VOL3- v!:Ri( At AND DKI'AIITUUJ! OK Tit A INS. a 1 DO :. ; . 1 - " ' ; 1 POLL-HOLCEhS for modowell MABI " O. THTJBSDAT, OCTOE S,rTiiKU. IiA.!.noA-V. st bound train Tin 7'Ieii V.'litt ;,, . fo v51 i at Marion .t 1.4'J, J tu., and leaves K.nt bound train arrives ut 4: t,l!-,vrs :.t 4:::3 I-- C ('. A C. Kailiioad Train arrives al leaves at 4:4 " p. m. 1M I' LOCAL GLEANINGS. !C Z. I.innoy passed through town j'iif!ity FroM Iia.-s laid by all the late r..:i-ii.' ''ars- ( laud -niber returned yesterday from Ml ?ttOV'litb- iiiiit tuv i::tiuts 'a,t mid 4'oti:i:cd iUli the see arc Prwj.eiSy The k;.,1 sm.l sruhlen death of altf r :. Gentry, who was killed ly :m ea.stho'.iml i"r iht train at lU:i-J D. !!!.. S'c!)!pm! i.p ICO. I The following ompri.,,, a cor- ' " irt'f Ia,iP-' r . voting precinct in McDowell county ; 10 appointed Sen. l .. i" ! All who knew him V.w..l iwl His ..'.utifi:!. ! South Carolina Ln.-e 71 IUV. fur, tor no hioliens at tlio Imrke Korliue soaps, stationery ele.,jo t M.i ili'v v. While pr, f. W. J.ird left todaj ft r lliiiimre, to have his eyes treated Mis- Iiini Anthony, ofV.urKe, PjH iit a few d.iy.i in loan this week. There will 1h speaking at the roiirt house to-morrow hy J. F. S ir. i i -l0ur. Speiuer K. Jllat kburn. iteputy Oollet!tor,.J, (J. Xeal, has ,ud his ollb-e to 1 he ho ise form et ly 4H'-iipieJ by the Western Free J.aneo. l, s-rr. J. 'ir.uit ami Josophus j:i;inln, accompanied by a lew Irii-ntls from Asheviilc, left Tuesday f(.ru hear hunt in Black Mountain. Mr. Mauley McDowell, of Burke i -1.11111 v. presented Mr. K. A. Thomas with the pair of line game that took lir.-t prize .mint) fair Xr. J. ! KnvJishof Knoxville, Twin., who has spent the past Milliliter in V:iri'ii has moved to the country to iwkI the winter imd look after hi? many interest s t here. Champion .lini Cm-bet t is afraid t f tib Kitzsiniiiious, and 1'ob is itching fnr a Iiiiit. Just send him down to Marion- We can find a man that vvill kntxk him out in two rounds if he has to talk him t" death. Mrssrs. :. r.uves, Ji- A. Xcw laml, J. F. Mi'rpliew, .(;iiuer Finley J. II. Atkin attended i-'edensl Court ;;t Mati'.-ville this week. A lare uuiiibi-r f witnese? from this ami the iidjoin j lit j t-Klli.tics j'ivo attended. The alarm of lir was given late Sinulay evening tit tin. Ark in ivar of court house, and in a few minutest tin-ytird was full of inen, Mt.iin-n and cliildren, to witness only the 1,111-niiiL' out of a ehimney. l.'wlurcil rales to the Stale Airri fti'liiiral l':.irat Kaleih can be ha-! t.MTthe Southern K. K from Marion to i::ilei,li and return I'ors. Tickets on -ale ti !. -Jit !ito2.ritli inclusive :.lid fur train to arrive at Kaleijili forenoon i ft III' -JGlll. tir i lee:retl t own.-inai:, Jolin t . Stri'i'liiian ha bought an interest in a ilrii' -tore at Hender.-.nv ille, ami will J .Mie there lii-; latuily left for that jmee a few days since, he leaves behind tii in many triends who rotrret his de parl uro. The Ilceoun V. ishes him .s;;c its in his in v tlel'i. l.tt every man come out to the pulls elect ion day ami vote for Wr.i. T. Crawford for Congress. Mr. ( raw ford la- proven hiics.-if the friend totiie lior man: the representative of the hi ire people, hisie'ordis abt-ve re in.:.cl'. While I'earsiai it is well known is a friend only to protection ami the treat money interests of the c out ry . 'Hie Hk( (ii;i received a visit from Mr. I t v Craw lord, our nest represent a uye Wednesday, he desires to correct in our columns (he repot t circulated fcy his c leinics that he favors what is k oiwi ;is he stock law,"' lie is opposed tiany li'ijislai o i entiia suiij-c". II v. jtliai the law should stand just as it Hand the matter be left to the vote of the people. hrnton's Snulf at J. T. Xortoii's. NEED A WATCH? ippomted Sept. 2olh ),v the! AU v': hii:i, lovod r.nd lionnl ,f r',.,,,,. - : . . i reiiected Jinn Thesr iD(!. tutri.f ..,i. :i i. .i . " , ... ii.i v.iiii lit' I r K. n...... a. . trars already announct.'d are to he I h-xes to" his i the guardians of the free and un tranieled ballots of the peoph and will see- to it that every man high or low, rich or poor, colored or whilo, who is entitled to vote shall vote his sentiments without fear or intimidation and i avo his vote counted i3 cast, They comprise Democrats .an J Republicans and their appointment refutes the mean, miserable, imputation that our electiomi laws aro unfair and unjust and that they are used for partizan pur.oses which is being proclaimed by the enemies of gov- i eminent and wisu anl whoicsonie statistics. Read the list and see if these are not facts. M.MtlON, J. M. Clay, J- A. McD.m.iM, d.-nt J. '. Nohleit and U'ni. S wet ncy, re;.. Tb'tlKKV CUVK: Sa n (J..o l, T 1'. (Jui'in, d. i'i. II. V. Ilollilield and T. II. J i 1 1 e s 1 1 1 e i ep. NOtiTII COVK: J. L. Wilson, Will K. Hrjwn, dem. Uobt. Met all aad O. N.f.eiion, rep. FIN LEV: J. W. l!;u'cv, Ilnvel l 'o!.:-on, dem. W. Jimtntrop. am! A. II. Shmiiotis, rep. Jas. Ks-oviss ."'ItJi'drror "agl:i. On the niifniiii.ir of th-. 27tJi of Sep tember, Jus Jii-own, superintendent of the I.onir h.land Cotton .Vills, Cataw b i county, was found murdered in hi, stoe. Y-i?ter,i;.y the perpetrators cf t!ie foul deed were arretted and are now in Newton jail. Detective Vv". II. L'eayur, t hief; of tlnj I'inioti Dettctive Airency, of AsheviJie, who in a remark- . ' ably short t in- ' worked up the case and , oe a i't . . ' - . , made the arrests. ere liu m-j ,, , . , in. kihi vi asciiMMoveii n v Mr. 1 eo I lVSAUr.sVIiJ.K T J. S ttcrwhite,W. S Wa.ker, dem. Jolin lloirin and 11. It. c:?j3, rep. i:ltACK::TTS: W. C. ilaburr, J. L. LxitiTM r'nl;;e, 'Lin. Wesley Cornier sv.ul J. J i; prollaO, l."U. MONTrO'.lD: M. II. Bird, Jiim-a I5ri-lit, di'i'.t. Lee Morn's uint I". L-('liettci , iep. CROOK!;!) ;i:i-.!-.':: C. C. Pr.ollry, il. M. lUirjin, utui. M. i'. I'.vis and I". A. Ihir. gin, rep. UitOA!) PIVKe : J. M. Mnti' r 1, Jo!iiis:;it Lcdbc ter, dun. J. 1J Cilli .ni and A .!. N.-ibiU, r p. OUJ l 'JUT: ti. V. l;-:..u;-y, T. V. H.-nr nhtil.iUm, J. II. li'.nlofk and J. fl. K.l v. UHICIS $: J. W r.v.tlt, VH's W throw, dun Win, II tt l.itf an 1 James II td.iiid, lp. Jlrs. T,. L McKay of this pt.ic was awarded first pr iniii':i at the Mor panton aitd li-.itlaTH r;5 !';'.:. !i t! . follc.wiii"; articles: FY.intiii-r on vire-s Water eo!..r p:iu:! :n;, V.est ei.i'wcit!; :" Initials KuilkTl'ord i air : !: -! painting in oil subject fruit, best t-ill: tidy, best embroidered initials, best I ami in on lass, l-.est drawn work, slie al-o took t In first premium for tin largest and ect collection 5. ?,ie. mv. .'. Haves, and I. 1". LIudgins will address lie peopb' o' ;i nvvo:)d on ': iiur.-drty i::!it (!ct.2":l on the theme of I i-;accracy . !. t cver; body come on! and hear the si in his of these eii.'-itenl Democrats Their ,-ubject is an old one, but i! stards it no need of a-,olopy; '"its pri:i''ip!es an eteinal" it appeals just at this time with paticular fore:; t ai! wlio feel the sli'.vbtest intf.t.-t in the wcl'ar.' and p;v.sperity of the Si.-uluera pe!T !e v.ln love the" institution of "a North State.'' Tlcre was a f via! c:t ., ;-in-r at the residence of Mrs. Dr. Cilkey on his! Monday night. !t was given by Die Missionary Society and f'.pworib League oT tn- M. K. hiucli. I ne par lors were crowded and the young peo ple seemed to enjoy themselves to the ut most bounds. Miss Camille timber and Mrs. (o-iii'n rendered r-ome m-st 'xeidieiil music great ly I.) t be enj.-y- ment of all. Kei'rcshments were served at about fl) o'cioc!. by Mrs. Hay and Miss Saliie McDonald, the oung people all unite in cxtendingthnnks to i Mrs.tiilkev a a model hostess, i There i:s no ini'dnon-' fo oifi-n nt'eecd in '"iter Leaned boy lived. J I is or ganic qurl ties, in cverv sense, worn suHici-jiitly tine t' have ma l.j him v. kh application, a great man ca pable of iilling any station in life. i'Velii.g this, mafie.H this losj so much more to be deplored. V alter was an orphan his fatlier having died when he was three 3 0 r.s .!;!, and his mother, who r.iiorv.ards married .Mr. John Moil'ntt of this county ( McDowell) died a IV w years hi ter lie was rai.d by his ui.e'.e and aunt, .Mr. and Mrs. J. I Norton, v.iio idoli zed him, and whose hearts were open to nis every want. Thev sent him last term "to Davis' Mi'litarv School, where h - took tirst lionor at coinmerxvn'.i'.iL JJ(. leaves a grief-stricken sister, younger than himself, and a half brother. No one. wilt ever !::.; v.- just how the sad accident oecuiiod, as he left homo well, an hour before it happened but one of Clod's prom ises a?.-nre.i us, that "what we Know not now, we ei.all know her alter.'" Yi's, some sw et day lie, in 1 1 is w'isdow, will lift the Veil ; nd show us why that it was best to have taken dear Walter thus. God -ays: "There is none right eous ; no, not one." We know that lie alone, has the right and power to save. What Ue vvills cannot fail of accomplish ment, and "it is not Jlis will that 0110 should p'Tn-h.v Wo fc I then that .through llis r.ierey, Walter i;a- !.: mi taken fro:;) evil d;vs to me, a .d that !i s is 10. -w at who ore- res.t, v. iiii t!io d ar one:; v cde.l him. The funeral s-rviee was eo:: dui'tcd i the H. Church by lh v. Mr. Rogers, the pastor, from .vhen-'e his remain;? were bortie to tii.' cemetery follov ed by a lo g i o .':e.-:-if!i of iiiends, and can ; ally laid away, a in it 1 earth's peaceful .',-:!-, i:i his grave, to' uw::k:.' at ii !:iv:i . f the'groalest-d-iy that will "."( :-t!i;ie tia- ite.-st:rr.'eiio:i ! To ;': bereave.!. yo;i c;t;i 1:. .-. find tho neetlt'ul consolatitm 1:1 the drea rino.-s and silence of that nar row I .-.I, nbhough that spot is -acred to voiir hearts, but vu will II J'rown, of Statesville, the murdered man's partner in business. He went to I l:e scon of t he murder Monday eve ning. He found that one Elmore Bur ri, an emplttycof the cotton mills, had i bl his brother-in-law that lie believ ed he (IJurris; knew wbokilied J5rov.ii. Burris said that Klam Josey, anotlier employe of -the mill, had proposed to him, about a week before the minder, togoiato the store and steal enorgli money to buy a saf ty bicycle that they had seen advertised anil wanted to buy. iiurri.. at first thought Josey was joking but on his stating that he could obtain a key, and pressing the matte.-, Burris told him he would not engage in such business. On the morning of the murder Jiurris saw Josey watching the store door, and be was watching it wtiea Kssie Jr nui oj e ird ti e door and, seeing her fat bet', dead body, raised the alarm. ' hese two fac's made r.urri.s believe that Josey was the mur derer, and his telling the story to bis boiber-in-law and possibly to otheiv, hatl caused it to gain some circulation. Without sj eakiag to Burns, Detec tive Deaver iir.-i traced the story. Yes terday morning, early, he suir.pti I iously gained an audience with Durris, who told Jii 111 the same story. Then the detective went lo the mill and engaged Josey 1:1 conversation. He left the im pression on Josey that he was connect ed wit h an insurance company in which -Mr. Brown held a policy, and asked Josey if lie believed brown was mur dered or commit ted suicide, saying that lie was gelling t'.c view-, of the iVopIe in the ::i:; ter, and il il wa-t a case of .-uicide t!' course tho company would no-: pay iht rolcey. Josey taiti he some ! iin- s 1 ::eu;;ht. it was murder, but was more inclined to the theory of suicide. Aflt-r a iiitle conversation 0:1 this line, the detective's manner changed. Do you want to know who killed brown?" he asked of Josey. "Yes," answered the victim. '-Thou m l t be man," answered i ho detective. Josey reeled and trem bled, his eye-: filled ; but protected ins i i:t-'cei'c-, btir before reaching I he jail Jo-ey oonffssed He said he did not do tia- kbiiog. but that Tom Covington son of ti e foreman of the mill did. lie was iaarv.Iiately arrestu! and bo: Il are now ;:.iVin Xiwta:; iai!. J&& IS 1S9L- u 5 5 ?rrypr h : 'v. i & - Skm ij. t 1 1 r? s a"- 3 H5 C U - a BUSINESS PARAGRAPHS. items tti iiit v?t in TZicsi 'Tiling. Lovechains new, neat and nobby at S.'.indeirs. Here is the place t buy your pants. We have tl.em at greatly rt;d need trices McCall it Con ley. T!Just in Kigin, Wc'lt'inm and Xew York standard Watcher at Swiiuh U s i?i--ecial offer 1 Tlie.Xew York Komi-Weekly- World ar.d Rlcohd for ijtl.-JO per year. Wo are receivim cur iaw f ,.11 ;ck o recetvi: drv m,( and 1 1 i bought at l )vst prices, and will be S'llt oti s nee basis. We invite a comparis :i of goods and prices with anvbod v.at'eiue a.nd see. Mcthiil ,V Con lev. G. .!'JlIt;.S, iTO 32.? R. L. NICHOLS aV FOB THS BAOE Thi is a day o' Vut competition, nut wo rtw a.uiTunc thai no first shall beat us i:i fi.ri:;s :ing goods at 11 We have just root ivrd a lan- stock of CUthing, UU, DreM Goods Rh:es,itc.t suit every one, ar.d ell tie in with the ... A arzc and general liiiu of Mcicliaixliyo, Groceries &c c i ll a xi) si:e us J". G- iNTIGI-aiOJLS &c EO- dilat ANNOUNCEMENTS. are re-;ue: ted to anitooia . (iibson as an indepet;:'. . for the Leg: .ia!u;v. lilt J . i.l :. fyili: voters r McDowell t -i. 1 havingbeon urged by i:.y !r! some of t lie prtiuiiui'i.i no -1 in . 1 1 taen td'oui et.tiittr t j 1 i". r r. s. '. t v.i ... Public l-.r lite ofiic.' i f Kryt-Jrr ami 11s 5 In: re is no pelitiod i. :n- it i; fi.-e I v. itlt U:e i t-sp, t, o par lt - n :. 1 v Himiuuice mv ?i if i.n iinb'pftidmt t i 1 i:e ft.r lhi1 o.'.ct' o! il. jri. irr n' Iitefi.s I t!l iiitLc my vitmi:iij;t. willi fie otlivr r i.iH ib.ics atol ifrlectrd I snve r n o a mini and favor you nil I e n to all --ury make inquiries con-t r .ir.g !: j wo; ioi .? ami i'0?i;.etei:cy tire 1 lire: ltd y rt o r .i t CtniilH .Si!-e!".!il.':nlc;:t, t i ; t) la.t-i:r- ir at " for lartin T.ros sell- wemens shot's T cents that dhers nri: $1.-25 M ill 1 ss " MgB evi't-y home ua t st a.bv.lrii'.lv mi :'it iitirp' S' S f.rwliir'i it i-1 ink ..!; long aiol hope for a ctmsci.u, i-t.-nce aiel I'.apnior ceti'lithm of I 1 aai prej'ireil to r-ceive Taxes for im wli.Jiii y.u so iundlv 1 ;ved :.!;.; j l,h ',J;!!' l - .' election n'sod " ' j don i sl'.;j 'faxes, 'i h.; law require.-1 he "lie who has ah!icted you (.;, J aiiove Uix al! to be in my Lands by the ,,.,..1.4..,. .. i.-f'-fwt '.ini Ti tisi 1st d.iv 1 Januarv l:ii)-". Tiio.se in ar- li.i'i ej; county Suf. r: ton !c:i! ut i' :' s.;nt:;;ti'i o to llo; I'uit.ic el. ? A tiiittc-t !t:i I! !'ir vvhi't r.'.i i; tiislric t. iJ !ift I t.u .4 tit tto :e;?.ot'.s ' i coiae out r.ntl vote rjr i:ie ie.s-1 lot--'-DJ tiS mid M.usttgi s r gis e.v.! r.i ner cent iliiot tier tit ti.:'. V 01.11 !.. : for ait d loive yoi.r I. icrt.se isi" d . er. Il.ii.fc!l, 1 J K Cr fmoine en rrtuz-b mnro tVln f you imagine serious and fatal diseases result irom trifling ailments neglected. Don t play with Nature s greatest gift health. rows Iron If yoo are fallM out of sort, weak and ttenerally x liauslcd, nervous. have no appetite 311 a ran t wor, berin at on retak ing the most relia ble strengthening niedtcine.which is firown's Iron Bit ters. A lew bot ties tture benefit come from : the very first dose, it won t siatm wir -!,. and 1lS pleasant to take. a 1 1 v fe"! that i'mv j:e:tei It; i U t slt tnie i! Iia;ir-v Oil: v. a! i tiT. re.i's for faxes unl !!: y a-e not a fe' ia number, must settle at once or I will be forced to make the money for yon. F.very niviei Knows their taxes must be settle 1. So you will save cost by doing so. ;. JI. (iAR!ix, Sheritf. f v.'iy ii!')t!it-r tt!ioi!tl ktiotv llo.t coup an iit' prevenled. T ." ii tsys:oia of (rut? roii i.s lio-trsant'Si Tliis is t". i I o vv e I by ; pi'cubrtr ro'iyh ctugb. If Cham'.jerlaiii".-; '"r.nglt !!-nic'!y is u'v,"n fri'tdy ks soon us lilt; citiitl bci-uiacs lionrsc or even t.ltcr tfe etiti l..i! itoveiopcii 11 wol prevent lac nt- j 1 :.( cent l.ol'b s (or sab.' by J. K Nichols tt l'ro. nro certain ly selling clothing, liats and shoe chean. Something iif'V.-,.T:tpiocti, just re ceived at J. P. Norton's a fino pr. pti ratinn for mailing jelly. Martin Pres'soil the farmers shoos for 1.00 that others sell for if 1 -25. The biggest, pivlti"t and I test j line of 5 cent calicos ever in bwn ! at Blantoi-'s. A. I tie tr- Finest stock f Ha::o et cutlery at Joi.c.v II; rs and littck-rdwaie'. A ltd cliiitil will bt only a dream.' iZ B'icw tZsf Ts:ark. J'he -;eope at Old Fort were very inueli (l; -aitiKtintfO on liie u.'.v tti" senatdial candidatos spoke at that phi e b. c:use Uncle Dula faih',1 to put in his app"nranee. There were tiittse there wiio catno t-ut for t 0 express purpos" tl l.taimg nini reiul 1 hat speech of his, the lame of wh'Vh had already gone abroad b'f;!o him, and was waxing greater day by day. Many of his constitu ents were hming t hoar it, but ' ," , '' ' , " '' '. , ! ;.-ods. an. I 1 guarantee satislaction arrived, tn-' crowd ttss 'tuoied. Die " . speakvrs look their scats and i he I ;uui 1 ni ''.d, repair nnd vUkxu lie Kads. and Pops, scrutinized the! ll1-- "H't delicate fabric. Hive me assembly in so; r dud" that smiling a trial and be convinced, face. Put Dula, oh! v. here was lie. j S. V. WKEKS. Mr. John Pool attempt -d to con-I Marion. X. C. suit! the disappointed rusionites for his absem-o. but offered no law- j Shoes! Shoes fu! excuse for him; he was simply J Call v' Conloy. alisftit without leave, culled on and ! failt I, an ! the peojiie on the (th Of all the goods. Dr. Jones has the finest. b tiiere for hanlware. (Mottling, Hats, Shoes, Sifters Buckets, Baskets and pictures eheao at Medd's Vari :! v St: r M j; bt".v V!;iu. tlrns :! Clothes 3lsi3 Aew. And at reasonable prices. I coh.tr clothing both gentlemen and ladies "Whv in tho world didn't v it buy those shoos from Mfv'ali ov Con ley, and save niony'.'"' Tiny prices. Also full si -ci: dry go V.s and iioti 'ns has ar. ived. lb'hg nr vtmr produce and trot good niiees. McCaii it Con'h y. Go to Modd"s Vaii- ly Stop? for all sizes of Fruit Jars. " Tiny are the best ami cheapest. Martin Bros, have the 1 argot assortment of line shoes in town at low prices. P.ckh-d lrii-s at J.P.Norton's. been stilic'ted by :;.a:iy of tl it. oldest Mcfiovvei: c- tin- ty, hereby announce myself a c;.di dare f;tr rej resent at it in tie i. : i jrenera! asset::b!,v of North t'r.rt i ; o-repri.-etit I.Icl 'oweil cuinny. 1 v. h! make my can. pai'n for a rt form in a errl taxation and t h-public ii.-.i system. 1 am in favor of t i ;. :v.r in t-nblic eX(.fi:ilitnres, r.i:d rt tins: t. . ! salary of state ollieials. Ism o ::t favor of jien.-ioiis for disabbti ttii.iit r.-. ami i!ovit'ir"ir homes and ll-y i. it r tie pot r vi;o are f'e:-cr iri.. ! t l;e m.j Ki t oi jro;tl proplt .f : 1 j .'.i ties, and pledge mj-ti' to be taiiliiot to yo::r it teiv. l . if eiected ! inn oj ;.,setl to makiii; the rich richer ami poor pooiv-r. Your oboilii nt servant, AZ. ('Ill bs;i. M. j. ItKAl.. It Cures k Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, CMttzttnutlnn flint fUnnA Malaria, Nervous ailmeattf t Women's complaints. Get only the Rcttuine It has crossed red r lines on tl:e vrran(er. All ot tiers arc sud- stitutes. On receipt of two ac. stamps we will send set of Ten Beautiful World' Fair Views and book free. EROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE, MO. BJajiYAAafgijSft CITY BAR. ofto.slM-: l'o.-;TUi"FICE, Keeps on hand whisky 15rtiidi(js, wims etc.. of tin II. JIMMKU- sh.:s!!! at Mc- rrt l it. 'file ill u strut ion shows mc of tin tunny designs of the e.'.'l,ratel -las '"fu watch cases, Vou can id a j man. dins't-- atch like this for ; pi. 'e ean ""llyi-ii all kinds at all prices: and : vtrv w mi idi f'.t.-1 1,..,.:.;.. . t.,,1 . . . i. o. i o . . .ui ..in. m ((( v aot everything m watch-buvniij; vnaraatee.i quidity is the" first ! ( b b; A . P. ( J il l!'i:r. We guaranttM watehes at- 1 ',',,sa' -"tthitii t.. tli-'ir quaiitv; mi . tpial- "'- Mh.' price. v .,.,(V( I X Hi:i,L iwalch chains, fr. I lirtittl'i' rl;titt"r I'ttiii Ualtti. Hhi .Uv h n j.-isses '''it S itif lt.eieb.-r of t'ie fot iiv I tieed of it. A tnvlirlie or lu st bicln' w be ei.r. tl by it. A t. lo lt i f rii. iiaiitii.-in nr lira' l'i: u'tifO-.l. Ttitf severe s : i r n lui ti i r i-:i ' 1 i rtiiii'0,- leb vi'.! and die ertrt l.eab'.l i.l mueli b s tiaM iIikti invJieiiti lias to be sent for. A s; ri;n limy l c ;.rtnit ly Oe.tU'.l letbre i' f! .ni.tdon set? in, vvliietl J tl r !i rt cure in al.na o:ie-1 It.f.i ot tltf liito- et lior.vise rjtiire.!. Cuts anil t.rti'.s-s slioiibl reeeive ii.iie.'i:il- lr;.i! tUMt bff.ife tltf ":i: is become st'tilltn. xvliielt can only be done -.vlien I'.titi ':.t!m is Kt-.J :tl liaiid A s .re tl.fottt "ttty b.- e-iie.l I Here it Oeentif..? se: tntis. A t o'tbb P. 'lite e.iru i: li l,e IlllllVel! ll V II !!'! V i T II tii'e .bu !.: a week or two" A Initio I.i.'k tnay lever bcinir molested. We do not mean t.c cttre.l and ?ev( r tl t! tv ot v i!.!:'.!:'.' 'ittif i td east any rellect ions on t!:e present Mivt-.l of a pabt in t t.e si le or eliest rtbfv j a!lt ,,,..;t i,.,t ve tlo tttiiik this is tin ed vvliioiit iv iu.r a oocior uui. i ieeinei. a.'.tXvnt bottle at once nntlyou will r.ever j J'lr"' Same pri'.-e us new whisky. day of Noveml r will give him his reward. If a ican takes too much of the O I I.. .lovliii and ventilates bis limes I freely on the streets be i- immediately pubetl by the town authorities, ami re lieved of some of les "h-M'tlle money." but a do"- can bowl and bark on each corner and around the court boose at ! :tl hoars day or ldubt, scare wi n, en, 1 Lite children and scare horses without r'uninat tons in favor oi thus. JVolier. '.OUT!! Cahomna, III till SliftTior, Yanckv f'tirsrY-i f'ourt i-'all Term.' dames Ib-iand, et. u. Sarah Kolantl, '. V. Ktl wards, et. ttx . Lucinda Kdwards et. id. vs. 'rat us bailey. Lodusky Hai lev, Cora itailev, f.rtiver n-nley, Mitt it Ha'iley, Tansy Hailey. i t. al. Tin defend... tj mI.ovm tifliiii' l will t:ike n )!ice tint an aetio'i ei;!:tleil :i above h.u lifett et iiiiiit.-veed in tin Stipei.ir Court of Va' tty etini.tv tostl itiido and ibitre i.;ii it cer'.ata deed to a I'irlaiii trnet of '.r t t uitii li tit" delVi: dan . s li.tve i etome iu iri tiad vvhicii deed vvaa iiujn oj.ti ly and illegally maJe; f-nl lie said ik-ltnibtn's will ftntlier ta'.e notice that thcr are rc- liv Movjilt iV Sto '.!:v.t-o( theriti.crsot r.tin?viOe, , i t;l-d tt) ttppcar r l!.c n. xt term oft'tc oiti ."r neve r without a l.otti of CmuiImt ' . S.ijui iur Couit tif V'i!ut-v cuiiritv. ti V.e (b to Mornhevv & White for i b.iit, 'otigh HMm-iy in t!i- l.ons!,"' s:tv (' ,ie (1 on t!.P.ist!, ... .,y )lf.tr xtl! XiX Mon. i i.lace. ill is lblitrdv lots in oven of : o lai.cli i vnbit tot eo'd-i and croup in cbi'dren that v- C.ti i'o- ib, t'e"" tiitttior? v.Ii.) kn-jiv ii 'i nrili -trt' vi! . - . , ; t t P vv i . .) I'.'tu .":ar m . , .... ,. ., . tho"Figar" t!o b, .-t cci: day ia !S e p 1 1 tube r ts,:1, nt tin- Ojii s ; h.u-e ot said icnuly in b.irsvide, X. l, and nd- r to tie c u;;:'biint i'i siid ac- The liF.i oao and -tlanit WeeXly Constitution one year for?I.!0. (!o to A. 15. (Jilkev & Son's l"or fresh Trencli can.'.i -s. IScroi'tf siitl V'iil $1.50 Hy special arriiiiL'enieiit we are en abled to send you '1 he Maimon liirtmn and the ISew YorK Weekly World for one year f-r fl.'O m advance. Old sub scribers who pay ti of course are en tilled tti this rate. Blood ana sun Diseases Always p R R Cured. LDD- BOTANIC BLOOS BALjI teror faila to cure all manut:r of Bioncl ar.d Stc.n c:s- . easM. HUtbepreat Soinhern buil'lin? up and ptirif yintr Kcmeuy. aitu curts an manner ( of skin und blood diwii.-8. As a buL-ims; ( up tonic it Is w ithout a rival, sml av.so!ut' y ( beyond comparison with any other Finn: ur , remdy ever on-red to the ptojiic. It is a, panacea for all ilU ru!;inz frm Irriwire , blood, or an impoverished lon-iition of the , human system. A sinyle lotiic izdi tJemon- Strateita paramount virtues. i'rr or I" r f..r t;. :-:: t Tl.ii lsili .! ;v .nd.-l 'y to lite erf .i i eou'.jibii: hol it s ami r -!t fr.un thf i 'J'he .b. wcb 1 11V. al VV llltl.'ll 'a. A fcW choice i.l.'-iittns o bmte.1 ro.s Watch Ca-.-e thibs Tito V'oiie. fv c:i ! i i ; t -s i i ! 1 it.b dress tho citizens f r.icowi il j bt ('i:iiilv. N. County at the following lime, tuul sons H)U "OI'IV il fpccilllty nlaces, ti wit : Turkey Cove, Tu. sday Oct..'". 1?!I Xorthf'ove, Wednc: d;y 4. Neboeity, Tlmr.-Jcy "2.'. "larittn, Friday "'. " lii.'y:ins Tdill, "-'atiirdry ' l7. " llysartsv ille, Mom.'ay " Iirackt t Town, Tuesday ' 'M. Susiar llil!, Wednesday " 31- ' Crooked Creek, Tin:: .-day .ov 1. " Kroatl Jtiver, Friday ' S. ' Old Fort, Saturday " J. S. Dvsaut, Cliairman, IU'in. Kx. C om. J. I.. Ioie,.v,'. Cbairiaan, ' He;. Kx. Com. ."Nioi . J lie coiiittiilleiiirn ot tin; various gi diftiitti of tin. county are retim sicd t.nt t- I ave :e:y ot'l'.ie le.l.Iic selniol ti.nn.y tu i. ut bo' tie.t year ur.til t'.ie s..me ;t j.j lioil in Jittiintry next. J. F. iloKi'liEw, County Huttt. A V:tiitisir. The law reijuires thai all residrnts of j our v ilia;T', siiajl k-et lb-ir premise clean. Tin marshal v. ill hereafter a! , t.-nti to tboae whosecoi to i:n..r:th law. li. A. Cilf kk, St:.t. ol'.ib aiti:. p'AiiifaEXTR I T.'piir"J aecorJ. i-tjtnthc f-rniiilAot t Ili. V 3J. A. HAMMOND, v, in lillalMira'.ury ;kt V-rj.tls on, . t-. C'.:itFi;itIF.. tr.e.t t'.c .l:r1tt. fyr di- T ia-. v.f 1 1... i.r tan i l l rrr o. t'tn m:il l.l.lJ.. inun tn- fjm.ui rxrn, tU dt.-i.M;s I Hit- eord. ( l...c:ui:tof-Atxla, lf T K01K. f.oiu ll.a hiart, for (1 X Of Hi' heart Tl VllVi; from 1h lt1.-. f'-r ! of the i.-tt-i. lAtn-lhy of V.if or:n. trr- i OTAKIXI1. frotu tr.rijvrtr,forii;seae Of Ot .v:irie". s . p NI M I I.IM:. th;. ro'in'r-. etc. - . !), Five tin",-. r.: -i 4mlia , tt.W. The ulivii..!'r-ieal f'ii .r.wl'i-e hjra or lue Djine witii i i nn'; "i .. trillion in Hie lieatl, rlitlar:it.n ttrit, .n....Bu..l ttU..pv x.-..-lir.i. cyrnctltlll.il r.f tt.e fir.u.tr. fore. .f tl.f blbU t-r and t puristulU arttxri of l)ir Itifc-On.., Iny-aa . A In muncttlfcr B!rriii.-th ar.. lelnrai.o". in- : Zcrn-ml power -f ts'io;. i t ':rj -i.plr. -T aui lorrea-w.l ai-pett'' "l .I'i' .IK r powr. W U'h.r Inr-al fl rlli'u: "I " nr. IK. I. .-Ilipllefl with the Hmm.nJ AiiIm.i.i V.mriH 1hy T will lw limtle 1. ..L.-etl.er Willi nil rW i: literature on the "Jt'J'.t.oti receiptor prira, ' - hy THK fOI.l-7iri.tA TIKH At. ., , ft vniiltrton. T :vi;.- li i; iiit.- u V'i A If'.' i:ej'.- tVr pi . ;:. i: nk., c. t:. -on.Ja.siire k J!t; jdteiv. t?Send for free book ci Wcndcrrul Cure?. ; frice, $i.oo per large bottle; $3.00 for six J bottles. For sale bvdr"e!r;st: if not s'-rd t --.s, 2 I ar.d medicine will b- nt freight 1-rti.a.u oa I receipt of price. Address f I BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, G. pc ottt at THE EAGIL BAR Ptire KrntiKhy llyo t.io.l North j Carolina Corn Wh.iskios, JVYi;i. i Vrandies ExjKtrt I leer. Champ;. ;iie, j L'rainly I'eaches, French lr;n:!y, s it 1 :il in fad', nil liquors kj L in a ! tirst---!as- Saloon. ! Onh rs solicit'-:! from jarlj'-in:;; ' cue.ntie--, j Atliln. tLo ; j;jc LIJ JIAL 1 . Tub new Ur?c and flowin? nec'tles cow vorn by women may-be beauti tal bat they hare their disadvantage!-, " &, was proven f.y an oc-c1dt-.it that oc luireJ ia Louisville, j:y-.,thc other A youn woman, w ith aw extra Uric U.w. Nvhosa Cvv. -iiH! cods nache4 ' almost lo her feet, was walking brisk- j t, , this btrec-u 4 BVf " -t'se 1 the en.! of the tia In tlic air. s ibc vo-i!. rrotnan pas-cd an awn post tbo wjad fcu-UenlyyiyrappeJ t u- vntU aroanrl the lri ik A ad d-n j-rl- as the nbboa tihteaed near. ly w' rt-iij;'"1 ofr ,:cr feet" Several rn.,V"l -irn-lsntfy t her rcscna - od nntan.Tled t'ie sll'c f"OJ tlu lK)t. jytn iUT h r .Af free site thanked resciier i with maa.r blushes, and c ; t :itied on her way. 1

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