u MAK10.V KECUM) t m al briefs. Vd,i." Malouc, of Morganton, ' .;, aHie McDonald. liVl to see Mr. Ab. Wanton VV8re Ifi.-r several weeks sickness. .tli.Tof Mr- J. nempniii i, k ut tir home near Nto The T Vr Capt.W.H.Kanisuer Friday 7 ""'ijr in town tins week !n th. interest of the Wilmfnirtiin which will leave Marion om tV2Jrd of this month returning on thei'h. The previous excursions managed by Cant Kainsuer has given hiiu suh a reputa tion he wH have no t roaMe in U idii--Uns train with thetk-t people of ilZ section of the 'state. In fart, Cant: Kainsuereays.he has Iio!a more family tiekets tlian on any previous wr'$n uit.irt m.-u ai ...:r , ; mir people should not miss this opp6r- . ,,! I"''' ' "'r"K i l,m,IJ to visit the coast-just the ea- .! r"" ,u "ve a pleasant tune. Thi i the last excursion that will be run from this point to Wilmington on account of the S. A. J,., company issuing' or ders that no trains be chartered after the 15th of this month, hence the peo ple in this section cannot afford to miss this opportunity. The rate is only $1.50 from Marion to Wilmington arid return. l. P.ulibiir, and family, of Art. vi-Uiig Mr. iiobbitt s thanks for Mr. Ja , i mr has o;ir inaiiKs ior a lt of vi -r'tabU, -inch were g-atli- ifn hi- jrardeii. i i, Nifho's, and children, ' ... .. . .. w-U n. the country visiting j,.iiif Mi' I s'ix, of 1'urke coun " ul -,-ieral tlays with her si-ter, ,.tCri--iiiii?,!ast week. yjr. Satterlee, of firare church .M-toii. wiii preach in the Epis- luir-'li "re at 11 ) o'clock Sun- r nf,. Neal has sef-ureu a position ii' i'tAjiv Jo-tal ('h rk and is now on the we: fern division of' the .jth.Tii road. Mr Charley M ikeh-at her, and wife, .-i 1, ,,n' visiting Mr. and .. ' iJeunett at the i'leinming last . witli some disease that resembles .,jti.uijer. Kight or ten cows have j w it hin the last few weeks. it. llarohl Turner, traveling in the ,.r.t i.l the Asheville Female Col . w;t. a j.ieasant caller at the Kkc ,:, otli.v Tuesday. ;r r;.. I. Justice has a visitor at his i.m in the person of a Miss Justice. ..urriwd Monday morning and will lthi- her permanent home. Mr Jnh n lavis died at his home j X.ui-ul la-t week. Mr. Davis .A jears of age, and was said to .clu-rii the oldest citizen in the .nt y - child of Mr. Sam l'oteet, who lives ir town, was bitten by a snake last Vilay. At last accounts the cniM was Millriin very much from the ei-t-of the bite. riiatik to Mrs. Cheek for some nice crtani. There is nothing more re--l.in;' these hot days than the cream -ved hy Mrs. Cheek and Miss Sallie i.iiiaM. I rank shuford, who is remembered ;hi-nullity, was last week sentenced -. n j ears in the South Carolina ih iitniry. for ,i;i as-ault on a young y in that State. Mr. .1. P. (Jowau and family, of i-liiiry, hae become citizens of 31a ti and occupy the Tat house. The 'ni(i) lmjii-s that their stay here will a:int. Mr. and Mrs .1. L. C. Bird went down I.ini'ohdon lat week on a visit. Mr. M returned home Voiiday while Mrs. will .-jiend a few weeks with her tlirr. earnestly request all persons " ire due us on account t call be- August lt and settle. Show your ;reeia( ion ot our indulgence by coili ng with tins reouest. McCaU A ?IcIo II i;o In I. tick. A young man giving his name as G. W. Inscor from Marion, X.C., enlivened the air on the oth with a romance which was interesting as well as im probable, lie says that his brother John a miner, was authorized not long ago by one Charles Austin.of Asheville,N C. to proceed down the Tennessee until he came to a blulF answering the descrip tion written on a 4 way bill' left to Mrs. Austin by her father, Mr. Uoon?, on his death bed. The narrative claimed that in time far past Borne had hidden six thousand in gold coin and one thegand dollars north of gold dust. The hiding place described corresponded with the ledge in the face of Paint Jtock bluff, sixteen miles below Gun tersville. So the story goes that this Johu Inscor stopped and tapped face of the bluff two hundred feet above the water until on July 4th he struck a cemented recess, which soon yielded to the blows of his hammer and revealed a small sheet iron box containing the treasure as al'eged.The narrator claims that John Inscor left on the 6th for Asheville with the treasure. Gunters vi lie (Ala..) Democrat. Xlr-I. inney, the editor, is in county t his w eek, hence sub r:bt r )ioii lit not bold him rsiunisi- i "rany short-comings in this issue Hi.com. Mi H.utie and Klien Crawford le!t ' I'M of t l,p week to take charge of irilnVrrent schools. These are tV Varinns sweetest and accomplished ' ladies and the committees are to '""k'ratulated in securing their ser- Mr. (;,.,. rse Klliott had the inisfor- to nit his foot badly while at. 'rMni oue of the new buildings last 1 - The wound was dressed by Pr. ri'l" . and we are glad to know e I :.. -i ' in Mum tie able to resume rk. Met , "rand shows combined," ' ' ""le and gone. We have made 1 i.' nt .-ean h to find some one who "1 '-tinled, in order to give a report i his nour have been unsue- f" .'hough we are confident that 'w people carried a few dimes w"lithcni. One man said that the poorest thing he ever saw "H business for itself." Tl,.. . . auvance in leather has obliged aeturers to make a correspond Jaiu-e in the price of shoes, with " ""i me only exception of W. I IV o Such Trouble In Marion. Wo clip the following from the Bryson City Times, and commend it to the careful consideration of our citizens: "Next Monday the officers of the Western Carolina Lumber compa ny leave on a prospecting tour for Marion, and intermediate points. "The object of the trip is the de termination of the location of the big wood-working plant 6on to be erected and operated by this enter prising company. "Vice-President Morrow is au thority for the statement that the first and most substantial wishes of tho company were to establish the industry in Hrvson City, but repeated efforts in that direction have proven so futile that the idea ot locating hero is almost aban doned. "Said Mr. Morrow yesterday, "all the owners of available pro perty have been asked and begged to sell us sufficient ground upon which to erect our plant, and to sell it upon terms Ilia t at least bear some Indications of reasona bleness, but the prices charged have been so very exorbitant that locating' where we have hoped to establish ourselves is now beyond reason " If a representative of this com pany comes to Marion he should offered such inducements that they cannot afford to go elsewhere. v'e have every advantage for such a plant, and if this company wants to locate at this point the land will be given them and other induce ments: offered. ATI. SOlUS OF ITE7I.. The new and handsome Baptist' : church in Morganton ha8 been comple- j Th,, Rutherford Democrat put - nam-.-, me list oi fnerilt's of that -Mrs. I attie I.Ii .rrington has l-en county since lS.Tti. nil of n . I t - .. . . -. . i r u.;u uy ex-juuge pier vmlaker for ' still living ntwi. Nearly half the fertilizer used in North Carolina is manufactured in the State. Dunalcounty Texas furnishes the first bail of new cotton on the New York Cotton exchange. The Press Association is in session at Greensboro today, tnd tonight the ban quet takes place. Presiding Elder Hoyle and family. have rturned from a trip across the mountains. little six year old girl -was killed' by lightningUuring a rain while walk ing through a field in Wilkes county- recent ly. Judge Green and Solicitor Spainluyur have rented dwellings in Morganton and will move their families to that place from Boone. Jim Jtveves, who was set;t to the pen itentiary from the Statesville court two and a half years ago for alleged bur glary has been pardoned. The Iowa Republican State Conven tion was held in Des Moines last Wed- nesday'and'Gen. F. M. Drake was nom inated for Governor. No free silver in the Platform' A South Carolina judge 1 as set up a new standard of qualification for jury service. In his opinion disbelief in the wisdom or practicability of a law dis qualifies a citizen for serving on a jury when the enforcement of this particu lar law is at issue, no matter if the cit izen declare himself ready to accept the law as it stands and render verdicts un der it in accordance with its terms and the evidence. The Asheville Citizen learns that Ed. Knight, a young man living six miles west of Asheville, struck a railroad tor pedo with something heavy enough to cause an explosion.-, A piece of the tor pedo struck his neck, cutting a vein, and he is not expected to live. Sims who murdered his wife near IIuntersviMe some weeks ago, is pro nounced by Dr. Wilder as insane. His trial has been set for the Criminal court in September. When a man is in favor of silver he says lie is for silver, but when a man favors gold he sajs he favors "sound money;" why is it that a champion of silver is not ashamed to say what he means, while the gold champion mas querades behind 'honest" money? Noith Carolina CoIIeae OF AGRICLTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS. The next session of this College will begin September 5th. Examinations at Key. Tom Dixon savs when he "ount3r !,ats first Saturday in August. marries people he never makes the I oun men desiring a technical educa woman promise to qbty the man, j tion at an unus,,aI1J low cost will do ior ne Knows she will not do it, and iwappiy ior catalogue to therefore, there's no her tell a fib use making J.Q HOLLA DAY. Pre. Raleigh, X.C The Salisbury correspondent of the Charlotte Observer says Postal Clerk M. A. Williams, on'the Sal isbury & Knoxville K. P. O., has been suspended for cause, to take effect from and including to-day. iie'per .L. Ji. Hams takes his place ana .r. K. Soul, of Montmni.. , becomes helper. The Charlotte Observer of Fri day contained this itm: The baptists and Methodists of Bakersville complained of the use of the Mitchell county court house by the h-piscopalnms on the ground that they were preaching uncom- iortabie doctrine and got the coun-1 ty commissioners to make an or der forbidding their use of it hereafter. Since the war there have been seventeen homicides in Davidson county and not a conviction. Five or six years ago a man was lynched in mat county lor a honnciue, and at another period one submitted tor manslaughter. These are the only cases in which punishment has followed the crime of killing. The record is not one for the coun ty of Davidson or the State of North Carolina to be proud of. Charlotte Observer. For 1 afs lo reduce stock of Ladies Victoria Watch university 07 NORTH carouna jUhains we now offer these goods at Half Price. Don't let the opportunity pass. Call today. Comprises the lnivrifV the rvlUA. iLe Law and Jle-lical Schools, ad the Summer School for TWbt-ri. Tuition C0. 25 Touchers, 471 StuJenta. Adlrefi l'RKS'DENT WINSTO.V, l l.a.nel II:!, N. C, for Caulo ie and band hook on t'ni Tcrsily Education." The Austin, Texas, ministers met Monday and issued an address to the p3opie of Texas, calling on all the preachers and all others to rise in their power and drive the proposed Corbett-Fitzsimmons fight out of the State. The minis ters ask for a mass meeting in this and other cities of the State to pro test against the fight. The Gov ernor is urged to call out the mil itia if necessary to prevent it. MlLLINKItYf f IILINKKYt I LL I X E K Y -1 1 LI .1 X E ! Y Miss niollie DrKiiifc Fashionable Milliner, Keeps the very Latest Styles in Millinery goods. Store on Main street, next door to Lonon Rrothers. SsnservatQvy e! Musis. THE BROCKMAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC, GREEXSBOKO, N. C. Pianoforte, Voice Culture, Violin and Art. A specialist in each de partment, Training School for Teachers. Address CIIAS. J. BR0CKMAX, Manager. SWINDELL, The Jeweler. -. who, notwithstanding -rnce of leather, will Pfuvs,ai! give 41 t lM.fre the continue at a better shoe The recent additions lie Killed His Wife. A special to tho Asheville Citi en from Canton says: . ill ll kinson, of Asheville, was driving with the wife of Attorney Jennyss T.Vv. Hushes, of jNcw iJern, was found dead in his bed at the P.enbow house in Greensboro Monday morning. There is to be a big silver rally at Clin ton, Snnipson county, on the 7th of Au-gust. The Wi'mington Star learns that a law passed the last Letislature very quietly legalizing co';k-fi;hting and that it was emhidied in the charter of a pleasure club hence the chicken tiiijiute at Morchead City. Thomas IIolnie3, of Brooklyn, an expert on embalming fluids, claims to have per- felted a process hy which the human body can he petrified. He says that within two weeks he will make tests at Belle?ue Hos pital. Dr. Holmes na3 in bis office a petri fied arm, which looks like a piece of mar ble. He claims that antiseptic gas can now he manufactured as cheaply as any fluid in use tor embalming. After the ga3 has been injected, the doctor says, the body will gradually solidity and turn white as mar ble, even to the nails and hair, but tliej'at ter only to the scull. Dr. Holmes is now 7 rpira nlt He said ? '! believ? I have dis covered a process of embalming superior to the old Egyptian.' The Raleigh correspondent of the Charlotte Observer says: A genuine sensation was sprung here this afternoon when the grand jury presented S. P. Sattcr field, principal clerk of the House, and J. M. Brown, enrolling clerk of the last Legislature, for failure to do their duty as officers of the last Legislature in permitting an act to be enrolled which never pas- ed either house. The act in ques tion is the much talked, of one to prevent preferences in assignments. The presentment will be docketed md remain until the next term of court, when Solicitor ,Pou will make an examination' and decide whether or not to send in a bill." The Stato'Agriculturnl and Me chanical College is rapidly grow ing in favor. Last year, thou'i only six years old, the College en rolled two hundred and forty stu dents, i his is, we believe, a more rapid growth than any other insti tution in the State lias ever made. Its announcement appears in this issue. In Charlotte Monday night John .VrtirtLL fnrmpr suneriltendent ot near her home west of Murphy late Jhe Chariotte cotton mills,shotata last night when Jennyss, who had driven from Murphy nearly home and had hid by the roadside, fired at Wilkinson but killed his wife. Wilkinson passed Murphy and arded the train but was arrested mid i:u ed at Hrvson Litv. Jennyss lied and has not been seen since Jennvss' family came from Xew York smd had been living near Murphy for a few years. Free! Free! Freel Everybody is invited to take a FREE look at NICIIOL'S BROTHERS' Large and new stock of General Merchandise. A Coat for 50 cents? Yes! Nichols Bro' have coats at all prices from oO cents up, and new spring and Summer Clothing in tho very latest style. Also Dry Goods, Hats, and Notions. , And Groceries of all kinds, Flour, Salt Bacon, &c. Como to Nichols Brothers' for anything in. the above lines, and for Hardware, farming implement, wooden willoware, !tc. They also pay highest maiket prices for all kinds o( Country produce. In B (Ul P THIS SPACE BELONGS TO HARDWARE DEALER- :o:- agent Fon PIEDMONT WAGONS, HILL BUGGIES. ROCK SEE IIIS NEW AI)., NEXT WEEK. are all the taik. The Hotter it gets the the lower the prices. Keep coming to our Store. We will not be undersold. Some ne vv Summer goods just in. Groceries! Groceries! negro hack driver. Ed. Johnson, in front of the Central hotel. The bul let glanced and struck David Reeves in tbe thidli. making a daiurerou wound. Reeves is steward ot the Central hotel. Arnold was drunk and claims the shociing was acci dental, he was released on $300 bail. rusiou oes Tot' the Record. Editor Marion Keccrd.t The Progressive Farmer denoun ces S. L. Patterson, Esq., the new Commissioner of -Agriculture, and the board which elected him to that position, because, having once belonged to Our Noble Order, he, 'like Carr and Beddingfield, de serted his comrades and joined the enemy." This means that when the effort was made to transfer lmililv thft members of Our Noble Order from the Democratic party to the Third party, Carr, Bedding fipld nnd Patterson backed out. Thev weren't willing to bo trans ferred, and this wasdeserting their comrades and icining the enemy Yet who does not remember with what vehemence it was asserted, t7v vpnrs asro. that -'the Alliance hain't in politics?" That was when it was a kindergarten; when it ne- , . . i 1.., 4l..,. gan to inrn oui gruau;m-s un-j were all Populists. Jt s a'r,,:dy lare factory, makes his ;:t larjjt in the world devoted J,1,1'a hiring an exclusive line of Tic i , . iiul ,s about made up for Prof. '"'.v.of Salem, Va.; to begin Sep- ,"'0,Mtli. b"t a!l join hands with 'f murii.nl -..!.(;. i. .iw v r? as u,.il ..:....,, . . u eoum De uone eise- iur aim is to work as well for '"( latroiiaci. nr-h nminill- A test lately made on the New York, New Haven and Hartford R. R.Jindicates that the substitution of electricity for steam upon the pres ent tracks can be made without difficulty or much expense. Elec tric locomotives will have to be built and iut in place of the pres ent steam ones. In a run on the Nantucket branch of the road above mentioned, eighty miles an hour was made without the least trouble. An ehx'tric locomotive was hitched 1 notice in the last issu of the Ilec- ord an editorial in regard to Teachers Institutes in which you charge the Fu sion legislature, as you term it, witli abolishidg the institutes in the State. I am sorry that the editor of our home paper should so far forget himself as to make any such charge. If the editor wi I take pains to examine the acts of the Democratic Legislature of chapter 2U0,he will find that that body abolished the Normal schools and vir tually the teachers institutes as as it only provided fo- them tobel eld when the board of education provided a suit ably place for them to be held and de- to a load of 175 tons, equal to sev en loaded passenger cars, and show frayed all the expenses of holding tnai ucouiu pun iwcri n un.es- them eX(.ept tlie saiary aua traveling sary. ine large roaus winnow tuu stitute electricty for steam, and wo shall be -traveling HHJ miles an hour before the end of the century. By that time a great many people w ho now travel will wish thev could Everything in the Grocery Line. NEW AND FRESH STOCK at prices lower than anywhere else in town. CAN NOT BE UNDERSOLD. NEW STAND. NEW STOCK. CA Lb AND SEE UEFORE YOU BUY ELSE WHERE, A. B, Gilkey & Son. AT rokun o T r LIVERY 1 ,000,000 People Wear W.LDouglasSlioes A iih the trustees. Rev. W. II be staying at home. r Col. it einclair.as to par- ! .fWhenyou see a cross (X) op- ,Uu. J(,,lr name it indicates that your " ' "t or about to expire. Renew ' ription or your paper will be ;N"n'iriued. , ,ri,,t' at this time iurnishes era- '''It tu lltitru ...!...:.... ..... 111 "'estate of its tize. (eorge Hudson was tried in Sali: bury Monday for beating his wife. The Herald says that Mrs. Hudson's brother had died and she wanted to go to the funeral. Hudson refused to lt tier go and told her if shedid he would kill her. Later he beat her cruelly. He was fined $10. He ought to tiave been hung up by tli" thumbs ana cowhided That would have been the proper treatment for the wretch. expenses of the instructor employed by the State Hoard, and that act has not been changed. I think it but fair that even the Fusion legislature have jus- tiee and that this matter be corrected before the ptrblie. Do me the favor to publish this and ob'ige, Fusion. Parties wanting elegant bouquets at any season, made to order, any kind of flowers for in and out door, any kind of vegetable plants, spring bedding or bulbous plauU. at the lowest price, can get them by writing to Ernest J. Bush, Morganton, N.C Old papers f-i-'sil at the Record of fice. BEST IN THE WORLD. $3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.T5 rtr bjtj JeJTkIi I T(L m X. m Mir. A'i HI; lr-m d widihl 1 1.5 E4rnr in leather a iacmvul H e t"c o( hT ITMkr. bat U. quaUty na pra i4 S . l !! "- J N. Dysart. Chanbcrla'a ZZ?c cid Skin Olxitmeat HAND SEWED PROCESS. $5.oo $4.oo $3.50 $2.50 $225 For Men 1 I have opened up this week a beautifuL And Feed Stables, line of Summer Dress Goods. I buy for cash and sell for cash, therefore can make I it 1 . mm m . , Handsomest vehicles. W hor- VOU tllO CJOSeSt DOSSlble nriCGS: t. 1 Tf I A X yon want to take a pleasure trip or a business trip across the moun tains, down the valleys, around town or anywhere else, with more comfort and ease than 3011 ever took the same trip before, try one of A. B Gilkey & Son's. turnouts. Is a cerratn cure ior iroE.ic core tjc Eve Licir, bore irpiS GranuLitei Ecxema,Tct 25 ceats per Lox. For hale Ly dreggisii TO HC23E For putting a Lcise ia a Cce hcaltly coa ditioa try Dr. Csdy'a Cocditioa Iodera. Ihey tone up the f rstem, aH dictation, cure loss of arpeute, rtliere cccstipation, correct tidoey disorders and destroy wotoj, pic? cew life to tn old or orar worked bone. 25 cents per package. For sale by drugrioti JJcrpbew k White, Druggists. NOTICE TO XOX-RESIIET. North Carolina I In the Superior Court McDowell Co. Before the Clerk. Andrew Yount, Administrator with will annexed of Noah Yount, dee'd, vs W. II. Williams and wife Harriett, An drew Elmore, Wiley Elmore. John Moffltt and wife Margaret. Williaai Youut, Susannah Thomas, John Bled no and wife Mary. To Susannah Thoma non-resident defendant in the alxive entitled action. j Greeting: lot. are hereby notified and required to apar beioie th un dersigntd at hi o3ce in Marioa, X.C, on Saturday the 10th day vf Augurt l?y.1, and answer t-r demur to tbe com plaint fi'ed in faid cause for Rale of real estate for aseets therein described, otherwise judgment will be taken asain.t you for the relief demanded in said complaint. Witness my hand and eal this 3rd day of July ls5. 15. JI. Price, Clerk Superior Court. 30 in. Dimity Cloth, beau tiful Dress Goods 10c Arabian Cor " 8Jc J : a 'Jc Fancy Henrietta 12c Fancy Ducks 10c Scotch Lawn 4 fc All Staxidard Prints Txi IJarker Mill lilehin He Tennessee Jeans 15c. J. F. Dellinger, Craig Building. Lewi Mimix. Pki:idkxt. h. ; McIci,Cahik. Asm: villi:, . c DraiCJXATrD Um STAT i: JfKroSITOUY. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $25 000 We have Special facilities for handling the business of Merchants ad ethers in Western North Carolina. If you have no Bank accoun or think of a chaag?, we w ill be glad to have you correspond with u