X Kstr4lj'oito8ict t Marion, S. O. srcoa4e.Ua iaUr. RCltS ITS DOS'T BSEAE. No subscription will be taken unices paid fur in advance. Five cents per line for all obituaries. Dnrit take the paper out of the post office unles jou intend to pay for It. No candidates' announcement pub lished unlet paid for iu advance. Local notices 10 oents per line for first insertion, 5 cents thereafter, display ads $H0 per column per year. Vi;b-ciition' Rate. One Year - H-00 Six Months - - 50c Tli km Months - - - 25c Mrilri,N., November 29, 1894 AN APPEAL 1 0 THE GENEROSITY OF THE PUBLIC, Marion, N. C. Nov. 28th, 1894. Our town having ben literally dent roved hv fire, there is no buui tiffKii Iiousq left standing from which to buy supplies, dwellings, ,a.' t-lothing and itoonle are in furniture cone. The au utterly destitute condition. The cold winter is at hand, and about thirty families are honn leH. We the undersigned bnviiiL' been appointed a relief committee, to appeal for help, ask an v one, who can aid us, to Beau Saggcfttion to ?IcX)ovekl Farmers. Aa we constantly nit?et with loafer who complain of hard times and nothing to do (generally fel lows who don't want anything to do). We will copy the following sensible article upon the poultry industry, a business any poor man can g' into, tven the boys oi Marion who tramp the streets and beg cigarettes could start a little poultry yard if they were worth a settin" of eggs. Here is 1 he ar ticle: Poultry. The South is particularly adapt ed to this industry. On account of the short and mild winters it in an easy matt t with jeiierou.4 treat ment to induce the earn- hatched pullets to lay all winter, and as the egg can be shipped -Wrth at an expense of only two to four cents per dozen for exp.-osa cnarges, and arrive in the Northern market at a time when fresh e;r.s sr-l! for forty cents to sixtv cents per dozen, the Drohts would be verv law. it is an esuy matter to hatch The toilsom journey of life was done ' And priest aad Quaker,: and all wl.o o Sect in lleuven. Talking' of sects till late one eve, Of the various doctrines .4ints believe, f That night 1 stood in a trouble! dream j Came out alike on the other side By the side of a darkly-flowing stream. And a "Churchman"' dowu to the river came, When I heard a strange voice call his name. Good father, stop; when you cross this tide You must leave your robes on the other side. But t" e aged ftth t did not mind, And his long gown floated out behind, As down the stream his way he took. His frail hands clasping a gilt-edged book. I'm bound for Heaven, and when I'm there, I shall want my "Book of Common Prayer," And llio'iuli I put on a starry crown, I shoHld fuel quite lost without my gown. No forms, or crosses, or,book.-uad they. No gowns of silk, or suits of gray, No creeds to guide them or Mss., For all had put on Christ's rigteous- ness. chickens during thi winter months and get them to market early, and secure fancy prices and realize very large profits. Although the poultry interest ot the nation has been c . nsiuered of minor importance, yet when we in vestigate we lind the an. I poiil- provisionH, c-ounng or in laci any- product t be much larger than thing to relieve ine suuering Po- any other agricultural product or pie; we will bco that it is properly . d d we x,(.omo amazod hl:..! iivmiipii Murion. who re-1 - n.. -----., ----- at the aiiiouut ot wt-aiui annuuny ceivt le.egran s or .eiiera, uun..B accumulated jy practical poultry keeping The assertion that the egg and poultry product ot the U . S. ex ceeds either that of cotton, corn, wheat, cattle, sheep, swine or the hay crop, is usuallv met with - rision: vet it is true. Tire eggs and poultry consuni d in the U. S each year amount to over five hun dred millio i dollars, a sum greater than cither of the agricultural in terests mentioned. A profit of from $1.35 to $1 per euch com munication to U8. Committee: C!. W. Crawford, John F. Morphew, J. C. Brown, Geo. E. IjCc, L. L. McKay. All papers please copy. K. E.Ckandam., president of the First National Hank of Johnson City, who was a'kfew days ago ar rested on the charge of making head can be made annually lrom a false statements in regard to the flock of fowl s according to the ...Jlilnnnf hi- bank, was a few mauugeiii.-iii. V . T the profit on eggs secun-d, poultry years ago, a partner, wim u. . - c.m he rillsod fi;roHe-half th; Shu er, the Hickory banker, who cost per pound of raising pork or ilii'd iust after his bank "went beef, and poultry is always worth i...i. I dounie as mucn per pouuu in in ijli'urf. I market as either. BnraAm'at W'hm. I "T. nnarli' nil c WO full! IVIY Conirressman-eleet Richmond pie breeding in a practical way, Pearson, in speaking of the result 5 ,;, rrl- ' ' . . , ,. call nativo or mongrel stock. Ihis ol th'? election in iNorin aronnn. i .a ilwl:OVI, :u m,st.,L-( for the in th Asheville Register, says: thoroughbred is worth as much, 'The Coalition ad:'ed 26.000 men and many of the breeds far more, to the opponents. It is unprofita- for this practical work : ami should ble now to inquire whether this in- all use the thoroughbred, Killing crenient of strength, as nidiv duals, as they do now, one-third tor poul intend to align themselves with the try, using the larger numher lett Republicans or Populists. The to produce eggs for the market, and whole f.rco numbers about 10,000 I using as breeders only a lew ol the effective combatants, and the whole beBt they raise, they would in this force is a majority of the electorate I way raise the standard ot their of North Carolina bv at least 30.- flock and could occasionally sell 00),' and the whole force is against I choice specimens from th"ir floe Bourbon Democracy. for breeding purposes at z to $10 It is admitted that the Republi-I each. 11-ey would soon come to cans and Populists composing this I learn that in every twelve fowls trand armv will not and cannot they had the value ot a cow ; and agree on a National platform and I caring for them as well, thy would National ticket in lbyb, but 1 hud they paid as well Show us a rise to propose that they can and farmer who is conscious of capital will n-rree to fuse on a single Pres- invested in his fowls and we will idential ticket, each organization I show you a farmer who mak naming one half the electors rather than give the whole number to n hafd times Democrat. Each Party can advocate its dis tinctive National principles, oach can name " five- electors and draw- straws for th(S eleven tip. RioiMoxn Pearson Then he fixed his eyes on the shinin t'ack, But his grown was heavy and held him back ; And the poor old father tried in vwin A sinirle stop in the Hood to gain. I saw him again on the other side, But his silk gown floated on the tide; And no one asked in that blissful spot If he belonged to "the Church' or not Then down the river a (juaker strayed His dress ol a sober hue was made; My coat and hat must be all gray, I cannot go any other way." Then he buttoned his coat straight up to his chin, And staidly, solemnly waded in; And his broad-brimmed hat he pulled down tight Over his forehead, so cold and white. But a strong wind carried away his hat A niomeni he silently sighed over that An then, as he gazed to the farther shore, The coat slipped off and was seen no more. As he entered heaven his suit of gray Was quietly sailing away away, And none of the angels questioned him About the width of his beaver's brim. Next came Dr. Watts, with a bundle of I V 1 1 ins. Tied nii l) !( in bis r.ge l :ri!, A'id liy i.ou'.as many, n '.ery v. ie tuii.i. Thai the people in heaven nil lour.ii might sing. But 1 thought that ho heaved an anx ious sigh As he saw that the river ran broad and hi;:', And in.-lweii r;.her surprised as one by one The Psa'lms and hynis iu the waves w":t down. And alter him. with his Mss., Came Wesley, the pattern of godliness; But "dear me," he cried, what shall 1 do, The water has .soaked through and through. And there on the river, far and wide, Away they went down the swollen tide, And the saint astonished, passed through aione. Without his manuscripts, tp to the throne. The Girl of 1894. She can sing, ballad sweetly, And can fascinate completely, With a look. She can dance a waltz divinely, And can entertain you finely, Can she cook? She can write a poem jesthetie, And recite it fo pathetic, That you weep. To the woman suffrage queition, She has given deep reflection. Can the sweep? But in spite cf her endeavor, To become a maiden clever. She's so sweet. That my heart, she's fairly captured. And I lay it down enraptured, At her feet. G R AND imm ml t ALE AT COST! Th? Kkcorp desires to return thanks to the kind friends who pre vented the mad flames from de stroying our properly during the recent lire. The editor was out of town, and the employees of the office, wit h the assistance of outside friends, saved us from the wreck. i he jietmdist conference ism session in Statasville. THE'FfRE. The Marion fire on last Sunday win the greatest calamity that has eyer befallen any town in North Carolina. An appeal to the sympathy of the pul lic is made in another col umn. Some of our ieopl are in a bad condition, and cny aid will be appreciated. OfR- Entire 3ock of General It will be sold at ACTUAL COST, beginning with this day, for Gash or Produce aft Gash Prices. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, DRESS GOODS. II ATS CLOTHING, BOOTS. SHOES- &C. COMB ZElAjaXr -A.2STX3 GET BAEGAINS' Respectfully Yours. Wm. ulc. 3Burgin. MARION, X. C, N0V.'2nd, 1894. J. J. WHISNAM. DEALER IN SASH; DOORS AND PRICES FURNISHED CN APPLICATION Mortgage Sale of Laud. By virtu? of power given me in a i-.rtmii Murtsrasre deed and executed iL?J??lreiir of the old stand. " in- iw - ..-- l'. J a m lam bond therein mentioned for the sum of Forty rive Pollars itl interest, due and payable October 1st 1!)4, which mortgage is registered in the ofliee of Register of Heeds for MePoweli county in lion'i r, on page ?."", I will sell at public auction for cash to the highest Kulil.-r it the court house door in Marion, N. C at 12 o'clock M., on Sat- I nfliwl i mmi m of hob. 1 viii be leady next week to sell the goods which were saved from the fire, in one of the ccttacres, in The prices wil be no ojbject, I hav a large quan tity of goods not dam- money out of t. em. From the Citizen. The Aslievillo Citizen says: C. D.-lWanton of AshevilU has been appointed a storekeeper nd guager m the internal revenue service, The latest from the twelfth dis-1 the finest gooseberries in the world rnct soiicitorsnip question is tnai Cad the lollowing. and moo it it .lesrs. j ones anu iicii are uuiu nn u v... t, l i i!,; Profitable to Fanuers. McDowell county is the tim'st grape growing section in the world, as has been demonstrated thoroughly by J. L. (Jolay, at Old Fort, and others. Yet very f.nv : i our farmers or town people have even a vine. This is pure laziness on our part. The soil of this county produces claiming election. Notice. All persons who owo me either by note or account aro repectfully urged to pay me ot once. I need shipped the money, and musti have it Please pay and save cost... Respectfully Yours, WM. McD. ltURGXX t or Sale. I have a good two-how., hack which I will sell for cash or on esteemed an admirable acconipani like these. Some Goo-iebeukiks. A gooseberry farmer on the eastern shore of Maryland rt c-'ntU to Baltimore 1200 pounds of green gooseberries and sold them at 4 1-2 cents a pound lie expected to gather mole than arm i i i . ow Dusnois oi gooseberries in m six acres, ine gooseoerrv is one of the fruits green that sell better than ripe. Green gooseberry sauce i time. Wm. McD. BuRGiJf. Mr. J. J. Whisnant, of Blacks- burg, is" in town. Capt. W. II. Ramseur and Mnj. tircen, of chelhy, are in town. The drug Brut of Morphew & White has opened a drug utore in a room in building, oppotite Eagle ment to meats in the land whore the gooseberry grows, and green gooseberry pie, though less beauti ful than cranberry tart, is an ad mirable product. Cincinnati En quirer. Then gravely walking, two saints by name, Down to the s' reams together came: But as they stopped at the river brink I saw one saint from the other sink. "Sprinkled or plunged, may I ask you my friend. How you attained to this great end?" Thus, wit h a few drops on my brow," 'But I have been dipped, jt.s you'll see now.' 'And really I th nk it will hardly d As I'm close eoiu:minion, to cross with you; You're bound, I know, to the realms of bliss, But you must go that way, and I'll this." And straightway plunging with all his might, Away to the left -his friend to the right. Apart they went from this world of sin But at Ian together they entered in. And now when the river was rolling on. A Presbyterian Church went down; Of whom they see in 'd a wonU'rons throng. But the men I conld see as they passed along. And concerning the road they could not airree The old or the new way. which it should be, Xor ever a moment paused to think That both w-uld lead to the riur's brink. urday December 2!th 191, The tract of land described in said Mortgage con taining 10 acres more or less and bound ed bv the lands of J 11. Burgin, .J S. Lavender and John II turner, and situated i.i Crooked Creek Towsh p in aid tountv and Mate, llus ov 26, 1)4. J. . I.avknokk Mortgagee. Kvervthing to be sold at less than cost until all can be closed out. or MORGANTON, N. C. Uko. 1. Ehwix. Pres'r. s. T iv....-. Burglar Proof Vault, Patent Time Lotk Chrome Steel Safe for Cash and ' arables. Exchange on New York and other Trade Centers bought and gold. Banking hours 9 a. m. to 3 :uid State. This Nov 26, '94. D '. I. a vkndkk, Mortgagee. I Republican Postmaster in Trou ble. Jackson, Miss , Nov. 22. W. 11. Gibbs, Republican postmat r here un der Harrison, ex-auditor of Mississippi under the Republican regime, recent ly indicted for embezzlement as r.i sti!, as ter, of $.V70.S2. has been :mU-.! Capt. J. P. Norton has leased the amount ' embezzlement by Ju Ige Eagle Hotel and will open it for M51e8' in ,he lral court and eu- the reception of guesta in a few t"ced to three years in the Brooklyn, days. He knows how to take care Y Prion- Gibbs was the secretary of people, and wo wish him aUtcees. ' th ,ut Republican executive com mittee, and chairman of the state Ke- the RrcoBD Hotel. i ne urni oi v. r. nianton win open up business in their. ..warehouse and keep a general atocV ofj merchandise. ine puniic ae invueu to can on tiiein And a sound of murmuring, lent,' and loud Came ever up from tha moving crowd, "You're in tire old way, I'm in the new That is the false, and this is the true," nut the bret hern only seem to speak; Modest the sisters walked and meek. And if ever one i;f t'.um chanced t.isay What trouble she iret with on the way, How she long'd lo pass the other side, Xor feared to cross o'er the swelliurr tide. Valuable Presents I'ree. We isli lo introduce otir System Pill f into everv l'otne. e know th:U we nitn- nfncture tlie v-ry brst renn-dv on eitrtli for I the cure of Cni.suniituin, llilliou stu-ep. Sick tlfiniiicl'.F. Ki'l.iey Troubles, Torpid Liver, etc.; and th.-.t wlu-n vou - ,re tried theft jiills on will lmliy rcconinien J them In olli-r? or take av agi-iiev. and in this wa we sluiU liavc a large, wvll-paiug demand created. As h specinl i'tduct mer.t tor every reader .f ihii paper to try tin se pills and take tin :i;encj it once, we will give to each persot. who semis tweiity-K' e cents in cash, oi ihi-ty cents in stamps, for a box of Systrn. Piils. one of the following presents Handsome. (Jo d Watch, a good Silve- Watch, a Va'u ilmtbie Town Lot, a (letiuin Diiinond Ri"g, ' fisket of Silverware or i Genuine $J CO (iol.l ! ncc. livery purcha? cr pen oe.i: of Ilie nlvive i r senis. Then are no ex-pti;s. Shaw Kemedy Co. uiherf'ord, X J. 35 COMPETE NOVELS. NEATLY BOUND, AM) A VK.iii'.S fefli.SCtMI'TION 'o n huge W pap3 illustrated monthl) magazine tor O.M i SUlK.Mf. This is most .ib' ral oirer as I'otischold Topic?, the m..a7.ine re IV i red lo. i a high-class paper, i cpMe with stines ot love, adrenture. t uv-l ari'l gliort interest'nj; and instruct ive sUctrhes of f nt tnd faucv ; and in Jhe IN: f 3." noveis : rp such tirasures as "A Itr.cte 1 onard. liy Kubert t.ouis Stevenson lSlHcksmiUi a DaiiL'hier, bv Etta W l'i-rce; NineMa most pleasing story bj t T. l aido'; A (ii'de-i in and Between Two Si is. by th- author of Dora Thome; Tiie TriT.h if It. ly the popular writer, liuh foil via;, ; add the Moorenous Trage dy, rather cn.'ational. by Mrs. Jaoe 0. Aus iu; A Heroine, a delihtfu' story by 'lr. iJeecca II. Ivis; Wall Flowers, by the pniiuiar Uari'-.n Ilaiiand, and the great tory ilu'i or Not tluilij, b Amanda M. In Poor Health means so much more than you imagine serious and fatal diseases result fromi WrZflinrr oilmontc nttrAr-ttA Don't play with Nature's greatest gift health. If yoa arc fcelior nt of sorts, was lii r :iice Ioil)i ls n r.lioDihg the 't. bi't tli-v are all the same ii-'pnUr liiijhi. rom ntic, ll.v hu'u T...ic d he currc. t issue of ni'.l he sent ton the day is ltceived This will supplr i t for a nie-e . ! i a r ; Brown's Iron : Bitters out of and generally ex hausted, oervous, have no appetil and cant work, begin at once tak ing th most relia ble strengthening medicine, which ia Brown's Iron Bit ttrs. A few bot tles care benefit cornea from the very first do it W0M't ttMtn WW Urtk, and It 'a pleasant to lake. It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney aad Livtr Nenralpa, Troubles, ConstlpatkHi, Bad Blood f Jruiaru, Mervonj an men is Women's complaints. Ct onlv the 'efiuin - It hm i iiii it wmA tinea on the wrapper. All others are sb- i stitntes. On receiDt of two ae. atamos we f will send set of Ten Benatlfal Worla'a " Fair views and book free. Bo 5?ota Buy Clothing? en V- ; l so it will pay vim to go to olXeift Gillam, AT MORGANTON. N. C. For anything you want. Save your ltaili,.a,l f.irc , going to see them, or fcixI odcr for what vou want. Satisfaction in lit, style, qualify, an I Tiie largest stocic in Wcstcsn xoith CarolLa. it It The Present !w Pni Bowl ELEGANT SUITS FOX KEN AND BOYS! GENT8' FURN!SH!C! Ov rcoata and Mclntoshcs, best goods aihl latest yU- Ve will compare) goods and prices with Wanain:ik r nr jiuvIkiU flf. Square dealing and on price to all. Call on us r m ikI iih v-iur ci ders. We keep every article ound in a first-cla.s clotliin lnu'--. Respectfully, . C0LLETT & GILLAM, Morgarton N C. u:o. i. white, n. d. MARION, N. C, Offers his professional services to the pubiic. Office over Norton's store, or at Morphew &. White's drug store . Kead th advtrtiement in this issue of T. I. Gillam, the leading, hardware iur.uiH in .uui juion. v n BROW liim personally, and can recommend hini to our friei ns as a progressive, liberal ana cuver mercnant. Send orders to him for what you want, sod jom will be ati!fied with the quality ana price. publican convention, which t;:.t k-k-. jrates to the Miuneapilis cuMvetttic:!. Ue is an ex-federal soldier. Just.;in Elgin, Waltham and New York Standard Watches at Swindell's Paul, '"Oh, let t' e women keep Mlent all! ' I waich'd them lon dream, T:l 1 - ii my ci;riou Tl: il'! t iic ways uiet, r.i't all the trttiieiv! were lal'img jet, And wouii! ui.. on till tiie heavenly tide Carried tit . u ..ver, side by tide; Side hy side, fcr the way wa one. la t..!.ir :Uie fcr Chaotic fiora Eye.-, GranuLt.vl Eve Llli, Scro Kirples. Pile i . ; . : - :s ; ii'C hcalihj otu- '.:vitjii iiv Dr. fa 171 (V-riiticn Po'ad'irs. in y tom i; ;h? sv;i?ij. air! dice"tion, iare t irz of 3rrreir?, relKTo corvnipttio.i, f-orrec! kidney dLKjrd.r- ustrov wonns. frivlnc eew Lis to cn o! J or ove KorKed ho. 21 (Xa per prd:-' j. For by dr.t'.: 'j, Morphew A- Ptrtman. W. L. Douglas HOE 52 S J.S.Q(SAT G. B. TKO VASON, IS THE ffCfcT. NO SQJCAKING. Aud oikcr apcdahlca for GcsUrmca, 1 aillws, Suva and Iflaws ara taa Best in the Wer'd. men: which appears la tvf pa;.r. Icf:t en Laving V. 1 DCV ; LAS' HHOE.S wlrh saat aid prltc Maru -i, N. C. fl! Fort. N. C. DR. B. L ASHWORTHi Pays iuiaii and aSurgi-, OI X OUT. X. Vt IMS HKAUH8 OS TBI XATIOirft ownlGBlooBaini All Skin and Blood DUeaies i .It purfies, builds up and nrches p.'tj cure the most inveterate EASUS, If directions are fol J3 lowed. Thousands of grate J ful people souad Its praises and attest its virtues. rarWRITE for Book of Won derful Cares, sent free oa mw- (3 plication. If not kept by your local drujrgist, sent, freight paid, by sen a zi.oo tor large Dottle, or s for six bottles, and medkitM will be TUrsaiiaeas rurniflTOl AnlMAL tAlnflul Prssared aecordlns t h formal DK. AVM. A. IIAJI3I0p.; la hts labvratorv at WaatilaatM. J CBBRaaiVK. frntn tho brain, tot dlf a VAm Umin ami nfrvom rylvn. . Ait ( TBCaVTI St. frntn th tnUrl. for j Of tiia imim. lAlroi.bT of lh vrmn-"1' T Wv. air. , j.ais BLOOD Bi.t,n AUtttssa, fQav aratOTaYiiiiaii' mmi n m Children Cry fx Pitdifr'i Ceni. DKtWIS. tbvrodlnr. ate. , Firs frrraa. fritc '1 dfwssi . " Tlia pbyaloloziral ll,' hJ-? 1 t U pa',3 Vila f-.ini A follnri. JZ tantion In tha 1:-J. ishiia'a(i:; i o tha cipnMiv? f r- uf tt li JrL , fwtfatalue ut:na of th ,ntn Tiifin " ' rvawgq power or vm1'.!. i .i".' - f wish the Hammond A.nlm.l Krrt!jS i will b mailed. itkcr lb JBS, f - ywcu ei.rni4 cnrJiicai. C WaaWactoau I. T. t

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