. r.iiii:!ei IU wlieia 1 tiii.pht lv-o tesrious. (. iii -ns J c!-me out and vot for in.; and liav? jour j Dwells nl .Morigiijfeb r- yisieicd al a lower j er cent shall ever before, Vimn; men vol. j for me and hateyotii' l.icet.te l.-u- ll el ! lie Poor Health : means so much more than ' , you imagine serious and ' , fatal diseases result from ' , trifling ailments neglected. ' , Don't olav with Nature s V crrpatMt orift health. Ilesp. i-U'ully. . le:.ife'. rowns Iron itters If yon arc (eelinr cut of win. weak J and cenerally A hausled, tiervon, J have no appetite pie sirenKincmns s. medicine. which ia S Brown a Iron Bit- tera. A few bot- M cornea from the very first doae ti tuau't stain four unit, ana n I pleanaut lo take. IT,"' ir b.-en solicited by many l tod t.eotdec f McDowell coun ty, hereby announce c.iy-elf a caitdi dio.e f;.- re5)ie.-nt:itie" ia the next i,. i;eral assembly el North Caro'iimi. to represent McDowell county. 1 "will i.i:.'.".i' nt v cammtiirti f.r a refi rut in ireii- I eral taxalion and theptitilic s-choc! Isysicin. t am in favor of economy in i lu'biie exneiiditisr.-s, ami redncing ttiw ! salary ei' slate otlicials. lam Hso in ' favor of .'isiuiis for disabh-d .-olilii rs. I and jirovidittg lc-mies and tihysi.-ians for tge noor who are tieserviujir. i ash the support 'if '-od people ol all par ties, and pledge myself to 1- raitli'.ulto your interests if eh-c tel i a-.o opposed to making the rich richer and poor poorer. Your o'.M-iii.-nl sci Viir.t, Aug. (ith 1M1 M. L. I si-:.!- It Cures (Nothing. Hats, Shoes, Sifters Piiukets. P.askels and picture.- ap at Meftd's Yarieiy Store. "Whv in the world didn't you buv those shoes from McCall c Conlev, and save money? iluy keep the I est shot," al the lowest prices. Also ftiil stock dry gooos and notions has arrived. F.ring us vour protluce am! get good prices. McCall A- Coi.l. -v. 35 COMPLETE NOVEL? ni:ati.y AND A YK.iuo liot'M', ft toChli'TlUN just in Nowinler. .t !-', Til'- ciMU.ir.-liieu ol tin- v: disllieii ' lb'- eo.it.iv are r..ii:eied u t t I ave ay of the publ..- s.-hool money taii-;e i !M-uliiUSJ, ..! f..: next year until Die J"i? is o por- i M(.so-s Jtice and tlardtior. Demo. i.,u ia J in.orv next. 1 i-r:tiic catictidates. and Messrs. Ii:l: and j. r. Moks-iikw, i'mnv.'y, V.ap. ilUt' kv r ttciou candidaies, for the Mate .Senate. Will aeldres the l.eotde iti joint $t..0 ! clisctissbiti at the follow ins? limes and are er- 1 p'.K''es :il -il to send Von 1K M U:lN UkcoUI Hakei svilV, N"t Ot l. .....lil. .evV..t-V AW.-l.lv World for KIW I'ark. " Oct Sill- ...... v.. ..- t.,e , ri i:. o'vi.i.... ol 1 sol-i Marion. McDow-l' ' ct l"th. ICeeord and Worhl I'.y special arrangement s-rilM-rs w ho pay up o coin-: J t i i ':Iil to rt'te Dv-arts iliel 'id.! I u'- .tct i . r 1 1 1 ii. li'tii 7sOlii-e. Aoiith .vkoi.ixa. ' in tne Miinerior, Yancky ( dim v. ) (oiirt Fall leriu James Uolanil, el. ux Sarah liolatiil, C W. Kilwards, et. ux , I. net tula Kilwards et. al. V:V ( rains I'.ailey. Loilusky Bai ley. Cora llailey, iroer Bailey. M it t io Bailey, Tansy Bailey, et. a I. Tli? -leleit'laiils above named will take notice In' I an action entitled above liar bei n roiniiieiiceJ in the Superior Court of Vaaircv county to set :uide and dee-lare V!:d a cc-rtuii. deed to a cert." in tract of land t'' which the defeudanis have become heirs and which deed was improperly and j illegally made ; and lli Said delrudauls J will fin ther t.ifee iiotiee that hey are re-t .piired lo appear a f the lost term of the j ."S'tpi rior court oi i an.-y ii.uin, hi lie d on the Sih Mo;: clay after t tie 1st Mon dav in September !wf'4, at li.e '..!! rth on -e of sai-1 cou.ity in leiraville, N. t'., and ad. cr or demur to the complaint in aid no lion, or the (daintitf ill apply to the court for the relirl demand in fail coiiipbiiut. Tins lstli day of .eptci.ber IBM. v. ii. i;axks,c. s c. II u. Iritis 4 Watson, Justice J: Mo-'die'.-'., Atloii.e.V foi jde:.'lin'. J. G. Nichols ev- Pro. have received a large and varied of clothing. (io to Medd's Variety Store for all sizes of Fruit Jars. They re the best and cheapest. Martin liros. have Cue largest assortment of fine mIkm s in tow n at low prices. Boots or Shoes we all must wear, The good will wear, tin had will tear, llav patience folk and don't Ik-scared At the rieclmont can ! repaired. Ii. XV. Williams. Pickled tripe at .J.P.Norton's. Tut: liM'onn anil Atlanta Weekly Constitution "" y,-ar fr$1.4. (io to A. P. (iilk-y e.' Son's f fresh French candies. New home made niohissu of the best rade at A. 1. (ii'key tV Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, ' Troubles, -A i r..,it..iy.. r... A nfwv -. VUUdi.MiWll, IWM iHWU i Malaria. Nervous lOneau Women's complaints. Cet only the cenoine "(t haa eroaaed red ' lines on the wrapper. All others are sub- stilutes. Un recejtit Of two sc. stamps we I ul nf Th H..at lyl WwU't Fair View and book tree. W BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE, MO. Mfah,Hal m Waarfaal o a lare 10-pa?3 illu-tr ncd incuih'.j iiias,'...h.e for oSbY -o tl.M'. 'i'let- is n uioit liberal offer us household Topics, the ma.:i:..lie refcired tu, i: a !ii!i-c!..ss paper, repl.-te with stories ot love-, adveitlure, tmvel, an 1 sh'jrt interesttng and iiii-lriic-i i v e sketches of fie t und f'.inc ; and in lhe il-t i f 3a novels ; re such treasures as "A L'r.ire t.O A iird. by ltobe-.-t I.ouis Stevenson ; A nt.icUsmilh's Dauiihler, by Liu XX. i'ierce- Nine' tu. n most ph-nsiiijl story b. 1. T. l.ii.do-: A l.n.led sin ni't i.etween Two Si is, hv the author ol !ooi 1 hor.r ; The Truth ' f It. by the pi.pui'.r writer, Hu,!h Conway : alnl :hu .Voo.-cl.oufe 1 rac- dv, rather seiuattonal. hy M. ?. Jane I . AiiS-in; A Heroin.-, a .1. n!itt l sioiy iy Mrs. Uei.ccea II. Ho.--; Wall riowers, ii) the iionularMiirii.il ll n I.u u, iid tlie pleat lory Cuiily ir Not lluiey, l.y AniaioU 11. Douglas.". fniu- loi oi-l-s no nlioauijf me Other novels mil ihey are ail til tame high jsrade, p.. pular, blight, rum utic, -pi. y. interestitig storie?. The 35 u.e!3 and 'he ciirrctit issue of Hocji hold Topics will be sci.t you the day your order is rccei-ed Tl-.i wll eupplr you iih a S ou' reading for a mere son?; and will be :.p;.rcci ued hy ail iu the hous.lcjld. Seud al once 3D t ents o Hoi.-sniioi.l Torici I'll-.. o., 1'. U. Bos II.VJ New Voik tJlty .N. V J. A. McDonaui, Proprietor. MABION, N. C. H.ii TtIK 111 H.IMi III THE MTIO.NS botanic Blood Balm I All Skin and Blood Diseases' It Durifies. builds up and enriches k th l.Ion.l. and never fails 1 Quto cure the most inveterate; tr ii t i--r- a m i t-wiM ii til oLJ.O nnu Jftlll t-rtr Z EASES, if directions are fol- lowed. Thousands of grate- j ful neonle sound its nraises ; and attest its virtues. jj C.V.'R1TU for Book of Won- S derf ul Cures, sent free on ap-1 plication. If not kept by vour hKal druggist, Ssend fi.oo for law bottle, or SS-oo3 5 for six bottles, and medicine will be m sent, freight paiJ, by . M tlLOOi R tLn ., Atlanta, C. 9 I very Son. tiltlk' Ill-Mil-" I desire, all w ho w ant hh.a-s rc-I : srnispi l wii'ia li.aired iieativ ami siiostnntiallv 1 - . w ill pleas-; apply to meat i.n. -ai K in Marion, N. C. W II. Waketh Id. An elegant line of drv good notions and a full line of ck-hri! ted lied Star Dnss Shirt-, hats, shoes, wr.weries tve., at Martin Pros. We defy eomjw-tition in prices. Wanted a partner who can fur nish from $30 1 to rapitnl. In vestment safe and lug profit, for particulars address the Kkcowp. I -.voubi rather trut that me.licir.e than a:.y doefor ktt.-w ul say Mrs. H-.ftie M.eon. of Chilton. Carter .-ourty. Mo., io ipvakiii" of CbambL-rlain'i (olic, Chulfra and Diarrhoea liemedv. For ale by Mor S Sirettatati, d. 1;::?.'.' 1 M aAlatMa. C. om it. Hraln. for dls- 1. 1 ner vm. y.ta. ju 'lt .Hnal e"fd,foc 4 1. . r.'-ori.; ior-Anis, 4 THE EAGLL BAR KEEPS Pure Kontnckv Ilvo and North Carolina Cni Wiiiski.-s, V.'ines, 1 lirandies K:iort Ier. Chi-.mpagne. Hraudy Peach' s. French P.r.mdy, . Marion '. and in fuci, all lupiors kepi m a ; tirst-class Sa!.n. 1 Orders solicitl from adjoining txmntie, ! Address the EAGLE BA 11. n a it i ox. HI A I Prepared areordin tn tlie tarssnla ot X DIJ.AV3I. A. HAMJIOJiD, v In bia laboratory al naMlaflM..!. CKUmBISK. from fur. -( i- rvo and n 4t MF.IlLLICol-i 4 &rKV l Ute cuit). T IhDI1R. trom li. l.ta t. Inr dlaeaars , T ct Oi h.nr. , TMTHE. from tn t-fcij. for dlawi of the lm. (atfoj fcj- ol t..e oriraa. alt- e oT BIF.froo. ?Uevet-.fof dUs . 4m of the nerr. J H V-1M ILIVL thyroftia. ir. Ni, fire rBa. ! tri'tai-. !.. I The phTioi rirt iler iiroiiaem l.y a ot the puliwwun iwiiino. "- x ,hi..i. in heed. tii:!ij,a;i"0 f eiartia. loci.l urlirv ikw.'. iurmnu. oeriBtaltlc tu.- f the i. :i-.i;bs, Inrreaae 4 In macular trnth i f'i'.rn. In crol f e;!-.o I . elrfarty s.iple. aa1 mereat r-"i i r.1 rti;etiv power. ;wtih tha Hn.m.ni As.tr?. I.'rt l,rr will i lorti.- u. loceth.r .'li nil alua ' llteralr..i.n tar sutileci. 5i. reeelptof pM, l a v.. t--nmt ft i ncmriL ro. j ( lTak)lncnia. ! C J