1 ARION ECORD. H "A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY NEWSPAPER. VOL. 1. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1895. NO. 14 7 M R I UK PKII1 STATEMENT. (ioM I?cere Stands at Not Q;lte Miif! V-I lino 31 illlous. r -. )'"n;Lt j j-M-5-jM show; a ct the r 'iblr. .)!.', In. -nth irj th ;rv. J nit.-; October, ol 5,32 ! ,472. 1 ho :'. i iv.i: J':tt was li-creaiC-i 1 710. vjt'.roit-hiarib debt decreased . . j a. 1 :-i-h la thy Treasury -decreased ::!. Ih'j balances cf thb .-evral f bbt at tho !o.,e of the tuMii'-.-? ,!-t. v.- r.-: Interest-bearing d bt , i n ,j,.!,t whh ti inn r' -t h- I . Maturity. H70.l.-Kt,trliiC : ',;,'.'":',. tmi i.i,37.- '.,,(.-, and Trea-ury notes ofT-s'-t i . I'li' uiit of c.ivh j0'tb; Treasury . i;.- .it the. end of th rnot.th werj -.7! .1- t.mvi of , 125,020. 1 h. I' i -'" 'Irea.ury was 512,1:); 610 I rc -re W.'M ?J2,'jn,l?:. Nr-t oas, , r -."."'." 1 r. In tu w.f.nth, there. wa i'i I ' and tar f ilf6 671, ' b-ing ? ;,n60 Vii.' Of v-..- v-; i de rr'.'as:; of . t..V,3S5. Of : i t'ir".. in t'n n.-.ikr.M tank : -I , '.,ls5 ay.iii.t .t16.6I7.103 Urol' the Record. ' :- tr.t.'i- .i!tii-iital tram cf th 1 ? .all!' rn I'a.ifl , i without a ' li h - l I'vth.j initial trip of the i --t iiu'it' il. left New Orleans. .inmi.'. O t. 31. with a full com I ;i -. -u ir r " . arriving at Los tn.i 1 j v evening, iju tb'j dot. tra !i .t.iM--e in two days, n i 115 hours t"-. Shi l'rnn 'i-;".. v.-as rea-hed ttii" 1 a -. tv- . li.jurs and 5 fa -t- t linn: '. "r made in tb5 railroad o.'T n equal distance. THE Mr.rion Record. I- the or 1 j Democratic Newspaper In st I),)oll ronnty, and has a large cir- i k ion in adjoining counties. It pub-k.-iLs all the bcwi without fear or fkver, Rrnl U the organ of no ring or i i rpic. 1: is the bold champion of the peo ple's lights, an earnest advocate of tht fv st Iiittrt sts of the county of McDow- ril and the town of Marion. Ita tdrer ti-itifr rati s arc reasonsble, and the sub p i,!:!hs rrice Is tl.OO ntr vear in atL !f yoa want the best newspaper In the i a im v brimming lull or cnoico reaalng mii"r f;r business men, farmers, me-rh-.nire, and the borne circles of all eubs'ribe and pay for the Uric .id. If you doa't, why juat don't, m, 1 the paper will be printed erery 1 b irsJa j cTuning as usual. 1; voa haven't enough interest In your f.'iDiy'p wellfsrto sustain the belt ad- of u diversiCed interesta, and its " c f i itnd the newspaper you need tu t ipi a t a 2-cohirari obituary notice n lour nil stingy bones are hid (r m t!,e Cjej of progress in tha g'.y JD'l. O Al owe vibf criptions to tba V.i i vj; tie r'rojijica from out list i' -i ihcy pij up M onre. T in s II' sp v. tf all j, Vr.j R3arion Record, SEABJABD AIR LINE II I NFAV LINK. w ruiitt lo Charlotte, Kalcih, Wil 1 ;rpt n. Richmond, Norfolk, Washing 'a. 1'iltimore and the Eat. Also to At'iant-i. ;,w Orleans aud all points in ls" an. I the Southwest. Memphis, Ixi -v City, Penvrr and all point3 in 5ro.it West. !'o! Map?, Folders, Time Tables and .it rtes write to B. A. NEWLAND, Gen. Trar. Pass. Agent, Charlotte, N. C. L" Marion C, C. & O. 6 45 a ra " Charlotte S. A. L. 11 50 a m A"' 'To Ralcijjh " 6 00 pm 'i!uiiugtou " 6 25 pm '' At.auti " 3 00pm 15 A. Newlasd, T. J. Anderson, T.P.G. A. O.P.Ajjt ii i 1 - piofcoional iarbfl. J L. 0. BIRD AU0.NET AWT COTJNUXIXOR AT LAW. Marion, N. O. Fr&:t;ces in all courts, State and Fed. Special attantion given to lave Wag laai titles and colleotiog claimi. "Offl.-e on Main 8trea. Tonsorial, WM. SWEENEY, , ''',d ar,d Scientific Barber. Over , p 1 -'t'lg store. Call and aee . s ' s "tcise iatisfaction ia all i- SOUTHERN PROGRESS. . Many Nevr Enterprises Reported. The Ksposltlon the Centre of Interest. ThoManufa-.-iurers' li--ord r-j.rt-, forth- "k that while the general .., ..U'.,, ani1 )tl. du:rial i rc'r3 of the feoutli roatin-i-.- , makeasood showiug, the Atlanta E TpA i- ionii for the time being the ..cntre c! "H intcrr.vt. Tblalinf budns men of Fh'l- ;:i!;,1rhji,'fChi,?a. York, 004 othr Jti' n are forminj? oridza! i.,iis for l xi,o i .. t e i.u,n.r of fr ,:,,,.,- uhosh-.ll y t At.ar.ta N-.v ,,r' uH.i., to -n 1 i:v;;mbott0ofr,.tth(., !llov,.II1,.r;t ,vhih -in Wi., maMu-t., lur-i tr.id- westward - meat,., of ar, e...i,r.-l.:, .,f th.,...-n.l ..r m-.r- .. in tra lin- .-aiMtair-ts :,D. .,iiu... m.-n v. h.. , will t-.Ko ,,la-,. iu Now.ult. r, and mil in. I.,.,.'.t..nlv Atlanta, but a n-imt-r .yuou the iite.-pri.... i,,..t"l for the J-d !. tho Kvithcru R.ilway . omi-anv i,e. tweeu HaltimoM and Norfolk, and th- hniM of ma -hir --bopd nt Alexaudria bv th hio oinpan. In textileidifre.it, a 100,000 .-otton mill at Montgomery, Ala.; a T200.000 mill ooni pany at Atlanta; a knitting mill at I3am-- kim a h'j::1,,'rymi11 at ThomasviUe.Ga..an.l a 5,W0-.er!nd..millatOaPtonia C Iron pro Juetton is Increasing, arid a larg 1'irnaoe ha, en blown iu at Oxm..,r la .one furnaea of tha Maryland stwl Con'ii'.ai.y' at bparrows' ivdnt. Md., will go into bla'-t this week, andanothsrdurini? the latter r.nrt of the year. A paw-mill to cut 100.000 Wt of lumber ad Ay is projected at Fcruaudiin. Fla., to bo la: ilt l.y Wisconsin people, and a tannery at Uim .same piaee by MilwaaU. -jviHies; a ii.-mill at New Orleans a 20() 000 water-work?. .vmpai,v at Algi-r- and a sugar refinery at Abi.eville. La.; a ':0 ooo company organi.ed to ere-t a tannery' in V.rth Carolina; a - lothlug factory at Clarkr. vil e, Term.; a twenty-llve-ton cott.-n.,eed-oil null at Luling, Tex.; a $50,000 eon.any or-K-mlzed to operate bridge and irou .on.-tru--tion works at Roanoke, va.; a wood-w.jrkii" plant at Fredeiiokbburg, Vii., and nn ir.-n ore mines at several points in foutbwet 'rginia. Tho railroad business and bank el-aringu through the South contlnuo to increase, i-howing a steady expansion In tho volume of trade, while the general outlook promii,efj a continuation of theimprovement now in pr--greps. TIIK DOCKING SYSTEM DOWNED. A Decision at Chattanooga which is in he Interest of Woikingmen, By a decision handed down at ClinUi nooga, Teuu., Cruhs .V Teuny. the s?overn nient eontra-tors at Chk-kaman-V I'ark, mu..t refund to their employ ', -on, n loo in number, the amount of the do-doiV i:- and rent m.ney dedu.M"d fp.. i th' ir wages a sum approximating t;.00O. xiiU mn-t.ni -tijn of the law mak -it iinla.vi'a! for an. em plover lu r"ijuii rm lovi to sustain a phvM'-ian knowna the "CMinpauy's d. f .r" r livi (n tMi'tn.i,t ov.ned liy aii pnpl-r and irtuall kill- the -v.t'in of .!. -Ijng" which an tp as t- the 1 enu--fi v..rl lugmeu even greater t( in garni-.h -' . tern in vogue in some Smth-m tu!'--. Every mining camp in the South .-laiaii an i e.xeicKe.i the light to dock i"m omplnv, Amonij evtry cue thousand Inhab ants in the United States there is an everare of 381 who are under fsixteeu. In France there are only 270 such to the one thousand. PIEDMONT AIR LINE. WODIiSID SCHBICL Of riHEJOBER TB Affi, Ye jfilinl ,-!.. " a Dai v KmiIv Pally Enn D.iily Horthbonnd Oftober 41, 105. It. A tlan C. T. " Atlanta E. T " ororos " B'iford " iaitievi!l ... " I.ula " rorn-iia " Nt. Airy " Trn eoa " esttnitit-ter. " Snei'a. , " Outral " (Ircenville . ... fcpartar.brg. " liafl'neya ' Rlarkatairg: ... King s Mt " OaMODla Ar. Charlotte Ar. Danville U0.n; 11 ISp 12 l-n r.F.6a 2 0 T-i 7Ma' 8 fi'a, 9 : Hn Mi K'n! :o 4i! !1 t 11 lf,s 4 35p 5 :tp JM 7 .s , 7 i.y .v.i. 9("t'p 4 0f.p seep 7 35p '2'p 8 4!p 3 lip 9 Md 2 M 1 3 ( :i : Mih ; 4 e-,1 1 3:i .r. I'.lnj '. )Tj fi.V 7 t9al 7.T'a 1 -M U27p 2 421. . 1 2t.. . ilfll 8 2-i- l-T 4:.r,. . S-P . 6 ."T 112. 10 43p 7oer io ;!0p 8 pl 1 oea 4 4a 8 Aa 1 1 4 1 lTp H4Tp 6 23p Ar. Richmond . fii Oal 6 40p 00a Ar. Wa.shinjton . " Bal'TU'e r K K " yhi!Jeli bia " New York 5.'2al 9 4C. s f'alli &y 10 .Sa j0 12 5 llil j 20 9otbt9snd. imi l,,;y EtUE Daay ItN.Y.FRK . " l'hiiiie! his " Baltimore .... " Wahi!!gton . 4 3"r!l2 lin 6 i .pi 7 2Vi 9 -2!'1'! 9 16 4oi jU is 11 of a 1 Kp 3 ; Richmond. . 2 K 12 2 oraj .. 2.'p larjTi!!e Charlotte . Gatonia Kioe's alt .... Blaoksb'irj ... GatTneya Pl'anaht'Urj . (reeHTil'.e Outral Sttiein We? tminner Tocwa It. AlTT. Coruel a I.ula iTaioesTiUe . bufurd Noicr's Atlanta K. T Atlanta C. T. 6 CO ... i-'2-T lMip .. 2rt'. ... 2 1?p S'l'i 4 4.ip ... 1 40 p 4 S7a 6 2! 7 '.Ca ii ?";Va Tial .svaj f-Oa :V-a ; ue! ......j ;0ei 1 ra, 12 2i8p 1 ISrl ft 40;. .. --a I 6 v.. !.'3 9 ('7,.! 4. ; ii y. on 6 ;-.f 6 w 7 4. !;! 1 J-x 0 2- a "A" a.m. "1"' r m. "M 'noon. "N" nigbt. Kos. 87 and 3 WiMi;:.t:tou - ' Scir.'.: trin Vertibulel Limited, i Li i gh . 'r.iia flencrs between New York r uJ N .1op. . Vitth lcgtoa. Atlanta and M a.'cu r. m d alo tween New York r.a.t Mfii.i l i in VS!.itToii, Atlanta and Biririr-l:r.n: r ii.Mii. Noa. SS and Z6 l'iiitr.1 eU : r.t Ma;'. I silhivxi laeping far betwtcn New tir'ear.s New York. Noa. "1 and S3. Vxpoii T "jt. 1 hrorigh 1 1 ". nanbleeier bctet n Nt " or't r, i A: aata :a Wuklisuiu. On lefd : a ll':ivl:t n t' neetica 1H I e r f osii !'-:tr-'.nd w-th ?1, and on thee 1a'- Km'-. u :i-e i ' 1 Oj-eraleo betwrrit K: hi "i: '. :-i .MiuL'.a. .i WeiBeVds ard i r'. ui;r .it't !rra ..t lanta to Rnl-noric. ::t .h-oncii i.rey ;i c ca. will be to leate Ai'rvn i y i';n No. 32. Kos. Hani I2.rulirrn ?! pir Car brtteen Richmond, tacvil e and uieenaloro. W. A. TfKIf. P H. lIAFnwirir. Gen'l Pais. Aft. AtGenlla Ag t. TV A?H!K9TOI D C. AI'aM. U. W. B. RYDER, Superintendent, Cii.ilcx:s, North Ciaoi A. W. H. GRFE.V. aa'l Bapt , WAieif . & J. M. CULr, . Traffic M g r W ajuGrr, V. U DURRANT FOUND GUHT7 ! CoTivicted of Murdering Blanche La ! mont in San FranciscOi JURY OUT ONLY FIVE MINUTES. Itt Terrtlct Reached Without Dlacatalon and Applauded by a Great Crowd Pa thetic Seen In Court Hit Mother Be come Hysterical, Ilugs and Kiaaea Him, Shrieking All the Time. ,' Theodore Durrant was founi guilty at 5an Franeisco, Cab, of murdering Blanche' Lament. It took the jury only five, mlnutei to render a decision. The verdict wa a surprise to the stolid young prisoner, his relatives and eounseV His mother, who ;at with him every honr of the time since the trial began, had hoped to the last momeat that one, and perhaps two of the jurors would vote for acquittal. Tho District Attorney, i-n the contrary, said pri vately before he began his three days' ad dresp, that he was eatisHed the jurors bal f aeh deeided ca conviction when the evi dence was all in and before tha argument began. District Attorney Baruea closed his argu ment for the peoplo with a powerful and eln 'iunt appeal for justice. Superior Judg- K J. Muiphy lelierel au elaborate charge to the jury touching tha law of circumstan tial evidence and matters of legal presump tions in the afternoon. Tho charge occuple 1 an hour and a half. Attorney Dickiuson,"for Durrant. made A formal exception to the charge. The jury retired at twenty-six minutes of four o'clock in charge of two deputy sheriff. They went across the crowded corridor to the rooms of tho Grand Jury, which had adjourned to ac commodate them. Tho jury took sixteen minutes to Fettle it Self, and promptly at ten minutes of four o'clock deliberation began. Exactly five minutes thereafter a rap ou tho door burn raonel tho deputies to learn the verdict, agreed upon. ; As the jury tiled into the courtroom the: prisoner turned around in his chair, as did hi3 mother, who sat next to him. Both were pale, and Mr. Durrant seemed on thl verge of collapse. Foreman Warren Dutton rose, wiped hi3 tear dimmed eyes, adjusted his classes and read in a clear volco: "We, tho jury And the defendant, William Ilenry Theodore Durrant, guilty of murder in the flr-st degree." The prisoner made a convulsive atart and half rose a3 if to address tho Court. His mother, with a cry that began iu a muffled shriek and ended in deep sobs, threw her ftrms about his neck and pulled him back. From the densely packed court room came at tho same moment a sound that was thrill ing in the last degree. It wa.s the fierce cry of tho crowd. Women laughed and cried, aud all struggled for a better view of tho prisoner. He sat, pale, but seemingly un moved, while hi-i mother pressed her cheek against hi, with her arms about his neck and wept pitifully. Durrant's father, who had been smoking a cigarette in the corridor pushed his way in and helped comfort tho bOOWllK vrunaon. The Judge quickly restored order" aud an nounce i that on Friday, November 8, sen tence would be passed, aud that on the same date the trial of Durrant for the murder of Minnie. Williams would be set on the calen dar. Tho deputies then began clearing the court room, and, in the wako of the crowd Durrant and his stalwart guardian, filed out. Tho prisoner's pallor had vanished, and he was twirling the end of his small mustache. A sensational incident was the demeauor of the murdered girl's relatives. Her sicter, Maud Laraont, a mero school girl, jumped to her feet when the verdict was announced, beat her Mick gloved hands together and gave a shrill cry of approval. The aunt, Mrs. C. O. Noble, likewise clapped her hands. Briefly stated the prosecution charged that Durrant decoyed JManehe Iamon! into the Emanuel Baptist Church, in Bartlett street, probably assaulted liter, strangled her, stripped hr body and laid it out carefully in the belfry, hid her clothes and school books iu the dark, dusty corners of the loft and steeple, and then helped in the search for tho missing girl. Miss Lamont was ;1 school girl, and attended tho Sunday-school in whic h Durrant was a leading spirii. KIio was en routo from school when a young man joined lior. They were seen in a street car by hr schoolmates, but that wjii the last time she was sen aliv by persons wno knew her. Eater a mau and a girl were seen to entT Emanuel Church. The dead body of Minnie Will iams, another nc'iuaintanee of Durrani, was found in the Emanuel Church library on April 13. 8he bad be.-u mur dered the night before. A search of th church was then made, and in the belfry was found the body of Mis. Lamont. Suspicion pointed to Durraut. as lie was conspicuou" in the church work, was acquainted with the girls and had access to the church. He was arrested, and for several week? the trial has been in progress. Much .circumstantial evidence wa introduced and tho positive evidence was strong. RAM KATAIIDIN REJECTED. Failed to Come up to the Required peed of 17 Knots. Tho nffl -ial speed of the Amnion ram Katahdm is K. 13 knots as reported to ? rotary Herbert at Washington V.y the trial boar 1 and the ve'-l ttand? rejected under her ont ract. b nrii: the di.-tinction of being the flrct ve,.ii f f th.. uev navy failing to reach contra' t requirements. Unless special provision is made bv the next session of on?ress, th- Ba'h iron works of Maine, which built t!" hull and machinerv. must rely on selling hr to ....me foreign govern ment to recoup tiivir expenditures. In that case a oomph- ati n would ari.e, a? $400,000 worth of armor belonging t the I'nited States is l'a-tened in place on th ve.-se, and is valueless for other purposes. Naval officer, aiher to the belief that under favorable conditions in the smooth water for which the Katahdin was designed, she could easily make the re-iuired 17 knots. Her contra "tors, however, prefer not to run the risk of for ing her higher than they did on Thursday an I prefer to leave the v. hole matter to rfesid-nt Cleveland, relying on his fairness to suggest a jut settlement. FATALLY IJI RNED ! A Lamp Explode and iet a Ded and Occupant on Fire. At Augusta, fia.. Anna Ei.harison died at ; th negro hospital after a nigLt of horriHe : agony, sh- went to sleep and left a small j lamj t-iirning on a tble by the t-ed. 1 ! exploded and the woman and ld were cov- ' Cna.l TC-ith tha Knrninr. il !n r. n r V... heard her scream1 and ru.-h-i into the rooms, but the flames ppreai so that they coull do nothing. The woman was ilowly roasting to death. The firemen extinguish ed the biae with the chemical engine. Liverpool Cotton Statistics. Total sales of the week 71,000; Amr!:aa 63,000; trade taking;, including fcrwardei from shirs side, 61.000; actual export 8,000; total It. port G6.000; American 50,000; total etcck Sil.000; American 763.000; total afloat 191.000; AmTi-an 1S5.000; ipeculaton teok 4,100, exporter took 1,400. STATE NEWS NOTES. It is estimated that not 5 per cnt. of the email grain has yet been eeeded. The rains will prove a God-send" in this resxect. Judge Seymour, of the Federal Court, nt Newbera ordered the release of the eteamer Commodore and her cargo at Wilmington at once. The official organ of the Baptieta in in North Carolina announces that North Carolina is the only State in which tho plans of co-operation be tween the American Baptist Home Mission Society an l the home mission board iu instructing colored people are to bo firbt tried. The farmers of Union are holding on to their cotton with a dead grip. Re ceipts on Thursday were three bales, Friday 30 bales. For the correspond ing days last year they were 196 and 2 2i respectively. This shows conclu sively that Union farmers are in first class financial condition, as there is plenty of cotton in the country, and prices hero compare very favorably with those of any adjacent market. The police force of Monroe furnish ed a complete census of the town. The population is 3,003. This with that of the suburbs, which is estimated at about 500, makes a very great in crease over the government census of 1S90, which was only 2,000. I ll E STATE PENSION ROLL. The List Shows a Total of 6,143 Widows and Soldiers. The State Tension Hull has ju6t been completed by the Auditor, and the warrants are now being issued, and will probubly go to the register of deeds of the various counties between December 1st and 15th. The number of peneioners in the State ou the list by class is as follows: First class 102, as against 68 last year; these receive this year $61, as against 8G8 last year. Second class 21C, as against 210 last year; these receive this year $18 as against 51 last year. Third class 352, as against 318 last year; these receive $32 each as against S3! last year. Fourth class (soldiers) 1,674, as against 1,1'J1 last year; these receiye $10 each an against 17 last year. Fourth class (widows) 2,769, as against 2,737- last year; these receive 16 as against ?17 last year. There i.s n considerable increase' of pensioners in every class, the largest being iu the fourth class (soldiers). But this increase in numbers is offset by a corresponding decrease iu the amount received by each pensioner. The increase in the first class during the year is 31 and the decrease in amount received by each is SI; in the second clusH tho increase in number is 6 and the decrease in amount is $3; in tho third class the increase is 4 and the decrease in amount is $2; in the fourth class (soldiers) the increase ia 183 and the decrease in amount is $1; in the fourth class (widows) the in crease is 32 and the decrease in amount is$l; showing a net increase of 25?, and leaving a total on tho roll, widows aud soldiers, of 5,1 1?. The total nmouut paid out this year for pension;- will be, in round num bers $105,000 which is $5,000 over la&t year. 91 ILLS ARE HUMMING. Farmers Gathering Fine Crops, and the People Not Bothering Over Politics. Capt. Frank Erwin, one of the lead ing citizens of Greensboro, N. C, who is in the city, says tbero are no loafers or tramps in hiscountry. Every person who wants work can find it. Tho crops of cotton and tobacco have brought good priccs.which makes glad the heart of the planter, and merchants and tradesmen are rejoicing. There is life in all branches of trade. All the cotton factories iu the State are running on full time aud doing all the business their plants will turn out. Other man ufacturers are alike prosperous. "There are two new cotton factories under construction in Greensboro," said Mr. Erwin, "that will cost over $S0o,0oo. We have two already in operation, which the owners are en larging to double tho present capacity iu order to accommodate their trade. Governor Tom Holt is enlarging his large cotton factory at Haw Eiver, a few mih s ea;t of us, on account of growing busines. We have over 300 cotton factories in the State, which is more than any other Stute has. There isagieat d mand for good carpenters in our section. Building operations have been considerably retarded for the want of workmen "The mining interest inNorth Caro lina in attracting many prospectors aud capitalists. We have almost every variety of mineral and precious stones known b geologists. Many of the gold and copper mines that were worked be fore the war are being bought by syndicates and worked with improved machinery with very flattering sac cess." When asked about politics the cap tain replied: "Our people are too busy looking after making an honest living to fool their time away with tlettiug shadows. We have some professional politicians at home and here who look after that interest, and nothing else. When the time come to vote our people generally cast their ballots to suit them6lve.,, Wash ington Fost. The Total Vsllble Supply of Cotton. The total vi.-iMe supply rl cotton forth world is 3,261,549 bale;. t.( which bales aie J men-ran. against 3.2S3,54S l-al-3 and 2.44.34-5 tabs respectively last year; receipts of cctton this treek at" all interior towns 135,414 ta!. receipts from rdaatatiots 2'). 507 b-l; crop in sight 2,306,003 bale. Cnoice wine grapes are telling ia the Sonoma Valley for $15 too. NORTH STATE CULLINGS. CO-OPORATITE CKEAMERY ASSO CIATION. Important Suggestions Relating to Neglected Industry. F. E. Emery, Agriculturist at the North Carolina Experiment Station has issued the following bulletin which is of general interest: Too little attention has been given to this important form of enterprise in this State. It is to bo hoped more interest will be taken in the near future and that the men who look into this industry will take hold of it as they do of corn or tobacco growing and make j it a (success. ! Whoever wishes to investigate co -j operative dairyiug cau have the active j help of this Station. He should prico I apparatus and buildings of several j dealers. I In general every local association should build its own house, if it can nor. more cneapiy adapt some con j venieut building until it gets cows ac4? milk enough to do a good prorltabU. business. It is well within bounds to assure any body of creamery promoters in North Carolina that they can start a creamery ou a scale largo enough to handle all the milk which 'can bo brought to the factory, for from $1000.00 to $15.00.00 The Booner some neat little plants can be established, the better provided they can bo supplied with milk with which to operate. Canvas your neighborhood and get pledges to deliv er a given amount of milk daily and make your business to correspond with what you can get pledged. Do not estimate beyond gallons delivered, and remember to caution your farmer neighbors not tocount over 350 gallons of milK per cow per year, each gallon to weigh 8 2-3 pounds. The X. C. Soldiers' Home. The North Carolina Soldiers' Homo was opened in September, 1889, the first money on hand bciug about $1,000 raised at a lawn party hero in July of that year. Tho home was in n small dwelling, and there were only eight in mates. Tho present homo was occu pied April 1, 1N01. There arc now a main building, chapel, hospital, su perintendent's quarters, mess hall and three dormitories. The main building contains dormitories and a small libmrv There are now 65 iuniati h actually present. In the hoapital there are seven beds. There are 5 acres in tho property of the home. It was granted by the Legitdature of 18VJ. Nearly two acres is rented to the coun ty for use as convict quarters. During the year there has been no biekness save such as is usual in old age. The water is very fine, Books are greatly needed for the library, also old maga zines. The home needs $12,000 a year, so as to enable it to shelter 100 veteraus. The railroad officials are very kind and give free transportation to inmates to and from their homes. There is a good garden and the supply of vegetables has been bountiful. There aro religious services each Sun day afternoon. A Crooked Treasurer's Fate. John M. Benson, defaulting treas urer of Bladen County, was placed in tho penitentiary at Baleigh to serve three years. The crime was committed three years ago, the amount embezzled being Vl.OOO- - - The movement for good roads spreads all the while. Wake, Warren and Vance counties are taking it up. The Eden I'ark cotton mills, of Douglasville, will increase its capacity l,5oo spindles before December 15th. On Thursday surgeons removed one of the eyes of ex-Judge George V. Strong, at Baleigh, who has for some weeks been critically sick. Governor Carr pays $100 reward to Starling Gentry for the capture of Bod Sheltou, another of the Madison conn ty murderers who escaped some time Bg( . Three-fourths of the cotton is pick til and more corn is harvested than evex before this early in tho neason. The rain has not done much damage to the cotton in the fields. Another monument is 6oou to be placed ou the historic scene of the battle of Guilford Court House. It was cut at Mt. Airy and is now on ex hibition at the Atlanta Exposition. Mr. W. V. Clifton and Mr. John C. Drcwry, of Baleigh, aro two of the r,.o.- ,. i,.v.v. i.n;M;n i. 1 J T """'"""V'-: temptM hY pn.vji.ers Troops w-ra mill on Crabtrce creek. It will have j r4lkkly called to the assistant of th keep 3.000 spindles. For tho present no ' -rs an 1 in a short tim the mutiny was sip looms will be put in. I I rs"l and order restored. The Pope was , : awakene-l bv the shocks. He was perfectly The bird law expired on the night of j caUi an4 a!t.r rtdng. made btste to Inquire the .list, and early on r rid ay morning the hunters were out in full forot The great drought, however, will make it difficult for the dogs to successfully hunt. Some of the farmers say they are going ahead with their ploughing for I w htrat-so-wing; that wheat eown in dry soil is much more productive than that ej-n in wet toil. The old couplet is i eslloi t min-1: .-- in d-ii. 1 !.( j v'J rou't." I .Tw're Ur&ham wrote Governor Carr j tbt it Iv l'-t ten days would be re- quired for the hearing, m Jones co-it: -i ty, of all of the "graveyard lnsnr i ance" removed there from ! Carteret countv. So the Governor order a special term of two weeks, to l-gtu at Trenton December 10tb, Judge Graham to preside. .aaaa. . 1 1, r - t ba! cne bidder for making tha j i.t- L.- nJ; for the Coltei States Xav, at eira. toe mayor bavmi? ueriare-x n a nou 1 117.19 jr riZ : for tea thousand arjs. I At ni.;bt thegroundi were Ulurclaated- TIIK STATE (SAME LAWS. When Tar Heel Sportsmen Can Go Hunting. Section 2,83 of the Code, as amend ed by the Goner 1 Assembly of 1891, provides that "no person hhdll kill ot shoot, trap or n.t any pat ridges quail, doves, robins, larks, mockin? birds or wild turkeyn, between the 15th day of March and the ltt day of November in each year; and the person Booffe,di,' shall be guilty of a misdemear fined not exceeding ton do .t.b 4 each offense." This is the general law, but a num ber of counties have either been en tirely exempted from its provi-ions or special acts passed extending or short ening the time provided in the general law. The counties of Dare, Onslow, Carteret, Jones, Columbus, Clay, Cherokee, Swain and Graham have no law for the protection of birds. Ma con has r law only in regard to wild turkeys, while in Stanly county it is allowed to kill wild turkeys at any time during the year. In the counties of Moor, Wilson, Hyde and Pamlico the law is not applicable to doves or larks, and in Edgecombe it does not apply to doves. In Craven, Duplin and Cumberland counties farmers are allowed to shoot, on their own land, partridges and other birds doing in jury to their crops. It is uulawful to kill birds in Wil son, Montgomery and Mecklenburg between February 1 and November 15th; in Bowan between February 15 and November 15; in Randolph and Davideiou between April 1 and October 1; in Iredell between last day of March and first day of November; in Tyrrell between March I and October 15. In Cabarrus it is unlawful to kill birds, except robins, between March 15 and November 15. The shooting of quail in allowed in Beaufort and Hvde counties from October 15 to March, 20. COTTON'S RAPID RECOVERY. Many Reasons That it I Being Held Hack by the Planters. B, G. Dun & Co.'s weekly review of trade for last week says: Failures in October thus far reported show liabilities of 111,120,489 against f S20fi,S02 last year and 119,905,404 In 1893. Failures for tho week have been 278 in tho United States against 249 last year and 63 in Canada against 50 last year. The rapid recovery in cotton and the rise in sterling exchange to the point at which the last exports of gold were made have not increased eonlld'-m-e. Whether cotton Ia kept bai-k by j recent planters, a many reason, or by j ulators, makes no practical difference if merchandise imports (for tho past four weeks at New V rk 32 per cent., or TlO.200,000 larg-r thau lat year), so far ex ceed merchandise exports (for the past four 000 larger than Ifcr-t year), as to cause ship ments of gold. Cotton has risen to 9 cents again. Specu lation turns for the moment on the disposi tion of holders to keep b.iek their cotton, which may compel higher prices some say, however large the ultimate supply may be. Receipts are at present very small compared with last year's, and it is Hated that banks here have more money loaned on cotton, to enable holders to k"-p It without marketing, than ever before. Exports and takings id spinners are small, and ptocks abroad an. I here are bo large that consumers may 1 let ter able to wait than borrow from banks. The tendency to r alir.e on a moderate ad vance was :di own on Thursday, though spot price.- remain strong. The larger demand for manufactured pro-du.-ts has ln-1 I prices of cotton goods and even advanced som prints, in ppite of last week- d'-.-iii,e in cotton. At the s Miith general trade among joUrs at most points i.i only lair and in some section' mercantile collections aro slower, with far mers holding th' ir crops. Business at New Orleans at the close of the month Is smaller in volume, as is usual, (ialveston reports very little Texas cotton remaining in pro ducers' hands and re--ipts falling off sharp ly. But general trade has Improved some what at Mcraphi", Atlanta and Augusta, and to a greater extent at Birmingham, where the output of coal and iron is mu'-li larger than heretofore and the number of employes t work correspondingly Increased with the prospects more favorable than for months past. St. Louis jobber- believe next spring's business at the South will bo the heaviest f jr years. HILLS OF ROME TREMHLE. Many Magnificent Palaces and Public Ilulldlngs Damaged. Bells Tolled and Clocks Stopper?. Rome was visited l.y violent tbotki of earthquake at 5 10 o'clock Friday morning. I'eopl were aroused from their elcmbers and fled to the opea sq lires ani ths great est cou-ternation prevailed. The- convent of Santa Maria Maggiore ws greatly daxage 1. A portion of the outer wall wn overthrown aa l a part of the c l!ing ha3 falln. One of the lnmateg, a monk, was iLjured. The shocks were confined to the province of Itom". They were flt very ctronsdy at the Castelli Komanl, but the damage done there was not serjus. Theoffl dal observatory re port of the disturbances says that the flrit manifestations were slight tremblings which lasted about five .w-.-ouds. Thee became more violent for a p--nod cf eight eecondi au 1 th-n 1-eeame slighfr for nine seconls. Twoclo ki In th i observatory MCrpred tte mortTt the trembling tgan, each Indic ting the hoar, 5 33. The direction of the rrovem-itits was from north to south. The shocks ' reate-l a great panic aaaong the in- inate.3 of the prison and a mutiny was at- the new from the city, Invtetiation discloses the fact thtt the damage '"done by the eartciuaice Is mien greatr than was at firt eappceei. Four palaces and the tank of Italy were shaken up that they are rendered untafe for occupaa :y. The Palazzo OiescalchI, cce cf the finest palacs in Rome, and five ether structures of that -haraetr was also eri ously damagal. The buiUlcg cf the minis try of flna&e- was MigUiy damaged. The quakes rang ail the b::s la th city and doers were t-&ak3 aid window txtibei evrvwhfre ATLANTA DA V ATI HE FAIR. Receipts Went Ahead of Cleveland or Liberty Bell Day. Atlanta Day at the exf.oV.tiia was ushered In by an earthquake and a raiotorm. The formr rolled the citL-er.-, out of lei at 5 o'clock and the rau r'. jj p-l during the forenoon- Bo, derit the .r. rom:-?iig prospects, the dy tirnel out t - the t In roast of atten laa: th expoa.'.lon bs , .had. Gate re-M-ipu we: t away ahead of ! Liberty ll tr Cl. vdi! 1 Dy. Ail the store?, fa-ton-- 1 o:t-r p;a cf bufchis LATEST NEWS IN BRIEF. GLEANINGS FROM 5IA5Y POINTS. Important Happenings, Doth Horn and Foreign, Briefly Told. January Cotton Will Go to 10c. Mr. Hector D. Lane, President of the Southern Cotton Grower Associa tion, was in Montgomery on Monday, after having taken a look over the cot ton situation, to ascertain whether there was any reason for the recent fall in prices. He says he believes the de pression in the price is only tempor ary, and that January cotton will go to 10 cents. He says ho estimates the total crop now to be f.O.OOO.OOO bales He docs not believo more than 800,000 bales of it will come from Texas. H says this has been the finest season for gathering cotton he has ever known. Drought in the South Broken. Tho great drought has been broken in the South by copious rains in Texas, and Wednesday evening the rain area extended a far Noitu as Memphis, Tenu., and as far East as IYnsncola, Flu. -The rain area advanced north cast over the Atlantic States an 1 broko the drought in North Carolina Thurs day aud Friday. Nvv Southern Notes. The First National bank of La grange, Tex., capital $50,000 has fail ed. The assetts are stated at $131,000 and the liabilities at $70,000. Tho Piedmont Cotton Mill company has been organized in Atlanta with It. U. Hardeman, State treasurer, presi dent, Capital $200,000. Mr. Thomas Day, an aged citizen, of Winder, Ga., was run over and killed by the northbound vestibule on the Seaboard Air-Liue Railroad Fri day. The Louisiana sugar people have about decided to test all questions arising out of Comptroller Howler's action in declining to pay tho sugar bounty appropriated by Congress in tho United StateB Circuit Court of Louisiana. At tho Educational Congress in At lanta Thursday a paper by Wni. M. Thornton, chairman of tho faculty of tho University of Virginia , on "The Material Development of the South as Eclated to tho Progress of Scientific and Technical Education" was read. citizens was held Fi ' iy evening to take steps toward raising a fund to re place tho University buildings. Resolu tions were adopted praying the Legis lature to rebuild the University, and a subscription of $7,030 was raised by tho meeting. Fire in one of tho most poular resi dence districts of Columbus, Ga., Thursday afternoon destroyed eleven buildings, including several handsome residences and the Oirl' High School building. The loss is about $35,000; insurance about half that amount. November 9, will bo known at the great Cotton States and International Exhibition at Atlanta as ConfedcraU Day. Delegations will bo fcent from chapters of Daughter of the Confeder acy, from camps of Veterans and Sons of Veterans all over tho South and from those Northern cities whero enough old -'Confcds" are resident to compose a camp. The Exposition. Fa es to the Exposition from Atlan ta have been cut to five cents. Extensive preparations are being made by the commissioner of the col ored department looking to tho great est possible attendance upon the negro congreasea which will bo hel l at th Atlanta Exposition from November 11 to 23. Cuban Day at the Atlanta Exposi tion has been postponed until Decem ber 17th to accommodate acme of the speakers from distant States. Flrea. The Lagonda Hotel at SpringfielJ. ()., was burned Tuesday night. It was five stories and a very Uu'lwmo structure with stores on tho street fronts. The loss is $100,000, partial ly insured. Crime. A double execution under the law which provide that murderers shall meet death by electricity was 6acces fully carried out at Clinton prison. Dannemora. N. V.. Thursday when j George H. Smith and Charles N. Da ; vis met death in tho electric chair. Forrign. The Kelfat and Glasgow ship-builders Lave conceded the demand of their lemployes for an increase of 5 per cent, in their wage. The increase is to go into effect February lat. Financial. The Treasury deficit for October, from figures officially announced are approximately $1,300,000. The rr-cipts eLow $27,000,000 and the ex penditure in round figure, $31, 200,000. RECORDS OF THE LATE WAR. Volume on Campaign la Virginia and the Carolina Completed. A Waehingtou special says: Kp3rtS on the progress of the rebellion rocori show the completion of the flrt volume of th series covering the final es-mpsisn of the war In Virginia and the Cardinal and la the Trass-Mi-s-sts-ippi region. The remaining volume of thy series will be in type before the eloa of the current calon ixr year. Vol ume I. of Sene 2, r-Utln to prisoners of war U radr for printing, and It IsespecteJ will be distributed lo July next.

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