WHAT !i:.V!:i. SA' HE1 WO TERRIBLE FIRES. L. T. MeLotri', Casiiiek. ltTl al tli! po to'ticeul Marion, N. C. S r-cond class nuttier. KL'LK.-t WE Ixis't Mrt'K. j X sutu ripi willrK- t I'-un it t! p:iiil for ' .viva (.-.. ! i.-;V(. t-i-nt-t jxt l:n" f'r :ilt !;ti;.;!-! u. 1 N'o 'ntnli'l:tls''fl'Mi)iMii--m-r;ts j lNhed unfits p:tiil for in adv;w-.. j ltit til:-tin- Ta i- out -i' I i"' p-t j l,-jl nofif" 10 c.-nts pr !is!f ;"! j llr-t in-rtioii, .i (-nt-: tlnTi'iin-i. j PNjday -?-:- f- -i ; " j '"'" j A c-rr''vp'i!i(Icnt of the S O.n-'ty H-imU, ?-:yp th:;t -.vli'n KHmiond- IV -arson was -peaking (::' i : : r n iririit?r of the jj-wjiel 'tro.-e iinu jinked Iiiin wlmt li jro- d t ) do if ho v.f lit to C(rfrfes. warn ftcjcv'n i p cprinHT nrp-.T ! CARS AND FREIGHT BUP.r; I ''Mr- r r . r r t j n K A t I : -. 1 1!:- v nvy, ii r ;i ,'.:iy IV One Y-sir Six M-mthH Tim ' Month - 1 1 ' - r.o l'or ( ''inpcs. IV. T. (KAWFOKI of If:iywiil. For .rii"1r ?i- ,":cf, VI. U.roi N( 1 1.; of V:iill:iiiy:i. For Solicitor, W. C. XKWIANH, of falilw.'il. T,r Hi" Sfitc S:nni. I'M I'i.-lri :ivi; .i. irsTK i:, ..f Mi-DiAVi l!. :'.!ul i.-. i:i f.is ;a ni N r.ir, of Ynii' i y. For th" l.t'ui.-latu-i', .i:v. v. ccau'ioi;:). Tor Clerk of tin- S-?ari Vnr sheriP'. f.i:o. if. ;ak!-i ::. Tor Kcjfisler of 1'eeil- ir oiirt. For Surveyor, .i. n. iukcix. For 'oroiu r, T. M. HALF.. TO T1IK i.OM. On next TuoI:y tin people will he culled on to deride the future destiny of North ('arolin.-i. It is loft with tin; people wliotlior they arc in favor et endorsing the Dem ocratic putty, with its clean record for honesty, economy and progress in all hranches of state government, oivhi'th!r they are in favor of turning tho affairs of onr country over to the nondescript, illegiti mate, intangililo and tiiiprip.riph'd fusion party that lias formed an unholy un:on merely for the pur pose of placing the ofi'icrs in the state in tliehand.-; of sufdi jioliti.-dl traitors as Msrioji i'utr and dh--rs of his strip . They have preach' -d hard times, and a dearth l business over the state to deceive the honest yeo manry. Any man with a grain of brains knows that if the hard times are attril ntaVlo to the actions of any party, that party is tlieRcbub licans. Even the greatest livintr Uepuhlican, .lolui Sherman, .-ays that no political parly is responsi ble for tl;e money crisis. We do not agree with him, for we believe the republican party, with its pen sion frauds, robber tariff, money legislation, always in favor of na tional banks and Wall Street, and tgainst every soiit'.u rn institution, is solely responsible for the panic we have gone through fo oer two years. The Democratic party is the only party under Heaven that, sympathizes w ith the people of the South. The I'opulists, like that fool calf that left its good mother and ran off after an old Republi can steer, will find out thedin'er t ncc between them when milking time comes. l)o;i't l e fooled into voting the fusion ticket. lon'l vole tor a man o:i that ticket. I; is a fraud, and a political scheme to place certain men in oiliee, and. not for the g od of the eouiurv. No politician who is hor.e.-t wouM ask you to support a ticket 1 a.- d on principles which arc s fa? apart !s the principles of the Third part v and t li3 Repuhl cans. arty favors the othci every single jnstanci only one thing they agree upon, and that is that they have men in hot,h parties who want ottices, and anything Lord to get them. Wt ; th.' iVmocnrie ticket and ytut will vote to sustain a progivsshe, hon est and clean 'government in the interest of all the people Vote the confusion ticket, and you will .e for a political conglomeration of inconsistencies and political ras cal ty, the like of which has never been s en before. To the polls then, Democrats, and save North Carolina from 'the disgraceful attitude the cenglom- t lint lie would -lation of tho )emo rl rev rs-: the policy n Cravford. l...iit i.ny n:.r-t ' 'ii'oerat r l'i .pv.Iis; V..U- for him .' lie;-:; is w!:a( ; would do: 1. He would resiorii tli" I' '": ral elecf law, v. hic!i was a menace to l-i efiy :u co t the j; "pie .:,.". r'v) l.i-annually 2. lb- would resi.;e the TOO of- :"ie-:. jiboli.ji.-d bv ti-e Democratic .arty, together with the 700,000 these ottk. s cost ni salaries. P,. He would rej.eal the ir.o.-t stringent anti-trnsl law that lias eer lorn n:e-:s(i, in oiuer u;:u these trusts may h-vy tribute upon the Ameri'-an peoide, with impu nity as heretofore. !. He would replace the I)( in - erat-t-irilV biil by the McKInley bill, v.!;:- !i means that 1-e would tax the Am- riean people $ !0;),0M: (;("' s.iel to them annually by the D.-moeratie ! ill. He wf.ub.l resfore i the ov. agrieulttiral m)l"ine;its, I cot ton k ie-. i.ile .a'.".'i:ur, binding Iwiueand tie; olh"r ope liundred or more articles placed on tie? free list, lie would incr::a::e the ax on loien an'l oiner cioimng, no.i, , i . . ! .i ... coat ana numerous ihiu'l uun iw. upon uhicli the tax was so greatly reduced. He would give the sugar trust '.'()( ).()',!() insteadof ),00(),- t;()t) and deprive- the government of . !:' ,MM),(!!li) of revenue. He. would release tie' millionaires of the ob ligation to boar their proportion of the burdens of government, and raise all "revenue by a tax upon the consumer, as the income tax is apart of the Democratic tariff bill. o. He would restoiH the oxemp tion from taxation of $.o-l,0r.K),0i.i0 of U. S. Trjusury notes which Dem ocrats placed on the tax int. 0. He would reverse the Demo cratic noliev as to pensions by which. i?2,J05.71:;.G5 were saved to the' people. 7. He would restore sectional ism, so that no Southern man could occupy any high position in the adminintrativn d" tiic govern ment . 8. lb' would restore to road : oroorat ions the ma kn of acres of land which lh; Democratic p-uiy has rescued an returned to the public domain. (J. He would slop the minis fron coining silver and allow the Slier man Treasury notes to remain out standing as a menace to our reserve, and vole against fret age of silver. V). 1 fe would substitute e agance for eet.nomv: fraiu l . -i.il mtv (sometimes ( t'on ) for a revenre t: T!ie FiO-T!irrial !It : Sin!!: rfonitoH I'fclroyel 1 the riaiiirs. On last Sunday morning th? hmrest lire eer in A-hovi!!e oc curred, which destr yr-d t)e freight dep-.t, Vi.ght freight cars, n large amou'it of freight, and all the.pa-p- !-, and r- c rds in th!i office. Tiie lire was di.-coveretl aiut .- '-'..i r. -1 -. - liii-.ntiinf iv .ioht enman JJ-ivis, a .t everv t:un was made- by the fire company and citizens t save the propertv, but i the loss if. estimated at ! K ! The CiLien as tliat while the O ClOCiv .SZXEVILL,r, X. c Ir.I.lTri STATE 'DEPOSITORY. CAPITAL $50 0G0 SURPLUS $25 000. Wo Lave Special facilities for handling the business of Merchant? j or think of a charge, wo w ill be g'ai to have you correspond w ith vs. woik of moving the cars was done? a tank'of ( il in no of the cars ex ploded with terrific force, hurling frngmeirts of the wood work, and boxes of merchandise in every direction. Road Foreman Jim Moore was sleeping in the seeord story of tho tower of the building, and iiad a mirrnw cseaj)!. 'When he awoke. everything around his bed was burning, and Moore jumped from the window, receiving painful iu- jlll-ie.:. . en TtriM-'oiMrox". i.os-. On last Friday night the hand some new hotel, the Iso-Tiiermal, was -completely with ail its con tents deployed by lire. The loss falls h -.ivily apon Mr. Outline, U13 proprietor, and a lar.-o stockholder in the property. It is also a great loss to the town of Rulhcrf jnltou and its most hospitable, people. The town had ' become :v favorite summer n sort, and this was the only hotel of any importance. the iv.il nv miii- gold coin- 1' Eleven Krasoiss W2sy 'Vliis Stato Will io lenocraic. Ropuliids who denounce tho Democratic party denounce the following honor t legislation: 1. The income tax 2. Free cotton bagging, o. Free cotton ties. 4. Free agricultural implements. 5. Abetter anti-trust law. (). Abolitionof th.e sugar bounty. 7. Fifty per eiM't. reduction on cotton cloth. S. Fighty-nine per cent, reduc tion on woolen yarns. 'J. Seven tv-seven nor cent, re duction on woolen shawls. 10. Seventy-two per cent reduc tion (.n weole- blanket.. 11. An average reduction ot 'o per cent on almost every article that enters into general consumption.- Now, farmers, if yi;u are blind vou may vote the fusion ticket. If you c-uisiutu- your own inter; --Ar., you will positively vote the Demo cratic ticket next. Tues lay. A Ci'.ov.'i) of Wasiinptc:i newsboys mc'.t li.ivc tlnu.?M tho laillcnninuiliad conic tl:e other clay whoa a portly, re.l f.iceil peiillenian oal'.e;! thi'ri c round biiii on t!:;; stiv-it (.-. rner a.ud lican jiroscrit'li.T t'lcm with '.";;; :aonds. It dovelopc 1 tlmt the'r n;,--i r'ous Lo:k-fa-.!'u.r v.a- :i V.a-.h:r.jtc:i 1 r;v,-er who iial Mi.l-tonly 'nnc Sn:s.v.-ic. lies rj;::a d.-rod r.h.-.tt cL-vcn hur.'.Ifetl dollars i:i GENERAL HEV3 ITEMS. rAiiAii:APHEi rois - the ISEStfOI ISEAIIEIIS. At Clinton, S. C, lire destroyed a warehouse with 500 bales of ct con. The first snow fall of tho season occurred -hi Montana Thursdav riight., Mrs. Marv A. Wood ridge, corres ponding secretarv of the World's W. C.T. U, died Thursday eve ning in Chicago. . Howard Ciaskill, a young man of Newherno, as "drowned in Neuse River last Thursday, by falling from a steamer. Two passenger (rains collided t Henderson on Oct. 7th, injuring several passengers, and damaging tho two engines. On the night of the 2d!h Oct. a terriilic liail st(jrm passed over Raleigh. The hail was said io be as large as pigeon eggs. T. C. Oower, a prominent citizen of IJrcvard, was drow cd in tho river near that place last week, while bathing, says tho Hustler. The Japs have defeated the Chinese in two recent engagements. The Chinese soldiers murdered the Rresovterian Missionary, Rev. Ja Wylie, while on tho inarch to Co- rea. BBLFOXTHIGIISCIIooL Tliorough Woik, Small Cost For particulars ad dress, A.C. TATE, A. B. LVncipal, Old Fort. m mm mi lpH F MORGANTON, N.. C. I i'feM 1?urIar 1roof Vault, Patent Time Irfi 7 s.."5St:rjjig Chrome Steel Safe for ('!, n, Tti frPrjjHfefi,";1 ri ii --. I lur ,lsn and R-fciHi York and other TrudY ' teliif Centers bought ply kjgjg an.l sold. 3z!Z-2. Lanking hours 9 a. m. to 3 r. ,r xamyom u-1 ww J L . , J , NEW - "FAIL GOODS! o Hie t nanotto street torce m terracing the street near the old cemetery on Poplar Street. to the proper slope, several graves were dug up. The skulls and bone were taken out. YnSimblc Presents Free. We wish to introduce our Ssiem Pills iuto cverv boinc. We know ih-.il we inn v.f.ictu-e the very best remedy o:i 'ah for the tiire of Consumption, IJillionsDcss, Sick IleudacliC, Kiduey Troubles, TorpiJ I-ier, flc; niiJ lliit when you have tried these i!!3 un will gladly reco.nmeiia luera 13 o;lief?, or tiike an :ienc-y, anJ in this way i shiill have a large, well-Hying demand L'litl'.l. As -i special inducement tor every reader of '.his );iper to try these pills and lake an arrnt-T t oru-e. we will give to cicli perscn who sends twenty-fire cents in cash, or thirty cents iu stamp?, for a box of System Pills, one of the following presents; Handsome (lo'd Watch, a good Silver W:iU-h. a Valualnable To-n l ot, a Genuine Diamond Hing, iiCfiskct of Silverware or n Genuine $3. CO Gold P"ece. Every purchas vr irtt3 or.u o( tlie above presents. There are no exceptions. Shaw IJeme ly Co l-:ulherrord, N. J. CL&atsiIi'3 da Siia Ciat-nett is a certain cure for Chronic Koic Eyes, GranuL-teJ Eye Lids, Sc-ro Kirr!c3, Pilav fAZOcia, Tetter, Suit Illicum find tjcald lleac!, o cents per lis. i or aia ty ci oggista. 10 nCSSS Ov-TETEP-S. For pui'ing a hor in a faio hcali'-y con- IdiUon try Dr. Ccdy's Condition l'owucra. TLcy tone up the cv ;i023, aid digestion, cure Madeline Pollard i3 out in an ? ' Z' interview in w hich she announces nsw ,jVe t0 an ol1 o;.ovcr worked horse. 25 t: at site lias concluded to make New York city her home, and would turn her attention to newspaper i i i woik urn. meiauut;. g- QQp-TJj: HOVELS An attempt was nad3 as-t week; to wreck the Air Line train near! i' iowery ienu, ty placing" iron r.-uU a;"ro.t tho lri'k and -nikinir'-o a larpre '.C-i.ajrs illustrated cents per pixckase. i' or sale cy druggista. - Morphew & Streettnan. NEATLY COl'XD, AND A YEau'o t-l lliCUIPTlOX Kiieisll 1 lis is W MIFF! LOW FlllCti!! I have bousrht a new and large stock of Dr Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, and will sell them at the .Lowest Trices. Groceries, Grain, Produce, &c. See niv line of STOVES HARD WAKE AND LIME SPECIALTIES. lie Gliok'cst, Largest and Cheapest Stoeiv of goods ever offered m Marion. Marion, N. C. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Prompt Attention Given to Work "Received BY MAIL. Estimates Furnislcd.es to Charges. RETTJBN POSTAGE PAID ON REPAIltS WML T C i'.-l 111 till:" !.--!!-- . would d- it" he could, vote 1'or Crawford. oi ph nrr.:'.. lrcr: Ic- l , nr. tor snaol: Io not teaki ti-a- Den-KiT:-Uiehmniid l'i-a t' anv !' ti-i.- ion 'y if you cndo'".-v ;-( i.'s phitform. Li-t evs-ry D-'i-meia , .-,( that tie; nann's of mtreandidatt-.-? fur judg-.-; and for Slalc I i""a ;-ii ;; r are on thi tick.-ts. Don't fail in thi.-. It is hoped that cverv iii'nst !f with 1 w uieci- will fatniliai i. the election (ilh. in (ifi'- r li repliant v may IW: 1 v.--.i.::i i s v- r.)-'.i 1 t',-;t Ci .!-. I live ir.t (-;;-: r liiiadly i to re tiii- oi.iir.-.l for icr j) i ... 14. . . :. . .. i- mairHU'ii-!ir U.M.1 .iut,r.M? me.u uovmi, out inu nigmm u is- ; m, .,, nVr ,.g hiih.1.o1.I Toidcf. tlie covered tiio obstruction 111 time to n.zm.. referred to, i a .litf-i-cUss I'iijii- niWtllt a lot:l wreck. rcili-i with ;.ri-g ot ive, t;b-u;ur i t .: Vi-t . :ni ! s'lun ii.t.'i i -s n sf k 1 iiirlrne Adam Cook's iitih" child was j iiv sket-lji-a of f n.t -in 1 l.iuc.v ; mul in :he hurn.-d tode.tth in Wautaugp. conn- ; Jit f 35 novs ro u-h tte:i...r-s a "a i., !...' t;..,,. . l ... ..... i . n.. i Ur.ire t.owanl. t-v !Jo!)irrt l.oiii h;eve;iSi-ri ; tv lasu Inuis-.iav, says ihe JJemo- , , i . : ' J . i A IUiic isnn :i s l,e.iiiti-r, by i.ti.i . crat, no one being present but a ; i; ,rct.. Nim-.ta, a most .lea?in-r story to little shster wllo.s" hands and arms ! M. I", i ai'lo'-; A tli'idea anU B. tween were badly burned while trying to Twu Si is. bv .he author of l)o: Thorne; extirguihh the ilames. The handsome residence of J. S. Coxey, of Coxana, four mile."! from Massillion, Ohio, was irarned to the .fi'iiiul hist Saturday niylit. A number of . outhoiwes were also liurned, and but few household ef f els v.ere saved. Tho origin of tho lire is .supposed to have been in 'endi.try. The loss is estimattd at ? I0.f m. l're;Ieiick-bitr?, Oct. 27. It is The Truiu F It. by the iionin-ir wreer, Uuli Uotnva.v ; alnl ilie .Moo-ct'.oiise Tr.ij;c dy, r.itlier priisatiuual. Ly Air. Jane Aus'.in; A llcroim, a iK-!iilitlnl stdiy by Mis. Ufetca 11. buvU; Wall r'luwcrs, by tlie poy.iiar Mm i )ii Ilai iai;.l. utei the iient slt.ry Gui ty or Xot Guilty, by Ai'.i inda 'si, Douglas?. .S;ate foibijj nei:tiuuil.g t! c other novels but tl.t-y are :.!! ihe shd e ii: jvli gra.le, pi.imiar. blight, lom.ctir, .- i.!y. iiit'Testinr stori.'S. 'i'ltu 3j n-ve!s aV.l iliecurrert issnp of Hoi:ii lu'.J Toiiitts w ii! be sent yon the dty your order i3 it eei ved This wil". siidy you with :i s 1 :?un's reading for a meie son?; and will be nii.ireri nc-d bv nil i:i C 1 o, U ii t J J. A McDoxali), 1'ropriotor. MAItlON.X. C. EXTRAST FROP1 A SERSON- li ii r N : ii 3 n i 1. ;j bi A OVi hiU nm-or ir ir- .1 i:i--.i':or ip.;.'.';;:"! c o; ull i:i tlie; ;;') ;i crac.:s tin.: :;ent .; co:.v nr. Tui.y in the coiiv.-m Nichols with lie o :i ii$ r-.v :;n. nke county i!e; V'T fl: .i.'ll. d l.-.-m li.irri, and k:dv. . tj-1 t ! i.vA t: ! loolrcil. : truiica. A v-'V - - J :.l i. tra:;; h.A I? eu earn nl cau- at There Coot) crowds have ai!e:i precincl to hear th" di'l'e! didates speak during tlie p Let all who favr pj;i 1 ne nl turn out and work f r ihej straight Ib-moeratic ticket. i I a ti:, y. j rrotty ;:-:rl. J l.o ii!tore..U ; the m i l.'?r ! iu-ly. lie v.-r.:; ' boarded rir.n .3 ' young wom:;:i 1- cei:i vvarJ t u?i i Jill '.-l on I.I... i,i,i ut ,.,. ,: ,..tl i now known positively that the ex-j n j.-sxiiold Tones I'm. "o., P. O. Dox press pouch whose hiding place was l jo New York c.Uy N. v revealed by Charles J. Hearccv Con-, " tained 011I3" tiiree dollars in iikmi 'V, j one or two railroad bonds, some, receivers' certificates and several j ....... ,...t.ia wi.ra i;i iuu.ll ! attached. It is also known that a. man who was arrested in Charlotte', i X. C, w as overheard tilling of the j . recent train robbery at Aquia creek j with such detail tnat it is suppos-1 ed he was connected with it. i CHICAGO Bkcianap; iver. !. S! the merchasit politely for h::vin 1; ri:-Afs'.: t'i:r c-ttnty "ciMnrais sieners wi-re enterprising enuiiLdi to build thne iron bridges, all tho mossbacks miv the Dere.eeratie ticket ought to be defeated. Don't howl against the prorressiv spirit of your county, ami then claim the rep-pop pii-T t,. l e a party of i:i U iligercc and proore.-s. A iiar Trutlt .oi Ts:in:. 'Vlieu you hear republicans talk in;; so knowingly tbout th- susrar trust, just remind them that under the MeKanl.-y law passed by their I party the suar trust's proi;s wi-iv the tar.h oi talci I an asylum ca:.it-r i hope. On tlu'i'Jth inst. at Areola, 111., 1 a terrible accident attended the lie- publican nieelitii;. Just as the ; train stopped and (lovernor e-, Kinley was introduced, two men, j Win. Layman and Thomas Douh- j erty, cdehraled the occasion y. itii a j dischanr-'" c!" a small cannon in tlie j open space behind the depot, and only twenty yards from the train. ! The first discharge v;i:s successful, j but on tlie second the cannon was! discharged prematurely and Lay man suffered the loss of both eyes, while Dougherty's right hand was Mown oil" at the wrist and his right eye destroyed. The accident, oc- lenrre.l ilirniurli T 1. -irrl,nvtr f.itlt.itv T a cra.v creature to 1 ""ly-"; than he ha,l .tared ta j to clos0 the vent- : I IxTrr:i:sTixG acsnrsts appear from ! r.spi l-l c- y.y t:;l r. ronr. h t .i.! r::i. :::: 1 tha 1 i.la arm l..Il, : th? akcJ ClKNrlATI jRAfiNSJ LCUlSVIllECvJ NNATI iNiumy - UK Luunu 1 wn D 1UJISV1UE uunam TQ Chicago 'ASHEVILLE PwATT.'.KflfVf:!! 'JkVfc. Tne.M 3 V.'rxTwor.Tii nir.r.ixsox r.ays time to time concerning the rich depoa that ho thinks t harlcs Se.raner ir.tro- its of poM ir. Oregon, the southern set-d'-eed envelopes into the Cnlt-jJ i tlon c that state havin.? been de Stiito. as t!ie senator hrotiht soir.a J scrihixl as tho most rroliQc g-oW-bear-san-plfs of them horac with hira v.hca ir? re?on i" tho country. Jackson ho returned to ".orton from England ! tn1 Joaophina coir.t:.?r, alor.e produced in Col. Ilig-g-inson's first rcaollcc- I "early or.o million dollars of gold lat tloa of e:-.ve!op-js goes back to ls-ja, 1 year. Durinpr the last forty j-ears the when he saw them la Cambridge, JIass. I product of tluse two. counties has This being- the case, the envelope ante- ! trnounted to forty millions of dollars, dates the postage stamp in the United ' There tro twenty thcur and acres of Suites. j pold territory in the counties of Jach- j t.oa and Josephine, every acre of which i'lif limniiK 011 011r Tate. j yields frt one thousand to ten thou- ..j liable u. i,K, HU.iwi.i; tuaj dolhj-s a rear in f,.lV n:A thn THE ONLY LINE RUNNING THROUGH CARS FROM ASHEVILLE KNOXV1LLE CINCINNATI. DIRECT LINE VIA LOUISVILLE OR VIA CINCINNATI TO CH1CACO AND THE WORLD'S FAIR. CLOSE CONNECTION FOR ALL POINTS NORTH, NsilTHEAST, WEST, NORTHWEST. SOLID YESTIBULED TRAINS. erationists would put her m. She I just exactly four times as :rea! as is all right and prosperous now. I under the r. -w Democratic law. L"t's keep her right. I Mor-iamon 11,-rald. il v. r l't wcil unit 55 vou clt-iinse it atei bin il ii 11:1 ia ric!'.nr$3 t.n.1 purity. Dotan ic 1 oi l'..hn, U10 rrcat blor.d iuriier an-3 ''", 'a wl..i; y. a i.e !. Ore l-ottle i!l c!i-.-ir y.mr -.nipI.x ion ami purify your oli o.l. Tiy if I'riCfSl.t'O per lottle. Fur sdi.' jv ti; hit '-.si 5. ASK FOR VOUR TICKETS VIA QUEEN & CRESCENT ROUTE. territory i.-; abundantly supplied with svater. Such a region Lu Sor.th Africa or in a remote district of Australia would attract tl.ror;;s of gcid hunters, but as it is within i..sr reach by rail it j ... . . 'sc'.uacompuituvciy'iittie attention. ! children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Anr Apiil ml tk. E. 4k D.. E T. V. k O., or Qtwn 4k frwit. ..U ftlv. jeu lAtKMtiM mm l mkt, nu W. C. RINEARSON. G.P.A.. CINCINNATI. Ky Itcv. T. D. Wii! "i.-iHiijasJ-. "Siiine ofj"Oii ire making n jirent S'.va.-li in Hfu and afttr a Tvliile you v;I! - your faniilii'S lie irs. itii-1 i-s:n-,i iii miiiist-rs ofilte gjspil to vi:ie tin. I lie a ljout jour txctlLu-jies br.t'wc will not 'h it. It' you s-n-J !). r'tv 1 w;.:l ti-il .:: w li.tt my t'-xl will be : 'ile that T j , iii t ":')i tor Ins own, uml tSi'cia!ly 1'ur th vie i bis Oivi. 1 ou3.-!ii'U, a wor.'e t!i i i :i 11 li-'. 1-' In litis J:ty, (!oJ lias tn-.c": tally i:li.jvoil those ol us who have -i liiuiti-.l iucuinu 10 m!ie piovision fir our f.imdles tln.niili the great Life Insurance Ooi:ipan;e.- :til . vr the mad. 15y seme eell'-dei.ial on our part we cm niac this provision f jr tho.-.) wu slidll leave behind us. ! thtte miytliiug mere he'plcFS than a woman whose husband !:a just died, uli:i wilh her children at her b.-iclc, the 'o si.u'. to light for bread? Shall she become n iiiv ni.il iu some oue else's household? No not t je one viio has bei.-n lyin 0:1 ou'' ariti all these years, mid tilling the h -u i- hold wilh joy and light. Ali, n.! Vou had bmUr have your ciHiii made larj;e euough to t ike all vi it'i you isi to thut l.tni u iirre they i.evir iie-.-ze or ttarvp. llo'.v a man with ro Mirp'.us of rsin.e. but stiil fnoigh money to pay t'je pi t-tn : t. u. on a Life Insurance Policy, can rdusr to Jo i ncd then look his children in -.t fire, Htid jay bis prayrrs at niht oa truing to bed, expecting thtm to be a'.iswertd, n a! no slery that I have never been :de to lalj-.m. 1 i.ui,- fcujssome oue, ! mn u man of small means, and I can't s'loru" t p iy tli premium'' Thai is soinetiuns .ii uw'ful mi l a gVuuine excuse, but rarely T:ie imswcr tJ it is lhis:Ifyou ara too poor to support your lam.ly slid pay for a poriry on jour life, you are too poor to take the chance of dying aul then leaving theu, depit-d id the tujiport your oraiis und handj suppli them. Lifs iasurancn is ihe only v. ay ever de vise! to make now a liber U prov i-io i for the fat tire wkh a s i nil an ouni o,' mouej" iETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OFFERS THE REST I.FH 4 Zi MEATS Call on or Address W. F. VGQL 1 i K !i in i:t'd d kv mi- 1 .3:-.' : t 1. and of my ford, cr.lt . r h.-.ve ?ot the in" in town, r.nd ;n ! )v d..vn, I k:er.. it w ill :;ty V:;il to EXAMINE GGQD3 AND Fr.ICES iK'fuiX' milking y):r juirt l.t!-'"'!1 I ei;n save y. i: inr.'-y. Yours for low nrices iiii-1 fair llir.ri. aim m MAiaox, X. OlY r.s h.-i i)!'oft ri.-;inul v One- th- j: Xorti ov i-.l... w .lit'- s .r: 11. I. ('., rvivs t ,, r at .-1'irt' DR. B. L ASHWORTH, tiy.jician and Surgt-oii, OLD FOSIT. . :) &p.jk 5 3'- J-. 1 OUCLAS I THE BEST. NO SQUEAK !Ni And otter Relain" -Cectkmen. LaJl'. SoJ' aud Mime arc tM Best in ihe World. St dwicriptlTe odrcrtlr meat which appear' to paper. Take no Cctstltite. Int!t oa balas fcltOES J. S. flYSSRT. Mari'in.X-1'- J urion. :;. C. G. B. TKGMASON. old F..rt.

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