3 TO- o-r-. ' IB i VOL 4 TX-IXJS1D.Y, J-AlTTJA.:R3r 31- 1895 jAi m v. m aLymAim m ' ON - G RIMES 1TK DON'T BREAK. No subscription will be taken unless paid for in advance. 1'ive cents per line for all obituaries. Don't take the paper out of the post office miles-, you intend to pay for it. I.or-al notices 10 cents per line for irt insertion, 5 cenU thereafter. Display ads $S0 per column per year. LOCAL; GLEANINGS. Dr. T.andrum preached at Old Fort Sunday. FIlESIf butter milk alvrajs on hand at A. Ii Uilkey & Son's. The heaviest snow of the season fell Monday. Cord wood and guinea ejrprs are in gTfat demand in town. The building business in Marion is tied up on account r-f bad weather. Mr. E. J. Justice will occupy the resi dence of Col. J. G. Yancey on Main street. J. IT. Hemphill has removed his mar Meyard to the property above the Klemming Hotel. Mr. Geo. A. Gilkey has a neat stock of furniture in the McCall building, near the Southern depot. Mr. L. I. McKay has a car load of fine walnut Iors at the Southern depot ready for shipment to Germany. Robert Witter, formerly a resident of Marion, but now living- in South Carolina, is at the Fleming Hotel. Miss Willie Schartle, a charming young lady of Asheviile, is visiting the Misses Carter, on Garden etreet. Set the card of Mr. J. C. Linney, at torney at law, and call on him in the rourt house for legal advice. The roads in this section are in t li3 worst condition they have been in for many mont' s, owing to excessiye snow and rain we have had since Christmas. Mr. I. IT. Simmons, an aged and rt-f-nected citizen, died at his home at Sugar Hill, i;i this County, ct.e day l.i-l vreck. He was a native of .Stoke county. Ivrv. W. K Edmoi:don, formerly pastor of the Methodist church in Marion, recent ly sailed for Honolulu on t ho war ship Philadelphia, as Chap lain. An oyster supper was given last Fri day night at the Eagle Hotel under the auspices of the Chameleon Club. Many of Marion's beautiful young ladies (for which the town is noted) were present mid al! the ladies and geutlemen who attended report a delightful time. Mr. Jas. K . Flamming', a lormer cit izen nf JuVDowvIl, but vho has recent ly teen in the- grocery business in Asheviile has removed his family to Marion, and will travel for Mustin, Fakes Si Co., of Ashevillc. A Tennessee Editor Commit Ittatrfmonr. Our esteemed friend Mr. Wm. T. Kobsrtson, of the ogersvilh, Tenn , Keview, was married to Miss Annie Carrier, of liutherfordton. on Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. The bride is a charming young lady, and a daughter of the lata Elias Carrier. Mr and Mrs. Robertson spent Tuesday nisjrht at the Fleming Hotel in Marion and 1. ft on Wednesday for Rogersrille where they will reside. We extend our hearty-congratulations. in tne meantime we will nave an in- ROWE'3 WOE- IXc Harried Too Often and f in Jail. ALEX. P ROWr, FORMERLY OF MARION, BtINO I'tfOSECUTE I HIS IJ R I D Trijxcraiice Agitators. MEETING IX TIALEIGH AGAINST TFIE oi i l-:-.i:on. Last week the convention Kentucky i Tcmperan?e worker.1 met Rnleiirh. when Ili fnl'c.win.r V .'?is;if !(iT Wfic frnitni! .1 f ..... .1.- I i , J mar tin wre math hv men. sr.vs the Citizen : eu c." by the announcement that A'cx I Iiotve, well known in th;j section of in rc- Asheville Administrator's ."Votire. Ilafinw qmliSed as a ItniuL-fntor of lleniy Johnson. necpmel, Lit of Motoweil coun'y, N. U , tl.i is to noiily nil persons having claims ngsicst the -stte f fail (Icert?el to -xliit,it them to tbe unJersi;:ncl on or tef 'if the 4ib day of January, A. I !fG, cr thii notice jvii! be lpu l in bar of t'ai ir recovery. This January 4h lidi M F. U..ri;r. A-lixiiniilrator wai in jail at Williamsburg, Ky., i charg-ed v. !th bigamy. Money w."s ?ent to Attorney Bird of terstate matrimonial law passed which ! th'3 V1"' fro,u Williamsburg to secure ! ine services 01 ?. witness to lUenlilY at that will prevent Tennessee editors from carrying off North Carolina prizes in the shape of our pretty girls. A IIAIIY CHEW Were tLc "Boys" Who CcK-bra- ted 51 r. ICcKay's ESirlhday. On Friday evening, Jan. 2."th, a few of Mr. L. L. McKay's friends were in vited ro his hospitable and attractive home on Depot street to participate in a "royal stag" party given by Mrs. Mc Kay to celebrate the occasion of the 35th birthday of our genial hot No more elegant dinner was ever spread in Marion, and it is not neces sary to say it was immensely enjoyed. The styJe in w hich it was prepared and served can be s urpassed by none, and imitated by few Menu : iSoup. Cream of Tomatoes. Oysters. Turkey, With seven kinds Vegetables. Wines to suit. Salads. Followed with Ices a"d Cnkes. After dinner coffee. With Cognac for the after dinner Liquer. The following guests were present: Sheriff O. II. (Jardin, Maj Sam Green, of Shelby, Messrs. E. A Thomas, T. v. Dale, J. C. Pool, Dr. M. F. Morphew and J. II Atkin. We with Mr. and Mrs. McKay many recurrences of t Ii 3 octa&ion thus cele brated, ?rut assure tl.eiii it iil lonjj be renumbered by tlvi: iitvts u an ex ceedingly '.e.".s it;t social event:. Rows in the criminal coart place. Mr.QuinceGilkey was employed to uike the journey. lie returned to Marioit Tuesday, and from him we learn the following facts : Gilkey arrived at 'illiamsb'irg. v?nt to the jail, and identilicd Rowe as tin man who had married a Ui? Amanda Dellinger in this place some years ag,r and afterwards Jeft her and some chil dren without means and went to Ken tucky. He won the heart of Miss Martluv Newport, of Williamsburg, and wa? married to her in April ISO!. The two got along splendidly until a short time ago, when Rowe got on a six weeks drin k, and his wife No. 2 searched h trunk, and made the startling discov ery that he had a wife and children in this Stat-, finding in the trunk nume rous letters from Mis Rowe No. 1. She reported the discovery to her father, and Rowe was at once placed in pri'sou. The second wife belongs to one of the best families in that section, and her father had given Rowe valuable assis tance financially. He was running a good hotel at the time it was discovered he had two wives. The case was ne t decided when Mr. Gilkey'left, but he says the j eople are very indignan and Rowe is sure to go to the penitentiary. Mrs. Rowe No. 1 and children are now living in Cleveland county. A'ex Rov, e was'jit onetime v very t;i (,?j)'Toi:s rnt rcha-it. af Sprurv Vine in iiiH i'icli cotifit . whi.rt he v i yi'.-i- ; (! was i-,oi.'ise.-ea a u'! . !izrr. ti d "J.ev. !)r. J.imrs Atkins, rcsi tV.'Kt of Ashfville I-Vnialo college, inado t!io niv.c pal ad(lrfe.-. J If said tho licen-sing of tliis traffic vp.3 a j:roat wrong. The responsi bility for tliis wrong li h not with the liquor dealer, hut witli the people themselves, the voter", of th! country, wh.o vote for orTicers vho will nnike-l.nv.a tolieens- the a!oon. "Col. T. IS. Long of Birooibe Mien made u short talk. lie said .J i as proud t!.ar. he vvat; from a county re)re3ented in this Logi la'ture by two strong Prohibition ists; that he was a fusionist, and lie wanted all arties to fuse on this question. lie said he was in favor of giving the women of this country the ballot. "Representative Burnham, cf Huncombe made a short talk, in .vhich he said that the colored people were in favor of the.se re forms. They want prohibition; they shall have it if I can give it to them.' " Notice. All persons indebted to W. P. Ul.inton nu st call at once and set tle, also persons running accounts must stttle, and no more can be put on the books, ' as the estate must be closed. Pig reduction in all lines of merchandise. Call early and save further trouble. J. (J. Xeal and W. M. Blaxtox, Administrators. Having decided to remain in Marion, I respectfully ask a continuance of the patron age that I have received from the people of this community. Thanking you for the liber al favcrs o the past, lam very truly yours. W. C. SEWUM) Lenoir, N. C. M. A NEWI.A.NI). Marion, X. ('. TUB JEWELER. Imil faM, ATTORAEYS AXI) counsellors AT LAW. MARIOX, - - - - X'. C Practice in the court3 of the 10, 11, and 12th districts, and the Su preme court of X. C, and the U. S. C urts of Western District of X. C. Parties desiring ' Fire Insurance Please give mo A call. I am n ii.. Agtnt for a good Company and solicit your patronage. My otf.ee is at th old Craif L miding, where I Keep a ood line of Hardware. Mv stock Will be more complete Than ever. Hoping ii . . . " lO merit VOlir nntrnnnom i 'J iiJiix:iy YOURS TRULY. Accidentally Shot. H r. Rink Simmons accidentally shot Mr. Grayson Koi ne L-it "week, whili hunting Ve i:irn that the wound is iui:t srrio'.M It was made by a rifle lull and ppiu'tiuel t be left arm then entering t!n tiiouhUr which passed through Dr. (Jeo. White is attending the i-a-se and is doing all that medical Bil! criii forilr. Kooinrt's recovery. Iteturtied from ISnleili. Mr. W. F. Oaig: returned last Thurs day from Raleigh. Mrs. Craig- and Master 1'escud are enjoying a stay with friends theiv. Mr. Crai is a prominent candidate for Railroad Com misMoner, and while he is a bitter He publican worker, is a clever and able man, r.nd if our rrtHt efficient Com missioners have to tjo (which would be a fusion error) Mr. Craig- would make a competent ollicer. IN" A WRECK OX THE SOUTHERN' ROAl. A rock slide on the Western Xxrih Carolina division of the Southern rail way, at a point six miles wet of Salis bury, caused a fatal accident last Sat urday morning. Westbound through freight Ko. -13, Conduc tor U. F. S'lni Kor and Engineer J. A. Trexler, struck the obstruction about 3 o'clock. The engine and tender with trocars were thrown from the track by the shock and Fireman V. L. Simmerfon wr.a killed. Trainmen John Rynum and Phil. Jones, colored, were injured, but slightly. The work of clearing away the wreck was begun as quickly as possible. Pa senger train Xo. 11, which arrives at Marion i :57 was delayed about 3 hours as it had to be run down to Charlotte and thence over the Atlantic, Tennes see and Ohio read to Statesviile, by which it rot around the wreck. f aii'd. n last Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock Mr. Frank Wood and Mi.s l'dna Mo Curry were united in marriage at the Presbyterian parsonage, Rev. W. II viute otiiciatinsr 1 he bride is a daughter of Mr. J. C. McCurry, post master of Marion, and is a popular and accomplish! d young lady. Mr. Wood is a son of Rev. F. H. Wood, former presiding elder of this district, and is a cultured gentleman possessing many noble traits of character. The Record extends its best wishes. air. and Airs, vt ood left Marion on Sunday evening's train in the midst of a shower of rice, old shoe? and congrat ulations for Winston, where they will reside. I?Ior:i0,s .olcs. A petition is being circulated signd by many of our bt-st citi zens for a dispensary law for the town of Moriranton. If this will relieve us of anv of our trouble on the illicit whiskey traffic, that we are now suffering from, we sav let it come. We will have more b say on this subject in our next. On last Sunday night thre county prisoners escaped from Morganton iail through the bars, -winging down bv their blankets. The names are Elic Lail, tor adultery; Williams, for horse, stealing, ana Mr. Branch . Morganton Populist. generous i.er.rici: ma.ii. Carlton Corn well, foreman of the "Jazette, Middle! own X. J-, belli ves t luit C hamberlains Cough Remedy hould be in every heme. He usd it for a cold at'd'it efl'eite-d a speedy cure. He sav; : '"It is in lecd a grand lemedy, lean recommend ;t to all. I have also een it urcd for whooping cough, v it h the best results." 25 r.nd;V cent bottles for sale by ilorphew & V.'hite, Drug gists. ITIore i'ouisiifs Wairlfd. A "mass meeting was h?!d at r.Iil's Creek Saturday to take action looking to the formation af a new county It is proposal to form ' the. rew county out of portions of Rutherford, ?.Ic- iH.well and Henderson counties, with the county Feat at RatCave. We are informed the movement for a new coui-iy to be formed out of p'-r- ! tions of Cleveland, Lincoln, Catawba, Rnrke aud Rutherford counties is as suming large proportions aud will pro bably be successful. . In the meantime, if any more terri tory is 'vanted to make stili other comi ties, Rutherford still has some left. We seem to have fallen into the hands of thieves and the Lord only knows what 15 to become or us if t lie good Samaritan don't put in an appearance. Ruther ford Democrat. A lariTe net it ion aeainst the taking ofat.y of McDowell's soli to estab lish another county, has been gotten up. It was proposed to take the Bread River section, and form a county with it and part of Henderson, Polk and Rutherford with the county seat at Fdnevsville. At ICalcigli. The Fusion legislature that is to reform and to inaugurate the dawn of better things, has in the true spirit of Reform, added more laborers, pages nnd clerks to the legislature paxvroll. These "labo rers" have been increased twenty one over those of the la-t legisla ture; there is one more assistant engrossing clerk and two more pages, ro snv '!' (;! ftal-fg it -i i is not, r;j" ( iioniv, i, lit. e.p;:s oj 'tfov) moru pt-r nay. Th engrossing clerk, A. I). K. WalLiCe, of Kulhei loidton, gets $5 per dav.with tv( assistants at same jiriee. T. Newt Morganton, gets door-keeper, with one assistant at same pric 11. tabulated report A o . . s ( )!i?ervM i.uu.bir of boih 't ! - fr;.;n 3' n r 4 ASKS FuitbT fROPLilTY in Elation lor residences. Three room cottage, stable, fruit trees, grape vines, excellent well of water, etc Halliburton, of This is a high and beautiful loca- ro per ilav, as 4- ,.i trDOf Will iiuii. iiiiu Uvi 4ii t;vou ciivvi. iro at a bargain in one lot or will Little Ralph IorU.ne, a bright sub-divide to suit purchaser. b-. y, as page, gets J(vl per day w ith seven others at same price Warren V. Hall, of Shelby, re ceives .1'2.0 rer day as "laborer" vith 41 other "laborers." Kefor-nu-rs (.ften neid reforming and tho cry of Peforni is often a humbug. r.helby Aurora. and fair dealing, lam W. IE3, JOISTES. Lewis Maddux, President. L. P. McLod,Cashibb. WESTERN KOLIITA S A. 5: ASIIEVILLE,J!. C I) ES I G HMTF I miK DEroSITORT. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPI ilq nnn We have Special facilities for handling the business of Merchants and others in Western North Carolina. If you have no Bank account or think of a change, we will be glad to have you correspond witk us. AMILKET&SOI 35 10 ACRE TRACT one-fourth mile from 3 C's depot. Good water, and land lavs well. Will divide or sell in a lot. ONE BLOCK LOTS, 1 mile from courthouso containing small house for sale cheap. SUBURBAN LOTS. I have some beautiful lots for $10 to $50 each. ! 5 ACRE TElAGlS- Ten of these COMPETE NOVELS. Just close ough for good market neatly hound. i or woultrv farms. Price low. As agent for others I have a list of - LARGE AND SMALL FARMS one of which is the celebrated FRANK DALE, at the City Bar knows how to make hot drinks. Call on him Have opened their Grocery Store in the Southern end of the Fie mining Hote, rtrhe e they are prepared to furnish the puWi with everything in the Grocery Line. We will also have our Livery Stable equipped with good horses and vehices in a few days Kespectfuy A. B. GILKEY & SON AND A Yli.ii'.S MJCsCUir'TION' id m nn A ltemcdy for Hard Times. The following is a lessen our far mers ought to be benefitted by : "Mr. J. W. Campbell, of Morganton, sold a few days ago at Abbeville two hundred and fifty bushels yam potatoes at C") cents per bushel. Mr. Campbell raised on eight acres of ground near Morganton eleven hundred bushel. of choice potatoes."- Populis'. Yet men with good farms will stand around town and "cuss"' the hard times, and argue politics. "Pritchard's friends, it is said' have a new ambition in view. This is to place his name on the ticket as vice-Presideut. They think and say that it would look well there, with McKinley as the head of the ticket. Thev sav further that ha 75 cents in cash buys a Ladies Solid, button shoe at McCall & Conley's. JUST received a nice line of Hats at McCall & Conlcy's. A printer doesn't rush to a doctor every time he is out of scrts; nor to a baker when he wants pi ; nor to a wood pile when he wants a siick; nor to the Bible when he wants a good rule; nor to the gunsmith when he wnntsa shott ing stick; nor to 'he cabir.--; diopevery time he wants furniture; nor to the bank every time he wa:ts quoins; nor to the girls when he wants a press; nor to the lawyer when 1 1- has a dirty case; nor to the butcher when he wants ptat; Little Fifties Cut Will CSrow. L-i.i. ti,.." u nor to the numn when he is drv and T ('KM . I I f i S V Ml I it(l I liLL lid: A Government fish car spent last wjh n this matter get th support ! ,ias ten cents in his pocket.-Exchange, j Sunday in Marion, and was laden j of the Tennessee and North Cam-; lina Republicans Fayetteville . T.i . ,, "t i 'o h lrti-e 1(5 'fl?re iiinstr:ted mriithh ni:tp::izin' tor DN'LV 3(J Ll N'l . 1 his is a ; iiiott ;ibt i:il ofi'er as i'i;u: hold Topics, the 1 miiiTHziiu' referred to, i a hilivhiss piipcr, ' i e;l tc ith si-l ies ot !;ve, ti'lveiiturt', t u vi'l n i c short iiitert-stii m i iortroe live sUfti ln s oi' f ct Ktid I'.hh-j; mo! in the iit 135 novels : ro sncli ti-f:ifurfS as "A 1 Hrave toward, bv i.'ube.'t l.cu'n Stevenson ; ; A Iil.ickiin'nli's Daiiflitf-r. by El':i W. j Pi'-rtc ; Nir.etta a most pleasinjr s:ory by . . v. r. I al lor; a Giidv.i .-i.i nnd Betwero on the Bakcrsville road, in Mitch- Tv. i is by ih. autlior ot Dora Thome; ej connty, near the top of tllO Blue TheTiutii i f It. t v tin.' pi, puiar writer, ' . , . nn h. !m:(,v; aii.uhe Moovehouse Trafrc- Ridge. Ihis place contains oOO acres, will produce 500 tens of h y and all kinds of grain and vegeta bles in abundance. It is 18 miles from Marion. It is abundantly watered and timbered. It is on surveyed lin of the ? C's road. A laru-? boily of this land is level For - ..! cm easy terms. Call on or address, ,7. -XTKiy, 3I.4RIOX, X. V. dy, r .. Au- in Mrs I the p ;er stiisMtional. bv Mrs. Jane A !Ici--iiie, a n .!ie!itt!i: i -t y by ;e-)cca II. 1 vis ; Wail H v,c-s, by ;iiiilar v'aii' ii Harinrd. ami tin- :at st,rv i!ii;t;. oi Aut ouiny, iy A.iiamiH m. D .nV'-ir- p.-.'" '.-rl-i T V rt: juili th" other i nvei.- i, a ti.t-y are a;i i!ie i-aine h 'jii era-!-. i..pn!ar. biihi, lorn tine. iriey iior-.-tii't; si.-ries. Tli' 3j n hp s nd ih? eiiriei.t issue of Hoi Iiolil T.'i.ie.- will be si i il,e d.iy t.u. order ism-rived Tl:ir v-'. supply von wiih a s a.-on's rea-ii:)tr tor a me; e ionjr; and will be nppreciited by all in be lions hold. Set.d at o ice 5M cents to ll'icsi. hoi.i Topics Fle. "o., 1'. O. Box 115:) New York City N. Y Few Fiend ARBfiR n Si Hardware Hardware. with ''speckled beauties," carp and other varieties. Messrs. McCurry, J. G. Nicho'a and Dr. R. J. Rurgin were among the gentlemen who re ceived large numbers of fish and . placed them in Buck Creek and Observer. Jeter seems to be on a boom Let her go. IP is a good man, ! but a bitter Republican. i House. Hun us out of the old stand, but we are now fitted up in the Hyams Store House, next door to the Baptist Church with a larg stock of M.inv stubborn rndag-rvatini There is good reason for the popular ity of Chamberlain's Co-.ijrh Hemedy. Pavis v T"..Lr.rI. o? V.'e-t Mcrtorv, ?.rai Ami tho Catawba River. Dr. Burin es rhe.iniatim that wen- iM-H.-ved to U'j iiK"; r:tu:t iinu rucj-Hro as nit' la- in trf nsferring them. Chu rn i t! Hi J l i-nMtny. I'.i.. .s y : :.).!. ib-.t our i'i.;-i had 1.100 irr nn.l 4arili ty in I I,,,!,,;.,!.! .1 ii .:...,.": ntithiPa for. We V- r- the river at hia farm, aud the l1"-1' ,nui lVto U ul slirP" and Pratt-; try a Loe of Ui.ia, ,ei..w:. , , la i r u hation of the sinerers. One apnhra- 1 Remedy aiid they now reconinicisd it T.,t,irP -,lC rill VHTIV nmmiP speckled trout went to Ruck Creek, j tion will relieve the pain and sutlVrinar . wkll t,;e re,t uf ,1S 25 an1 50 cent b( t 11 lR S UU1 V1 UUfcilj om UUor h00 of the trout died j V r, for sale bv Moridiew & White I Iiuai i-uir. rur sitie jiijipuew X " 1 I White, Druggists. Druggists. 31c CALL cC- COXLEY. F ALL KIM. I have a full assortment of all kinds of hardware, inclu. ding Builders supplies, such as nails locKsand hinges. also, paint, oil and white lead, i have a fine line of Guns, both breach and muzzle loaders, from $2 50 upto $40.00. Stoves of all prices and kinds, including the celebrated New Patron Cook Stove. Heating stoves of all kinds and prices. I also do all kinds of T n Roofing and Guttering. Remember I sell a good axe for 00 cents; a good Mattock for 60 etf. I will Bell you nails at the very low price of 1.50 per ke, factory price. Mail orders will receive my personal and prompt attention. With eight years experience in the hardware business, I think I am prepared to give you goods in my line at the very lowest pric possible Respectfully, T. I .Billam. Morganton, N, C. ; j . : -i : '

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