MAIUON RKUOIUX Uh Vuu,n of t:, i.-. I work a find donated I v tie- PtTDL!SHKD EV KSY THL'HSitA V ()f KdKcr aurl Proprietor. r.iHTH.l at the ostotl're ;n M.trmn as MCOtld-olaSS L.til tl!lttT. AD Tisfi ick oni c;oi:s roit t h ' r I the nl.M-ncc ct ll.oe-uiior . jf week there ap-ared m tho !'-.' '' ; t, . : ... : -li.r l.r. f. .Mi .' . a comnninr.iuio,, uo-.v. ... . in$ h-nl : M' u-ion p h jnr :; Ukcokij." Xov th" alitor of th Kkcokd d'.- dourly low to 1 ; n-t riht whn hM U Pim. Tin-ch:irnl-rs of liis soul ' r!io routm uully with tin- littl ? m.hj?, ' If 1 ain ri,'M lly ?r'r- imp trt .Still in tli- riilit to !-taj ; if lam wronr, t- I my ! :trl T finl thf !lt r way."' Ffisi'm t-Tid'-ntly h;tn not r-al 11 ii lawr or in trying to jra-ti !'- ceptioiiillM.n the readers of 1 1 : I Whxoiiu Ve? ould not knowi'i:- ) t h der ive our read-r? for any! :ini in th'i world, an! w- will not r inain silent and p rmit anoi her to do Ho. The following is Fn-ion's cin inunicati n cut in-: 4,I noti'-e in tlie last i-.-m of the Krord an i litorial in regard to 'IVaehers Institutes in whidi you hi.nri, i he Fusion LeL'i.-lat ii re. as you term it, with aholi-hiii' the institutes in tin.' State, lam sor rv that the editor of our home pa per should m far 1' iiiinscli as to make any mch dla e;,. H tli" editor will take the pains to exam ine the acts of the Uein- erati Leg islature of l.SCi, (duipter lit'O, he will lind that that 1-ody aholi.-hed the Normal M.hools and virtually the teaeherH in.-titute as it only provided for them to he held the hoard of ducat ion provided a Kiilahh- dace for them to l.e held and defrayed all the expeii-es of hohlimr them, except the Hilary noil travrlni" exn'l..-es of the J 1 1 htni'-tor iiiploy. d hy tie- State hoard, and that act has not hecn dialled. I think it hut fair t: at een ill" Fuio:i Legislature have justice and tiiat tli i mat t"r.he n-r-rented hefore the puhhe. D n the favor to publish this and oh liee, Fusion' First, our correspondent ot " his base" w hen he r ferred to(du.p ter I'OO of lh:' laws of 1S5. The chapter referred to is "an act t pre nt live slock from running ni large in the county of (luilforsl' Now we do wonder what ''live n :.. r...i" 1..,,. f ,1,, educatiui in North Carolitia. -ol. We can very easily see how the above act is a militv healthy thim-; for our corresioiideiit, for he is man ifestly so "green' if he were to go to (i nil ford, and there w ere any :ivo stock running at large, he wouhl- never rrturn to Mc Dowell; some hungry ohl ix would devour .him. Fusion says that the Democratic legislature of lSSo abolished Nor mal schools ami, w ith them, the teachers institutes. We do not. ask our ro.'.d ;.'s to take our statement ; wo want them to examine the law for themselves. Look at section L'otiT ( f t lit Code, amended by ilie laws of 1SS5, and you will lind that it provides as follows: "The board of education of any county may annually appropriate an amount notcxoi oiling one hun dred dollars out of the s hod funds of the county for tin pur pose of conducting o..e or mere teachers institutes for said county ; or the .'ounty boards of ec.ucatit n two or more adjoining counties may, if in their judgment deem proper, appropriate anainotir.t not exceeding one hundred dollars to each county, for the purpose of conducting a teacher-' institute for iaid counties, at some convenient and satisfactory point, and the public, school t-achcr of the comi ty or counties are rnjuired to at tend said institutes which lattt r shall be open also to any teachers in the county or counties w ho may be desirous to attend them." Now turn to chapter 1'tH), laws of 11, th. act thai abolished the normal schools and you will find the act entitled as follows: "An act to abolish the while normal schools of the State, and to provide for holding county insti tutes throughout the State." Fusion says that the law that abolished the normal sohoo!; also abolished the county institutes. The above is the act that abolish, d the normal schools, and the only act; and the very act that aholi-h- 'd llxi normal sehoo appropria- i ted $-1 1)00 for the nurnose t.f l. ihl ... indemnity institutes. I his s i.tH-O : was then taken from the institutes liy section 8, chaptor laws of 3 89 1 . ami annlied to thesunnort of "The. Normal ami Industrial School,'' for whit girls at (ir'M.s. V.C-0. Jttt th-rc- wjis still h ft for nt j p jVahody f:; J. . ti.K vw'i.s si ill lilt to ;!!! '"'linlv .i ::nl of odiirnti'-n the riirht to appr pi ia to $100 f .i- :'. purpose tyr . !uetim: n:i irist ;'. tile for t I n -fi I of th" t.-si'-ti'-rs of that ' .:: tv. ihr. i. . Af: r t! -:s!'ft?;:-!i! d . S. ch.ii.o of J 1'iws i.! ;ol) to y ;) ' j .1.. s . i. .-. r i !;' e; . : !; 1 i"; '- ti'iiy :nstlt nt '-to jir ei fjrUi :. (; ,K .ini,.:ii(.,i j!V ,i L:V;7 of hf.vs of And !u i -ay- so t this (i-:v, I h;t t t!i" tii-vr l-f en hn re' "!. A i! of our rend"rs is t hat t h seel i n 7. !:!!. t'-r i'-V-K oi of 1 ' J) p: '.;' I. see that iioL' was the i n y l.i-v vii! u'.i- thorizin Hi" holding of in.-titute- j p -al o', l ut ill - -ry loa id of ! 'i- ,tt ion w hieh "i'ti-ioii" sa .-; ha-4 a ri'i t '"jnovid a .-nitiai l" j,i;u. f, r lioldin-j- t!i" in.-li'u! f,.. v j j ;(. ,.x j., ( f ,!, j dillir I bol-1 ta-ti, -x. .nf .V-., Is:..- I - n i-hed, mid with it, '"Fii.-i -If. him- 'eIstT Iti Hie Scautr. There i-; si fasciint ' : i in --l.!:dy-iiiLr a in ai i. 1 pit'';!'.- ..f a man -u;h as )li r Dyor y.', -s i:i his ' (', : Senators" of tJ. "Fnited Stat 's Forty ""i'ears A'.-' ' a!:l under the snell one i teinn'ttl tt b-li v there are no threat men now. 'Dis tance '::'! enehant lll' llt, ' etc.. and soin i 1 1 i : 1 4 may be credited t that fact .ie 11 a li'uro is l".-cri-led and admired faraway, hut it can le-ver be denied thai Daniel Webster wns a wonderful man. Mr. Dyer says : 1 have u distinct rjcol!e.-ti":: of Web.-teras he looked ti, do-d. time I saw him. He had b. en ill, ami several Weeks elapsed allep the se S i 1 1 O; ( 1 1 1 J ?'t ' S le'.liill lie ore lie came in I he S -na-e (.'h--niler. 1 whs oecu pv i s :r t!i" rep(,riers: seat t! en :d'.;!!' d to 1 he v 1: -Jul kTs of the 1 nt"l liu'eia-t r's c ri.s one forenoon, w 'hen there w;.s a ood deal of .noise .,nti l-iMle in t!;e Sen ale, but no 'e-i 0. j . ,.r (,;. Sud- denlV Alienee !"M 'ii."n j !U- ber. I b...ked i;p ;-"ei si W : 1 urned in the din tiwii of ; w Inch led frem one of tin ! 1 ' i n aisle j (IOO past the reporters' seat. ! I looked to ee what, it was that so riveted everybody's attention. It was Web.. ter. He v.a.s coming slowly along the aisle, directly to ward me. 1 knew him, partly from pictures 1 had s ; -n id' him, but more from the fact that I felt it could not be aiivbodv else, for nt (Me moment i had an univlart ing, .. t.-.osueh iimn in the world at t'io same time, ami that this one must be Webster. He was jiale, w;-lk d l'o.-by ; but the pic luresipio majesty was; the overpowering intellectuality was there. That enormous ami beau tiful head, those wonderful eyes, that stately carriage, the Jove-like front, all proclaimed that the god like Daniel had ct-me into the Senate I hu.-e and v.'a.-j advancing to his scat. The silence with which Web ster was received on that t ccasion w as like the silence w hi'di his ap pearance in the Senate Chamber, or his rising to speak, alwavs caus ed. No 05 her Senator wasever listen ed to with the r.'.-pect which he commanded. i,..,, 1,,-nfon :d dressed the Senate, tla rewas more tha.n ordinary attention accorded t him. When Calhoun spoke, he was listened to with more attention than lit nton received. Clay was still more favored than Calhoun, but w hen Wei st. r ar...-e there was instantly a solemn hu-d, and the intense solitude of great and evr expectation at i nc.. became n g nant. Information that W( b.-;i-r was up spread like w did lire, and. th." Senate Chamber v ns lmmeiliately packed with eng. r listeners. Only One !::i!i"l raid His Uebts. iva 1 me. ting At a tlie van- g'dist r e.ue-'eil 1 v it msiii who paid Lis dJit- to stand up. 'id; -v v . : n-i '1 i ;,! -vV .'"T". 'V- ...... ;i, l ' 1 y lil.'.i 1.1 I n . s meeting who nas not paid his d-.-bt- -Til Till Til." I 1 : .a i 1 1 1 i 1 - . 1 1 . I 1.1s arm aloft. "Mv m m s:thl thetvangeli.,;..; paid v..urV!-.ts!" -e';,;d L, -1 have n-.t paei th- in, and 1 ( n J - 1 ' , , " . . led pay them. I am t!:e edit ....!.-'. . i . .i ii':..e v i'ti ir, . :ti:u et ry in 'iuher .f ihise,-.!regati..ii i'N's liK for IliV ;tn. 1".'" In the vi.-inif y of Ih.euct.Wc.-t v. latnl t. , Ca.. a ii:..-! r; n et:.- ( :in Oil h.. It. a l.lliie l-a.-h t.r tlt'.'U. '1 !.e dai tiell :i jdero ; !';; with'. Is wei rri ii;:'- Pain r.aiiiiai i it en t he al'e. u-d i trt- and in no. ! bi-id i. ttays tr c ; r. at r: 1, ! a i v .ii j r. :i:.!!y r . i- t. M;. E p . a in I i c a iro!iiiiie:i: i.e-r.-iiant . ;' i;...,n..: o,..-; J Vt ry highly . ; Cain ibum. and ids n.. j eoei:ucr.dati.n hae had i.iu -h t u ! V ltu "l;'i'sT n wieiv. i rsal by Merphew .v White. Dru-g. sts. . Hi is;.:c tat ( .role. 'sioa. es tells i'i ""h.t he i:. I r.c'f - it v, !i!:oiit quahlic.ttioti t!- fir-t principle of our forefath rs: tint i very i oy l orn in the w e-rld j-.!i'.M'. I i -put i: tl:" v.av of maintaining; hitnsojf in huh'-pou-il'-i.c". N '!:i'';ili'rj which d-s !:t m ike this its first aim i-i worth thin''' at nil. fhere. nre but ,f 1 iiv!r!ir. p.s soni one !.v W'-rkin, hv 5-jninr. i -r hy St ;;iii:'r. Th.'.-e who io n t I wor!:. d;-.:i.i-- it in whaU-v-r pr-t- J i 1 v ia:i':ii:itr" v. c 'i ;i-t', aro !:!,. I out- of tli. otL. r tv.o. The iracti J en ii".- ii f nu!t tako rvc '1- i-nc" of i. iht'l!.-.-.-i-,:.-d. A tro ! !im.-t ! ro. .ti-d in tho .'il l.for. i it c:m i- iir llowt.-rs avA fruit. A i man mn-t l arn to stiMid ui; iht I uoofi own f to r' -o'-ct him- - i?, t. i iml. : ! ot (.'hsinty or Af"id lit. Iris on thi- 1-asi.-only that any su j .-Tt rtir-t ii r of in n Jl'-;junl cullivation worth havimr po.sihly h" huilt Fronde. 32'rci'. A physician of ex p.- rience said ree.-iitly : I eiY alwavs 5 e iriiid- d bv vour feeilnu- in ti: maUer of e;". - ivi - e, for When oee (,-. ii!;:' taking exercise t!i.. h-n-t, th:1t is j11"' ':nie ii. ltv: ..-ra ny ie-eo to 1ak" it tie' ne ' fjfile A t--"rpr ill's f; but death i- it ; A t n'tie is a fill- theuniver.- A cross -ord Tilings. :m: little tiling, victory. iittl ' thimr, but it wit!i trouble, is a litth; thimr. but it 1- what stirs up the elephant. An orange pee! on tlr; siih walk is a. l::te thin.u-. but it ha maiiv Lriant. no it i A word is a little thimr, h-tit one word hi's been men's destiny, for t;ood or for evil. A spark is but a little- thiiur, but it can li-ihl a poor man's pipe or set tie- v,r!il buvni. 'i. A minute a. little thiujr, but it is lone; eiiom.di t' ull a do;:;-n acliine; teeth ir to: t marrit.d ami have you a mother-in-law. Fife is ma.!.' up of little things, l.i fe ib-eif is but a little thine:. Crnud Mast t Sov reign has i-,-ui ti a ni.inii'e-to to his oric;. ni;:;. t'oii and nth" Aliiai.c", I ' -n'e'r n: r v, r i -rn; ) .' - : d kind-. 1 ,., i.-s r; .-;.ing ;!. v. re;es d i l.e mas.--s and calling iora general hny'ottt on national bank notes in all dealings between individuals. The boycott is to go into eii'eeL S .'itemb(.T 1st. The students of the Ihiltimore College of Physicians and Sur geons the (gher day were treated to an inside view of a mail's stom ach at work, ami it is -said to bo was ev ri' -n. hy means 01 a i:.-x- iide tube a dimiuulive 'nut powerful electric light was intro duced into tlie patient's stomach, and the lights in the room being lowered, the darkness permitted over !,.i)0 students to see the workings of the stomach. Tlie ex periment was conducted by l'ro-fes.-or Julius Friedonwald. A wealthy citizen of Portsmouth, Ohio, was captured, a few nights ago, while in the act of perpetrat ing a burglary. The police sur prised him and he surprised the p'diee w h e 11 they found whom they had caught. He owned up and confessed that most of the bui giarh s committed in that town for some time were his work, and gave as a reason that he couldn't resi.-t the temptation to steal. For this overt act and ad mission he will probably be sent beyond the reach of temptation Landmark. The State of Wilkes will ph ase step to tle'Jat a-z iin. A cow be longing to Henry Kraggor, of Stroudsburg. Pa , recent - gave birth to a creatine that has tlie body ami legs of a calf and the front fo t of a goose.with toes and claws. It also has wings and a. bill, and feathers on its b.e-nl ii stead o! :nr. It bleats in the dav j Ilk- si calf and at night utters cries j like a g..o... Landmark. rs in a Louisiai; nt par i.-h m.-t and with gr-at unanimitv ' . ' 1 i i't in, : i " t I.:it erti-a ami e-tv i In-' i' nt tie- .Tiler lierel'V ,d. - li - ; e;i!t s -l nn it. uie iiio-L ri-l: ,!i It stated t!.;;t the ;;r:iss eron of It.... t. 1 i t ; i s uuiiii .7 iot', y . 'U nit , r. than tne c-.ttun cr l that vear. I.:e ton t f (,ur .1 re I e ! tr- -i- - had n.ih d. !.'- ' ::.-. ! .d- l I ha-i! art-l.t . a ! f e r.--:;n! it r I et! the i t; t ;:', ry. s;.i;...... r c- : - i ht h-r. i:.:.u;:i.:!i in . 1" tuds JO ejC J.r;,.;,, r 1 in reasi.inii !c-!i:;-, a;;.! bit . It t . t .... . I rt-iit-1 v. I ce. use j tie- plain j.riated ii-ciit.n Ioi: wed I Many :: .ether- .::, e . Apr. - -d t !;. : r - in I ( r,' :-;i!ifu p. f( r tp... jt ..:. , t' f.-ct.'d. i .-aic by -r p' -v.' wV V.d. I ,r. T V Vfll:X r nll-v hUt'(1 11 man UT ' ! calling him a Populist. The jury a,ul u 'h lir:1!KI:,1!-", I U.ou-!it the oilers u av .,ne, P"W I'1 "!: Jnn!l r ict oi m"IJ' j ami gave him a verdict for .m Vl2'M I Have T;i:c. V.'Lcn I have time so n nnv '',:jr 11! T.j lift hnj-jii-r r.r:ln:orf fair Yvt thoe nhes.; live .ire crowJeJ r.iv. Kiib care; lilp to f 'u?m from tlif :r low c?:air 7.hen I li.tve lime. WiiOu I h lve litre iLe fri'nJ I ;tive so w-l! Hh.iV, knor.- no more litis-.; wca-j- te'AU. Iil l-'-iiJ her feet ia -!ca?: ut j;i:u nl- V. :. 5 An! d f r !.ut v..h n'oids of sweetest pr;i"5P - When I h ive tine. I''.x Ij. i ; "Lei. JO ) 1n.- tinu! T! o irier.ilyou l oM Maj 1 1) - r n l :': i et ir.t.-iit ; v( r knov,- rf:v;!i of itll vour tli;'.t ro". ?o kinclr r..( .u,t To ii.l Yvr wit -.vp' t ror.ttnt W en y-.'U h.el '.ir.n-. Now is the tirat ! Ah, friin i. ro longrr To st-iitt er loving smilrs .tt! wor Is ( f To '.'. c?." !ircnn whos-i lives are now so tire ir ; '1 ie v 'i -V i.ot :,': - to'i hi lie cymiiv J .w ii te'..'. Ioin: One Thinv' at :i Tisno. I ivv'-r could have done what 1 ;ave done without th IV.llHtS OF i punctuality, order ami indulgence without tlie dt-termination to concentrate myself on one suhje.-t at a time, no mat ter how quickly its successor should can'-' upon its h.ei -Is. w hich 1 then lei med. Heaven r- 0 s l uiii'.' u; 1 write u:i in no spun. 01 ; j of sett-laudation, the man vno reviews ins own ilie as 1 no mine in going on here from page to page, had need to have been a good man indeed if lie would bo spared the sharp e onseioiisne.-r of many tal ents neglected, many opportunities wasted, many erratic and perverted feelings constantly at war within his br.-.t-t, and defeating h'u i. I d not hold one naluia! gift, I dare say, that I have not abused. My meaning simply i.-. that w hatever I hav-i tried fo do in life I have tried with all my heart to do well; that whatever I have devoted myself to I have demoted mys' If to ''omph.d" iv: Unit in yreai alius and in small L have aiv.iv.s be.-i 1 ' !"'' !;ell! ' mi n- v !;..' : or i.-- 1 pr-eu ao; lity c m ' tain :mmii'ii ty from tlie companion-,i;ii of the steady, plain, hard work iiig quali ties and hope to gain its end. The ro is no inch thing as such fulfill ment on. this earth. So mo happy talent and some fortunate' oppor tunity may form the two sides of th" ladder on which s;.mo men mount, but the ivundsnf thai lad der must be made of stul'f to stand wear and t"ar; and there is imsub stsiure ior ii;oro.uii-g!.!ng, aro:u! tah-nt and sine-.j-e ( arn'-stness. Never to put one hand on anything on which 1 could not throw my WiU'l'i :-- If, and never aiVect depre ciation of my work, whatever it was. I now find to have been my golden rules. Charles Dickens. I.:i!e. in she liny. P.rown Cm ghid I n;ot your wife-. She seemed to take a fancy to me. t Jones Did she? I wish you'd met her before I did. lirandon llanner. rol l iiique iitl!i:tl IJf sped. '"What were vou about to re mark?' 'Nothing at all, I a.:-ure you,'' replied Willie Washington. 'Tint you look as, if you had something to say." "Ya-a ; I'm verwy deceptive that way, I've thought, myself, that I had something to say, and discov ahed aftah I said it that I hadn't.''' Washington Post. Winston was- visited bv. a sfTJo.- ' 00.') tire at 4 o'clock lau Saturday, j The large brick tobacco factory of j Jones A- Cox was completely des j troyed, together with ;i large lot of I manufactured- and leaf tobacco. m:;c!)in ry. etc. In--urance on buih'irg and st'-ck 1 H . A Kr Msiis s r;i 1: b--r 1 mrr- m.t be ried in bloojn, l;er fault if sh t w. ar the rs. It will ' noes Cf'.ntJiiiie l'tooclics after tne S oeromony ; TV,,f i Plov ,,,- Teviis. r-Y.;l v si.r.,1 5, nv.i, fi.r Tie f wn of Lenoir has ne dotibl'.d Us popul-tmn within last live vear.-. Mrs. K::. ii... x;, tale n in the nihr ami the t.:l n .k h.df a h .ttl" but l ne r. ;i:-f. of this rdaee. vi d!i craii-.idog j.air.s irri.-. e-i s.. j... Ma hi. rry -er i'al th.-n s.-r.t- i,, r,. ; if 1 h ..i a:i ti V ' (. t b : ! i i . tie. i !: - -.; and tba.-ri..' a lb -:-e-d; a:.-.! l .is: .i f r.-E: v d ! i-r. Am :!;.- e. ei.r ! t c.'i.ji r i.uu o sn-ri ;.-r aOoii a . k a f J i.:nl I rU-d tdii t -rc.M rcn.ed ie for di;-.rr!ie-:i but h.-j . g-:ti:.g v.xrs I . rt 1 i:n th:- s;l- r..-ir. : ... ..;. - I..- ... t - -.-. , -y t , I M.'ii'i-. r!t.I r -'ne-jy. Mr.-. M.:ry Sib! ii:iu-y. Mich. by Mend. civ n .-. )ri.-'.i:s. y. ! f ! n::In! Vork. -.) n;.f;. v!; m; n who v. . m :"- ii:v! v- n:'nt l!estfl to li- ! r. ntiv that tii'v snotiM ;ir- ; - -. in.' quosti'Mj frai:k!v I;',r.r, i t. i t 1 - " r- : v r v erv ov.-itimr. i" J' .uu ii i - of filch oihr. Tin? (jii"t:on for the fir-t ni-;lit i::iv-.e:u'd to he Lwh-'tlnT a woman onll he (-xrrC- teJ io- o t u':vz without a ?M-i.ncr bnt. ami h- took t!;- aHinr.ativ.' : h lit when he wa la.-t .-etMi l:e h:ul climh'-tl ui in a hay lit and was nulling t lit- h;(hl r uj aiir him. J hi k e r v i i h 3 1 1 1 r r i - . j C lianiberlain's Cuujrli le.'UH'dy cares ; coW-s. reap rnI vin":''!nr couyrli. It is i n't safe ami retiatde. Fcr -a'e !y i Morpliew t'c White, I)niQr?i--ts. GEO. IP- IEIID- riEVMC IA.aml SI KOKO.X UHiT.i his professional services to the public, onke: Old Fort, X. 'DR. B. L ASHVVORTH. riiv.sicimi and Surgoo;: 4'. MORTGAGE SALE. Iir virtue ot 1 lie power c or.t iir.cJ in a 01 f j-eje tlee.! exfctitetl l.v A M. I7.!iir on 1 tli-" l.a!i !;iv o( M:v. 1 'a:'.. jh.J rei.-ttif.i .biy el ymy, 1 'a:'.. ;e.U re-uteie.t IS-c of the lajrisnr of lire.Is of i-t i!i McDo.ifli County, N. C, in Dook No. a, on i.ajre ie-t, the undt ,r?ij.T.i-J will offer lor .i.!e at t!e- t-oart l:onc ioor m ..l.eieii, oi ib. ::i?t !ot:'!;y in Aurti.. he'u g lh- ."ith .'ay, nt 11 cVioi k pi., to tin; highest Ml h r ' !or i-.-.sii, die !;ueU ue-crii't-'i :i? U( v-: j li.-frin iir-t on n .ine, No.ili Turner'.-! corner, j :tu- i on-i.oi 111 15 to n stuk'i 25' ! let. thence ."lc -!-i e;i.--t to a st;ike l' et.tlieri soii'h o0 'iUen-t -12.") tVet to a 15. o.tiensoathi.m. ioJt,. , to m t ike in the td?e of the street on the of VS'iti". -":'i:S street, iht-n 2) leet wii'u line or. west 6ite ofnlock ' A." tt) a t-ti.k-' in i'net, ;hn 2 t I'.-et etist cotii je with st. eel on south si Je of I'.loek ".."' iien 1 ii feet soutli 7 west to u M.-.kef tie n GOO '!'.. t fouth s. .le'. ve;t t-'J I a i ill'- 5tio'-i, then nortii d c y . ITtui eft :U'teit o ot-gitu-ifsp. . ot.U'ii.u:-! all I l.i lots in saiJ bouutiary exteja li'.ock "!).' -.vhicii coi.tains 3 ioU- nliicii is to he ex ( ij tetl f; on ii;e oaeruti.ins of this iuoit-!a..-e. 'i'1.13 .U-: ciiitfor. is e;VCM re i.iiiue to the s.irvcy m.itie Ly J. L. New tf'i tor tl.e Oroli; a I:..;: DVcmeul Coni 1.U13'. 'lhii July lf.'.'o. .!. II. Atkin, :.!ort-Mg.--e. 1- ii.i.lit- li.lvou:-! jt Co. A. lia'iyoiirtop.. ) The ilo .'enfant i'hove r:im'.l 15 hereby notita-il 10 aiij ear i-etore his Honor, Ju de o! tlie Siijitrior Coin t at a coin t to 1l- lubl at the ci.-ur' house in Marion. N. C, 011 the Mo'iti iv ii'-'bre !ir.-t !! oiolay in Sip nr.U.i,r ls;;;, aial nnsM" eoot:tint of piaii till vvhiji) will 1 e II-1- 1 in th? olla.e of tie- L'l-ik of the .Superior t.rt within the fivsr I'ir-e days of tin- u-rm. otherwise jtel: i;i ut w . he taken for tlie 1 eliel' demanded in the cort!.aiiit. (Jivcu under my hand 'his 1st ii.iv cf July l-l-). Ii. !1. i'riee .1. T. 'V01 j hew, Attorney. FiOTiOE. SALE OF LAND. On Monday Aeqtist 1:?, ls'ir,, r.t 12 oVIei k lil.. I will sell :if ll:e f'.iiu r Iiew-e doer in Marion, N. (h, to tlie mtii'si iiiuuer ior cisli the followin lieset ibed real estate to-wit 1st Tract comaing !(;() :u res lying in Deep Cove on liar Creel . j 2nd Tract ctiUaininr ;.(;n acres more or less adjoining the lands of YV. 1!. ! ;n eiiu e,' Mrs. M. M. Jlnrgin, L. . ' Yilliains and otlie.-s ii being a part of , the eld bevy Curtis phue. j ord Tr:u-r containing1 about 5 acres j adjoining lands of D. J. A. (Jreenk-e, 11. L. (Jreenlee and ntbers and known ! as the ''Hoover Field."' 1th Tract lying on the South side of tl.e Catawl-.a river and granted to J. M. ! and V. II. firh-nlee, 'adjoining the land-; of M. A. Lewis, the Cannon heirs ami others, supposed to cntain led; acres. The interest in tins tract to be ' s;ld is a one undivided half. ."th Tract situated on I'axton II ranch ami adjoining the lands of 1). J. A. ('reenke, L. V. Williams and others containing twenty-five acres, being' part of the Oid .VcKntire land. All of said tracts situated in McDow ell County, X. C.. This sale will he by virtue of a dociveof Court for the purpose ol mak ing.isse's in the hatnN of the Adndn isf rarer of the estate of J. .'.!. (Jrociilee decea-ed. i'or further infor-ioa! ion nj'ldy to Jiti.-. A. Justice Attorney's. . the unde..-in. i. This Jtily 1- ?r. 11. L. Crcenlee, Coninds-ioncr. TKIS BECOBD is the BEST PLACE to .tret all sorts done m Jul: PKIXTIXG 1 ami at lovv st pri'. '-s. LETT E :': MEAI'S XOTi: HEADS. VISITING CARL'S. r.rsiXEss carls, rill TEE . :V: . E'lv. I'OS- Satisfaction Guaranteed.! i ;IV. ORDLiiS T.i ilJi; 1 Aianon Ilecord , .1 . . . r . . i.isxr. y. Itfonicts (it Law r.iox, - - - - -c. Will practice in McDowell and ad j'oiniticrcoiinties. All business intrus ted to their care will receive prompt and pains-takinr attention. EAKSON A MeKKSSOX, & i x w Ji Li 3. v , 3iok(;axtox, x. v. Practices in the Courts of McDowtdl, W. C. XKWI.AM I.emelr, X'. C. Jr. A. NKWI.AMI Clarion, X C attokm:ys axd couxselloks AT LAW. MAKIOX', .... X. c ; Practice in the courts of the 10, 1 11, and 12th districts, and t ho Sii-l preme court of X. C, ami the 1'. S. Courts of Western District of ; X. C. . T XT 4 a- : f ) , , . AlU.UClAN C' (JO j j Xo. 3 Public Nmare, Ashe ide, X. C. j j DEALEKS IX ; S j E00K3. STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUP- j pues and state text books.; ( - ' i f rie.S JilJirailltPClI il loiV I . as any ol'ior Iiotiso, AVIJITK I 'OK T'RICEH vVolicc of l'urjsit ::iivn. j North Carolina. "l .Suoreine Court j McDowell County, j Ia Vacation. Mrs. Xancy M. llolloway and Husband ' JeseiIi V.MIollov.sty, j VS. I YV. , INs .. A. -Vihon and hush.-u.d J. v'. Nvi! 0:1. .'!.( b. Keesen l.i,.;-t- ..)'.' ;:r; : !. 'I . I. V. . .I.Cres-ls-.SI.i. i ;:.. 1 ."is ''.e .1 .. I-:-,,.. lanl. , Ji. o' Cni.-l.iiHl ami IMward ('res-himl ' heirs at law el K. Witter, itecested. It appearing frotn the ofTi J.iTit herein filid thtit a caije of actiou i xists in favor of phiintill's aaint-t the defetidanls a! ovi ratntd in relation to real jiroperty in j s;tatf ami the defendeius are non-resident? ; ol this .state, but have pioperly therein ; which is the sr.l j-ct of this action fjr a ' sale fur partdijn and that the Court has jurisdiction cf the subject mauerot the ac lion: II is therelorc ortlered hy the. Court, oa ir.oiiou i f t J. attorney lor the plaintiffs, that Mil lie":: tion b-r nunle in Ihr , I.ccerd, anewspaptr puldi.-htd in Marion, McIoveIl i.'oieny in 1 State ior six successive weeks, and 1h.1t liie d.--j f' ndei.ts be and appear be!., re the Cleik of the Superior Com t fur s.ed Comity iu said istiite at his ollice in .Marion, on the 'nx ol "b" I -roxiwo, and nnsw.r or demur to tli" comf lamt wliich wi.l be tiled in the office of ?.-.i-J Clerk with'n ten das trorn (his .late, or plaintiffs will have judg ment lor the rcliet demanded in Hie com plaint. June 3rd, lsti.1 li. I'-. I'rice, C. .S. C. Watch this space. IAMKS .VOKKIS. aswlui & kki. WILL HAVE SOMLMIIIXf; IXTI'KLSTIM. TO TELL VOl' XLT WIIKK Do h Wat To Im Vmfi DOLLAR SAVED : DOLLAR MADE. SAVE YOLK DOLLARS BY MAKING YOLK PURCHASES AT General Merchandise Store. Hea.lfjur.riers for HATS. SHOES, ami CLOT II I Xf:. A r.ip .f r.,r. fr.r 'J- Overall, anJ Shirts till you can't re.,t. Irice. GROCjiRIES OTP .XjJL, kiistds- Tl.o ,ry lir. '-t grades of CotTce. Agents for Longman Martinez nif i..i. d i aints, and the c, b-l,rated Ni.Men Wr.gon. f1 jiKO. i k- I ' .- . OHIO RIVER & CHARLESTON R. R Passenor Depart moiir. Goinr Xoiih Lv. tianeleu Krck Hill Ar. ll.cksbnrg No - i. v.: o ',.m No. V 8 :r, ,v VI. 5. s ri 12. - " jm. 5.12 rn, C.0) mi Lv. IVftrksbur f-inlljy lim!ier:'on!ton Ar. M.ttion (ioinr JSonth. Lv. Marion " KutherforJton ' J-helbr Ar. IHcksburj; No. 3. Lt. Imicksbur' f f (1 ;,r, Hook llilb M ::;,,;, Ar. Uar.iiit-a 12 Z: ; l , No. 33. Dinner at Cershuw 'os. 11 fliel Jihnve connection at M,.. rion wit'.i fcouiliern Ri;w.iy. i. H. Lnmrki!i, v. ., A. Tripp, liperiiuen.iriU. -OOF I Health means so much more than' you imagine serious and' fatal diseases result from' triflin ailments neglected. 1 Don't play with Nature's ' greatest gilt healtn. If you are feeling out of sorts, weak ( and eetictal'y ex hausted, iteivous, I Have 110 aiietae T and can't work, beici'i at oscet.-ik- V .11 ... I.."-, Me tr-i;;tl -eniiiK mtici?ie,w huh is r.i.-.vw.'s hit. Iters. A fsw lot- ties cure K-iuht Cf.mes fr..m the very first ii..e-rf lucu't ttiiiu jcur J pleasant to tAc. it Cures f Dyspepin, Kidney cni Liver ryeurc'g!. iroumes, Consiipation, 2 food 2 Malaria, Nervous aU.T;nt5 Cet only tlie rennine it has crossed red lines on the wrapper. All olhers are suh- fatitutes. Uo receipt of t wo ac. stamps e j will send set of len Becutiful World's 1 V t-air Views anil book tree. r nsowH CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE. MD J. J. IV HIS NAM v i:lvai IX SASH; DOORS XD BLISDS PRICES FURNISHED APPLICATION. Dry OtHMj-s and Notions at jour o m nimmi urn v MOIIGANTOX, N. C. J'. Erwiv, Rres'r. S. T. I'eakso.v, Ca-h'1 ' I P lllrnn I Bitters Jiurlar Proof Vault, Patent Time Ik Chrome Sv-nl .Safy for Cash ami Vaiuahles. Exchange on Xt-w Vrk atul other Trade Ceii ter s Enuht and hold. .i.UilU.V, , ij . i Hanking hours 0 a. m. toS p.

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