r An -4 ; , Q i h-Wr'tl wit? II I hi'. 01 4! 1 -f VOL 4 auh?-ription will be ta'ien link-? paid for in advance. Five cent per line for all obiri:ari-. Don't take the pajr out of th - p.: t tffio4 unl vou I ntc-ntl to pay for it. Local noti- 10 eenU p.M- li'it- for Crst insertion, R rents th'trc-utr- r. Display ads ?0 per col'imn ptr year. I.rsHl .i'ht's f:iJti : i;-niuf nr. LQOAL GLEA.NIM33. rluholTer in thi ;ue rrt: i" - I'.utter and eg? arc g-aroc,aiI priee in Liffli. N need what you ov.e in, am! if jou ju.it would j on f;ould pay us Mnj. S. J. 'rern. of riheHiy, has 1 in town tliis week. What has become of our corrtspojid nt in vrious parti of the county? Send in the news. Lawyer it A Newland wps called tc iloin'on Tu-M.1y to appsar in a ast before Judgw.Vowe. Notwitlntandini; the warm wrather for the past few d:jfi the 'now liners on north hill sides and mountain tops. Mensrs. Murphy & Motlitl, practical hrick men, have formed a eo-partner. hip, at contractors ami builders, and will be pleased to furnish estimates to parties desiring to build. Mr. Caleb Mot 7. died at his Po:i in l.iuculnton Thursday. Vr. Mot, wan well known and niii'-li e,i eemed by our people He married Miss '".mel'me 'araon, a fi.'ter of ('apt. John Caron, cf this county. A telegram received by Mr. i. i. Eaves lftt w.ek states the f:u:t that a flu Rirl baby was born to Kr. r.'id lArr, J. W. Streetman. in H-nd. i ille. -A tlii -! u the lir 1 t:i.u- Mr. Haves evir realized what it i l be a Krani!-futher, he v. earjnite n pleasin-smile. of last we Mr. of I'elow rtc publi-ij a full pmirnns of t hi? filter, aitirr.iit srivcn L? (.'-, i:rt lioiie Tue-day niht und'.-r tbo r.u pieea of the Kpivopa! i-huirh The ho;:?1 wn parked with the he-t s p! of the tw: and a few from the coun try and wit li one aeeru'd they prom '!:: ced it the most unique e:;t-rtaiiiin-nr evt-r given in the town. Ah-.mt forty children took part in the t-st ;!.- ;uid . l! k stained the reputation thai .lh- rjoii i:z.i- lonjr enjoyej. tliut : J.eMipr a town of rcliiit iiii'iit and -:;!t ure. We sht ud like to make -( iu! mention f eu h or.e l.i;t pac.- forbid ri'.id v here all is usf-ell-'nt it is diihcult to mae special n' ion I'.til we cannot ri. frain from n:;.-:-f io:i::i little -Jean Car ter, in the role of "I'tik," also thr vor:ld"loof M?.rffijerite v':iv and the recitation of lit!'e r-ar! !.?c. Mi's Mp Kay and Mrs. Thoms. and other Indies of th Kpis opal chiircl;. have thf tlianks of th entire amiience for on of t !) most pieasnnf e,..-iuns ever f-pent in Marion, and they deserve siccial praise for T 1 iff prood ta.-'.e and untiring energy displayed in jur-1 1 i r; 14 up and t he maiifleri.P it !' the enter tainment. The follow in.!; ii the pro gram in full : I'AKT Fill ST. Vocai. Soj.o, Maryueriie Orini:)-. r.L S..T.0, Mrs. GriPir r r. Drr-r. ) Tl:e fol!-wi;?jr ii-lVt(,-, U from the I ;.r! :t.. I.-M-i-.t-r: -V, ;!1 T f?,.b-eri..-!i. a f'.n.m-r rcs-'desif of JlsKv vi!I t- U P.v virtue i.v l.fti.d--. o:;rt lf( of J. X, irtSIDN.-, ESTJVir 28 1S95 Notice. no 9. (,f i.v''r-il e; :-.-:;ed fro?ri t 'o a ! eon illy in tl ul 1 -us in j Tier eases i -.it f r several .-:.;v editor of t! eiio"- : ,f '-n"n i. .'o!. 11 - Carson am: r.vilX 'iVnn. 7:ev- ri Miir.Hv i K J. Miidair and in two as t.f T.I?. t'P 1., , ''' ; "ioir.-v John Carbon and to P3tifv , .r. ..0.. rf.o.;, n than a month ago, the Mine I vP! sell to the LiH-o-t l;- ..iii.vo ;iv., .nnie (airier, of iluth- , tier ior -an ;?t the court iioti'.e (icf r in erfordron."' j Marion, X. C ,.n Monday March 4th lenders i f the Record will remember a notice of Mr. :.! r;.eon m:irri:!?e, ml s--.it to Mari'-n, having been pub lished In this paper a few weeks r.-o. NOTICE I Hv rirt: c of - V, rtjjr.f Vr. rxnuted j ia- : iljitp rurion. I will s,- l at the ..ut heu--" ilf...r in Marim ilir- 4i!i . - vf y.it( h !.":.. c:..- lot in" the ii- rih -t i.ait th town of Mmit.n. .'riini-J iiil..ns. Anj.;;i,1; 1;.., .M.-kli:.. ' -irk U i. trr ai.J utl.ers. co-iuiiuijg ou? loa ih , t an acre. T. rtrs of sV . ttl. Tnii 2iJ cf Frt.uarr If-'CO. c. ti. Ciki.n, shetiar. UN SILVER KINGS. Ih wn.-. r. pure man. an old frie:;d of the writer, and It is with mm h sorrow that we :;re alkd upe.i to itibii-h thi.-noii,-, r;i!d extend our heartfelt sym pathy t. the yonnjr witiow, wiu was i bride , than a i:)!,nt.h. lo9-" xt 12 ocltck 111., the following real est ntr as the property of John Carbon to-v. it : 1 yip-:; in the County guf McDowell on Cf.tawLa Uivr-r and ix cre-k eom- p.'v'd of ft-vrn! tracts ail adjoiliingr; 0l!"- rend rtd 03 the .".rd dar ef Sebtem- nd b(.::n: d on the North bv Ado - "r- ,H 'he easr ot J. L. ilur-Ha a J- Szl3 of Va!u3b!o Real Estate. I!.r Ti.-tuo of a drcree of th Sanorior STOMiSET TURQUOISK. EMKKAI.D (iARNKT AND BANGLES pl- i'-e rrti;- by Mf.rel ht VA 1 N-iTiiiMi:;; M ANlilit.lN Miss Or.'-' :ill:ev ! bfvd to us wi! K.th. vci cr.: starid longer. y.-Czc Cctilev. Capt. (r. Y. ('raw ford y.-tr-nhv ''.iivod it t'-lo;uri from Hon. r.'H-hjii-MHl lVars.'ii, who IluUiisrh. Mint ins th:i; the Will put Mitchell cuntv in ihif (' I a v . .i district hr.d l oco: have added a fresh stock o' Gro :. (."ail and see u-, .'.torp'iow t'; ?f( i e.riT A l ios, IlKCITA l Marsi rite G rati f. IVarl Lee While. : n:i the l'AKT sncoxn. nkMVAI. OF KINO WINTF.II. Kino Win i ri;, I'.I.tNK, Ito,! .-: Gl.AM, G1.1 in.i!, It K Si'K! I '.I K It Will Ti plinni. r;-f.xie '"arl er. lidpar "Nicl., !-:. Car,---; si:c!i:r. I" :t.l iilinu'. Harvey (ire, l.niii. Ni a!. Add.Giik.-v. Carlaad Nirh..;;:. A nine i eclair. .1 'an Cartt : Fred, llyani.--. Kalit'iirton, Desii' ei-nlee, ) osie I y s i:-;. Ilalib'irton, K:iiii (Jaden, Sally Finley, Su- Uyams, Maude Grectilee, Jc-sieliatlilV. S VNOl' -il.s. K in;? "Winter entertains his snbj'-cts at a mid-winter ball to whndi he h:-.s invited (.uen Summer and her fairies. He w isli. s to -onvinep l.er !ii.:t it is i C.ij,t. Jol;"! car.u far::! -n the Catsv- ba river and h;s ni-ived tc ti;e p'ace. Capt. Carson h::i movtrf to town a:;ti will occuj'y a dwcdliii." on Morgan .-ireet ovposite Capt. Morris. A!! varlf, ?-s of Gar(i,.: fl.;ei r.t Mr-r-o "v VV h; ' piius l,;av!!i J.iiitl. on tt e.wpst by the ".' taw 01 Jiiver and the Irvsuls of J. S. irown's ijeifs J. 1!. Davidson and 'dart ha I'a'e, on t he South bv the lands .f M;u tha M ate and the land of the 'mir of .io!in fJailey decensi-d. on thr .a.-t by tliel-.nd- of Henry llorclnnion nd Win. Del: i 15 trer. r.:id ili' aid Kr wi'i land-, th la ids brint the fanir ievi'cd totr.id Jjio "aro;i by !rs uu lien. M. Carbon dec eased, V.iul des- ribcd liiliy hi a Mfirl frae. 1'rotn Jno. '.'arson and -vife to T. I!. Ileinphiii i-Ued October lot h i.7, I'eKi-iered in -;ook paet! ay. and i'-x in Ktgis-!e!- of D.-cds o:';;ce of McDowell county ;a!d to contain ,7. acres m. re or lc-s. Als th.? land purchased by John Carson Iro n A. Bursa n admini'st rator f J. !.. 'arson d-c a-ed. h t.i.- t i ier ; iix p-aols f n:l tie -cri bed in a dred fnini a;d A 1:i:it.::i ridministrator, Ac, to liJJiio. 'arson containing in ails-ix i'c-ix a'mtit IMi'Z acn-s more or lc;s, ami lisotiic l2:sti.5 purchased fnon Jtdi:: ai icy ( now ueeea.-et!) eontauun about acre and lolly described in the deed from raid Ilailey toJno. Car :on. A Io th lands 'Mjr ha.-.ed from Mary '.'id S. Fi-'v.'ii and oes.-ribvd fully in a tier-d from iliem tc; ?.ii.i Jno- Carson and OM whicli is situated the wiil of said Jno. Carson, ocntalninsr in all abot.L 7 Si seres, i'lus Febuary 1. G. H. ;.kiix. Sheriff cf Mcl.'owc-ll County. Kv K. L. Mie'tols. i;e; ;;tv Sheriir. 11: in srn!oi tt l B. iJorgati, isvva.i dcair.i J. 1 UtTnlurni t, the ua-lt-rs jr-itd yci.i to tin- l)i2lit:5t biJtr at i!ie court boils'; duor in Maiior, . ('.. ou JUo'id.iv, Vhircli 4th. 103 at 12 oVork. m 1, t No' 2! in the plat o' h.cii it: the t.,wu of Virion I which beloi-?ed to the inteoMt of tSo un- j Purl: !ersi?r.e;l. a 11 i which w3 pint: 1 r G. -W . i ( rxw lord, survrt,r, iur tlid KndersiticJ. The phit of fni-J jot wi:I h txhibited i the sale eho ins; t'e 'Hiiiei ii-is of the sflme. 'V, Hi: One httit c.isb, h.- ai.ee on acre-lit of fix momli. w ith rr rki fro .a .iiili- cf salr. s-cntti lv i ole w hi; npproveJ stt-iiiiiy. 1ls Feb iirt ry 1, tslii. J L. ilorrn, A!tu:nir;itur ot P. IJ. Morjjui, otceajcJ THE JKWELKR. ) r-.t ti! iihvw t.. nrr.r.-v St- I'fCK, TwiNKI.f, K..n:ir.s : M y i t b" Poteet. AduicGi Fi.ovveus r.!: hett to have N I She wiil not a: ! nam:- 1 ::t t rc !. should i:.-. Ki -o iir-re Ills fh iter the c::th to this, but divided tii- y r Vi'inter ! la n On Wednesday iM.;ii.. Antttjow a 2(iod citi.en liurke county, died at hit; bom .', on the Catawba river, three mile tat of lli-Wp-watrr. He ws? about 0 yars .f ae, and leave a widow and v-veral children o mourn the loss of ;i oud father and husband. He was the father-in-law of Mr John Turnbill, of thi; place- Mr. Hob.f, of Nebo City, brought rait through attorney K. J- .Hnstice, ainst the Southern l.a:l":iy t o , i 1 Thtt cbe iv,".i he:' id b'.d'oro Jus tice Hr.tl ill in Tto;'ay. Mr. Hohb had a cow killed by a train, and claim ed hi prop- rty had been damaged by fire. .Jr.dxnnvit f.u-plaint ::i w--io ren dered. ranm-r try the Soutb-Hnd I'low. Tor nle by McCalUv 'c:ib.. ld.:i file weeks trial. Wvsiey Mrrsh, tb.- one-r.i n-i'd Coiittdcra'e soldier, who is " L....n, v :;!,! KrniLvr. was arraigned fore Comnii-t-itM-er F.nve on 'Ine-uav .n the charge f having allow ef'. whi? hey to be taVen ut of the wa;-.-!' 1.. e nt.d hoU. lie w:.w b .end oer to Fec rral court at St:'.tesv:l!. -) C. vt-Ciirry beinship bondfrooc. Arthur Morj.i'-w appeared fcr him and made a sonl .tir- j yjv I'rimr. - Fib n-. rins spveeh in hi behalf. 1 Gnardian, - Mr. Henry Thornton rar. think: '.VI. Ill I sv Thc Fire Insitranre i'oriiane?. iv-p-ir soured by Mr. W. F. Crai, have paid t!:- full f-,ce v?.lue of .-ach policy h-!ri hy s;iir'rci-6 i:itl;e late Marion lire. Thi- ?re?.ri well for Tht ccnij-aiii .s ko retirescrited. lit T csitr Garden (is hnve arr and be Mippin-J. .iurphev d. Call White. .ea!vills Dots. Genial days seam to be taking' the place of rrim old winter arsin and our farmers rre thinking-of preparltijrtlte'r srardrTts for c-ariv veetab't s. .;r. Tims. Morri -' little boy, Hnliey. is quite ill of p;:-:;:;;or.?a and is under iha -Frof. K rpiiow. V-r Civ has a j -eviMr.l rx, j In in the Sut-.jrior Ccu: t r:f Mc!-o;vf 1 j Tonrty in tw:i cures it W .Pu-t 11, -tm lr' r j e. A. I.i;;-,ons. ami t- satisfy t!i same I will i f I at ptih'h; a -ti.u to t!;p hilie?t tn-bU-t f'.-r e;s t the C urt lioufe d ;r in irtfinn. N. ( , ut 12 "'('.i-k. M. on Mn.!ay .Hreh ii. I'Vl-'i. th.- Ic'.low-t; real -?t-ite, i'o vit: Is! TiMft sitimtvd 0:1 SouMi M 11 1 tly reek i 1 ?: i r-' 1 ten My, ndioitjing tiie lads of . t!irrins. -bir-on AiU-n. the Mary Priht 1 ml Kiel otbi rs. Dfgitir.ing on a Pine in Mrs. I'ripiit's line on west s lt cf Mmi.ly CrteK r.n.l runs South 21 (lerees Ka.-t 54 o!os to a lies nut onk ; i hence North H' depret-s Wtst 60 po! i3 stnk-, tln-nce -ft 2 . i-(!( s toabla.k o.k. ihtice siiiii'n I .rn) 10 es to iv bh.ck O't. th- iijc t'issi 1 to Ust-i a wUi'r onk, ilietH-e north 34, rv.i-l !'.)4 jmlt-s tD h giake in ibi.-.l. t's lii!". ihiiticf west 1.1; t!.. bt jrinii';"-; b. ii t!,- !r.n-t . ec.iiVi-ycil to A il'ir-.'itH bv .'cH -ia- -d ! iv i Hli IftSO bv I5y virttie of an exeetitioii issued from the Mruperiur Court of McDowell connty in th.- rase of M. II. & K. J. Justice s A. Hic.ins and to satisfy tn.id esrt:uti!i I will fell to the hij!:-ti bidder for cash at the court house door in Marion, N. C on Monday M trch 4th tS'.Jj at 12 o'clock in.. 1 He following real estate towit : The interest of A. Hiin.s in a tract of land Known a? ti is James Town tract adjoining the land:-, of T. P. HemphM, i;rirli't and utiiurs and containing about 10 ac re more or less. This January ulst 1PW. G. H. (JAP.uiN.Shen",T Of McDowell Dounty. Fi; Insuranc I'!eac glre 1112 A call. FXGi:! I E I'A R T I L IS" T. 1 2d pm 1 :u pm Fn .-?T.t rlir.ll i: J orc-bc- Vtnoit-c-Ho. F.NT I 1!:- - if ; ! ( ih-nV d. Fib-!. Maria;. , ?.l iss S ii.i er 1-Ic.m: cm, Mi, l!i:!in. V.e tire and caM on iic 11 i'i Coiiley during court week, they haveti: nioft eoniplete line of lHa s in the city Howe cts Seven Years. Information has been received that Ale Howe, who married in Marion, lft hi-i wif. and went to Kentucky nd marrietl :ii;ain, has lit en sentenced j toj.ven years imprisonment in the! Kentucky penitentiary. j i lOoO Hoci! FiTts wanted next week j for cash. Vet all A Conb-y ! W&ieii tsr !Cvrot:fjJ. Votr. Flh-n's I. over. TF :i:. i.-s - n :i 'ra'- :' v. I i.-ie Carl1!-. llUltl'lS. I. 1I1 1 i y, Nice fleck of l,t ur .c rivet!, .vorj.itew o. v- nite. ?lost anylh nu" i'i the (Jr. crr,- ';ne can be found ut Morp.'iew iV Wiiitc's. O. V. tb !!. 'ir.hr .mi, Sln-ritr of Tv !.;: '.V. V.i. it; j r-ei:-ej a j"k0,i 'hi';: fd "'c n-t hiinie lr av so. i! wn a'l.i oresini!" d i !i h ci'd when ii 1 Mrec;- I !i Ule of ("ha 1 hs-rhiin's C.iih Ih'inc lie tts: '"It ;: ivp 111; .r. .ep! n i l-:. : ;. it to be nr. i':v d iH: rcii.-,iy l.-r . ;.. a ad tobls.' Fo.- s.iie by .forj.::en A W !; Hoport ol t!ie SSelae 'o:u:itrr. ! Mn F.r 1 1 ( r: : T! e ':irh n relief .ioJtte. ! I'y x'.tir.i 'fa po- -, .1 .--',1 c!!'"- ,' in : c i- a ct:t:u l- a, it.if c. a 1 ( .; o rc by J W. Hurler, ar.d :.rcy lluitor,, ihitci )l;irc':i .". Hf'-i :!!( rj-r-r letc tl i v txink a-e Mn. i: o.io c ,;t il -istt-r of iKe-j. o! Mc'.lowe!! eo;;My N. C I ,1; :;t j,;;?.- lie ne c i ;".!. at c-- nit i:u'i5- iicoi i., M.iriut;. n V . n y .1. ; i .i lri5 ill,- i.ii! ov. -iiijr .ri' r-:ii --1 t t o s i-: y ... .i.-l .: whuh ih.s.ii iKorist!.- w.i? j.-iv. a to sec ut-f, e-w'n; Ten ,u-r. s !a-.i ', bcui;: uti.-m ot Lr Siicnd iiin.i. t.i jriii !!.; : t a ?a,t!! liluck 'uK i:i;.;i " i i:-t ;i .; of r.ivi ...al p a - i i:' M'-t"'i -14 .! ;.-ives et wit!1 rr.a-l sis it ! !!:. lll'H'l . ..(I p , 1 i - ill :t S-l a e 11. V, ISl-il.l.U . ! I ne, liu-n-. c.-st wiili !.-!.; 2 ' uv'vs t :i cake, ;,i-!;- ?, w;th her lir.e sO j-.-es iu :i tt::ke iri :i . -.v.tr!. O. till !if ' ;:fl i lJ J'e'tf to u s!;-.k.- .i!;'' ;iH 'i oicv noitu 4 ) i ..: In . ! . t! , : -,- i-.iitli-W s! 40 poles to bo- Ti.is l u.iri I I lj:. -koi-L i'.-.ri.ET, Mortjf'.:p e. !". i'ri'-e ::uo.;o n i.i Nmn ,'. aii.l !;-.rv i. ice. tviiic'i ivC'l rcci'i-'fd in l.j.i j -o'- tiie .ii . i' ci !:.-jfi. r ol fvr :') -v'l .-oil a:;,-. Ais.tHi.fttl.fr f.-j o-. .-'oe.t : Villi;, ! k i'i Vcl owed ; dj .ii:;; i!:: :: : . f il jl.t. G.?U it- ii ;l ."'ili O-r-.v :'.i (illi i- f.'itr-iljini: ." I : '..1 ' r !'"- S l.eicjj 1:1 e : i.l llil.- '1: A !!ii,!.v lb-.-io ic k:oh,o ' Tie r Sc; b r by ;!.c! l e-,r- : in L ?? p'v.r in the oft-.ee vi ;j -i-r e! D-.-nI i'.ir .W-Do'.yi-ii eonr. t.. A 'so ii i.; i in r i t :i -i ' i-i'j loin's cf.5, . :c ii T 11 ivie;.-,;;! :.J, it C. .;;. !: K ii !-.; rii.ci - k'.iYti Hip !;!:ri-tv ti l ,: .i i ii i: 1 1 juTf-i tit'it?,; :l.e im.-i ,i .fii I y J. T terr-cti jr. :-. tul wifv A. Hii'fTKiS tv .'ted ibib-.l FihiniVX ii'.IN;5 NOiTli I.V. Ciill.dCil DeKlb " West vi lie : Kershaw " Heath Springs " Fleasant Hill " Lancaster 4 Hiver.-ide " Spriiirdell 44 Catawba Junction 41 Leslie 44 Hock Hill 44 Newport 44 Tirzah 44 Yorkville 4 Sharon 44 Hickory Grove 4 Smyrna Ar. lilucksburg' l.v. Pilaeksburg 44 Karhs 44 I'atter.son Sprins 44 Shelby 44 Latt imore 44 3!o ireshoro 4 Henrietta Forest City Kutbi-rfentton " .Mi! wood Goldrtt Vailev ' Thermal City" " h-nv, oo l " (.':irdi;ers Ar. at Marion U 00 jim 'J 15 pm 2.20 pm 2 40 pin 2 55 pm 5 (;f pm o 15 pm o 24 p;n '.t pm '.' 50 pm 4 05 ptn 4 20 pin 4 55 pm 4 50 pm 5 03 pm E 25 pin JS'o. 12. 45 am 9 (5 am 0 15 am 0 40 am 10 11 am 10 1!:: ;:m 10 -!5 am 11 i:s am 11 4 1 am 1 i 57 am 12 2j im 12 27 pm 12 5!) pm 1 (-5 pm I 16 pm I ant Ag?nt for ko:-1 ompanr ami eclicit your patroiiagp. Mr ollice i.at tk old Craij liiiilJing, wheiv I Keep a good lin? if Hardware. My stock Will lit- mora eotuLl'dd Than evor. ilopinpi vour jiatronass ly honrsty and fair dealing, 1 am YOURS TRULY. W". i3, CTOIrTES. To merit Lwjs Madwx. 1'eesidkkt. L. r. MLovi, Ciiniii. WESTEB1T CJttOJLjTlTJLjBJl!rK: ASIIEVILLE, .. O i)i:xiATR M'ATK DKPOHITOKY. CAPITAL S50.0C0 SURPL US $23 000. AVf l:cvf Special facilities for handling the business of Merchaut and other i:i Western Xorth Carolina. If you hav? no Itank aecount or think of a change, wo will be g'al to Jiavc you correspond witfc w. HARDWARE 1 s0 vli". !; dei : I. :,.'( -40. 1 i.! t'lP i !or Mile. v tli c !sOj. i-i ri-cenb-t! i liouk 14 on r.ii-f i f Pcp::s!er of Deed oiiriv. Ti.is Fibimry 2d G. Li. Ga:.i iy, M,ir of McIone!l County. Hardware Hardware. Ui! ALL KINDS or ci nil:, it tt ' has ici,i(d lei!e 1 clothi;:- fo-,- the Thldll oir,-i-.,l in the Ieir;ylatuiT to i w 'pr'"'- am , , ..,:,..., W11 e ... .,n.-,v I yulVerers from the bate eon ih-crrr i io women to vi e in North Carolina will hardly pass in time to j;o in elVect be- j tore our municipal election in May. If i it rhoiild, however, the Knvrn will j nominate Mr. .Urn Grant for mayor, j the hands o: ?.. .. linUfrins. tre FOE BALE CHEAP j V.y i.tiie of the ;owcr ee:ifii-e.l in :. n.oi f s'rte. (Xuu'fii by Jne. ("ar-on :i'-..i i I v t irr tl SC'C II lr- t'r.e p:l V'.ll'-li t of Fi'f- T: f,'i:tri 1 Io' iaift sui ji-ct to credit. :u.d I U-f . nil h'r.e tiiT-ii iin.is in '.'-. parn-m tliMor, I v. i : 1 fi-1 to I'.e i:iii'o.--t b.lier or i-:. ili ' o s iii.-f; s.. i 1 i.-.iii ' pi', t!i-r';i! ' vait.lv iii l. hi l'.ii ;. .!.;:. I--, ic-v. li: the i.lli'l :vi..; ; lo. b ii;pr it! McDoweli ( 'o'in'y on j t '.. ' :i -.. l.;l 1 i VV r :;.- Nl (T--I !t C(;'i. j-Siii u! ' ii.-vcul luit' i :if j i:.ir,r' and 1 ou'-i'.eii .on tho N'orii. oy Ado.f.iiM; ibwiu P'.r.ds.on !.ie '.t l j lb-.- i'it4M h i iiv-r hii i j .'an s et J. S. bi'.-u n's l;.--is, J II iici.s.Mi 1 .'.-,:'!:. 'i :.( : on IV' r-'nuili t r t he oor tow n, a 1 if which ha bicn d.i: hnred by the comioi tee and ary i !:e deirins; to know lu're the d:-' ::rc ments have been nir.de may iiiu! out hy reference lo th.; 'Ireaurt r's books in oplRtv in r-.idoiu-o. Throe r n t j iih'e. frjtt t t inr.ie ! Ch. and Se W. H. Wnur. v of IN'lief Coii.ir.iitc; I A Pl'S Mf:i;;p t,-H m who ',? 1 ' f !1 I tumbled W'lh tnq:ii.t co!Js. roru-i;! to 1 t.y an o'd rt'ivciiv in new wht. sr..-i 'o j cordincly oek a t sbl-?; oori'u! .fair firif tht :i r.al dospl cf ("li.t'rb. i hii'.'s Cdiii.!-, fiM-e -vj'sr to i-T'i. Tin- Temedy ju. ''Xt rn.ir ii aud Monjrs. Will Martin, dim I.iuney, ; i, - ii,,,,, . k i'i.,iii .....I wilt i purer of the relief eemmittee. i'. iiuMin.-, . ..,... McCall for aldermen. No married man or ugly man without a bank account need apply, a one of the latter kind could not he elected township, consta ble after the women are allowed to vote. We are in favor of allowing the wo tueu to cast their ballots for the men of their choice for olhVc and are w '! iejto divide theoi'vv with them. Ti r oiil.v trouble we npprebend is ;h:.t it take M-ine of thvm so "alltired" Ic. u to become 21 years of ajre, and alter they reach that aire it so h-.rd to keep from setting old. r. Ye; let the dear r-wret ladie? vote, and let us a!! tiTs-ch up to the polh le-V-fb.r and vote fir 1 Vrnoera.-y. white supremacy and i'uoi i r'C. eXv"Ci!e'.lt well of Will This is u hih and l-ejititifu'. tion, and cn a c-m- -tieei. pi ;U it barcaiii in one I'.t suL-divi.lo to suit pur:hiBr i.c;'.- V ill :r wiil f i.(ri:i,i 'l.ite i! J ' iby d ;:! a: a I ; t- .; ciiove .bc:i'- f J'.Ol. :i .H-. r:i: t: ul . r.-i of tllf !vo.t bv th U . J: d.MMl O . 10 ACP.i 1 I . Ill O V I land hy in r la. TRACT nil. -i our . t. w ill divid? i-tr .-i f .I . o i tlie 'ii i;r: i:.(.r i iifein-r lh" bv i? uii'-.c lieu !. j.-s '.-i iii"i I'c'iy in it ' ' !i ii .J He o T. obr I'm !, K-i ; . R.-- - "i:j. :;:. , : in .' M - D. ' i ( O'l I. t v, a.Ti'j 111-. i ? or s- -l ly J:.o. Ci,r.-..p ! J h ' C .':(.. !i ii- e'.i ? i'i-: ri in a O'lIN'li SOViH No. 12. Lv. Marion 1 2." jmu Garclners 1 11 ptn (ilenwood 4 -IS jnn " Thermal Citj- 14 pm " ('olden Valley 17 pm " Jlilwood f ?,' pm " Kutherfordton .V) pm " Forest City C, pm " Henrietta 0 50 pm " Mooresboro 7 ' j,ui ' I.att imcre " Hi pm " Shelby H t Jim u i'atter.-on Spring's 1!) p-ni " T.arl-i 1 s 2S pm Ar lihieksbnr ft 15 pm Lv. I'lacksbur 7 4" am " Smyrna X 10 am Hickory Grove f! 2.1 am Sliaron s "jx am Yorkville S ? am " Tirzah 0 l- am " Newport t' lib a in " Hock Hill 0 !5 am Leslie i 55 am " Catawba -Tunotion T 10 am " Snriiijrdell 10 '20 am " Hivcrsidu 1 :2 r.m ' Lancaster :) 50 pm i-lea-ant Hill 11 10 ai ' Heath Springs 11 15 am Ki'i - i-aw 1 1 i'O st:: " VVe-.tvil!e 11 41 am " I'elTitiu 11 ".5 am Ar. at Camden. 12 15 am No ;.; litioer at Cershaw. Ns. 1! and '2 have connection at Marion with S'';hern Ilailwa y. All trains v, ill s'on on s-is-na! at Oa'-:- hnr-t. Lnke-, Cas!:ev-. I'odUev-.i OKI T' tnt i o:don, Kings Creek and i Ir.ive a full assortment of all kinds of hardware, .inclu il inn Builders supplies, such as nails Iockk and hinges iils, paint, oil and white lead, i have a fine line of Guns, both breach and muzzle loaders, from 2 f)0 npto $40.00. Stoves of all prices r.nd kitid.-j, including tho rlobrnUd Xew Patron CW". S'tovf;. Heating stoves of nil kinds and prices. 1 -dsn do aH kinds of T n Hoofing and (Juttr.ng. Romcmhtr 1 sell a good axe for 00 cftite; a jc.-rni Mattock for CO cts. I will fell vou nail at tho very low j.ricr. of 1..V) jier kog, factor r.ric Mairorders will recoiro my jwrBonal and prompt a:tentiou. With o'ht vears .xperi-nr in tho hardware 1uir.cFsv I think I am nrenare UoVive vou goods in my line at tho very lowest price po-sibls 1 " Hepju-ct fully, T. R-i Morganton, N. C. ': 1 r Vein Mountain. s. jj. i.t Mnriv, n. r. a. ..Ti:ir:-, Superintendent. THiE ANIMAL EXTRACTS: t mi. W?1. A. IIAIOIOXD, t CECFBnf.VC, tr-m th tt.a. f-.r 4- 1 b fS. i mi:-. fi. or Its i cln i'-s'ii' J ! 1 C L.IW!J Y1 tllU.r."ii. ir . It nlrlM. lor .' iy i I . t . .1 . i. -i I . i: -.: . r .r ii'i . : Ui I r.i. ..-i.J .m: :l'oi I' i'i e.' fl'.Vll .1 Idi i- 'lu .1 ii li i; it'.' i ti i- r.MT-.-dv- V.rr .'l-rov.-rv of f COi l. Tor t:;.i' l.T g isu. ma:' ION. N. C. flRDIVE, frsa tW t.rt. to V TrvrttK. from tb IwW. for U 4 o( U utM. I AWptjr im T0M,Mr l jiilr. ewt. j a. T A RUE. trm tLi OTirM, for rMiN A I u i I0a THE HKlU5OrTB HAHOn fBotanlc Blood Balm All Skin and Blood Dlsea&s u .It purtf.cs, build up and Mrkbss 11 m Diooa, ana ver iaiit i fto cure the mott Inveterate BLOOD AND SKIN DIS EASES, if directions are fol lowed. Thousand of grate ful people sound its praises aad attest its virtues. EJ"WRITE for Book of Ww derfol Corf, Mat fr9 o tiiiicn in It. cc'.iit ei'.'. rrUi, in mi-'J.sr !r-.r-.n i iji4i... i - If not keot bv vcur local drueeist. send Ji.oo for larjre bottle, or ti-oo for six bottle, and raeiicine will U ..rp, ; H ' :i V v ? .n4 lnnwUr.vt .1.1 .l,j.ul U" tf. X ' f! Sni, irr!J,ni I . W T tt'l't "i "i ir---i.-t art a t :-p-r-fi T blood B.1I..H CO., At1tll f:i;o.. h;u-e ::-v;u f.-r DiDVail SAY SHGci ha :"i -'."ti V 1 I . . i . ... . . . . . . r ' i r iS'Juf . - v. . . . , Str- tir.jin. DaiuaRCil liardtvarr. .ik a I'd of hardware, Might I j ..-r -' by Cre, for salo at redHced ) er.'1 nee nv. I R. Pysart. ilAUIOX. N C, Offers hi profional wrncss to tlio pub ic. . Th: Hkcobd and Atlanta. Cou atitulJn cn rear for $1.40. jL

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