1 lit iiff ffl mm . m 13 YOL4 MABIOlNT, UST. C, THURSDAY, . MARCH7J.895- XTO 9 Vo subscription will be taken unless p:id for i advance. Five cents per line for all obituaries. Don't take the paper out of the post nifie tinier you Intend to pay for it. I oral notices 10 cents per line for firt insertion, 5 cent thereafter. Display ad $80 per column per year. rOL'ItT PltOCEEDIXOS. LOCAL GLEANINGS. Mr. fJeorge Gilkey is quite ill. Cant. Giaden, of Vein Mountain, ii in town. Messrs. John and Bratch Hemp hill are i:i town this week. Messrs. J. O. tJriflith and James Svott were among Yancey county's citizens in town this weei. from of as- an be Ilallibur r h:is betin trial this See now of Swindell, the jeweler. Mr. It. S. Meall in intown attending eourt. Mr. W.CJ. Kwland,of Lenoir, is at tending court here. Col J. F. Morphew returned Madiaou court Sunday evening. Ilon.C. F. McKesson, of Burke, is hrft attending court this week. ileun.. Charles McKesson and Tf ill PearHon, of Morf auton, are attending our court. ,.the card of Dr.cieo. 1. Iteid, who has located at Old Fort for the pract.ee of medicine, in another column. Mr It. B. Redwiae. an attorney Monroe, was in town this week to i.t in the prosecution of Secrest. rostmasUr McCurry is erecting ,i.va little brick building to ued for the post office. Col J.. Hall, of Hickory," spent a few days in town last week, in the in terest of some insurance companies. Call at Smith's shop, under Swin and hare yeur shoes repaired. 1-irst daw work at low prices guar- nnteed. The damage case of B- M. ton vs llenkle Craig !c Co ... and stands for rourt. Tim legislature allowed MssrsJF Morphew and Le Crawford - each on account of expenses of their contest, rise Mr. Morphew went to Kaleigh today. Mr.John Craig and Miss Kula Annis v o. e married at the home of Mr. f'. nnis,th brides lather, at Xebo City, .t Sunday evening. ! John Sea ;jlo officiating. " The public M bool for this district ill commence on Monday ,llareh ISth, ... .i a .,in v. Tbe name ter.chers :: jrar will b iu charge diHtinct earthquake shock was felt in Marion on Monday nigbl nhock was heavy enough for i.. f..el hut was mistaken by o ir citizens for the train. t.-i ..;n. Kntarnrise. whicli I IIP ,airuii"i' --i- suspended after the death of Kditm u..m, has made its appearand agai; . n:.i.,i .v M..tr. Elliott & no is iiuunai"-" v Gsrland. It is a newsy little sh.eot and we welcome it on our table. We learn that Senator Dula introdu ced a bill in the Senate aurfcerine the commissioner of McDowell county to lfTy a tax of $8 0-0 to erect a new jil in Marion. The court nouo of repair, and the amount ought to be large enough to provide for this. By an excha.igcof ru'pits Ilev. i. A. Hough, of Ttutherfordton, will oc cupy the pulpit in the Presbyterian church here next Sunday and Kev. Mr. Whit will occupy the pulpit of that church in Kutherfordton on tho same day. We hate just received a copy of the Free Lance published by Mr. Sam White, a former Marion boy and son of our townsman, Mr. T. A. White. The naoer is published at Fond Creek, Ok lahoma, and is a bright sheet. We wish you much succesi, Sam. The Citizsn says that M.Sherman wa arrested in Asheville last week on a charge of embezzlement, and spent two days in the Asheville jail. He af terwards gave bond and was released. He is the man who has an application tiled here for license to start a barroom : in Marion. Esquire VT. A. Lookridge says the report that Mrs. Alford was frozen to death in Dyeartsville is a mistake. The old ladT does not live in that township but across the line in Burke and is re covering, although she was badly frozen. He also says thero has not been a cnminalaction tried in Dysarts Tille for twelve months, and that the people are in a very prosperous condi tion. Mr. W. n. Westerman, a prominent clrizen of Old Fort, who died on Feb ruary 22, had his life insured in the Hartford Co .for $10,000. He was The any oiu: io.t of the sr.f.nr.sr case r.oas to kcthir FORft MINOK CASES TRIED. 1 The criminsl docket of ourcourt was ' Captain (Jaddis has gone to Andrews difno-ed of br Wednesday evening. i business. The case of State vs. Westerman, ' charged with assaulting a youog man named fteil with a barndoor, resulted in a mistrial. Westerman gave a $400 bond for his appearance next court. The Lewis women, Suiau and her laughter Agnes, will give Marion re lief for 12 Months at least. Judge Tim berlake sentenced them to jail for one year fortkeeping a bawdy house. They wiil go to Kutherfordton and spend the fciimmer in the iso-thermal belt. Steve Hemphill, colored, of Need- mere, a suburb ol uia tort, was sen tenced to jail for six months for shoot ing Ed. Crawford and Geo. Sandlin, two young men of OH Fort. Crawford f red two shot at Hemphill during the row, which occured Christmas week. State vs. W. H.Brown, assault; judg ment suspended on payment of cost. Joe Patton, who shot Jim Cowan, at a negro dance in the gallows field last winter, was sentenced to jail twelve months. Hoke Secrest was brought here on Tuesday from Kutherfordton, and ap peared before the Superior Court on that day. His coincil Mr. I). A. Cov ington presented affidavits from sev eral gentlemen to the effect that in their opinion Secrest could not get a fair trial in this County, and the case i...i r t- was removed 10 jiuiumuiuiun. w'll be tried next month. Mr. Cov ington lives in Monroe, X. C, and ap peared for Secrest before the court here some 17 years ago. Several of the witnesses in the case h ve died since his first trial. Some are living, however, among them Kev. J.C. Hartsell, Mrs. Alexander and others, who came to Marion this week to testify against Secrest. Mrs. Alex ander is the lady who was in her gar den and heard Secrest tell his wife as they pa3sed that he would kill her if she did not deed him her land. He has cost the State several thou sand dollars, and it is the general ver dict of the people that if he does not deserve hanging no man ever did. State vs J Elliott, carrying pistol; 3) days in jail. SUte vs. K;ng; $5 and cost. Stale vs. Dug Craig, judgment sus pended on payment of cost. Stale ts J. Turner and Minnie Reed continued. State vs. Pete Tate, judgment sus pended on payment of cost. State vs. Burgin Holifleld, Wm. An derson, Adam Carver and Charles tjueen; not guilty. State vs.Joe McEntire, assault and battery. Paid the'c.osk State vs. Arch McAl istcr, his wife and son; judgment suspended on pay ment of cost. State vs. Will McAllister, a. and b; four months in jail. State rs. Thomas Martin and Lewis Whitson: iudcnient suspended as to Martin; Whiison fined $10- State vs. Mills Cosby and Teague Dobson, forcible trespass; Dobson ac quitted Cosby in jail 30 days and taxed with cost. Administrator's .otice. HnvinT qualified as administrator rf Hmrr Johnson, ret-eas d, late of VclowrIi county, N. t; , tti is io notify ail persons havirp clnirr.B ajrainet the rotate of raid deceased lo ulucit them to the undcrpizned on or lefore ;he 4ib dar of Jannai j, A. I !S!6. or this notice will he pic aJ in bar of tbir recovery. This January 4th l8to ' ii. F. i, rpl.Mv. Aduiinit I rat or Don't fail to see us next week, we havn a comnlete stock of roods that suits the farmer, McCall & Conley. rrora Dr. Landrum. To the Churches of Green River Association Dear Brethren: Allow m to call vour attention to a matter, the importance) of which I feel only needs to be men tioned in order to have done, as it is iust and richt. Our belored liberal and hard-worked clerk lirother A. L. Rucker, has pub lished tho minutes ot last session , tho delay of which was not hi9 fault), at an expenso to him of not less than $14.5, with an extra loss of twenty or more days, seeing to petting them out. Now, brethren, fchall he not be paid? Can we af ford to fail? What say you? It ig but a small matter for 36 chur ches. May be some one says, "I jpaid my part." Well, so did I, but rather thau brother Kucker shall bear it all, 1 am willing to pay again. Let all the churches of the body raise what they can and forward to brother Rucker at Kutherfordton at once, and it we Ex-Coroner Dale makes a verv fine deputy sheriff. Messrs Matt McBrayer, a pop ular attorney, end C. W. Watkins. of Rutherfordton, are in town. This is lent, and not the time to eat meat, but a customer of Cliver Thomp son, who ran a portable hotel on Euro pean plan on court square this week, ate two chickens, half of a ham and 24 biscuits on Monday. Besides this, hi drank all of Thompson's coffee, and then exhausted Dr. Sam Wiseman's supply two gallons. He was eating under a contract all he wanted for a quarter. Thompson will probably have to make an assignment. 1000 Dozeu Egar; wanted next week for cash. McCallA Conley A severe rheumatic pain in the lef' shoulder Lad troubled Wr. J II. Loj jr, n well known druggist of Des Moins, Iowa, lor over six mouths. At time9 the puin wis so ser. re that he could not lift any thing. Wirh all he could do hr could not i get rid of it until he auplitd Chsmberlain's rain isalm. "I only made three applica tions of it," he says, 'And have sincr been free from all pain.' He now recommends it to persons similarly nlflk-tid. It is for s.le by Morpheiy cml While, lrtiirt ists. On last Tuesday night the ladies of the Ifaptist church gave a delightful and financially successful supper at the court house lor the benefit of the hurch. The hall was elegantly deco rated with evergreens and flowers, and adorned by the handsome faces of many of Marion's beautiful and charm ing young ladies. All present seemed to get more than their money's worth of pleasure, and the tables were sup plied abundantly with the choicest things to eat, which were prepared and served in a most tasteful manner. Mrs. Hrrgai, Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. lluth- steiner, Mrs. Nichols, Mrs. Melton, Mr. Will White, Misses Hattie and Ellen Crawford, Lilly Yancey, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Craig and Mrs. I.ee, were among the leading spirits in the enterprise, the amount realized for the church was about $-19.00. ry Iluthsteiner was tioorkeeper, a ad a large and appreciative audience vas present. For seven rears or more Mr. V. T. Louder, of Quimy, Ky , was gullet to so vere attacks of craui colic. Mr. I"'. I?. Morse, a druggist of that p'nc, tecom- mended CharalierlrtiH'a olic. ChoUra and Di ir-hoe Itemvdy, which has effecte'l a permanent cure, saving her nmeh suflVr- ing b?ids the troub'e and expense of sending for a doctor, whicli was oltea fee- essarr. For sale bv Morphew pn-1 White. Druggists. A motion was made today before Judge Tiinber'ake to remove the cape of Doddrr. Parks & Nichols and Jo? G eal to Burke county. The motion was sustained. It is a suit over the money for which Parks & Nichols got a judgment against Adams, a railroad contractor, some months ago. About $1,100 is the amount, and the money i in Sheriff Neal's hands, who will hold it untill the courts decide whether Vr. Dodd can set up a better claim to it than Parks & Nichols. Tm Kzcobd and Atlanta Weekly Constitution ouo year for $1.40. FIIYSiriAXand SLItUEOX Offers his professional services to the public. Office : Old Fort, X. C. Sale of Valuable Lands. Bjr viitue of powers contained in a deed of trust executed by W. D. Sumcers on the 14th day of Auetist, 1688, and duly registered in McDowell county, in Book 3, page 456, on. the 26tb day or Aagust, 1881, (sm id mortgage being a tirt lira on the property hereinafter, mentioned) the no-it-rsigned .Mortgagee?, wiil sell by public :utcry to the highest bidder at the Couit house door in Marion, N. C , on Monday, the 1st day of A pi il, 1895, the following .ands situated in McDowell county: Tract Xo. 1. ICnown a3 ''The Duncan Mill Tract," containing about 63 acres. On tL is is situated u first clats corn. Hour tnd saw aiill in good repair. Tract No. 2. Known s the Bri k bouse trict of about 80 acres, o- which is situa ted a good biick dwelling house. Tract No. 3. Known as the "Gold Mine" tract of 110 acres- Tract No. 4. Known as the Mountain tract ofabout 200 acrep. These are fine lands, in good condition near the city ol Marion and offers a splendid opportunity tar investment. These sevi rai tracts join each other and will oe sold separatt-ly and thtn as a whole. TERMS 'ASII. For further information address, I?UEBEN IUTSOLt,1 A. F. M l'kdgck. fhsnrriving Trustee. tate8vi.lc. N. C. Or D. Summers or J. O. Neal, Marion. NOTICE. Jiy virtue of the power confered on me in a certain mortgage deed execu ted by Herbert Near to the undersign ed on the 2I5rd day of August S93 to secure the judgment of a note for $90.00 bearing exan date with the said mort gage deed, judgment having been made thereof 1 will sell to the la?t and highest bidder at the court house door in the town of Marion, county of McDowell, on the lit day of AprU lf-r5at 12 o'clock in., all the right title and interest of the said Herbert Near in and to the following described lands towit: A certain tract or parcel of land being in Mc.Moweil county on the headwaters of Grassy Creek, Uroad Kiver township, Mr. Hen- and known and described as follows: Known as therM. L. Williams land ad joining the land of A. A. Dalton, Hit .1 gins and others, heretofore purchased by the said Herbert Near from one M Ii. Williams, containing: one hundred acres more or less. Terms of sale cash. This March 1st 1895. E. D.Carter, Mortgagee. D. E. Hudgins, Attorney. 111 1 1 i i .j NOTICE By virme of a Mortgage Deed exfonted to me bv II irve Carton, I will ie!t at the t onrt home door io. Marion oh the 4th day of March 18f5, one lot in lb nr.rth west pait of the town of Marion, described aslol.ows. Artjoining Grorge Marklin. M.trk Winters an d others, conuioiog one fourth " an acre. Terms of gal? cash. This 2ad day of Tebuary 1893. G. U. (ixitvii, Sheriff. Sale of Valuable Real Estate. By virtue of a decree of th Suporior Court, rendered on the 3rd day of Septem ber. 1H02. in the case of J. L. Morgan ad ministrater of P D. Morgan, deceased airair.it J. P. HooduraMt, the nndersgned will srll io Ihe highest bider at the court ii.jHie door in Marior-, N. C on Monday, March 4th, 1805, at 12 o'c'ock. m. lot No. 2! in the plat o' land in the town of Marion uhich belonged to Ihe intcitale of the un designed, and which wes plat, hy G. W. Crawford, surveyor, for the undersigned. Ihe plat of said lot will be xhibited at the sale showing tbe dimeosloiss of the same. Terms: One halt cash, bal ance on a credit of eix months, with inter est from jate of sale, seenred hj tote with approved stcurity. This febraary 1, 1893. J L. Morgan, Administrator of I. 1. Morgan, deceased. By virtue of an execution issued from the Superior Court of McDowell county in the case of M. II. & E. J. Justice vs A. Iliggins nd to satisfy f aid execution I will sell to the hiffhesf bidder for cash at the court house door in Marion, N. C on Moudav March 4th 18!)3 at 12 o'clock in., ihe following real estate towit : The interest of A. Higgins in a tract of land known as his James Town tract adjoining- th lands of J. 11. Hem oh ill. Krifrht aud others and containing about 120 acres more or Jobs. This January 31st 1S)5. G. H. Gauuix. Sheriff Of McDowell Dounty. just In - ' new line of American dust proof watches. Pri es the lowest the jF-wirLfin." ' Parties ilesirinp Fire Ineuranco Pleaso gir rue A call. I am . . Company nnd solicit your patronage. My oflica It at "the old Crmi Building, wbere I Keep a good line of Hardware. Mystoek Will be more complete Than ever. Hoping To merit vour Tatronnp- liv )nndv n.i . a . j inJi urniinaj, i nrr) YOURS TRULY. W. JP, JOKES. OHIO RIVER & CfljUiCE8T0OnL' rASSEXGER DEPARTMENT. No. 33. 1 (K)im 20 pm FOR SALE CHEAP OOIXG NOIJTH Lv. Camden " DeKalt 44 West vi lie " Kershaw " Heath Springs " Pleasant Hill " Lancaster 4 Riverside 14 Springdell " Catawba Junction " Leslie " Rock Hill " Newport M Tirzah " York vi lie ' Sharon " Hickory Grovs ' Smyrna Ar. Ulacksburg IjV. P.lack6burg " Earls " I'atterson Springs " Shelby " Lattimore " Moorssboro " Henrietta " Forest City " Kilt nerrord ton " Milwood ' Golden Valley Thermal City Glen wood " Gardners Ar. at Marion 1 1 V1 pm 2 0 pm 2 15 pm 2 20 pm 2 40 pin 2 5" pin . 0.) pm 3 15 pm 3 24 pm 3 44 pm 3 59 pm 4 05 pm 4 20 pm 4 35 pm 4 50 pm 5 0; pm C 25 pm No. 12. 8 45 am 9 (?5 am 9 15 am 9 40 am 10 11 am 10 23 am 10 45 am 11 13 am 11 4: am 1 1 57 am 12 2o pm 12 27 pm 12 59 pm 1 '; pm 1 15 nm Lewis Maddux, PitEsiDKXT. L. P. McLovd,Casbiz. WESTER1T CJttOJJI.2rjL. BAN"X ASHEVILLE,. C KSIUNATF.I ftVATB DEPOOITOIXY. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $2S 000. We have Special facilities for handling tbe buainesi of MercbanU and otbers iu Western Xorth Carolina. If you have no Bank account or think of a change, we will be glad to have you correspond witk ru. APIARE Hardware Hardware. O. W. O. Hardtuan, Sheriff of Tyler Co. Y. Va., appreciates a good thing and does not hesitate to say so. He was almost prostrated with a cold when h procured b tt!e of Lhatiberlain s Couch Hemedv. He s-ijs : "It pave nie projipt relief. 1 find it to be an invaluable ren.edr lor coughs and colds." For sale by Morphew Si White. raise more than due him it can b native of Germany, and has lived at j applied to the expense of getting Old Fort three years. He was an en terprising man and his death is de plored by many friends who yinpi thize with the bereaved family. Mr. L. L. McKay went to Washing ton yesterday to make final settlement if the claim allowed by the govern ment for flOLRfiO. This claim has bsen centime for thirtv Tears. It is for the ship Nautett which was built hy Mr Donald McKay, father of Mr. L. L. McKay, for the United States. AVe ccngratolate Mr. McKay upon his good fortune in securing the money which ought to have been paid long ago. Ther ar four heirs, hence h TriU gst otift-fotirth of ttfe amotiftt. Nice stock of lig-ht groceries jut ar rived. Morphew & White. Most anything in tlie Grocery nne can be found at Morphew White's. For Sale: A good bakery and res taurant for sale in Morganton. Three years lease on building. Rent low. Address Lock Box 9S, Morganton, N.C. Cu G and be supplied, Morphe w All varieties of Garden sed phew & White's. White at Mor- 4 ACRES FiNtbT FRQFfcRTY in Marion for residences. Three room cottage, stable, fruit trees, grape vines, excellent well of water, etc. This is a high and beautiful loca tion, and on a good street. Will go at a bargain m one lot or will sub-divide to suit purchaser. 10 ACRE TRACT one-fourth mile from 3 (J s depot. Crood water, and land lavs well. Will divide or sell in a lot. ONE BLOCK LOTS, 1 mile from courthouse containing small house for sale cheap. NIIHIIKHAN LUIS. 1 Have some beautiful lots for $10 to $50 each 5 ACRE TRACTS- Ten of these just close enough for good market or poultry farms. Price low. As agent for others I have a list of LARGE AND SMALL FARMS For sale on easy term?. Call on of address, P ALL KIM We have added a fresh stock o' Gro ceries. Call and see us, Morphew & White. Seeds at Morphew fc White. gjJT AH persons indebted tc u.- w il p!esse m tile hy March 15th, we can't let th accounts .-iand longer. MiCail Conlcv. tin the Asociational Historv tor I which no provision has been made j hv ilia h.Je fniiip lirprhmn Irt's I pay this honest debt. This appeal Te sure and oa!i on Metal! A Conley is made without tht knowledge of durinsr court week, they have the most i DID YOU SAY SHOES. Anv one wantins good HAND MADE SHOES or rerairinsr ean b acconniUMiated by calling at Smith shop. He will vive von :.r!t (la n,a- terial and work at hard titr.e prirs. He can he f"t!nd urder Sv ii'deH'-- j. -elry str for .'t few d.iy until -in get a r.rn fitt-d up at tliet raig block. No. 12. 4 25 pm 4 41 pm 4 48 pm 5 14 pm G 17 pm 5 35 pin 5 50 pm 6 13 pm 0 50 pm 7 05 pia 7 8 03 am 8 19 pin 8 28 pm (30I.NO SOUTH Lv. Marion Gardners Clenwood Thermal City Golden Valley Milwood Kutherfordton Forest City Henrietta Mooresboro Lattimore Shelby Patterson Springs Earls Ar. lilacksburg 1-v. J.lacksbura: " Smyrna " Hickory Grove " Sharon " Yorkville " Tirzah " Newport Kock Hill " Leslie " Catawba Junction " Springdell " Kivcrside u Lancaster Pleasant Hill " Heath Springs " Kershaw " West vi He " DeKslb Ar. at C.miden. No 33 I)inner at Cert haw. Nos. 11 and 12 have ronnectiou Marion with Southern Railway. All trains will stop on signal at Oak hurst. St. Lukes, Caskeys, Koddeys, Old Point London. Kings Creek and Vein Mountain. S. B. Lumpkin, G. P. A. A.Tbipp, Superintendent. 1 have a full assortment of all kinds of hardware, cl u ding Builders supplies, such" a3 nails ioCKsand hinges. also, paint, oil and white lead, i have a fine line of Gunai both breach and muzzle loaders, from $2 50 upto $40.00. fitnvpa of all Drices and kindi. incldding the celebrated Hew ikuotk 8 45 pm Cook Stove. Heating Etovea of all kinda and prices. I also do all kinds of T n Koohng ana uuuenng. Remember I sell a good axe for 00 cents ; a good Mattock for 60 ie. I will sell you nail at the very low price of 1X0 per keg, factory r i i ... ! II .r.AAivt mw -varatiin1 and lirnmnt font irit i price. jian orners mm icv.cno ; j.-.. With eight years experience in the hardware buaincss, 1 think I ant prepared to give you good in my nne at m rj iuwhi, pumotv; 45 am 8 10 am 8 23 am 8 38 am 8 58 am 9 13 am 9 20 am 9 45 am 9 55 am 10 10 am 10 20 am 10 32 am 10 50 am 11 10 am 11 15 am 11 29 am 11 42 am 11 55 am 12 15 am at T. I. Mm .Morganton, N. C. C LINMY A MIMA I EYTnAP.TSi &T f'O it i: V- T- I, A w MA!. 'TON", N.C. Ortice inC'ouit Hon. brother Rucker. Youra ore. M. M. Lasdrom. Marion, March Ut, 1895. 0"J. G. NICHOLS & BKO., have just received a very large stock of gen eral merchandise consisting of cloth ing, dry goods, shoes, hats, notions, queensware, woodenware ana groce complete line of shoes in the city. Farmers try the South-IIend Plow, for sale by McCall fe conley. Sold on one weeks trial. Mrs. Fmily Thome, who reside at To!e do, W asntngton, says ibe baa never beru Tariff was in effect before this ! ble to procure any medicine for rh stock was purchased, therefore prices are the lowest ever offered in Marion. Call and see them. Hardware of all kinds Is one of their specialties. tisra inm relieves the xm so quickly nnd effectually as Chantberlain'i Puin Dlm and that the las also used it for liaie b.ck with grent (access. For a!e ly Uorj hcw WLite Dru,'gt?u. 'iant l'J usd Elda OIrtritr. ; cctria cui? f-r CLroaic e'ore Lyc fc:-.iUtii Eye LMj, Sere tipples. Pi'w u. u'i'etUr, Gelt llhtcza and Scald 3 w pti Lex. For s&k Ly drcggisL. TO HC23E0W2rEBB. i W putting horse in a Cce heahhy cti. ...ra try lr. Cadr'a Ondiuon Podczv y tone up the relem, aid dlpe?4in, cu; .cf arpeutp, reficTe rocatlpauon, correct -.Uucy disorders and destroy twim. giriog Ue to on old ororer worked horse. 2Z, tzsXs per package. For ale by draggifits. Morphew & Streetman. VERMIFUGE The old-fashioned and al- ! ways reliable remedy for stomach disorders. One bot'le has killed 614 worms. Thousands of people living to-day owe their life to this medicine. The same good medicine thf i;Vfiftr. THE mot complete line of general iryuuriiruc' storekeeper don art.' uu-rchaudioCis at the old llvaiiiS Store ko p it. brivl -ir. fur one txxtl;- to i E. AS. FREY. Baltimore. . 'Uojse. THE X Hllltl t DR. WI. A. HAMMOND, ! fcto Uboexory at W SS. C CKBKBRIXr, tvm the bttd: tl St. HEDtXUVE. frii tk rAl cw4, f A A tiwtHi f taa coca. ( T CASSDIJf E. tnm tk art. (or TCllTrXB. frm tb tw. To toftlitiMtM. ArrpLr U tfc 91 IwCU 3fli. tlirrd! .. tmty f m hnft. Trm ft ks tLM. i Tk I by ioWcl SVrt (fOll bf ot ib paU with tU A f Anovas aoJ 4V T tBUon to tse has4.raCUtrallosl tTV . T of Um pnlsir loram of Ihm e pr!tJlif Mtm of t act a la nwcBltr etreovtl crtaa d or of finaa l raatf yofiajlo, aad ieraoa npr i c;imuti mm wiil bo nail ad. mcttkw wtb iti ojun 9 HicrMar oa tb t.t. a rtS of artM, Tm! COIXKBIA CUaaUjCAli 8.C -1 OS TIE MIALT50 Of Til IITIOJO- iowdDalni I flIISWn and Blood D!rcitC5 .It purifies, builis up a4 terklwa p the blood, and aevtr falla Quto cure the moat lavtterata L EASES, if directions ars fet rjlljwei. Thouaaadaof cts 1 fut ptoplt souni its pralaea and attest its virtuo. GTVRrTE for Doek t Wa- ttcrf rf Cares, aestt free est eUcsttlesi. If not kept by your leeal drurzist. cend ija fat Iar bottle, or Si-co for six bottles, and iseikiae friil U seat, freight paid, ty nvoon bils cex, Atiaimtm.ca. Damaeed Hardware. I have a lot of hardware, tlightlr damaged Ly fire, for sale at reduced price?. Call and see me. 9. Pysart. UKO. I. HUITE, n. D MARION, Ne C.s Offer hiB profotsional serricf to the public. Th ItrcoRD and ,At!anU Con ititutic ono yeur for $1.40.

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