MA1U0N llKCOIM).! TliC Vuhmt ' Iilarlili. Opinion of .North ' 'lrad'ey S II mi arre. 13 J'1 1 CiaEtcrlali's Eya aci Eiln Cizitnaat ! Is a ctitiln crrc for Clircre.c S;rc t'vc-A i Cnro'inn. l iv j h on-u.t. P 0 PUBLISH Elf KVERY 'J II CIIsDAY IN THE PEADODY NcKMAL OUKir, Cliarlotte Observer. Harnett, XV II loo acres. ' S.I 25 res. J Grcrr.iLdcJ Ilys LM, Sere ipjlc-i, 1 i!, ji 7,7 KcznrTci:-;--, Salt Ithsuai r,.l l I!nJ, li ' 25 cir, ItP sOX. Fcr ca5 ly drug-r tili J". O iXjIiTISnE 5T, N AM! VILLI:, TKNN. t !..... :. ji : .! . . l-i r - Curry, J II ore lot. . 1F mjll. 1 KltC I'll. i:diir mid Proprietor. - A IVabodv .cholarhi j is worth the M dico-I.e:;al Journal, of New J.ii:i one lut. .!O0 :s v,nr:,.,i ,1,- stmb , fs rail- York. All Vhyu :r: r.rd r- ; .y, 15 BJ ijSrnt cne lot Kn'tTcd nt I h !'- in Marion as . , , f..n ,. .;j . ,(( . g -Hi- !c. ,r v- .. !:. I: now t Ii . t . ."Ur ;.f", , wr.u.ukii'.'iib iiim cuuor 01 In son. Tod one lot. 2 55 4 2 lr; JI I . ,1 73 I I CI to hchc.t: cvt:f-T:?. F -r putting a horv i:i a f rc heritor ccu :!.;! try i f.v. Cac; '.; .: l? -r. r. .! 'r3. If so it will pay you to go to i K- t rcitf, iiii'l is : f r t mi : --i :: : c p; - ;. 1 'J' : I a N-. n! IT. " T V.' Si A IC . V, V .' rM-'f r 5 ; -- r T7 Tin: non: or oi it ( oi m uv.i v.(ljr, -k h,. , .p,.:;Ihip-a:c x K.-.r'iii'c. . no i:'in t Tli' 'f tin-country to-.lav ; tri-'n:-il to th" sovf-n-.l M::.-, J'Vj..,;.., , , ( , . ,. : . .,,.,., .J.i-i-. J K lios not with an' one 'f th'.' i , , , : . ,, :,, .... t-1 ir..'!..- th" Jollowu-.-.txtrnct: f ivn-rffias U o,u. 7 a-n-v ical parti ' s t!.; P-moerati'.. l-n , . V t, ir,.; -1 r.-:ni No th Carolina now a3 Vej.i, Early a...i c:., 4w-rci puhlin. Populist, Imhioh. I'''- i,tr.-tioM thi, awanl ir.!.-U-uat.-(lt. t'i'- fonioo-. . uiW in iw n-vv . f, i(. uu liihiti'.iiift, or nny othf-r party, or with uiiy i oiit,rloiM"rati'u or com mixture of thorn. Tim 'lay ot truo .tat-ina!irliii ir i;oii' I- nianhcr with th': tiling 1" loiiiiu; to th: l-al ia-! . 1'un', mjailo-d lovy of country is no louc-r tin jnotivo that incites in.r.: to riit -r th. i?rvic' of th'-ir country; 1 ut narrow. r:v::ti. low, ''a- .', vih hat' -l'ul, fi!!y hvf! f n.-If and lov? of f -r i &t.f a.i i-- t-r- i . : ac- 1 ! i 1 1 c 12 7 ) 17 hi 41 5 r.t 75 : i n 1'. 7 hi rank in th - futur" You have tvn d cker-o . IJ u " i.acfiit l:co acra. 27'.-. Eolith. ToM!' i- Jt rlcrf h.'O' ImI-' Wliitm J E ki acre-, and ("-onii;. and ALoi-ma next. I i jVJj,)!1,: ,., "7-,-vi-iK-d h,.t yar viy Stat; except iiat'Jl'j lh ri(ia and 'IVm: A J ovr it. V..:r Stsit.M.- to l-'in the front ! 'l ,'r:v'.J" a r" th Stat sii)Ori!it'.rid.nts incrn iun"i:'ii v. itl th- jir -sid'-nt f th' col !'.. Th'- v.!:oh' numl'-r ot rf!,o!ar-hi;r- now L'O I. of which Noitii Cr'iiifja i.-s ,ntit!fd to 2D. 'in" fji'.alili -ation for l e.'oniin :i romn-tit )r lor a fc'i'dar-hin ;:i :i follows: 'Hi'- ai.n i.ant niu-t 1 , , . . ' Oiv.a:t McKo Srathf' & Co. noth- h -ss lh;.n m-.!U'"-ii ar ot r . ......... r ,:r-.,nU ,,irr ,,, ui'' oouoiu oi in civilization oi - v,.v.n r..r..i;.... , .,wi .i va,u,,t'r. J. l. -'.' tll.J l.l' r: rf.sourc than you r.-.-inii-r. wts o acrs. .,,.1 ,. -. ,,.. i a , lirifiKj J i- s altry j.-If is t!:c ruling motive to dav. I'oliti';.; has h- roiii" u jr -ft-rr-ioji, and m n ' iiti-r th: prot -i-h-o n h. of th" nn-ii'-y lhat. in it. '1 ah" away th" i- dari'-- thai -,W' to th" ofM'-"S ;;!:d th"opnor- tunitics that th" ofiic-r. atfid of (IimIii' i r'-in t.i" j.""ji", aiMi th' hungry horde of c lli"' --'. ki.,-hound-. th" di-rac", th" rhaii;", thv l-h;"k'ji::ird, tin? scandal (if Am' ri' iin civi!iz:itioi ; s".' th"in tuck th' ir tails and tdink away Jik" cowardly cur from an ' inpty lcns ui -1 . rJh"o!.j ct of politi cal di.-'-i-io'!-! to-day not to ( nliIil n tl."", lut to h. fojr and I . ''!)'. and h'Ms i!d-r th ptih-li- mind and to l T tn I- it into a dii";'"r nt cha.)!, 1 of political hc li'.f fiom that in w hi"h it has l. - n ru:i!iin!. I 1 1 1. tl " p 'ojilu aro h. .'inn'ni'4 to think for then wiv'-. II. -rc li s tin- hop" of th- country. J.ik" the Pl-hciam ! Horn", t! "y arc coming to tlcir own r -cu. . '1 ho p"iilician may ivt upaiid hol low htms If hoar-e in trying to t -1 1 tli" people that. Icy reason of a vo ct nt reduction in the tan IV, they can t a mit of clothes for t'J) no.v that, h. fi.r" the pas.-:..-of the a-t r-dncin th" taritV, c l I.Ut tli" pi;.. pie klloW thilth" i ly- in. Anotla-r politici .a may in.) and sijii'.ak and lik" two ni'-r-i iinih-r a f.-nc.- in trvimr to bhow the people how, h lea.-oll of an act. rai.-im; the tarilV on certain articles, th" price, paid for lahor has lien advanci d a hundnd p r c. nt, hut he can't d. ccive th-; man who.-e common sen.-e and empty juirse t"! 1 h i m thai he does not g t half as much f. r his lahor a; he line" ilid. Y(;s ; tie- p "tie at" lv -uinning to think for t hems"l vcs. to open their . yes. Tin y are I innin to m-i: t he riehes that lie ar-und them, the wealth of mine, forest and li"!d. They aro to work to j owvi these, riches, to iv; -.nor in err- than thirty; if irre ipa -haMe moral character, in Kood h'-alth, wi'h no physical !"-f'-cts hahil-, or ecci-nt ricit i'-s winch wi.ld interfer.' w ith .-uec' ss in le.'i-.-hing ; and must, make- r p!-d:e of int'-ut to t i"di for at lejist two year i aft-r rad.uation. d' vi lop the mine-, to enrich th'ir t,, hhi it dow . I.:av lo Vii 2Si CaM. A ceiit leman of t he l";:al frater nity, with, a v. "li th velop'd ca.-e of iim-jam-, ami so lwr rone that a iri"iid Idled a rtoiit man to hold him his seat, was passing oy.-r one of (ur North 'Jaioln.a vail roadi a few days ao. cursing and threatening; with suit for damages in e'ery court from h"ie to the Sw-qu' iianna tie who were res traioii!' hiio. He turned sud'h n lv ard the tar Ik el, ami sa'd : "Mv Irinid, is th'-reany law f ( r n 1 ... . ,. ..i;i.,.ro..-' l ; i u -i i ii j i i 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 ' i 1 1 1 1 1 i j Iii" ( arohoian replittl: "i .h :Tt know. We had a Legisla ture down here that did a heap f t liimr- nohi.dy eyr heurd of he- fore. iavl-e they m.ide a law to hi 'Av ca-". .ews-()hseiyer. i he farmers o! two counties m Missis?dppi luive de'Cide-d to aban don edton raising and ji;o hack t the old method of raising tle-irow n home supplies. In order to carry out their ?chomeH niccfs-fully they "have secured the merchant'-; seryic. Their part (f the lan after January lt, 1S'.M, will he not to r-oil on credit any corn, hay, pease oats, potatoes, or any other product of tho kind to a farmer. This would ho as jjuod as a cash trade- syst. in for l)oth farmer ami merchant. Fayetteyiile ()hserer. stati: m:vs. IJuth. r fori! ton is to have a com plete system of water-works. Ths. Cimo, inounziie buyer i'"r ;;". I.. Fn-rhsl', -New Yt.rli City, wit! ip :i ;..r!i..i i cf ia;M;,v:iu Ihh; wa-'h. t'.ii- liir.k.-s .lc,!0.i wcrth two wtfks, fiiss the Slifibj A.i reia. A colored woman was placed m Pamlico county jail, Friday, on ti;e cli ii;e of ! urniirj; her child alive. She put it in the fireplace on ihe iot coals, and put an oven im on i r.s c :ol and i;tttpa . ., A ., i: a ...nt m acr. ie nation; and. ' John r03 a r ?. sound i?s anv in tie i-lmt .-.i.i.u t vj.ii m-, ,. Ilariiiim. ; m- ' .t. . " .. . c Harvt-v. W II Sac tn.pfi". l.-. like tho worn in; oi water ; jvA at sea and all w ill corne clear,'t,t, U k :t a.-ies. 15 l't l :v 9 K 4 7 0 S ' 12 71 22 y." 1 4.";i hriht. beautiful and hoalthy in i . i 'VI , . J ! MiMr, " I- 1 1 ' acres. olie time. Sii::h, Sa-i. : ac es. ' II 1- l')' ;u- s. " T, , , . ! I!;'.tir,SuHi ot I II W one lot. -now an ad, y i;u il r-a; a ..;dm ; tv.w , An,MI!. j .-i-am a l.ahit you'd rea; a ( haractcr : .-ew aj Mlilia'rc'l. ( Inra' tor, v oi."il nnii a tit-rliny." Se- : lart!t-tt .1 11 2- a.ves 1 i;iuin, C II oi e i t. Morphr-w t': Srr etn?aii. , I I whIsnTnT." i E:j.A:risr.i :u;f s v., DL'ALhi: IN 1 SASH; DOORS XD: iiLisns. F?.;0S FL'F.KISKED CN j AFPLJGAT10N. W. L. Douglas I VW 9-3 a NO CPU A Mf.G. Au-i oilier si-H.ialtlf f r Gen:lT.wa, Lj!. Ecas mm. r AT lORGANTON. N. C. For anything you want. Save your Railroad fare by gohi to sec them, or send outer for what you want. Satisfaction in tit, style, quality, and s guaranteed. Tlie largest stocr; in Westesn Noith Carolina. failM m to Prices A Isso;j in nioIozy. I 'ro fester st uti v i n r et y mo!orv : -'vir," : ' ' v'- , . ., l .ar-i' , linn in-'in, a man "ir.e, a hap: " lrgin, a man- , (;n.,.,,,( jbn vt r.O acre-. 15 an, l'iiiu 1: a -o-s I Ilyiaun lla kvi nJ l t 1 liv U"- .J 'Ml 1 lot. i i;linit tt, A a sevt-r Aet-iit ir.o U -it s. 4 ; Coii'iry. J H ii'-rcs 47 io oi 2 r. . ' ELEGANT SUITS FOR MEN HAND BOYS! GENTS' FURNISHINGS! 0v rcoats and .Melntosho-, be.-t goods and latest Ntvies, trail. o t I.e. Ilr. rv Hi-ii nl.i l I; 11 a-r-s ar.'t 1 lot I la: v v M A 40 do t!o The lar"e i r n-l most beautiful line llt ini li'Il Joe l lot .f 1 1 ::,.ui- -v.-r liroac-'il. lo ll-ViH si K5 aTCS Beet h the World. nont which apjtrarsln U.U J( Tote ca Stlstitnte. Insist on Lavli.g W. I.. ioi;las' Pilots. with canie fcnJ rice ipeJ oa brtci-u Sold Ly We will compare ixoods and prices with Wanamakcr or anylodv -Ur Square dealing and one price to nil. Call on us or .-.end us your or lors. V.'e keep every art ic!o ound in a first-class clothing houi. lies pi ctfully. C0LLETT G1LI.AM, Morganton. N C. J. S. DVSi-RT Marion, N.C. G. S. THUhCG, Old Fort, N. c. Marion at Mrs. J. P. N'. r tun's l.v l I ;.ii W ifoliit (i W o.i r , .) k (!l--ll .1 .J iiv r .1- .( lo pn do 'j"i ll.Ti-S i (!o 1-. do No u e to go bare-foot any longer, tor you can p. . any icinuoi ; s tti.,v ,. Win. Jt m a'-rcs sin e, line or course, for Sunday or i S her J la H7 t' 1 M,.'..ll 1 i.i.l'- . .M OH Li-niev 1 S:-.:i.!l.u riiinon i::i I'la.vlor II M lo Co -4 l,J t'.it- n.i- 1 'vj;l stllio tli- hili( st l.iJoer i iVati.iiis W A il '' J i 4 . . ,i . . o i KXKC fTli!X .MP. l(,ik lYoik.M TT do is 40 r ,l tl - loot house door in living 1.. n (Vi if:r d aa E.Tf.oUrix o j Ailiso . V It, . II A ayt. V00 arres a ! ion, N.C.fii t n.iay Mmv Cth Is'.tJ at t-.e i-MatT- .f lieiuii h West.n n,d-c-:tst-':i Il.ueiii Mrs M M 7 aeo s '! ;.''!. J Cu.4. m., l!.-. tu'lowiiiir rt-io csiau as lH,eoiol.,,e;!fo,i,ay. thuis to no-ify J.V 1 l(lt j .1. i-ro;, , , v ... 5oL a. ,0.. to- w it: ,iL'o.l,:,v,,tl,'I!1ton,,onor b.for.- ""vCU " t in- i:- i. r:.t; cl April l'-t'0,or this ri.tice (j,',,!,.,. "(; " a cl i ' ! ' 1 -ei-l Ni-. t iv-k Mini.09-1 of will l.f j.'ii-ui in of ihi'i r-fivcy I ! . v ij n. ,s) oit a"ivs 1 i vi-i.i! !i. -(S a J .t.j 'in n j ai.d Luna .t 1 oa do io -1 :;7 o u i !i." 1 .v i C. So 1 t i I iV j to e , 11 r.l ! Mcllawll t-. ui'.t in the ci.-cs o.' I. N. Lon- 11 9' I ,jh lf.. Fiui k CoXi- assij-uff s. .Jo' t! Car l-'5 CO 1 .... ...... inn lino 1. j . .-lm iiur ;u:i u. t . o cat. 5 o; - vii-.i - ot st v. ia' xecuii:3 in my i haii-L- i.-uf; ii i:i the ujiiior CUurt o; PfVD pom IT a uniio 1 r? r -Tiii:- 1 7 2 .-.- j i J. V.. a vs Jehu (.'a! 101 ana io stijlv ill i,'-ro..:S i .:t .N-.l t th- fiitt! tt.ite fi? 'fcrtl-y no!ifit-'.J 10 tnnke ininit diate m.-it. Mrs. V.. L. Wts i-ru an, .Vpril -C 1S;.). Executrix. .SIIKIMI F'. ;.A'i: OF LAS D F0 a TAXKS (oc niet W i: (In .is) ie ia"ivs lii.'.'Mi. , M .ti da aoos Ha; nso3iE, Stylish, Fast and High-bred Trotting Stallion, will maki: thi: si:aso. or ino. i. "OU can always wll the l est, lin ed n other kind. If you wnnt jJ to raise a fine saddler, breed to FOREST KINt;, for he goes nil : the saddle gaits ; if vou want a line driver 1 1 to him. for lie I i uf J' IJ'"'v:'"i J IL I) ,vi is"n (i i"? tho i'mest ; if you vvant a geotl farm horse breed your mare to Kinj, 2':t7 I v"t,tl u Tat,' t,!i 1 ,v' u,'i hr the f for the ilaniblctonians make the best of farm horses. They are iiiMIi- r ii io V'i iii'iii.s Krwi'i Foid, o:. J.e, T . V acit N tt it 1111; e, i W one !ot tfl t'elllO"", i: Ij -') M-r s Sef. l'-mi; i. Win Sr, 7.". acro.s TiMb l 15 V 2.'Haoifs WilUi -is . M 77 a.-res be. 1T i i: -HaoifS Vi-ui.g J M TT a -r-s VIM Y T W N-HIC lieldf, to e nploy be t.r met hod S ol tilling th" soil and of keeping up its fertility. They arc beginning to tru.t to their ow n ability and to the "Ford of the harvest," rather than to Congress, which, whenever they have ask- for bread, has given th"iii 11 stone, and, whenever they have asked for a fish, has given t hem a serpent. "behind the dark cloud is the The p.oph: of Statesville ale mailing an el 'fort to erect a Conf. ti er, to monument at that pia-v. The amount vvantet! isl.."K). Only fH'.Oof this li:is be n rai-ed as yet. A correr-pondent t(dh the Samp" son Democrat thnt the Fegi-lature appointed as a magistrate br one of the townships ot JJladon county a negro who died in tho peniten tiary two years ago. A deal that means much for imlus- Iy virtue of levies made by me for dtmoilr i;i payment of due cp to ami includinj; the year is'.), I wi:i ex pose 'o p.ililic, sale mrca.-li at the court b(e;se in M.f ion, N. CM on .TaojM'ay -liny tii, : be various lots and parteis of land lu reiii ic.ra.'J. The whole of each tract or contig uous body of land belong to the delin quents will be odered fur -.-ale at the same time ami the bid v.ill be struck oil io him who will pny the amount of taxes with all expenses fertile smallest pari of said bind. 'I be purchaser i.-.u-t nav the amount doe on the scot or the laud will be resold immediately. Kach j And wn, Z Y&U V, 4'iiaies, tract will lie so ii m tat: order named Jjiii.-y M C. :57it a -res, b.-io.v, and tin- sa'e v.ili ccifintie from I ol a'-- Vaf.tibi ., jiyies da v I" n oil a:! is Ceiiu e-i u.. j s i ? ' -'-'t ' ' ', . . ..' fs..i, V, 'l 1AUI.N l ."V-J fil". 1 .. . 1 T ! KSt Is ? -' ' ; ''.'.:-."!. .!','' IT-. . Ihi'i sC'Vl b-'s, lle'j.-. S Pi 1 i II '. ' l.ih, Mai -I I r.s, s ... I.iar, -1 F hts. 3 il- tl.:'l, C K 2 lols. 1 lo .'t.hns .iu W J.'Juacies. IK . 5 ICiael.-y. .1 A 1 lots, 1 io t.ttl 1. I auia 2 I N. 4 4i K'l.i! '. Maud and Litis 2 lots, 1 1" K tfii.ii 11 A A h i. , 2 M 1 aclo , .1 M -ix r.ed half acits, 2 ''y I) V :J!tts, it;- " ' V 1.4 ".ts, 2 2 Lewis, W V 01 e lots, o I awimr. 1. N e. lots, 3 ::." Lew Is. L C 2 i. ts 1 20 i:,,, ii' 11 1 .(.." acri's L'..Mt ln.ii u '. s:t lu-wA " TO j W-91 b.- C..1h.xIm Hi.-i-r a:.d the .and Ib I. 1 'ink or.;' lot Jan es Mrs. Jt.da one lot KeetoM, (J.tb ia () -.teres Ljtle. 15" "i a i t s I vie I J ill aor..s L tie, C"li M acres Lvtie, Wll :1 .-eivsoi.e 'ot I yr c P.. ck 1 lot Moore 15 L 37 a-res Mori is.-ii, J l'O iKves Child .lolin 1770 acrt-s . bl.-tt, Tho oil 'ot S 0! y 17 8 2: Varlln Till:.- an: t . .e bo. d of I he ht-irs of r,.nt durable, kind Ulld quick. Joi n lladt-v il.-ff.--d. on ihe b. t by !i:e PEDIG-RBB : i y i: 1. 1 e n iiion ;.ii.i W IJel , -;hi,;,-r. i.d,l,,,.o lK,in hue!, ,he lands fQJ KING WAS BRED IN LEXIK3TGN, KYM and Six Year, old , V"hf Min e 'leK to i-...i JohCnr?o,, ' JIis ivc is VFTFKAN, (a Imrso that can trot close to L-U) ho hv 4s;j , by los l. ...o. M. (..oo . d.c.ast.i. : .ei 1 p.v ,,,.,,, 1 ' llin Ule-cri' i.l till 1 v ir a ia.t-e'- f.o.e . L 1 'iblK'.l, .UK1 .1 5 2.j I Cirsoti arei v it t- 1 nis. V i), AiiiM-n, J II Agt SO acres y.s.ii (t, .-too. r 1 le7, Parks. T e' 7 at-res " ' f i-. s 3 s. :." a ai ,:. aad v it t . T. 15 il ibtU.l j - , , , , l a TWX tt 1 A u reunr in i ,k 3 w.air hrotiior to iiio LHTat TNsiiHiV rinnKs 4. in ! 3'JO i:i lb ni.-ler of i " J 7 " 1 " , L). . .is ..--.i.-e o! ... !.es 1 CO y Sal I to . ill 2 o ' eel t d:. '.Vi a.- O S l:lo or e-S I ( inn.'' ui.iftin Jii.e. ii in ii "i tin i oi-. I anil. ii:ui . ui lltrn, " ' A . Mo i.t-ei ..i i-iia . d i.y .)..' n c.irjon v hi hu;o hundred thousand d llnr.-i was iefusid last year by Mr. J. lit nil . A. l'...rTi. a.oi.ii ii::itui o: .!. b. .ar- Malcoinb For be.-', of lioston ). Happy Medium, th" grand-sire of King, 1 75 "'f '-ei, imi.ii: o. b,a r... '. i v ... t s . ,rru that trot, et a mue hi from to !::ilt. KINtS'S nam is FAI)V FOUFS'l', a fa.-1 and line male now owned U Mr. il P. Jlaiv, Foih-viIh , Ky. Sl;e was Kin d by l'dwin Ftiicst, Jo-ly Mambrino Champ en, he by Mambrino Patchen, hob)' Mambrino Ckii f ami he In tho world-ronow ned OKI il amldctonian. 1 guarantee this pedigree to be correct, ami defyary trotting Malli"ii iii th" State to h nv a b-tteron . Can ) u afford to neglect this (p- i '.o; lunitv to breed to sucli a liorse? si. -i .'f i-.i.-el, t-.n isiini; ufsix O.-cM nn dvc lb I.: a lie' d J elll n:. 1 A. hlll.ti .el".: i ir itur, ccc. Io .-aid Jo.e. ( r- i. i ; I- '.t..t . i: i: f.i.i tlitcIS I;.. lit 3-J2 1() S'i ' 'I'-'i f - or 1 f s. M.d .iis. Uc iaiois iur 15 '.': j f haS' .! Ii Oiii Jidni ba'b-y iio-v ilvfii.-.d) 1 j c.Mtt.ib.inif idxee. 1 licrcs atel m lly de 1 7;. ' ,'. i ii t'.,c a--.' trotu 1)0i lo Jrr, ".( l. iiro i. -'' . !. ;! b. . i- .ch..- ! 'lO.ii ib r--- 1 . . i ............ . L a ti-r. Iii my, HO ucps, ar.d one iot 24 tn 1 15 1 15 1 1 1 15 trb'.l Abbeville has been closed, w'it re- .iiii iliii.ii. .r A...1 !,.. .l.irl- iv lioere . I iWfll iransitrs io .ht. W. Vandrrl ilt the plant ot the I rencii V T' . oi.. ar, II V :.t i.i I l ' l I road I.iiiiiIi,t company, which the then with wi. at i 'spi, mh neo wnl ! (,rin(ir recently. The papers ihe him of southern prosperity j vl ranfer pa.-ed yesterday, t lie pur- bur.-t forth into view. lftu:r p o plo Ci'uld just H' i it. tlu brightest day of our hitor is just now a chase price paid by Mr. Vai.dcrbill beiui- c 17,2."0. - (.'it i.t-n. Monro'' Fix pi ir-r: A few days d.iwning.The day is not far distant j n':n Wr,M"1 l 't''usteu citizen on , 1 1 i " j , the street, v. ho in reply t our when we w ill be the m ?t pros- ... . . , 1 i greet i tii., said : ell, tlnln t tbat perous people oiieartli. The South u,.n Fegishiture give u D. I). 1. is destined t become the mining, j l. A'e to'd him we did Leciiey. 1) V and Urns, 4 lots, Mavzi h. 15 (. 2 lots, Mii. kuihis.-, P, A hits, MfK"J", Mai 2 lots, M ies M 112 iot Marion Man v Imp Co, 2o0 acies, 2' o 14 4.1 1 (i 1 15 3 3 '. 1 15 2 20 1 : 2 so (in y 50 7 20 ii 75 1 O'l 22 2 -0 ; '-. MP- : .. 'o - : ' Jati" i f-a.n- -i. -.;f:t.f. ! M e !i - hi .n, .Co a tn-s M!iono.,.s a II,e.:t A J b lOii acres Snipes Win. ro aeit s L:i!l .1 W "Oii aeivs, Daiw.o M L. l.'(5a'TfS, Leai M L I3li acr. s I) isi y NVisoii, loo rere.7 Mai his Mi :es. 243 acr s Lo'.d)i A F, (i.i ere-, Simmons . lb 4 Jo acres, Tui tier John, 20 .cres, Urow liiiir J , 100 lu res ia w in nl). iss ai n s Li:"lui tl W N. heirs, 2 'JO a'-res Hunter Mrs Eii.abe h, iH" at-its v. : . . ... .1 .be : oa l i il .K its. will Till. !:vtry one ol Uiug olK U Tlnr. 4 . ( 7 i ii '." .;..:.i: in u:i ) in; ' Vlii.i A; lil i, IM.")! ti. H (bir.iin, Sbc-riir 3 57 ol Mi l). '.veil ( uuiey 10 .!: ! li 25 T'!EIE?XV.S : King will neve marcs in Marion and Moronnlon this fccason at 10 each, and .2 must bo pnid cash and balance when colt is foaled, if a mare i traded after being bred, ;ho man trading her becomes responsible, and the i i 'tit o . i -nr r j r- ni ' nn'ia y uccoiiiei; (iiic ami w in ne couecieti. , Ut- 0 L. AOlT V vjn i il. lopie. i'n Purko can intpiiro at Ward tt (b.odfrr.nV wtable, in Morgan- ton, as to nates borse w ill be there, or w rite to mo. L wiil : li'-r good premiums on Forest King's colts-, to bo exhibited at 2 j Kavl'T Mrs Calhe 10'J acres, Me Koy. IJ F 2ti lots. MorizMi.. W U L i lots, Ma k, The aiu Levis2hts, M.llaid, L ii lots, Mc ur, V 112 1 A , Moore. W II 4 lots, Miiis, L I) 2 .ots, Montil.e. I) A 5 loN, ma-iiifactuiing and agricultural nd know wh: t th.e four 'T s centt rof this' country if n-d of meant. '-Why, ; he replied, "they nie.ui i)e:ith Dirt. PoULTlass nnd the worltl ; ami there are evidence, p n;. That i?1 a,lout t ,u. feiz, cf s aine J : i : ...ts that North Carolina will be the llu. 05 Fmislaturc la Tii NMs lVti at Tin. in as 1. r.ii at it -s l'oliV ilS itfl't s 1'- uner, lit o-. lot, lVOt L N 4 lets Pi j ha-.., J W 4 1...S, P01 i t-011, Nils L 4 lots, biel aol Ci 7 I'd, Ken poll. 1) J 10 lots, lb d -n .1 K s lets, Ko.i.n S 2 h-t-, bis U E ami N V one lots. Pose .lee e..e lot, Mrovd, l.el.-ee:i 1 25 a-: , Si'.ut, i L V l .la m, 3t5 ano: iep. , Pa'lt.n :en a n s, Sl.orxer. L A oi.e lots, Si avi .-, A I' one lets, w 3 lots, Sa'aOa Ju'ca x leu aeres. ! ' ' j Prof. Wm. K. Hidden lias re- j e, tt, J J i !". 'n c ,7- " i ' -ntlv ornued no; mpany in I ;-;;r. 7 I h. Sohhein C t.hmy C ompany. j ,.:,:intK t' ap, a ,h,, Piedmont Min- ! J riVts ' of l-it7gerahh uf In- i tal CN-nipuny. w ith a capital of s.imuoi. 1, 11 3 . ts, tliannpolis, is at the lu ad. last week j ifi'iii .( hand w ill prt-efed a' once to j J;V A ' oi.e'l- ts. '"" chsei a trade w ith Governor ! developing North Car- Ima's great : -jh .m . J m 1; . a-es, 2 20 3 S5 5 55 4 4". 1 15 CO do 5 ( 0 4 ('. 1 1 J5 I l V."i 1 15 2 20 4 0 1 15 1 15 30 (la ; 7 !'0 i 15 77 j 17 ;-) 13 30 I 2.3 40 j 12 to i 1122 j 4 12 I j; f) i 5 .55 13 05 , iiy.sicmn an 5 5 Villi uiirgcoi: x. o. j Morganton Fair, Yours for better horsc, JAS. II. ATKIN, Marion, N. C. Lewis J S. 175 acies Mac I N 5 acr s "lii iiioiis A II II b 3W2 a-res Tom y J A, s r.cies Lutiieilo.'d Sj nth.i, col 30'J acres, HIGOlNS Ilipitrins A. fO acres Si; i-l.tir P J 4!K)d. Mittie W II 52 do P.iilV J W 30 do Kayh.r M L, l.M do Freeman W S, 13 olo orih Co v.-; Crahai. he'es. fi4- acies lVikilis bohelt. 225 do l'eikhis Lob. rt lut bio d MONIFoilT COVE 15 F I5ynuin 1 nd v-' t 1 MeCurry 1 Uricketts Mrs Polly P, at k-tt's in, m 2"0 acres, 4 ;;5 Dj sails :'!- TJ.irin s .r0 ai res L 15 Ilan cs 5 n.-res 'ir.-enlee J M AcT Y 200 acres hijruiioi A, 5"0 tlo Liu.:hi i.l.- J C 7" do M. roson Mr b J 4 "S do McN'i al I 111:1, 4" do I ate !s ac sr :o do I llabv U in & (1 (bililhi4 5 do obis AW '11 do 15' il.dle V TA- Co 1 ) do lx ii V L Jt Co. l - do 2 SI I 42 25 ! 11 s: ! 4 05 j 3'5 (.5 1 J 8 VO j 31 t'l 12 ' ' y 00 j 1 3 45 ; 4 o - ; 1 1 0 (i4 41 4 I.i Hi 12 i7 s 41 y ' 'j 10 42 t 35 1 ;! i ZLiW tin 11 si (5. II (.ai in mineral v.. ..U'n. Mr. Hitith n s.".v? .1 s l.v.a. r- :i!' of A :ili:a!ile Lrait.. T'.y virtue of a decree Sup tm r t t art of M.'l ow e!l Count , rMdci e 1 tt 1 in- Spri u ir Term . '.:.". of : . i ! cmi rt t be ,1 I ':':(b :--ined IV -i ii. is-inner v. ill .-!! to 1 , - j the liiin-t bidder tor cash at the rour tio j b'.usi tio.-r in Mario- . N. ' , on M; n (Ui , pay t be t'.t 1. .lay i f May Is'..",, m 12 L'Vj j ii'cio- k m . it b-in:r tin brst Momiay I 11 35 said moot It. a larr;.- am! alua1 b- tract Aoruiern ami the immigration Lu- , , v. V r, ' Th. n-pson. oav.-r .5 acu-s and 1 k.t, .; ; ) f ia,),i si, li;-.t, d in t h .voo-rn pn.rt tf VMii for a solid tract of one hi n- j 1 -at XH V 1 ' f T ' 1 V"1'1' VI 3 W r , 1 I the tow :i of Mnrb n. but!, side, of .11 1 " u,n ! of valuable mineral 1 mis m , 1, nor .1 no a rone lots, go ; :lw Nrtltiirrn i:ai;wav. ami known r.s oreti inousami acres ot laml 111 the mountains of .erth t. .i rt . i 1 1 . a . I , . - , , .. . , . , ell SMI toll. .M ' 1 lo's, Simth (leorwm. 1 welve thousand ' he principal r.un-ral t ne mim a ; Vm .l ii, J one 1 t, persons will be located there thi- M lioh posits of which ex- i s ul ams . 1 l.,, 1 ..aces, f.x ; i"t on th.s- tract w Inch is -ixty nnles v;v,,Vi V ' lots cast t l Asm vine. Aiioiuer vaiua- it,., 1 A , t!.. ..t, tia- s.'l.ininh am!-. I fat part on tb" South s.i.o i f said Kailuay cor.tan-iug about 2 t.eres, will I" -" d in i.t:e . . .. 1 .. .,,..-. . ; 1 . . r ill ! I I a I. In.. I I'.lll nil lie- 1 1 'l 1 1 1 sue- 11 1 70 ; tiJ 23 V5 X 4-, j t ! 1 said railway eontair.insf ab"nt : 11 i5 acres w ill so d in one tr.ict : a' i a!- ! ble mineral is im nazite, w i.ich ; 'd ams vv 1. J i t; A-- ut. .1 lots. :7 i4 1 a tract of 4 acres 0:1 the m.rth si!. -f Aitho conunenoement of Oak ' t-mtnins thoiium. a mtmral n' ! S ut' Vbr .-'i t 3 05 ; tl, t.vd railway .Win? tl:e tract .f I., d lli.b.. inttitiite f -iv " .it, .1 t 1 . , v, .1-in. "i.i i- t. -'5 conveveti to J. n. Morgan t v l. tin T 1 L--1 ' r 1,1 lriHU,'l,!- the nd -ent gas , Yv .is...., T . .-re 1 ts llth:t.-im-r and wife For ir- re c, r- ! JI), 1 res,dent John . Kllgo, of y,..h ,U)W jeinjj imrodr.ceti m i JJai.l,am. I. Uei:e .it. tain ami deGniu. drnptioti of ; I'nnity Cellege, will preach the Newark. This mim-rsl exists in ! xil vi';' "lK'9- 1 1 latd referen-e j. hereby mad- t. a , i-erinon. and lion. E. W. Saundt-r.-. l., t;t; L .nii..ii.v,j : ' Vr.n.v-1. 1 r . i n.or tirade deed execofct bv Arthur Leading Livkrv Stap-lk, ) Mt. Aihy, N.C, Dec. 20, 104. f Lyon Mfj. Co., Liot k'yn, A. '. (lentlcmcn: I certify that I have u?cl "lexicon Aluslon?: I.:r.i'rr.ent for the pa-t '20 onrs for all di.-ea.-cs of the skin and t'.orh t hut Iiorsrg h'.'ir to, nnd have never yet l'omd its erpiah For man or beast it can not, be excelled. My father always kept this liniment on hand for u.;e on his horsed and alio as a h u-e!iold remedy. Pe.pcctlully, SAM.L. G. PACE. ' . ? 01 tii lrgima state Senate, will property. Observer b- the orator of tho occasion. j WiK.I-on. K i iii-ln ' Kavior. Lev M 1.5 lots C'oipe Mrs M A 5"0 acre-?. The L-noir Topic says that Pink- doing. Detroit Free Press. ney Powell and Miss Mary Hart- ' t, ic .,t tbonbiiMT it is (;t'' :d.-c. I La-MW-iacr. ley were married a vear ago, ami not till two weeks ago did the se- , cret lvak out. Over Mr. Gladstone's bediter.d is hung t lie motto : "Christian, re- i member what thou hast to do." Ilobsou. I5t ll . r k.t. Uart'Ui, Alio-y Paiktr, (iii r'e col. one lot. OM OVT TOW Nj HIP. A '.lis. n. Tli 75 acrs. " I. J 43 acu-s. JJurgtn, Larnett 13 acres. ,,0 1 Thompson and AY. 1. Joi!s whicli ap- 1 71 n j p'ar oti recurd in ine ut;.. r,r tl.e! 131 I Ib-iii-trr t f I't ed t.f McIoaI! founiy, ' 13.t."s j in unTtirage book No. 4. on .: : 4 ;-o j and ab-o to the said ilcnl f rt 1:1 lief ry ; so s- i Iliiibsteiner t-. the said .1. I.. Morgan. ' 11 to j id dvcree was rendered in the i'a-- ( f J. I.. Morgan and J. S. Elliott agair.-t I Arttiur Thompson and Y. V. Jene. j i: f.r, ' 1'hi April l?l IslC. 15. 15. Price, j ,7 I fimniiiscvrifr 2 0 1 T Winston-, N. C, Die. CO, 19L Lyrm 3rj. Co., Lroe-U, -V. ', Gentl?nen: I have uel Mexican Mus tang Lini.nent for piles and find that it in variably gives instant relief. I can recom mei l it to ail who nr suircring with this disease. Us-? the Mi: -Tang licely, as it has a most soothing elT'e. t. lM'CK ELLINGTON. Firm of Tia'U.n &. EI'.iTit'.n. Tobacxo iiaaulacttuti, Wuuton, T. C. AFiinono, N. C, Dec. 20, I?0L Ly-ti y.'. Co., Lrrjf,k'jr, X. Y. (Jentleine.i 1 find that Hex lean flustmj Liniment is the very Ix-st thing for tho Mamps. When applied over the aSecteil parts it gives ahno-t ii;.-tant relief. Truly yours. I)it, F. A. IIENLY. v 1 A' AS fcr' Wei 111. u

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