in; vii'! r I '; J'oiJowiri- 1 11 id iy iloy and Jimmrsou .IV! km. , . HI. U M : i , .. - i-i'ir : ''''phill, I. K. MarJow, J, L.' vLw,' ; v ( ' ' ' V" ' urrIs an' -A. M. X-sbitt I Till' -!?..-.. . r l . heek returned to !;i.y evening to cuter liV r.rulxT. .ifter an ah ueeks returned Lome. y ( Ui-onnan aii Mr. anl . u', -"rman, of OIil Fort, were ,n .,,,,,l:i.v and Tue.wJay. ;.,,- I : -. 1 I i t L ami family re .h,, ih'ir home iJi Lynchburg j; ;. J.vid, Mi-s Mary Keid, and p. j;. ill. nl Uld J'ort, were in lav. M K. 'ih.rnton, editor of the n and arulinian was in I JI. Kru iii, S. J, I'ear? on, J. a m! -. J. I rwin, of Jlorgan in i, ami Tuesday, ,,,,) iw .f time, if thou lovef-t ,jn ; y.-i nlay cannot te recal ,,iiiMrr'w cannot be seen red, to-day ( I !;!!, which, if once lost, is lo-t i- ilii- to an enfeebled .state n. Hull's Hair llduvver nut rit ive functions of t he i:; and preventing the for tiidriil!. iii tv m's is the place to buy hrapcr 1 ban they can be wif-v. Yon can't ali'ord to ii and go away without iry" new slocK. j';" , I !.-:!' ri!i.r.v;iv cuuple were happily --,., hi u p ln.iy bunds of wedlock at ,'.,r.',.- lli- day alter they left !:( af;d are now making their Mr. Hubbitt's, lather of ; I'i.M'ii" llohhiU. ,.rv,,i;. ili hilit y is a common oom- nr. -jki i.ii ! among women. The irra'tueiit for this disor f j i t nt course of Ayer's .r-ajaril a rli-an-e ami invigorate -Li-iM. 'l itis h ing acconip'ished, .will do the rev-t. Mr Win. M all, of ort h Cove, and lirni of Met ali A: ronley, beides ,,'i.n.' nl' the very herd men in the i- also one of McPowelfs best "ii-r His wheat crop this year -Ml liim Mmi bushels of the Hiifst jtiliat i", rr urew in McDowell. ry A. M.-' ank'ss the Asbeville cnphi-r, U iu Marion now n:k i!,o(s :it low rice. Have iiuik il.f:' :;t ofiee as he will .only iv til! 'i'ui -d.i . fvi'i; lawyers here this week o.i -:i ; t or of the Morgan T. I'ei!-. ins, Isaac T. ;. re.ii'M ii, of Morgan l iml. of I.enoir ; S. (ial' erdii ti ; M. K.Mhornton, l V.'atsii, of ice, of Uuther- W.c. I'rw llira .I. .'. -rysnd . . ...,i '.f Hut her Iiiknry; .itid 'i rtMiile: M. II. ,!i K. S MeC.ill, das. H.Cooper, Mr. K..i.i riaik !:ad if Iron! '.:! r..-i :!. a load si;i'ii IliH lllirs,. I' th-'V ila- .it a f. . " a I,!. -i a: a very narrow alb vtk before last, (Hue reek Mountain : o.nli si ,!ics. He locked tart :ng down the iuoun ;'.d .-dipped forw.ard- up-iv-ng them such a fright i o)!' down ( he moiin ' -peed and plunged I'I'e -j; (),U. 0f (;,. .'.I'KiVe one, was killed. tv rr' wiy escaped, him-vlf. s. ' ,:' t ivii-ter to a mind di- . 'H"! .;. ( eri at u :y, my i:!'i:i of t lie mind de- "' l . if !;,.; ,i;,dy, on tlie con 'I tl.e i Miiia Ii, liver, and bowels. "' wlii'ii complaints Aver's ire " il,,- mivi i-i'i-iii'st fliiii" mi t ' IMI L'H I.I lilt. I.. . w . -' nouor, .lilurre Uryan, was mil and forcible, e'ear and concise, at times eloquent, abounding m figures of great rh-torieal beauty arid power. He endeavored to impress upi,n the jury tie; important of their oflice, the sacredness of their duty and the solem "ityof the oath each member had taken. After an encomium upon the jury system and the wisdom of our fore fat her.-, in establi-hing this mode f trial, in which eulogy he of the jury system as being the great bulwark of our freedom, he defined briefly and illustrated the various crimes and mis demeanors of which our law takes cog nizance. The criminal docket was then taken up and a great many cases was dis posed of by Tuesday when the case of State agaiust Tinley and Jimmerson charged with the murder of Louis Henry MeXish, was taken up. A spe cial venire of 125 jurors was draw n and ordered by the judge to be returned by nine o'clock this morning. The coun sel for the defense moved for a sever ance of the trial ; but his honor over ruled the motion. t 1 1 k ac:i 1 1: i jo is watiii:. A YO'J.VC .MAN imOWNKD WHILE TRYING TO SAVK TIIK LIFi: OK A YOl'XO WO N AN. Last Sunday evening Mr. Ilammct Swing and Miss Mag (lallimore were driving over the bridge which crosses Abbott's creek, at Kindt's lower mill, about six miles south of Lexington, when the horse slued and ran the bug gy oil' the bridge. Mr. Swing sprang out to catch the but before he could do so the horse, buggy and young lady plunged 15 feet into the water be low. The young man ran to the bank and swam to the rescue of Miss dalli more. In the struggle and excitement she held him too heavily by the neck and he sank and was drowned. Just as she was sinking tlie. last time Mr. llohert Young came upon t lie scene with a batteau and seeing her long hair in the water reached down and pulled her out and she was saved. The body of Mr. Swing was found and taken from the water about 10 o'clock last night. He was about '2') years old. The horse was drowned also. Mr. C. D. Yonker, a well known druggist of Bowling Green, Ohio, in spiiikin of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, says: "I take pleasure in recommending it to m y oust m -vs., for I am ertain that it will always nl-eate liicm. I s-'il ni'.ro of it than all othi-rekinds put togi'theiv' I' or sv.u iy -Mor-phew White, Druggists. Mr. J. .1 . s prmir e, of Demming, N. ('., gave us a pleasant call to-day. McCall & Couley tell you in this is sue how to invest your loose cash. Head their ad. Mr. Win. McCurry, one of McDowell's best men and most successful farmers says thai after years of varied expe rience, th:it if he had a hundred lives to live he would, in every one of them, get married at the age of eighteen, join the church and be a farmer. '" t' read the advertisement of idle Normal and Collegiate ' hi ihi i-Mie of the Hecord. ' a established three " !l Iriends tif higher educa-et:v,- women. The coninio 1,1 ! occupies a Mte of ."5 "i ' e.,.' Ol' 111, Ti,. "f in. u h a iv m-i il nt ii ill.' pa.M most beaut i !: l.iiiiding ' l '-- .-pu o. lid .iv all i.-rad ii s mi the year Hi.') Ihv I Attic 23am!. Your l't t i e" 1: m d . So soft, 50 lijrht its touch! K-ut idi. its ecrtUst stroke I ur.JcrstinnI Il s; ,ik3 to lea'-li, luncLi! Throusrli the londay i f worry, t oil urol heat Thai little hand dutli guide n.e wt.ile I struj- To rough many n patkway sweet! Through the deep niht, When She shadows have shut out the things that be, That little hand doth touch tuy dreary sight And wondrous sights I see. Through the long years Of shattcrt d days and hopes that I have planned I shiill he gently led through smiles and tears V.v vuur dear lit?lp hand. Tiia! for ilir .TJttrder of TII: Ji RV J? ELT.r.TKjy I'ROMI.-'K.S TO BE AX ONE. TKF. TPTAL IMKhESTINO Finb-y and .limnierson, i-hnr-ed with the murder of f.ouis Ifenry Mc.N'Mi, were arraigned before his honor Jud-e Bryan tins morning. Fin ley ,s a ynng man with an honest looking handsome fa.-,-. ne was pale and weeuK-d to be sul!Vring Kreat an-xi-fy. Near him sat his motber, father and sifer, Mrs. Hicks. His mother U a pale, di.ate-featured, motherly loot ing little woman, whose face bears traces of trouble and care. To look upon b. ras she sits by the side of her son who is on trial for his life is to have your soul ignUed with the fire of sympathy. Doubtless many a sleepless ni-ht this good woman has spent in prayer for her son. Many are the arrows of grief that have shot through her tender heart. Ah, if she only could, how willingly would she lay down her life for that of her son, but it is impossible. liy the side of Jimmerson sits his affectionate w ife, and on his ki e i his little boy sat perched while the jury was being drawn. When asked by the Solicitor, "how will you be tried," the answer of the defendenta was: "liy Cod and my country." If the trial is by Cod tiny will get justice, whatever that justice may be, if by their "country"aIone, an innocent man may hang or a guilty man may go free. The court house has been crowded to its utmost capacity all day. ()uite a number of ladies are out to hear the trial. The special venire of 12." men tvas exhausted when only ten jurors had been drawn and sworn; consequently the judge had to issue a w rit of venire for iorty other men from which to se lect the remaining two. The writ was made returnable this evening at three o'clock. The Kecord regrets that it can not give a fuller account of the trial in this week's '"ssue. The hour for going to press having arrived, we can not wait for further proceedings iu the trial. We hope to give a complete account of this and other trials in next week's issue. WASTED. Wnluut logs, oak and poplar lumber. Will pay cash for same. W, 1. Jones. 'tan t "I. at. "' Ai:. ;, :'-i-'l.!. " (ft! "r nf -. U i ! hniiV- Ki tht'iv liavc ooen nino j opUIoniios of tiyson'ory in diitWvnt ! n.ii'l j i' tl. r'liii'itrv in wbieb ri,lt x" ... Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy was used with perfect success. Dysentery, when epidemic, is almost as severe and dangerous as Asiatic cholera. Here tofore the best efforts of the most skilled physicians have failed to check its ravages, this remedy, however, has eim-d the most ma- ! 'd that Tom was once i linant cases, both of children aiul Marion p,;e Ball i lub, adults, and under tin- mo.-t trying conditions, which proves it to be the best medicine in the world for bv v- -lad to record the ti's young men abroad. t'ol'.owing item from are- 1,1 o! J ,, i rniv flint Vnvv Uer- ' orjioral Thomas 11. 1 nfaniry, has been ap ''.il iii eomjiany D." It A serious riot between whites and blacks was narrowly averted in Winston Monday nijht. It was given out in the colored churches during the day that an attempt was going to be made to lynch Ar thur Tuttle, on trial there for the murder of policeman Vickers last May, After church, about 150 ce g rot sj orgrni-eu and inarched to the jail where (hey remained for sev eral hours. They were armed with pistols and guns. Mayor gray went to the jail and assured the negroes there was no danger of lynching and begged them to disperse. Sher iff McArthur and two of Winston's lawyers also addressed the negroes, assuring them that there was no danger of lynching. Judge Brown, who is holding court, notified the negroes that they were violating the law, telling them that Tuttle should have a fair trial and that he would be responsible for Tut tle's protection. The ngroes said they would leave if the sheriff would put a guard of twenty men around the jail. This was done but many of the mob refused to go away. Sheriff McArthur then or dored out the Forsyrh regiment besides a number of deputies, who were sworn in. Judge 15 rown also instructed the sheriff to arrest those who did not leave. 1 ho mob began firing on the otticers, several of whom were struck with small bird shot, but none were seriously wounded. The liillemen tired sev eral volleys into the crowd, caus ing the negroes to disperse in quick order. Fourteen of the rioters were arrested by officers and put in jail- Hucklru' Arnica Salvo. The best Salve in the. world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, I'lcers, Salt Kheum, Fever Sures, Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chilblains, Corns, and ail Skin Krup tions, and posit ively cures Tiles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. 1'rice '-. cents per box. For sale by Morphew tit White. -'Hi of raiiies with sev- U towns He is st ill a ' '-a: ii.nal game, a nd is a :"' l'hiu-diarg Clb. the 1 ' i'uu of Northern New ;a! bowel complaints. For Morphew A: White, Druggist.- 1 H ie lliuei s. "''In,- !:. . .. "w M':is"'ti'.Yiut -"ii.l p Mi, a medic' ne suited t pi-rh.ips more gene- i 'if spring, w hen the ted feeling prevails 'orpid and slui-h a torn,- atol alterative pt ii-!- t ibis medicine 1 ' o 1.:- ;uid perii.ip N m-iS:.-i it v. 1 1! ' :; '"ill. . ' J il - i ... j ; .,. ' ,,' '. .! :!i-:-;l !i: ;,1''-g'-''on. Cii- . '''""ss jield to Kieetric fHi, u- " -y'.y cents per bottle at w White's Drugsture. A GDCj BUSiKESS COLLEGE. The Southern Business Coll.-ge, at Asheville, N. C, the mountain cicy, is now one of the well estab lished schools of which our state The Cherok?e form of marriage is, perhaps, the simplest and most expres sive to be found among modern peo ple. Man and maiden, their courtship happily ended, simply join bands over a running stream, emblematic of the wish that their future lives shall flow on in the same channel, and the thing is done. Among our other Indian tribes the marriage ceremony is equal ly simple and etl'ective. M ill it lo Ilio .llotht r in Carina- ny. Mr. Jacob K.ben.-en, who is in the employ of the Chicago Lum ber Co.. at L Moines. Iowa, savs: "Wr:::t K Heaven ! "--ih j y! ' JEd in hr ;:.n -bo ?aiUd. I Hsko 1 the aged, with hrr iar- oj.prest "All surrring o'tr, 0 Leatet., at iast, i. 'It faust lov- r tr.( Usuy r'-jdl-d. I 1 th ? r, nist who !r-1 h'i art : "Hervven is all Uu3 ! rpokc Lis Matured learl. I asktd tl.e j o-t wit'i Ins 8:ul tare : "'Tis plory-!0ry!" and be struck Lis lyre f asked the Christian, waiting her r-loa 6 A halo 'round lr, lovr rlie murracrtd "Peuce:v S"o all may look with hopeful eyes above; Ti3 beauty, glory, joy, rest, peace and love. flams Horn. P"s;t: your name it indicates , !;ar v.Jt,r j time 1 nut ,i . . ..u-iui to expire, and is a request for you to renew. Mrs. Anna Gage, wife of Ex Deputy U. S. Marshal, Columbus, Kan., says: "I was delivered of TWINS in less than 20 min utes and with scarcely any pain after using oniv tivo bottles of Parties wanting elejmnt bouquet at any season, ;a.i to vr Rnv kjn(. f f -ver.forinandoot d.r, any kinJ VetHblep.a,r,.irin:;!M.,1fiiii:? hulbous plants, at the lowest prire cm g' t them by writing tu KrnestJ. i:uh Morgan ton. X. c. DID NOT SUFFER AFTERWARD. "MOTHERS' FRIEND" JTSontby Exnress or mnll. on reowlpt of prl"p 61. ier liotlle. Hoot "TO MOTIIEltS n.alleU line. Kl.OO ier hottle. Hoot "TO MOTH b&aiiieij itKta i.AToa co.. atlam i. a. ROM) ItV Al.l. IMCCGOISTS. Low ISatc lo Boston and lCetnrn. On August 2:5rl, 21th and TAh tho Southern liailway will sell round trin tickets to lioston, Mass., from Marion at rate of one fare $25 s.j ; tickets good to return until September 10th andean be extended until Sept mber itotli. This will be a splendid opportunity for any one to visit Eastern cities at a small cost. For further information call on any agent of the Southern liail way or Chas. L. Hopkins, T. 1. A., o) W. Trade St., Charlotte, X. (.'. The Southern liailway Company will sell reduced-rate round trip tickets from Marion, as follows : For the Grand Encampment I. O. O. F. of Xorth Carolina, to be held in Charlotte, X. C, August.Tth, r; tickets on sale August 5th, Oth and 7th, and good to return August 12th. On account of the annual meeting of the Society of Friends, High 1'oint, X. 'J., August Gth to 15th,i;-G.0j; tickets on sale August 4th to 7th, inclusive, and limited to August 17th. On account of the Xorth Carolina Fireman's Association (colored) Hen derson, X. C, August 13-15,.S.15; tick ets on sale August 15th and i:;th, limi ted to Agust 17th. The Company offers reduced rates, also, on account of the Sunday -school Convention of the Presbytery of Ca towba, llarnsburg.X. C , August 8-10; tickets on sale August 7th and 8th, limited to August 1-th. Frkxch Broad Faiu axd Hacixo. For above occasion the Southern liail way will sell round trip tickets to Asfieville for $I); tickets on sale August 10th to 21st, limit returning August 21th. THE Normal 1 Collegiate INSTI1UTE FOR YOUNG WOMEN, ASHEVILLE, X. C, OPKXIXG SETT. IS. OF I-JLItS TO STUDEXTS: 1. A Classical Course, including An. cient ana Mo-Jern Languages, Sciences, Music, Drawing, etc. 2. A N'oroial Course for the thorough tmining of Teachers tinker instructors fiora tbe best Xoria.d Schools. 3. Commercial Course, including '.'teno grapby, Tvp? writing, Look-keeping, etc. 4. Domestic Science, iucluding Scitn tific Cooking, Draughting, Cutting, Fitting and makiug of Garment. Systematic study of th: Bible in all de partments. Terms for Board and Tuition in ;iny of the dej,.irtnn'nt, $30 per term, or $1(0 per year. For catalogue, address Kev. Tiios. Lawkexce, D. D. Asheville, N. C. North Carolina College OF AGRICLTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS. The next session of this College will Login .ptemler5th.KXaminations at county seats first Saturday in August. oung men desiring a technical educa tion at an unusually low cost will do well to apply for catalogue to J.Q II OL LA DAY, Pres. Ita.'eigh, X. C. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA Comprises the I'nirergify, the Collene. the Law and Medical Schools, and the :"nime,rr ,Sch0,01 for Teachers. Tuition f.n.. -,rt 1 1. hers, 471 Students. Address :r.KMDE.VTW!.STO.V, n.l Hill, . O., tor t-atalogue and baud book on Uni versity Education." diDd Bon 1TJ-1 L L I X K I J Y -Wl I L Ll X E KY llis .Hollic D. Kins Fashjonable Milliner, Keeps the very Latest Styles in Millinery goods. Store on Main street, next door to Louon Brothers. LODismtory oi luio. THE BROCKMAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC, CliEEXSIiORO, X. C. Pianoforte, Voico Culture, Violin and Art. A specialist in ouch de partment, Training ScZiool for Tcac-Iiers. Address CIIAS. J. CROC KM AX, Manager. ..8, COOKING STCVES AXD ALL KIXDS OF idware at HARDWARE STORE. Groceiius! Groceries! Everything in the Grocery Line. X OTIC E TO XOX-KESHE X T. Xorth Carolina ) In the Superior Court McOowell Co. S Before the Chrk. Andrew Yount, Adminltratnr vith will annexed of Xoah Yount, dee'd, vs W. II. William-? and wife Harriett, An drew Elmore, Wiley Elmore. John Motlitt and wife Margaret, William Yount, Susannah Thomas, John Bled soe and wife Mary. To Susannah Thoina non-resident d-f ndant in the above entitled action. (ireetinir: You are hereby notified and required to ap:-ear before the un dersigned at his oflice in Mario:;. X.C., on Saturday the 10th day of August NEW AND FRESH STOCK at prices lower than anywhere else in town. CAN NOT BE UNDERSOLD. X E W ST A X I ). X E Y STOC K. V. A LL AXD SEE UEFOKE YOU HCY ELSK WHEKE, A. B, Gilkey & Son. Iks VERY And Feed Stables. Handsomest v-lncl' s, Lest hor ses, most moderate charges. If von want to take a pleasure trip or a busines3 trip across the moun tains, down the valley, around town or anywhere else, with mor I comfort and ease than you ever j took the same trip before, try one tof XEU .SCARF PIXS, XEW STl'DS, NEW SIDE COMRS, XEU BELTS, NEW BELT PIXS, At SWINDELL'S. r m mM ma mtwm -ON- 'small investments. TJettir ' niuil I W mud, S ailas fr''!? bUt nW,wre ra and Stock. SU('fu' Speculation in (.'rain, lTovi,ion" I slDOfA'KSTEI) cat, L ,ade by our lve,l..l,u for the ma by those who invest a few thousand "P 'mfi0 " ,UWr0 nin 'Ukc th W I'-nts frou, comparatively i"vt through ro s 'Z" ,rr,mS W" m' C .nU r Plan Joes S .t " J UndrwUnd tema.ic trading, both sides. ,o tha whe L r 0 a",0',nt ''" " a ade, but covers l?nZT ,,r0,U urulatioiadu!rNl)liVv Ur Vmn on s"fI Iee. Our Manna lelnl ? r' f m'"" Mnlew. All rnl to our standh, J """.J. "he,t referent i re- i- X r fUr,,'er lMf""tion address -LiOnyE.S cScOO,, Bankern and Broker, iUl-LMi'Rmlto Building, Chicago, 111. Free? Free! Free! Everyiwdy i3 iiivitc.l to take a FREK look at NICHOL'S BROTHERS' Largo and new stock of General Merchandise. A Coat for 50 cents? Yes! Nichols Bro's have coats at all price, from 50 cent up, and new B'V0110"0-" kifd. Flour, Salt hue , and for Hardware, farming implement, wooden will,ware, Ac. duce rnalkfct PriCCS fr aU kilKls of Country pro- id 0 EVERYBODY INVITED Through. Xo trouble to show goods. Big gest Stock in town. Yours to please, i i can well be proud no more need for to jo to other .tpf There is now j UI havf just ur youiiii men ! l-ek to v- ' fr si iV:- - 1 trv. th.t 1 I ftriv : -.v r : 1." ' , ' ' th. r i:i tin !o.v from i: ?t r- -ii. it its m1'.1 .sit Ii. 'Hi'vilv h-nts tiom lo tates aim uatfs are filling responsible tion. I t;' 1 tu-graci-posi- li ji: call- m'-oicine old co-in- :i s i work." 1:t nml :mer r.r dt-mur to the roni- plaint fi -din said cau-e for sale of 'A 1 Q illcOV t Soil's. i . ;il tt.';te for :: t- th ill 1- tikt-t. ! de:;i i::!:-d in .:a :;r! 1". i ri.-. tr . r: r v i i.rr turnout.- Lkwis M iDDirx, rmiiK.-T. L. r. McLkou.Cahmiei. o'J cent liottits tor sale by Mor phew & White, Druggists. 10 1 : 13 WALKER, i V ai:io". . C . J Kepairing tiin in the neatest po.-v-i jh'estjle. Prices very low. Stifac j tion guaranteed. WESTEB1T CiOHiUST. BJISOC asiitvilm:, .. c 5JIC;XATr.D KTATi; miPOSITOKY. j CAPITAL 150 000 SURPLUS $25 000 i W. h.-iv! oifii facilities for handling the business of Merchants and others in UVstern North Carolina. If you have no Bank accoun or think of a chang., wo vill te glad to have you correspond with ui.