-1 9 if i l.i i 11 1 VOL 3 CAoIOIT, IiT- O, THURSDAY. DECEMmSBS 1394- VAr ANU Plil'AKTLTlE OK Uachoai - V,", si bound train l- M,.iio:i a 2 "'-h I' ". "n'1 leaves i;t-t I, -.'111.1 lr-iu ariives Kt 4:Ij -C M' '' i C. . Trrtin nrnvea at ... ';,'. 1 1,-iiV.s t 4:1j j. ro. LOOAL GLEANINGS. voiirjob work tolhe Kk ohi. Prill- v i'i bird 1ms returned from -lav. hud it n.S'killin Morphv; vu in ok. As'.i- familv ; . M. V. .. ti.i- "A"' M . V. . A. N'w'.and ami m, ,:.i;,v for Lenojr. v.-. .1. A. McDonald vi-dling die thin v' k, o, J. D. !:!ant.)ii,.f Abbeville, . ... i r-.vn Wednesday. .: ,r Morris hits I .'!) j-.jJOI sli '. , . k ..it I'.ii'-k Cre'k, J-., . Hi!..-,v:i!k bridge'! arms the luivr ben rcpain 1. M. Mrs. I. :u. drill,, are in Char-.;,.V-,. :,...;; the ISapti.-t convention, .,. ,, Morpi.ew A White f-r i'.i'"-.V ,. - pr, ' oJ I , cloth ami hair .., ,. i, pui in :i ii. -v.' ..nd splendid ,: ., i can .l.i oiirjob print- V, ',..., v. u !C t' M"Vrf.U:l'.l .do Km-ai-l ib-m". S-r ;ul. in c r.il- -i .a. ,,, ( v .: y.ar IV.K, Kgs:-, K.ve I.. i ni i I voii sia ' ( I- V I'I-". .,. Claud Hicks and I Uuthei'f ordten, wiv in ! i:. ...lay. .1. A. Melh.naid and J. (J. pu.'cha.-.ed J. ll. Uem .. hv'. ry suable. J .., has v t ur -.1 hall laiddim.: material for Mar r ,u an v "!nl 'U th Souih- ,.;,' .ad." V. Weeks has op-:v't ;i lirst ..at mark'-t iindv:' Dr. i-'ir ,.;:... ti,xt h.or to liK"oui ( ';;!! and (' liini. :. ; --man ( "rawrjxl )a.-"' . '; l .),.. u Monday m ruuto to 1 i" was itfcoiiinaiii.'-l ( 'raw 1" id :ind the ha'ny. Ars I lort fi!l my fiirniUii" in tho fir- I rf-qn' st all pari i--.s owing i,,.. to call luid sfttlo at oju-h. I 'will takf wh-t. corn, oat.-, ta-i. ork, hickf'ii, rgis, A-;ith"rs or ra.-!i. 21. A. N..-v. and. 1 Juivo various kind- of Kin-ni- Ituv xiivfjcl from my sto:k during the fir", which l' will ti ll at r ducr-d iric(!. Mv joods nro at th . nsid. i.c;; of A. "JJ. Ciik-y. Call an.; t-yv th.' in. (ri.-o. A. Clilkoy. '"I'lorida on vshcis'' exhibit' d hf-n- Tiif-sday. 'i'lioso who pfrvr !;ad tho .loasme t.f having th.-ir f-i L on Florida terra, lirma. .vr-n-, for ton drub, p'-r-uitted to pUind. anions thf ;ili! treos uud iY,a-t their f-yos on nil th1 lrf)ie:il fruits whie-h gro'.v ii: tho htnd of iloweiv. J'ln.r.'.aH 11. Houghton, of Char lotte, repst; 'iitiii tiie St. Paul Fire and Ma "in; lnurani''' Co. aiid Xoi'th Car.)!ina Ii..".;:ii Inuranc Co., J. 1' (.'atlin, of (ireen loro. represent in.'4 the Virginia File and Marine Co., of Kii-h:iioud, and J. J. Sc ihehs. of ('oluin! 'ia, rfprtscnt i i i4 Jhe Manrhf.iter Jn.uraneo Co., were ill town thi- ek to adjust the losses suft'T;d hy our citizens during iij r-'fciit lire. Eui 4'Siarily. Tin? foliowi'iu' aiiK.iints 1 1 a v t; ix-t'i! ii.. nated by friends lo aid ttic.sr (it cur p(ipk' who W'Tc left bomele-.-; and ncn-nile.-- by tin; lire on Ni.vciii!.-!- 2.".t!i: S'jine (if the irni'd p.i '.jilc of A-lievilK' seat ilon.it im.- to the relief committee. 1 1 mi. T. I . .Johnston .-cut .", t lie it i zen sent .", Mavcr I'atton sent li.ilin of t he Kind J eopie of iive;s l).:l ; i out riljiited about in ea-ii,a;id I'ocd supplies. Mi. V. Ii. i ; i : 1 1 svtii A t;eiii leiiian w ho ;? tliroiih Marion on a t rain and saw the ruins, sent -flu by Mr. C, V . t raw lord to the siitl'erers. Wo learn that a con-ia of Mrs. P. I.. .Np-Kay " from New Ycrl. H;v p'op!e ::re very ti.aiikfu! for tin donations s"i;t theiu .!, ,; ! II i: ii i n- ,lu! Morpd'.ew !:: m rai;riiioiii-'.i i.!il! J r.-:i'ii'-t; .pM.r io htiruiu'.- White : . ir dr;;'' , v.-: Jy t ..:a n x; li.n-r. e' n::i'. ia !"- : ,.,-ar i;r'ui-ew a!er. was put :.-t- m rtenlay, tdiared willi ,.i iin r. .iie diirini" I he tire. t . 1 r i; row n was iu-trun:enlal in inakii: '.'"'hearts ht-at with joy. ;..- a htt;e w!.i!e at least, during ,.; lie issued N5 marriage We Miu'esL ili.it h- town cum. ';;.-.,;. i err- iiiMt a lew dollars in .;::i!.e : v a new -.'iilulio'.? i :;. . idiain ra". are iirowr- i' i ;i! i! al tendaiii'.' of tlf - uh whieh has just cior.'d a mths he.-,ri.on, av.n'aed iii a total enrollment of ,er ;o. lh;r',:ij li;e t i!,- b n :!;t:!:;; t!:0 If. ai.;-. . a.-. ,r .. a v n eent !ire till! ladies worked like sohlieis ti.iu:e. Miss Krpie -rrii.usly injured ly thinea. IMPORTANT. Owing to the recent lire, it h ijrobaulo that I wiii be conipeiled io mow my business to another town. All those that have watch docks or jewe'ry at nu place1 far repairs, sl'ould call for tiiem within TEN DAYS fioin date. Ibis Nov. ISth 18U. Kespeefunj', Swindell the Jeweler V.m :ii' i' S'i isi v. OnTu.'day n;eht ahoiit S.Vh-k i'rof. J. J. Johnson, alia- Sid Foi-iu-V, colored, in jail for forgery. Frank Kol.lijns. up for roi.oing Joe Craig. Will Anthony, indicted for Kp-i!i:;g ci.pi, ;od three Fiote'd States p; j-c n ts named Melton, 'IV ;u" a:;d J.e-k .n. made ,i esean j f;o:;i th e....irl !i -.;;.;. w'; re t i v hav3 1 ei u g:ei :'d "d s.mee ;!. M-Mviil-'f o;' ;t:e jail. Joan. l ;!i is .viii'P'.rv d to h;iv nianiivd the i.;,..; of e-.-:.: '. i ii wiit out a rear wind-, .v. and w iiiH; ilnH to the gr.aiiid hy m -a;:s ( f ldavd;eiH tie.! ! r. ( )': ; Nichols ;aricu ne'o hi pursuit of th'-m. 1-ut un to this time tliey have mu hern caplur. d. Tin" ;VivKt siNi?j:!.jr-'. The Marion people have the nluck to overeome calamities. U hih the luisin. of tlie t wi v:i-i rnin.-d hv the Pre. aim m aris' lifty houses were hunted, oar potv ph hae already hegan to i!aii!d John Yancey has the walls m his lirick luiiidin;1; rephice.l, and it will he ready for occupancy in a lew da vs. Th Wantons have commenced tin work d preparing t e P.niia.a- tion for a hriek huiiding to he ."OXIOO ftt.t. and. i wo stories, ano will 'negin hiving brick next 'Jon- day. J. C. MeCurry will erect another brick hui'din;.. J. Norton has let the op tract to rebuild his house to Dr. Joiuf. Otlu-rs will commence building : soooii as possiido. Martin Bros, are creeling a wooden store building in the rear of their old stand, an-l will put up a good brick stor h m-re next spring. A wife move was taken by tr.e alderme:i in not permitting wood en buildings on Main street. TliO eo::fi-reii-e niel ai St at es i i It Inst wee!;, and wa- i;;r. !y attend, d. The followias; js a b.-i of minister; ajpoint--d in this district ; v. Hi' : ro; i isr w -t. l'reidin- Kh.ler . ?T. IP. vie. Moranton station -W. U. Jait!i. MorjranK.i. ir.-ait .1. S. Nel-on. Tabi J:ock -irci;ii A. ;.'.'.ait .Marion s! alien 'j'. .J. M'"'Vr, Old t ort i.eiut Mii.jjiied. it. i ;o il t-ir,-:: jf I . J . (;.J,V. Kat h.-rfordton eirenit -( ;. V. Ivuv. Proud JCiver eireiii!: i'. Karri tt. Urci-i l.'iver eireait .J. J Pa.i-:. !:ar::.- ilP. cm tii" Y. P. I.yda. i!aker-ille-'i'.i;. Weaver.' i:ik Park cireiiil-A A. (-rater, Ilslatee cireait I,. I.. Smith, North '.'eve cireu!; Sajij.li. d. i'r. P. II. .noii, v.ie) !;..s been j:re..; ding elder of ' di-: rict for two year.-. w;;s ;;j.!joint('J pre.-idni-idajr of Win sion ;i-triei. Ji.-v. d. K. YhenipMiii, w ho was j-as-lorci'tiie chaivh here at oi.e ti.ee. rgoes back to Si.ellv. Jlev. i. W. ( alhihan yoes on the A lexaiiik r cireait. Ke. ('. (;. l.iiile .!:es to Ma'th-w circuit. Ir. .)a.-. .Vlkins eocs tiaek hi Aihe ville i'emal;; "oil. ip. l V'i'-.r? tivv. O.i Moiuiay th" county commis sioners. ml at tin; court h-'ii.-o. The new board, John Cars'.:'. I.e..- Crawford and Ceo. C. Conley, la. l for th'-ir lir.-l time. The county .Hirers recently elec ted gave bond.-:. John h . Morph:w. recrmly a candidate for the legislature, had U'd ice .served on !.':. Crav. lord t ; the elf. ct that he would coiiiesi hi s at in tic legi-latui'e. Notifo was also given llegister ilrown, Clerk Price and Shenlf Cardiii. that Jo,.n ib'own, V. ib Loii-.n and Win. McCall would in ter a contest for their places, on the grc.:nhs that t'.auduh'iit vote were ca-t in .-iiin.iii ami Mirrar jiiu townsh ips.. J ia k .1 immerson i.s the only man here who lias, peaceePie poj-s. ss:--i. of an (dlic. ib.- is coroner, 'i om VZil- .i,;-s h ' may ('..np-st Jiav.kV! fio-iii'.;: later on the .ground, that ! ,1 name.' .o.i -. im rc v.-t' Pian r i,L i i it i : v- grea.t pity that to .-it arc i :.u -::..;!':;! c;ric- - for a ;i of us. , If e;;;ilj ( o!!ti::i::!r;:it J. Thou Jiave no other ford tiian ar meal time. 2. Thou ,!iali. not make cr.to thee any piis or put iieo th (M.-ti-.v the liker.eFs ofanytiiin- (hat ;s fn ;!e lieaverir ahove or in t i earth hdow. Thau : liuit not fail r chew it or digest it, for the (h...-;,-jri hall be M'sited upon the ch.'clre.i to the i!::rd ftor.i-ratioii of the;-! th;.: eat pie, and long life and igor :;i,en t'ione. th.-.t live prudently r.i;d keep the law. 5 ;f health. .'!. Ilemeii.bi-r thy Plead to bake it well. f,.r In- will noi i.e kej.t miimhI tiiat .ao tii hi bread as don;:!). '. 'i hou rliaPJad indulge sorrower burrow a:iirty ia vain. o. Six tS.iys shalr Clou va.,!i and keep ; Ii i i lean, and tie sevftch day tliou -halt ta'.e a great hatii. ihoiiand thy -uii, thy d;i';:;i.:er. and thy iiiair! ser .aat. and the stranger t !iai i.s within thy gntes. i'or in six days man sweats and sraihers ; " " i 1 1 and bacteria enough f,.,. ,i:.;, w hereupiai the l.. td lias; Ide-s (! i,r b:il !i-t!i!.i and i;a!!ov.v 1 it. .. Ilemember thy .sit:iny room and ied c'.ian.la r, to keep thrm well venti lated, that thy days may be long in the land 7. Thou shah not eat Jiot biscuit. si Tie n .-halt not eat thy meat fried, ti. Thou - hair not .-wallow thy food utiehev.ei!, or hig'.dy spiced, or jast he-I'.-re work er ja-t after it. 10. Thoa ;!;;;!i not kei p late hours in I by neivhLi rs house, lu.-r with tly neig!it:or's wife, nor man servaie, nor his nraid re. vaut. nor his cards, nor his gla nor anylhing that i thy neigh i.orV U (!. brief. war la and veil i xuv. iiw. t'it. . s.i . ; l..i-...-to;.i:-;, i :i-.d:-, ci.ae's, springs, table- Ci:k. ifes. AM who are j:, i,..;d ei li;iugs can !ind in at A. ib V.- Venhhaiee. Ci;.). A. (bi.KKV. Sil Strict ACMS. Meailh of t he eommtinity good, ili-.l if 'i'u.-iierV t.y i rei overi );;. Al il'.l Tori in -l Monday tie re was ..a exb.iliiiidis of Florida o.i whe!s, and P.eP'ieii on P" !. A W ! ;i'.li;i:ii ordered his deers and w iad ov .-a-h frran t he !:ria of pre. ras I io::! I..:;. :i:id he is not s;i h'et I ior i'.-r I he want of ! are air. Will ben Christmas tree a I Peli'oio on Monday miil hi tore ( 'hr:.-t ;aa.-. io b" given iii. der t he an spices of lh - l'n ieii Min.hiy School Siirroiipdiiig Sun da s. lioels ri-e i".vue:l io lake nart. Arrieeeme- is for g.";:iag up t he ire. --. i : ! be read: mi Mie'.av -eaieg i'l Tliir" is uo ai.'i'iiehi fa of'it-u iucup 1 in r'.i ry h. .it- noi ? . :.l.iir:0.y ;.; ci (o lie j.uro. . l '-r v!iir'n it iateniicl . r.s ' h:i:n,..fr!;.:ii".- I'idii U.iim. Ihtrdly n wck ;.:i-s-s but s ii a ii.cm'i'or of t lie family h.x-is.-il ,,f it . A teo'di-i l.u or lie ioiaelie may b? ct. icd by it. A t.aidi cf r'.t-nr.iai ism or J " c.iri :e ia eiib-tcd. Tile vre l.ai'i of :i 'earn or .-ci. I .r.)ii:;ii iy i.li.-veil 4-...J ill" s ir 1 eiilcl i'i mmdi l titi;( I'.aii wht-n :n siiicine ha.? to W s.'i.' ar. A s: rain may ' ..ri.iui i i v ' real .1 Li'La c- i'-ilainatioa sets ia, wli'n. li i r i s ii r t curu i:i ri.l."iit ot-1 -1 Ii ir.l ..I ill ' time i-i lo-l'.vi-e ri.pi iied. Cuts ai.d t . r 1 1 i -r -lii.ul'l rcevive i-nmi'diale ir.-at-iii I! beliui- t Ii" i-ois bei-.Ti SW'.Uva. liieti c:ii! only In; djtie .. le'ii Pain o d.ii is k. 't at t.a;; !. A s ua f'iroai ra-.v l.-run-": bfforv; It bec.5!!l? y'Pii Hi. A tloabh .::! f ijie a ii: x r I.e I csuovt-.l hy y ' ' .S U I i. a .'! i for a week or ln-. A i.ilae iro k naiv '-.( i liosl ari l s. vi-ra! days I' vulu-.btu t.ane -ave-i (ir a :',' in Hit :-i f or client nii.'v id w tie.;.! i-ayinj: u de.-i . bill pruc'.i'P a .'.) e. lit lei!ie al oiwra ai. i yo'i will npver .'iin! i'. for silt by Murelu w A Sirect- I'.I.UI, l. it'.'ai.-i... 111 ci.il'-! l.-i, ' of lla ii;u of h't Si'!!:i.y, gr.;tl m-.'.'.y h.o-e papers is i.e.olrer to my (.bice a.. c-it!a r io.; or mi mm!. nvA up to ihi ..iiti:.g I !i.." !.' i ;:n: I :e to iiial liie-.n. j would b- jgind howr-ver. mid request all person-v.!io 'uivo Deeds or Mortg-ii: :. which have h .-n k-ft for registration to call for them at once, that 1 tieiy know what is ::;oiie. lb isp.-et fuliy. J. C. iinowx. I'.eg. of Di e ls. 2:7 O 39. 551 "2 "A fWl J All sll 8 n re 8B H T t--aaa :- X1C1I0LS II. L. MCHOI.S ixi C"vr FOB THE BAJE. Tliis is a iby r ,V t m-Miik,,,. and shall heat us iu f arnis'iing ooeals at v.-.j new a:in:i?c that no firm - ti. C & ? a . lt:::i of V:i!s5:2"5r I,:snci. Ily virtue of ;i decree .f the Superior Coart of .'c;o'.oJl Coinu y. rend, red al Kail term, lsai, in t ;, '..! of .John ('arson against p. A. Thomas and ''hers. I w :i! sell at pabnc auction at the Court Homo door i:i MaWon, No; i h Carolina, on Monday, January 7th. lsiia. at !: oVIim k M . t he nit re- ( of i tic. said Tiiomas. .los. !,. i".H5sti.n. '. i:. i;rooixs and llo!-, " i C. Hare in and to a tract of land in the town of Marion. X. ('.. which is fully described in a deed made by m.ki: (ar-on and wifelo lb. said Thomas i.nd others, which deed i-; i''..,.rded ia I he olti.-e of ih'gisier of Deeds of MePoweii county, iu liook on page !'.'.:'.. fcr certain de seripiioa re fere in e is horc'o.v mule if saol (ied le c. (led as aforerr.id: al-fi live lots in Aiouiil. Ida Park, being de scribed as lots Numbers and in Iiiociv Xo. Cj, and Numbers ,, a-d :t. in bhvk No. as will fully apprar by ri r.,ri,;w" to a (Ce.I mad: by .'oles Vau ci y. dr.. to said Ko'.ort I lir.ri , record ed in P.o )'; P., on p'ige ":i in the Kegis-ter'-s ('Hire aforesaid. Tt mis .t sale: Ca. li This ta-ceniher l.-i, is'!!. J'.. Ik I'UiCo. i ommissioncr. 101 have just receive a lar- .to,'; of Cbthin- !l;t3. !).-.. a i "( :-s, Ac. f f -'lit OVerv ,n .-.! ..ll .1 r.. :. - "' - '4 .ii i l ' 'riil an 1 lit TABIF? O 2P, A hn-c tiiitl general Iin,. of Merchandise, (Iiomies etc CALL AND iSr .J- a-, ti kojls &c o. J.kwis M.u,nfX, I'Ks,r.t-XT. I.. P. Mel.o.r, CAs,KJl. WESTEBIM CABOLIA BjntIC miu x AT5.w .Tii -2-e: s:ao.siTsc v. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $23 300. ue mie special iaciliti.-s for l:;-.;,!;,.., aiHi .ii;( i-s in tr-tern nrlii ( arolina. ur tunned a change, we will I less of Merchants u'.ve no r.ank account If YOU e g'ad to h:.v yon correvpoi.d w ith uh. t!;ii i axe Hi coid of ' ro. '.! I'r ei, sa:p:i willl t'e. pee; le of M:iria V. ho -"llVei-ed h.sr- ey j.!--;.. ! ,:.-.t wi-he lp (' i. A ! ea e a i n .'!' r. 'f:!::i:ft already a demaa d for tho -.avi .e.l and half-'oarat. earhoas from the are lijc.ls. Snne one has ii.a-.v-er.-d t : : . j. earhi La a erire for co-nsu op tion, aia! it ia a wa ll-liii-uvn act that re. a v, v.-.vl: i'.i carbon faetorica arc sliigidarJy lu-aithy. da-.t k-w the f:-;T;ieiit,; of (.'.ir'na s.tv broken up an th. pai llcles Pihaie-l Y-x- ui ap pear, 'out i-.-( iplo coPi.s t theui a .good deal ass-l profess to d rive IjeneJit from their use. It lia been claimed for years that a : aiok-y ataiosplicre is a rood o:ie f.r a eoo-vtr.ie'.ive patient, a'taoa.rii t'.is has been denied by doctor-, a.'.iin and arain. The carbon tkei.rv l lay account for what so-ur p...-..)le believe to l-. :i'.:i:.cnse and others an iauillibh; I'. eery. Aii;s5iiiii:j! As- i'i:i. ni--;d her 1 a-ooiiat !y i pen Icr rcapprra'ance.- ti ilerson So!ieinr. Frank Wilson, a vell t do fai mer, of Jioward.s Civrk tov.n- It, I itieolll ColilltV. oh.oe.l w it-'h the wife of Tinth Smith., car- ! rying with them three of mitii's wifeV children. j In an interview with Smitii ne ?aid: "Ho ia welcome to -her but jj p,e j d if 1 don't have one of the children, tho s;rond, winch J am sure is mine. " The runaway couple was 6?en at Morgan!'.. l with wag.ei, loam and children What Wilson wants wi'h Pm;th s wife and children is a pro! 'ken we will hv.ve for the cu'dieto ? d e. Slmlhv ltar. Sin wldjipt'd hiei upon his return. nnrlimvmn H:iwkee. He kiss.,,.! her :.a.'k: At hr.ta ..n. We I hough! she sat down upon her being r.-keil. Saturday Cossip Sh fainted epaa bis depart are. I.yn.i t'nieii. H,. kicked tl.etr.imp up n bis sit'.ing down. American I 'harm. ..'is!. We feel compelled io refer to the j.oor woman w ho w as lut in I he oil re iv,;s. Medical World. And why no- drop a tear for t he man A thii-tet n-ia.'i frun made for our .-ver-.ea:r.t was reesntly te: ted at In diai IP ad. tweaty-tive l.'.iler. down the I otot'-'TI fr-!Ti Wa.-hiii.'-'ton. The trial showi'd tha', the fpm v.:-.s able 'a bore "coles in any bhin M inor-p'atG Mtkerto beaten or rolled. Mid t we've of the. ! . i:r.s : n to be ua.de fo- the 1 attle- t hPes haliana. Mass aehm-etts and ( Iron. The weight of the th.nteea-iv.eh ! j'vi is a HtCe over t.ixty tons, and lkat ; -: ii.(.r.:it tairt.VH.no teas. fMii i V:!s?SiS' S.;t5:l. l.y " irtae of ;i tlecree of .he Mijiurior C'oori of McDowell County, rendered at Pall term, l-'-ip in ihe c'a ;- of T. V. ;r.e;;lee, V xeeiito;. vs..,'. S. Mills. Ad-lmn.-traio.- of M, Ii. Mills, and V M. iliKlgins. Heir at Paw, I he iiioiersigard 'tHii!!iisv;;nor, uppoint.d hy ihe Court for that pure..-(, wiii :-el! lotiie high-d-d bidder for ea-!i ai the Court ''ouse door i;i Marion, on MotuJav, .l.muary 7:h. I at 12 o'clock Mi a valuable t: ra; .n t." - v.rOei' ;!',,. r(...';, i'di- iaii:g ii ' li ads ct The Jieir- .-.f law ifK.fi Cra. ii. iie.;-i -e.i. l he :Pirs ai !.-:V of W. V. Can-icM. J,seas.(;. n 'o'.'.-ui. riei others, and beiag ( r.K t of la a ' "ro'i which the Ira:- t- 'l. Al ii!.-. li.cd : for certain and speciiic de scription of the Mid lands reference is hereby made to lie complaint bi' d in the said cause. The said nndwilibe sold io sai i.-f v C e judgment rcii'I-. red ia the said cause. Thi-- :'.i d day of 1 e c.-iiiber, ISiO. J.i-s Si m:i, ( 'om. '.Voiliy (it ill i ilizci'S ol Kainr-vil e, ImiS una ir aev r will-ol a btdlia el Cniuh t r ain's Ci'..li ip.m.-'.y in t:.e h.'if.'' siis Jacob P' own. t.;c ieaditis mtl .... (ill i ,i,e t.!aic iliis P.i t.K .'y lias p i .ve ti d En iiuudi va.n i n i-oais ana cinn;. in .!: iio re. mat .'.A ta.i'ii Ira l.tio'i- if-, w orih ait v. il ns to if v. i: boul i'. Per Si'e by Jior- j.-iov iS. Mit-taian, 'i r xpet t 5 . MaC All) HOUE, Mt)K(iANTt):;, X. c, On rublic S-U.".re, :p.j:o.-ite count hou-'e. P.h ctric lights a:el bath room. TALLi: JTHsT-'JLASs. S'amnie room five A.B.&ILIEMSOI Have opened their Groeo Store in the Southern end ol the Fie mining Hotel , whu-d they are prepared to fisnush the puhii vith everything in the (iro irj Line. We will also have our Livery Stable equipped with gone horses and vehicles in a few d-nya Kespetfully A. B. OILKEY & SON Ti;;; lat?-ft tradv to imitata the doc tors and th lawyers an I to ask for l-gal restriction,' .oiayetition is t lie ondorlr'kc-s. A VP.l is r..v before the N v Vor"; log! da are providir.tr that r. b..'v car. practice I'.j art. trri.P-, tnvsterv or biisir.es of melertakiag un- J. J. oi those already in v ho was "ai ali.v siai.-e.. in me .... ..... ... . i:as 1ccn cxaT:1i!;."i and Pcensod and for lmn wl:o was kickcu on ..i. ; ( & c highway. Medical Age. ; ,nvfv ;o:s. Why rot mention the l.ict ot tl.e man being -hot in the water works? V. Med. '''' r- IIoW about the woman who v.as hart in tho fra.as? Kai way Age. Tur. ilia oKn and Atlama Weekly Const i: ui Soti one year for$l.'.'. New line , f nnmP'l co.rk.-, Ii;: vali:-', sure to suit, at swi;el;ii's. A seh ct line of ladies and gents! watch chain-;. I'lvsh ivom th- fae- ' Torv. at sw lndel.i's. A ur.L ir. (."hleairo real cs'ate tho ; otlur day rev.-ale l the fact that one ; hundred a ad f. rty ih..a-a:id b -liars . had Kvi realize-J as a prof.t on ' the piece in a por:.i cf foarteei; I n-.tiths. The proiir wr- t-re.ial to more ' than ene-hal: of the arc- unt paid for ' tl.e pr -perty. Ai thi ; r:.- o.' inesease ! in value ;t wr.r.l 1 r-o.:i th." ''hicao j ivalry is Lett, r than a goi.l mine. ate hr a 1--;v.r pT- WiiiSNANl, liEAI.Kl: IN' SASH; DOORS PRICES FU.WHEQ AFFLiCATlCr!. THE EAGLL BAR Fur.. Kcntuekv live and Xoith C:.r.'1ii..a Corn lii.-ki.-.-. Wines, Ii ram lis Export llo-r. l.'liatnj-.sgne, F'vmdy Fea'h"-, Fivneli l',r;ndy, and in am. all li-m'-rs k-pt m a t.r.-T'"hi.-s: .-.!' in. ri: r so.iein'd lr.m adjoiiiin-r Coll..".: s. Add re s.s tho HARDWARE Hardware Hardware. OF ALL KINDS. lutve a full i.ssoitment of sill kinds of hardware, idclu ding Huilders' sulies, such as nails Iocks and hinges tilo, aint, oil and white lead, i have a fine lino of (i mis. bollihi each and muzzle lxidei s, from s2 -50 up to 10.00. Stoves of all pri'-es and kinds, imduding th or-lelrabrd Nuw Patron Cook Stov. ll'atii.g stove of all kinds ;uid iiriees. I also do all kind- of Tin lloolisiir u (lutP-ring. it-mvmb. r I s.11 a good a- f r ') v:,ts: a good Matto-k for 00 .-ts. I will dl voit nails al th; v-ry lo-.v .ri -e of 1.51) per k'-g, factory price. Mail orders wi.l re-e;v my p.-rs,nal anl prompt retention. Willi r itiht vars xpi i' ur in t!i iinnhvare bui-inesh. I think 1 am , ren'-re ' to Vive you g'-ods in mv line at tho very lowt price posHibb 11 ' ' IN.spertfullv, T. I Mai Morganton, N. C. n '.: ;;1 p ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO bv either M'jrtv'.g . Nolo or op; n ; a -count will jl:as3 call and a -t?h' at onen and save us the unph a.aio dtttv of forcing collections. V. ry K-.-p'. M"C. :. Ccv'.t v. I 111 Iilllll4 Oil Voiir l-'jMT.j'J ArMMt.i-.il l.Tiranure bPx.r!, ad will ntv r 'at- . !t i.r.'.efcs Vo'j -'.taii-j-. il aul ba;.l ii up ia ni lines d1 purity. Rotan e B . f.ri Balm, tb pr. nt l.'.oc.d purifier and :, -. i -. wUI y.-u !. I. Ih! lo"!eui.l . ..." .,-.r (.' iliioii epl i irify yenr :. '"i"- Price fl.f l--r Utle. For i dc P ' ' ZVX-