MARION RECORD. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY cr- c- LiasrisriEJ sr, IMttcr and Proprietor. Kntervd at the i-ostofBce In Marion as tect-cTaM iiil matter. - Pathetic Origin of a Ilyiuu. that is wenarinsr to make blooiuera. Sampson canity sells this year $ 10, 000 won ii " huekh-U-rri.. A min goose much hits h en established in Buncombe. She p Dupger, f Banner Elk, writes novels. Albemarle and Pawliw s u( are being Blocked t, 1..1 r.f .lurks ' ff,;i!ttHM m-r .,,rfc. H,e unusuaiiy ittrgHnyt j that jident3Can hoot. Our cast trill naturally make low prices for ' eru countie8 have blupped this year green fruit, nut thope wh will take $.yfX)0.000 of early "garden a?s." the trouble to dry their fruit i.c -1 We been celling mouazite for a U .ill I hand,nme!yr?n-arded for year "P tlding, t he ther trouiiie in me iut n "in ter. Nic dried fruit always coin rnahfisagod irici. When a man begins to talk a!ut patriotism being above party, put liim dowu as a political deinogugue. All such patriots are for "revenue only." Any sane person knows that Reforms can only be accoin Tulinhed through a strong party or ganization. The Democratic party has been the party of the people for ages and will continue to be, regardless of . the few so-culled patriots. Our exchanges say that u farm 'has been established to ra3e lur- pr Fawct tt, author of the hvmn ties for market in Union comity. ; "Blet be the Tie that Hinds," was Charlotte has a breeches factory lne pastor of a small Baptist church in lorksh ire, from which he received only a meager salary. Being invited to London to suc ceed the distinguished Dr. Gill, he accepted, preached his farewell ser mon, and bgan to load his furniture-wagons for transportation. When the time for his departure arrived, his Yorkshire parishioners aiwl neighbors clung to him and his family with an affection be yond expression. The agony of separation was almost heart-breaking The pastor and his wife, com pletely overcome by the evidence of attachment they witnessed, eat down' to weep. Looking into his face, while tears flowed like rain down the cheeks of. both, Mrs. Fawcett exclaimed: "Oh, John, John, I can't bear The famo-.Vs Shemwell care came to an end at Lexington Monday morning by the jury returning a verdict of "not guilty." the ver dict aeems to have not been a sur prise, yet he is pronounced by the outsid'; world who have read the evidence, ns reported in the daily papers, as "guilty." We regret to tay that 6iich is the case, but it ia the truth, that when a mail slays another and has a few thousand dollars to upend that the verdict will b "not guilty." Believing the. disinterested witnesses tho State's vitnesses Baxter Shem wcll shot Dr. Payne without any provocation at the time of the kill ing, and the murderous blood is on his hands. America. Acetvlene gas in quanti ties sufficient for illuminating pur poses is a discovery "of a North Car olina laboratory. We are growing everything from bananas to buck wheat. Ve have every breed of pol iticians from' "nlutercrats" to pop ulists, including the great flower of this! I know not how to go." the politieial garden,- tne uouoie "Nor I, either," said he; "nor white and "yaHer" flower called by I will we go. Unload the wagons ltamststiienniaiia-Jiariunuufc nmi ,mt everything in the place lerencis. borne eminent Kaietgn whefe it was before ." Democratic botanists are now ex- The neonle who had cried with perimentmg with the pollen of this grief now began to cry with joy. plant on the roseoi uemocracy. we je wrote to the London congrega have nraved for diversified indus- tion that his coming was imnossi- tries. UVre got them. But the thing je; and so he buckled on his ar- may bo overdone. Morganton mor for renewed toils in Yorkshire Herald. 1 on a salarv less bv forty pounds a year than that which he declined. lo commemorate this incident in his history, Dr. Fawcett wrote that hymn. Christian Herald. Thk Democrat who lelieves that fusion is at an end is badly mis taken. Tho Democrats will have tho same combine to fight next campaign that they had last, but under more favorablu circum stances. Then the Democrats, be- ! ing in power, w re charged with evorvthins from the hard times to ainoNineto bite. They were on I the defensive and charged with all the ills known to mankind. In 1 .... . . the next session of Congress the Republicans will have a working majority in both branches, and will do nothing for the relief of the people, compared to what the Democratic party has done. And then they will have the Douglas legislature to defend. "My God Abernathy." The Democratic party to win, must plant itself firmly on the platform on which it has toxl for years and victory is assured. To make concessions to political demagogues of any party is to in vite defeat. The .Uanufacluren arc Interes ted. One of the ablest men in Penn- ..rhmnin la T r Whartrm Rrlrfr the banker and'nolitical economist. RaMIn the Wind. In a re.ent interview in the New "lireddern," said the old colored York Mercury, he said : pastor of a church in Georgia, "de "I am an advocate of free coin- chu ch am like a snip, an' de pa son, ace. without any reference to En- which am yo 'umble se vant, am eland. I am for the adoption of like de sails dat propels de ship, o - i . , i i i an independent linar.cial system an' ite congregasnum am line ue and next for a conference with sailors on board de ship. Now, South America, the Oriental coun- Breddern, w'en yo' have de ship trh s, France and Russia. I would ready, an' de sailors all in dere leave Kiurland and Germany, the places what docs yo' need for to two great creditor nations, entire- make the sails fill out an' scoot de ly out of consideration. 1 wouldn't ship right along into de hebbenly ask them to the conference. They ha'bor? Huh? would not be long in following the "W ind," said old Deacon Top lead of other nations. What elso knot, in a low, sweet voice could they do, with the world "K'ect; jesso." shouted the pas aeainst them? tor. "Brudder Topknot will please "I believe that the unrestricted circulate wid his high hat an' raise nt? of silver as money would in a de wind short time advance the price of silver to a parity with gold at the ratio of 1( to 1, and that such a system of finance could not fail to enhance the value of all products and to encourage commercial and industrial activity. I urther than that, I believe it would free the When the Cow s Come Howe. With klingle, Mangle," kiing'e, 'Way down ihe dnrtj dingle, The cowi are coming borne; Sow sweet and clear, aod faint and low. The airy ticklings come and go, Like chiming from tome far otTtowi r. Or patteriags of an April shower, That mallet the daisies grow ; Ko-k.iog, ko-alatig, ko-klingllingl, Way down the darkening dingle The cows cenie ilowly home; And old-lime friends, and twilight plajs, And starrj night, and onnjr dajs Come tiooping ap the misj wajs When the cows toiue Loiae. With jingle, jangle, jingle, Soft eoucd that swtetlj luingie, Tie cows are coming home; Malrine, and Pearl, and Floiimel, De Kajp, Kedioseand Gretcheo 'chell, Queen Besa. and Sjlph,a?d 5patgled Sue AcroEa the fields I hear her loo-oo, Andelang her silrer hell; Go-ling, go.lang, golinglelingl; With faint, far sounds th:U mingle, '1 be cows come slowly home; Ami mother-songs of long-gone jears, And fcahjr joys and chil Jish tears, And jootht'ul hopes, and youthful fears, When the cows come home. With tingle, rangle, ringle, Cr twos aud threes and single, The cows are coming borne; Through the violet air we see the town, And the Summer sun a-elipping down ; The maple in the hazel glade -Throws down the path a longer shade, And the hills are growing brown ; To ring, to-rang, to-ringleringle, By threes and fours and single, The cows come slowly home; The same sweet sound of worldles psalm, The same sweet June-day rest and cat on, The same sweet scent of bad and balm, When the cows come borne, With a tinklf, tankle, tinkle, Through fern nnd periwinkle, Tie covrs (ire coming Lome; A loitering in tfce checkered stream, Wht re the sun-rays glanc and gleam, Starine, Peachbloom and Phoebe Phyllis Stand kneedeep in the creamy lilies In a drowsy dream ; To link, tolauk, to-linklelinkle, O'er banks with buttercups a-twinkle, The cows come slowly home; And up through Memory's deep ravine Ccme the brook's old songand its old-time sheen, And tl e crescent of the silver Queen, When th) cows come home. 31 r. Te r $ruo n s S a v fug- Pra ye r. Aj 1 vU in ealr 6o'iT"yr.FYrguBfn was a man aceu3e-l ef beating wife. TKr ie was oa tritl b-fore the jus- lice i !! l eace. dtoohI v the airae itntue kit d ri.icd that wte.vinsr stt k of pnr ! phi of a cenf n tH rirer rai 'piracy in the Li -h seas " The a nurd ws cou- victe.l and the judge -iii( tly sentenced him to ly hanfe1. 'r?cymi can t han a man tor beatirg Li wile," expostulate J air Feriusoa. The devil Iriu'i '"saM justice bridling np Ain't he guiUy: Ought m-t any rtnu to be hang wbn would beat- ir ocMn and tb t woman hij wif? And aini X tbs onlyj'idge in the countn? Ill haven't got the power to hang a man, wha has, eh? I a ill baug him within an hour; wont we boy? he con cluded id ores sing the-' . crowd it.ndin"g aiouno. whoa: Fj m r.t.nes were evidently with ihewomau. '-1 hat we will," shouted the crowd. Seeing that tie cfte was beginning to look serious f r kU client, Mr. Kerguou rai't 4 Well, your honor, before ihe man is bang ed 1 would like to nke him out behind that ti tree and pray wf:h him.' "AH right," said tbejus'lee, and off went the prisoner and Frgnsonr-WKen they got bchinJ the tree Ferguson said in uudertoue : Now git. you d d hound?" And he go. JAMES JIORRI3. jASaXSC X.IXSET. 3IORRIS & IJ2XEY, Attorneys at Zaw MARIOX, - - - - XC. Will practice in S!clowell and ad joiningcounties. All business intrus ted to their care will receive prompt and pains-taking attention. JE ARSON & McKESSOX, ATTCENEYS AT LAW, MOROAXTOX, X. C. Practices in the Courts of McDowell. w. c. XKWL4XD Lenoir, X. C. M. A. NEW LAND Marion, X C S hlaii ATTORNEYS AXD COUNSELLORS AT LAW. OHIO RIVER & CHARLESTCH R. R. Passenger Department. Going Xorth- Lv. Camden Reck nut Ar. Blacksbnrg Lv. B'acksburg Shelby Rntherfordtoa Ar. Mai ion o. 33. 1.30 ril, 1 rn G.C0pm 8 00 atj 10.55 h m 12 30 pm Going Sonth. Lv. Marion . " Riitherfordtoa Shelby Ar. Blacksbttrg 2 to pi 5.12 m S.09 j m 'o. 3:. Lv 810 pm 10 32pm 12 55 pni. BlackstBrg- Rock Hill Ar. Camden So. 33. Dinner at Cerskw Fob. 11 nd 12 have connection at Ma rion with Southern Railway. S. B. Lumpkin, G. T. A. A. Tripp, Superiatendent. - - . Bakersville Enterprise: The! most important suit that has ever MARIOX", - - - - X. C ff1 ftffi Sr lxen tried in Mitchell county will n ..' . 4, . i TT r coni3 up next court, to-wit, Loch- , f .c?UftS ,f fj0' ' IT tttl ran, Comth and others against Lin- U' and 12th dist(Tlct and1 th,e s- II JlU ville Improvement company, invol- gre"ie co"rt?' ; C- a"d ,l!ie U: land, including the Cranberry iron mines and Linville Improvement company's property. PlaintilTs are claiming under theMcGimsey title derived from Tatet Tate. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cures colds, croup end whooping cough. It is pleasant, safe and reliable. For sale by Morphew & White, Druggists. 1 A resident of the State of Wash- ton tells the Washington Post that horses are the most worthless kind of propertT in the West. He says : i ou can hardly give them away. A friend of mine, who used to hrincr nnnip in tlm T!nar crpttinf people of the United States from frQI 25 to 5Q iece for thom in their liresnt deplorable depend- Kw Yorl- Philniiolnliin. nml WnBh. ence uion European money len- inrton toid me not loilr since that dera. The manufacturers of Phihulel- nt !im1 Iip rni. ui. 1IV nii tilft hia have organized to fight for , wanted for 3 a heati If ree coinage, seeing that they have horseflesh Avero lls much iu me for s great stake in it as the larmers. f d thjs C0Ullrv as jn . Kurone, Thev declare that the present sys tem puts money into the ha .ds of ankers and capitalists at the ex- ense of all producers. And thty are right ahout it. Ihe surprise o us has always been that manu acturers and railroad men have Should be Thanked Thing. for One The last Legislature is to be than ked foi one tiling. It has effectual ly 6topjed the mouths of every pop on the subject of high salaries and fees paid to State and county of ficers, the reckless extravacanco of Democratic Legislatures and tho burdens t lie Democrats have put on the poor farmers. Tl eir Legisla ture had more hired hangers on of the u I ick-league order than any in tho history of the State, almost as many as any other two Legisla tures; it cort many thousands of dollars more than any other Leeis- iiature; did not reduce a single sal ary or fee, but instead added ma teriallv to the fees paid the resris ter of deeds, if not to other officers; made many new and unnecessary onices; increased appropriations over f iuu,uii dollars and adjourn ed in honor ot b rod Douglass. Be fore that Legislature met you could not Lalk to a pop five minu tes anywhere, weekday or Sundav. without hearing that pitiful song aooui jemocrntie extravagance inii salaries. iliy aie AS mum as oysters on that subject now. r ree coinage is their onlv siring, nut they are as big frauds m the silver question as on the retrenenment mustion. Jiutl ptop at Tom Ritnl headquarters iAjujviit asnington nmi everv ,';Jody knows how much free coin ijigo there is about Tom Keed am Hiis henchmen. Xewton Enter jrise. i The Statesville lfnsiot has ben Milargeil to an eirhtoolumn p;iper. Vhe Mascot, while young in years, et und;r the able 'management of ;ur friend Jim Ilartness, has come otne iront as one of the bes veeklies m the State. Success lie Mascot. the beef trust, would meet with pretty lively -competition about now An Apology "Did von say I wasn't fit to car- not seen that it is to their interest ry swill to swine, Mr. Brown?" to make common wartare with all other producers against a system hat makes bankers and idle hoi ler of idle money the dictators of he financial system of the coun ry. NewB and Observer. "I did, sir." "Well, sir, I require you here, in the presence of these gentlemen, to recall that insult, or you will have to take the consequences.' "I am ready, willmgl to repair the injury I have done you." " ell, see t! at you do it quick ly, sir." Brown turned round to the in sulted gentleman, and said "Gentlemen, I have done my With a klingle, klang'e, klingle, With u loo-oo, and moo-oo, and jingle, The cows are coming home : -And over there on Merlin bill Hear the plaintive cry of the whip-poor will The dew-drops lie on the tangled vines. And over the poplar Venus shines, And over the silent mill; Ko ling, ko-lang, ko-linglelinglc, With a ting- a-ling and jingle The cows com? slowly heme; Let down the bars; let in the train Of long gone songs, aud flowers and rnin. Foi dear old times come back again When the cows come home. There is a rule at Smith College that no gir! can go out driving with young man unless he is her brother, her fiancee or a near rela tion. Now, once upon a time, not many years ago, a young man went friend, Mr. Smith, here, the injus there to see u girl with wliom lie tice to say that he was not fit to stood in none of these relations, carry swill to swine, at which he is although he wished to be in one of Very indignant. Now, gentlemen, tiiem. And like any sensible I desire to recall that remark, and r .n :.. 1, .. u.. I , . . . . . young teuow in such u pien ioi ii j0 jiere take pleasure in saying he asked her to take a unve, nav- that Mr. Smith is eminently qual- ing no knowledge of the bother- Mfied for the important office of some rule, i ne girl saiu mat sue -nrrviner swi 1 to swinp. T hoii would just love to go, but she this'apology will be satisfactory to wouui nave nrst to ask tne presi- Mr. S., and that his excellent qual dent. "Is the young man your ifications will be duly appreciated."; inquired that tunctionary. ".No," said the girl. "Is he your cousin? "JSo. said the girl. "Are mt. diaries uudiey Warner, a you engaged?" "Not yet," the famous writer, once wrote the foi blushing maiden answered, "but I lowing 6tory : think we will be when we come "If I owned a girl who had no back, if you will only let me go!" desire to learn anything, I would And tradition savs that the presi- swap her for a boy. If then the dent relented, and that the couple boy did not desire to learn I would came home engaged. Utica Ob- trade him off for a violin or a server. Kockwood vase i ou could get something out of a violin, and vou The North Carolina Local Minis- could nut something into the vase. ters conference, I'bth annual meet- The most useless of things is that ing, occurs August 14 to 18, at into which vou can put nothing luitliertonl college. Editors and and from which vou can cret noth ministers are entertained free cost while on the grounds. of Lenoir Topic: On th? last day of March Mr. 1. 1 . Green ot Globe died under suspicious circumstances. He was plowing in the field when his wife came to him and gave him a ing.The boy or girl who has no w ish to know anything is the one and becomes the other." The Baleigh correspondent of the W umington Star says:-. It is said bv certain Populists in this city that in a few days four of the most prominent men in Raleigh will formally come out in .cards and renounce their allegiance to Democracy. They will espouse the cause of Populism. I am told on good authority that two of the four new converts are successful and prominet business men and that another is a well known lawyer. My informant is not at liberty to state their names at present, but he says the people of Raleigh will be astounded. There seems to be something mysterious about these converts. GEO. JP. TfETJD. PHYSICIAN an I .SIIKGCOIV Offers his professional services to the public. Olli.-e : 06 Fort, X. C. DR. B. L ASHWORTH, Physician and Surgeon oi,i i our ar. 4'. J, N. MORGAN GO- Xo. 3 rublic Square, AsheviUe, X. C. Wholesale and Retail DEALERS IX BOOKS. STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUP PLIES AND STATE TEXT BOOKS.: Prlees guaranteed an low as any oilier, WRITE FOR PRICES. MORTGAGE SAIL By virtue of the power contained in a mortSrtKe deed ex cuted by A. M. It'ar on til's 16th day of .May, 1SIK1. and regi.-tered in the office of the Uegister of Peeds of McDowell County, N. C, in Book No. 5, on page 604, the undersigned will offer for sale at the court house door in Marion, on the first Monday in August, being the 5th d ty, at 12 o'clock m., to tlie highest bidder for cauh , the lands described as follows: Begin iin on a pine, Noah- Turner's corner, and runs north 82 15 east to a stake 250 le-t, thence noith 54 -15 east to a stake 275 feet, then south 5 30 east 425 feet to a 11. O. then 3outh 3 15m. 160 feet to a stake in the edge of the street on the east side of Wells tract, thence west course 2C5 teet with north line ot Block "A.r to a stake in street, then 200 feet with line on west side of Block "A.' to a stake in s'reet, then 25 Poor I Health means so much more than vou imagine serious and fatal diseases result from trifling ailments neglected. Don't play with Nature's greatest gift health. Notice of Publication. North Carolina 1 Supreme Court McDowell County. In Vacation. Mrs.Xancy M. llolloway and Husband Joseph Y . llolloway, vs. W. A. Rose, R. A. Wilson and husband J J. M. Wilson, Jane E. Ilenson and litis-, band William Henson, W. J.Crossland, , Thomas Crossland, J. W. Crossland, m. i rossianu ana iMiwaru crossland heirs at law of E. Witter, deceased. It appenring from the affidavit herein filed that a cause of action exists in favor of plaintiffs against the. defendants above named in relation to real property in this Statu and the defendeuts ate non-residents ol this State, but have property therein, which is the subject of this action for a fale for partition and that the Court has jurisdiction of the subject matter ot the ac lion: It is tlierelore ordered bv the Court. ; : Brown's Iron : Bitters , i If yon ire feelin out of aorta, wca and generally ex hausted, nervoui, tiave no appetite and cant work, begin at once tak ing the most relia ble strengthening medicine, hich U Brown's Iron Bit ters. A few bot tles core benefit cornea from the very first dose it tntra' ti your Ueth, and it's pleasant to take. foet east course with street on south side of I on moiion of P. J. Sinclair attorney for the stake then 6"0 i'et south i pine Ftunip, north 5 80 feet to beginning. ContHining all th lots in paid boundary except Block which contains 3 lots wliich is to be ex cel ted from the operations if this mort gage. This description is given with re ference to the survey made by J. B. New ton for the Carolina Improvement Com pany. This July 3rd, 185. J. II. Atkin, Mortgagee. mith 7 west to a plaintiffs, that publication be made in the 82 deg. west to '.Marion 1'ecnrd, a newspaper published in 5 deg. 15.u east ijHr,on, McDovell County in sai l State Mrs. Rliodie Xoah, of this place, ws taken in the night with cramping pains and the next day diarrhoea set in. She took half a bottle of blackberry cordial but got no relief. She then sent to me to see if I had anything that would help her. I sent her a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and the first dose relieved her. Another of our neighbors had been sick for about a week and had tried different remedies for diarrhoea but kept getting worse. I sent him this same remedy. Only four doses of it were required to cure him Tie says he owes his recovery to this wonderful remedy. Mrs. Mary Sibley, Sidney, Mich. For sale by Morphew & White, Druggists. Last siimnier one of our grand chil dren was sick with a severe bowel trou ble. Our doctor's remedies had failed. gins of cider. Shortly after he drank then we tried Chamberlain's Colic,Chol- the cider he was taken sick and the era and Diarrhoea Remedv.which cave next day lie died. Solicitor hour has ordered the body taken up find examined. ?pam- to be y.- lorK was tne nrst tioc- jr in Wilkes to pay tho ten dollar cene tay, saya the Chronicle. In the vrVlinity of Ikwjuet.West more- land Co , IaM lmost any one can tell you how to cure a lame back or stiff neck. They dampen a piece of flannel witbChauiberlain's Pain Balm and bind u on i lie anecteu parts and in one or two days trouble has disappeared. This same treatment will promptly cure .a pain in the side or chest Mr.E. M. Fry a prominent merchant of Buquet spears very highly of Tain Balm, and his re commendation have had much to do very speedy relief. We regard it as the best medicine evi-r put on the market for bowel complaints. Mrs. E. G. Gre gory, Frederickstovn,Mo. This certain ly is the best medicine ever put oj the market for dysentery, summer com plaint, colic and cholera infantum in children. It never fails to give prompt relief when used in reasonable time and the plain printed direc tions followed. Many mothers have expressed their sin cere gratitude for the cures it has ef fected. For sale by Noi phew fc White, Druggists. A Good Funeral Sermon. It is a great thing to be a true Democrat, veering neither to Re publican monometallism and pro tection or io ropunst iiat mcney and moonshine. The Louisville Times says that thev have the j right sort of Democrats in Ke n tucky. Several ytar9 asro.down in Uarren county, a good man died, and all the people round about Bear Wallow turned out to attend the burial. After the coffin was lowered into the crave "Uncle Shelt" Parris was requested to say ACTION FOR D1YQBCE- Nrth Carolina, ) Superior Court McDowell County, $ Fall Term ltJ'Jj. Hallie Hailyburtou vs Geo. A. Ilallyburton. ) The defendant above named is hereby notified to appear before his Honor, Judge of the Superior Court at a court to be htld at the courthouse in Marion, N. C, on the third Mondjy before first Monday in Sep t ember 1805, and answer complaint oi plaintiff which will be filed in th j office of tf. Clerk of the Superior Const within the first three days of the term, otherwise judg ment will be taken for the relief demanded in the complaint. Given under my haul this 1st day of July 139"). li. B. 1'riee Clerk of the Superior Court. J. F. Morphew, Attorney. for six successive wecka, and that the de fendents be and appear Letnre the Clerk of the Superior Court IVr &iid County in i f aid State at his office in Marion, o.i the 19th day of July proximo, and answer or demur to th- coaif laint which will be filed in the office of said Clerk withn ten dayB from this date, or plaintiffs will have judg ment for (he relief demanded ia the com plaint. This June 3rd, 1835 B. 1. I'rice, C. S. C. It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, Constipation, Cad Blood h Malaria, Nervous ailments Women's complaints. Cet onlv the renuine It has crossed red f lines on the wrapper. All others are sub- I stitutes. On receipt of two ac. stamps we f will send set of Ten Beautiful World's Fair Views and book free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE. MO. J J. TTHISNAN1, KI.ACKSKIJUC3, S , DEALER IX SASH; DOORS AXD BLINDS PRICES FURNISHED APPLICATION. CN For Sale-An excellent second-hand NOTICE. SALE OF LAND. On Monday August If, 1805, at 12t o'clock m., I will sell at the Court house door in Marion, X. C, to the highest bidder for cash the following: described real estate to-wit : 1st Tract containg 100 acres lying ir Deep Cove on Clear Creek. 2nd Tract containing 300 acres more or less adjoining the lands of W. II. Grteulee, Mrs. M. M. Iiurgin, L. W Williams and others it being a part ot the old Levy Curtis place. 3rd Tract containing about 75 acres adjoining lands of J). J. A. Greenlee,. it. . dreenlee and otners and known as the "Hoover Field." 4th Tract lying on the South side of the Catawba river and granted to J. M. and W. II. Grlenlee. adioininer the lands of M. A. Lewis, the Cannon heir and others, supposed to ecntain 100 acres. The interest rn this traet to be sold is a one undivided; half. 5th Tract situated on Paxton Branch and adjoining the lands oX D. J. A. Greenlee, L. W. Williams and other containing twenty-five acres, being part of the Old MciJntire Janl. All of said tracts situated iu McDow ell County, X. C. This sale will be made by virtue f a decree of Court for the purpose of mak ing asse's in the hands of the Admin istrator of the estate oi J. il. Groenlee deceased. . For further information apply to the Watch this space. WILL HAVE SOMEMUIXU JXTERKST!NGTO'rKLL YOU XKX.T WKKhT. Bo You Want To Save Wmf. A DOLLAR SAVED 1 DOLLAR MADE. SAVS TOUR DOLLARS BY MAKING YOUR PURCHASES AT General Merchandise Store. Headquarters for HATS. SHOES, and CLOTTIIXG. A pair of panrs for W( ta. Overalls and Shirts till you can't rett. Dry Gia and Xiona at your own price. G-E.OCii.RIES OIF ALL KIISTDS. The very finest grades of Coffee. Agents for Itxrman A Marti ne r, mixed laints, and tne ceWbrateU Xissn Wagons. something concerniuir his denarted I JU'llre Justice Attorney's, or friend. "Uncle Shell" stepped to I und'ned. Thia July 1195. the foot Of the open grave ind sol- Greenlee, Coaioner, cmuly began his oration with the words: 4,My friends thar lays as good a Democrat as water ever wet or sun ever dried." Next to saying that the dead man was a contentious Christian, praise could not be higher. News and Observer. The Bishcpof Wilwaokte is Terj . rigo rous in denouncing the preachers who marry runaway conples "on almost a mo ment's notice, without a ay question as to lrnctiiei the marriage to ba contracted is a with W n i if hnnii ip t horn I ..w .-a I. I t. .. : t . . ' ;-wc 1 uu$;jf in frwou repair jor sale ciieap i proner cne for tfee sol i,nrnr, r.f n.; by Morpbv Wtvte, Itigg, (s. I Apply to J. ?. Liuiiey, Marion X. C. fDJ P,be V P f b THE RECJORD is the BEST PLACE to gat all sorts of JOB PRINTING done in SVecif cat X iije TIE FIMK Bil ov MORGANTON, N. C. Geo. P. Ekwis, Tres't. S.T. Pkassox, Cashies Burglar Proof Vault, Patent Time Lock. Chrome bteel Safe for Cash and Valuables. Exchange on New York and other Trade Centers bought and sold. Banking hours 9 m. to 3 r. m.