um:al igi:ii:rs. Soli'-itor Spainhour was in town ut. V. V. Iv nil?, nrmewater, was :.. f.Aii Saturday. " Mr. Claud" i now manager fti..- : Mot i vi-uti:ir Ik t -i.-ter Mr. J. I.. ('. Bird. ' ' 'I'lKT' ill y l:iii in MT.ins iiitfi--'. ti "J ir rhureh iM-yf ,,rv i--.- in tli tilt , , si sabbath by th Sund'iy ;1 1 ri.-iri pa-tor i.:ir It at 11 a. .1. U. At kin K-'j . 'di' or of the Caro J!: .a ?a', Statesvi Ut. sjM-nt a few daj tt ,lt hi nlil home t his week. I . j . "hurehill, Ksi , member of the'-rfonltoii bar, is viititi Mr. . Morris at his home on Jiuck N.-w troods in larjje quantities are arr;'. inr evt-ry day at lilantonV. It will I'av a man to take a look at their , i. wli-( her lie wants to buy or not. Mr. Will MrCall, one of Marions I nili!-inn'.t and most popular youn i- visiting his parents in the (,,. ! Li week. ,- iMite wit h sorrow the fart, that v , rill 'Jardin is sick at his home near -nwood. The last news from Jtini w;i- tli it he is improving. Mi-- "(ra Carter, of Abbeville, made a f! iu;r t ri to Marion la-t week to i.i! I, r mother, Mrs T. 1. t'arler, 1k-f,,r- taking t Jiar't- of her school at j ; . k Mouiitain. prof, and Mrs. J. K Ouy have hhip their furniture, and are expected l:. r- Saturday. TJiey will occupy Mr. W. M 1 . I.ij rain's residence. We hope i!,.- people of Marion will jrive I hem a warm n-ception. Mii- si-tcr town. Morxanton, has in 4 r ;i-i 'l ln-r pojiulal ion Ills since lS'JO. 'Ilic opulat ion of the town proper is JI7": including the State institutions ii i- .;io.". MnrantoM is one of the prettiest ami lust towns iu North Caro i,n and we rejoice to sec her jrow so. Mr. lames IJird, f Craijj, says lie lihil- it impossible to j"et aloii wit hout tin- IN-cord. The Hccord wiVlics Mr. I'.inl a lonand hapjiy life, and hopes I I at I ln wheels of t. me will hae rol l it by many and many n mile-jiost be b.rc Mr. Bird's eyes prow too dim to scan its pacs. Inn't forget that th srlio.ol at Ma rion W ill opcj'-1"; V.'l'y t,,rfe 8Mtl'in . . i'"lv'' '"ol lilies, lfl'-luii b. r It Ii. i I.- I.urn.xl. 'I'be loss is i- ' i -MTtarian, u,'jt ?25,0(M). jfirls who want to mal;-sVt erTni men and 1 1 1 1 -1 1 are invited to enlisl as pupils. Let t Ik people of Marion and Me I 'owe!! j;ie this school their liberal pat rnnae, t hen we w i 11 have a seliool el which everj body will be proud. .Iih:i WrKarlaiul, of thiscoiin y.siiot lii unit her-in-law, Mrs. (iray, who iv s ii Nort!i l"oik,si or seven miles from lit re, w it Ii a s!..! n not Ion r a m: Tb." shot to.k rib r( in her head and brea.-t. Mi l ai land II. d, was eaptureil at Ileti rii tta and brought to Marion and tn'eil b' toie Ksipiire llempliill, of Nebo, and put under bond for his appearance at Court. Mrs. Cray's wounds are not on idere 1 dangerous. On Tuexlay eenin of lat wi'ek V.m k Smit h sat . tlown on a cross-tie a sliort distance e:-t of t,he Moranton depot to warm himself in the sunshine. Atter a bit he fell asle p, and when he aw oke he found him-e!!' in a country v here he ran keep warm witnoiit sit tuioiia cro-s-lie in t lie sn n.-h i ne. . st -bound frcmlit train came alon mhI landed him en I he oilier bank of ' In- ri er. l lie Kecord rcrrcts exceedingly to announce the fad tiuti I'ol. W . 1". llen-dei-Miii will not he hereon l-'riday nihi to entertain I be people of Marion with hi-wit, eloquence, and wisdom. lie informs Mr. Lee C. Mock in a private letter that sickness in his family rom pels him to postpone, his eniratrement lu re, but assures him that lie will take pleasure in ad. !ressiti; uur peo ple at some time in the future. We hope at a very early date to have the opportunity of announcing another appointment for Col. Henderson. Iafh of Samuel Dale. Mr. Samuel laledied at his residence h- re on Saturday August ord. lie hail hern sick eil.t mout lis, ami was eighty .Nf.irs and fiv nion;h! old the very day "f l'is death. The funeral -ervices Were coiulueted by llevs. White, Lan diiim anil Uodtiers at the home of the derea-ed on Sunday nior.iinat eleven "lock. Mr. I 'ale moved here when Marion was in her infancy and lived ''re continuously up to the day of his death. He came here about the year -. l i'ur sons, Mes.-rs. C. A , T. M. and Harve of this place, and Frank of '1'ms, and three daughters, Mrs. T. A. Nvhite, Mr. Win. Bobbitt, ami Mrs. "jams, all of this place, sun ie him. l'isti'siii; Occurrence. Mr. McVinch, of Charlotte, threw ""tlie old bottles out of doors not long -in.', and among them was a bottle ' "litaining bi-chloride of mercury, used f,,r the purpose of cleaning- beds. Tlie '"Vely little t wo-nnd-a-half year old laughter of Mr. ami Mrs. MeXinch, w''ile at play in the yard, drank some "f the deadly contents of tlie bottle. 1 be doctors worked earnestjy for ten ll'Hg hours trying to keep the little ' J 1 1 1 within its tenement of day. but all vain. About twehe o'elot k at night 'be tender chord was loused and the little spirit, lingering for a moment, '"' an uncaged bird havering at the "'"or of its (.an.t. before flying away to "ver to return, sped away to the bo JJu of Clod wlio gave it. Marion MISS LIZZIE i:OEBITT KLOI'FS Witit '-"Ahuk Doubitt. ut.ii COUSIN' MR On ve-denl-.v -,,..,:.... .tiarion was , l,M or rjuite an int.Tetii,' ?n(, , - xHtifJif jiM ,.r,i,u,; I,OVM;r ,;j(.v j"' blind,"' but it ran eee how to ,I3'.' a "rcal n'-iy Hun vahu, by Jlil'I-l-if f, ,1,1.1 r ,.. . . - . . . . ' '"J''liet''' It enal I i'i ii to .-cal a.'i l brick-! ? wails, to dode huii,.t ats, ami to .-liun Jit; Jacc- rating iniJiiL-i.e. f old TlL'e'.s IhUim I villi -ucli ami atrihi v as j.p.. ). t. alone. And lovely woman. dear diviie. deln-ate. jirol i woman, whose untaught foot is a stran-er t all but earth, who prefers dea'h by the most cruel torture to cros sing the srinir-hraneli fi,ot-lotf or climbing the pasture fnciV-it enables her to tJirust her angel f,rin tlirou?h the third-story window at midnight when all is; dark as Kgypt,and descend a trembling tottering ladder with step a firm arid steady as when, at other times, sweeps lier queenly self acro-s the parlor floor. A.Y! H was this fame magic love, this heroic Jove, that on yesterday evening changed the fear of a timid gi"i into the -'daring dash of a soldier,"' that gave her the fleetness of a gazelle, and the soaring qualities of a carrier pigeon; that enabled her to escape the vigilance and Jiasty pursuit of father and brother, and clear tlie yard fence at a single bound, and at a second leaji to gain a place beside lier anxious lover in a waiting carriage. It lias long been known that Mr. Charlie hobbitt, of Marion, and his cousin Miss Lizzie 5obbitt,of Lynch burg, Va-, were lovers. Parents on both sides opposed their marriage. They finally succeeded in blinding the "oik foil's" into believing that their courtship had been brought to an end. Accordingly Mis Lizzie's parents very readily consented for her to visit her relatives here this summer, never dreaming t hat the oil love-thime was .-till a-hurning. The old courtship was ren wed soon after Aliss Lizzie's arrival lu re and was kei t uj in a quiet way until yesterday, when it termina ted in an elopement yesterday even ing and, it is thought, a marriage last ii'gbt. About one oclock the young coujde made t he; first attempt to eseajie, but were avertaken by Mr. John JJobbitt, who forced his sister to return with him. The news of the intended elope ment having reached the ears of the young lady's fat!;er,Mr.Iames IJohhitt, wjio also is visti ng I.ere, he determ ined at once to return with her to Lynchburg, and was preparing to leave on the six o'clock train, whui the young lady slipped out at the back donor at lier grand-mot her'-;, tied across the field that lies between Mrs. Iiobhitt's and Mr. IJ. 15. Price's, being hotly pur sued by her brother. Air Jo'mi Jiobbitt, dr., leaped tlie f nee, 'tis said without touching it, ami landed herself safe in i he carriage in wliirh her lover was waiting for her near the corner when' Main street turns in the direction of 1 ol. Sinclair'. The driver 'touched up" the horses and the carriage, w hen last seen, was disappearing at a run nvay spi ed in the dhectton of lluthertorii ton. ft has been repuried that they were scan goi'ijl townr.l I-ker vil I e last night at ten o'clock. They were hr.idc.l fjr that place when they first trie'l to escape. Mr. John Hobbiit followed his sister from his pram! mot hei's when l.e snw her pui pose to escape hiia, but reached the carrinjie jut a moment too late to catch her. He wu? very angry and seeing him Felfthus out-dene, dri-w his p'frtol :ind snapped it at the rctnatirg cma'age, tt en turned on Mr. Jo'.n McDonald, w ho had h.i'c.l the carriage to Clmr'.ie. I'obhi'L and driven it to the ph ce wln ;-e the young lady got in. and sna!i.e.l the pistol in his face. l!el! i't wits t.nken under arrest yes'.eribiy evening by lb pmy '-heriiV Jogan Nicliol?, and was held in u bond of ."n) tor his ap pearance before Ihitlitf this muruin.'. 1 lie elopement ot h 13 daughter is giv n g Mr. Uobbitt much trouble. B)ysarisvsllc Aulcs lit v. Jas. lb (i ibson coainienced a pro traded meeting Saturday. (!ee. l. Taylor ond J. K. Denton went over to Asheville Friday. Mr. Z. Carroll and daughter, Miss F.lla, of Clover, S. C, are visiting relatives and friends here. Mr. Clias 'A. Laughridge, Jr., Jorraerly of thi t.ce, but for the jast year of La, Clevi-land county, is up on an ex tended visit to his people. Mr. Thomas Saiterwbiie went down to Morgantou I riday M isses Myrtle and Minnie Howard were in Morganton lat week. Mr.and Mrs. Wise, of Burke, were visit ing lure Saturday and Sunday. Mr?. Wise is quite a rh thy luiiy weighing pounds. Mr. llar.ey C.ravson. a premising young man ot Xcalsville, is teaching near here. Ai'intield for Sound ?Iouey. The C harlotte Observer makes the following comment on the nomination of .fudge Arm field for governor: "We copied, a few days ago, the tri bute of the Marion Peeord to Judge Armlield in putting him in nomination for Governor. This gentleman enjoys large popularity throughout the State, and well deserves his reputation as a man of extraordinary ability; but the observer has lieard it rumored that he is a sound money man, and if that is a fact, the fact by common consent, among the free coiners, bars him. If we hadn't thought Armlield is a sound money man we would not have nominated him. Of course he is for t miuiuI mmiey; every lionest man is. j Armlield is a sound man, w ith sound sense, and he wants everything ele sound. There i nt.'hing folia h-r Uian ; a goe.d bar.', silver (Llh.r. It is even; I sounder than a gold dollar. lVAVrED. Walnut log-s, oak and poplar lumber. Will pay cash for tame. W, p. Jone. Itiouiuors in x;intn. llie woruci Jws at .ri,;!villtf L . got the Tl.t-we ri.Iin" round on liejrhs usij Ik ia' all the ways ; The J iy it m.ikt-3 Vm healthy, an' thea're pom' f.r it etron, lb iiomj ere bukiu" Lisruits an' caf!n' all -1 ,y lo-ig! I'icycl-? an' I loorrrer.- Nert-r s:tw thf like; Ntvtr ii nu teBiu Where lighten, 's poii.' to strike! women Jown t Billvi;! uare got tlie li ' on rr. fra r Tl..... o. ;. :.. 'i wn the bi ' rta ! ad goii. oat o' sight; y'. c Joj?: wii'i trrign mii:?ioii?-chiiTh f urs are goin' r. roup, tiif men art rnindiu' bbies ae cu:r'ur all i:i v lone-' Tli An I!ieyr!f3 an' lloorners (littin 1 WU'Sr mi' WUSr! Lord knowg where we'll git to Jitiore they 're uonewith us! The wornon down .it KillvHIe therVe go ii.' wi h a w ill ; They're racin' with tin rniiroad trair.3 un' roliin' down the hill; They're got the re Josot bloomers their bi cycles are strong. An' the men wear -Mother Ilubbards" an' cuss the w hole dj long! Iii'-ycles ar.' blo rrers All the men are "goner;!" lion i know what ivtV: comin lordliave mercy on us! Atlanta (Jonstitutiou. to Since the outbreak ol cholera in Japan y'OO -ersons have been attacked with the disease and over 5. COO persons have died. Mile. Pauline, of Holland, is probably the tiniest w oman on the plane?. Fh- is eighteen yearo old, w-tiglis less than nine pounds, and lacks four inches of being as high us a two-foot rule. I'rof John A. Simpson of Raltigh, X. C, blind from birth, ha3 mastered mathemat ics -'from addition to quaternions" men tally, bus learned ancient and modern lan guages, and like many other blind pioplc is a great musician. Hi- blinduess is with out doubt the cause of his extraordinary mental development. When our new long-term Senator vent to Memphis recently to nitnd the silver convention he registered "M. Ihil'er, Iv liott, N. ('.j1' and the newspapers gazetted him as -'M. IJ. Elliott, X. C." Xow the (Ireenville, S ('., Xews, a few days ago, re ft is to li i .11 as "Marion Butler, of CScorgin." To the man who is setkiucr tin: bubble reputation tliis sort of thing-must he mid dling di-couraging- News and Observer. Four liunchvd thousand bicycles have been manufactured this year. 11. -I. Shipp, a member of the Xcw ton bar, and son ef the late Judge Shipp. died Suddenly pt his home Sun day nighi. He" is said to iiavo Levii an exceedingly good man. As it is characteristic of great wits to nay much in a few words, so it is of small wits to talk much anel say nothing. It is said that 'J0:000 farmers of the Northwest have signed an agreement to hold their wheat un til they can get a dollar a bushel for it. ' James Tufts ef Boston, who has bought 4.000 .teres of land two miles from Southern Pines, has mt 150 me n ot work there, pre paring the lanel for settlement, and advertises for l'00 carpanters to put up buildings. The Lenoir Topic says there are peoples in Caldwell county who be lieve that the free c-.-inage of silver at lt to 1 means that the govern ment gets the 1 and the people the 1(5. From ?. personal letter received yesterday from one of the loading lawyers in the state, wo make one extract; "I sor.sider Judge E wart's ruling both outrageous and con trary to law. It will result in his r.iin." News and Observer. .Mr. M. A. lVeet has purchased him a new Hu organ. Mr. . If. P.ennett left Friday even- ins for a visit to Alexander and Ire dell counties ami returneel Monday. The Way to lo Tilings Gabriel McDowell colored, died last week- (labe had been in poor health and unable to work for a long time. In lSlX) (.iabe voted the Democratic ticket and has done so ever since. As lie had no means DeputySheritl' Logan Xiehols aided by other DemexTats raised a sullicient amount of money and saw that (labe received a true I'etnoeratle anel christian burial and s.vedthe county of the expense. Elia 1'ielty Mcco. A younjr man, ef one of eountn considerably east of here, Uok a Mnoiintain trip" not long- since and visited some v( t he tall mountains up here in Western Xort Ii C arolina. On his nturn Jiome he reprteel that "Western X'ort h Carolina is sj ste-ep that a man can plow in a field above his Iiouse and at the same time watch the potatoes boil by Ieoking down the chimney." From Sulferiusr. Tne most beautiful songs thut ever were sur.r, The noblest words that ever were speken, Have Letn frcm sorrow aul suffering wrung, From lives heartbroken. E'en tlie hrp is'ess, eleau and Jun:b Till the strings ar; stmined. Then the pure notes come. George Birel.-eye. : LOUIS "VVALKEB" ESiiur siiid Shoe J; AKie.:;. n c. liepairiur done in the neatesr p lleftjle. Prices very low. Sati-fac-tion guaranteed. U'rAreSfill i:iute. The Ai.K:0 .Sax.u i3 ,till brum. An in ci Jrnt trcm J.jriPe, N. y., j)rog ,.-, u sterns that the-people were i;ptea.-d wiifc licondaclof Mrs. BntCorj in el. ni,,. Bill. 'Jr Ta... t . i . . " ! t.m the WO- nunntiirwliW f..i . 'o rn. Inytxl of obevin - sl. ir-el .Jv. .. . turday in Au-u i- 1-w tor prolific.. WL't-a tnj to JarvilJe trom tht. co-t.iiT j-it , crowd , of men Fe:7ed her wht n Hie -pot , tr.tin, nn l took bcr ir;!o t:ie ire-plit wh,rKi!,ey ftripptd her. Several "7 I r. a the d-tif)t I nfen w l.o w ere p: e.-eiit with blackened ftce? cr( ? d :n uia'e cottume, t' en aenljetl tar "icl feathers to Mrs. Covey, co-op tlly cov. erii, h. r. The vicr'ni was carried fJ hei mother h?u?c, an 1 it was found that hr arms and several riiu were broken, Xewg and ni,s-i er. C holera is rain iu Japan. Durham Lai a $1T .0)0 dolh.r fiie J-ist ThursJay Toe Aiceiican Tobacco Comrary i? Starling so .ue cigarette factories ia Africa. Mrs. 7. PeW'itt Ta!m.ig die I Mon lay. -inc tiie Liirriin' ofrhe Brooklyn Tuber- j riitlc laft jenr she had been sufferirgl " I'ti'uusj.iu.i.auua ana naa never fullj recovered from tin shock. Mrs. Iluthsteiner is ahead in grow ing tomatoes this year. .She gathered some fine cues froai h.r garden a few days ago and among them was a very large one, weighing eighteen ounces. The Marion Record is strongly In favor sf Hon. It. V. Armfield for Governor. Com menting on this recommendation the Ashf tille Citizen says: "Armfield is a big brainy man. We know nothing against him except that he U 'agin' the playii g ol ihc band whea court is iu session." evrs and Observer. The. Republicans in the Twenty-eighth Ward in IM,i aIelp!ii;i have denounced Sen ator Cameron because he voted against the Federal election law, and "persist-ntle votes with the Popiois's ior the free aad unlimited coinage ot silver." Two sprightly young ladies, Misses Vir ifi 'lurbjfili aiH A!amie .McLean, have taken charge cf the Lincoln Courier. In tokin of our bio heriy love," y juag laiies, we herhby extend to you the "rigut haml of fellowship,'" and uisb ytu a long aail succe?s!'ul career in journalism." Six llulcs of Health. The secret of he dtli and of long iife, sajs De.- Familienaizt, N?w York, "lies in '.he following very simple thing?: 1. l.r-atlie fresh air my ami r.ight. 2. Tae sufficient sle-.p and rest. 3. Woik like a man, but never over work. 4. Avoi'l passion anf excitement. The anger of an insta-:t may be fatal. 0. Ho not strive to take the whole world on your shouliers trust in your gouel dcsM:IV. j ..-vcr (ks;f.b, l.e.-t! ri2e U a mortal ttimr.uv. fS&NVhen you see a cross (X) op posite your name it indicates that ye ur time is out or about te expire, and is a request for you to renew. Scut it to f lis Moiltvv it ieriii:t- ii y. Mr. Jacob Esbensei wlio is in the employ of the Chicago Lum ber Co., at Des Moines, Iowa, savs: 1 have just sent some medicine back to my mother in the old coun try, that I know from personal use to be the hest medieme m the world for rheumatism, having used it m mv tanulv for several years. It is called Chamberlain's Pain Ualm. It always dex-s the work." 50 cent bottles for sale bv Mor- r.hew efc White, Druggists. Low IJate to IJoofoii and lietm ii. On August -2:5rdf 21th and 25th the Southern Ilailway will sell round frip tickets to Host on, Mass., from Marion at rate of one fare $"2. 85; tickets good to return until September 10th andean be extended until September HOth. This will be a splendid opportunity for any one to visit Eastern e ities at a small cost. For further information call on any agent of the Southern Kail- way or Chas. L Hopkins, T. P. A., 30 W. Trade St , Charlotte, X. C. The Southern Ilailway Company will sell reduced-rate runnel trip tickets from Marion, as follows: Tor the Orand Encampment T. O. O. F. of Xorth Carolina, to be held in Charlotte, X. V ,August 7th, $."; tickets on sale August 3th, tth and 7th, and good to return August 12th. On account of the annual meeting of theSeoiety of Friends, High Point, X. 'J., August Cth to i:tli,K 0; tickets on sale August 4th to 7th, inclu-ive, and limited to Atigtst 1 7th. On aceemnt of the Xorth Carolina Fireman's Association (colored) Hen derson, X". C, August 13-1",$S.1j; tick ets on sale August 13th and 13th, limi ted to Agust 17th. The Company oilers reduced rates, aiso. on account of the Su ndaj -school Convention of the Presbytery of Ca towba, Ilarrisburg, X. , August s-10: tie'ketson sale August 7th and fcth, limited to August litJi. Kp.rNCH Bi:oAr am l!ecix;. Fer above occasion the Southern Ilail way wiil sell round trip tickets to Asfieville for $l.Ni; tickets on sale August Pth to 2ist, limit returning August 24th. SALF. OF VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. On the 1-t Mot Jay in FertemLer reit. by virtue cfa decree rf Court ia the case of Nancy M. Hollowaj and hcibAid t. W. A. Koic tt !.. I siia'I sell at th-? comt fctiU'e in V irion a nice f ame cottage with thre-e iot, contaiairj about two or three Hcrs. the prrperty o the late K. Witter, dcit; 1, mi En. Marion. Yrr of sr.'f lne tl,iri las'i. . i !r; f.?. i t - t; .: 1 . r . ! it f e.vt pa,. , Tii. i.t..h t Conn.iis.7yoer. N'lh Carolina Collpn OFAGRICLTUHE AND-MECHANIC ARTS. The next session of this Voiles will he.Mn " M'"w-r .fn. t.Xa iminar l'.n ; it S ' ,,ir,n? ?-hnK irinrr a (clmi.i .i ... . " '""J cost will d non a i an untKuiiv U.w ,,t well to apply ftr catalogue to J.tJ HOI. LA DAY, Pres. Ualeigb, X. C UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA C-npruej the rn Trr.i'r ,U r ! umnier i-hoi,I t i - T......I - 3 Teacher w. . rA( i era. j uu-on PRKSIIJENT Wj:-TUV 1 Mu Jen ts. Address ' apel Hill, X. t., for Cit ilogiie and hand Look ver.Miy Edacatiou." on -t'ni- 1,A i L L I X K n Y -il I L LI X KIIY Fashionable Milliner, Keeps the very Latest Styles in Millinery goods. Store on Main street, next door to Lonon Brothers. atev oi mm THE BRQCKMAN SCiiOOL OF MUSIC, CKKKXSBUIJO, X. C. Pianoforte, Voice Culture, Violin and Art. A specialist in each de partment, Ti wining School for Teac hers. Address CI IAS. J. EROCKMAX, Manager. aiie Mills. COOKING STCVES AND ALL KIXDS OF T7 vw rAi ti" at "W". IP- eJOIsTES, HARDWARE STORE. Groceries! r oceries! Everything in the Grocery Line. NEW AND FRESH STOCK at prices lower than anywhere else in town. CAM NOT BE UNDERSOLD. XEW STAND. X FAV STOCK. CALL AND SEE JJEFOKE YOU IIPY ELSE WHERE, B, Gilkey & Son. And Feed Stables. Handsomest vehicle., le.t hor sen, most moderate cliarge-s. If you want to take a pleasure trip or a business trip across the mountain-, down the valleys!, around town or anywhere el. with more comfort and easo than you ever took the same trip before, try ono of A li G ilkey & Son's. turnouts. NOTICE T(i NOX-IiESIOKXT. North Carolina i In the Superior Court McDoweil Co. j Ilefore the Clerk. Andrew Yount, Administrator with will annexed of Noah Yount, dee'd, V3 W. II. Williams and wife Harriett, An drew Elmore, Wiley Elmore, John Mottitt and wife Margaret. William l ount, Suaunah I hoiria, John Died se and w ife Mary. To Susannah Thomas non-re?ident defendant in the above entitled action Oreeting: You are hereby notified and reejuired to apiear before th un- 1 dersigneel at liis ortire in Marion, X.; on .Saturday tLe inth day of Augut j ir'Xt, anu answer or demur to the com plaint li ed in aid cause for sale of i real estate for assets therein de-cril-d, lohewie judgment will b? taken atrair.. yeo ut he relief tlemai.u'td ia i aid con: plaint. Witness mj -hand atd Kal this Zrd Ii. V.. I'ri,v " i Clerk Sejerior Court BUN i Y ui mm us two .l,ors below Wide for bu-inesri with a new Iiu of , ... ii Watches, right goods and right prices. ' Tewelrv et f J 9 1 I.O V X AXI XOKKY SETS. rtment, surn A isEw DKPA RTn?xrrr J-oc-7 cited IiCtUrilin' ... ,.. f. . 1 i"-"'J win m?,e IIianv "ll,J a snort timea- h and Mock. m II O C1" '''I D0L.LAR INVESTED can ho mnele by our A -Systematic Plan of Speculation '"Uvd States X by ten a 'VT'" 1 hfl large amounts eve yy,,V r rMn who inveasa hundred r ,r , " 8 fvw 'r for the man o- .nose who i:;rtrr::tr,;"trt,a t,,,l,ars ,,p 10 irwo - JaM inl'tnL'on l -imparMive.y invest thr ZZ sZ o K" fr0'" C"' Our pl.u, does ot r? k "'"'y '"nlerstand systematic trading. -th sides s 7l-,t weth In efa,uo,int "V trade, but cover. pec,,laii!;nd(Vuil,fM ,r """ " uul' Eree. Our Manual exv l, . 1 ' ful1 ,,f '"""-making winter. All mrrl;! ' "uess- lvr further information address J-JiUJVLJLS &CO,, Hank, rs uial llrokers, L'il-LMKialto Uuileling, Chicago, III. Free! Free! FreeS Everybody is invited to take a FKEE look at NICHOJS BROTHERS' Larg,. and new st-ck .,f Central Merchandise A Coat for 50 cents? Yes! Xichi.lsIW. have coaxal all prices from cents .,, and Bpini.rand Sunnner Clothing in tlie v-ry latest Btyles. Alo Goods, Hats, anel Notions..; And Groceries of all kind, Flour, i t - n, YV ;u'V,c,10,9jJrotIlH' for anything in the above Ti hardware, farming impletncit,, weKiel,,, willowaro, &c. lliey also pay hiuhesf. rrmrt.t ,.r;,.o f 11 i i . r du - o - HEW EVERYBODY LNArITED nri u xr a ii a i , Aiiiuugu. utruuuie 10 snow goous. iJjg gest Stock in town. Yours to please, Lewis M avvvx, 1jceidkxt. L. p. McL roo,CA8HiE, AMir.VILLC, .. C I)KSI;.ATK.I MATE JEPOITOXlV. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $25,000 We l ave SiK-cial facilities for handling the busine of Merchants and other-? in Westom North Carolina j.ot thtnkof a chance, rve nill le .1 V All H II VI the POST OFFICE Opeix ' srt'Ds, scaup nxss, links, to fcuit. Slttlietcayn-? , S vvindeli, the Jeweler. ON- SMALL INVESTMENTS. rit.h , but nowhere can tliev maki ma y successful Speculation in drain. Provisions ne w Dry Salt piv-o tut uu jviutis oi touniry pro IP b a I f you have no Bank accoun glad to have you correspond with u.