VOL 4: BULKS WK OX'T BREAK. Xo subscription will.be taken unless paid for in advance. Fire tenia per line for all obituaries. lou't take the paper oat of the post offlcu unless you intend to pay for it. Local notices 10 cents per line for first insertion, 6 cents thereafter. Display ad tS0 per column per year. LOOAL GLEANINGS. To-day is St. Valentine day. Snd us a Valentine to-day for what j on owe us. Mr. Josephus Blanton went up to Aihefille Tuesday to spend a few days. Mr. Charles Forster and Miss Ange lina Taylor were married last Sunday. Mrs O. E. Crowson arrived in Ma rion Tuesday, from Maxton. Dr. W.Jones is the happy father of a bouncing girl, wh arrived in Ma rion last week. If r. Zeb 'Parker whone arm was ao badly crushed, at this place last Thurs day, wareraoved to Asheyille Tues day. Kev. Mr. White's schol at the Acad emy has suspended for a few days on account of the cold weather, to re-open on next, Tuesday. W. H.;ilesterwent to Rutherfordton Tuesday, where he is engaged In the lumber business. He will soon remove his family from Glen Alpine to'Kutu- erfordton. Kef. T. J. Hoyers returned Wednes day from Henrietta, where he made the acquaintance of a young gentleman who arrived on Feb. 2nd, and who will hereafter be a briirht member of the Kogers household in Marion. Notice of Dr. 1'enny Poteet's death, which occured on January 30th, at his home in Marion, by accident failed to appear in last weeks IUcoai. He was eoe of Marion's oldest citizens, being in his T'.Uh year. He leaves afamily to mourn his lost. Dr. J. 15. Shearer. JPresident of Da vidson College, will pay Marion another visit in a few days with a view of buy ing the Catawba Hotel for the purpose of establishing a first class female college here We trust our citizens will give liberal aid to this worthy en terprise. Nothinr more desirable for the town's welfare could locate here. We advise our friends to read the Sheriff's call in this issue for taxes. Sheriff Gardin has been exceedingly kind to the people, and it. is but a mat ter of simple justice to him that they pay their taxes. It is a great wrong to expect the Sheriff to carry half the people in the county by paying their taxes for them. No man wculd be more willing te do this than George Gardio, but no man is able to do it. It's at a point where it is pay up or have your property shoved up. Take your choice. Announcement. The Quarterly meeting for the North Cove circuit will cm brace the first Sat urday and Sunday ia March, at Con cord. There will be preaching at North Catawba on the Grst Sunday by the Presiding Elder, Hev. R. M. Doyle. 1 will preach at Capernaum and Car lisle on the second Sunday as the Quar terly meeting embraces the first. At Capernaum at 10 0 o'clock am.,aud at Carlisle at 3 p. m. E. N Crowds r, P. C. new MAlllOX. sua will aisa piiokmx-liks from the AMHES AND ItE THE jlEfcT TOWN IN THE COUNTRY. Marion w ears a sad appearance just now, but "all things coiue to him that waiteth.'' It is irrat lfviuir to learn of the raany-jioiid improvement to be ' made here as soon as the weather will i Pnhalle goods are leing pormit. ! "hipped as baggage or express, Hr.j'.B. Dysart.will er.cta llu ,d. 1 Wiile live stock is positively re aoae brick bioek containing four ! fsed. The officials hope to re stores, 30x10-) ft eoh. wort to b?f.id ' tmv? regular traffic hY the first of early iu the spring. TIjs bui'dm ; 1V-'5 (- will be two stories hiL. hv will erect one smaller brick, 2'ixCO feet at once. The sew and commodious building of W. P. Blanton is nearinr comuie- tion. It is 30xloo feet and three stories nign. a tie uni'K worn, was aone oy Mills Murphy, and is a flrat class job. Mr. Blanton hopes to open a large stock of e;oods in the new bui'ding in abeut 30 days. J. L. Morgan and Th s. Mcdd will j build a handsome brick block on their lots. j apt. Seagle, W. F.Crrig:, W. McD. Burgin, J. C. McCurry and others will make similar improvements, and new Me will be infused into the whole town. IT ow give us water works, some more factories and electric lights, and Ma rion will make some of its neighbors Jealous over her prosperity. Mrs. Fmily Therne, whoreids at Tole li 8b,npt00' ,a, .h!i nTer b - r . - ... ..j uituam, iui ruuuie tism that relievcithe pain so quicklj and effectually as Chawberlain's Tain Balm and that she has alio ustd it for lame back with great success. For sale by Morrhew a White, Druggists, ' The Cold Wave. A Winter Long To Be Keuirm bered. THE TIIERMOMETKR BELOW ZBR.fl !ORTH. POUTH, EAST AND WEST MUCH SUFFERING PREVAILS PEOPLE FREEZING TO DEATH. This winter is one that will long lie remembered. There has hardly been a day in:; two months when the ground in this section has not bem entirely coverod with snow. Tire thermometer in Marion has registered several degrees below zero, a very unusual occurence for our climate, which has heretofore been noted for its mild winters. 4 But the freezes have been gen eral and confined to no particular section. Reports from Florida, where the sweet fragrance of flow ers have heretofore permeated the atmosphere in December and where the watermelons are in the habit of "emilinjj on the vine' in January, show the Viinter is as se vere there at in North Carolina or Now York. Lakes are frozen over, orantje trees killed and the damage done in that State is greater per haps than that done anywhere else. A special to the Charlotte Ob server from Patchogue, L. I.t says : It is stated that nine of the crew of the uLknown schooner ashore off Lone Hill life saving station have perished. Through a field ilass some persons claimed to have seon eleven men in the rigging, shortly after she struck j-esterday, butonebyone they fell into the sea from eold and exhaustion, till but two remained The vessel struck in the outer bay off Lone Hill life saving sta tion. The life saving crew, as soon as they discovered the vessel's plight, made preparations for a rescue. The life-saving apparatus was brought to the beach and a life-line shot over the wrecked ves sel, but the unfortunate me i com posing her crew, w!o had sought refuge in the rigging, were unable toget to it, probably because they were benumbed with cold and thoroughly exhausted. Tho boat Manning, the crew of which was taken off in safety and which went ashore near where the other vessel struck, is in tho outer bay and has all her sails set. Her rigging and hull is a solid mass of ice. East IIamptox, L. I., Feb 9. Tho frozen body of a man is drift ing al- ng the south side of Lone Island, about half a mileT from shore. The body has a cork jacket on. The life saving crews ar un able to get off shore owing to the ice inside the bar. It is supposed that th ? body is from the wrecked vessel off Lone Hill Station. CmcoRA,Pa., Feb. 9 The Pitts burg & Western Kail road is block ed for 109 miles north of Butler. A train going north passed here yesterday and stuck in tho sno v two miles out, and is still there. Tho passengers were brought back in a farmer's hob sled. Three en gines attached to tho stranded train have been snowed in, and will probably remain until the weather breaks. The New York and aslimeton express is snow bound east of Cumberland, with no indication as to when i will arrive. The Chicago express, al readv four and one-half hours ove.- UUS ,iaB not .vet arrived at Wheel 1 . T ".. . 7 - j trocbl-.i with fn qni.'tV,i.Js, 'r0.: ixi. -d "to : try an old remedy iu n ., - ' fftniiogif took a tahlespuonful Hour i .7 , ' . I ' . 2: he.i. Tuc ! next meruit She fou. d that her roM ha-1 nlmost enurrlr d iSMoiie ri. Purincr tne diiv Le took fw dos-s of the rme1r (one trjrotil'til m a t!me) and at nighl gin took a tiblcpoanful before S injj to brd, aod on thr following morning woke free from all symptomsof the cold. Mnce hco she har, i n serrral occasions, uced this retned.v in lik manurr, with the Mmr good results, and imuch eUtrd o?er Lr disco ry of so xuick a way ef curing cold. Fersale by Morphew White, Drug git. X7J. G. XI i HOI S & BRO . have just received a very laige stock of eren eraimercnanaise consisting or cloth- ing, dry goods, shoes, hats, notions, oueensware, woooenware and groce- nes. Jnn was m enect before this stock was purchased, therefor prices i are the lowest ever offered in Marion. ' Call and see them. Hardware of all I kinds is one of their specialties A subscriber aays it it amusing to see the Shanghais wading the now to mville. No waiting on wtaher. A.ITc. lOUR PROSPERQUgNElSHBOR. The City of Inttitu. Ions and En. lerpries. SKETCHES OF SOME OF THE BUSINESS EXTERI'RIBES OF MORfJAXTOX. TH PIEDMONT BANK, of Morganton, is one of the safest and most successful monetary institutions in western Carolin. Mr. Geo. P.' Erwin is r,rMi,i.r w. c t t ton cashier, of this bank. Both are safe, able and popular business men, and the bank under their care has won the confidence of everybody. This bank was established in 1889. It has built up a surplus of $10 000 and paid its stockholders a dividend of 10 per cent last year It has done a large business since it was. established, and it is a hightribute t o its good manage ment to say that it has never lost a dollar A LARGS KNTEEP8I8K ,1 theJplantof;the Burke Tanning Co., of which Mr. W. F. Camp is genera' manager. ToMr. Camp's umiringen rgy,;bn8ine88 ability and 'experience this tannery owes its success It ha a capacity of P00 hides per "week The company f-rendsbktiit ;$f0,000 a year for b&rk which is di3trbJt?d anions the farmers of Burke nd ifclowe I. Ajlarpft? number nf men are employed by this company, aud it iaaa industry of which Morganton is proud. LEADING CLOTHIERS The clothing house of 1-ollett & Gil lara is one of the progressive firms of Morganton. The abeve named gen tlemen are numbered'among Morgan- ton's most popu'ar and enterprising young men. They carry: a ;Iarge and varied stock of clothing, gents furnish ing goods &c,"which cannot be sur passed in style, quality and prices. GROCERY HOUSE. Mr. J. A. Shuping has opened a new and attractive grocery house in the Huffman block where a complete stock of heavy and fancy groceries is to be found at the lowest possible pr ces. Mr. Shuping is one of Morgan ton's best known, business men and deserves success, lie is clever, energetic and deals onjthe square with his neighbor. O. W. O. lUrdRian, Sheriff of Tyler Co , W. Va.. appreciates a good thing and does not hesitate to say so. He was altnust prostrated with a cold when he procured a buttle of Ch I'berlain's Cough Kemedv. He stj? : "It jthtc me prompt reliei. 1 find it to be nn invaluable reu.tdy for cor.glie aud colds." For rale by Morpbew Jc White Special Rate by the Southern. The EasternCarolina Fish, Game and Industrial- Fair will be held at Newberne, N. C, and round trip tick ets will be sold by the Sot thern Rail way Co. from Marion to Xewbern for $11.50. This includes one admission to Fair Grounds. Tickets on sale Feb. 16th to Feb- 2st, inclusive. Also tickets to New Orleans and re turn, to attend the Mardi Graj, for $23.55. Tickets on sals Feb. 22d to Feb. 25th, inclusive. Good for 15 days. For further information call on Geo. E. Lee, Agent, Marios. The experience of Geo. A. Apgar. of Ger tani Valley N. J.. r well worth remembtr tng. lie wti tronh'.ed wiih chronic diar rhea and doctrel for fire months and wa treatd l four different do tors without benefit He then b'gan usioit ('liamber- iaia's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea R m- dy. of which one email bottle effected complete cure. It is fur sale by Morphe k V hite Drugifisis. DID YOU 8AY SHOES. Any one wanting good HAXD MADE SHOES or repairing can be accommodated by calling at Smith's shop. He will give you first class ma terial and work at hard time prices, He can be found ui ier Swindell's jew- eiry siore icr a lew aays until ve can get a room Gtted up at the ( raig block FOR SALE CHEAP I 4 ACRESlRNtbT fROPtRTY in Marion for resiuences. Three room cottage, stable, fruit trees, grape vines, excellent well of water, tc. (This is a biph rnd beautiful loca- ! tio:i, a.jd o:. ;. i;.a d ttreet. Will ! at a Largam i?i oi; let or will ! ulilivilt to teuit purchar. 10 ACRE TRACT onf-iourth mill- j from 3 (jtg depot. Good water, and ... . ... land lavs well. Will divide or sell in a lot. ONE BLOCK LOTS, 1 mile from courthouse containing small house for sale cheap. dUDUKBAN LU lo. I have some j beautiful lots for $10 to $50 each. j 5 ACRETRAClS. Ten of these ' J"3- -" cuuugu iui giuu iiiar;efc. i or poultry farms. Price low. i As agent for others I have a list of 1 LARGE AND SMALL FARMS For sale on easy terms. Call on or address, J. . ATK1N, HARIOTY, JT. THURSDAY, FEBTTART Notice. By virtue of several executions in my hands issued from the Superior t'ourt of McI)oet county in the cases of I.N. Lonon vs. John Carson and P. J. Sinclair and in two case or T. ft. Young ts John Carson and to aatisfr the same 1 will sell to the highest biu der for cash at the court house door in Marion, X. C, on Monday March 4th 1895 at 12 o'clock nithe following real estate as the property of John Carson to-wit: '; ' ouniysor HeUowaJl ! on (atawba Itiver and Nix creek com- posed of several tracts all adjoining and bounded on the North by Ado phus Erwin land, on the' west by the atawba River and the lands of J. S. Brown's heirs J. II. Davidson and Martha Tate, on the South bv the lands of Martha Tate and the land of the !scirs of John Bailey deceased, on the ast by the lands of Henry Hutchinson and Wm. Dellinger, and the said Er win lands, the lands being the same levised to said Jno Carson by his un cle Geo. M. Carso'j deceased, and des cribed fully in a mortgage from Jno. Carson and Tife" to T. B. Hemphill dated October 10th i887, registered in book 3 pages 358, 359 and SCO in Regis ter oi ueeas omce oi McDowell county said to coatain 375 acres more or less. Also the land purchased bv John Carson from A Burgin administrator of J. L. rarson deceased, consisting of six tracts and described in a deed from said A. Burgin administrator, &c to 'H'f'Jiio. arson containing in said six tracts a'jout ?A'2 acres more or less, and a!-o the lands onrchnsed from John Bailfy (now deceased) containing xboi.tSl acres anrt fully described in the dxd from said li&iiey toJiiO. Car son. Also the lands -urchased from Mary and J. S. Erwin and described fully in a deed from them to said Jno. Carson and on which it situated the will of said Jno. Carson, containing in all about 784 acres. This Febuary 1, 1895. , G. H. Gardin, Sheriff ' of McDowell County. By R. L. Nichols, Deputy Sheriff. Sheriff gale. By virtue of power contained in two several executions in mv hands issued frtra the Superior Court of McDowell rou i ty in two cares ot Wnllnce Brothers vs. A. liipginf, and to satisfy th same I will se:l at public a rtion to the highest bidder fur cash at the Court House di or in ' Marion, N. C , at 1 2 o'clock. M. on Mon 'av : 'iiu ioj.i, me iwiiowng real estate, To wit: 1st Tract situated ou Sooth Mud dy Creek in McDowell ocnuty, adjoining me tanas oi a. niggins, Jason Alien, the Mary Bright lnd and others. Beginning on a tioe in Mrs. Brighfs line on west side of Muddy frees: and runs South 21 degrees Kast 14 poles to a chestnut oak; luetic norm degrees west 60 poles to a stake, thence west 2 poles to a black oak, thence south 150 po es to a black oak, theace east HO p. Us to a white oak, ihent-e oorih 34. eaft 194 poles to a stake in B.i-M's line, thence west 151 poles to th begining being the tract conveyed to A. Higgins by deed dated May 13th 18SC by J. t". Price geaidisn of flora N. and Mary H. Price, which ded is recorded in Book 14 page 462 in the office of Register ot Deeds tor McDowell county. Also another tract oi. South Mudily creek in McDowell county adjoining the land of Rebt. Gait, Maitha atterwhlte and other: containing 125 acres in on- or less being toe land con veyed to A. Higgins cy George Lookadoo on 7th ot September I8S9, by deed recor ded in Book S on page 82 in the office of Register of Deeds for McDawell county. Also another trai-t adjoining laarts of J. M and T B. Hemphill, Robert Gait, R- E. Patton and others known as the Christy lands contai uDf 11 acres being the land conveyed by J. T. Patterson jr. and wife 10 A. Higgins ly deed dated February 1886 which deed is recorded io Book 14 on pace 404 in the r.ffice of Register of Deeds for MDcoweP county. This "Febu.ry 2d 1895. G. U. Gabdik, Sheriff of McDowell County. 51rfgnsr H Dy virtue of the power contained in a mortgage executed by Joo. Carson and wile to ce to ecur the paymtrot of Fire Tlieusaud Dollnrs snhjrct lo credits, and default having been mnde in the pafPient the(of, I frill pell to the highest bidder 'or cakh o Siitisry said mortgage, the real estate herein mentioned, to wit: the land iyiag nl bring in McDowell Coua'y ea (lawha risr aed Nix creek compeaed of st-reral tracts ) enjoining and bounded on the Nortl. by diliu Krwin lands. on the W-st bf the 'at'tba liver and the !n3 't J. S. Brown's heir, J II xtvidar-n nnd Martha l ate ; on th- South by the lands t Martna Tate and the Uad' of the heirs of Juc. "Uiley dee'd, en the Kast by the lands ot H urj Hmnsteirer aed Wra. Dellinger and the aid Erwia lauds, the ar. (Is attoTc d-scribd being the lauds de ti ed to Jno. Cnrsou br "- ia unle Geo. M. - arin deceased hu1 described fuUj io nioi tgitge trori Jfo. Gtsoii and ite to T. B. litn.phitl doled Or-ohrr I0M1 1881. Reg i?terd i i Kook 3 n-t 35. 353 ami VSO in th Registers oSiee of MiDowcll countv, tid to contain 375 acres more or 'ess. A!?c t!if.!r.i1 nnrchased by Jno. Carson j !roc: d iiii!i.-tr-t"r of J. L. Crron dee'd, j io...-;stiiig "t ?!i tr:u t .tid cVscrilted in a I (fd rm s:iid A Hu-gic ndc:iniiriiior ac o said Jno ar5'.n cuntMiuing in wiid s:x triiit? so ui .'t'J niTrs. A. o tie .ana perch-d from Jpo ttailcj (aow iteceHSed) conininu g about 21 acres more or less described in deed from .oH Bai'-ey to Jno. arson. Also the land porchaetd from aryadJ. L- Erwin and described fully in deed (rora them to said Jno. Car son tad on which last named tract it sit uaie J the xiU of the said Jno. Carson. Saia Unds above described containing in all about 784 acre more or less. Place of sale at the ouri Houe door in Marion, X- C. Timi or 5alk: Monday March 4th 1895 at 12 o'clock in. Fbabk Con, Mortgagee. Bj jt8tiCe Justice Attorneys Administrator's 5 slice. tlevuie. q-ialibed as administrator of llenrj Johnsun, deceased, late ot Mcdoweh coun'y, N. O , tLis is to notify all prisons having ciaimc against th estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned oa or before the 4ib dav of January, A. 0 1896, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This January 4th t89i M. F. Morphew. Administrator 14 1895 NOTICE. By virtoe of a Mortgage Del eiecated to me by Hrv r.rion, I will sell el the C-oart boose door ia Marian e the 4ih dy of Kerch 1895. eoe Lt i. the n..rth west part of the tow. f Marieo, descried u8 t A,,jwini,,f George Marklin. Mrk W mur nd others, coauioinr eee fourib ot au acre. Terms of sle cash. Thw 2ad day of Febor 1895. G. H. Gabdij, 8hriIT. Sale of Valuable Real Estate. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court, rendered oa the 3rd day of Septtm- iB iue case el J. L Morgan ad. ministraor of p B. Morg.a, deceased airatnit J. P. Bcnduraat, the naders gned will sell to the highest bider at the court house door in Marioe, N. t. oa Monday, Marvh 4b, 1895, at It o'clock, m. lot So. 2! ia the plat o Ucd in the town of Marion whirh belonged to the intestate of the ua dersigned, and which was plat: by G. W. Crawford, surveyor, for the undersigned. The plat of said lot will, be txhibited at tha ale showieg the dimeasloas ef the same. Terms: One ball cash, bal ance oa acreiit of six months, with inter est from jate or sale, secured by cote with approved stcuritj. This Feb-oary 1, 1895. J L. Morgan, Admiaistrstor of P. B. Morgan, deceased. NOTICE. By virtoe of an execution issued from the Superior Court of McDowell county in the case of M. H. & E. J. Justice vs A. Higgins and to satisfy said execution I will sell to the hiehest bidder for cash at the court house door in L'anon. X. C on Moadav March 4th IS05 at 12 o'clock mn the following repi e&iaie towic: i ne interest or A mctirn m n tract oi lana known as his James Town tract adjoining the janas oi i. u. iiempbiii, Bright and others and containing about 120 acre more or less. This'January 31st 1825. G. H. Gaedin. Sheriff Of McDowell Dounty. OHIO RIVER: & CHARLESTON R. R. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. GOING NORTH Lv. Camden M PeKalb " West vi lie " Kershaw M Heath Springs " Pleasant Hill " Lancaster Riverside 44 Springdell " Catawba Junction Leslie M Rock Hill " Newport " Tirzah 44 Yorkville Sharon u Uickory Grove Smyrna Ar. Blacksburg Lv. Blacksburg 44 Earls 44 Patterson Spri n gX u Shelby 44 Lattimore 44 Mooresboro No. 33. 1 00 pm 1 20 pm 1 32 pm 2 00 pm 2 15 pm 2 20 pm 2 40 pm 2 55 pm 3 05 pm 3 15 pm 3 24 pm 3 44 pm 3 59 pm 4 05 pm 4 20 pm 4 35 pm 4 50 pm 5 03 pm 5 25 pm No. 12- 8 45 am 9 05 am 9 15 am D 40 am 10 11 am 10 23 am 10 45 am 11 13 am 11 40 am 1 1 57 am 12 2o pm 12 27 pm 12 59 pm 1 05 pm 1 15 pm 44 Henrietta 44 Forest Citj 44 Rutherfordton ' Milwood Golden Valley 4V Thermal City ' Glen wood " Gardners Ar. at Marion GOING SOUTH No. 12. Lt. Marion 4 25 pm ' Gardners 4 41 pin " Glen wood 4 48 pm M Thermal City 5 14 pm " Golden Valley 5 17 pm " Milwood & 35 pm Rutherfordton 6 60 pm 44 Forest City 6 13 pm " Henrietta 6 50 pm " Mooresboro 7 06 pm 44 Lattimore 7 16 pm 44 Shelby 8 03 am 44 Patterson Springs 8 19 pm 44 Earls 8 28 pm Ar. Blacksburg 8 45 pm Lt. Blacksburg; 7 45 am 44 Smyrna 8 10 am 44 Hickory Grove 8 23 am 44 Sharon 8 38 am 44 Yorkville 8 68 am 44 Tirzah 9 13 am 41 Newport 9 20 am 44 Bock Hill 9 45 am 44 Leslie 9 65 am 44 Catawba Junction 10 10 am 44 Springdell 10 20 am 44 KiTtrside 10 32 am 44 Lancaster 10 60 am Pleasant Hill 11 10 am 4 Heath Springs 1115 am 44 Kershaw 11 29 am 44 TTestville 11 42 am 44 DeKslb 11 65 am Ar. at Camden. 12 15 am No 33 Dinner at Cerahaw. Nos. 11 and 12 have connection at Marion with Southern Railway. All trains will stop on signal at Oak hurst. St. Lukes, Caskeys, Roddeys, Old t'oint. London, Kings Creek and ein Mountain. S. B. Lumps: ix, G. P. A. A.Tbifp, Superintendent. fAMEtf C LIWIJEY fj ATTO It X K Y-AT- LA Y MARION, N. C. Oflce la Court Hons. eamborlala'. 8r sad Gtim Is a certaia can lor CSuosis Bess Ets Graaalatad Eys Lida. Bess IHpyka. KUa EeaacBa.Teetex. Salt Bkssa aaai Bcaii Uead, tSssBssssrbsx. For sals fcy dsC2- TO rTftTifl OwVSSSL rnemedtiaarsBsnsfais Cm laser assy antioa try Dr. Cady's CWlea Tomimm. Tkey tosse rp Os sieauas, aad ci,LeaisB,q iMoavoatitei iwJieT las-liretiiwi. ear kidney disorders as. aestroy areema, grtirt srw Hie to aaeii or rer worked kerea. 1i stnU per package. For sals sy drsgsisttV Morphew A Streetman. THE most'complete line of general merchandise ia at th old Hyama Stors Hous. STONE SET EMERALD AND BANGLES TOE JKWELEB. Partieadasirinfr f ire Insuranc Pleaao Comnanv .nrf ius ;vui jjvruuBge. My otace Building, where I Keop To merit your Lawis Maddux, Prksidxkt. ASHETILtB, Jf. C DESIQXATRD MATE DBPOfllTOXXT. CAPITAL $50,000 We have Special facilities for handling the businen of Merchant and other, in Western North Carolina. If yo hare no Bank acconnt or think of a change, we will be AMILKEX&SOI Have opened their Southern end of the they are prepared to everything in the Grocery Line. We win also have our Livery Stahl equipped with good few days. Bcspectfuy A. B. HARDWARE OF 1 have a full assortment of ding Builders supplies, such as nails locus and hinges. also, paint, oil and white both breach and muzzle loaders, from $2 50 upto $40.00. Stores of all prices and kinds. Including the celebrated Ksw Patron Cook Store. Heaitog itores of all kinds and prices. I alio do all kinds of Tin Roofing and Guttering. Remember I sell a good axe for 00 cents; a good Mattock for 60 eta. I will sell you nails at the rsry low price of 1.50 per keg, factory price- Mail orders will rsceire my personal and prompt attention. With eight years experience in the bardwars business, I think I am nrspared to fire you goods in my lins at ths rery lowsst prios poseiblo r r Respectfully, T. I V SILVER RINGS. TURQUOISE. GARNET me ' A call. I am pwioripM ia at tha old Craig a Rood line of Hardware. My stock Will be more complete Than erer. Hoping patronage by honeatj and fair dealing, I am YOURS TRULY. L. P. MeLorr , CasaiBB. SURPLUS $25 0 00. glad to hare you correspond with ua. Grocerv Store in the Flemming Hote , t7he e furnish tho public 'with horses andvehiccs in a GILKEY & SON Hardware Hardware. ALL IINDS. all kinds of hardware, inclu lead, i have a finoline of Guns, .Gi Morganton, N. 0. Earn Y ;0

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