I W MJ fay f, li-i- T.i :,;.v..-! -Vm il.' i- s : ,rruV. ill ll,- M ;- M-iiv V.rl-r ;., I'll l': i; v.-;!. .:Y ;.!: i fi i : -... '! I I,! : ' r i: ... ii . 'I.' .,; .. i, -tT .t. .11!.! ni'r ; in. . 11 i. !!.. I :.ti! w ' 9 :i'.mTi:n ok t boar 'i trniti l.l.. H i le:l VI ; ; vi' -: u I 4:2.3 .,Tr.-!!.:i iii ri' t-s at :.' ! !"l p Ml. -i 7 TT "V ..T.'J jilU ,-... i i I .i!ii::inr, was .. ; I. .tudii-e i-:b 1 v :i v: !l."f '.hicksbi'irjr, ,!!.!: V. ii--, but (! .i.'l. 1 doll .1 Lcn-. ir, Hi .vt r tru-i." ; unduy ft r ill to attend ovia li l'ort an. J for this ',: ,--'r i-'i surveyor. ; i. the position. Tilt ; ! ,,r Turkey ('-no, : -i l.i-. ! n 1 1 The ; i ):N we.-h. , ;,r: hi.- !: !'-!' ; tir:i,..! i r in V." ;..-!) !,..e l.een i Still.:?. . I;- e v.'iil V-ivni'li :t : V. I!:-.!. !i. ::oii ; : ... -so; he le-ji.-s-;. , -.. ::i ?.!oriIu-.s .ii:.r, V.'i'; C r .: i i;t .iiii'l; :' ;. Mo:i-i:'.v ,., v nrl i-oiiven-. .!, ,. r.ro'.. i! i'or register mini. ! a man of t!:i I i em a rlver yoinr.r :r :i'l ri";!il. I r: I-. v'.-i:-' r.-pw; iScn : .-!erk ' : -i'! (! i i . ;l !-l-VT cUiil-- ,.; iil::r with .'.!! t in- . Ti, .;i.:- i-.-i . t ha -ir. yr s. i 'i i-.-;r-i! y n''t i.: ;: I .:".). -n, i f Veil) !,':.i;;;-r i I' yniir.v' r-'i-pio ,j ! .,...;; :i '.';t !;ht- --As.mh:;.. f our ,-;, i,.a! opp,,,,,.,, le.iy t!ie ;lt ,..(! ,. ., ;,. ;r f ,,( !'.!i;miv,;,re, we re IV r yii t, IIsvs, who V. ill , 11 y,.u :: rj..,j W;.;.;':, r a .e h i i.t riii!' (.,.lts (!,.,. , ; j Hie .i-K li.-I.-.v A,-lt )) ,-fiit -'...: i.UI.-, ?:.n ',1 T. V. 1 vt !, .'I" Hi!. 'oUi;y. hl:u We"k ill viii - of ij ;;,,;.; re-,,-,-, in., IZ wr. bruhi lo his honi;. o.i -,.0( .;:.! ('!!;. f ti,.v .v. :,, -. ' j me i. ei.. iiev. ; U :r 'v',:" 'li.:ii'ti.:.l tin.- fun.-rai j ef i.-es. Veexlv;i,l ,;n- sy -UJ,.i; liy t- t lie bereaved f::i:iiv. j 1'very m-ill.cr ,.,J k. Cut ,:,m-,. ; c.i'i !.o ;.iw.,.,...,i. The fir, t in ..!' :. uu ! !s ho:t-d..,ee This is !'. !:; ! .y .. i ! ' I' lou-l, eeiijrh. If Ci.iuiihciiaii.'s i..chIi ' '"''b ' i'i'm friuly ssooiis lilt: i-hii.l tjccoiuis hij irse or evt-n ulu r Hie emu': ai.vrloee.l it vt-nt n nt- ,:u!;- -" ;! t-n? hrttij.-s Jor mv ,v i'iw iv e':.ili;, i!ni-j,!5ts, Vote i.'i- I a io for coroner, ::!! .Von V. ill ! e entitled toatU'Il.l the fi! ion funer.il i,,.xt Ti.e.-.l;,y. Tile fiiio;, liberal .roe,..:,.i,, vi f,,,.,,, ;n f,.oili of I he eouri iioi:se, v. iMi r.-irson Itro-vn :hi1 Cici? hi til,' fi-m-.t waxoii, they hei:i the two most inivorljint li-ure.. T'oe lian:l will play '-we'll han-( iJrov. i.V c h.uKvsim a fusion r.i.ph' ti'ee. while the proees-i m iii: ni:n-eh;ii!( mi." The ol her !u ;:o:i r:nn!i ilaies v. ill i'oii ,v; the:;it,. the 1 1 !i;ie;il K";'e y;tr:l of the confusion parly. iirh-iiond I'ears'iii's! re-nains will lay instateat A.-h; vi!!e mil il ail a-piriir; voting niLii can f';v.v:e i:;;oi. them, and h" wr.nn'tl to iioiti t he vrat h to c.iine" th.i? si'.vai;--- a ri.tn v.::o heh-n-s to every political ).;!! y in e ist nee. ;u:l is liie t none. The seniencf "v. hat I'll do when ! iro to congress," willnoihe written ovr l.is oliiha! ;rave. ft ...-ili l. '-what he ,lid h-f.,re he wen! !;; ri: i liTC--.." ;'. :.d th: ail.V.er "he dicil" uii! follow in hireil letters. Xi'M Ti.'esd.iy will settle the fiiiion ijtitv-t ion and it oiii(ht to do so when it is so b"icfi of j.rinciple and eoiniiion sen.-e as the pre-ent t ll'orl to fuse is. xm, ln- G, TSZTJ-RSOD-Tr. 1S94 i .fit 2:is;i:s:i; ." nz:v. ?' Hi; hav.is l:vizitc ihv "iVir ; newt, vnivcrs, U.:t j-. saoaii- i I.:-t J-'.-. iirdtty n::i: .j ;...., nr. 1'e; v.-.-w i:-.;-.l,. ;;t !!: :::.. h'-,- I! t. i.;i t !m.-. ( ;i'Ui;;; ;:; ni n; :i,r f ...... j ; vho. to-.-ti.,..- w .'i .James ' :-iiie.i a- .i rohi I v.'i.i ::( hhifrri'y, Te.i i.. arrest ;.,l on Sumiay after t i"l':lllts. l;i'd:M-i!s. ;.!" d t : up : : few it !. wanted lo i d in thelejrir ai: ! wiiiidrew . H i,:voi- of :.-;! i:y Mrs. :;;..:. i- an eie- la'de is S!!j-c;-yl hiir.;. r.Tid '',: tioc! S"dtL-lic !5r::ki'.t?x. .Mis-I'.-. l-ave.;. il:id-ri:;s a:;! i, tilers :'. '.'ire--' I he p- -p!e ai ti'.e Seli.K.dho: z ;ii r.ciini t fs Mili, on t ho poli i ioal is:-iies of the day. T'liir.-thiy nijh! Xovemher i ! I vii. J. S. livsAicr, (.'hainnan l'i ;:s. I '. x. ' t in. c li):akl Vassrr. i:r,i.! "I. Vance, son of the late y'T,:'. -tor V:i.ie, died nt the Mor.aiitoii ! pit?.! oi (;!;. -2li h. in' viiii a jvifte-' i.:.--.v -pa;-;-. a-.i:i, l.aciojr hv! I p'-si-' ! uii v:iri...:s- .jerri:.".!.-. The re;:. !..; were .iulenvd in ''! ve- i;io ceM; fery ;;; Asil.-vil e. : j-v;i!;.f.;':.T Ji 'j':nvao:h ():: i!i-' ;:'-.:i! !' t' -: h;l !; 1 It.t;! i '.' '! .!.';' 'f l.eitri.-. mil i i ; " i -i t':v-. !isin;ni rrants ,vr. ; el ;;;!! w.'.s eorinuttied. I.,-,. JJi, !i.,r, ; ., j., M-nio'i Li.-! laliii-day even: . r.'id in.!!-;! f his- si, :!!;.- was j. ( h. re hy Mr. Cl.r.rli- Kin-, the jn-iiulitr teie-'Ttpj, operator, ho war; rai: ed ;:t !!l!iif(i;y. Mr. Ki!! had h.eard of t lie i:.;irder, and nfif-r secii' i.-hnrds, nired to I'l.iir ( iry, niakinr? inoiiiries ahont it. ile was ir.v.'nplly inlormed' tie;; I In re H. s ?i0: reward f ,r Jiieh.irds, and se-o:!!-:-;g-a warrant he w-it in .-cardi of the tiitir.ior-T, :i-c.:.ipa;:H-l hy iticers li:n Kiniey a'ld r.o-ii;. Xiehofs Cieh nrd w:is found at lOo'cloi k Sid wrday niTht at the I'k'ii.mii.-II, .ti 1. had retired, whe i t lie rs arrived at his room. Hi- was ph:.-ed m jail her.- :;nd wiil he conveyed to Khiti' i.'iiy a; .- wor. as lh- reiiii.sit it n arri ves. Char.'ii' Ki;:g- will tret the reward Richards is a cousin of the man who waskilk:!. The llristol ourh r says the only o'j,., i for the mnrdv r was loh hery. I,ee liieh.-.rds an I Arrant s ;(ot i;! Wand a watch from t hi murdered iiiaii. !t was : ;.io.-t cowardly murder, hein- ca. si d hy a pistol shot in the hack i:f tl:e iiead. The in ordered man leaves a v. if-' and fivt ciiiidien. The t':t?.:a;iris. f)n hit Thursday t he county enndi- dnti s spoke in joint di.-e;!-io!i at'Sebo l:A('K!;TT.-: '.V. C. lhihan , J. I. I.uu-ii TE.s:i;3 Who :i; In Wafrh Ifit I'OiJsi in t'S:jcr Usui see thai the I?aIW?is are In;- r'.y i n .1 :;: liniffj. 'i !:. fi.' .v, ir.g o'liprisi s a r. -c J f t!,.? p-.H-hoUlcrs for eti'.-h vdiii rpn : i - t in McDowell cuu:iy :i-'i).-iiit d Sept. i.jth Jiy tl-.u Iio.ml :f County Ccir.!iii;;.-ii)!if-r. TJ;os.- n;..., u.i?! i.hcr with iko r'iri.--'- tturs ilivittiy finm unci-d arj to bt.- Li;" tnirvlians of tlio frer? v.A u:i- :r.:!.i "..! hulloU cf tho pi-ijj lo anl will sc.- to it that' '-very man liih or low, rich or oc;r, colciml or wlii!", w!io is eiititled to vote sh;;!I vote Ins s'iitiuicnts without feari-i intiiiiniatton and t avo las voto ".Ui'iiO'l ;.. cnt, Tlvy compriso !)-, :!in.'"i!ti an i Kepuolicans and their appointment " r fat'-.s the moan, misraldo, imputation that our el-.-ct ions laws are unfair and ttnj'.'.ot and that they are used for partizan inir which is !eiug iiioelaiined hy the enemies, of gov- rninont and and. .. liolcsomr- statistics. Read the list and see if tin '.-o an- not facts. ,i V't'ON', .1. .'.!. ri..y, J- A. Mid)-.:-ild, dom J. Z. N'.l.lr t :'iid U"m. S..vi-emjy, rep. THtX'iV t'OV;": Ziv.u C....1, T I O Tci, iU-im. 11. I'. HoiistifManu T. !1. fiiHpit.--.. N; d'.TIl roVK: J. E. V.'i! on, Will K. lirLiv.u, .it-iii. ttol.t. McC-di and (. X.h-juun, r.-r- KINhrV: J. V. 1! .iie.v, linvid Dolifon, I.-tn V,'. .'ini-iu rs n r.ml A II. Simi-'ous. i-pji. I.V;;.i: i'.-Vlhl.!: T J. S t;cr-.ihh.-,W. S Wndvtr, dcm. J.dia ir.i-in and H. II Ott S, rep. 0 0 ' :- 2. r r. 2 in City. .V fairly hune erowd was iire.-u :-t. to hear the issues discussed, and the ho d order wa : preserv- (I. '-! Justice and Di:Ia, eamiidctes for t tie senate were :i!so pre.-eni. Mr. -oistice made a splendid 1 )eii oeral ie -(ice- h. lie i.. a man of ahiliiy, and will iMjp, .l.ii!. Wcshy Cjiiik-i- and J. J. Sjiionse, r"f. MONTKOilD: V. ii. ilvr.i. Lvv Morris met CKPOKiii) Cltid-iK: U ii', Jiiuv-s Ihigbt, A. I'. r- Otit-f.i r, rep. ('. C. r.riol!cy, II. M. ; i . r K xr r; U -r? -! i: v.rj 3; K3C 323 8mojs2 g3 - 2.0 f?'P?ffl - J2 u c S.CS r;o 3 i . K. L. NICHOLS! Z-TOVnT" 05 THE m. This is a day o" K.t mpi-tiiion. and hall ln-at us in fi mis'. in;; go-,,1; at LOW 'w w'a;ol KU:, ti;( no f,rni Pa ii an a n BUSINESS PfiRAGSflPHS. Jtiirprir .in, re;) M. f . D.tvij and F A. itar. "itoIiX: .1. W. Py:!t,i::s '.V th:ew. ,h V." in, II idle -ml .t.i::u'S !! ll.tnd n i ;-. i..-- I ma''. ; him iuii.i :v a . 1 !il le:ie eoi , if y.ai pi: a- '. i i: t ii:i, our ! ': ri.l. d . v. ho v.r- an .'.r re ;i: o r of i- a Ih-iiio-.-, i ea-i aidavo ;:, ci r.cy He is he::: e to Work Mr. 1). K. i Iv.'lgi'.is", i'.ddre: s ahoui 75 o: ont i:e-ii ii ' de;nocrat.;; at il wo-d. Mf- to-aek d . oil - of :!!!-uo-:l's prominent n; :' hants. h'V.i :t!- i i r : ; :y .-,;. at n.e r. iit;.::i;is i.v.ul- a vty he a ci-i dir to our dhtrict in the .-..aatii,-, :;oAl) I.IVK.f: : .1. M. M-uf-pl. Johnson where he and Mr. (Jardner are si. re to j ....n.ft.i , iL-m. J 15. (ii,;i..i;i and A Jl. -. Ihith are youu ( men ol ah';li;y i i:t. r. p. On i'riday i i.e candidal e.. di. . :.- ved o; i, pii;p;-: G.W. .!..-:uUi,y. T. V. II out the is ue, in tiiee..i:: t house in Miu io:. j ;.!:;!,,!,,;:. J. !!. l!-d-vk and J. I". !!: t a iartre atNlieiice. - 1 u-. 'i'i.v -.-''.) -:ov.-.l !;a"p. .1 on tlie ; pr-'seiit system ol' .-iinty tro erunieiit ' : rit ioi.--i t he I)ei!!ocrat ie party !;e-..atl.- tie' eoainii-:s:.:!'.ers shoved euolt'-'l er.i erpri-e to hl ' I i ' ') -, i : i -n hralZ'-sso t::.i pe;:i! eouhi ;;et u.-rc-s sti-eeii: ; v.it.'iout endanger: iii( la-.' aim propi r:y. Alas, liiat the iro;(ie-si ye ii.-rty, t ue ih'poldicai.s, are t!riin!o s' cii a. is; s a'):e st i-aits t t ' ey I ave to . ;;;;d i-iiin :i sjiirii of caterer:-'.'. y. r. i rit ha; d made a se; h t o t ! - Items T E:3lr-.l in T Isose ilas tJ Siioes! Shoes! ! Sho. -,! ! ! at Me Call ec Conloy. New M eliariv.s for l-.-ve chains, at Swindell's. McCal! tt Conl-'v wr.-its your peas, rye, chickens and eirgs; eit!;. i cah or t rade. paid.. For tine --oa;;s, sta.t-ne-y ete..' o to Morphew ,t Vv'hite Sinoke Ciinnoii r.:vll Tohacco. pijwi free with each .rot pttekage at McCall & Con ley's. Lovechains new, neat and p.oony at Swindell's;.' (Jo to Jon.es' hardwaf' store for the host I argatns in l.tr;ii-s ev-r o:'i'!'"-d m Mari-'.n. litre i lh ph.-o to I my your pants'.- W--- !':iv.i t!:T.2 at rreatly redu 'ed i le. .:. McCit'l t:: C- nh y. T'lorc i nn v I V i 1 .111: !!n I !i ..ml J.il -S' ? a rr.t :'-' t'r. ild.' s pM!e i.e. tu in whfii ne i:p, -ipl.-s i t' tiernoei'in-y, end i!: '.-i-ifiuv i:,oo:: -isieu- mi- i-m iv:. 'A', v.. n. W !;!, i. oil! I Willi T;sr y y-d: ''rit nils Q V men, i e ml mc your oar. iiour.ee ii on- q !o;i,y overbite (k iui, as did ( An 1 ho n y, f but to call r your attcn- tion to the assort in o nt & ol new ae- si;'us in Cor lit '.;:;t. r.Iev;:: :.;id M ili P!ri!h;-i v.-ci.-. ... :n hy P"e.:iy !:trh:;l i;-i:::moi-. o!"l'.-:o;eM-:ee. to or--. F.llis :;ei;oi, d' i,ii(l:'c',i t re-':--.'-ii a c hm-ue ,-r r-el inj.. lio.ai.r in Tean. -oo. Tin iii.-n went to ti:.' hot;.-;' of Meitea and r-errounded him. Mi -lion's m Siihiey had r tariedsqimuei hunt i n s( a nd -eci!!;r ti.e men ,-.iirro-.aded i-i father toid li:em if ihey put hand.-::- on him he v.ouhl .-hoot, i"!- handeiiii's were pe! l' ad he lire.: hi. ri!ie. The hail si ruck Tom Wright in the h.ie.i. ent.-nne; nr- iweeii the left shoulder hhuh-a nd haei; hone, p.issing t hroiiah t no laim-. l 'i. Miiith et!-a -ie.i ti.-' hail hetvotlitho .eeoml and third rib II ' was very ihu.uor -.ii-ly wounded, hut -.;' entertained for his r. eovory. Mcit-m r..,.ap..-d. !hikersvilh' IC'it.-rpri e. -. lire in heart of his belief ti j-'riday. : Vi'e are iiifermed iie refu-ed to divi-de ; time v, it h one of oar next : en.: tors. Mr. Jn-ii-.-e. ; Mr. !l.i. -kharn tnrde a hitter Rop'i".- : lieaii-l opuiis tic eea !":!.-! on i. ic s-p-i oh , :i Safarday i a I !:' ?.'ai'-!s 'eirt hou. e, h'- a so i-id'a-iiu- to divide tin e, iii-i evide-ii that the I lep'i id i cans are op- ;, --.! I t lie pi io'e iie..i'in;r lou or.e i side, i-..tl ! ha; .-id;- is i-.ioivd is di i !.: ; o -. :: r a ad hi!'; iv l. i.pofrn--! re '! ..; ;-. r . ti-u--!i.ir-' iihi'-k- : hnoii ale h i i! i'.'-i: of :.i)ny, ai.d kiee.-, ; how t. draw the .-;cr. res to ii: t! :r peculiar wa'it-. Tie- i '..'! n I y o:;adidat':s ..'idre:;:'.',! the p.-o; le at ili.iii.-' Mill oa .-'.;: iirday. a ,-,:; : i z--d orow-1 W..S pr-'.-' fit. ''St .Mor.day they were at Py-.'tsv ii!-, and on I'll-" -day won.' at hraekett-'. T!ie boys are wlmopia em up for i ,emo. nicy ami ,d a'overnmetit. and we wiii ! oo t every man on oar ti. ie t, iu.-h'-iiu the jud:;.-s, s-t ite Troa-or; r Tate, ocn.ir.-essaain raw lor. i, ati . an di-v- ti ' o 'oreiicr I ah in.- po citeti Hi.'n-.l i:i id-iii."t('dv ii iiin'e;! in ir.:..s- s I'-.r r'L a h is iiit.-u-h-l. s i ili.-.i.V J'.' oi !'..:lm. iiari'd)- u -.vu(r. l -.il s I.. ' ii.e-i-'iii-r ul't 'ie f.oniiy !;:ii fit A te;i-h -ciie or lien 'jVoI.t.- iniiv I . f,.r,.. le. it. A t :; ii '. f rt-.t iin-. -lisn. or !.fi,i.-'-i:a - lii t'-'l V'i' Si-v.-re ! ilia of il (-urn rr st -i d .ri,i.-;' v re! vim! a:-.it llo s a-; I ridc.l i i n n. !, f? ii 1 i- lii.i-i uhi-i-mr.licsii.- I. is ! I t- ? :.! for A r i i:i iv Klgin, Wi'.ltliain atot Stan;!ail Watches at J i:st in New York Swind.-ll's No v. eof st uaih-ling idong in tin dark; when you can hay tin-cel.-I. rated l)i!v 1ititi-in for;!! cintsat ycCull Coiih ' We have just red ived a Iarg . siocrk of lclhi'ng, ij Us, p.-es.s (ioods S!: (!-, ti' -. t i-tiit every onc,nr.tl !! tle-m v, itli the ! T j X IF 2J1 O IP 1P A hipc and genera! line tf McJthandite, (roeerics Ac C I L L A X I) s i-: i: us, ANrOUNGEriiErr. ; We a: e reipiesteii to .no.ctiiic V . iibso!i as an indcpcie.i l.t eaii- didate for the Legislature. THE voters of Melmwiil (oi:.;-.. I having-been aredtiy lay fr. n...-. auiil; nl tlie u umii,..' ninlia s o.i Y. ni ;0 ci'.e.i of om oi u it : to idh r ir si l! '-i 1,.:-. tie Public f.T i!i (dlicr ..f la-i.-icr ..,' I -. , and lis tie rr is no pcht :c I irtsnt- i.i r .: I t 1 i.ii .Ilk- icsjn . o :di pa.' iff ic : -i y iiii:ioiir.cc -r.ivPi-.l an iiHl.'pcniifiit cm' d -mu- tor lilt- c-.1.ct ol K.islcr vi P, iii. I . I.e My CHnipui:. v. nil .r oilu i i .!i il.ilcs :iad ifeietl.d 1 will s.ivi- v u i n . and fiiroryoii nil I en to ftl! ' inquirio conn r-iu woi dniiss and conpetf ncy m e i lii-ei fi.l'y rcl'i , r t iluiiuty Siipfriiilfinh-:it ut r-.ih if i,i-i-i..- lior. ex conaiy .Siipf-i iiiti-iid. nt nl I'll!: I P striicfioii ulsoto lie- Publio Sclioi.l - mil K-i lai n for wl,i-e riii-.- ilisiiic. i." r tU tt Ii fi V I tut ;1,! Ico iisuis l :: ! come out and vote for nn; unj lotvc yti.r D-M-HSatid Morl;(:i S r crcd al .. per cent :li;i!i ncr In f.,:t . Voiiiv; ne i. v. ; for nie ;-.iJ lnui voiif Lienor i-:sie d i 1 j ,. r. Ih-fpi i tti; ';. " J K. r..,l: In- p:-oi.i,i iv : it'.-to.i iVl-t L II ini.l i.im -e's i.i w-iii ii h. -.ir- J -. can- in ;st..-tt ,.ei, -tldi-d u! 111 i ii.m- ( t in : ise i i , lilt- I. i'ui- ;i:ei l,nii.: s -In. ild rc-. i.e i-mi-.iii iti; tivnt ia - n I.-fji-r tin- mills in'1-i.i..t- svvi, Ihn, w loch c:in eii'y lie d jn;- whvu I'.tin Ii dm !;f ( -nt .- i 1 - A ? in I'lrwil neiy b" enr.-d i don-it lu i-oiniis se, i , A tm'ihl. p:i:f corn ii'-e.- le H iii-vcl by s-'pp yii'r u twit-i ii .1 iv .,r n wck or t-.v.i A J mi.c ii-ick in.iy '.,( ciiii- 'i nn ! s(-v.-i-il i! -vs ol' Vihuii.i- 'i.r.i- ;:ve i cr m i. in llir i1u or i-lw.-e. r- Ii v , 1 ivVn.'ii on oi ( :i diicter i ii!. !'i',cn- ,i i-.-io ; :c ..!, - nn ! y on wiil ii-v, r 1-. - i-. i -: f f- "t.y. Mo.-piicw St -t-oi i oi 1-. Special oii'er ! " he New for .i'-l. 10 i ir y.-ar. tk Semi-Weoklv World ai.d Iincoi.n fall We are rce'iving Mir t stock of dry g iods and notr :is. 1 .-ought at lowest prices, and will h' sold on same Lusis. Wo invite a com jiaristm of goods and .rices wilh an. vlioi'.v.aCoiiie and see. McCall S: Cotih-v. Martin iiros s . 75 :'onts Mht-.t ;i:i!ii;!:s shoes rs a-!; l.-2 'i'srvfJiTiHcn. I am prepared to receive Taxes for the. Veil- is'.H. iieiiiem'er t he eiecti,.!! do i'i Ta:-:e-4- Tli.t law refjiiires t?a above ia : a'! lo he in my hands hy the it day id' .lantatry 1 ;:(.. Those hi ar i i-a s -Ut i'axe-: am! ;i, v a"e not a i'o-v in n M in lie:, mast set t le a! oiiee or t v. ill he forced to make tho money for ,i u. livery person !;v th--o taxes am i i.e sett ied. So you will save cost hy doin j; ...... ';. jr. (J.mmwn, Siioriif. Is oi i'-ro. a:-" ci-rtnm-hin-", hids an ! shoes CJ: io:l!Cs ?2a;?!- Xcw. And at reasonable prices. I color clothing ooth gentlemen and ladies J!.,,,,- el the. irivei ? of Il.i-.svil!.'-. lied- g'"'. an-; i..:i,niur miikiui-h a-:ii iicv. r wi:l o .i a i, :!!. i-of Cieidu r-; and i :i,so I. no.... 1'epa.ii amtelo.ui Iain's 'oa-h K.i:::- !y ; (tic iu M-c, - ys j'... i.lo.-t delicate fahri '. (iive Ul-J .ii.co'i !:-.,:n. t..e 'ci.iiMe m.-ic. u:it ol t!..- , I . .,, , .. j . ,1 J. C. Nich. ly selling eh. chap. Something u-w, Taiiioea, just rf coivedt't J. 1'. Norton's a fin prejia-iat'e.-ii for makiii:; jt iiy. Martin IJros soil th" farmers shoes for -i- J . KJ tin t others roll for IplJo. The Piggest. rett5e-1 a:ul l-st ii.e of oeont calicos ever in town at iIi;nto ;'s. Finest stock of I'.a.r. ors and nock- t cuthiv at J00..J5' iiari.-.arc. p!.i.-K. iiik io inc iy ii. is io-'.-:i 11 . . " v.-.iuc t.)i colli; nn i H'oi-.,-) 1.1 cl.iidroii i'.i.it fc-.v l.lot'il.-lS liO kiiu- it-- oirili MC v.-i; '.iiartj Le -vitliotn it. Per S-.if by ilur a n i-inm n p.n sit je M 111s, Lace P i n s, S t i e k and Scarf pins, to be Iie.d for small cash at Svi dell's. MINNK-liA-llA. last Tiiiirsday i'oarson an.M'raw fcrd the candidates for (.'impress 111 the n n h district spoke at P- .rnsviilo. Scv ....1 1 1 1 were nresei.t to erai ii .,.-., 1 - 1 hear tlie joint disoiis-ioii. and the a-e.iai sapply oi' corn jniee was on the -rounds lo enthuse and eirivoa the occasion. A rop.orl from some i.roent -av liiai the j,,;.-;. dowod freely arid tho rosea was that r-are.svillohada hidiij.!." inv.inch cvei-al aien werov.-ry hadly hun. Mr. Pearson ti"' Uopablh-an oandidat- w.-..- i-peaking in fr--t of ' 1 when the light oommenoed. e eoiii- menoed to yell for ( rawfor.i and others for Pearson. The tight .-.mmom-ed. A jdst.dshoi was h. ar l teringoiu. P wa- in the hands of a man by the isaaie i.i' l-ailey and the ball struck a man by name of PvObinsen jtist above the eye. V. helher or not the wound is of a seri s nature we do not know. Ha i ley v.- --; immediately arrest-d. Otlior iai ii w'laoe names we cannot leara were out. hit with rooks, sticks ami hra-s ktia -ks. 'I I -s oeds liielir-t campaien imht in Yam- 'V county and was ore of the bloodiest -eon in year !aroyrsv:.l.' Knterpri-e. Aluminium d; i: --i -i Thimhle S. V WKKKS. Marion. N. C. at Swi.i- iiini " .oioi.ivi, t In the Suierior, doll's. A few choice de-dims i Prao.-l J'.oss Watch Ca-d.-H's. ANC1.V lam. ii miy S Court Fall Term. Roland, et. iix., Sarah Roland, W. id wards, et. i::c . I.iio.inda Iid;.rd.:. ot. :.!. SWits-l vs. Cratus I'a'ley. Lndasky I.ai-!i-v. Cr; ihiiiev. (irover li!unton ts reeeivnig tivw gooosj p.:;iev. Mitiie Ik.iioy, Pan-y lav. Prices that defy c nip..- Ihiiioy. vl ah 1 "i; ""' i.e-:i il'.-...i- llii Hi vn Hill lllrxl- I ;,. !,., in ai-liivi ici"i.a sis .iV.or,. !.:, t.o to -M r, m.'W ct o illo- ,. ; j in-:., S;,;iv.i.irCiirl6f the "Figaro tne l..(-yt ) cent cigar : v,. (.,.v comIly t0 5Pt an.i diimc m li)-.ii. !i;.: in cTluiii io-cu n ti ci-riiun tr.irt uf (Jo to A. lotiltko-V OC Son lor lis- i:ia t v.-i;:ca t.i ot-a-aunais h iv. income -i;.,-a," the Pest o cut cigar ;) ' io-i.s m: I hic!. ae,d was i3,r,n,,.erly i,.l : i ;;,.!' .'.' v nin-li-: a 1 ili " a.u-1 .ieb-n'i.ints t . .... it : will l .itl'.e i- tt'. e n -li' O t!i4ttl:t-y arc rr S -." W. P. Wanton .S Id; Stock ot .j-Oreil to ni-p-ur si t I be text term of ti.e l;;..V V.ltiPr i?-.-i.!s. V.-Ills J.O.V tail!; . ,... vior Loot of Pina-v coht.t. to I e prices. J he .', on tie- tali i.-i 'y i.f.cr the 1st M d-v in S.-ptfv.br at the Couroioii't- ol s.iiJ conoty hi U irisvihe, X. C.,:ind :ei ser or .hiuur to I he cciupiaint ia said ac lion, or the pVnitiiT id apply to liie ; jim f.ir t'nt; re'.b t deri-. tod id 'n si 1 ce'.i'pl-.int A select liiie of ladies and p nts watch chains, fresh from t'ae fac tory, at Swind- H's. W iid-m's la r'.; ami el-".Mtit st.M-k of drv L'o-.ds. notions. Loots, shoes This lStis Jay .it Hep.tj.Wr tsOI. and hats is attractini: the a: tent ion j W. H. n'XKS,C. sc. of alt th-peopl?. Call and e f.-r j Ru.lgi?& WatM.u. J.iiicc i Xvii-U VOlirso'.f. ; Attorney fur j.biiatiT. Of all the ooods, Ir. Join s has tiio tiii'-t. (i tlu-Pi ior ioi rd war.-. Clotiuiiir, Hats, Shoe,,, Sifters Puckets. Ihii-lais and pictuas ch--ap at M.-dd's Variety Store. 'Whv in th.; world didn't you i-uv th'.s-- sh"es from McCall ic Coidcv, and sav ' nionev?"' Tl.ey L-.-.-o the host m.i.. at t'.i" lowest ri.-es. Aisn full shjck dry ;o, and notions m.s arrived. Lnni; us tii plod i.;t . nd iv; ir-. d pnoi JdeCali o; C nhy. do i ) M- ddV Vati dv Store for :dl sii ;m of Fn.it Jars. I lev an tlie h -st and ch'-a:--.-d. Tar. IP:-oai and Atlanta V.Y. h!v Cen .titiilion one year fori.-). Martin I.ros. liave th" lanres as r;a: tit -f tin ? in;.-s in town at lo.v prices. i;ek!r d trip-- at J.P.Noi ten's. Go to A. ii. Gilkey it Son's for fresh French candies. Ha villi? been solicited bym-'v f the pood people (if Mel rowel! ( i u: -tyj hert-Dy ai l, ounce iiiyM-11 a v. :o..i da no for loproselil at i". e inll.e ':..! p;enoriil assembly of Ni,r;h CtuoP: .-a ie repr-seit .Moliowill eotm!y. 1 will make niy campaign for a reform in ; on oral taxation and -t he puloio : . it- I system. I am in favor of io.m ;t. it. public expenditures, and ndia in;. :1 . salary of ;;t:ite i-tiiciais. I;m -i.. or favor of pei sioiis lor (hsahlei! solc.e. I , and proviilinj;' lii.iiii-s ai,d j hi-a ia: for tife jioor v. ho are ih-ser ii.. I trk the support ef ood piople o. n'I j ar- ties, aim pledge mysell In lie ,, oil, !l,i lo your Pdcre.-ts if e ieot.d I am eppt sod to makinif liie rich richer and poor poorer. Year (.hedii nt r rvat, Alls", 'i'h I Slit :-l. P. I-kai.. JVoIi-- oi' i-i.:ic S'tn ul;it:r. Tin; county catii.r-tes wiil ad-di'Cfe-5 th-" citizens of McIh)V.eil County at the following times and places, to wit : Piirl.cy Cove, Teef-a'ay Oct. ;.'!. P'-'ii XorthCove, Wed nt'.- !ay :' t. ' Xi-bo ity, Tlnntiay Marion, Pridy " liiirias Mill, l-ati.rday "7. '" Kysartsviile, ilomlay " : Lracket Town.Tue-.day u illi'; " ir-ujiar Hill, Wednesday " hi- ( ro.-ke.M.reek, Thurdny Xov 1. " P-road Itiver, Friday ' u'. Old l'ort, Saturday " .J S. ! vs.-.!.r, ( i airi!..-.!!, I lorn. Iix. 'oin. J. L. Mo in; : n. Chain". an, i!c:. Iix. oai. In Poor Health means so much more than you imagine serious and fatal diseases result fromf trifling: ailments neglected. Don't playwidi Nature's I greatest gitt health. Brown's Iron I Bitters Ifyonarefeelinjc- , have no appetite ' , mm- mcdicine.which is, ?Jn?lA I t- . ties cure-bene6t verjfirnt'dwe-S ' W,t tai four, tertk, and ll'a It Cures Kidney and Liver will send set of 1n Beautiiul World's Fair V Fair Views and book tree. W I BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE. MO. Aulice. The cuma.illciiii-n u! iii.- varinas j-.-ln,.. disuiois ol the county are r-p:es.t-l i. 1 ,;ve m,y of ihc public school tiii.r..; t o ..nt lur nxt v.-iir ni.t.I ta s.in-." u ;oi liun in Jitiu oy next. J. F. ilonaoov, County Su: A V:r:iis!sr- The law rvpiires that ail residents! our vil ae shall Mep tin-ir premiM-s clean. The marshal will hereafp-r ;.l- tentl to those whose-.m to iiion- i he law. II. A. Chki-;;;, Said, of I:cnhh. CITY IJAR. opi'.isi r-; rc.-.TOFFioK, Kct'l-s on litiud wiiis'vV Jiaiiilirs. wiii- .s etc.. )T t'm hot I Kllil V. X. II. JI MM AR SONS 'Old 'onr a t-pccitilty ?;!isic rico its now v. '.is!;y ! 182 AHIMAL EXTRACTS lTpar! clJii.? to th. formula ot t mi. v:i. a. i: ajimomj, rto;t. !. t . Ii. liMlat.K'Mory at i .3t.iJlK. !r,.in Hi.- nrmai. c'ji;iiIi Ill I.LIMI. t.i. in l'i" II,..- n,l il. I !.'! Of :. Ii-lir;. TMTME, tmm - t t,-r t fei.M of tuet-te. iAiil-i cf li.f ui-ik.mw- li.lv. -?-. OT.tlUVC f.-om tl.i-'iv.-.:; fi,.-dinasri of ii nvari,-. J:i-h"H-. tl.S. -tl l !.-! i.ri-H h a it 'i (Win :r .,l I,.' I --. niil iliv 1 I, ;;!. 1.0 if lii-n piru. I nrli.i.rv i -.i r. tu n. nni.n.Mi,n.n Ilt cuid anI VoiIl .$!.( Iiy special arratm-emenr we nr.- cn r.!ih'd t send ymi I n:: M i:ns Km om ami the Xew Vorh Weekly W.-rid for on.- year lor $!.".) in H-I.Uice. t.dtt stib- riti.-rs h pay vu -l ootirse are en titled to this rat.-. THE EAGLL BAR KEEPS Pure KriiUuliy Hye ji.'id North Carolina Corn Yv hi.-ke-s. Wint. I'.randit-s Ilxjwirt Ih-or. ('haninacrne. Urandy I'euches, FretM-ls lirr.ndy, and in f;.ct, nil liquors la pi in a lirst-cla: - Sah .on. Orders soli. it-d from adjoining counties, Addn-ss the JJAGLi; Ji Alt, of tt,! xpultivi- f-,ri.- .,1 llr,.,l-l;lo li,r l.n-l o j,rthtaltJC Kfti'.n llirli....iw ,lnrrnn it In muscular tr miii so l r :.'1i-r: In- ' . cr--rt .o.r nf vi- i . .-I.fr! p-ople, ' aid itii-r R-l at ..i t ..- nn-l rtlr'iv--1- rr. Wbe'e lorni ilrmc-)-!-. nr.- i..-t im ("I'l-il ' with the IIn,m.r, Anini: l l.r"vi t.-y will I mullci. l,.c-0,i-r Kill, all nitn, nttiratureon the.ji-j. ct..ri r i i-t of pritf, ' THE COtr-TIBI 1 CO., Always Cores. Botanic Blood Balm To Grat f?em Jy for the sp cure of Srr-fuU. Mn-uosntiia aTSMN ANU bUXu'i frvai tbe rrpvirirtion or an 1 r. r.o usJ anj iii continual use for nfuen years sanJ nf cratrf jl r-orl a Sc it ii r-v fir the tst t uili.ng up 1 Piiriiwr ever oilered to ths worli. rich fclool. and heatir.; properties. ZS- WRITE FOR IXK)K OF WONDERFUL eminent ihyiicun ircess iiA 40 years. If r.ct fceyt by your local aruS?iit. stnl $io r a Urge bottle, or $s-co far six botCes. aaJ s-iicii.e will ti sent freleht paid by I BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga.

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