PUBLlSirED EVEKY THUIWDAY iMItcrnnd Proprietor. lntrmr'at tile rt"tr"1, ln lr,,m a "spconJ-clasr n.ail matter. Ali'ville Lawyer- Meet TO HONOR THE MEMORY OK THEIR IiISTI.NiiUItHIEI AND I.AMKNTED IIK.jTIIKK, T1!K I. ATE MElViN E. CARTER. v A Rkcokh man passed through Afheville Saturday and had the U-aHure of attending a meeting of the Asheville bar, in which were adopted resolution of respect to he memory of the late Melviii E. C'arter. . The resolutions were sirjmitted LvJuliua C. Martin, and in th.-m . were wet forth the following inte resting facts concerning the life of thn deceased : Mr. Carter wa brn in what is now Madison county in 1H4.', and pM.-nt hi youth on his father's farm near Mara Hill, Madison county. He enlisted for service in the late civil war at the early aco of nineteen and was cap tain before he had nerved six month. He came out of the war in 18G5 with the reputation of a l.rave and daring soldier, and dis tinguished for many heroic deeds. He. was a student in the Univer sity for about a year during the presidency of Gov. Swain. Subse quently he studied law at Ashe Ville under the late Judge Bailey and was admitted to practice in 18(17. He served for four terms in the State h gislaturo and held sev eral important positions in that body. He was a public-spirited, patriotic citizen, a courteous, lear ned, clearheaded, able, discreet, broad-minded, liberal and success ful lawyer and a clear, strong and convincing speaker. His gene rosity was unbounded, and no poor seeker ofalm9 ever turned from his door empty handed. Eloquent speeches were made by members of the bar. Jas. H. Mer rimon spoke of Capt. Carter's life as one of ceaseless toil. Gen. Thco. F. Davidson, Locko Craig, Chas. A. Moore, Col. A T. David Bon and others paid tributes to the memory of their departed friend, each in succession portraying some noble trait of character that the other speakers had overlooked. Ah for our part wo had not the happy privilege of a personal ac quaintance with Capt. Carter, but we had heard of him and read of him until wo were brought to ad mire him. Our heart burns con tinually with lovo for our native State and all her noble sons. Since Capt. Carter was one of her noble i Hons, wo w ill omit no occasion to , honor Irs menu ry. It is profita ble to commemorate' the lives of our groat men. It is proti table fc r ithe youth of our State to study the 'Mives of the great men of our State. In fact, there is no study more val- uable.Nothmgso inspires a boy and awakens his latent energies as a few moments spent in studying the noble traits of a great man s char acter. No man ever became great who did not admire greatness. To study the character and attributes of God, as they are revealed in the Bible and evidenced in nature is to worship God; and to worship God in spirit, not in form, is to he come more and more like God. So to study the lives of great men is to admire greatness and to desire to become great ; and to constantly desire to be is to become. To Our Friend. Why can't you get up good clubs in every section f Are you going to wait 15 or 20 years just to see whether the paper w ill live or not, and then come sneaking in with a quarter to express your confidence in the permanent success of the paper? Do your dutv. Work for ho success of the paper that advo icates your interests. Standing back to see if a paper is going to ; live before helping it to live is cow ii i i i army anu miscriy. Again we ap peal to our friends, if we have any, to do their duty by the paper. Read it; work for it, and buy your goods irom those merchants who adver tise in it 1 This is very important. We desire to make advertising pay our patrons. You can look through our coiumus ana see wno ot our business men are friendly to the paper. Liberal-minded merchants . never refuse to patronize a paper on account of its politics. Others do. You can at least patronize .our advertisers, if you can't do anything else for us. Will vou do it? We'll see. Carolina State. t "Them's our sentiments," too brother Atkin. Ed. Its Value Recognized by Phys icians. As a rule I am opposed to pro prietary medicines. Still I val a good one, especially when such is uie source oi relict irom pain. As a topical (external) application i nave lound Unamberlaufg Pai Balm the best remedy I have evt used for neuraliria of anv kiml have conscientiously recoinmendet it to many persons. William Home, M. D., Janesville, Wis. Sold ny Morphow $ White, Druggist Tl Parnl inrt State. nuWuhtMl ill Statesville, nnd the layiorswne News arc both edited and miblifh- vilhy. J. H. Atkin and are both Wright, newsy slmris. -Mr. Atkin n an able neve-paper man and can trite an editorial Irimming full of li e, wit, wisdom and humor when he "sets hi head to it." Judg'j Walter Clark has written a history of North Carolina, which will be published soon. Knowing the eminent fitnes of its distin guished author as we do, we teel afe in predicting large sales for the book. From all accounts ChamU-rlain's Cough Remedy is a Godsend to the alllicted. There :s no auver- isement about this; we feel just ike saying it. Hie Democrat, Carrollton, Ky. For sale by Mor- diew & W hite, Druggists. A Shelby octogenarian C. C. Durham, w ho cHsthis hrst vote lor the first Democratic r resident, Andrew Jnckwon, says: "Jarvis is evel-headed and is right. He avs Jarvis knows what he is doing and the people are with Jarvis and the DeniMiratic party must stick to silver, says the Shelby Aurora. Unless I see something beyond the grave worth dying for, there is nothing on this side worth living for. A special from Winston, says: Sam Jones has stirred Winston as she has never been stirred before. The people are talking about little else. The ' tobacco house men signed a agreeing to close on Sunday, lhe butciiers also agreed to do no more work on the Sabbath. All but one drug gist agrees to close on Sunday. There have been several hundred conversions and it looks now like no more licensed bar-rooms will be 6een here after next May. Your uncle Sam is jumping on the Twin City Pleasure Club with both feet as well as 6in in high and low places generally. For years," says Capt. C. Mueller, "I have relied ino-e upon Ayers Pills than anytliinj? else in the medicine chest, to regulate my bowels, and those of the ship 9 crew. 1 liese puis are not severe iu their action, but do their worK thoroughly " Dr. Cyrus Thompson, the new president of the State Farmers' Al liance, has a letter in the Cauca- t-i in, the Populist organ, in which he goes for the people who have rasped him so severely for his at tack on tl:e church, as "opponent of human libertv." Dr. Thomp son defends his position, and de clares it to be the correct ono. ISuckleu's Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcer, Salt liheuin, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures 1'iles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. J? or sale by Morphew fc White. The Saving Covert. Several years ago a party were boatinp n the Potomac River. It was Btipgesteil th"t there bs sinking; and a gentleman in the i: impaoy sang, very beautifu'ly, "Je fus, lover of my soui." Another gentle- nim among the ntimbei, being deeply moved by the singing, exclaimed. "My tri-nd. did I not hear you sing that lame hymn cue night on th battle-fiell years ago?" The singer reflected a moment, and replied that he did remember to have sung it one night on picket duty, lie bad not heard front home for weeks; hi? heart was very heavy ; and (here as he stood alone under the heavens on that clear night, he sang lo the Lover of his sou!, that he night gel comfort. The Confederate sol dier for such lie was said, 44 Yes; thai was when I beard yonl sing. I was a sharp shooter. When 1 saw you on picket duty I raided my gun and took deadly aim. I caught the voice of your singing; and when you pUintively poured out those word, (!iver my defenceless head With the shadow ot Thy wing, my gun dripped, and you were saved. Je sus did cover your defenceless head!'' How many have been comforted and saved in th singing of that hymn. When God children are in the nia;ut and lone, liness of sorrow and longing, the shadow of the divine wings is over them like a great sheltering done. When the deadly aim of unseen danger covers them, there is another covering, which is their safety from all danger. The covert of His wing saves. Christian Advocate. Capt. A. D. Cowles, of States ville, who was reported to have Kone crazv last week, has a letter iu the Raleigh News-Observer of the 11th, in which he says: Dear Sir: I will thank you to modify your statement of Sunday and state that 1 was crazy drunk ana not insane, aiy minu is as sound as ever, and when I made the attack on Mr. Colb, 1 w as sim ply in delirium. I am here for a cure, where hundreds of other young men should be. In justice to me, I hope you will make the correction, and not leave the im pression that I am permanently insane. I am sober and rational. Your Town Paper. The inestimable value of a good newspaper will be admitted by every thinking person. No town will flourish without it. You show me a town without a newspaper and I will show you an inactive, blunt, lifeless people; a stagnant village; a second "Tarrytown." I t-xchange. . "' Dealli. , T t the n j'enni oj the mountain, Spre. din r j?ii;:v w i flies, ..V it iir,; Or. ifb;re and ther a h Be remen bered t'lronjb i he years, Vet to bini the gtin is z-r Drnth ha' I i I 1 iiT3 1-opeS and feur. Yet wdat dn.gers men will dare Ii but on'y iu 1 1.-air Mar le 'lear-l some eajer mo.ioi: of their nit me ; Trough tbey bear it themselves, 'l:3 much the Snoie. Wht is wealth? Ti a rainbow Mill receding As th pant:ng fool pursues, Or a lor that youth, unheeding, Setks the readiest way to lose; I'ut the wi.e man keeps cue measure, Neiiher out of breath nor base; 15 ut be holds in trust his treasure For the welfare ot the rce. Yet what crimes some men will dare Hut to gain th ir slender share In some profit, though with loss of name 01 health. In some pluuder, Fpent on vices or by stealth. What is life? Tis the earthly hour of trial - For a life that just begun! When the prize of self-denial Way be quickiy lost or won; Tis the hour wheu love may bourgeon To an everlasting flower; Or when lusti their victims urge on To defy immortal power. Yet how lightly men ignore All the future holds in store. Spending biiet but golden moments all in strife; Or in suicidal madness grasp the knife. What is death? Past its dark mysterious porlnl Human eyes may never roam ; Yet the hope still springs immortal That it leads the wanderer home. Ob, the bliES that lies before us When the secret shall be known, And the vast angelic chorus Sounds the hymn be ore the throne! What is fame, or wealth, or life? Patare praises, fortune, strife; All but love, tuat lives forever, cast bes neatb, When the good and faithful servant takes the wreath. Loudon Academy. Marvelous Itesults. From a letter written by Uev. J. Gun derman. of Pimomlale, Mich., wr are per mitted to make this extract : ''I have no hesitation iu recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the results were almost marvelous in the cuse of uiy wife. While I was pas'orof :be Baptist church at Rive Junction she was brought down with Pnuemoniu succeeding La Grippe. Terri ble Daroxvsms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seem ed as if she could not surv'ne them. A friend recommended Dr King's Kew Dis cove y; it was quick in its work and high ly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at Morubew k White's Drug Store. Regular size 50c. and $1. Value of Newspapers. There are certain persons who affect to despise "the newspapers." But this is a mere affectation. No man despises a newspaper when he wants to use it, and nine men out of ten would find lifo a barren waste without it. But however this may be, it is worth while to put against expressions of dispara ging opinions of newspapers, bv whomsoever made, those of some of tho master minds of the world. Dr. Johnson said : "1 never take up a newspaper without finding something 1 should have deemed it a loss not to have seen, never without deriv ing from it instruction and amuse ment. This is from Thomas Jefferson : "I would rather have newspapers without a government than a gov ernment without newspapers. And this from Hallan, the great English historian and publicist: "For almost all that keeps up in us, permanently and effectually, the spirit of regard for liberty and the public good, we must look to the unshackled and independent energies of the press. And this from Sir Edward Bul- wer Lytton, cne of the most acute intellects that ever lived: "The newspaper is the chronicle of civilization. It is a daily and sleepless watchman that reports to you every dancer which menaces the institutions of your country and its interests at home and abroad. It is a law book for the indolent, a sermon for the thought less, a library for the poor. And this from Hunt: "The newspaper is the familiar of all men of all degrees, of all oc cupations. If it teaches, it teaches imperceptibly. It has no pompous gown or scholastic rod to abash or control, but prepares itself and is admitted freely and at once to w orld-wide intimacy with all kinds and conditions of peoole. And this from the Right Honor able A. J. Balfour: "In my judgment all the ma chinery used in communicating information to the public is not of really more importance to the com munity at large than the power of the people to communicate by ad vertisement and bring the buyer and seller together and give them the machinery for communicating their wishes to one another. Cuba is in a war with Spain for tier independence. lhe Cuban rebe.'s are making p reparations to lorm a constitutional government Electric Bitters. Electric Bitter is a medicine suited f. any season, bnt perhaps more generally needed in the Spring, when the lanraid exhausted feeling prevails, wben the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of tome aad alterative is felt, A prompt nse of this medicine has often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No med icine wil act more sorely in counteracting anjireeing the system from the malaria poison. H'adach, Iudigeslion. Consti pation. Dizziness yi?ld to Electric Bitters. j Only fifty cents er bottle at Morpbew k I Wbit-'s Drug Store. STATKXEWS. I i?am Jones' meeting at Winston closed Friday evening. It was wort'i 11,500 to him John Watkins, of Huike county, committed suicide Wednesdry night of lust week, leaving a wife and three children. North Carolina wil cut a c m paratively small figure in shaping the currency legislation of the ra tion, but only North Carolinii ns can give North Carolina good h cal government. Let us not forget these facts. Winston Seutintl. On less than six acres of land nside the corporate limits of Mor- gauton Mr. J6hn W. Campbell last year raised 1,300 bushels of 6weet potatoes, which lie sold at a net profit of a little over $000. lie lias erected in his potato patch, 1 1 a cost of $200, a house that kteps the potatoes perfect from October until May Morgan ton Herald, Arrangements have been made to move the old Bennett house in Durham, at which General Joe Johnson surrendered about thirty years ago, to the Atlanta exposi tion. It will be placed in a tent and an admission fee of 10 cents w ill be charged. The Shell)' Aurora savs that on Sunday, 15th inst., at sunset as Mrs. Mahala Newton, an aged widow who lives near Casar, Cleve land county, was entering her louso by a rear door she was seiz ed by a negro and her money . de manded. Mrs. Newton screamed loudly for help and her little granddaughter and companion ran towards a nearby house for assis tance, lhe negro cut Mrs. New ton's throat in three places, besides inflicting other wounds on her hands and arms, and fled, having failed to get any money. Mrs. Newton's concition is critical and her recovery doubtful. Her assail ant has not yet been apprehended. In a recent letter to the manu facturers Mr. W. V. Berjamin, editor of the Spectator, Rushford, N. Y., says : "It may be a pleas ure to you to know the high es teem in which Chamberlain s med icines are held by the people of jTour own state, where they must be, best known. An aunt of mine, who resides at Dexter, Iowa, was about to visit me a few years since, and before leaving home wrote me, asking if they were sold here, stat ing if they were not she would bring a quantity with her, as she did not like to be without them." The medicines referred to are Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, fa mous for its cures of colds aud croup; Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism, lame back, pains in the side and chest, and Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy for bowel com plaints. These medicines have been in constant uso in Towa for almost a quarter of a century. The people have learned that they are articles of great worth and merit, and unequaled by any other. They are for sale by Morphew & White, Mrs. Anna Gage, wife of Ex- Deputy U. S. Marshal, Columbus, Kan., says: "I wasdelivered of TWINS in less than 20 min utes and with scarcely any pain after using only two bottles of "MOTHERS' kV mil ft in ii Mtr rnlrNII SIS NOT SUFFER AFTEBWABD. nfSentb? Express or mall, on receipt of price. l.OO per btUe. Book "TO MOTHERS" mailed free. BRADFIEIJ) RKGL'LATOB CO.. ATLAJiTA. GA. SOLD BV ALL DIICGGISTS. MILLINERY I TIT ILLINERYt ILLIXERY -t'J-iLLlNERY Miss Hlollie D. King Fashionable Milliner, Keeps the very Latest Styles in Millinery goods. Store on Main street, next door to Lonon Brothers. OHIO RIVER & CHARLESTON R. R. Passenger Department. Going North Lv. I'arnilen Uock Hill Ar. Blackabnrg Ko. 33 1.30 pti. 4.14 pm ,6.00 pm No. 12. Lv. Black sburg 8.00 an " Shelbj 8.55 am ' Rutherfordton 10.55 am Ar. Marion 12.30 pm Going South. Lt. Marion " RuUierfordton " Shelbj Ar. Blacksborg No. 12. 2.00 pre. 3.25 pm .5.12 pm 6.00 pm No. 33. Lt. RIacksburg " Rock Hill Ar. Camden No. 33. Dinner at Ceribaw 8 CO pm 10.32pm 12-55 pm. 'o'$. 11 and 12 have connection at JIa rion with Southern Ri.war. S. B. LnmpkiR, G. V. . A. Tripp, usrris'.en'itnt. cancer Cured ANS A LIFE SAVED By the Persistent Use of Ayers Sarsaparilla "I was troubled for years with a sore on my knee which several physicians, who treated me, called a cancer, assuring me that nothing could be done to save my life. As a last resort, I was induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after tak ing a number of bottles, the sore began to disappear and my general health improve. I persisted in this treatment, until the sore was en tirely healed. Since then, I use Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as a tonic and blood-purifier, and, in deed, it seems as though I could not keep house without it." Mrs. S. A. Fields, Bloomfield, la. AYER'S The Only Worlfs Fair Sarsaparilla. Avar's Pills Reeulate the Liver. THE BROCKMAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC, GREKXSIIORO, X. C. Pianoforte, Voice Culture, Violin and Art. A jpicialist in each de partment, Training School for Teachers. Address tllAS. J BROCKMAN, Manager. And Feed Stables. Handsomest vehicles, best hor ses, most moderate chanres. If you want to take a pleasure trip or a business trip across the moun tains, down the valleys, around town or anywhere else, with more comfort and ease than you ever took the same trip beiore, try ono of A B. Gilkey & Son's. turnouts. THE IREOOIRID j Job Office is the BEST PLACE to get all sorts of JOB PRINTING done m and at lowest prices. LETTER IIEADS, NOTE IIEADS, ENVELOPES, VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, BILLS. POS TERS, ETC. ETC. Satisfaction Guaranteed. SEND YOUR ORDERS TO TUE Marion Record, MARION, X. C Music LIVERY NOTiCE njrirtneofa decree of the Sajerior Court m.ile on the loth tnjof Aewt 1!3. in ibe rase of Andrew Vount .1mini.Mr t r with the will annexed of Noah Yo-int I-ceased tc . H. Williams and others I wii FeJJ 01 Wonder the 7th dr of October 1h:5 at the Court House door in Marion i t '2 o'clock in., all the real estate helo ijjinjl o Noah Voif.t decease!, adjoining lie Un I of Moffifl. Austin anl ollirrs roa t ' abut Sixteen ( !C) acres, t'iu l ind will be sold to inkc argris U sy delts -g-inst the estate of the said Noah Youut deceased. 7EKMS: One half of the purchase monrT 10 l ijiirj on duj of sale, l.n!tK on a ere Jit of 12 months, title withal I till purchase uiontj is paid. This September 2, 1315. Andrew You:it. AdminV with will annexed of Noah Youut, dec. GEO- IF. IREID. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Offers his professional services to the public. Office : Old Fort, X. C. JAMES MORRIS. JAMES C LINNEY. Attorneys at Law MARIOX, - - - - X'. C. Will practice in McDowell and ad joining counties. All business intrus ted to their care will receive prompt and pains-takinr attention. pEARSOX & McKESSOX, ATTOBNETS AT LAW, MORGAXTOX, X.C. Practices in the Courts of McDowell. W. C. NKWLAN'D Lenoir, X. C. M. A. NF.WLAND Marion, X C ATTORNEYS AXD COUXSEI.LORS AT LAW. MARIOX, - - - - X. C Practice in the courts of the 10, 11, and 12th districts, and the Su preme court of N. C, and the U. S. Courts of Western District of X. C. DR. B. L. ASHWORTH. Physician and Surgeon OLD FOUT X. f. REDUCED RATES. Co to Slates and international position ATLANTA, GA., September 18 December 31, 1895. For the abovo occasion the Southern Rati way Co. will sell low-rntc roii: d-trip txkets to ATLANTA, GA.. and return on tho follow ing basis : from n ..'l4.0O ; I ...I .&! .. ll.'.5l ...m.tjo ..10.55 ...12.40 ...10.X' o j ... 10.OT ... 10.45 ... 14.00 ... 9.20 ...11. m Alexandria Va A she vi lie, N. C Burlinptrn, N. C nurkeville. Va Culpeper, Va Chatham, Vn Oharlottenvillo, Va... Chapel Hill. N. C Coucord, N. C Charlotte, N.C DanvlUe, Va Durham, ti.C Front Hoy al, Va Greensboro, N. C (ioldsboro. N. C. Henderstinville, N. C. Hlckorv. N. C High Point, N.C Hot Spring. N. C .... Henderson, N C Lynchburg:, Va. Lxinrton, N. C .... Monranton, N. C Marion, N. C Newton, N.C Oransre, Va Oxford, N.C Richmond, Va RHdsville. N.C.,... Raleiih,N. C... Houth Host on, Va .... Strnsburjr, Va. Sali5burv, N. C Statesville, N. C Taylorsvillo. N.C... Try on, N. C Washington. D. C .... West I'oint, Va Warrenton. Va Wilkeshom, N. C .... Winston-Salem, N. C. b.rt.i. 12.851... 1M.70 13. .. 9 701.. OV.. .V!... :... tr... oo... ..10 I 0 7ft.. 00.. ri" . fcv!! C5.. ::',! .. 12 .. 10 00... 50.. .. 11 .. 11 .. 10 .. 11 00.. 00.. 05.. 80.. 00.. K) .. 25.. .. 11 .. 11 .. 12 .. 7 5.75 -si.'s; it. 13. p.2? 17. 20.40 15 14.20... H IV. 6.r. 5.85 bo:.i4. bs).4or. 26.25 19. i7.r.- is 21.7515 11.70 ... 15.r)0... 16.05 ... 14.00... 20 4) 15. J2 5010 fiO.... 25.... 4-j.... 50-.... 5.25 7.25 8.40 6.75 10.45' 11.50. 110.05... 15.30... 114.85... I15.S0... 24.5518 20.40 15 '81.25 17 H8.85 13. 20.4015 21 .55 15 2G.2519, 15..T0... 15 CO ... 1.3... 10.75... 25.2519 23 65 17 2T..25 111. 22.H51G 19.0013 8.05 7.25 7.10 7.25 25 CO 25 ..13.10 ..10.45 ..12.41 ..I 9.70 ... 10.45 ..10.80 ..14.00 25.. 25 .. 00.. .85.. 7.25 7.25 8.15 4.00 .. 14.00 ... 12.60 ... 1400 .. 11 30 .J 9.60 85.. 15.. (Rates from intermodiate points ln proportion.) . EXPLANATION. C- hi ma A : Ti kcta will be aold September i and 12, and daily from September 15 to Decem ber 15, ltj, inclusive, with final limit January 7, 1806. Column B: Tickets will be aold daily from September 11 to December 15, 1W5, incluaiTe. with final limit twenty (20; days from date or aaie. Column C: Tickets w il be sold daily from September 15 to December 30, 1S95. inclusive, with final limit fit teen (15) djys from date of sale. Nn ticket to bear lonirer limit than Janu ary 7, 1806. Column D: T'ckett will be sold on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week from September 17 until December U, 1805, inclusive, wita final limit ten 10) days Trom date of sale. Column E: licket will be sold daily from September 15 to December 30, 18fto, inclusive. B unai nmn Keren i.ioays irom oate oi sale. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Is the only line entering the Exposition Grounds, bavin r a double track, sUndard- tmummj iruui lull Vfuvc. OI UjO CUT OX Atlanta to the Exposition Grounds. or ucxeu and lull iniormatioa asplr t your nearest aa-ent, or addreea J. If. CULP. W, A. TTJSC Xrafic Manafer. Genl Pass. Agl 1300 Penna. Artu wfvlrrt. 1). r- BE BE hid ktal TO ALL OTHERS Until you ece our line f HATS AND SHOES. The bottom has dropped out on Hat, The STOVER TIES are the leading Mens course shoes on the market. Try one pair and you will um no other. One Pound package of soda 5 cents. Visit u at thold Hyaina stand. Rcs4ectfully, McQAlVlr 1,000,000 People Wear WlJougjasSIioesj E If'ORLP. 55.C0 $4.00 53.00 $2.50 $2.00 PC 1 VI $3.50 For Hen' "Sfa-' Wcr W. Em. Tmmzl thnea and Ttnnt tm S-1.0 a pair. A l Kit I--. j YVIulHs. 1 U; fitvaiice I . trailer !-. iiikt..-1 t. , riC ol other mike, tui t-.f q.My rM p. .- t.f W. I.. ItMigrlM r-malai tl .amr. Tk nositltuuti': 1n.1t nam .111a pno" it tmi-j on aula. W. 1b1 HocKio.it3. kw t,j I. S. IIJfKUl t In iPoor means so much more than J you imagine serious and fatal diseases result irom trifling ailments neglected. Don t play with JNature s greatest gift health. If yourefelir(t out of som. weak and ftenerallv ex hausted, iie?ou, Kate no appetite Brown's and can't work, J Iron tag the mott relia ble strengthening Brown's Iron Bit . . . l . w Bitters ties core benefit comes Irom the very first du-i xvtn't stalm rcr 1 Uttk, and 1 1 a I pleasant lo take. J It Cures Dyspepsia. Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, Constipation, Bad dood 9 Malaria, Nervoas ailments i Women's complaints. i Get only the ttMil it has crossed red f lines on the wrauoer. All others are sub- L stitutes. On receipt of two ar. stamps we r will send set of Ton Bscuttfl World's S IFalr View and book free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE, MO. Health J. J. Y. HKWNI, IILACKSKU1U-, S i, DEALER IN SASH; DOORS KD PRICES TlTKiShTD CN APFL!CATIO. CET THE BEST - When yon are about to bur a Sewing Machine do not be deceived b allm Its; advertisementa and be ltd to think you can g'.t U.e boat made, finest finished and Most Popular for a mere tong. Se e to it that you buy from reliable manu facturer that have a reput r.tion by honest and sq uut dealing, you will then grt a Sewinjf Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage exd if Light Running There Is none In .he world that can eqrut) in mechanical con a traction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, beauty in appearance, or has as many improvements aa the New Home It has Automatic Tevslea. DocrMe Peed, alike on both sides of needle ( other h it ; New Sued (awW,dn vine wheel hinged en adjustable centers, thoa reducing friction ta the minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. TEE KEW HOSE SEWUG M1CHUE CO. Oaivea, Kass. Borrcv. H la. r'inoBe'a,If.T C1UCA90. TU. IT. U ll, StO. DI4, Tsi is Bam rajjenca. Caw ArLAjrrA. Ua. rOR SALC BY J G MCHCLS & BRO Cb&xabtrlai&'i izy and Skla Olstmsat Is a certain cure for Chronic Bore Ejte, Onnuutted Eve Lids, Sore Kipfdes, Piles, Enema, Tetter, BaJt Iibeum and Kcald Head, 25 cenla per box. For sale by drugrtA, to nosasowNzsa. For potting a liorae in a fine healthy coa lition try Dr. Cady's Condition Fowdera, rtey tone up the rvrtetn, aid digestion, cure cf tf.pettte, rtlicTe cw-'tipation, correct ridaey dLorders and itt;ny worms, frivicjj lew life to an oU or over worked bone.' 2i le&U per package. For sale by druggist. Morphew k White, Droggists. EE &

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