MA I ION KKOORD. Washington JLcitiT. OUR PROSPEROUS NEIGHBOR, i i fi i ftfiHlIfia fill 1 QF'1b By O. C.i'rowkon A o. , Correspondence of the IitcuKD. President C leveland would much Kntered at the jiostoffice at Marion. N f &b second '.arti matter. prefer tliat Congn would pnss a hill, wither in aeeordanco v.ith tlio ri.'Ci:n'!r-:)dii!ioii!- c ;!t: i::"d in hii X r wiiii iis own lon' to rjiii'dc 111 ivc-rniij'-nt to r-decni aimuv.u- ani moiwiti uin; of TliAlWS. SotTHKKi Wailium) tt". mimd f-ain ariiv-i at Marion it I 11 m ., and li-av-s j f what oUirllt to h lit 2. nt. East bound train armes at 4:la tuid ItMvcs lit 4:! 1 l. !..". At J. I ail"oi Tr-iiti iiirivesat 12: j l in , :oid Uiivt-s nt 4: 1 " p. m. Sur.srirTioN Ratks. Omo Year -Six Months - - -Threo Months - - - -"'' HOB. The Cilyof Insiitu:ions ar.d En SKETCHES OF SOME OK THE Kf.IXErS j ENTKKPiMSKS ' i- MuSCANTiiN'. IT j I A roMIXG TOWN. T Ml 1 1 T , ,,t I I will be leady next J ho liEooi:i l;a.-. ;t verv rreditu- u ? i I. o circulation in Rurko county, ; Week to Sell tlie gOOUS and we piihli.-h Mow some j ) J wPl'fi ScIYCmI its prom:s' to nay when pre'iited : sketched of the hufeino-.s kk-h of j "Marion, N C, Fehru-ry 7, W. Sf:.NATou IIakui3, of Tennessee, nnd .Senator Mitchell, of Oregon, had a hattle of "cuss" word in the Senate tho other day. The pap r nay that Mitchell wasdruiik. Wo desire to call his attention to the fact that there is a good tin plar1 order in Marion and the ad mission IVe i.s only a qtiar er. Do eonie and join our band, we'll ex tend the fraternal hand. lumbers of tho Senate as Jarrr manufacturing enterprises, of Sherman do not misjudgo , whieh we shall .-peak in the future. The 5;5rd Congress haa entered upon thti last four weeks of its ses sion. In both Senate and J louse tho few working days now remain ing before linal adjournment to be crowded with striking incidents and ex? ting debates on topics, any one of which may produce a dead lock and compel the calling of the ruth Cnncress in extra session. Earnest efforts are being made by Home of the members to avoid this contingency. The situation, how ever, is rendered much Io:.-, favora ble than it was at the beginning of the version by the fact that the Democrats have practically lost control of the Senate, and are so divided on financial issues in the as to be practically in a minority in that chamber upon many of the leading questions at isriie. but if 'ongres4 do-js nothing, he j Mcrganton, vhi?h is one oi tne does not prop;.s" to sit idle and see j most enterprising towns in Wos the credit of the govt rnment inju- orn Carol'na. It is in Morgai ton red by the lack of gold to redeem j that the Western Hospital for the its note. He has given Congress i i11;-ane, and school for the deaf and a last chance to act, but it such j tiumb are located. She also has leading me Vest and Sh( the situation, the Senate is tied hand and foot and cannot act, even if the House passes the bill now before the committee on Hank ing and Currency which proposes to carry the recommendations of the Piesident into t-ilVct. That beingthecase. it may be sot down as certain that President Cleveland and Secretary Carlisle, vrill act. They will issue more bonds to get the gold to redeem the greenbacks ifrom the lire, 'n om of the ccttiiprcs. - j HI and Treasury not'. under the ome, Xow, Talk Out. "The Fus:on organs are jut now "slobbering" over thr Honorable (God save the mark) Maryr.n : I'.utler, aud all are publishing Hketches of his life. liut th-re are two occurrences in his "illustrious" career aboul whh'h all of them a; it nece v sil n ." Ri th -r! rdl n Democrat. Probably some of his law class mates could give some informa tion as to a certain paper the above named gentleman signed and which a pe st n received a reward for stealing, afterwards. Jet the fusion organs give us a full history. Di'Knifi-acy A'ver IHcs. "Why, sir, the 'Jemocratic party is just as much alive as ever'" said Colonel W. P. Morrison to a St. Louis Pepublic reporter '"They can't kill it. It wa born in eter nal truth, founded upon the bed rock of the people's liberties, and t :e true principles of honest and economical government. It liar buried in oblivion many other po litical parties, and it will live, to see the grass grow on many yet un born The Democratic party lives because it is the only genuine and sincere national party that this country line ever known that is to say, in its broad principles are embodied the will of the people. I mean the common people, and -nr. t thit; latter-day oligarchy of pluto crats that have already and fur ther proposo to enrich themselves through legislation. "It is true that the skies at pres ent lower upon tho Democratic horizon, but during ' these thirty years past we have seen them still blacker and more forbidding It is needless to go into a discussion of what brought about this condi tion of party affairs, further than to say that the Democrats inheri ted the disasters from, a Pepubli can administration, and the peo ple, impatient for promised relief from Republican mislegislation wrathfully fell amuck of their frieLds before they had time to leaven the load which burdened tl em Republicans need not ca jole themselves w ith the idea that in 1890 tho Democracy v. ill not come up united, and they will lose their party advantages of Novem ber last." Colonel Morrison declined to prognosticate on the presidential possibilities of 1890, further than to say that it looked to him as if Harrison would be tho Republican nominee, because Harrison was a stronger man than any of the others mentioned. If the Repub lican convention get into a tangle he thought that most probably Al lison, of Iowa, who is always lucky, xiiight slip iu. specie resumption act of 1875, and the President has said that he would continue to issue bonds as often as gold is lequired until Congress relieve the situation by legislation. A President Cleveland and every member .-l the Cabinet tin- den-lands and construes the pres ent laws, it is no Ior.ger a question of whether one favors the issue of bonds, but of getting gold, which can only be gotten by bonds Whether Congress authorizes an issue of bonds or not bonds will be issued. When Congress declines to sanction the i-rsue of bonds it is under the circumstances the act of a coward, in as much as it is shirk ing a responsibility that properly belongs to Congress. Reside.-?, Con gress in providing lor bonds could accompany il with remedial legis lation which would put an end to the gold raid upon the Treasury. Chairman Wilson is confident that tlni bill for the repeal of the differential duty on sugar from countries which pay an export bountv, which passed the House by the very decisive vote of 239 to 31, will pass the Senate and be come a law. His confidence is based upon assurances given him by Senators of all parties that they would support the bill and help to push it through the Senate. The National Poard i f Trade, which held its twenty-fifth annual sess on, in Washington, this week, unanimously endorsed President Cleveland's plan for the relief of tho Treasury, which is embodied in the financial bill now before the House. This action is regarded as significant. If the National Hoard of Trade, which, like Congress, is composed of men of different po litical beliefs and from different sections of the country, can unani mously agree, why can ot Con cress do the same. Congress is d"ing de'.uged with similar en dorsements telegraphed by organ izations of business men in all sections. The ''drummers' bill," allowing the issue of 5,000 mile interchang able railroad tickets at reduced rates, now only reeds the Presi dent's signature to become a law. .Postmaster General Rissell is is the latest Cabinet victim of the weekly resignation rjmor. Mr. Rissell has not and never had the slightest idea of resigning, and he is entirely at a loss to know why he should have been selected by tho; who seem to be under con tract to report an impending re-eig- na'.ion from the Cabinet at lesst once a week. Only two members of the Cabinet Secretaries La mont aed Herbert have escaped having their names coupled with an alleged contemplated resigna tion. Unless something which is j at this time entirely unexpected shall occur, there is no probability that any member cf the Cabinet will retiro from oflice until the President does, on March 4. 1897; There is now every reason to be lieve thai Secretary Greshanvs vt ry proper effort to mediate between Mexico and Guatemala will result in a peaceful settlement of the dis- pe nrii.nixo material. The Morganton Manufacturing and Trading Go's., manufactory in Morganton is one of the busiest and most business like institutions of the kind in Western North Caro lina. Ail orders to them for sash, doors, blinds and all other building material will receive prompt atten tion. They are large- manufac turers of brick. All material strictly lirst class and prices as low as the lowest fer this class of goods. Maj. J. W. Wilson is President, and Mr. John A. Dickson, Secretary of the company. Thesi gentlemen are among Morganton's foremost nublie snirited business mer. i - - i rear of the old stand. The prices wil he no object, 1 havu a large quan tity of goods not dam aged. Everything to be sold at less than cost until all can be cloicp out. mm - ! WE AI5E JTST iTTTIXd IN AX EN TIRELY NEW OFFICE. EVERYTIIlXt; WILL UE FIltST CLASS, AND NO PAIN'S WILL HE STARED TO PLEASE EVERYONE WHO FAVOR US WITH THEIR WORK AT THE Write f ..t prices of any kind KtXOAID HOUSE, MORGANTON, N.C., On Public Square, opposite court house. hleetric lights and bath room. TARLE FIRST-'JLASS. Sample room free building material. H'll.NITl l.L, CASKETS, ETC. One of the most attractive places in Moiganton is the furniture es tablishment of Claywell Pros. Red room, parlor, office and dining room furniture in all ds gns and at prices that cannot be beat in any city, can be found here. Thoy also keep a fine line of caskets and deal in china, glass ware &e. Call and see them. MACHINE SHOP. A large, and commodious machine shoo has iust been erected on Union street, and is occupied by W. S. McCrary & Co Mr. McCrary is a mechanical genius, having a practical knowledge of machinery, and ail kinds of repairing is a spe- j cialty; v z : guns, bycicles, sewii g . machines, saw mill machinery. &c Send to this iirm for what you want. HARDWARE. Among tho mot-.t popular and successful business men of Mor ganton is Mr. Thomas I. Gillam, the largest dealer in hardware in this section of the State. He has been in business here for nine cars, and is universally esteemed by. the people who know him. See his advertisement in this paper. SALLY MICHAEL SMOKING TOBACCO. The Sally Miejiael pipe has a world wide reputation, as well as a history. The old lady after whom the pipe takes its name, lived and died in Rurke and was the first manufacturer of these pipes. The Sally "Michael smoking To bacco is gaining an extensive repu tatim for its excellence of quality. purity and flavor. It is the finest smoking tobacco manufactured in the South, and is manufactured by the Sally Michael Tobacco Co., organ ton, N. (., and for sale by dealers everywhere. Messrs. F. M.and R. R. Laxton, two of Morganton's most worthy and energetic "oung men, are the proprietors of this enterprise. They deserve success. DR. B. L ASH WORTH; Physician and Sura on t t FOB T11E HEALING OF THE NATIONS j i n DUbtlMl) U1UUU Uailuf Vi it ii f? cpcit c.ii'TiTri?-.- cmpnr far -.i Mm lira FEEL WE mI. EXAOTLi UIIA1 sai WIIEX WE TELL YOU OUR PRICES WILL P.E THE VERY LOWEST POS SIBLE AND TAKING INTO CONSID ERATE) : THE GOOD QUALITY OF PAPER USED AND THE EXPERIENCE OF OUR FOREMAN IX THIS SPECIAL LINE OF WORK EE CONVINCED BY tag to a mal. , If so it will pay you to go to AT M0EG ANTON. N. C. For uiiythingyoii want. Save your Rail load fait; by goiiijj to .see them, or send o-der for wlmt you want. Satisfaction in lit, style, quality, and ' ? Prices QtiaranteeC The largest stocic in Westesn North Carolina. Bought it The Present to Prices ELEGANT SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS! GENTS' FURNISHINGS! Overcoats and Mcln toshes, best goods and latest styles, We will compare goods and prices with Wanamakcr or anybody el$ Square dealing and on3 price to all. Call on us or send us jourori ders. We keep every articlo ound in a first-class clothing houeo. Respectfully, COLLET T & GILLAM, Morganton U C. It purifies, builds up and enriches 3i the blood, ana never- iaus a to cure the most inveterate i-j BLOOD AND SKIN DIS-& EASES, if directions are fol- E? lowed. Thousands of grate- S ful people sound its praises and attest its virtues. eg iWRITE for Dsok of Won- ' derful Cures, sent free on ap- plication. S If not kept by your local druggist, R Ssend Ji.oo for lare bottle, or $5-oo gfor six bottles, end medicine will be sent, freight paid, by J S E5L.OOI5 BALM CO., Atlanta, Ca. ATI EX YOU WANT ANYTHING IX THE JOB PRINTING LINE FROM A VISIT- TNG C'AP.D TO A SEVEN COLUMN N E V S P A P S R. Y E M A K E A S P EC I A L- Tf OF WEDDING AN-' VISITING CARDS. RECORD J0R OFFICE, Marion, X. C. HLAS IS THE BEST. NO SQUEAKIN& And other specialties for Gentlemen, Ladles, Eoy end Slissea ere tho t in the World. See descriptive adrer.lso mcnt which appears iu Uili paper. Take co Sutstitate. Insist on hering W. L. DOUGLAS' SHOES, iMf.Sl?SN-;'W witn name ana pries ' stamped oa bottom. Sold by c. S. DYSART Marion, N. C. 6. 3. THOMSON, Old Fort, N. C. 5 I.AnfflALtAinACl Trepan-d cerrli.5tJ t-ho fortculu of i. t DR. V3I. A, HAMMOND, In hUs laboratory at W a3tiocptoii, I. C. CKHFUKIXE, Irani ttie Uialn. fr dis- casfa of u: i.raiu nr.rl I'.wvoss u'Ktpjn. 4 MCIil'IliSarK. from tha -;-.iinU cord, for A & disfost-s of I'.m eovd. (Loeomotgr-Ataxia,, , tie. t, for diseases SS SHOE xi&?-Dec The Fierv ffi PIEDIIlf B4I of Morganton, N. C. Geo. T. Ekwix, Pres't. S. T. Pearbox, Chifr. BurKlar Proof Vault, Patent Time Uii, Chroino Steel Safe for Cash and Valuable?. Exchange on Neir York and other Trade Centers bought and gold. Banking hours 9 a. m. to 3 v. m. 161 X of Hip hofirt. i 5 TESTIXE, from the t---.? for i!se.sfs Of ttie testes. ( Atrophy of ihs organs, sttrr- llitv. ptc 9. T AltlXtJ, lrm tBOTnr;rc,!or aisecses f th ovaric The Ilt SCVUSR, thyrodlro. etc Bosrs, Five ltrops. rHf (2 i?iac!rB, 5.0. dose tf tVro-'ivins ra ic-'Tfijn nulspn iih finite f ftflnss and dis tention in the fna, c.xuiiarmict ot ur.xu. Increased urinary eJcrrioH, asujrrtftnta-tlon of the expulsive for? of tli t.lilr suid peristaltic action of tle intctlrr. A in uiuspf.lar stronf!H and en'inr.r:?. io creased power of vfi'.na i.i v''i'l? poonle. J and increased apper itt! and 1;p"st!ve po nr. I T Where local tlrn!rt5 are :f wippiiea 'J X with the Hammond Animal Kxiracir. iay Y V will be mailfHl. t -r'tlier with f. el?tiii(f literature on the sahject, on receipt of priew, by 4 TIIK COLl'MBIA fHEniCAL CO., t ( V.-.-inliln-toT,. g. C. t pit to between those two nation?, notwithstanding the sneers of that class of republicans who would op pose the Lord's prayer if it emana ted from the administration. cpeucer Lrrs-phas resumed his "otioe of Service of Summons. . L. Morjran nnd J S, Elliott, Plaintiits Notice Suni'ot. Aithur T!iom;-s i!i aifi W. P. Joif?, Dt-fti. The Octet''. lant, Arthur Thompson, wi t ke tioiic tl; t jl-u'.!3". J. r . Mrri'.. ITI.I J. S. El.-..t iii.-",- ,;..,.:,.!!,, I .) '" iu !!. :. i '.i-ir: f'-.w ." '. M- V.,:;:i : - ..i-:.t ..i... W. i :o . , .. Crl!ti I t'-tl ! :: - i . : . i . rc:r coun'y ai;J M.r- t'u- -uiii'i n? i : i Hot: i-- rttui n iVe to t l:e p: i:' 'f itji i:'.' j ot the u;i-rwr i ourt McD.twel! ii;-tv, North raro'iiiM. to te hi !-ii n ihe r-' Mond-'v ia Mt.rch is:'.), in t'n town Marion, where an 1 Wi. n v i; ttie r. q t npj r iiin! ansu t t or tlejn i to tin i orn pUi t xvh t h A ill i.t- l;i-'l ii Ilia i'.j,. j, e, fust 'Lnys of or th rt-iii-i (1ni:ui -e 1 therein will be pr.-tut-l. Taii ti- lot ilay of Jnurv A. li JPlj. B. U Price, f L-i k Superior ' ourt. J. L C. I5iri, rontiS'-' for i iainiilf-. llm F 1 Damaged Hardware. I Lave a lot of hardware, slijhtlj damaged by Hre, for alt at reduce, prices. Call and see nie. J. S. Djsart. oor Health means so much more than you imagine serious and fatal diseases result from trilling- ailments neglected. Dcn't play with Nature's J. J. WHIS NAN! , III A C iS niJStCi, . I '., DEALER IX SASH; DOORS XD BLISDS. FRIGES rUHKiSHED (N AFFLICATION. Hun us out of the old stand, but we are now! fitted up in the Hyams Store House, nextj door to the Baptist Church with a largl stock of ' i$R? TTi JTlhh r"W7k j . Bring us all your produc. UcCALL & COS LEY. BrowiTs Iron Bitters ADMIKISTRATO KOTIGE. I have dv qunl-tin! as aii '.i ,is tor on the . S'ate ..t i. t , Svu h, -l-c ;m i "tl-l-d t- . h ! r ii . - i: t e.l t r "ao eumcu ins n..-r.-i u.;a na.a,r , vi ,tl ( j( duties. He says he was greatly i "fai,'fl lLcra- TLi 4lh d-'v of rJi.uL'i benefitted by his short rct " U ' W,ilTK- A J ia'l"r v 1 i L-:ita Sraiti". utc, J. If you are feeling out ol sorw, weak and ceneral!y ex hausted, nervous, i'ave no appetite and can't work, begin at once tak ing the most relia ble strengthening medicine.which is Brown's Iron Bit ters. A few bot tles cure benefit comes from the very first dose it Hjon't ttain your teeth, and it's pleasant to take. 1.1 A 1 : at- T0 20O(I(IV3T3 'II T 'Air-uia?o:i luoiamji v joj osn OAtiq otjav rrnoiii paouutiooa.i j 'eOsin.Kj un suicide .iqi feosaotj aiu uo oc puu j0Aut uo ij;o( t pOsll 0ATJ piJOAV UI 1S.IIJ OT )U3UIun 2uejsniv ueixs jopjsuoo j :uouiiuoo J UXaOAMX3AV j f08I ll '00 h in DvsnensLa. It Cures Kidney and Liver Troubles, f Cons ti nation. Rad VlnnA . A women's complaints. J lines on the wapper. All others are sub- stiiutes. On receipt of two ac. stamos we r r wi;l send c4 rA 1n Ra. .;(.. I vvni m hair ics and book fre. 9 xv. BBLiimunt, mil. a. Tjie Kkcoed and Atlanta Weekly I Constitution one year for $1.40. I 1AHii;to.Mt.-;ox TI T 'd pnoo -itioooj i pooii wi pip luqi feuiq j A'nio x lmi(ij puc iu?ij;iunorj.t joj jusiujun 'jl 'x-'vfiirjijJtr "o 'tJK vofij 'fbil 9 -ooq ''0 X 'aniAsaiau saajn-pTJjrinBTv TPnTJII aodfl 'XAVOUa'SaO '-flPUPodsou 'Osjoq oj joj 0Co 97ni ?ra pT10AV AVOTI puB 'lSU V UOOsJfct.A 11 jusmiuri Surisnw ucDjxsur jno.C jo Ko;i;t'i 83jijj jo o.wi posn y 'cp3J3 m posn ;j 'jUlof 90a. 0ll lllOftB S0 0.10J gpl UO "t0'.1 oiuf Xioa v pun, osjoq .jv; iuouioiiuoo '1681 Sl 33a 0 X 'XXIOJ HOIII