MAHION UKCOKD. PUUUSI1ED EVERY TliUIIiDAY 1 tie. Km tic Buys Hooks. it would to tiiliicult to show EIitcr ami roprstcr. Ettttrvd at t he .? otofi!c In Msrhm : rr.isi:. j A dolhir k-pl in circulation nt home u worth five hundivd dol-' lars circulating so fur away thi'.t rot on. of t!i"i:i will ever r-aeh , home. The man that fr.nds Lis money abroad for anything that he can buy at home i.-t an ii'-iny I o h to hitus'lf ami his neighbor.! M-pend five- dollars with your m-ih- j bor to-day in id ho may !-.:' i the i five dollars with von tomorrow. I ir-- both tb proeencr of the flaan-j Rutkerfohd CoiLEGEun 11. ! c:?.l vrA tariff h-gi'-hition of this . Probably the- most unique literary ! r,u itrVjW hich is equivalent almost feature ever transpiring in our state ny'csr that ih&yarethe progeny , occurred to-day when Unrke coun ty took 1,500 novels to sell. Owing t failure on the publisher's part to comply with tht-ir contract, Ar thur T. AlernHbr, a -ear apo, de- it into the clii.ed to receive a number of cop ies of "The Hell You Say, his The Causes and 1'rosre of the KevoiiKioiiary .Hoveiiieut in Xortli Carolina. pro i ol 1: . i f-Iati-.n. i; -r a : r. tariti m i;t!aL.y Unaii i oial 1 g slation, hiris'atioii to take ; roori'-v' bv tnb ity from oiw per- ':.! pocict ur.o pu i po-!:et of R!iotiir V.vf'i;. I It does not necessarily follow ! t h t becav..-e t!;e tramp and th. miilionair eme a lr this b -f:onl novel, lo-oay the county took them and will advertise and s l! them to recover expenses of lit lation thfv therefore had h ir pa- nation. Burke countv now should t rnity in it. hut until it cm be rend his last: "In a D 1 of a fix." shown that something else pro-j The only tiling the matter with du'-ed t'l'-m it will be fair to a , this statement is that it's a II 1 of snme that this did. What else a Lie. Ed. Morgan ton Herald. Until they b- an their new sys tems of finance and protection this , country nro-ivred, and although! BY J. L. WOODWAKP. j Concluded. If we are to call the ons cl Lib- j erty patriots why nut call those j patriots who not onlv thought, but j acted, when the trying hour cam-"? , The eastern people thought th'3 Regulator movenieut just a step beyond the bounds of discretion,! for, while they thought the taxes unjust, they did not think that re- i porting to arms was the proper way to remedy the evil. The eastern I islatur ai.d the (lovernor rov fr m 1:h! to worse. The Tattle of L xinj-t a fired the patriots of N rth urolina. Governor Martin I lO" :etug on icarn ine jriiisn Cruii:-r and attempted to guide the aii.tirs of the 1 rovince by written I ir.-'rr.ctH-ns. but this proved fruit I less. The people of North Ciio lina had severed forever their re'a- tions with royal authorities and by the Mecklenburg Declaration of In dependence had d'tdured them selves a free ami independent peo ple eighteen nv.nths 1 fre the National Declaration at Philadelphia. Thus far an attempt has been iti 0 A Teihodist Story. A good old Methodist ladv attend- it is co'ntended that then; was less j ing s?rvices in a suburdan Kpiseo monev in the countrv then in pro-1 pal church became happy under the The following is- said to have been j jrti0!, to population than there is ; preaching of the word and ejacu en nctuy.l occurrence: Ten men : now. it vm more generally and ! laled : "Glory !"She was admonish rat at a table taking their dinner. equably distributed and performed ; ed to keep quiet by two of the r, , . 4, i the ofiie. of inenev lietter than it ! brethren, and nodded assent; but. One of them said to the man ec u-1 1 , ... . , ., - i r c i j i does now. nen thev began their soon becoming forgetful.responded pyirg th- sr at next to his, "I owe tinkl.n,)f, .vit!t th. finances des- "Hallelujah !" The brethren again nennlation could not fnllv armre- mide to trace the different mter- ciate the perilous condition" that i nal causes that operated in North P 0 9 Vou ten t!ol!ars,r' and hand him i fr..vil tin --t:dilidied svstem and a ten dollar lull. 1 Ik; second did , erected another in its stead t .ey took the. money out of the hands of the n;a.--es and made it possible the same to tlie third, the third to the fourth, xnd so on until the ten dollars had made thecircuit of the entire teri men, paid $KH) of in-d;btedne.-s and linally found lodg ment in the purs tf him who lirst parted ith it. I'eopie jtten i nugine that a thing that comes from "up North" or ''away oil" is Letter and prettier than the same thing made at hom "Up North," imported," ' from distance, and such Hue phrases for the few t control and monopo lize it, an 1 then we saw the birth f the millionaire class, and his twin-brother strange as this may sound the tramp. I'y this mon strous .-tem the few got control of the country, got the people and the government in their power and fr i : i that day almost without in terruption dietat.-d our financial noliev. Combining with the called her attention to the distur bance, and told her that if she did not keep quiet they would be com pelled to remove her. The sermon proceeded, r.nd the old lady, becom ing very happy and forgetful of hr surroundings, shouted cut, "Glory to God P This was toj much for the breth ren, ami they tried to lead her out ; but she r fused to walk, so they car ried her. On the way she said : "lam honored above my Master; for while he was carried byoneas, I am carried bv two." Philadel- ,' ! money controllers of England, w ho j phia Record, i recugnized only gold as money,! have a charm, a faceination about llieni llial Hie little word made" seems to have lo-t, Cver posse,.-d it. a large actual It is an act ;al fact that a ing city oi our Male nas furnitnre factory ; il is an fact that the furniture manufac tured there is shipped North; and it is an actual fact that our fur niture dealers send North and buy the identical furniture ami have it shipped South, thus paying freight on it from South to North and from North to South again. It is no wonder in the world that the North is "rich and powerful" while the South is "poor and fee ble." Now what is true in refer once to North and South is true in reference to State and State, coun ty and county, town and town, man and man. As my neighbor pros pers, I prosper; his prosperity is my prosperity, his adversity is my adversit Let's build up home, ourselves and our neighbors, and when ue have done that there will lie no desire to "go west and build up with the country;" for we will have built up our own country and built up ouix Ives with it. How This. Th opponents of free silver warn us against, what they call danger ous experiments, and insist that we shall let well enough alone. It' it wen well enough there might !e some pertinence and sense in this kind of talk, but it is not well they moved against silver and m H7o succeeded in demonetizing it lome ; and from that on the work of ruin it it! 5'inong the people was rapid. j If that was the bh-s.-ing they aim it was how will tnev account t!iriv" for the fact of the general fall in tiie prio s ot nearly everything that was not controlled by some ring or combine? how account for the great and continuous decline in the prices of all farm products for tin? depreciation in the values of farming lands in some of the States where the farmers ought to be pros perous if they were prosperous anywhere, for the discontent upon the farms and the. large movement of the rural population to the towns and cities, and from the small towns to the cities? Up to lNiO the prices of farm products w i re on the increase, farmi? g lands! were appreciating in value1, the tendency of population was from the cities into the country. Tramps, low prices, depreciated lands and abandoned farms is w hat they call prosperity, the thing they don't want disturbed, and to pre vent the disturbance ot which they beseech us to trv no new expert ments by add'ng to the volume of silver. With the experience of the past twenty years the American people who do not run money lending establishments got up on the present plan have about con ! eluded that some experimenting is worth trying, and that it is time they had something to say about the financial system under which thev must live. Wilmington Star. Reason for Divorce in Italy. The following are grounds for which divorces have been granted by the Italian courts : For calling his wife's sister a thief. For beating his wife's pet dog. For constantly chewing tobacco. For cutting his wife's curls with out her consent. For refusing to take his wife out for a walk. For refusing to sew on her hus band's trousers buttons. For forcing his wife to sit up un til after midnight' For the wife's staying in bed until noon. For refusing to let her husband go too near the kitchen fire on a cold day. For dragging her husband out of hed by the beard. For the wife's strolling around town and shopping instead of attending to her domestic duties. Italian Paper. A Close Shave. In arguing a point before a judge i of the superior court, Colonel Folk, of the Mountain Circuit m North Carolina, laid down a very doubt ful proposition of law. The judge eyed him for a moment and queried, "Colonel Folk, do you think that is law ? ' The colonel gracefully bowed and replied: "Candor com pels me to say that I do m t, but I did not know how it would strike your honor." The judgedeliberated a few moments and gravely said: "That may not be contempt of court, but it is a close shave." The Same Old Story. A special of June 15, from New York, savs: Albert S. Moore com bined the superintendency of a A Ills if and a ISig Jump. Were a man's muscles and limbs as well set for lumping as those of enough. We contend that, not-, Sunday school in Harlem with the ; a Ilea, he could stand on the dome withstanding the increased indus- : treasurership of a silk company in ! at Washington and make one swoon tries, the inen used wealth as tig uredoutbythe statisticians, and; the increase' of big of the i few, this country is not, taken as ! a whole, really as prosperous as it ! was twenty-five years ago, and we J further contend that the same kind ! of "prosperity" for the next twen- ! tydive years would put the country ' absolutely in the hands of the i'ev i who would then own nearly if not : quite all of tie' wealth of the conn- j try of which they now own about j Wall street, and the studv of Tol-I that would s,.n(l him three and stoi in his private library with the j one half times around the earth. study of speculation on the stock Chronicle of Curiosities, exchange to such an extent and I - with such unfortunate results that he is now a prisoner in the Tombs on the charge of having swindled several banks in this city out of an amount estimated to be .f loO.Oi M). almost Henry Watterson says: "Tf the Kentucky Democratic convention ten days from now declares in favor of the free coinage of silver at the ratio of 10 to 1, or any other low- ratio, from 25.000 to 40,000 Demo their western friends were in, or they would not have opposed their movement so openly. The following are the leading principles of the agreement which the Regulators signed, as given by WT heeler : "We, the subscribers, do volun tarily form ourselves into an asso ciation for regulating public grievances and abiue of ower, m the following particulars, with others of the like nature that may occur : 1. Wo will pay no more taxes un til we are satisfied that they are agreeable to law, and applied to the purpose therein mentioned, un less we cannot help it or are forced. 2. We will pay no ofiicer anv more fees than the law allo.-.s, un less ve are obliged to do it. o. We will contribute to collec tions for defraying necessary cx 1 ei-es rif.w,diog tie- w-.-.k record ing to our abilities. 4. In case of difo ien. e in iinle- meni we will submit to the judg ment of the majority of our body. To all of which we solemnly swear that we will stand true and faith ful to this cause till wo bring things to true regulation, accord ing to the true intent and meaning hereof in the judgment of the ma jority of us." Another of these principles which is too long to quote in full may be summed up in the appeal which they made to the Governor to remedy their grievances ajid let them disband. This organization, though appi- rently destroyed at the battle of Alamance, never ceased to exist until the adoption of the State con stitution in 1770, at which time the colonies had been welded to gether by theobligations of mutual aiel and protection taken by the members of the Continental Con gress. The people of North Caro lina were not long wearied with the presence of Gov. Try on after the battle of Alamance. He doubt less thought he would enjoy greater personal security, honor, and re muneration as Givernor of the State of New York, a position which he had been coveting for a number of years. Had he r man edin North Carolina he would have needed a large additional body of ! troops to protect himself from the j wrath of t'ie Regulators whom -he had so cruelly outraged. Gov. ; Mar! in, his successor, was too far j sighted to follow the same policy' as his predecessor, though he did persist in the old way of carrying his point by dissolving the Assem bly. There arose the same old dispute over collecting taxes, to prevent which one hundred Regu lators had laid down their lives. The debt in 1770 had increased to the enormous amount of sixty-six thousand pounds, though the taxes had been collected every year since the issue of the Provincial notes; but the Revolution was soon to put an end to this regime by the expulsion of the Governor and the abolition of his system of taxes. The judiciary department was doubtless the most defective, as well as corrupt, branch of the Pro vincial government. Bancroft says of North Carolina, that she had no law and no lawyers. The Carolina from 1759 to loo to bring about the Revolution. There are a great many relig ious and socialistic features that contributed to bring about revo lution in North Carolina, but w hich cannot be mentioned in so short a treatise as this. A comparison of North Carolina with the other colonies shows that she was not troubled with any such j restriction as the Uoslon Port Rill, doubtless because the two sea port towns, New Pern and Wilmington, located rpon rivers that at that time wen; navigable only for small vessels, had attracted very little commercial attention in England. Neither was North Carolina threa tened with the revocation of her charter as Massachusetts was by the Massachusetts Bill. While New England was confined to the district ei'st of the Alleghanies by cii tee of the Quebec Act of 1704, If so it will pay you to go to AT MORGANTON. N. C. For anything 3'ou want. Save your Railroad fare by going to see them, or send o'der for what you want. Satisfaction in, qualify, and Prices gtjaratiteecL The largest stoeK in "NVe&tcsn North Carolina. fcoV, Ut Tho hni low Prices v ELEGANT SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS.! GENTS' FURNISHINGS Overcoats and Mclntoshcs, best goods and latest styles, We will compare goods and prices with Wanamaker or anybody ele. Square dealing and one price to all. Call on us or send us your or ders. We keep every article ound in a first-class clothing house. Respectfully, COLLETT & GILLAM, Morganton. N C. Li h exterdt J the limits of Que- BASE BALL IS ALL THE GO and v;e are at the bat, marking outs and 1 . .. Tl ;,K 7 ,.,,4- 1 be io the Ohio River and placed KJIUUIVIJI lll XII US UUt Ul MI1L, ililU .YOU tins newiy acquired territory, but j ia( better be on the opposite nine (Hundred) she saw, and so did the other . . . . 0 , j i ' southern colonies, that this wasIWltllin tlie Oi) days tO Catch only a scheme contrived to pacity i the French settlers and iseep them f i : .u.. i a it... ! ironi joining ine coioiiibi. in mo war that was soon to follow. There seems to be no evidence that North Carolina went into the Revolutionary War for selfish pur noses. The indications however Lw Prices LET THIS BALL HIT YOU A FULL WEIGHT BLOW, COASTED OOFPBE FOB SOOTS AVE SCORE A HOME KUX ON" ANYTHING NEEDED IN ANY LINK are trond" in favor of the nea- U!,lA,'l' ivi'i ia a must clans uknkkaij Al Kin. 1 1 A N I l s E stokk timate that if the other colonies had not revolted, North Carolina would at least, the authority for which is the Regulators war and the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence. It is better to give while you are living than to leave your money to be divided among lawyers. "Love is blind." but jealousy sees more than rt ally exists. 1 11 OOF Health 1 P HARBIIRE OF L KIM avea full assortment of all kinds of hardware, inclu ding Builders supplies, such as nails locxs and hingo also, paint, oil and white lead, i have a fine line of Gun both breach and muzzle loaders, from .$2 50 upto .$40.(10. The Supreme Curt of the Uni ted States decided, Mr. Justice j cratic voters will support the publican ticket. lie- one-nan. It was a bad day for th- people : Harlan delivering the opinion of j th(? fJnowm oi mw country when the money j i'" i, a ! immediate restoration of silver to pmv-r got hold of its Treasury and j jnm.-elt, it is not necessary .iu fornier ft3 fl ful, ten. became dictators of its financial ! r him to get out ot another man s ( (lor stanjarJd mmev equal wiih gold policy. It wrs a bad day when in I way on his own promises when j d t reo"am, imlinuted eoinage c nicert w itli the 'rasnin"-"o hi hnn-i uuier is making a nosuie ue- reason for there being no law was mainlv a lack of legal publica tions of court proceedings. While The Memphis convention adopted ! the few judges were somewhat ac- lhatwe tavor the ! nuainted with the law- htnrants having no reliable attornevs were Stoves of all prices and kinds, including the celebrated New Patrou Cook Stove. Heating stoves of all kinds and prices. I also do all kinds of T n Hoofing and Guttering. Remember I sell a good axe for GO cents; a good Mattock for O et. I will sell you nails at the vry low price of l.o') par kg, factory price. Mail orders will receive my personal and prompt u tentmn With eitdit vears experience in the hardware business, I think 1 am - ' V : ,. -1 1 1. .. ........ 1 l .. . . i !.. Don't play with Nature's 1"T" fc'" J B"uu ' j 1 ' i'" l'""""" ' means so much more than ' you imagine serious and 'fatal diseases result from trifling ailments neglected. greatest gift health. : Brown's ilron : : Bitters ;- 1 compelled to learn law by expe lience which generallv proved to be a very costly way of gaining legal dlers ot hngland they made sUC cessful war upon the silver dollar which until then had been the honored money of the people, more honored than gold and in more general use. It is contended ly tlie gold stan dard advocates that inttsad of an injury the demonetization of silver was an ahr-olute U-nefit. Mr. Tren holin said in his spe eh at tlie anti-silver meeting in Philadelphia last week that the great mistake mad" was in not adhering more ciosejy 10 the demonetization silver than we had done, and monslration. That is to say, a; ! man need not r treat from a hos- t tile intruder upon his own prem- ! ieS. if we had stuck to sqXiaivly w more on The story is told at Chicago that on Judge (Jresham's acceptance of the eliice of Secretary of State ten w. altliv Irieads and admirers of his in that city subscribed $o0,000. which was turned over to the use of the Jmlge, it being known that he w as a poor man, and ill-provided to maintain an establishment d ! at Washington befitting his office. that No one who knew the man needs of both silver and gold at the ratio i information. The trial of Ed of lf to 1 and upon terms of exact 1 inur.d Fanning smd the three Peg- equality." If you are feeling out of sorts, weak and generally ex hausted, nervous, iTUve no appetite and can't work, J irgui a i vine ufc- mCUICIMC.HIIIV" 19 brown's Iron Bit- . 4 V.. ties cure Benefit comes iium me very first dose it itxm't stain your J teein, a n u u s pleasant to take. It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, Constipation, Bad Blood Malaria, Nervous ailments Women's complaints. Get onlv the cenuine it has crossed red lines cn the wrapper. Ail others are sub- sti'.utes. On receipt of two ac. stamps we j wi!l send set of Ten Beautiful World's 1 Fair V kws and book lree. BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE, M0. T. I .Milam. Morganton, N. C. mmm W .. . . r.,, u Iat -is .ilrei.'.v n. T ' 0' V ( f ! ri pait of tne so-called judges. Ine i ;ct is that the judges acted much in ac ronl:i cp ivitli ttu twdiev of miss a husband very much. The i i:A,.ornf,rnn,i ..ti.r r,.v,i .ntri. ' " T "T7 , ! one of the i-.,u-".ie m.u;en lauy 1.1 ewnurg Keeps , pf.rv aml i.,jusliC(. (u the a pitiioi v 1 1 1 v: i i sweais aiui a mon key w hich chew s tobacco. Sne says that between the two she doesn't Globe, Atchison. told that lie firmly declined tne gout idea I ......lit . wouul nave lll much ; to aeeent : dol'nr nf mnnov ho lmd ierous and the ee-untrv . !i(1i -.rt, ,) .,-r..i..rr hrhnn. w.mld have become much wealth'- j was certainly out of place in 'this "eI renegade and monev-loving admin- .Nw anyone who ku vs any- j ministration. Fave'teville Obser ving ahout the condition of this Iyer. country since lSlV) knows that it has undergone a radical ehange .Tuh Carnes, of Black Mountain, cf " 1 iramps were :ccnientalt v shot and as lew as oirds ot paradise, nnd Svlt wliil mUtK-iaues were equally as .-caive. i lamps ana millionaires represent A Denver preaclnir declares that there are ''10.000 iople going to hell on bicycles." Uut that isn't half as many as are going there on foot and otherwise. killed him- e out hunting one dav last tlio two extremes, both of which arc unhealthy, mid strange as it may seem, both of -which spring dir'ctly or iinliiv-otly from the asp. t-ause", or causes. WVdo not Major John Erwin, of Ashevillc, is dead. fcalis eary will have a double I suer the full prna;ty hm ji:?g in July. It wiil be public, i b a. cheek, 5 loubh The Washington Post says that Tom Settle is looming as the Re publican candidate for Governor of North Carolina. At Greenville, Sunday a week ago, a colored Baptist minister immer sed 75 candidates in Tar river in Z5 minutes. To the Public In compliance with tbe laws of North Carolina the Iioartl of Health of the town of Marion here by warns all residents of Aiarion to clean up their premises at once and to keep the same free from filth. Persons refusing to heed this warninr must f the law Sup"t of liealth- t i s on whom they were dependent fr their positions. A full discus of all the judicial acts passed in the Provincial period would -require a seperate treatise, but. one of the most important of these bills deserves to be mentioned just here. The Court Bill was brought up while Arthur Dobbs was Governor, and again under the administra tion of Gov. Martin. One of the leading provisions in its last con sideration was the ''right of at- Bfccf Proposals, ?"?-'t . pr j tu'-sdf i (jifl pr;.-sl for Vii-ei roitract) will te ecivf.l at my of:ic frjrn now Op. re., of July 3rd for !urni?ting b-ef for the 5tte Hospital, for tlie period IjPfrinninjr Jul v 15tli 185, snd en-lirp July 15th f'Cj. Href to lie cf prime iu t.iiy, t-ii '. i-h t r"l in tbe Tiritii'y of and a-!iver'l Ht !h? Hospital on lbe Mond ns, V dni-S"'aj ? htA I'ri'l.iv? oi eacli avd ertry wi-' k in quantities T'lLiilrg irorn 1.2'X) lo l,si.O its. j er v. e k. A l.ond of iZ. 0 vith pror e I fecuritr wip Le i quired lor faithful perfiruince ot cotti'ct. The Kxetutiie Committee reserrti the riirft to rej-ci rnir or hH Lids. F. M. b. KUGGV, Steward, By order of the Execut re Committee. McrgaLt: n, N, t Jane 3, lfe?r. TO m mm m of Morganton, N. C. yjEo. 1. Erwin, I'res't. H. T. Pk.iksox, Ca-hier liurglar Proof Vault, Patent Time Lock, Chrome Steel Safe for Cash and Valuable?. Exchange on New York and other Trade Cen tern bought and sold. Banking houra 0 a. m. to 3 p. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. lacnmeni. mere were a numoer v. By Tirtue ot a mortgage deid, made and executed to L B IJarris Lt C. Alleo nd J. Aileo, on the 4th dar of -!:itth l&Di.nd del registered in Rnnt of traders and merchants living in i Z, Pae Mort;i Deeii, iD the of England who held land in North fcce ci Hep.fter ot Deed of McDowell Can-Jinn. Pn.- nrieinre nn tl - i f"nJ. U'M t fuhlic auction 10 the lands were tried in Lcidand, but! ,.!,. v c -.1. this incurred such a heavy expense ; lft:5. at twelve o'clock, the iVd.owiritratt that most Cases thus arising went j of : ,nJ lo-wit: t ontainio 30acrts cuere untried. The efTect of the Court i !Bdi.f L r. Harrij and i 11 i , i . . otter, in Sugar Hill towutbip atd I'in Iiill w as to have these cases tnl OB tU watw'a of (JreMy Crk in the Provincial Courts and to at- ! iafcrn auon will be found in boo aloye tach these lands on which the pro- H-tntionetl in ote ot IUiero! Deed of vincial tax had nut be-n paid. ;McUocii ccutty. Th si ,lar of ri- u 1 a II t I lf. j- J. I). LKDfcETTER The harangue between the Le-- 1 : a. ,r"v " I A:.'0tie f . Y. num. W. L. Douglas S3 SHOE And other cpeeUUlea for Genllr m.n, hadUn. Ho 71 aad iXiaem are tli Best in the World. menl whlea appears la It It PPr. Take m Substitute. lailt om bsrtne W. I. DOlUUlf flllOES. ' wltn wam and prtca tamped 0 bottofa. Sold by J. S. DYSART Marion, N. C. G. d. IHUMASON, Old Fort, N. C. J J. TOSNAN1, ULACKSUUKG, H V., DEALER IN SASH; DOORS BLISDS. PRICES FURNISHED .F FLIC AT ION. AXD CN Ch.sjntarlcLr-'a E70 and Skin Ointaoat Is a certain cure for Chronic 8ore fcyA Granulated JJye Lids, Sore "ir?ls l'ii,J Eczfcma,Tctler, Salt Kheua and fecald lltrf, 25 cents per box. For sale by druggiiti TO nOK3KOWNZB3. For putting a horse in a fine heaithy dition try Dr. Cad'a Condition I'oadeis. Ihtj tone up the fyrtem, aid diction, euro lopa of appetite, relieve conrtipatV'", v?? kiJnev disorders and dfe3troj worm., rVi:;? cew life to an old or over worked hon. " cetXa per package. For sale I7 dreL Morphew t Street man. W. C. NEWLAND II. A- NEWU" Inoir, X. C. JIarion, N : 1 ATTOREYS A NI COUXSEI.I-OB AT LAW. MAKION, ... - '.C Practice in the courts of the 10, 11, and 12th dietricts, and the Su preme court of N. C, and the b. S. Courts of Western District cf X. C. WaiTflllrlrl tlflfTllHnrl

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