"f$ ffT ,$$f -JS1 mihgA m ,3, VOL 3 ii-ki , -A( At )i:paimtu; ok TUAIV53. ,v i:i:.:i'Ai -Witt bound train iiii'i;! it I ''! leaves .f102? th:usid.y, oyembebis, i894 !.iiii 1 tri'.n arii iki fit 4:Xi 4 r aii.oau Train arrives at leaves :it -1: I ' p. jjQOAL GLEANINGS. - r.riiii? tl,. li-iiie-. .;u work to tho Itn'ocu. is away this week on it y Bar for Turn anl .( f J. 15. Swi'.ileil iji this -H-iianie foster has returned from iz in more. m-ht and report a ni, c time. Tlie general inquiry as to the ad- : vantages offered by our State as a where ha went toll.,. , place lor permanent residence operation performed on his eyes. j niakes it necessary to advert (o the -John Wilson, of Mill Springs, folk ' fu,lr'wing facts relative to North county, a former merchant of ll'arion. i C'arolina afi viewed iju.tfiis -light. spent several days here this week. Wo know that we oiler advantages Drs. Lewis and Murphy of the j ,,ot passed hy any other State ..iNcm nospitai, at Morfanton, were f (no union. In the first place, 2.1 C 36- , Uiiiii. ..ril-T" us are liko paid "P 'ub-f.-v. ,i,,.cor rattle parsed Utroujrh i-rHi"r-l:v. j ,!3 Ki.j?Iis, of Spriu-e fine, ,.1Bi..n this week. ...V i-w in"' perfumery ,, M"r;.l.. w A Whites. r,,i tu tli" ity i-ai' for hot drink. null kin'l. a! any hour, s,.jnl in y-'i"1 j"'1 work. All work ,j ;,.! iy ;i'"l promptly. II, ,i .h-inUs -: b had at City Bar 5, .ri . a pliin ones. i-p.f .Li!!)" Cnllicutt has been on s I," :i:p i ' York. -'ji- :.nl ."!r i" J. Justice are isit ., ,!i ;:i.t h- i i i s! "J this rcU. .. Mr. l iii-'li, "f JJillmore, is M .y,hz m t-i" I'eilini.T Houe vi;,ai-,!xT ai. l Sunday were I he ,.;,;, .i u !.;v.e had t his w inter -t ri .-. i'i t-:ee isis are beinr enr ;,.,!.: in id-- oapt il fliun 111 his reek. tall psaksH'the l'.laik Moun nin v,er- .-..ven-d with snow yesterday. -Vtfctibii!--,! trains will be put on l, N.mlK-ni Kailroad soi.-.etime soon. TVp call aitc nlion to Hie taxn ice fHi-rill ;nlin. Me niati? buisuess .- A to ! in the i roduee line will i,i. (;hliy !- v.l on your subsrrip- (;:!. -;i,;v is i list lesd of you 1 yon jTuiuif'l t-i hritir tia on your aubscrip- v win ii ? at Dr. 15 A. Cheek's Tuesday Messr. Jno. ilorphew, il. A. Xcw l.m!,T.K. Iludffins and G. (;. Eaves, are attending Federal coi.rt in Abbe ville. H. W Williams will open a first clues p1io Biiop undpr Dr. R.J. lUtrgin's dental office the first of Deem by r. Hr.. Andi-ew I.eonard. orBurke counly, presented the llcv.wA vith a sweet potato that weighed 10 pounds Who ran beat that? --Mrs. J.tary r.rijfht, a well-known and highly esteemed lady, of Suar Hill township, died last Monday morn ing. She was 71 years of age. Messrs. Chus King and Nick Davis k-ft Wednesday f;r BlulF City, Tenn., with Leo Richards, wheits tliey take him for trial. Messrs J. i;. (irnnt and J. '. Blan ton, returned Ttiesday from a two days hunt on the Catawba river. Their game i 1 1 m tn -Jnrphe r A- White for f-ney it li, cloth and h.iir nit- cunuiift is as a wool?, unsur- I passed, having immunity from ex- j tremes of heat and cold. The water in superior to that of any other section and easy of access Without these qualifications no country is, in my judgment, fit for a perma nent home. An to foils and pro ductions, we have a variety of soils, ranging from thoso suitable for rice culture to thoe adapted to wheat an J rye, including land? suit able for producing fine grades of cotton and tobacco ; also suitable to the production of the clover and the grasses, making possible and profitable the raising of line stock of all grades, including claiming. In .roof of this wa havo several well-conducted and successful daily farms. As to productions, that is, undr tho lxmigii ini'ur:;ce in the sh:pe of birds and rabits showed jf our genial climate, practically unlimited. Tht fancy of the fanner, trucker or gardncr may be follow ed without restriction. The condition of the farmer in this Stato is evidence that the above is true, as well the fact ihat farming, trucking, small fruitgtow ing is every day assuming larger proportions, showing that our peo ple have pluck and confidence in soil and climate. From personal observation we are fully assured of the fact that, as a class, the farmers of North Carolina are in better condition as V) produce in itore, preparation for future crops and as to cash in hand than those of any other State, with the exception possibly of Pennsyl vania. N. C. Bulletin. COMMUNICATIONS. From Old Fort. Mr. Editor: Allow me ppace in your excellent paper to thank the good people of my Old Fort church and many of the other citizens for a "pounding," on the evening of the lath. It was my birthday and was highly appreciated. May God bless all these good people. Al.BEllT SHERRILL. ihm't think we will take a i ,d e;i your .-.ubsn iption, y ft l.- i - ! -If ;.-ii !;..Mv im i -y .;. --U I I'u'luir. and his mother -,i:tis:j- rfktivea in WsuUt'&a !.. iu in a lit vv and splendid j-'i i: mi-1 .t:i .!, ll your jol) jtrinl rl-.K... - i'!, i iiniliA hib i.iet at Col. 1. J. .'.r..-:Ys last Fi ulr.y iii;;ht and ws, w-ii rtiiidf d. -h'-r. Mar.lt v MeDowcll and C V iicKfon, of liorsnton, were in -Tiie l-'e-l.-ral rourt at A-sheville sa'it 11 p.'ijotitti-s t) tins roiinty to serve out 1'icir s !!'.:ic;. rj S; n lost a valuable list week while out on a -a. i; cm liurifl oil ly Inji t. tio mi". Town Marshal Jhu Sholwell, lmkillvd John L..is. in Ruther- i f rlt-in, ha U'l'u aciuitied. lSruton's Snuff at J. 1'. Norton's. m SSiSOi?. 1 Bracelets, in silver aud Gold Plate. what kind cf iuck they hail Th missionary society of the Meth odist church, w ill meet on next Tues day night at 7 o'clock. All the mem bers are requested to be present, as it will be the lasl meeting before confer ence. T.ee Uiohards, who was arre-ted in this pince a few weeks ago, charged with the murder of Will Richards, at Bluff City, Tenn, was taken to that place on Wednesday, for trial. A rec )uisition was gianted for him On Tuerday nijfht during our ab sence au o'posstirn deliberately walked into our lancuini and took charge thereof. It is still a mystery how Iw came here, tin loss some delinquent sub scriber directed his footsteps here. In Biblical times the followers of I'aal, tested Elijah on Mt. Cum el. Ou la Thursday night the Tieps. and Pops, te-ited the explosive power of powder n the hill north of town in eelebra. tin.;; tne defeat oi the ivniocrat ic party in "North Carolina. i:ev. G. W. T'he'.rs is ej ected to nreachat the Kiiiscopal church in Old ! rt,oii Sunday Nov lsth, ind on Sat urday Nor. 21th ceiirr- - he annual visit of :.f. 1'ev Jos. Hlouiit (aieshire, D. I)., Kishop of the Diocease of North Caro line. .M-rvicy.s on this day i themorii i!ig at 1 1 o'clock. --In a drunken nv which occurred near the Catawba river, about 3 miles north ii town, last Satcrd .; ti:;bt, John Low ry was slabbed wnh a kniie and seriously wounded. The Knifn en tering his left lung below his hea-t. Dra. White and Cheek were called tnd an investigation of the wound showed that it was a dangerous one, but not necessarily fatal, aiid with careful treatment and good attention would soon hua'. Sunuel Brown wa.-ar rested on Sunday charged with commit ting the offense, and on Tuesday had a preliminery hearing before J. G. Nich ol.-, Esq , and bound ore- to the next term of the court. Tliv Caianba Hole!. Rev. Andrew P. Tvre, of States ville, ami Col. Hicks, of Raleigh, are in Marion today. We cannot sav exactly what their visit means, but rom all indications it means that tl.cy fire here to close a deal for the magnificent Catawba no- tel property. If we are correct, the building will be completed at once, and will be used in some way that will be a blessing to our com munity, morally and financially Mr. W. McD. Rurgin, the present owner of the property, has of.ered it at a price that cannot be ob jected to. Jfysartsville Not?s. Mr. C. C. Goforth was on a visit to his son, SJr. J. JI. Goforth this week. Mrs. Katherine Rogue was visiting relatives here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Sam'l BiggerstafT and daughter, Mis Delia, were in the village Sunday. Sheriff 1. T.. Daves has moved to bin hwn:e on f cuth Muddy Creek. Mr. J. W.Taylor has moved to Dy sirtsTille. Farmers are busy gathering corn etc. l'oliticai affairs were almost even here. Wish all the counties could have been like old McDowell, solid for Democracy. Although the liepubliean were vic torious, still we say "hurrah for the ld Democracy." Success to the Hscord. zz 3 m s u a 1 ! i r. 2 n We are informed that Mr. II. S. McCall, who was a candidate ior StOHHtl IliSl J lVS. Eveiyihing i pleasant anj delig' t t'iil, round about the charniii-g place, Bound II ill. Sunday school, nest Sum'.ay at ' o'clock p.m. The following Sundays at the usual hour si o'clock, a. m. Rev. Katchford will prtach at the camp ground next Sunday at 11 o'clock a. in., and at Round 'Jill 3 o'clock p. m., tlu same day. Miss Delia Elliott gave a candy pull ing last Thursday night. Qui'e a crowd was present, and all report a pleasant tiiiia The Hound Hill debating society, meets every Saturday night at 7 ;i0 o'clock. The question Saturday night is "which is, or has been abused the worst the negro or ludlan." The public school opened the first Monday in this month with Mr, D. M AbernaUiy, of Rutherford College, as Principal Mr. Abernathy is an intelli gent, pious, worthy you g niiii. tie is also a great favorite with the girls. Success to you Monroe. Now we have a nice comfortable school house; lets have a school second to mine in the country. Committee and i arents "by not have a school ali v. b.Ur sr. our children can O tn O $ 2 H 5" n - SCBSBES3 1 Q 8 c A , T3 A ?r-F n a -z - rn rZ O HI4 J a, z.. a. r 2. c s 5 aq Kl 11 7 a BUSINESS PARAGRAPHS. J. G. NICHOLS, R. L. NICHOLS IsTO"W FOB THE RAJE- This is h day ue hot c -uipetitioii, and wo r.iw ann;un;e thi no firm shall leat us in fsrnis'.ing good; at We have just received a larg stock of I -thing, II it3, D.mv Go il Sh.es, Ac, t suit every one,n:.d ell them with the T .A. "K 1 J1 0FF, A hiiffe ami general Iin: tf Alcrcliandise, Giocerius etc CALL and si: i: us, cr. Q- nsrxaHiDJi.3 &c brd Ait E;i rot in These Hard Time. Sh --o3 ! hiioes 1 1 Shoes ! ! 1 at Mc- i Call i Conley. New lot charma fur love chains, at Swindell's. McCall & Conley want your peas, rye, chickens and oggR; cither cash or trade paid. For fine soaps, stationery etc.,f o to Morphow & White Smoke Cannon Rail Tobacco, pipe free with each 5ct package at McCall & Con ley's. Love chains, new, neat and nobhy at Swindell's. Goto Junes' hardware store for the btet bargains in buggies ever offered in Marion. Here is the place to buy' your parts. We have them at greatly reduced prices. McCall & Conley. solicitor in the Asheviile district, ! learn something? Tn.-ir miads when xoxe cefealed. ' so noting can b bent like the sh ub of . . l!j;fo est, and a tliey approach tne Latest designs m scarf and stick jaj;c o;- n.rJootl aa womanhood, the pllld. Silv or Stickpins. Silver Belt pins, Silver corsage pins. Nobtjv line of cull" luiltons, i Al Swindki.l's. Evaporated apricots for riiaking pn.-s, at J. l . morion s. A now stock of fresh candies, coco:.nul8, figs, dates, raisins, ice, just received, at J. 1'. Norton n. New line of mantel clocks, big value, sure to suit, at Swindeh's. Ruv vour coffee from J. P. Nor ton, ami g.'t u valuable prize with ich 2o cents package, llio prizes consist of bowls, pitchers, cups and saucers, Ac. Causes oi tUe Avalanche. From the Philadelphia Record b ) i Washington, ' lundering in p ( New York City. to S Just in New York Swindell's Elgin, Waltham end Standard Watches at early ijnpres -ions oi cluiuhci will stand like a gui'ie boarJ to point tliem to right or wrong. Then let us all be- g.n wit h the determination that" we wi I I ever endeavor to exel others. Parents and children look to the future always, andhUive to be something noble and gr&nd, aud even better than you are. Now let us improve every moment of time allotted to us, and in the years to came, there will be neither a U-siro to live over again the neglected years, nor a regret for the lost opportunities of yo';th. Pet. ''MmiT of tuecilizers of IlHiii!ril!, Indi ans xr iivr without bottle of (Ja-iubcr Iain's C uj;li U-.-nip'tr to t'ie Isctise,-' a-iya Jacob Ur.-nTn. t' e len.jin ' mcicnant of tlis itlac-p. This Rfinedr lias proreu of to much Talus fui colds unl croup in children that few mothers who know i( orlli Hie wil iitig l u without ii. For Sale by iior phen & Stlertiuaii, lrti;git3. The Boys Who Went Judge Dick. The Asheville Citizen, of Tuesday, says: "lesteruay auernouii m me irnited States court James Mckinney Taxes Taxes. 1 will be at the following places at the dates lielo-v named. All persons owing me taxes are urgently requested l irit't-r me on tbe,f il.ivs. I will be was sentenced to two months' "prw-, fHn.cd to collect taxes by law if not onment,anu mieu otherwise settled. Come out and paj Marquise Kings Rrquoise md silver. The .nantle of Charily. It is the ona garment the fashion of which never changes. The years may go and come, and yet she who cloaks herself in this mintle- is at once happy herself and the g ver of happiness. In cut it never changes. It is always large and full, so that it can envelop those who are unhappy and givo them warmth and comfort. Like the cloak worn by the prince in the violating the revenue laws Bill Ervin, Elijah Sneed,Andy Chan j dler, Shepman laylor. George Teague, Thos Cairns, Judge Mathis, Bill Hens ley, F. II. Tally nod Bob Tate were each sent up for one month and lined 100 and costs. This morning, for the first time in the history of this court, a Vice-President of the United States occupied a bench wi h the presiding judge. Vice-President Stevenson came down from the Battery Park and for a while bad a seat with Judge Iick, watching the pro ceedings with interest Hence Miller was sent up for two months and fined $100 and costs Sam Ingram, Clayton Perry, Grant Postell, Abo Williams and Modi Cag were sen tenced to one month and $ 100 and costs each. up and saye cost. Finleys, Nov. 28th. Higgins Mill, " 29th. Old Fort, Dec. 1st. Marion 3rd. ;. H. G rdix, Sheriff. A select line of ladies and ger.ta watch chains, fresh from tb fac lory, at Swindell's. Blanton's large and elegant stock of dry goods, notions, boots, shoes and hats is attracting tha attention of all Hi people. Call and see for youraclf. Notice I understand it has been circulated Brow nie sti k Dins tbo latest Metro politan rnge. those whose eyes are made clear by j faith. It is the garment that I would my girls to wear. It is true that much patience and much self denial are required before this cloak is put on, as it should be, for all time: but once assumed the amount Turf i no mo.iicine to of! en nerti.j m viry houie an'l no admira'dy .vifitd to th lurimpi-s fir whieh il is i n t en tle-1 as (' hmdii lain' l;iia r'nlm. Hiirdlr a wrek p:i.-sr3 lut s in ii. ember of tlie fimily ha. niril of it A tooiljcii or bca-'ache inay be cured by it. A tou'-li tf rhruniMtipiu or nmra'gi.-t quirted. The sevrre pain ot a burn cr fi:'l rumiitly irli.-Trd and the icre I ealrd in nuicli Ips? tiajc than when nin iu:ty promptly ircMte'l Lelort i"ij.iniaiioii se'.? candidate from the campaign. I hereby ,in. w'uicli insures cure in nttou'. one-third denounce the same as a falsehood. I j o th-fun otherwise rrcj un-.l Tuts and , , . . bruises t'louia receive imuif-aiate irii- never made any such statement to any I rasn. bcforu t!,e ,lli:U becollle woIlenf Oi e M. r.JAXKS. which can ouly be done when Pin Ualin is kept at linnd. A gore throat tnajr Ue cured before it becomes eritu. A foublrgome corn u:ay l.e lemsred by app ying U twicn No use of stumbling along in the ..ark, when vou can buy the cele brated Ditv Lantern for 50 cents at McCall i ConiiyV. Srecial offer! The New York Semi-Weekly World a: d Recoup for .f 1.40 per year. We are receiving cur new fall stock of dry goods and notions bought at lowest prices, and will be sold on same basis. We invite ii comparison of goods and prices with anybody .aCome and see. McCall & Conley. Martin Rros soli womens shoes at 75 cents that others ask $1.25 for. J, G, Nichols & Rro. urn certain ly selling clothing, hats and shoes cheap. Something new, Tapioca, just re ceived at J. P. Norton's a fin; prepa ration for making jelly. Martin Rros sell the farmers shoes for $1.00 that others sell for $1.25. The biggest, prettiest and best line of 5 cent calicos ever in town at RIanton's. Finest 'stock of Razors and pock et cutlery at Jones Hardware. Of all the goods. Dr. Jones has tho txnest. Go there for hardware. Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Sifters Buckets, Raskets ami pictures cheap at Medd s ariety Store. '4Vhy in tho world didn't you buj' those Bhoes from McCall & Conlev. end 6ave money;' llwy keep the best shoo at the lowest price?. Aleo full sttxik dry goods run! notions has arrived. Rrkig us your prcdiic;': sod gt jro-xl price McCall & Cunlec. Old Clothes IHade .rn. And at reasonable prices. 1 color clothing botli gentlemen and ladies toods, and I guar.tnteo satisfaction and 1 also bind, repair and cirfan the most delicate fabric. Give inu a trial und be convinced. i S. V. WEEKS. Marion, N. C. LOOKliERE. I desire, all who want shoes i m paired neatly and substantial y will please apply to me at the ''an." in Marion, N. C. W H. W akefield. Al" last we have evidence that McKinlcy did le-nru sometbinj, after nil, from the terrible beating hi3 party got tinder his leadership in c3 and 1802. la hia recent message to tho Ohio legislature!, he warned the major ity that it would b? held by the pople to strict aceountabliity. Ho sai l "it should keep the expanses safely within tho revenues, evidently bavin:; ia mind the awful bluuder bj fcnl hU party made in congress ia liankrupting the treaaurv. 'Tuere shorna bo no ia- crease in the rate of taxation," he add ed, as though to Ray: '"Taka warninj by t4" and my but and avoid the fat tba.t owertoolt nw." N. Y. Post. A cheap and etylish 'line of shirte s.t J:c all & Conley. Double width cashmere dress goodv oi id i rms j.,t juru at ai(.au u, ot. Bring ns your rye, chickens and -grs' Highest prices paid AltCan i. oi.le. A few choice designs of the eeje bratecl Uo.ss Watch Cussee at Sw in-dell's. In Poor Health M iiiciiia so iiiuv.il iiiuiv. uuui you imaHne serious and fatal diseases result fromT y nfllnnr oil m nntc nrrlt-rt 4 L)on t play with Mature s greatest gift health. tBrowns iron Bitters If yoo are lectin c out ol sorts, weak and (trnrrally es hauatcd, aervoua, have no appetite and cant work, brgin at oncrtck Itig the moKt tella ble strenRthenine medicine.wbich la Brown's Iron Bit. trTS. A lew foot tlea core benefit cornea from the ver first dose if worn t ttmm four terit, n ti lie plcasaut to lake. It Cures Dvsoecsla. Kidney and Liver ; Neuralgia, Troubles, Constipation, Bad Blood Malaria. Nervoun ttllBenta k women s cgmpuuiu. VCt only the Km;n H has erosaed red lltiM An tne wranoer. All othra are i.h. stitutes. On receipt of two sc. stamps we f will send set of Tea Beaatifal World's VFair View and book free. Domuu ruruirii rn pai Tiuncr un ErfsyayPAwsaAsAaSai Cloak worn ny tlie piliue ill ir , SI (, ! icre I ealrd iii murli Ips? tiajc than f,Trv tale it is invisible to all but tl,at 1 1 saw r-or "' medicine has to be sent lor. A ,,m taTl talrt, it 13 inM. imc lo an L ui.i(..beon rei.eive 35 to withdraw as a be promiv 5rcMte J before ifl,niaii Aioiicr. aokth "rKoi.i.vA, ) In tbe Superior, Yancey Coi ntv. j Court Fall Term. James Koland, et. ux., Surah K'oland, C. W. Edwards, et. ux , Lucinda'Kdwards el. nl. vs. CratUB Iiailey. LodusVy Kai ley, . Cora Uailey, (Jrover Bailey, Mittie ISa'iley, Pansy Uailey, et- al. The lefendar.ls abere named will Ink notice that an action entitled as above har hren cctniiacced io tlieSupertor Court of Tancey county to set arid and it-clnre void ascertain deed to a crrtain tract of land to which lh defendants have become heirs and which deed was improperly and ill gallymade; and fh said defendants will further UVe notice that they are ie- q ti i red to appear at the next term of the Suptrior Court of Yanrejr county, t be he d on the 8th Monday af;rr the tt Hon day in September IS94, at the 'unhoiie of (nH ennnty in Burasrille, X. C, and ad- swe r or demur to the complaint in said ac tion, or the plaintiff will apply t the court for the relitt demanilrd in si 1 comp'aint This lStu day of Sep ember 1831. W.B. BIXKS.O. SC. lladgir.ii TTatsoo, Jasticc t Morphew Attomey's for plaintiff Motice. The comtriittcinen ol the rarious school di.irirts of the county are requested i.ot to have any of tbe public school monoy taught out fr next year until tbe same i a par tio'n in January next. J. F. Morpiirw, County 5upt Tlie Bumps on Vour Face. Are caused lv inipuie blood, and will neycr be weil unless yea cleanse it and J a day for a week or two. A Ume back may build it up ia richness and tuiritv. Hotan be cured and st-rcral dar of valuable lime Go to Med dV. Variety Store for all sizes of Fruit Jars. They are the bc-st and cheapest. The ItecouD and Atlanta Weekly Constitution one year for $1.40. Martin Rros. have th largest assortment of fine shoes in town at low prices. Pickled tripe at J.P.Norton's. Go to A. R. Giikey & Son's for fresh French candies. 'wni'Ml tin? Jeweler. cf iov to be gotten from it, j c B oo.i fUhii, Uir great blood purifier and savei or a p.tl in tlie til- or chest nliev- I , ' " TT ' J . . .. ! t. m- U wh,tt v, u i-ocd. :e bottle will ed without P-iyiair .i doctor bill. Procure ioraion. iie goe and the happy heartbeats 'Mhej' vour o'.u jlon aud purify your I a 50 cett bottle at once an 1; roti will never J ta to instruct a ch wearers ot it, cannot pos?ui' oe ; i,;0od. Try it Pno ?l uo pf r l-ctt e. I-or regret it. rursiic by .Mo: ,!;tw v street overestimated. . jMledyditiEgisiMs. .BaB,dru-giJU-. Prof. G. W. Rird, the blird mu sician, has returned from Ruther- next to Ilf-!:riet- lass in v-rcl and instrumental music, both of which he is Avell posted in A Waruiuc;- The law requires that al! residents of our vil'a:?- fha'I ketp their premise clean. The marshal will hereafter at tend to those who seem to ignore the law. B. A. CntKE, tipt. cf Health. THE EAGlt BAR KEEPS Pure Kentncky R-e and North Carolina Corn Whiskies, Wines Brandies Export Reer. Champagne, liraiuly reaches, t rench Rrandy, and in fact, all liquors kept in a first-class Saloon. Orders solicited from adjoining counties, Address tho EAGLE UAIt II A 1(1 OX, X CITY BAR, ppoIjIte pusT;riit;u, Keeps on liand tvhiskv jiiiudies, vinf3 etc., of the )cst q'lality. n. n. juimsx rons '"Old ( 'onr a hpcciivlty Same price a.i new whisky !IHE ANIMAL EXTRACTS Prepared aecordlb; to ibe fornala of 1 X DU. Will. A. IIAM3IOND, , In bis laboratory al aaliiUfrtoa, D. C rriirniinK, from the brain, for dU- ' .ui.f th. i-mnand nertnMf fi'Mem. nr.DlI.LDir. fn.u lb- Kplnul cord, for d dloeases ( tlie eord. ( Lteoiaotor-Aejila, t'lRDne, frum tke Lcart, for dlaeases , Of Hie ln-ort. TeSSTlXB, from tbe lV". for illeaea of Uje teetrs. (Atroi)by of lbs eruaas, atec- liltr. etc. i OTABnC from tbe ovarlrt, for diacakes Of t he nrerte.. ef I'SK l lAXK. tbTrjd'rno, etc . 7. nn nf. ttU ft trvw tt.St. X Tbe phrslDlozlrsJ efrbres proOreed by a etnele do- of f'err:.riae aiti lu-oeleranon t tbe puUe wrtii fM4lnc of fullnre. acul die tention In tbe hrail.cxliilaratlhn f p". ' tnoreased nrlnerr errMoi., at; iretki:f)a of Hie eximiftiva'.fnrce ! llio bla4iler and tperiatalur new on of tlie IkimIhw. mrne In muMnlAf MtTenvfli and erdn.!nee. m- . aad Inrreaeed arr- anal ois-liv per. Where loe-el 1ririri art- not ii).pi;l with the Hammond Anintel l.lraol tber will be mailed, tnvet her wl-t Ml trdlnt literature on theauojscl.bn i(-ririploi price, by Tiir rairmtit r-nntfirAt. CO I WsutlatnaUm. D. , T 1 0U TUK HtiUSO or THX XAT10S- 71 ,010010 Blood Balm the cbut sornins aucai roa I Alt Skin and Blood Diseases .It purifies, builds up and enriches the Mood, and never iaut I to cure the most inveterate BLOOD AND SKIN DIS EASES, if directions are fol lowed. Thousands of grate ful people sound its praises and attest Its virtues. GTWRITE for Book of Won derful Cures, sent free on ap plication. If not kept bv vour local druggist, X e. t . I kl. e - si sena i.-j ioi uik' wiut, ui f-' tt I for six bottles, and medicine will be 2 sent, frcicht paiJ, by 8 BIXMD R.tlVl CO., AtUatav. C. B T

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