vJL-L , 0 f; VOL 4r- p. -I 189, ;A if - -l '""" " --jmajilu r iM.m.imjn im u-Mir.li ji .-- , , itci.K we hn.N r !;.r. .c. ! ri u1 la!'vn UI:'-'-s I ... , - i I)ni 't lake tli" T 'ip'-r out of l hv p.-t j ofliw u ii !." you ititi-iid to pay for it. ln k i m; vein.-, ivr unc iur a;i o m ar;i-.. i Loe.il notic- I') c'i;t jt-r line for fu-t insertion, ." cent tli r-a!t irr. lijIay ada .fSf) jt column j t-r year. LOCAL GLEANISGS. ''.0. I. i: He ir tii" h.tjijiy jjosv;-.--er of a fliin hoy Col. 1. J. Siiiflair rtti:nu;d from ll::zh on Monday. Mr. J. M Hmiih s;er.t s-everal day:-, in Uiitlierfor lion last u-r-k. The linanoe coinniittee of th county w-re in K-ss.ion hrra Monday. M'v-sr.-i. James ( ; i 1 key ami W. W. 'o' T.cr, returned from Statosvilla lion Cay. Mr (',. I'.Crubor returned from Afdie vilk Saturday, w lion-he had li'-en for the J . n -1 week on l;i.--.i nr . Collec, rake and eoiilYetiotiari's will be served at the entertainment next TuiMbiy nrfcht. I!oyn will take r.oti.-i and govern thmsi l , s .veonliiiir'y. On arrount of t h;- cn.erlai:n.en: to be given in the court house next Tu'-s-i;:y night the Phoenix club will not meet until Th'iraday night. Th" heavy snows of the pact week has been fine on sleifhing, if it did put biiMiiess at a standstill, and Mr. J. . Grant enjoyed it to the fuliet extent. liev. Mr Hoy le 'o'v-iipied the pulpit at lie; Methodist church Sunday and in ached two able and instructive ser-ni:n.-. Thu I'hoenix dobat i n:; society is proving very intvre.-ting to those who attend. Thorn is good material in the club ami the debating hi h:ghly enter taining. Mr. W. F. 'ia:g returned from Hfth-igh Tuesday. Wrs. Craig and iitt'e son, Prose tt , rt uri e 1 witli him, alUr visit ing friends in t !::'t .city for some r. wd;s. Mr. Ablrich, el' Tnioii Mill, lll.,.pent lt Wediuday at the Hotel Fk mining n his wny to )'iti hell eounly to visit his brother whom be lias not .seen for ") years. "Messrs. J. N'. and T'r '.nk Long, of Catatvha, shipped a".' car o' Kansas boives to 'this point hirt Friday b'.:t they found the rtoek in: ll.i t Uitbis eotinty foil up ai-d u demand fir inure, so jt tu y rhijipv d it hem tit some ot her puii-t Monday Kobert Kliiilt. who died? on Sunday I he .'!rd day of I-ehri.ary, was b mHI of Mr. Jane Kllto:f. lie dietii f cor.suaip tin. He was an induttrh us nod worthy joiing man, and we s; nipat hi.e v,ith his wid..v,cd mother -:nl the fam ily in their bereavement. He was about I'd 3 ears of ugf. Mr.'. Willie .", :.l. wh. i. in Washing ton in the employment of the govern- nieiit, has jut .-net d in standing 1 a creditable civ i! soi-xi. e examination, muaI will at one - be promoted to a more lucrative position. Tho position he ha hold heretofore did not conic under the civil service rules. 'Ibis is grati fying to his many friends here. l'annie Vaughn, a colored woman living in thi place, on waking one morning last week found hsrehild dead in her arms. From w hat we can learn thio woman has been in the I ulit of trivin the child laudanum enough to make it sleep from dark until day-j light, often the child not awakening; until late next day, so that she would j not be bothered with it n th night the child died it i not known whether j sIk gavet laudanum or not. In t it u supposed that she did. lMe! I'roiu S'rt'eiiig. A report has reached town that Mrs. l-'li a Alford, about sd years of age, was fro.en todoath at her home near Dysartsville during the recent cold Miap. Another old lady wa-foutvl ih'ad in her bod in the same vi- initv. !iext TiK'silay ?lisli!. 'The Cam a! of Kinir AV inter" wiil be given in t tie c urt house Ttnsday evening. Pebrti n-y 2Cth. Stuae twenty or more children will take part. The j ladies who have this entertainment in i -hare have been working hard to ! make it a toioee It will ho followed by a very laughable farce, 'Ponpiu the Qncsiiop," in which several yonrg In. lies nnil rHr.tlmHn toL -r V.. i'wj.l- nit? jiuuiio win iase an itn. ro?i this entfrtaihmjnt,as it is for the bene f.t of the Episcopal church, whit, h rare- lv ha? anvthino- nf th kitul. Atmi. non for adults 25 ctnts, children 15 cent;?. Doors open 7 :S0. Performance eomuiences at S sharp. ht To'C : VIT lie-n Mrs. Fruilv Thorne, w h. r. s. al l to rrocreAcy n.hoii, for rh-v.:,, i .fin that relieve the j :,!n ... .n.icklv ,-.,:, ,n l that she I, f0 ,v 1 i. f- !,I5!, ,u W with grent 6i;cce?. For s.i: ! v v... ,.i A Whit-. DruL'i-'h-t?. IffKt-s-nr., r.f Morgan- ' tor., has secured a g-overnmenr position at ashinton. : , Two lr skin3 in town to-day vra ' - lu for tin- pnVe oi &C, after bi-hf ' ol'ered .fo for t'lem. "ii B. Ahernefhy, of f'l i; emonf, nic-c-edr. Mr. Iinga night operator at H e Southern depot. Mr. J. !,.'. Dird prnt -eyora! dny.-, at Cn;awb:i court this week on profession al biisiii'SJ. Mjs-' s Fda and NVra ''Intnrff. of 1 Ash-eville. are visiting their aunt Mrs. J C. Mr;Cnrrv. ! j Tlie r(,om ocpup:el until recently by , the T'rug tore i.-, being fitted i p for A. 15. Cilkey ii Scu, as a grocery store. Me:-; ;. J. C. Crant and Cvh IMan tun speak cf retiring from tic bird Held sin: e Col. Win. Wanton and Il-v. T. J. Hoqers mad'' such a good score at live quail one. afternoon this week. The. two gpntleinen do not. know what it is to miss a shot. Mr. !?. I. Pr'ee is the happiorf man in tow n, an assistant clerk of 'he court arrived at his house to-day. lln is a lilt ie young to assist at ti e coming livn of the c..-M.'rt, but. eiv.-hiii: a few v. a s and ht will be all right. M'.-shv. J. M. -"i.-:-tic, Sam u! A. I'u toot and Harvey Odom, three (-1 tin soliool eomniit t ee of Round Mil!, think that the connnunieatiou in the litooim cf three week ; ago, from that. Feetion, in regard tothe:chool housebuilding, ote., !id them an i nju.-it ice, and that t he whole article was in error. V.'e know nothing about the :. utter, anil it is en tirely a private a Hair, and hail we noticed the communication which ap peared, as carefully as v.e ilou.l, be fore it was in print, we should not have done so, as a new spaner can ,not al'ord to print neighborhood quarrels, but a -j that was publisle-d we give '. hose gentlemen the bo no tit of the above statement. Mark Hogan, colored, an-J wife, of Durham, are the parents oi 20 chi hire! . V. S. Minister to Mexico, Isaac (Jray, dieil iti tho city of Mexico on the l ith, f )ncnmonM. lie was an liulianain. Soiiator Mouily, nojmblioaji ask oil Sonatfir A'n-11, Durnocrat. duv iivj, a di.cunsion in tlte Seiiati. oil. or tlav. w liioli lie wi'iihl rr. t r jl-o. To ulist or a la'jul)li--.iii, s'i-u- :';t--r Alio 11 replied: "I vMt!d rati'.-r 1 -e a on-l ,rgo.l m-tn r.t a ' kiokiutr in::lc!i than to l.e eithe:-.'" Collector Carter has appoint zo iianl-.i'i, d" .: b vilh d' put tor 10 have hai ge of ; I e ei !1 1 he income tax in the fifth The r'uJ.irv i- xt tho rate of 'on -.'ih. o- . 1; . t year, with travt! g expense;:. K. A- Leak, dry tjo.itht ir.o chants rd I-'.-svettoviSlelirts a--sig- ed Willi 1 1 a I a 1 1 i ics argr':at 1 mi so! :.- (Kn. Tiif-ir faih'.r was a -great A raise. E. J. I. illv is assignee. O. W.t). 1! tr'hi.':o, Shori ff of Tyh-r !' 'V. ':l.. i if Cill'tS ll r;C.OvJ Mdllg :l'ol not lie.-it;iU' to say so. He whs .-I'lie-.-t i resuati'i wi'li a oi'.l v. lien lo' p: o-.-ii'-vl i li'.ttle of I'ha bt-i-hiin's Coitgli lo ninh lb siv s ; ' It guvc me j-ro.ippt leli!. I too1 it to 'ee mi in vnbiahle rt ii.eiiy tor c. -t.r-' and ioMj." l-'u;- ?.;ie oy Mi)r!;ewt h t- 1110 loiiowmir is a list 01 jurors as tl raw n for the spring- term of I( Powell Superior court : PiusT Wkkk.-Win. MoCall. T. J Lytic, P.lia Z. I'iirirerstalf. .7.T. Loii'Vj .1 PMo'iil,d f Morgan. J M Cofoith N C Jones, Levy Arrowood. V' L i'avi. V S Parker, ,1 A L.tuhrid-ie, J A Senile. YV C .Limes, J II IJuo'.oinaii, .1 . Mnavil.W !I Ledbetter, M T Pail. J C Conner, K Pruoe Niohol?. A Y Ilieks. I A 1 'avenpi rt,.J im 11 Poberson A AY lloijan. Will V White, C A liens ley. (.J L Poteet, Abe MoCee, Ceo Me Curry, M 1? Potoet. P Lee .lorri, C C (Jahiy.Sid L Poteet, M A Youn-, T .' Silver. StriiND Wktk. M C Pat is. W L Cilliain, A M Neshitt.J L Walrdi, Hai.'.p Cov. 011. II . I I'.uririp, P J I.onon, Kobert I I':.-:, ( V I5rad!-y. A : S - uo'. - i - Ya :-! M Ma-hb-ir?,. -i V. -vj-T. Tho- jrin.f I'M;,,-!.,-;, W ill I. P.re. ,.-, M Wa'.tui,. M 1" Tale, J 1 Aurv i . Mei' fs worn ui wio h-i? ! a i Ironhlpil w ith l.iQiiri.t ecIJ.. ( om iu ,c.i to i try mi o il ri'ieciiy ir. :i new w-v, rn. i -j t it-: sn'.v took a tal-ltSi'Oonf'i Hour iiie.. j the li.MKll di.gf) Ot" ChrHt.h. I I.HI.'S t'O'.l-ll j Uenierfy jusi liflui jriiriT to tel. T:i . tvt r.".. ..r, t... .1 .1. 1 1 I. .." i ... , . ,;, . , z j .1 w h tenk 'i fv d.'s.-s oY the r-m.iv (oo tfu-roonfl nt u t:oip" :rl it r:j:ht ' aS-''-l A UhV-pOre.if ll bt-f'orr jr-. 'le ! to h.-i, sin 1 on tli" toliowin- :n..rair . i:i i ..,VOk(l f..,, ,tl ,,.,......vaf .0 - ! .-in-e '.h-ri su ha? n scvrrul cronsioi j Uft l1 'i'1-' renudy n like nmnurr, vri-h the i iUMe Pco,t w'. n-l in.uch UtA over i.vr ii!--rovfrv or so xu;ck :i way ot curir.j cold. Ttrsule by Morj htw i White, hruf ! ff"J. ."Xi-'iiv)7.s a-r.r.o . just ivivivo.i a -ry !;! ro k j eral ini i-hatidie c.Ui-isii:;-: if ! in.- .1 - . ,1 l I'.-.Vf ; qiinH are. -M.o-h n . ;!iv i'j, ,. T'l-i' v- Mi --.-t ; : r, !;J ;M ' ' ' '. , ...n .....',. u. ! i n-t- i ii .... li.iruware ail A ?nn of I It is ai J in V.'i;tori-.-.k-i! 1 1 t 4) I Citizens of that place are liable to tL i mromy tax. I The coiniai-sion of Marion JJutler it senatrr for the lo;::; torn was issued to . h'r.-i hit weeK by (iovtrnor t'arr, Th. jaii of Sfariiy county was des troyed by life one night us', week. ; l.:ree pri.-oii'-ra esefird. i ! The Tt,'i:i..i:;gt.i) Star Iiarns that a ; colored wo::i;tii living in DMpIin ecunty j gave bin!: to i'ui.r children - two boys i at.'d two giris. One died inas'M.Tt liaa- but the other three are living and ap parent ly .trong mm healthy. WiissfoM-Saleni is th (ir-t town or c - iiy in :orth Curoiino to honor the n,emorv : f Senator Yr-vr Th . - oria.I window was placed in the oiiap-.-; of the Salem Aeadetny last we- k it , Sxy fei t and is made throii:: :nut o! bea iiii'ul opal tl-is The ptiorn i known as a lily dp-ign, boil! ; a gn i of tall Ka.-ter lilies, with 'lilies ;'f t;:. valley cJusterii'g at the base of the group. Jhdow the (-antral portion is a s r d! 01: which appears there words : "So ator Vance Men.oial, present, d by Clas of bilJi " A special to the Times-ruion frcm Tarn pa, Fla., says: The (.'onfederatc au J (J. A. f.". r.n.-n 01 thi- city e-.i!e Urs. I". S i ...f a r, . T :i ree, pt;..n wn th- . -a ; ' or lebvaling that tv.-r-t p.-ifi; o: the South Mrs. Cir;,tsa:d -i l.cti.. it the: 11 South, for I was rai: ed State. Missouri, and 1 hardiy krew which side to go witii. riut the ge-era' went with the North and i went with hi 1:1." The oxpener.e? of Geo. A Xj yir. of Git p.mm V.i'.ity N. J.. i. vwll worth n tneinhfr msf. lie wis tioabliii wiiti ciin.iric diar- liea and (i-jct..;- .'i for five i6iit!i$ ;ti(i vva r: .it -d I y four clifft-rtiil do tors wueu-ji )-to-!ir. fl" ilien b gi" oiin (bam bei -aias Colic, (.'lioleia a! 1 Mini ill x i Ctnn- iy. ol whu-ll one Mau l boali- t fit e t e s it cu p' -t' curt;. It is for sain by .Mi rplu--.' i V. hite -istd. The IIr:c;::n and Atlanta Wotk'y Constitution one year for $1.40. An t';ic:i?oii:i!)5' IHsemsi-si'. Sunday night at one of the negro churches ii. Atlanta, the preacher, who was visiting in the city, was jsainfing a picture of the fires of hell with ail t ho vehemence of his rugged oratory Snddenlv a brother in the amen corner uo:-o and said : 'Pai-Mui if yor keei) or talk in' about lire on .-lich, a 1 old nig'nt like dis, lej ;e ired ov'y oil" of do e here rij.i'ers! will bv v.anting tor ltd tor 1 oriiaio: .' ' i'y . i.- li e r f k p c. H i ; 11 Hi W 10 at-. I ! f I i t n-ei rr- v Me .!,,.,,,. am I i : I . II ..!H-e ..!' O.y i rr uf Ii. e.i? ti i o.iny . N. I wiil .-!! at j-u!i it t o.-uri iio i.-e door i i .htiinn. Hi 1st 1 ! ';" ill- t.il.ou .it-Sjr:l:t II reili e I :t t f t O fi . . i S I V ;t debt chilli do- s.d.i ikimiijc" v.,j .'ivt-u t. erure, i - . b : 'It Ji r-ci s lil.i i ticiii a i'i'.M i.l die "ti-'.iid h;n i. 'ji-iiiaia-i :'t n sinu.lt lilitoli 'il. s . unit on oai-t ri le, of road and lu.e ! iSSG whudi il itjf M'Ltn 14 iii-jsreos e?i win- in;i ! as it j im,e 4o4 iii ih U'Ciii'!'. : s Tui i oi d lo ;i slHke iu is. u,i!i'.- j nr M Ik u w el i i no, tiit-i.f - eaist with io-r iit.t 2 j':.-3 ty t j if. 03. -.ake, lie. to e si.;;i;. with hor line poU-s i !; a .tkt. i-.j :i 5 v.-it n j . li.env:- 1 ust i'j uin .- j a S'.'.ke a lot ts :l..-:iot r.oitli 4- i-oi i'j S'.Un.-, li e: ee i:iiitii-w it 4o pule.- to I AiaU'iSo- Ti. i F bur 14 lKo. iiiMui" b Porhi-.r, .ioriiiou DiD YOU SAY SHQE3- ' Any one wanting ;' id IIANli MAI): Mioi;s or repairing oa be aoeoii.-moihited by oaliim; at Miiith's sho;-. lie will give you hrst oLis ma terial and work at ha-d time priors, lie can be found tr d r 'w i ndeli's jew elry tore for a fovv waj uiitil : e e.tn get a room i';ltod ;.jat thet rai bhrek FOR SALE CHEAP 4 ACHES RStST fF.OPTY i Mari'-n for rosidotio Tlitv-: .. n c.'ttage, stable, frost tr crap viliO.-, oxoeliotit. v. ell ot iv;i! i", 00. i TI; is i s- a hitrh ami bo-aulinil b-ci- 1 . ;1 , 1 ; , " ' "V' . 1 -'t j. .t , 1 i 10 A( . v Pi (1 j from o C ; hind lav.- depot, d Will uivt in a kt. ! ONE BLOCK LOTS, l mil., f.. ,r. j I i courth.':ti;-" containing small ii.t:- J for s-als.' cheap. ) . ClinilCrSflJ ! OTQ I have to .?.:.o ?, 1 beautiful lott for $10 I ' 5 fiPPC TPAfJ I g. Ten of lb ' just close enough for go.-d ir.ark or poultry farina. Price low. At n-'-nt f v .ti -r- I h.iV? p. ii-t lap.ge and znkii mm . l s tice. veral execut; n-. front the in ;i; i,-: r !' McL'.np 1 e.;enfv io it I ! :or i of 1). N. J.oiK.n vs. John' Carson and ' P. .I.Sirjr'air ami in run ri.r-f 'r it I the fame 1 will sell to the highest bW- t r Tor ca-h nt the court house door in ! Msrlon, X. ".. t,n Mondny Mravii 4th 1 li?'.'. at 12 o'edoek m.,the following real 1 state as the property of Jd;n Carson i to-wit : Lying i;i I' e Ce.nt.fv ?of ?!eD.m-.dl on i aiawna Kivcr :,hu -Mx eivtd: ecu- Net p.oed of :eerr,l iraots ail adjoining J ' "r;-r'-nd'-n i oa ir: trl ,.,r vf Srptun and l..:fnied en the Xorth by Ado - i,er- l;,i'- in 'lip ca-- of J. h. il organ nJ- phu-s i-.rwin land, on th' vt by the . ataw U i JMvor and the land- ri' J. S.' ihown's l.rii.- J. Jf. Paviuf.on and Martha "ale, on the '-.-i!:th o.v the lands i f Ma: ?ha Tate ami ti e land of tJt-l ':e!r.-? a- 'oho Paih-v (!k er.foi'. on the' -a-;t by Uieh n ls of Hei;ry Hutehinjon ii:d Win. 1 )ei:i::i ami the said Kr win lands t he hinds b.u!. the same devix d to said duo ('ars. u'by Ins un- le Ceo. M. Car-o'i deceased, and (!es eribod fully in a mom-age from .i mo. 'arson and - ife to T. P. lltm-pl-.i!! fated Cct(der hull Si7. regi-terol in bo-k rages ::rs, ::r,y and ::;:) in pegis (r of i seeds; oflioe (n Me Dowel! county said t contain .'i7" acres more or loss. Also the land purchased by .'ohn Carson from A iiurgin administrator i d. T.. '"ar-on h-'-'!.ast-d consisting of s x tracts and Oe.-oribed in a Coed from siid A iiiii-giti adtviini-lrati.-r, cic, to s iid Juo. 1 ar-on containing in said six rr."o; i a-.o!u a 11, loojc oi if-s am, '!r'-:'! ; '",!:;. Jll!n : ':'!. V . 11.. , . . " " - -.vn .'. S. la-win r.iW .leseribod nnly 1:1 a deed I rem t hem to vaie. duo Carson and o which is situated the wiil of aid .Inn. Carson, containing in all about 7S! acres. 'Plus I-'elmary 1, i:-0. C H. (i Aimix. Stioriil' of McDowell County. Py II. I- Nicliols, Do, uty Sheritl". Shori ST Sale. V.y vi t n e of powrr oontaifoil in two -'-vi-id ex; outio- s m lav liitinis isii i) irt in the Superior "tu : t of Mriir-ed i'oa: ty i'i tvva osoi f d W-p o-e Ui-o'h n vf. A l.iL"-iie, a tol to s ittsfv th johui I wiil su 1 at pi!::ie u 1 1 i-o lo tin- highest! lo'l.iei f.-r iii.-Ii hi lie. (' iirt lloue 1, t,r ini :anr;'i. X. , :.t.' o'el-.x-!;. M. on llon-iuy liivi-h 4:ii. IS.)), tli' toiioiv'i!g real ot!i, To it: 1st Tract sitii iU-il on Soinh Mu l ily 'reek i 1 Jlcllmvll t ca-ity, mijoi'. ing ihf larid.s of A. II ig-iiis. J:oon Aht-n. t!.e Maty Ibilit 1 - ed ..ad othrr. be-no. ing o;i i Pint- in Mis. i!i-ii t's line ci wt-st .-- 'le c;I' M uil'iy ''ff i-k ;-,n I r'lii? .outli 21 degrees r.a-t 54 i-o es to it oiics'nat o ik ; henv.- North dejffvos West jij poU?? tja sl -.ke, tin lit e v. est 2 1 poles to n i'bik o il. 'lit-lice fuiilii 10 1.0 ea to :l bh.ck C:ik. lit m e ea.-t 1 4o p .! a to a u I, he 111k. llst-io e ti Oi- 1I1 34, last L'.i4 .(! tj :i t.i!..e id I lhi.-i.t's iiii". lliciiCf wesl 1 ', 1 poles e th- i t.'-j!itiii:g i)' ing r.,e ti-iii fiiiiv.yi .i to A I il ' jl: i 1 1 i t el it.i- .i h-.v l ull lSO 1.-: j J 1 . l'li' e gii-.nli.:n of N.l;i N. :t!!.i t;.fv! Ii Pi ti e. hk-ii t '1 is in-i'i d-'1 in bind-. it J-.'g- 4 (j "i i.i iln n'liee of hgi-;er oil bt-i-'fs tor !i l" wr'l .-ouri' v. A ' i rtiiotiii r i iict oi. .uut ii M ud'iy creek hi Vcbowcil! i-..-1'ily ailj-.i- I ! 1 ' the l:li ! t f It !,t. (l i't ' ''.l.ii'hii i.tterw liiio n:i.'.o!ii- r i-cntainin j j I '1 '1 i.v 1 1 h Miore if li-FS !) M, i.:e 1 -nd (-(in-Vt it! t A. lii-j;i:is i.y (it .::;;" l.-n k iduii n.h l- hSf-0. 1... Hi i lti-er-i.fi'.e. oi ui.t ,-. -l.-.i hi Ik.t'U b Ol - Oil I' 1-1 Hi I A Iso iil.'.t 'h i lor .'i; o i); . t-i i iu-t ) -U l S ui .! Kt In i t Ci;!, u- ll il a- H e :i;i-i-ty ii'- 1 t-i 11 l lie in iel M. n-ol T It. !b eM l,; Piiifin i'l-.d oil-.eis k binds coiOat ,in 1 1 etOiVee-i t J. T P:t 1 1 erson jr. nod wife n l!h-;M!'- lv deed liiuitv M r i-'O ! ii ir- Ihit.k 1 l 101 liice t ' t'e'.-i'.er ui Ic l i i;i-i v '1 his F-. !.n .ry 2d (i. Ii C.Ai.l.lN. i.t ldf uf llcDuwt:! Couii'v. I'v vi - tilt! Oi" i'i o-.er e- : t ii' f 1 in a W01 i-e.e ixifu tu iiy J;;. ( ,u-"ii :tt..t t:le t i r-e t.) ;eiu;-. t' e piy.ii ni of Five' T - ; -.1 0 i io'i .r.- s;ilj. !? t, ere.i.t-. au det-.i;h i, .v i -j; In -en III 1 ir in t'l- ; Ol-I.l I tl.t-.- 10. I v.i i hv.l l-i thr I i '. t !., ,1 ,,r! ei i-i'i :o .il:.-!. S.i 1 ne.lt til- r-nl estup; hen iii nie.ti..iit-i lo-.vit: the hi ml i :j iii? i-n-1 b- ii. ia X! i-D.oveh ( 'o:i;i y oa I'.iOin-hn T i v-.-r :i !el Nix 1 r 1 k -. . ri ; ; t - .-ed nf j -V.i:al Mliet? H.ijoii.il! st'.d l.u'i -It'ii en lis. N'o:t;. by Ado pini hrwin latols.on i I'.e Wt-.-tt.v li . : t l iiver ;:r-i tlo-j s i t .1 . V.n , aitioi -t .ds t V.t-io.i rs u; Ji,. . :. i; : ' : ' 4.: li ! i'p l.-y, J I! i' in tL S(u:'.i .iroi tli 1 ml (ii :'.', u-i t he 1. i! 'ii .!!: ir e' if i L"r "f. !: -. ".; 1 l-:.i ti-.- l.-.n y Ihej of 1 lie I it tyi tV 1 1 j ?, ilo: I -o i ' ' . r.' c .-to. hi V , : on w i. t .. i a .'tj .1 i J. i iti ve ii'.M-i . 1 I a- t i; e t;..- li . i Ol.l I i. ni in - jLi ;-..jii .. y ; -rt- a hi Fha'K i'hf. viort.i .-e. - i By Ju-tice & Ju ..: 1 A I in i ; i , s : r a t c r o . i er-. q . . a i . i - .. r M. F. ih Tj hew. A hmci.-trjttor j NOTICE to rr." hv ; I'lir.-oii, 1 v. id su ' at tl.e '!,,,t :ci!:-e ,i..r in Llari .i o!i 4i! of vru 1 sr- lot in i!- r. rib n'f!ft ! rt't i't tow n of Mari..n. lU-sirib.-.l !,iuk V " trr'1 an'J o'1"- to .uitirg oac j 40l'V" ' a'' ar;c 'Trnr' ' :r casa. -tl dy .f Fci.ut.r 1.-03. - ll. i;.u:i t. ? b 1 1 ; .-rrr-.-.r--.r. Se!e cf Va!uab!e Heil Estate. !y viitnp of ?t il -in e cf th S111 lM oi : n e oi lit" ur.orior ni:1' f 11 " ! r-f r K .V.r?a.:, e(c .,i 1!;,il --5 J. 5'. decdarnia, the ii:;urs g'-d "l" '1,' 'u ,!: hifi'iost Li !tr ju ih? cjuii ' 'iSt d-.cr in Vt.ri:)e, i. ('.. on Mnnduv. - - ,fij 4ti. 1C3 iit u'c'od. m.ht N. I -; ' 'rt w h-m.j it: I.-town ofMarion t w Ho i! 0e!'j!.rnl to 1 l to li, ii.u-itiite of the uu- j Rhidi w:.5 p:i. i,r w. i 0! - r " 1 d r:i'v : (J. iurvevir. fur tn uinUriin?,) Th-j'l.it ot said lot wi.l h? hibiled a tiic fcaic showing ihv diu.ci.Mof 3 of the emu T.ria.-: Oai- i alt cisIj, bal- nt on acrp-.i? o? fii tuyiHtt. wit'i inter-i-S-t fniiji tit of a:de. Seeuied by t ote with iif proved stcui'ny. Tiiis Fv'i-unry 1, !r'a." J L. Jlornnu, A 'In iioioiiUor (d 1". U. Jordan, etteait-J. by virtue of an execution "ssuihI from t lie Superior Court of Mi Dov.ell county in the case of M. JI. E. J. .IlKlil.n 1C i ''l.rcrl.... .. . w ! t.. f.. j exoouiion I wiil sell to the hi'.-hes't bidder bo- cash at t he curt house doer I '' I-'..J '. .:;..-;- t-dio-viug .r...,i,.,f.;;.. i(..v;, . j-;,,. cf A I .:- I !.:;;. J:;U,1 1 . , V- . i il I i- .';.!: - ' iiM-i .;oj dnihg (?.. hioo- :f j:. lie , j in Kritrh: s.- 1 oi her.- aim containing i.b-.ut li ac ros in ore or less. This Jantiary ol.-t (I. II. (i i:ij x. t'!;e id' Of McDowell Dountv. OHIO RiVER & GHAaLESTOII RrR. PASSEXG Eli DEPARTMENT. GOING XOllTH Xo. '63. Lv. (.'aiiideu 1 00 pin " Deivalh 1 20 pm 4 Vv'estvilki 1 "'2 pr.i " Kershaw 2 00 pin u Heat!; S prin, irj 2 15 pin Plea-ant Iliil 2 20 win ' Laiieaster 2 40 pm ' Pivi rsioe 2 .." .m ' Spriwijdoll ; cr pm ki Catawba .Junction 15pni " Leslie .'J 21 pi 11 Jlook Hill 3 44 pin " Newport o r pm " Tir.ah 4 05 pin " Yorkville 4 20 pm ' .Sharon 4 J'.5 pm lliokory (Jrovi 4 50 pm " rimyrna 5 0: pm Ar. JJlaoksburg- 5 25 pm No. 12 Lv. Llaoki.biirg- S 45 am " Earls D ( 5 am " Paiterson h-prints J 15 am " .Shelby 'J 40 am " Laitiiiiore 10 11 nm Mo.rsboro 10 2:5 am " Henrietta 10 15 am " Purest City 11 Pi am " Jltitiierfor Hon 11 A am " Mil-.v.!t,i 1 1 57 am ' Co: ;en V'iilioy 12 2' pm " Thermal City' 12 27 pm ' C lew wood 12 5t pm ' ( laniiiors, I t 5 pm Ar. at 'ario!i I 13 pm mre.iri.iiT in .in tw iwiiii"'iiiimim'h C1IN; SOfTil No. 12. Lv. .Marion 4 25 pm Ca-dner.s il Jim Clenwood 4 IS jmi " Thermal "ity 5 14 pm " (ioiden Yallejr 5 17 pm " Milwoi d .';." pm " Jiu! iioru .Mlt(n 5 50pm Pi)'e-t City 0 PJ pm " Henrietta G 50 pm " Me..r-:-Loro 7 0 pm 41 L-t- ino re 7 P pm Sh.;hy 8 ():; am " Patterson Springs S P) pm " Paris 8 "IH pm Ar r.!;iok-burtr s 15 pm Lv. iiiaeksburj; 7 4 am Siiiyn a 8 10 am i; lliokory (."rove S 2:i am ' Sharon S JtS am ,b orwilie S S am li Tirxah 1) 1'A am ' Newnort 'J 20 am " j:ook Hill " Lolie ' Catawba Jutirtion " Sprii -zdell " liivtrsidc- " La n. -as tor ' I'lea.ii.t Hill 3 leat !) springs " Korsliaw " XVes-tvili boKalb Ar. at ''.'iiM-n. y r. am j 10 10 am 10 'Ji am ::-2 am j 10 oi awi 1 1 10 am 1 15 am 11 ''. an: 11 42 am 1 1 7m r-. m 12 15 am No?;:; Piim rat f er-br.-.v. N. 11 nod ; hive eoiitieot ion at Marbm v.ith : .ut h.-rn P.tilway All :.s vv.U ?ti io:i -i-i.al at Oak m. I i, i -,..k"Vv K(l!evs. 'I i', :n.-s Creek an! t : ?: v J-1Y- tT-Lt x MA::iOX, X. C. OfHco iu C ourt IIone. t ! 51icr:tcrln'3 H?o Ekla Cictnci'. l-i iLi cere for Chrcuio Kirc Ktcs. i r-e LHs, Scro 2ir!?-, !tl-- :u .. i, uU i-, -'. L'hcar ucd tkiH iei j j tii-ti i"v-r u.x. I'cr cak Ly urt-tsiili I For putting h h,ri ii a If- lichhy fti- v trr lr. ' aJ's CV- I:t!en Pc-v ! 7 -r a ktVa ri c:r-ij. cere -. ''' ". tc:r7 "-"" r, f-r . : - r -.-w ir hr'-trr.v.n. . uict -inuie 15 at the ud llyatns r-tore Ilotii-e. m a- w h m a stoxj:si:t turquoise. JJMERALD GARNET AND BANGLES THK JKWELKR. , 1 artie,i UMinns,' n.o Insurance Please givo me A call. I nni r, .... At-vnt for a jro:tl company aim elicit your patronage. My ol!ice is at the vld Cf. Building, where I Keep a ooil linp of Hardware. My stoek Will be more cotnploto Than ever. Hoping lo merit your patronage by honc-stv YOU IIS TKULY. r .. If . . .. 1 Jii-ol LKNT. VTESTEP.JN" gio Liisr. B A. 2C ASIIKVILLE, X. C Ii:SI.AT5.I MATH DDPONITOItY. niniTti . n. mam ruL WUU We havo Special facilities for iiamlling tlio buaxneos of Merchant ami others in Western North Carolina. If you Imvo no Bank accoiuj or think of a change, w will bo g!al to have you correspond with ng. I HARDWARE Hardware Hardware. CF ALL KINDS 1 1 hivo a fail assortment of all kinds, of hardware, inclu ding Builders supplies, such as nails Jocks and hinges, also, paint, oil and white lead, i have a tine line of Guns, both breach and muzzle loadeis, from 2 50 upto $40.00. Ptovoii of all prices juui kiioU. f',L- tnvf IL-ntin-r stovos of all I also do nil kinds of T n Hoofing and Gtittenng. Ilonivinlier 1 s'-ll u )o uxf for ',0 centH; a;od .Mattock for CO ct8. I will noil vois nails at the very low price of 1) p-r keg, factory rice Mail "orders will receive my porrfon il mid prompt attention. With ei'dit vonrs ex riotico in the hardware 1 .uH'iifM, 1 think I am i t .yirr. 1 tn TWO VOU "OfIri 111 II1V T. - cW -ef . . . t 'i,l,knwKrt hi Kit . a nl iln!nu Iai i iinw iw4 X -i-?-rI 1 i.e iriru li of v tj- t --i r -tin rc: JLI I.f Hi;. fcwt Ift '4fVar tie. CIRBnE. from tfc trart. lor &f Ui li'rtrl. Tr.fTIXH, from if H-nifj. ift cf Uia i OTlUlXE. (rem Hn ottk. tcr 4 t t onrp lBord urinary otvo . K5;ivjt0' 4 UrM.l kppo'.r a-.J 4!ry . Wbm looai (lmirJ tJV4 wltb tb II Tmn.ymii ,rlxl lH..'- will b n&U1. U4il. !) U UtMr o ik i4rt, on rrwj-t oi pt. rax. roLmniJi ci:smcAi. r v i Daiuaed Hardware. I rr. t jrt if hardwire, inertly -. , . f.. . i ,.t t re -J i prjct x ta1 1M CTt. j. g . Ijarj. SILVER RINGS and fair dealing, I & L. p ML0UD,CA.BIE.l SURPLUS 495.ftflr including t!? celebrated Jmw Patron kin-Is and prices. 11110' U 1 O.TY IOMl IS1UIS Mil nm .Morganton, N. S ro TMI BElUXeOTTHI www JBotanlG Blood Balm flit, ini htiiT Hirrmi uam fs S v?J UI SKIn 2nd Blood Dlseatcs It purifies, build up and enriches "i th blood. anJ never fail By to cure the most invetert ft I BLLXJLX AJiU Ul- H K EASES. If tflridions are fol- Til loed. ruooana or pawl --4 f Lit ptople ouaa ru praise and attest Its virtues. GTWRITE for Book af Waa derfu! Cores, Mat frw on ap plication. If not kect by your local druzgist. send I1.00 for large bottle, or U-oo for six bottle, and medicine wUl b ient, freight paid, by BLOOD B1L9 CO., AtlmJite.OA. UVAK I. - WIS HE, M. !' MARION, N. C, OfTers his professional srvic9 to the pub ic. Te Uf.cord and Atlanta Con clitutini ::e year for $1.40.

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