nn CECORD. A DEUOCKATIC FAMILY KEWSPAPEH. Vol.. I. MARION. N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8,1805. NO. 31. Marion TERESTIN6 CONTEST. t , . i)V.V. VOTE FOR FREE I i: .VlJC'l TO 1,783. Cii.d States Should Furnish j tl i, o-.Mi Money, .Says The , w Vrk Mercury. 1 ail ovf-r tho United States . .n foolhardy, undertak-'l-p-ury announced that it ho s'Ti'-" of the people of : ! I'.c-.'.klyn upon the ques- i m 't s Government open ; '-oinaii r,f silver without . i,t with Gnat I'.ritain or .-I!, nati'in, and at ;i ratio of i lvo.-at-.-i ol the re-habilitn-; Atlanta Constitution in f iii' innatti Kn'piirT in ih suit f.u'h M 'I- t th" enuso of free f il journal.-, nnd of 'i'liotit Hi- roun'ry, i l'- of f.w York arid ih'-ir iiii'l'-rsiaridiiiK of ii l-:-.iirht iipom them i i' ion of silver. if 1 -Mi r-s whi-'h have in i ll'' M'-K-ury, under, h- Mot.-rs Say." with y Jin (! --.I With the '! iiiL'in'-ii ha v jjrasped, iiit"-lii"i,,-- whi.-hthpy i inu' f " silver eoinaK nj lished fortheic I - not solieite.l a single vote ' ii have I ii sent in by tens t Hi :-liie eases iy iiundml.4, ! I' d together ), y m.n w)j0 ! in III I use, suf'serihers to . i. . s.iw-d ea-li day's paper so : '.t- ol a friend upon the ' ! 'III. '."i.'.nv to this stat-inent is the M . I'. I.. Hathaway, of i' r tree coinage in your oon- i'iiu'Iv liimi'-r.iiis, eunsideririff ii li n- not resorted to the ('.:'! v.ites. li s-line oik in iiiirv t-.wiis of New York had hill- troul.le J ,av jjofie to I I - t.p v. ynir total in this "ild ea-ilv have lie greater -v I..' I.. i- all (he States in the 1 'I" iliiie.l voters iii this ' ! -i'Iv written their liallots . oi l Hi" same have leen for- ' I Wry man is a voter and an i n. and ui!e a niunher ."ire i( iiiaimfa'-turers and fann m.i v W'-ll sa- well ilone, Clin '!i it eX-('.,e. tor MaRolie did ". I"f 'linioii, at. least, when i-'ir that tli- )enKerats in v -a!; take no interest in the, 1 1 " l.ii u" r proportion of thel 1 ' ' in "ii'' at a time in an envel- lit .-ta-np "ii the envelop,' ti'l nir . l.y a letter, luit gen- i ' w nil'l permit we liave pub it' i - li":n day to day. follow- 1 1 --i 1 1 - 1 1 -f the vote, luit when -ive.1 .me dad to le left ' x l.eeV,., that it voieed the . ( in advoeatinicthefree 1" t. I"it it did not know it i 'ii - taken. i a t"iii-hiii when it is re i it'.-rt was made to induee l! i- in- .re. a-toiiishiiiK thut ' ! in t la- negative. " :ll of live weeks' voting On 'I iii" t'nited States Govorn- ii HI- I" the free coinage of '..ot in-.: f'.r agreement with .mv "the,- European nation ' ! t . l ; Ves. No. 5.71 J J'M 1. '.'2 247 2. :tt: ll 1..V71 10.1 2.7:12 15S ;ur. it7 (.:a 4s :n.i in; t;;o r9 1.0 M 37 stis :u .v.;i 17 WM 21 f!7 11 !Ml 1! .r:; 6 121 2 MM 1.1 ;t;;' 22 1-y 3 ill A 271 7 :H2 1 1 121 3 4tU IS :v r lit 2 f.l 1 XT 3 2-Vt 11 :n 121 2 sj 3 :?: 8 fr, 7 lf,0 4 t4 2 lis 2 11 0 32 0 21 0 5 0 24 0 3 0 11 0 1 0 ni l I'.rooklvn .12.052 1.73 I'nis town ipiestions ht it start a a tair eotitit. New V s .I.Ki: UII.M'.O A HOY. 11,. V . 'o!ored 15o Stealing Fruit. Tl . ' i'!y Iiim;s!o lil Not .Mean ( 1i Kill Him. ;" A - '.:.1.C. Mi-sKlialx'th Flagler, ' l;ru- ili.';- General Daniel ?. ' r-lir.aii.-e, U. S. A., shot "'" ' ' -'--re-i y.e:th named Ernest -he .i-ie.-ted .-tea'.iug fruit at i'i r. -i.le,,.-e of her father on Frl- ' - !i- !'. ari-l lv the ooroner this i " grout! :1 that the homicide ' M i.a!. has caused a decide! sensa- ' ':' :!. 1 ti"i in lo .ks and manner, rath- h. was ey pressed by the colored v:ii-!:ig. w !.eU the result of the ln "il" known. There was little 'iim-nt but among the colored " rin-s ,,f dUcontent at the result ; -ei.tmsent of disapproval. Thex f bringing the matter befon j ry desj it- the verdict. '1': i i -riis to be an epidemio of suicide in one day ten persons killed UrL.'.'iT'"!':i "n "I'I''" ''rop this year is the l ever raised in tbo Staty. BIQ INSURANCE FRAUP8. A Sensational Trial of Prominent Peo ple at Morehead City. A ppecial from Morchcad City says : The thin! 1ay of the sensational trial for conspiracy in life insurance -was devoted to proving the physical and financial condition of Charles Arthur, one of the alleged victims. If the evidence of the prosecution is not re butted Arthur is proved to have been a pauper and almos-t a living skeleton. Fraud is proved by the evidence as it fctnndn, but as yet there is no proof of conppiracy. W. L. Arendell was put on the stand Wednesday morning. He testified that Clnrles Arthur was a walking skeleton and the nearept to a dead man he ever paw alive. The Justice said this did not f-how conspiracy and further evi dence was ruled out. It is a matter of recorJ that Arthur was a pauper and received $2 a mouth from the county fund, and that ho was an object of charity for the citizens of Morehead City and JJeaufort. lr. L. W. IVrkinp, the last man ar rested, is mayor of Newport and ex town constable of Morehead City. At the beginning of this season Perkins was in charge of the police department of tho Atluntie Hotel. Here and in Ueaufort people are discussing the sensational arrests, but seem to with hold their opinions until all the evi dence has been brought out. They say prominent citizens should not be condemned as guilty of these dark crimes until strong proof lias been of fered. The prosecution claims to have this proof. Tho attorneys for the de fence say there has been no evidence to prove conspiracy and as yet no case has been made out. On the fourth day of the sensational cases of conspiracy to defraud insur ance companies the evidence brought out was in the line with that of the day before, but was much more explicit and conclusive. Fraud w as proved con clusively in one cse after another. The following shows, first, tho actual ages; second, the ago named in the policy, and third, tho real physical condition of the parties named below, w ho were all insured for good amounts: Hat lie A. avis, first 70, second JO; condition, infirm. Sarah M. fJabriel, very old, 45; infirm. Shepard Davis, first 70, second 7f; infirm. Kmnift J. Casey, first 70, pecond 50; infirm. Melissa CJurhtir, first 70, second 50; infirm. John Doyd, physical wreck. Wm. J. Mice, said to bo good risk, ltl!i:iti Mary A. Tjoughurst, first G5, second 55; poor health. Wm. H. Jones, good risk, consump tion. Sarah A. Levis, first over fiO, sec ond 40. ltosanna Washington, first fiO, sec ond .'?."; laid up with rheumatism. Summ l Windsor, first 85, second 5S; infirm. Thomas Davis; consumptive. Florence Clmdwick, in very bad health. The prosecution attempted to prove t'rtt the money received on the benefit paid nt the death of WigfiiU was divid ed bitween four relatives of the dead man, and that these four lehuives in sured n man in the last stages of con sumption eleven days before de.itb, swearing that he was a p;ood risk, tint the insurance agent in Heaufort certi fied that Wiefall was a "good risk." Most of li'.e day was taken up by wrangles between counsel as to the admission of testimony. A large-number of h tters, affidavits, applications for insurance policies, etc., were ad mitted UM.l .'" U. Lttt,tv1 lf ti.ss s were examined orally. The court room was tilled with interested listeners. The trial of the nileired conspirators is on Fridav continued until Wed- t I . 4 1... nes tay morning ny am e mem oi iu- the counsel. On Ihursday proof of fraud was presented in testimony of itnesses Dot directly interested. n Friday some of the very parties whose )ies were fraudulently insured tost! 1'ie l on the stand to the frauds com mitted. Apparent forgeries were shown one case aner nnomer ami i-fu'im fraudulent applications were intro- I UCed HOATIMi TIIAilK.niK.S. Fatal Kiuling of a Sunday Pleasure Sail in .lamaie.i It.iy. The sloep jai-lit Cllf. S. ot i he Kvelsior r. iat Club, started r.'it Sund.iv evening for a sail in Jnnimea l'ay. N. Y.. with a party of live on hoard. They were .l.iiin Strand. Sr., his sous, John. Jr.. Ie. r.- ar. l Andrew, and Arthur H-'mtrin-.'way. Sb.-rtvv he fore lock. when n t of Ninety-third street, a s -mall, whi- h shower, stni-k the !nti ' Ln a moment, ail the , . were floilllderiie.j ill lie' Strand an I t.i- s"i.s .' managed to t ? Join. Stuoi-l and ll-''i drift'sl ;;ay with tie were drowned. TL -si-' I r. raft . sV ie.I a h'-avy Mi s'iiii; it. of the ,,.at but th" elder rew and Georee ot rti.n.ed sloop. ::ngway. however, rctig current and ii l-viti -li Edwin A. men who clung to Towers r"s -i-s lh- Utr. - it the sloop. TWO HKOTHl.RS ! H A speeial from l'.o.'th says: F. 1!. U"d ins-m. :-1 rolinson. a.- l twenty -foir drowned Saturday a!t-r!i. WNEP. , Harbor. Me., thirty, and It. S. brothers, were a. Thev were summeriiig at U -hi point an t imc n":e in a small sail boat. Not rein ing h 'nie. aa investigation was n.ade. and Frank's t .-ly was found in the harbor. The body of B ch ard has not yet t een r.H-..cr- t. Ins thoiici't th- boa! w as fapshvM duru g a s piall. OVEK! V1.MTD IN A S',rALL. i E. F. Butler and Timothy Sweeney, while tailing on the Niagar a river Sunday afterJ iioou, were overtaken by t s.paall aad the boat w as capsized. B ull were drowned and their bodies wcut over the falls. ANOlHER ltrLorAPlE AFFAIR. John Hurtniau. Jos. Whitley nod Alexan der YVhilkey, ttie infant son i-f the latter, were drowned near Little Hellena, N. Y., t y the capsi7jng of his yacht Sunday evening. Mrs. Hart man and her seven-yeai -old sou, who were also iu the boat, were saved, Jacob Schaefer, the great billiarl player, recently broke his arm. KILLED BY A CLOUDBURST Most Serious Flood in the History o New Mexico. SOCORRO ALMOST DESTROYED, Siiteen Ironn Lot Their LItm In Neigh boring Villages One Hundred Fami lies I.ft Horaeleit and Deatltute Crop in the Arroya Valley Itained A Churrh and a Convent Undermined. The late flood at Socorro and vicinity wsw the most seriom in the history of New Mexi co. Sixteen r( iu Ii-it thir lives at Cuha and ('hihuahua. The storm hean with a downpour of rain at 2 p. in., and after two hours of terrific rainfall a cloudburst struck the mountain about five miles above Socorro, and in les3 than half an hour after dark gigantic wave?, bringing bricks, mud and dobru. took their destructive course through the streets. Th? THE DESTROYED hrMes and at least a mile of the grade ol the M :i lalena Branch of the Santa Fe Kail road were washed away, and some damage resulted to the main line south of the city. Of several houses which stood near the channels of the Arrovn, not a vestige is left. Many adobe houses in different parts of tho city have fallen. Water entered the Catho lic Church, and the Convent of tho Sacred Heart was undermined. None of the business portion of the city is injured, but not a dwelling house escaped some damage. Many of the citizens have lost every thine, and at least K0 families are homeless. The city waterworks are partly sw:pt away, and a water famine will follow the Hood, as it, will take a week or ten days to repair the damage. The lo.;: of life amont? tho Mexican resi dents was i stinialed at thirteen. The father and five children of Izna-'io Duran were i'roynd. His wifo attempted to escape with their three-months'-old baby. The tor rent tore it from her arms and dashed it against a barb-wire fence, and she saw it perish. Two other bodies were picked up, bruis I beyon 1 recognition. Mrs. Munsev, an Aiu'-rican woman, and her five-yea r-ol l eirl oiild not lie fouu I, and live Mexicans were missing. There were many narrow escape?. C. T. Brown rode his horse shoulder deep in th current and rescue 1 the family of J. II. Hil ton, a-; their house was falling ahove their heals. Manuel Padilla. the City Marshal, carried asic- man through water up to his neck to a da"f of safely. E. M. Keller breasted th torrent and res -ued a woman a-she was belir swept by. Mrs. Frank Myers, in carrying her s'ck mother to a pla-e of safety, was badly lacer ated while hoi iinir to a barb-wire lenc, and her mother wa- ba-lly injureit. Many .t res of Ur fruit and ilr? ,?r iin crop WIT" destroyed, .I'l l fortll tlr.-t ti!U i'l the hundred years' seitl'Mii Td of Socorro C v.rit v there will' be a crop failure. Th- total los" in Soeorro and the iinm-'dia'.e viein'tv will far ev-eed 10(.0;0. A miss m-eti-iic f citizens was h"l l. and measun-s w'cre taken for the irnme bate rt-li'-f or tlie ',e -tit'iie. The villains o Siu lVln.S.n Aiit ui and a settlement a Ija -ent toSi'u-p, W're alj visited by the Ii '. TKLRURAl'HIG TICKS. The Athens, Ga., knitting mill has started lp. The capacity is 2,500 pairs of hose per day. The Georgia negro Baptist Sunday school from Africa. The three principal silver organisations in Colorado have agreed upon c-uis .lidation upon a non artisan basis. Miss M. G. McClelland, the well-known writer, died at her home. Elm Cottage, near Norwood, Nelson county Va., Friday. At Carrolten. Mo., the case of the Taylor Withers, charged with murder in the first degree for the killing of the Meeks family, brought in a verdict of guilty. The number of American vessels officially reported a? lost during the fiscal year ended Juee 30, is'.-,, comprised 83 steam vessels and 27tl sailing vessels, barges, etc. The colle -tor of internal revenue for the district of Florida reports the values of ciar and cigarette and tobacco stamps during the month of July to be fil.SfiO.or Democratic county conventions in Kausa-ha'-e geaerallv selected delegates to the State Filver convention at Tertles Springs next Tuesday, favoring a 36 to 1 ratio. To show the great development of milling interests iu North Carolina it may be stated that between Durham and Charlotte there is not a railwav Matiou at which some new factory is net f-eine bmlt or an. old oaeen Inree.J. Martha Grav. colored, living on Kenan I place near Portland. Ala., locked her two ! vear-'.ld child iii her cabin and went to a I frolic She returned in the eveninit to find i the cabin in ashes and the oharn-d re-r.anis I of her child in the middle of them. This is j the fifth neero child which has l-st its life in i that eoui.ty since ChnstmP-3 j Exhibit for the Cotton States and interna tional Exposition are rapidly coming in. and j the chiefs of departments are busy in assign 1 in the allotted spac- to the difTerent exhibi ! tor. Work in the Uoited Mates Govern ment Building is particularly active. Sever al carloads of the exhibit have been received, and are now bein: pla.-ed in the Government Ttmldin The Naval exhibit, including ws torpedo boat. modeL- of famous vessels of the Navv. past and present, rapil-flre guns, and heavv :iin?. is U'ing tnstalle.i in tha ! space allotted to thi- department. lndiin Scare Petering Out. A d;spatch from Market Lake, Ut-ib, dV.ed Thursday, states that there has b?en no c:! lisiou for the pr-t few days with the Iailaci but that the settlers are in a state of constant alar?c. The trooj s uoy on the ground are expected lo hold the situation wcU ii ais'i xcep: in io!atol tvises where iuiivldval Settler tacked. who Lave lo warning may oe a. Accidental Suicide. Victor Malnati, a fifteen-year-oli boy, Ut in? at Washington. D. C, mtt his death Sat urday morning ty hanging. It Is believed that in esercisiu on a trapeeo a km became coiled around hu neck, and in endavarJa to extricate htnelt, it pulled tighter uatflMe Iwai itrangled. A VICTORY FOR LABOR. rite Wages of loo.ooo Miners tobeln cretsvl After October 1. The Idjjject vi' tory ever trade t y organl t l lat er wai won Saturday in Pit'.sburjr, Pa. ry the miner?. Alriios. every & acand was rrsnted and the operators gar a written guarantee for their fulfillment of the con tract. The paper were sigr; d to-night f which inerea. th vra; of 1W.000 miners , Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana an J ilinois. j The frrns are that the pre-eat rate of natree shiill continue in foree ui til October I, when every operator. in the Ti'tstjurs dis ;riot will pay the sixty-nine cent 'ate with a Jiffereutial of fiv cents iu lav. t of opera tor who do not have company i rores. Tbo iirreement further provides for 'inorber ad rance on January 1. It is und iiitood that the rate will then be made 79 cei t. TheMinpo Iron aud Steel Con panv, Mln o Junction O., also signed the roalKamat ed scale for the 1,200 men In the -:eel plant. lhe scale for th6 iroD mill whi employs 600 men wa pipned som9 time ao. Stole One Rblc Too Many. Prank O. Iv-nt, a joud? white boy d 1J w:; run ovi-raud tilled by a freujht 'r.iia on tie- Sav.ini).-i!i. l'lorida and 'esti-in Ilail'-orel iem s tvann di, (Ja. II o was tryit-jto steal h ride aui lost his iiold. TOWN. S0C0KK0. OUR WASHINGTON I; UTTER. First Examination of Government Printers Under Civil Service Rules. By Our Regular Correspondent. The first examination of applicants for ap pointment as compositors in th f Government Printing Offlee, since the employes of that establishment were pla -ed under civil service irules, is now beiuc hef 1. There are more i than two hundrod applicants, and it will take tho rest of the week to complete the ex amination of them all. Those who get the required percentage will bo placed on tho 'eligible list and appointed when there aro 'vacancies or when more help is needed at tbo O. P. O. Judging from their talk the "comps" who have taken the examination 'are not overburdened with admiration for tae wisdom displayed by the questions asked. One of them, who had wide experience both In newspaper and job offices, aiid who is cre--J ditedby all who know him with being a flrst 'class all-around printer, being equally at home when petting type, making up or read ing proof, was asked what he thought of the questions asked at the examination. He re plied: "Some of them were good, calculat ed to show whether a man had the knowl edge every first-class printer .should have but others were, in my opinion, absolute rot, dealing with matters having no connection with any of the practical branches of tho craft with which I am acquainted." A business man who has just returned from a trip through Florida says: "TheroJ is intense interest in Florida over tho Cubanj revolution, und every scrap of news from the scat of war is eagerly sought for andj read with avidity. Everybody down there 'sympathizes with the Cubans, and if it werej not for fear of Uncle Sam's interference Ij believe that 10,000 young and daring spirits wonld leave the Slate at a day's notice to help the Cubans in their strusrurle for liberty." VIG I LA NT WON Til K GOKLKT CUI Defender Furred to Withdraw on Ac cutuit of a Ilrokcu Gaif. At V.-r.,.r l: T Hie Vi 'ilailt Won Goeh-t eup Tor sloops the Defender was fon the race within half a ish on account of a r-ecause e.l to withdraw from doz'n mile of the l'n-Irok-n gaff. But for this accident, the Vigilant would probably have been nin" minutes or more behind the Defender. S far as pra-tical the r-.a-.lt of the race onlv reiterated what everybody knows, that !, . ! f,..!er U the fn-te-t light Weather boat oyer built iu Am-rica. Sh" out-pointed the Vigilant in the beat to windward which wa the first 1-g of th- eoursc and gained mu-h more on h'T during th" second leg. a run dead befor" the wind, a eour. supposed to be mo.-t favora' le to the centre board ya- ht. Bit ju-t as tic new vessel undertook a strct- li for home with only (i 1-2 mih-s of th entire :s to cov r. h-r h -il jw gaff snapjd in two and .-he was I to give up. I'hrrNI'Kk I'.tATS Vl'ilLANt. The run of 'Ic N-w York Y i-ht club from Newport was n a b- in a stifT s "iihwf-t wind .n S it u r lav. Defender a- tic wmae.- oyer Vigilant 1 v'a'-eit ni:" n.iii':t -. Jut ib e did ict ra . c.c;, er.i::oii was mi.u'T ia the fir. t-. la-s s. lio' ie r-. COXEY THE NOMINEE. Ohio Populists Protest Against Fusion With any Other Party. At Columbus.theropulist State Convention on Friday nominated Jacob B. Coxey, of Ptark, for Governor, and a lull ticket. The platform reaffirms the principles of h- Omaha platform; Coxey's non-interest xnd and good road bill; issuing enough Jegal tender paper money to rut the country ion . cash basis; free and unlimited cionage 'of silver; nationalization of pub4ic mono-Ulies- lenoiirus, interest bearing bonis; J idenounces procsjs in Det case as subver- tive of rights of trial by jury; favors th- law 'acainst payment of any debt in cold; de fmaads the'i mediate abolishment of national itnks; favors a per dim Brvi.e f-'nsioa ?.ilL A3 to State affairs, th platform demands the refereudun plan; reda -! falanss; tax .reform; regulation of coal STen; eigtit hour dav; opposes lusioa with other partie-; favors b-cti- n of all offl -ers. State and national, bv direct vote of the r-eopl"; Stati i control of liquor traffi ; without jxwatiaad endorses uniun labor. !K.lil OF Ml. TALM ;K. WiTe of tlie i br.ite'HM ine Died en Mjiilay ?IuriiiH. A: l:ii!vs;-. N, V.. th- u-if- of Lr. T. I- .Mtt T.ihiia--. I ii !-' rat-1 miti-t-r of l;r.-..k' si. !! at '. . M Monday Mcminn. She J.alleeniil s.-m-t!:-.-. ll-r Lu-' and and h. :i M-re at h r t d-id-. Cc- j-s r wa "it, rj'1' : ol iu France. oi'j aal barely zi9 A NATIONAL SILYER PARTY. INDICATIONS WHICH POINT TO T1IK CALLING OF A Convention to Organize One. Speech es at the South Carolina Alliance Kncampnir nt. To the St. Louis Republic in a spcdal from Columbia. S. C, says: The fact was devel oped at the State Alliance encampment, which adjuorned to-day after a three days' meeting at Tirzah, York county, that a schcnu is on foot for the calling of a nation al silver convention to I held in St. Louis iu HepternlHT for the purpose of forming a national silver party. Congressman Latimer, of H'uth Carolina ij authority for the ptatA ir.ent that ('ngriss:ueu Bland, of Missouri, Tillman, of South Carolina; Marian Butler, of North Carolina, and other silver leaders have agreed ii pou it, and that the call for Fueh a convention w ill 1m issued. Congress man Latimer says that the scheme has I we n on foot for sonic time, but that it is only w ith in the la.-t few lays that Congressman Bland has been induced to agree to it. But now that all thing- are ready a call for the con tention will be i.:i".l within the next few Weeks. The ball was set in motion at the filver conference at Memphis, and since then the f iii iic puts- has li.-ea L it and the leaders m-lie-.e that the time i ripe for the movement. At any rale the attempt is to ! made. Con gressman Latimer ma b- no public announce ment of tie-scheme, , ut in his speech nt the Alliance encampment he went so far as to pay: "Let us call a national convention, like our own March convention, and say that we tire for both m-'tals. Then put a man on a pimple platform for silver and make the race and whip the light. Tic lb-publicans say tre y won't d'-sert tlc-ir home. 1 air. a Demo crat, but I am in favor oT this early conven tion, and I say to yu 1 t's hold it and win th" fight." S -naior Tillman said: "The only hope is to uliy th" South and West against the North and Ivi-t. but don't h t us impose the condi tion o:i t hose v-king the alliance that w" go as D -iiio' rnt.alo:ie. Those people despise that nam". T'." hatred is the inheritance of the war. ju-t .1 ; we hat" th" name of K"ptib licau. Why. iu tiod's name, shall we stay by her and g down in tic- rotten old Democra tic ship? 1 cannot .see why any man should stand by tie- D 'mo -ratic paity when it is font rolled by su--h men as Cleveland and Carlisle. For mys"lf, I am ready to throw up tH" ;ia ii" and give up the part v. Wo must join the p ,,pi of th- Northwest. Tho fri"ii j of silver are bi the majority. Forty live million ( th" 7U.oon.000 in the United Stat'-s ar - in favor ! it. All they want is the opportunity. Shall we ht this matter of a name keep us apart? The o 1 bugs have bought up all the metropolitan papers and the ii-ws agencies, and th -y are all crying the silver era-'.e is dying out. There was " never a in re hra-'."n falsehood. There is no crav to bein with. Our people are only striving w-ii.ii tin intensity of despair to re le.is" our government from th" grasp of the octopus, to prevent tic Tories from selling us ia bondage to th" British gold bugs." LIBERTY BELL'S ITIN ERARY. the Historic Old Relic Will be Ex. hlbited In an Open Foyer. The action of the Philadelphia City Coun cil on the Atlanta Exposition was to arrange and complete the details for the trip of the Liberty Bell, which is to be transferred to the South during the festival. Chairman Miles, of the Committee on Cor respondence and arrangements, stated that he had received a letter from Thomas Keen nn, secretary of the State Commission, at Harrisburg, in whi' h the latter ptated that the Pennsylvania building would lie com pleted and ready for the reception of the b 11 by the opening day, Sept. lth. The historic old relic is to be exhibited in an ojien foyer, under a canopy, and by LHng 'arranged n castors, can lie run on to the open grounds, iu case of necessity, in ten minutes. I Sanction was taken for the present look 1 . ..".. - - ..... . . ,. AiMjAnv in con nection Will the depart uro oi th"- .., cost of the military display would probably ,-:fe-r;fe haveto 1-e taken out of th committee's ap ' propriatiori. The itinerary of the tll's Southern jour , nAv is as follow: : Leave Thilad-lphi ("Pennsylvania rail- roadl, X a. m., September 11th; arrive Balti ' more. 10:15 a. m.: leave Jialtimor, 11 a. ro.; arrive Washington, 12. noon; h ave Wahintr i ton. 2 p. m.: arrive Fp-b -rickiburir. (Ii-. F. I and Y. railroad). 4 p?rn.: have lerik. i burg. C p. m.. rrie la- bmond, 7 p. m., fseptemr 11th; leave Ki'-hmond (Atlantic j Toast Linei, a. m.. Sf timber 1-th; arrive I Peter-t-urt'. ') a. rn.; 1-ave r-t-p-t.urg (N. and W. railroad . 10 a. m.: arrive Lynchburg. ; 3 p.m.. 1-ave LMehiur'. 4 p.m.; arrive ; T.oanoke, C p. m., S-j.t'-mUr l-'th; leave ! Loanofce. H a. m.. S--;-ten.l-r 11th; arrive i UrL-tol. 1 p. in.: S.-f t-n.t-r 13th; h-aw fcris- to (So uthern railway. 3 p. r-i.;rrive Knoi i ville, 7 'p. ni.. Sept'-mt-r 1'itu; l-ave Knox i ville' Ha. il.. S-j t-m-r Hth; arrive Cbat- tanooica. 11 & a.m., s. pi-a;t--r ltth. Chattanooga. 'J a. m .. S t-mU-r lth;arriv Atlanta. 4 p. in.. S-pi-mt-cr 15th. i Chairman Hartell wa4 in-iru -tM to fre that the various piace along the route wm loainiara'.ate-i with. Struck it Slra:t..D. the iltf r :. i' ly tee n-: Rich. i:i:.o2ai.-e, his ftm:k rr.-t. - t - tr f-u. 1 ii!:.-" in th-i cvuL.trv, if c.i :a i:e I:i the j;, !.r-n !'-.'.n r..'T . V. tnoj.-r. in f Mj:vj: a !. W r'.l. ' I.. a in u in-h wisi run ?M'. "' . t -; to.-. I: - ..t a I-':: t when so :rr.t 1 c i'i. r, i liv:-i-i'h warrat.v li. tLa: tt;.-r - ii not ls than several ore m si-'tt. t-. J f '-- 'fiiJ-fe- ... NORTH STATE CDLLINGS. A DURHAM BLOCK BURNED. $80,000 Worth of Property Wiped Out Ily Fire. Insurance $GO,000. At 1:10 o'clock Friday morning a fire started in the oltl lleams Ware bouse, located on Main idreet, just op Ioeite the Fidelity Kank, and in a verj ehcrt time tlie entire I dock was aflame and before tho flames were under con trol $80,000 rorth of propertj waa consumed. The losses are: Reams warehouse $10,000, owned by I. M. Reams and Ii. L. Duke. Mr. Duke's insurance is $2,000. There were a number of nniall t-hoj under the warehouse which were all a total loss with no insurance. Saunders A Co.'s loss $."),0i0; $1,200 insurance. R. rsiacknall & Sons, drug etoro, loss $1,000; insurance $2,S50. A Max, poneral merchandise, loss $25,000; in surance $15,000. Klhs, Stono & Co., loss $25,000; insurance $20,000. A. E. Lloyd, J. M. Wyatt and others, loss from removal" of goods, covered by tnsurauce. htokeH tuiilding damagett $20,000; insurance $U,(Kr0. Durham Fertilizer Comany, damage $300, covered bv insurance. The total loss is fully $RO,000, while the total insurance will amount to about $00,000. . The Monroe Cotton Mills Bought for $02,300. According to advertisement, the Monroo Cotton Mills were sold Wed nesday and were bid off by Messrs. Heath for $02,300, which is regarded by all as n fair price. This will pay all indebtedness and leavo some for the stockholders. It is Raid the mill will resume Monday tinder the new management. An Important Derision. In a habeas corpus proceedings in ro W. J. Hough, argued by J. D. Murphy, of Asheville, before Judge Simonton on the 21th July, the court has decided that Section 25 of the lievenuo Act requiring piano and organ companion to pay a tax of $250 is unconstitutional and void for tbe reason that it is in violation of Article 1, Section 8, of the Constitution of tho United States grauting to Congress ex clusive right to regulate commerce be tween the States. Shot While Asleep. Near I'iney Creek, Alleghany coun ty, a white man naqied Roberts went to sleep in the woods. He was seen by Floyd Cox, who crept up ami shot him dead. Cox took $100 from the body and fled. He is still at large. Sam Mickle, and his nephew, Will iam, were in the woods about two miles frm Klkin cutting trees when a limb of the tree which they were cut ting pplit otT, falling ami hitting Sam on the heal, killing him instantly. He was about T0 years of age, and leaves a wife and nine children. dovernor Carr paid the $200 reward offered in is'Jl, during Governor Jar vis term, for 1). McFachern, tho col ored murderer, who was only last week identified and arret-ted at Wilmington, and who fdew his cousin in Cumber land. Tho reward goes to Thomav MeEaeherti . A cyclone in Gaston county, on Tuesday wrecked tho large store of Firry Haines, ut Henrietta, while twenty persons were in tho buil ling. - Korioujdy hurt. The Ions ia Sl.oOO; no insurance. The cyclone The firfct lot of new tobacco on Winston market Thursday. It was raised by W. R. Moser, of Rural Hall. There were 101 pounds, divided into four gradt s, and it averaged 5 cents per pound. The pchool census of Wilmington just finished f-hows the population of Wilmington to be 22,027. Of theae 9,482 are white and 12,515 colored. There are 8,8.5 school children in the city. Deputy Collector S. G. Woods re ports the seizure of a fi5-gallon illicit distillery near Cherry Grove, Ferson county. Ruck Stadler, the operator, rot away. A Jittle dog at Concord got into a pan of yeast dough. He ate heartily of it, and within a few hours had swollen to almrt his natural rize. He died. Asbestos has been discovered in pay ing quantities on the lands of Mr. Richard WilWn near Elkin. A force of hands are cow at work getting it out. A TICAIN IILLII V. -I Momitrd KoMx-rn l 1 lif !r V(i k I".lrditlouly. At -x'r's tr.iin .ri th Sh'r nnl Ui irifi Southern Hulra I. w.n h-! I n; l y lis n.i-V'-l iij' ii Vtu"'l!' riiilaiti', ai a on' ly !-? In th'rw'rl known m 1. . lir.r. d w d Ar- hiV-al 1 nu 1 Hrik r, O'.iu. fh- train th-rr to 1-1 th ? a-t rn ?i r- s i'X'. TUf IiU-r train -j r .a t:ifi h' n th rf '-r- ry t-.k !--. Tii t,y.4-T- w- T" Iii..'itit I lilid I"!' nt ol Hj4 ,..,:, n!.i ! r.r- d- ;u. t I- i- ih tri I . (' L lu-t r I.i.liii w ho v. i in 1 iiij r-ar .i-" ot lti -...a i.a. .r!-r--! l.v : lv at tl-e f-ii.t of a r v hrr. A !ri;i-. fc t'. th-r ij r5 far olt un'-d l-y t'.- r irt.r rr.';. and th- u'--u;-t wa f " -d t t--!i tfi Th-- Hui'i'iiit r-i-rt-1 t' hvv; t.-a i ' liud I y th-:n i ai-l to rr 43.0OO. tut it U t.-Ii--l tht a tiiu-h lir-r .-oin w.t tiW-a. No a:t-ft j t m- n -l-st th" A-nr. nnayi,f wli'im kii-w te..-t:ui? j of th- o-.urrvut-'. nli'n th? thf La I I v- jri-l t';j; untritt4 of th t!.-r I-l jui-tlv away. TJ'sr.rla U-at hr r-ord wth tb rvb rnptrm - n. aa 1 lh-p 1 evry in lia tioa tlt.it th vr crop, tu, Will b-J Ly far th largest ever rais-id. THK NEW PARL1AMKTT. Tbe Conservatives la the Lead and the rrnrllltr In the llrur. The returrs from the elr otions lc th ei-t divtion of Ioae;-i and the south division ot Londonderry woro anaourKis:! at Loadon. The former tde-tM Arthur O'Coonor. titnalt, and the latter Sir T. Ixx. Unieai.t. P. l'u fat in the Ut rarliammt, bo thrre 1 no chancre in tho repreat.Uion from those Constituencies. l'.nt oreeb tion M to take pl.i e now. thut in Orkner and Shetland. It will net occur until the fcth of Aucust. bet a. a Literal w.i rhosen i:i that district in the U-t i l-tion ty l.tK):l major'ty, il i-i fair te asume tht t'.i! next memtier will l a Lil r:tl r.l '1 "lirs. bre, -ivin that -'at to th" LiJ- rals. th nc.v Pa r 1 1. it "tit will to eoniis. of ri:H .ii-er-v.itti. 7.1 Liiwral-UnroiiW. 117 Lil-rab, 70 Mcl'arthviles au-I li Iirn'llit. THE Marion Recora U the only Democratic Nenar In McDowell county, and has a lfge cir cu vi iD in adj lining counties It pub ; ht .ll tho news without fear or favor, aod Is ti trptn of no hug or .-I que. It is the bold clam pi on of the peo ple's lights, tn eirnett advocate cf thf tx-st interests of the county of McDjw--11 acd the town of Marion. Its alver tnirg rates are reason ib'e, and the sub cription pticc is f 1.00 ftr year in ai tar.e. If you want the bfst newspaper In the couatrj brimming full of choice rcsdlrg matter for buvnos meo, farmers, m chinks, and the home circles of all classes subscribe anl pay for ths Record. If you doa't, why Just don't, tnd tbe pspcr will bo printed every Ihursday evening as usual. If jou haven't enough interest In your county's wellfare to eu-tiln the best ad vocate of its diversified interests, and ita triitst friend the newspaper jon nted not expect a 2 columi obituarj notice when jour old stingy bones are hid from the- exes cf proreas tn its ground. All who owe subscriptions to tbe Rkcord will be diopptd from our list gnleee they pay up at once. Yur rt'sp-ctfjllj, Tnc Marion Record, SEABOARD AIR LINE R I!. NEW LINE. New route to Charlotte, Rl :gh, Wil mington, Richmond, Norfolk, Washing oo, Baltimore and tho East. AU- to Atlanta, New Orleans and all points in Texas and tbe Southwest. Memphis, Kansas City, Denver and all point i in he Great West. For Map, Folders, Tim Tables and --riJrA?i,.... , Gen. Tray. ras. Agent, Charlotte, N. C. Leave Marion C, i A C. Charlotte S. A. L. Arrive Raleigh Wilmington " 4 Atlanta " 4 a m 1 1 50 a in ft 00 pm 9 2 r p ro ',3 00 pm AKDEtUO!, o:iAgt P. A. Newland, T. J. T.T. O. A. JJi-ofcsoii'iuil fnri)3. L. C. BIRD AnosBT akdCocjitlloe at Law. Mv'on, - N C. Practices ia all courts. S'stc and Ted exal. Bj-ecUl attention Riven to ieve. tiKatiog land titles an i collecting cUims. 3TOf!i e cn tlsla Street. R. J. BURCIN, Dentist. Offers his prof-iional service to l.i friendn and former patron of Marion and vi-inity. All wik guaranU-ed to be trt cU, and a reanabl! asiuci wirk can bo afforded. Office opi-ite the I'b rurainx IIoui-. J F. BIOIU'HETT, Attorney a. Law, Tratices in the Court of Mitchell Yaiccy. Iiunccrnbe, Wataugs, Ashe; 6 J reme au 1 Federal Courts. Tonsorial, WM. SWEENEY, IVcl'ca) and Selentiflc Barber. Over burt- n's d.u8 store. Call and s tr( as I promise sithf ACtioo U aU l-

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