MAI ION KKCOKI). I PUBLISH EU UVEJIY TIIl.?Ir.!A Y Entered at the ! toll! ,-.e in Marion a' ' t HTond-c!ds r ..2 matter. W3II?ATI: . 2:::- .OIS. 'sprakout m nic.'iiii ' v-:-' j Iut it ri on partioulur j hinn to pi: t in ni!iii.;it 1 n t'T 1: ' gvcrnorihii .f Xorii. Cur:iiy man tlmt oi:-ht knj; aero to ! -v ht;o l at tl": li:lm '-f .Stal-. 'i ! ' iiaii.o of I):u!u'!:t')t I;- i r; !l Krstf l )y 1 J tV rr Tit j.api r.-: 1 nl i: man wIiom- nau.o :ir" a' ttt to llHlltioil i.-i not to !: roiiij nil with Dat:g!it;;. ; l. rtui:! s i alovo Inni n -l'; t!;; i-r.n a'" v. thoeartli. To f')i::ian- jiim '.vitl Daiigli-'-n i-i ilk': -':i1:,arM ': I'jixnl with a pyi'iny. In !- 1 ' t ftmul for one in' '.)? el: in hi ir'.-"i:-f, and y-n arr -t:u:: Inn siq r riority. II; i-. : f kiiowl'-diT' d l.y i-iai.y to t!;' liraini' sl mai. iri t h- ' tal'. I ' 1. grent in statin,!. ut uj al r in I 't!. minI aii'l h :-rt. JI.-i.- a knM! t!:a? loves his f.-l!oui)i' 1: I ' 1 ! . . : -: no other, ryeej.tins o;,r !.n;: ntf S Vance, iiil lov; tlx in ; ;:i:l l.y t!i- i: Ik; is loved in return a- Van v.ii loved. lit- v,u!I make :i ,-tt' r governor t han (!;irr, a- know ! !;' is I -tter than inorjiiie' : :i I t 1 L'nitel Stat p y- na.r than I'ni h ard or I'.uth r, is ri-nt- a:-n'- is oetier than sin; a ! 1 1 r l'l' in nt of the Uidte i StaR.i th:-n fleve land, an he.iven is a 1 etier plac than liell. As a ennrna! h.wy. r ). hr.K no rcpial in the Stat", and his Hip" riors in tie.' nation an ;;. ' r- ' as toes on a horse's le.of ; as a jud-e of the Superior Court 1;.-was uni-vi.-isally adiiiif d. and th" in rr.l verdict is tliat his :-ui. ri- r n v--r Kat on tie 1 ueh in North Caro lina. His najno is Frank Ariuf;e!d. Let's liave hiiit for (lovornor. The (piestlon is oiiu;ther unds ff the press generally, ''Will C'' v land run for a third ienuV In our opinion he would he as wise in running f r sonif! undis covered planet. In the first p!a there is a cudon whose hhth dates in Waslunton's refu-al to neeept a third term of th" pi' -1-deiiey, that Mr. Ch.v. l-.nd e..-::,! not atford to violate. In the . -ond pla.v if lie were to lun h . Could not get Voles elloUjdl oehei him; for whether his adndiiist re. tion has heen wise or unwi.-". il has had the elVect of making Mr. Cleveland one of th" most unpopu lar men in the country. We think it all to talk al.out Cleveland for another term. A man i- a fool to hutt his head :i ;: i 1 i.-t a wall, li Cleveland "runs" he will he no le- a fool ; for h" will he huttii-.". ai;aint a wall of public sentut-. m j that can not be broken down. Th" I Kkcoki dties not eoiu'.enm Ch-ve-land. The future' may n v. ad the fact that he was a man of p at f trrsijrht. It istni" that the man who receiv e the r.n st cr;t;c'm J and has henne.l upon him the na.:-t j ..... ... ,.M..e".,. 4 .. ai us-o lo-tmv l , ine ia- tt i':a-.;- row. So it may he with Cioa land. Tho lUtcoiin d.i-.-s m t - ty whether Clevelaml is njdit or wron- or whether the sentiment a-ain-t !iim is right or wron; but it kao.. that the sentiment ei.-is, and that the people u oidd pr-i'er see'ua; !.:a, run for a whirlpool in ri;:.:ard's lay to s . in-him ran far a third term of the presidency . The Asheville- says I'a.t on Saturday hist while an ninn and three cars of the ;, j,,, i,.n. ville oV- lir.-vard Kailroad ensinij tin- Ida neli P.;. ad river four or live miles from IP :uh rse;-.-ville. the tret!e -ave way and the engine went into tie- river. (;,. of tho construction force, a con rod man was killed. The li reman swam ashore. Dr. Kii-uie C.riss. ni. win. v.. s for years the supenn;, ;d--nt !' the insane asylum at liah-iel! am! ho has f r sea ral y. a;s lived in Colorado, is now at an a-vlam at Denver, under tn lUnu nf ter th. .morphine habit. A cyclone at Henrietta, Ca v -land county. Saturday, destroyed the storehouse of Perry Havias. People wore carri.-d consivh ra' le distances by the storm hut no ene was seriously injured. Par iron has ineiaa- d in pvie. $2 per ton. vaiiidvtrno. Ai".TirriAL un: c ,7 '. -.: i:' X.'.jI'K.'iL :7i r-.iIul- lit of I'.'.' V Ok.'. i" r. ;r-! r,;r-4 t !w : ;-v i I . I ! i . . ' o 1 hiti':' iiVft a .:!-' o- !' Mi"-1 ' i..V.!- ;;iijt ,,f tS..-!: :.. (!n, . .. .riitici.ii i -. a.i. : s ':: no :;. .- 1 '.: 0 . .1 ,(!.-r. T: ..v --:J -! ' v !': I,. .I-Ajii i ;. ;;. yh t (! :: r- ; of ;:.: :. i v ; I ;-'-!.: : :. ; i:,i!:ei in ;tv is i ; .l,..,..r, ' ; 1 i i : . t r;ii:. ' ,vrv 1, '; "' ; . , .. , ,?. I and'1!;.,- f. i k! :. If : .- : in.", 'il- i r ... i ,'..., f .i-m'.m, 1o els: ....d co'ir i :!:!' l:.,,.d.V;.',! rad-i-n:' d'.v..,renl , . .. .. ., ... . .: .... . . it., c. . ', ; '. :! !,.- ', I ' . Tid- el ; ; i i i I : i : . ' 1 ! I '. ; rin-'ip-e i.- i ::;.!..;';. til v.'i: !y I. ;' to:- . v .. ;. v of eii : : : . . i : e f. 1 v C; ; 1 i' v.. u :" '. :. : ;:' t ,-o!,;- -- e-.: ; ;. 1 an in). ov'-.u- nl. i i .!.. ,1 o v.-'.v.-.!. ; v.:-1.!:. . - ?! ; it 1 ,r Kin! r i:. rati:.' '.':.:( ... v, .r- ; ;. 1 1.; - ... ii;,-: ; i - d ;. t " 'V M e!, p t'.rl !:o e . y : --. y t i ! a!;:.".t- V i " ! v :; '':i' ' ;na!.ii.-: ::: - , i'nd.T pie-, ,; -: ' i :'.o: ; i !;i:rii;-.-t ''ti e. -ivei: pr. ill o . -. , r I ' ! :,1 p- n- olCliiS .- I try i- in r a-!: of j n a n, . . I .- ! ' not ;:; l.. l-.i 10 I. e c;:.; . i . hi h plan: V it jij.eais tol ... 1 ;t all !a' C.ns. or al! : . hi-i'.rv mrdto.-, false imni ioa. thai when a o-r-l tainsta-'eofeu-illaiicn is rltain-d ! a retro;. fat:.' no "'.taan is ; ;::m. V!a n th.' ;---riol in the j:'; of a nation ha.. ! aen reaci;ed in wh :-.".!'. a fa"i'ed l'.".v c. n'ro' th-- machiu- . .... -o ' -n'la ; . ail !:! ,1 na n v.i ! ed. t h" wt ;:,n h-o" tii ir vi : a a and lh. lli,",.-a .-: i . ( i.::.' indu- -. ria i 'aves. The eiai is le i la r IV. il!o-- '!:" noliti. ai a'-n--!.. re hla'eild i I I nrill'-d hv the tl;-,-.; ol" i- a.!uli..::. I ,l" ,,; ::1 ho;aa aie in sir. .-is-,' con-livid.aa-e " f Ua," . onitarv I 1r-i1 t'!i1'-". ntoetin house --motonis an- le-vr in -i,d,tt and. j v--h"t- ti.encii and poor t'eii.M.ual onlv'thos" v,!n. ar- wiiiulb I lind My v. da na-, and the- lu-artlelt tail to n o ar-! : aliv.a the r.!ir. u, ' !,-dv,'s ;';,1:;'"; p:ai,e aro,.e !;;h. The la ho-,. -r n-. h.j l r noars ! fori! his roiieakin-t sonit as he i e - . ! M'i.-k ly to his v.'.ak. ! at t ! nda'"S alona in - u!i n :-i ' ; - as il' l!a- joys o! , arlli v. re hi;M d in tla- va.-t! In- ;a h.n:r"r i ant. r- his n.ehrhhor h-r a ra ,n.;n. v. ,. . ( ,. ( ,. ,.. , .....i .h- j nianlv Mr.-ie.'th : did i.- v. ra ; n.-d in ! t le v hi- dao.dv iV to iv io pf id; an wan o'.a-lnn , ! cat '. lines to a -k-t in jaaa inner It a-roiid:;.; with a daneiia: I i v u h ai i,..' dav'.-. work v..--', i, ar.- .nly r.-aollt-eiioi.- of th" ! ' v- i,,r i-os"lf. ' Ik P" I india'-o,i a. , .r are m-t i.eedeep d, i-iitv vars a-o di,h.on--si v J,;Ull4l',; a -Mat erd-ni laa-tnr. d , - nnn-rnar: m --...-v v . a: . t was I . r 1 a.'u: na n o an rs ,it!;-i a u i t : a ; ,r i , : it -, , v a t i n v i ' i- 1 ' lu dene-of do! i. and to ask what in- n-r ,-t chained VMUtld lean ad. ai ;! .-: w.;.-enh- rd oi. at takd ,r a i.o ...t .. .1 ... ,. it.. ..-i .s ii. i -i v.. .- o aa ; ; as i a i -. Th w. .al em'- a-d-.-r.:. nt 1 ad :a v. i , . . " " ''' " . ! -.en c-n.e.l.. r it iis) la- ;.,;,ij"-.:o,.a..;aii!nao:. hand P r it. Nod.-idtthi.v- .i- o m i -r.e u I, n.-is of tin: di i.i; t cm:. a-. A;d at a ehaie.'.- linns! 1. aa haa.a aete.i l..! - .- lit the 1 h I' the '. at e--!:: .-i' w...l an.l er.: .-nriektliee-:,, We Ue;d-i V prn; civi::.".: its nil iina.i-- iin:i . . i a. " i - i.-i la v.. ; .a - at- r t-. aid.:;;, n. i i li- e . er i has :- It- i a. v i - -Ui .'.h Ua i.tany v.-rceks a; o: 'sieai son...: ,;, die .. ar t- r v.' ak. !.. d 1 y ii..- ea-tv m , x a;;- but is edy a c .inch.. :.e v. dr :i-v,-r.-isoi ii..- tiin.s. ikei;;-;'1;;;:; ::;-:.:::-:v; r,t:' v,?vlK a:ia in' t! --!-''sel,n id" 'natniv Z xXy'l 1 ' d id's "l n. V'r 1 1 r I.i ; v i ..?' ! .... ' i c;.: J.ra.s. ?ke :v. .,'v- ,..! . ti e ,!:!;. ; type ; t 4' !klr P 'd'a prinady in- hi I'ttance. a s; in. i i.dnd in a -oan-t that is mast r ef all ' pah.a, ae-t . . .in ;i j.i. ui.-. v i i i j ..... w . r :;:. ids that v.-r.uM mwr, a v ,.y ii. in ; :?t Jii;-: I :.-i;ioii r th'- i t;',; r- :i ' iai'-- :;t. - ;l-;- r V ."J1 - and li A : ;::;d I .-., 1 , :,. , I .v it? iinv.-tjo:: Ir its.unvtionH .1:11:1 , v . ;ray irin tr;; laws oi na w i y y ;,:. ;Ui;:g i':d--ns-r mas- oJMca: 10 liVsei. -. t.iis primitive Kf.-A- :- i- -xeii;:iiT':d for an en- '. :,: ; manhoo. v:ith all its a; :v-:';; : H:'' : ' ' M n-ii-'-- i in'-; t-4e. :: ;: C ! i f 1 1 t..s.:jonao:.. V1-..---5 o;.. ;.s ti.v oooj.- 1 ; d tl..- p;.yd:-ai eoM,;jly t,, all C.v j ;..,d,!ov.r wh;-h tl ... i:i!n! p:v-iies ivi-lds lotho nee lunecy or ; r 1 ! ! an 1a i - no-.v so (. .mmon a iiilS ; ''.!' !i: i C" ' 1 1 ': ' ' d-.' 1 .11 I'oi i;.. , 1 - 'o i K e.i: !: "!'iUi ("-ri!-'l!' 5i:'-i'( "::;;-'J - i ! 'Mr.-o '.it-Ir,. ; .ivvor ii th- 1. :i. ;:!!:!.:;n n -' Ui" ". ei s. ; :-, M i i S; '" uiy :l '' i!l" ! ' ;:1 ' - ! (.r (Ij,. j .. we mav ehar-e ;dl th" . . r !;: 1 a iciii!-- l 1 i : i - ' e:i( ; -1 h U'U" eati-'. Ik'.'! ;:;.::::: i. ol tl.- v.-ailh oi th" j n'rv in i'.o ':ar.d.- (;f a i". w in- n.!t'.. 1:'. i i le 'To ';; ;'-. wli ich ! V :: :f h:;-:rV 5:'-! i!l in i v. . v : -i o : :e . iiVi'i'V I e- i ,n , it,.:,' ,WV -J" , v'';til t!-!' ;ii" 1 sliatien, since ) t'li.-1 upon kin ,.; ' ! .. ,. . ;. ,1. . ........ it,. : ' ' ' ' J -i' v. ; ! ' 11::.'; ! 1 -tot. . n i. .i--a.- . hi: - -oi ' . e t .;.. - - ;o o - v. ; iu j ! i:v-e.'. :s. Tl." feadiv con- I o :-v a'l v.:i!" i . c ::i.i '..;" ;c .;::!:- It- i i' I ,( !.- tie. n. Cio v. '.::!e in s;aory, now a liioro fatal m; my to ; r - ii. -ir ia-.f -v-.i - 1 to o:;!i- ' i- e- oi:. : . : .f cl'.ih.i- : -i 1- -a via n atna k o. iri'tlanis, i.ul now tin v !.- . ' i !" wa. !ar .-tt oa- and jravc : ... -a... e(:iia! , , idle cidiilr.'-u in I.. 1 : ' .nla'..,j ,a::iiie a. 'V all !--:-i:.-.:ron,a-;::i happen ! ' ' --cn. nt. or ar.-ha-y caused l' I'tdicad i:ia wear- nhaw! to I ' ll . i t;i a:-.-1 : 1 e: , i liga tion oT the p -riod? This .hollow nioc-kery wiii he held ivaan-ihie f.'i' erina , ,t' stuo-isd-ais nn;ni- jtud".. " oi ii:.r- evils the aa Th" a a'a'-. U- tailipTs Tea.,' (ci' -.. : r wo;' ii'o id ine jf.-it'.". J:1 vi ontv I t.o t ;e;i and weil-to- 1:1 un;on to a ';raeious common fat in r. Class distinction is too ma-hed j- he appioved of by the Man ot' Callih e.' It is not V.rife a:n. in; 1 i thien wlio shall i e -a real est in the ;ir.t;doin of 1m av-n, hut v.i.o snali iiavo tne ir.o.-t e e- uant .-huraii to he adnoiad by ihr :!":i'''vi" v.' ot toe 1 M'"'. a:t oi provoking ( ;,a!i .t;.--r 1 1 ;-ds, tl; v la d ly ti'yiny to out-.-hin..' i ach ''.'V'-!' l!! v !1M:i;' iu;;ration. Did Mis is a mali'-r in whieh ea rv no 1 ' 11 ,, ,t . a., t o ii , 1 ll- " '" -' o. .vaa.a:. .: v .t 'Si ai Wjyfs. , , ... , . . iuU; n 1 i url.. y is srid to i p:tve .....-, w ives, the hi,:7 f Da- -"!h th- Miah 1 I'ersia -100. 1 ei- i tot ; i- a-: . . n.e jv i i.e oi i ! ' -h 't an .1 the Li;;;.(ia,;! i . 'a.. .. i . ... ... 1 1 ! Willi IZnv- i !.!: aia., ..-.. .!e-. ::-l;; Hera d. A!:-:a.!:-:y l'k i v-'.i". I n-.t ti e -, , n v... t t-rt a Pi f v.; ma 111 iV'V" n; t :-si: -. :.d;t- vl th !':!:. hi o:a in the .,!,-.,.. vin: iiaanaii. Thai v,;:: "au - Hannah.- d!:- did n-d kn :v v, hie y.-;a- .-o--:l k-.r naiaa. Yottrs trttlv, lb I.. Priae. - v. ,. . I V. .- r ! 1 . - ..a d. nil . Ve : : aa- v, r- . I :i:--d kali it? er;d. 1 th . ii-! d- s n '1 Y . t kno'.V how -r- .oo rs. ia .: S. j I i n- ii-', :h'.i'i n Co., ! ;'' . ! ' r-:--u:-v: Four jin!? .f th 'iirrl o.urtof this tnt.- h tv-- de'-Vr-.! ,,,-..-r:.;,n,- .,. ... .1. - . of '-Hintm; 1 .rne;-rnt ha-! ;i-..?--nti::ir :'i:.icn. i y ... fiv:u the ?..,,,. vj;?.. j ; iii:r t!.;Lt l!.'' U-iu'-t:;- i f (- ! - - ,;'.;---"-i iv..-r nwnr. at ntnhi-u. us tradion. ' lh, Jacksonville Tinie, as addled . i Dr. lVrki.und is r. jrted a say- cl:i:re!i one :--n:.oii us-dtt conwrt i r,, Ci.n - Slan :..:. ;.' j v. V C:hril'i.ll;- i:i u c:lirc!i is --.liv1- PX ...,., - ' i TL fourt" n v:al!h:-te,o1:,i,,'DR. B. L. ASHWORTH, :n:erih Carolina ar-Iv.u ;n th"! J)V q nv(r.1(r. ; ?y:ry':r' "' 'uanaolhOu : ; ' ' '. " : ' " ! -- -r t.- r . . t -n .' ten m; liioi..- ". Y . ..- :ud ti.reo-ioiir thf : i'or.-vt.'i, ei-th il'h.oil and Glliliord. le'ai'lv live Vavn.f an iiow;:n. - - VM - liorVIp'j' " j'ooe-i j r,-..', - ' i"'"'i" iV ' .-i i' .".'' " ; ; ' , u;' 1 ,."'; "lV'' i e:".C:i ii:V"a ill tie O r ii-Ur lUJ I- ; 1:' " r t i .o t'ci- ek. X.-w-- an-.! (ilrwr is a"ld--i; ? dh-lili'-'ioti wit's t v;o I !.!..! stilts all In.ide of ;alf a v-ar. i ;;r. Ji;:? - v vant.- iO.f-; .() for .v. an V :;!:!! l;l!!i I -.'eO :o., ,iO' 1'!':!. a'e! I,'';-V.i?' p; t!:-u Mr. ai"rih-hi. j i r' .: ? ,o i .-.)or--:n ' : -" ,V" '''; ' I M"'" odto. ine-e leir v.-s i!ui-i j j ihink D:tidel , ov.'l-s a Couple j lor i:alio:::;l iank.and is runnin- 01 ',.?-, ol t re ; r .; .,,,.,. . " l ! 1 . . , ! .)?' (.' y I tn n r.nn ne:.itn. J ie- le xt ttiitiii j t. ui'aiul o! ry ot y, axe Knows .'at- t;-nh-!d wi'il :.ta!:d ihr:Ii;'.s of it tor -rose nttnt-: i.;m. , ;i:niii--1 ( t ,: " v '- ' ''' l'' Th" Conoid F'-i'T-rd . .J..- o ii,i,u. an, V.uo i-. otiO o, i:n:-!a rs in this pari of th c-.;t:n-iry, ii now doi; a; a nowl .;-!, lie sa :'. II" ir- ina1:;! a; a n:a- casket fo'r a living ram, jo v. J. Si. r:- -W.lK I?., 'of Cooda- Cre.-k, this county, 'i'l'-e wood of wliiaii I ho ca.-k-.'i is hi ine; mad-1 was. s-jlecte-d ami s(;i-ad awav thi".- v-ars i-;o i y :r. Prely." ii will he a han'd pioc of work, th." t riirim in. '.:!::;: ! t r.e ilia's: nod, .rial, li dd . u""' renry is hav- th a ti-a 1 a" iNeVv' i or h-n haled on aiivar. "Tie; v--i an to tiatr t.:noa : For ! h" frae ceiii: :-.' ei t Avaia :, ' Cn s La , ) ! n 1 ae ; (ii rival ;ve are ir- ro V.M: aity nd .d.d-. the; Id rnn-li v.: i ins n- one sUav that si:o-g l:oi - "dia1 sdv. i' era::.- is oyda ut lt:v;..; and l : server. in 1 ho .'';aaa y Ia!o! uit in oi f ak, .Mon-h-y, a hi it:-. ts vas'i.-keil, '-'A "1 at. ar-. your j :i :i ;i (;?' 1! is ai:s er w.;s r'Wt 11 .:tr r.t j.n-j-e ill. I a ni tat a It- - -i: lie--, n. lamo-rit. rojaniit or i'r)'.;ihitii'riit. I sh: 11 not vol; tor any man who i? net tor free silvt r." A r.cjrro i;rearher i.i Florida is nrinpr Ids -foi'le to tit'iigrat'? to Libt-ria "wr.cie th':y car live with hat little work, ami v.hcte lie n r.ii-no v.hitr tacu to lytith thtni," II- rail.t l.avc told them there ate no v. hilt uoa.en to :.f sa.alt, and they fc'iina ie o. licia lynchirg. 2-"cv;- t-.ta. Accor-huj to a Ndav York comic j.aaer a v.-in.-: aa.u wasarrcitc-l lit the c'ny,chare.--d v.' hi; ki.-.-iag a l.aiy fiai'ist ht-r wall on the l ahac hi-diwny. Tlu piiioner plt.-.d-d thai .-he was in hluorai r? and he mistook her frki3ioa'-loit Iroiher. The la igi-atalc i -It trie 1 hias. i:nJ il is saal tie loctil 1 . - , , . i ; cot .-in f(i ta; I v tat- - . ; : . , , . , , , t ! -iui:n..e i.a aamd ter La v a j ar.-l L-!oe- ,,. ' , . ,. t . . t ; V ,h? C-Rc"r" Juiahic d: aaiud u r lit v :U : ar.-l L-loe- '"v- 5 vi ..ic l i i . . , . - g a"s !1 "arUi!1 rornan of the lev.!!, i.r. f :.f;pr rr.tfriii-- !h i,i.rn nt - . '. , . " ,'. "''u'! I'TZ : " " I d.- Umoj j.ut v. rer.- cot:,'ir..ctn cn the !ot;ld ccr.-.f I.c-rt. Icr n.y hush.. tal is as j ;;eod a !-.;-.t is t oars, f it it is Par I '2 yen j-.r luIviiiiT. to:; h a I !,- t'-r &tu O.- I --iiucs tt you;- i uraraaa-'ty.'' 'Veen I la ; i-'y ra cr1;-e.j a. i:: -he ,,;C. ! '; :a-.;.r. tt.., .-, r.T:a..z ...-3 ca.ivrs .a v. iy :.a..h i ii. ear.ts.. iiaiea' ! !i ihhaKaV.ltr is if o r l 1 r; j.iviia ' t'"-i' l'-13 I c'v r hf-.- to h- j jwcih ;. " :y , .., j a lie is v. ,a:, irv.j!S j j '.:" u t) ii iM.C'.O (0), ar.i it ij h..r-i I a; ; t.i a i is t- v h v L ar.; !.... a ..." ! t".v V nrs ! j U.:;!;;c:.-ur:r.!.i'ua ,.' fs.'tu- V;i!'1 I ,.'"' dv j is a!: :.y-- 'ric ..ur iaratati a;j. ; il1"1 1U,r-p."Ohr.,orcs.T.,lao.,e-Kau- cf the l,i:.",;:''"i":'-:r- V'l,J-ilia!,c 1 ear -luliv , h: - i:..d ita eMhi e:Lr. Ncv.c -ai u - : :. I itiTc-r. ! X'iV:: ' ? :" Xl r r- c'r&:5ai i; - 1 ! '' t. at l.L:iS;-5I t':? ;.-v cf ! -r S :"Vr" -' !lJend 'ha:, n? an oJice Lo'J.-r'i i i-'-i-r.v ;-,rf'; i''f) l-i i.:aa.!.it.t ef the '' 'n'h ci ii;r-' h r- cortiva to On Tue-aliv a riot v as r rit nt ' -:: A!;:.,- n n. -poes j .... -. ,,. i-tii;.,., .. i . j A Mr. P.. !- v : '-.r'n!, rrd i - - r-Pin y C- k, AH i"!i;;:iy cun- t v 1 u-:.. . ; ri: c u:"rr j Mr. C. I. Y-::Vr. a well l;:il), n s--.,.;-!iii:i; f i C nami-o-Iain s :i1 - : -I take in M-iorn tn.nig l V1 tr.a! it will alwavs nl 'asf. thv I c,1 r.ion- of it tluni all other kinds - h(.w Cc Whit". Dru-rrist.-. O-iVr lis pr. ft-al .,niiH to I'.y virlv,. ef :!;. ; ov-r oor.! ii:ir-l in ; ;; i 'JJ? -It- .i rx-cnt- I v A M. Iziiir on ! 1';;!- .l.v ofMav. Is. .:.. r.-L'i.- u o 1 i"- '' .!' the ' ilr-icr (,f Is.l v( VcI)' !!. Oeuntv. in H..ok X. r. on o will :.r-:r f..r ;:t i ( ....irt ho.i-- :..or in M n i n. o- ,r ' , o ' ',' " 'V "l ' '.i.e.'. i : r !.! .:..- o tli.- l:;o.n.-t ! l..l:r i i;,r !...,, r,.:,-,:: ...i ' .,c :.;!. I '';; in lirjr n : ? i..o. N.:-.h Turntr's r r- r, !,;-? :'' !,:! J,' 10 :l fl,K'' -.'J !-t. th mi- t.o :!i r,l3-l.c:i?t to i. sn.U :::.) n t .... -,.t. t -t,. i . . ..r f . .. ,t... i iu ; Con tu ,ilit, of; '" o;t;:.ri; v. m v.n.r.- ie.-i 1 "! ,:I"''U ' a in ,t-,t. ti..-n 2-; i a.-t v.ith iii.-.. ,.r. t.-,-a ,hw , i'it:k--.." tott ttiiii-is. sn-t, :!;.n 2:5 -I u -.tir- v. if., ft:(-l mi s ,.,t!, i.K- .,f " i-0fc.-i ,.,ntUT wt?t to " 1 ' " 1 ' oiu . -.u a f.aM- ill o tWt t i..v-int.i:ii. Com u.ifijraH t!.- j ! ; - t s n s:wi i.'U! !;:: iy m-c, t i;:ocic !. ! v'h!:i. .i:.s :.: lot? wlni-ii is to lo- ex- , . : 1 .., ; -aa-. i in - .a-.-ci ij-t:oa i -r-vf:! v iui n-- i r-.-ta-c lu t'.i- s-'i-vi-y ni.eif ! J. I?. Xw.- K:' '' 1 ' -.!,"- ( :i..a, vT"vlAKUl CcUI- J. II. Aikin. Mori-tgc-e. r.'w t iUa" 5 w.i Lii jr.-i:- a -a"!. Oj.ri.-'.'ii:!, ) S-.ij I'iijr I'oa-.-l .McD.dwii Co-:l:t. i'.ol Ttiia-t)j. l!a!!ir J f i I hu: to:; ) v '. (no. y. Hain.t.tirtop.. ., . In.:- u!.-r. aut Hl-v. rftmH i; liervi.y 'o!i!if.! to apar-nr lit-t'erc- liis lionor, J u:!"- of t'.f s; i; a t ii.r .'ourl at a ce.rt to b lit l'l nl tie- i Lo-?r in M;n ion, N. (:.. on tie- hi; .1 Miaai y 'ert- fir.-t Miaalay i;i Sc; na: I . r rt:. ;aa; a.-i a ci.ia.:.!.i int of j l,;a'r till v. iiuii v. ;.i 1. ;:::,.! in !.. ofhec of j '!e- It r!i of 'la- -r.or Ciiri v:ti". t!..- j ;: thr-.-e .'a-a :-fo tcrt-i, .tiurw ju -.:- i:a ..-i v.-i!i he t .la a ! -r d.t r- lief ttair :)(:! -tH!.:.a.;i:. (livt-tt ma'.-r toy la. tul ! ' lst rt ;l ;:!. 1 " ;; j r t ("h-ik ci the i5r.t.-ei iur Cytirt. I on ?;'.:!.-. v Aa-at 1.', lsiC. at T I ,-1-1, C uh, .sell at lite ;: t t : . 1 , d ';,' ' -ie i i in ..(..ilea, . T . , to U'. ) i-ia ,! !.!.!.:, r dreitrh tl- u.!h.wia- 1st Traat ceatrdn- !;(; rare, lyia- in i:a J foaranine-.,- ao-) aeres mere . e-r lassa(?;..i!tii!r the lands .l' Y. !. ' (Jateiih-c, 35 rf-. M. 3d litir-iti, I.. v'. V. illiaiii-; a:id .t!,a-.-jit hein a part of the old Levy Curtis place. i r-.l Trnet er.tniain---.bout Vj aeres J aajaird;-.- hinds d" I). J. A. Creeith e, It. b- ireealee aad others anil known j hs the "ilo -ver I-' it !d.r' l 1th Traef lviti ii Hip Si:i(ti cul- f the Cat uw ha river natl granted to J. M. J and W. II. iiie.-, ;ulj (driin - the I hinds of M. A. Ia-wis. liie Oanao-n heirs andotia-ts, M.!i!,-e.d t e-nlain 10 J ;ier.-s. 1 i c interest in t Ins tract to he s al i.' a eiu titnii vi'led half. hth :!iaited o:i I'axtou IVanah r.iet adj.-iiiia. ihc'hmd.s of i ). .1. A. (.nvany, f.. Wildatas mm! ,,t!a"!;didt!- twf n! v-Iive aeres, being part of the- Ol- VcKtihra I:U;-!. All of said tr-els sdiaited la VeIow eli -tn.ry. X. ('. 'Idas : ;!!- vvii! h(. t.aide ly virtm of a (i .-rteof Ceart fi.r t he r.r.riwi-.. rA n-.".U. I ii: as.-e's in the hands of the Admin- i i5 rater of ih- estate of J. M. (ireealee i h .-e.-l-ed. . . , . . 1 .r ler.'i.r i ie . it, ot : t,ti ... i . . : ... t ..,t .. ..... . , ............ . . . . i i.i, t M. M uij I ; ... t;-, ( ... ' - tUr Zr K. j..c,reeu!at. (.'eiai'siia-imier. j . i r-r -i . : . ''jz.Li -tXJH t S I . GO ; j . , BEST PLACE ! to p-t all sorts r, JOli PRINTING : doi.o in r .1 r.nd at !oiv st pricey. j I.KTTKIl HKAl'S, i KXYKLOTES, VISITING CAKI, ! I LL'slXKss CAT.DS. HILLS, TO--j J Kj'.s,LTC. LTC. Satisfaction i nn a, i vjuciiUiiicca i sr. Ni) yol-i: oiiii:i:s to tii n ; J vsir. jiobsm. jauksc i.innky. - mr r.lYvrT MATROX, .... x. C. Will i-raotire in VcPowell and r.d- jeiiiinsrcoi - ntu. AIS hardness Iwiruz- "i ineir rare hiii rere.e pre in pi arid paiii-ta!iiii ationtien. PEARSON & JfcKESeOX, JiOKGAXTOX. X. ('. Practices in the Courts of McDowell. V. C. NKW LAND Ltneir, X. C. M. -. xnvuxi) Marion, X C attoi:m:ys axd couxsklloks AT I.AV. MATIIOX, .... x. c Practice in the courts of th- 10, 11, tuul 1-h districts, atulthoSuI preru" court of X. C, and the V C uns of Vo-t rn I district of ' AiV.Ull A A In . j Xo. 3 Public Square, Ahevi:ie, X. C. I i JCa!e 2:?(i;II I ! n r,tre rt?,-m, nti. pucs AND 3TAT TEXT 303X3. 1 , - ! ! : X'rlrcs guaranteed a Ituv I JJ aiJV ftC'Oi1 ''ii! i Xailrt of lnTl iv....,.,. ,. ... i .ort:i . arteiaji s-iu'r.-aio -urt ! McDowdl Co:nity. la '.u ! X- -Naney I.Helanv.iy an.l JIn,ba:ul J ' ': '- ' l- . l:;,:.i.iin ; lik .j t!iat n cau-c ol :m -i. n ( xi; ts in '..-.vnv s of j I litilillV : .i j t tie- -ff:al:i:.!J! ;l,liV.. . rnt.u .1 it: tLt.ei. n n ii j oa-. t tv in t!.i ' .t.l,. ;uei th-. !. !' t..J,..,.s- ati- tiyn-n-sul-tii j ot 1 iiis l.'tte. l.t !...- po-.n tv lleai i i ' u h i, h is lie- f a' j .:t of ltd.; ' ;;d ioa !'ir a ; ral.- i'.-.r pait-ti.tii :oal :h..t the Cor.rt la-. : j til Jito i -i; of t !e- LU-ct ta i t.-r.f t!..- ac ; tier.: ' Il is t'x.-r. fort or.h i.-l 1 y the rf . on tt-.ctia:: !': J a r 4,;t..Vr.f-y U r ! ' . y tin; tlati j u'.Jj.-;.t4-i:i he t-t-t-- j-t the nri'.)ii, .! Js.j--:i Coia-.ty in .-r.t, a;r ;a : fuc.:' . avi- ve ks ni,a i.a n ta.. a... . l'-ti-.!-t.t i atal a:-i;ar a a e .0:- t 'hi h . t ,:' M::'JV- ' :1 ';''; ; VV.;:?' i:;" , "re.'',.:' ; r ..... , . . j' l"? u ? li 1 ;(..w,'v:", Un :'V'lrf1' Tl' XU lh I:. l'ii.-.(,'. H. C. j -rj- , i citCll tillS SD3CD. t x r 4 iX jti H i o -v. ..csf, H. .l. jot)!; nn.l tia!.;i:ul ' "t p i-h Wi!s..u. .!;iiie IT idaa u-i a.tet !iu-,' p Constipation, Had K!ooJ i band William U.-nsoa, v. .J.rroUnd. , Mabria, Nervous aifrr.ents- ; CnIaad, .1. V,'. (-e s'aaTj V Women's ccirP!a?nt5. i a,.. ,.f i,....' ). no. .. i "" ' I 1 Cot rnlv tlic pomrine it tin-? crost.-il r.-'. . 1 : l Oi.- .tl i,i i.. iial, cea.-i .1. . J li.uaf.n lher;i.ier. All air si.h- ! i sti'i'.tcs. titiieti I'tof twosf. M;im-'! -. it e....,.. ... 4 i. .. .. w i . . ? . i v. ,. i i will u.wr. omi:miiin; intkiimsting to TKbL yoi: ni;xt wj:i; iis !i Wiiil A DOLLAR SAVED I DOLLAR MADE. SAVK YOCi; DOI.bAKS UY MAKING YOl.'Ii ITHCIiASKS AT General Tvlercliaudise Store. H.-r.d.eiuro-r:: f..r HATS. IIOi;s? a!.i CLOTHING. A j-air of pants for : ! Overall., and sairts till joa eairt r.-.-t. I'ry (io;di and Notion at your -n jrae. J G-BOCiiBIES OIF" ALL SZUSTHDS Th. Very Tin.-t rad.-s t,r cr... A-nts for Longman & Marti imseU i'aiiit-, and tlie e.-lei-rt.-d Ni-'.-n V.'aons. I rv C..n 53 : H or t 'iF.o. T !- i''-'ai:h OHIO RIVER & CHARLESTON R. J Goirc N01 th Lv. I'am li-ii Irck 1 1 S il At. r!:irlisl.nrfr 1.:'. 1 S I.v. irsct;5.ur " IletlcrarUon Ar. ?.J.i:inn -.rj I''"-' 12. , i . - j 'r.. 0 0 ) ; m I.v. V:r;ori KuthirforJton ' Shtlt.y Ar. Rliu-kslnircr. No. UvKk Hill t Ar. Ci.t:-!f.i 12 -:, : - No 0.1. Ie!i:nr .it (;?!uiw oS. 11 r.n'1 12 hvp oiii:c t:-i:: :. .': , lion Willi sjjuliitr;) !i.w;v. S. II. Li iie i:., t; p. A. Triiij.iirn:;;. i, t ' Jf"" ' C ifll? 4 TT TT means so much more than .s'yoii imagine serious aiuM J fatal diseases result lroiri Jtrining ailments neglected. ' , Don't play with Nature's ' , r greatest trift health. If yen arr fcttir cut ot sorts, weale ;nd jfenera'Iy r-' lriust-'t, lu'ivon, lta c i;o r-j-p. t ;t ' ( ami ran t v.oi' l-cin ."-t otirctak tin- most !!;.!- ir.Ct!.riK-.v n :s ,t Jr : nTSc"rV i LkXJ'u I ID ' t : 4 ri r Lrcwn's l it- ttrj. A few V t- lies rr.rc Viu i.t conic", tront He if Riffpr; Vr't st.t't ur f trrih aioi lt's .7 jai. bvv& J ' -j 4 It Cures j Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver . . i la-ii-ii i:ul V. oi'.J - Fair asul IkioIc i'.c.. f f 3:CVM CHEFfCAL CO. BALTIMORE. t.'D "i J. J. V.'lliSNANI, 51 i.i: 3S:J2S, S T rr.A LiiR ;: PR.3:3 FUF.MSIXQ IN ArPLICatlSN. f : 7, "t-ji ;-V L To Im Isiisj linez real)' the mm m Morg ANTON, N. C. p. Kkwis, I'r.adt. r. T. Pkaksov, Ca-l-K' 1 if Poor ridar Proof Vault, Patent Tim? h",?i Chronic Steel vjaf. for Cah and Valuahle-s. Kxchang.j on New York and other Trade Centers I night and told. Marion Eeeord, MAIIION,N.C A-m "ti ' : Panking hours U a. m. to 3 r. m

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