MA J-ION RKCOI'I). Y J. C- I,XiT"JN "Hi y E2itcr" aul Irii-ieior. Fntercd at t lie postolTk-e in .Marion a-j , second- las Mfcil matter. ! br j " - ',VbiV ' The Rkcowij ?:ts til'.' liJM'nnit-! tion, liowcVL-r j'fliitljlt it inf;y that tlii.-ic i.s :i very lci'U-l move ment on foot ai!ingtli-iii!verm:n in tii'i Stale t'wiud llio ..tganiza tion of Hi!;v .Iiti':aI p:trty,wh'i?'' i.hl.fonn nhall contain otily ' plank, the fr; -oin;7" of hii.-r at th; ratio of 10 to 1. Th'; only tt of party fealty will be -an lionet ailvocay of free silvrr ni- all thim, no matter what a man's former aHiliations may have Wn. Tho Monnx? Journal Kays: "The Caiicumii, jmblished at lfaleih, lias over its till t!ie statement that that paper Minn a liir?T cir culation than uny two weekly pa pers published in tlio Ht.lte.' The Prorehtfive Farmer, also puhlislicd in Raleigh, has over its title iaJ these word?, "tiie hrt ci pulia tion of any paper in the South At lanta State." It follows that one or the other of there great conser tors of truth '-amen a lie on its masthead about a simple mattei of circulation, yet there are peo ple who believe implicitly what cither f them says." Thv. r:iMa Why. Corn Cracker, of the Rutherford Democrat, tavs that hi and (xeort Vaiulerbilt arecapitalists, together renresentinj'Ht'V.rral millions, and assigns as the caus'i of their great prosjerity the fact that they pa' ntnct attention to business, deal fairly with their fel'owmen, and trytolte useFul "citizens of so ciety," instead of devoting all their timo to "saving the .State," after the manner of Til man It. (Jaineg, cx-(lov. .larvis anl others of that ilk. lie says that it makes him "tired to hear calamity howlers swear the country is going to the dogs, when the same golden oppor tunities are olVered young men" that he enjoyed. lie then makes the following cb eervations : One year ago industries were paralyzed, cotton was lov, and we capitalists and old ( irover Cleve land were censured. We wen charged with contracting the c.ur T iic y, and Cleveland as being cur subservient slave.' IJut we have kept pegging away, (J rover Cleve land still holds the throttle valve on the engine of the state, and .times are better. The get. ins of Improvement has waved his wand over the mountains of A'abamn uu oiiim' ivania and iron lias iui- vanced one hundred percent. The wand has been w aved over the Mi s- tdppi Valley, and Hour has taken the same upward stride. The Sun ny Southland has telt the benign inllueuce ami King Cott-.ei is again an enthroned monarch, mailing the treaties of the world, bindin; over the nations to keep the peace Yet the calamity shriekers depo sed, without being sworn, that cot ton would be four cents this fall, and the country would l.e between the devil and the deep blue sea. In spite of these dismal predictions, lactones are running on full time; more are being built than ever be- iore; people are as well dressed as t'ver; as many elegant and commo dious residences as ever, and moth er Earth has faithfully responded to the diligent hand ot the skilled liusbandmau. Her ;rcat S-heme. n . ii . i ramer iow, see nere : n you marry that S'oung paupoy, how on earth are you going to live? Bwoet Curl We have figured that, all out. You remember that old hen mv aunt gave me? "Yes." " "Well, I've been reading a poul try circular, and 1 find that a good . hen w ill raise twenty chicks in a season. Hell, next season there will be twenty-one hens, and as each will raise twenty more, that will be 420. Tlie next year the number will be 8,-100, the follow ing year lOS.OOO, and the next 3,oG5,000. Just think! At only i25 cYnts apiece we will have over $590,000. Then, dear old papa, we will lend you some money to pay off the mortgage on this house.' Boston Traveler. In the South Carolina Constitu tional Convention, on M.lnesday Mr.Sheppard related the following": On a tombstone near a highway in the lower part of the State is the following : "Ye living men as ye pa? by, As you are now, so once was I ; As I am now, so you will be, Trepare for death and follow me." A wag wrote under it: ''To follow you I am not content, l.'nless 1 knew tlie road you went, For they do fork, and 110 one can tell, Whether you have gone to heaven or hell." There was a sprinkle of e now at Wades! oro Wednesday eveoinr ,jf latt week. What Arc Vuu Writiu?! i:a !i ; v you are wilting a rv Tii.r a-i.Js to your voiure o; iile; ll r joi are tr.:-rii new h.nta ",.,'. i- : jour in-tssi: us Mrifi-. i j . :' ire pt:;v 't-ii 'i'u1 er ':!;. V)l'i:jc ji h j iiuttie voh c ::! A-'ib irs rtcr-S And U.;tfi i-h iLe way it spritr j j j 'l'a - n rc j 0:1 sir.f tV .our r;:i;- WiJ J And tint every nn- jo i lu-vt written ' r''!l'' J-!:vhIi. in hi;:'.'.' A:t - it 't.r. miLiit jou'i rase: rt;:i tloff-v .: ii mi - :.ri-i 11. want';:. An 3 ite it'i rt oi i. v tie? F hc. i i a 1 of yot.r jne? ls vr something T;'ft tlir'.l rt ov, with hones" 1 : i "j--. t? I ir, wrf on nsleiinp'1 of Ji.ur W'itifljZ, Aii'l iun;' to Tisf ft trom it;ht? II.nv ii)i;ct f 3 on r !;ict i3 iljvo'.f'i T - t-lliiii iii- cu ii-ive ione; Ad li'w ni'i :i ti .iiuvin jour errors, Anil tlix-kin tlie evils bi-gun? Ar: nii v rm-'.- ?iinyrs recor Vt,T Kiniu-? that jou liave t.otov e J? l ur lit-tii rspr -;t;rv his load? Is :i n oni'-' p.ifhwiij tL S noot'i r. For s 1 t yi ii have reniL'- ii? Have von a worJ for the niog. W 'no l-nle.ii bj Leiug rejroiel? Are t4u!ti that tour first lines recorded Uene.ttedh written again; ( r. Ii ;i v- jo'i new topics eng 'piug 'I''i faithful infalliable jei.'.' Cointi.ire tie- 1 ist jiage you have wi itteu, V i h those that you wrote long year.' And see If its just as displeasing. And just as much error will dhow. Your vo'uuie ii rend hy comjianions Whos- lives you are heltiu t n.ould, And thusc whom you think are not heeding By yotirli't arc largily controllei; Your uting will soon be completed; Tiiiu'j pi-n you will shor ly lay down; .So write iill your pnpes henceforward, That you tuny inherit a crown. A'.i! what arc yon writing, mylrothir; My sister what lines do you trace.' (o;l p;ve yon apag. that was spotless, iloyou its beauty deface? ."o oider your 'ords and your actions, A n-1 culture the spirit of love That you may write pages untaj-nished, Thus laying up treasures above. Selected. There is no better measure of the progress of an individual than the degree of his ability to stand alone, in thought and act ion, undisturbed by the adverse opinions and judg ments of his fellow-men. He who leads his own life is a real, not an artificial man. Let us believe m the worth of character, ami, while we strive to upbuild our own. let us also seek to spread this laith, which is fundamental for all who would uphold popular government. u hen the people area herd, they are easily swayed and ruled by one man ; when they are individualized, the dominion of one is not possible. Let us hold and teacli that better than millions of money or cattle a brave heart, a hopeful temper, an enlightened mind, a cheerful and appreciative soul, content in quiet virtue, and able t" i.-e de light in familiar things anu m the common luessinj-s wiucu ucu sends to all. Dishop Spalding. How to l'reveiit Croup. SOMK READING THAT WILL TROVE IX- TKKKsTlNt; TO YOl""U VOTIlEItS. Ii OW TO :i'AUD AGAINST Till-' W- SEASE. ! I Croup is a terror to young moth ers aiul to post them concerning! the cause.first symptoms and treat ment is tlie object of this item. File i.riin of croup is a common cold. Children who are subject to it take cold very easily and croup is almost suns to follow. The first ! symptom is hoarseness; this is soon followed by a peculiar rough cough, which is easily recognized and will never be forgotten by one who has heard it. The time to act is when the child first becomes hoarse. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is freely given all ten dency to croup will soon disappear. Even after the croupy cough has developed it will prevent the at tack. There is no danger in giv ing this remedy for it contains nothing injurious. For sale by Morphew fc White, Druggists. Six weeks ago I suffered with a very severe c:ld; was almost una ble to speak. My friends all ad vised me to consult a physician. Noticing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy advertised in the St. Paul Volki Zeitung I procured a bottle, and after taking it a short while was entirely welw" 'I now most heartily recommend this remedy to anyone sufferiinr with a cold. WmKeil, COS Selby Ave.. St. Paul, Minn. For sale by Morphew vv. White, Druggists. The Earthquake. A severe earthquake shock was felt throughout the country from Washington to New Orleans on last llmrsdav morning. The shock was felt at Marion by quite a num ber ot persons In Alabama chim neys were thrown down and dishes broken. In Atlanta persons were awakened in their Kv.s. In Char lesion. Mo., hundreds of chimnevs were sha. ven down, and the plas tenng knocked from the interior ofhundreesof buildings. Iu the country four miles south of there the earth w as rent into great fiss ures from which water and sand are gushing out in considerable volume. In Xiles, Mich., the shrck lasted five minutes. Build ings trembled, windows craektd, beds swayed, and people rushed out of doors, alarmed in the highest decree. Ha Ta Hair Renewt r is pronounced the kfs' P'Pration inn.Ie lor thickening the i-rowtli of the Lair an J resnring tLat which smy io its original color, . rihf to trea'l m softly Ilc-side the rouc'i if pain; TmnotIi with fp-ntle Augers Th tuiigled IrrI:?traiT; Tu watch Vs?le" tho j "'ST In wet. m ill iroar ' tf Light, Atid Vj-f-a.he a cnre . .itr. prayer AVl.en tt:e spirit taLe its rl'ijlit. A riht to ch?-r t!:e weary On il.e lattle flel Js of life; To f;ie l he wrd of sympathy Amiu the toil and strife; To lift the burden gently' Kr:n t lie f ore and tired hearts, And nvye-r we&ry of thetak Till gloomy car derarts. A rijrli to he a woman If life sliou'd be a hard one No duties ever shrink; A rii:t to shew toothers How strong a woman grows, Wlu-ii iskies are darkening and lowering Aiwl life tears not a rose. A rltrht to love one truly And he loved back again; A right to share his fortunes Through sunlight and through sin; A right to be protected From life's most cruel lights Uy manly love and courage Sure these are women's rights! marvelous Itesults. From a letter written by Riv. J. Gander man, of Dimondale. Mich., we are permit ted to roane th'S extrac'.: 'i have no hesi tation in recommending Dr. King's New Diseovery, as the results were almost mar velous in thft case of my wile. While I was pastor of th: Baptist Church at Rives Judctioc she was brough down with i'nen nionia succeeding La Grippe. Terrib'e paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could noc survive them. A 'riend e commended Dr. King's New Discovery, it was quick in its work nd highly satisfac tory in its results." Trial bottles liee at Morphaw & White's Drug Store. Regular size jOc and $1.00. Card of Thanks. To the Editor of The Hecokd: Mrs.J.C SandIin,of Old Fort, asks me to request you to express through i i, r i.u pannni tio- ,.! kind regards. and those of the relatives, for the many friends that ministered so kindly to the comfort of Mrs. 51c Can less during her protracted illness, and at her burial, and also their high appreciation of the valuable services rendered by those friends, M. ii. Landrum. Marion, Nov. 4th, 1S95. The wife of Mr. Leonard Wells, of East IJrimfield, Mass., had been suffering from neuralgia for two days, not being able to sleep or hardly keep still, when Mr. Holder), the merchant there sent her a bot tle of Chamberlain's Pain Ealm, and asked that she give it a t"or ough trial. On meeting Mr. Wells the next day he was told that she was all right, the pain had left her within two hours, and that the bottle of Pain Balm was worth $5.00 if it could not be had for . ! For sale at 50 cvnts ver bot- ile bv Mo! !,ir.'v Sz Wiib), Diu'- gist. Itemv From Old Fort. Correspondence of The Record. Please allow me space in the Record for a few items from "the Fort." Everyone is thankful for the re reshing showers of rain with which we have recently been bles sed. Aunt Rebecca Burgin is dan gerously ill. On last Saturday night Mr. W. II. Early and Miss Julia Hawkins were united in the holy bonds of wedlock. e wish the happy cou ple a long and useful life. From all appearances, there will be two or three more marriages to report soon. Our new school house is nearly completed. What we want now is a good teacher and a live school for the winter. Respectfully, J. S. G. Old Fort, Oct' 31, 1895. Excellent Clothing At Reasonable Prices. cc coocc cccccc When we say excellent, we mean excellent, where clothes are made and trimmed properly. G.0O to $9.00 buys a fair suit, $10 to $17 a nice one. OVERCOATS for men, boys and children. Ev" ery grade except the trashy ones. Ladies', Misses and Childicns' Cloaks A very large assortment embracing all the desi rable novelties. DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SAP.NS, VELVETS, &C. A department in which we do a big business the reaton being that we deserve to. Our stock would be a credit to a city much larger than Asheville. General Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Underwear, Hosiery, Small wares and Buttericks Patterns AS11EVILLE, N. C- Our Agricultural Column. J. ll is tfce privilege cf sul-jcnlii rs to qu'rsiiona atout AgncaJt'ire in acy deiartr.ient. All wi!l K nin l.v or. lUiutu " j den t'xlr.y a follows: !. Correspocdentsare urg-d vo antiei- "The constant goodness and for e fjt; feriion. Queftion received by : Lcsrancfc of AIniightV God whicll me hr t of -.i e w;ek will proibly be an- i t i in ice rtxi iue. 3 Replies t iuquirifs are requested from our rfader?. In answering give tbe num ber of question and yonr address not for publication, uuless desired. 4. Write only on one side of the paprr. Address, Edwin A. Taylor. Agricultural Editor, Slarion. X. C. Electric Bitters. Electric Bitter is a medicine faitcd f aay season, but peihaps more generally needed in the Sp-ingr, when the languid exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic aid alterative is telt. A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious teveis. No med icine will act more sureiy In c uuteracting and treeing the system from the mal.trial poison. (I adache. Indigestion, Consti pation, Dizziness yiild to Electric Ditters. Only fifty cents ter bottle at Uorpbew & White's Drug Store. Thanksgiving ia not far away. Only a short month to the next Congress. Great Britain may now appre ciate the significance of the word "alone." Marion ought to get along if its people get in line with its chief-of-police. The Turks keep right on killing the Armenian Christians. Miss Vanderbilt will Le the eleventh Duchess of Marlborough. Dominus vobiscum. All of one train East and West a day. Southern, what is next? Give this city water and a cotton mill and the population will sur prise us. Xo Cuban day at Atlanta. Tried For Years. Mr. JohnR.Tarver, Dalton, Gu, says: June 'J ) Tli i j is to icrtifv that I have us?d I'-yal Uermet'icr iii uy family for the last five sears for various com plaints, viz : Iiuligistion, bowel troubles tnd general debility, and find it all Uint it claims to be. In tact. I would not be vUD out it in my house." If vuu would know the Talue of this preat reininy in the familv, send to the At lanta Chen.ical Co., Atlant. Ja., t r 48 page book, tree. New package, large bot tle, 105 doses, $1 For sale by Morphew & White, Druggists. New" Troiii Yancey. Correspondence of t'ie Record. Court is in progress at Burn ville. His honor, Judga Bryan, has passed a great many sentences. Zeb Howell was sentenced to. two years' imprisonment in the county i ail for shooting at a neighbor. The trial of Bis Ray, the slayer ol young Hoss, has been removed to Mitchell county. Bill Price rode up in trontol the 11. .net r. hen. putting morning I e came back a - pari j five dollars for nis spori. Mr. W. E. Hensley, a merchant of Pensacola, has erected a large new store houso. As new s is scarce we will close b' wishing success to tlt3 Record Robt. V. Riddle. Pensacola, Oct. 31, 1S95. Good advice: Never leave the house on a journey without a bot tle of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by Morphew & White, Drug gists. New York had a $3,000,000 fire Tuesday. Several firemen were injured and four probably killed. Mr. Ja3. Ii. Swindell has taken the agency for ihe American News Company. See him ami plnce your onlrr fr any pe riodical published and pay for a copy at a tiire. It conies easj. TkankffiYi tip. Washington, D. C.,Xov. 4. The ouston::t rv thanksgiving procia mation was is?;-.f d bv the I'resi- been vcr.chsafed tothe Anier- ican people curing the year whici is just r.ast call for their sin'cere acknowledgement and devout grat- j itude. J o the end. therefore, that we mav with thank al hearts unite in extolling tlie Iovins caro of our ! IT 1.. L.'i T ' iitat:iii r inner, 1. vrroer vit;ve- land, President of tne Lmted States, do hereby app:I: t and set . part 1 hursuav, the twentv-e ghtn day of the month of November, as a day of thanksgiving and prayer to be kept and observed by all our people. On that day let us forego our usual occupations, and, in our accustomed places of worship, join 111 rendering thanks tothe giver of every g'od and perfect gift for the bounteous returns that have rewar ded our labors in the field and in the busy marts of trade; for the peace and order that have prevail ed throughout the land, and lor our protection from pestilence and dire calamity, and for otherivbless ings that have been showered upon us from open hands. And with our Thanksgiving, let us humbly beseech the Lord to so incline the hearts of our people unt,o Him that He will not leave us nor for sake us as a nation, buf will con-r ticue to us His mercy and protect ing care, guiding us in the path of national prosperity and happiness, enduing us with recti tude'Sind vir tue and keeping alive withih us a patriotic love for the fre6' -"institutions whhh have been giyeh tous as our national heritage. 'And let us also on the day of our thanks giving especially remember the poor and the neeJy, and by deeds of charity let 119 show the sinceri ty of our gratitude. 'In w itness whereof I have here unto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be afiixed." CANCER CURED AND A LIFE SAVED By the Persistent Use of Ayer's Sarsaparilia 'I was troubled for years with a sore on my knee, which several physicians, who treated me, called a cancer, assuring me that nothing could be done to save my life. As a last resort, I was induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilia, and, after tak ing a number of bottles, the soro ft began to disappear and my general health improve. I persisted in this treatment, until the sore was en tirely healed. Since then, I use Ayer's Sarsaparilia occasionally as a tonic and blood-purifier, and, in deed, it seems as though I could not keep house without it." Mrs. S. A. Fields, Bloomfield, Ia. AVER1 The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilia. Avar's Pills Resulate the Liver. Donald 9 ev s Lively Feed Stable IS AT THE Southern Depot CONVENIENT TO EVERYBODY. SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Br Tirtoe of tie power of sale con ttini in a mortgage executed to me by J. Ii. Hunter and air-, S. A. Hunter, and rejris tereJ in tbe oEice .f the Refiner of Deed for l!cr)owtll conntr, in Uook Xo. 4, o? pa?e 32b, I will, on Monday, Pecemver 2nd, 1 393, at 12 o'clock, Sfll at the Coor: hone door In Marion. at pab'ic anUoa to tbe highest bidder for css'i, all cftLe- said J. B. Hjnter'd interest in the following tracts or parcels of land, !jin in jfcDoell county, adjoining tbe land of W. A"4LnIfj, Tate, Craig and others and known ar.'J de signatrd as foiiowa: Tbe first tract lie on tbe fontb aide of lie Catswba RiTer, and Is fally described in a deed from U. W. Drown, commissioner to cell tbe lands of .. P. Burnett, to tbe said J. B. lUiuter. which deed ia registered in tbi off.CD, of the Register of Deeds for McDowell coun ty, in Book 12, on pae 141. Tbe second tract lies on th north, side cf tbe Catawba Hirer, conuins twelre acres a ore or less, and Includes ' the John Welch improements aad'tbe Bi Bend of th-river, lor a niore cinc drscription or hicb reTcieuce is made to tLe above deed from K. W Brown to J. 3. Hunter. This tbe 2nd Zj of Xot. 1SS5. J S. Ellio t, J-'ortfc-ee. J. C.Lioney, Attoroer. V lit fll 1 1 liii,; m Everything New except our terms which i: are Spot Cash. Pins Ir.rpaper,Veedles Ic. a paper, 7aI Tennis anJ 2c. each, bent In-ftlo-pes 4c. a pack, Writfnjr Paper 3,4 and lie. a quire. Hox Paper 5, 7, 9, u and - n.-.on, Lamps 12, i, and 5c each, safety Tin? 2 and 3c a dozen "read 2c a spool, Ball Thread 1c a ball. li.:. oriiEii coons equally as low in rRict. j i;tT in kw LINE OF JAPANESE GOODS. ALSO DOLLS, TOYS, Glass-ware, Crockery and Tin-ware. pkices;alw ays right at MEDD'S VARIETY STORE. MACDONALU WAREHOUSE, STATES VILLE, X. C, .. Will be completed and ready for breaks of Tobacco on Wedneida October 23d, 1S05. Aa our grounds and ImiMings are not rented but Moiir to cur selves, we shall spare no expense in adopting all the latest modtru improvements, including telephone, electric lights and superior ac commodations for planters and their teani9. It shall be our aim to study the interest of our patrons and strive tomakethe MACDOXALD WAREHOUSE as popular and re liable for TOBACCO SALES as any in the State. We only aik a trial. Come and see U9. Macdonald & Uatten. Oct. 1, 1895. References: First National Rank of Statearille X n DE- BE Beaf, r. ... Bnmb; BHnd, TO ALL OTHERS Until you see our line of HATS AXD SHOES. The bottom has dropped out on Hat The STOVER TIES are the leading Mens course shoes on the market Try one pair and you will use no other. One Pound package of soda 5 cents. Visit us at the old Hymns' 9tand. Respectfully, Tt Material a' a Eye anfl CTsin Ointmtt Is a certain cure for Chronic Eore Eye Granulated Eye Lids, Soe Hippie, Whs, iizcnVfsttcr, z!t Kbfura and fcScald Heat, Jj ccta per box. For 6aie by drugg&ta. TO ZlCSSiS OWKEBS. For putting a norcc in c fine fccalihy "i litiou try Dr. Cady'a Condition Ponders. Iliey tone up the oystsc, aid dipestion, cure f-&3 of appetite, relieve constipation, correct Jdney di:rdere and destroy wonna. iew lif j to an old or over worked horse. 25 ccUs per package. For sale by druggists. Ir.rplifw & White, Irurct5l8. REDUCED RATES. Co tsuSi&tes am iemaiicl Expcsllxq ATLANTA, GA . September 18 December 31, '.895. For the above occasion the Southern KhiI wr.r Co. will wll low-rate rou- d-trir t cl'.ots to ATLANTA, CA., and return on the fallow ing basis : FKOM- n C D j E Alexandria, Va Afhcville, N. C Burlington, N. C... Durkcville, Va Culpcper, Va ('faat'am. V Charlottvill Va. Chatel Hill, N. C... Concord, N.C Charlotte, N.C DanvUe, Va Durban). N. C Front Hoyal. Va Orensboro. N. C... Goldsboro N.C tX.Sj VJ.Zi. U.flrt I2.K j 9.4U i 5.T5 1H.70W.7U I . Kl.2517.ft-. ll.O'i .. . 2:.:i8..v, 2o.8rr..aii io.v H3.2.' 17.U. V2.40 CO .40 15 CO .10.3.T 14.20 10.40 C.ij' 13 1V. .. MOT. 14.70 W.Ui W.IM bj.25 19.25 14.(0 kA dfi is vi i ir 17. 5 12.95 1 9.20 21.71 15-1C HJO.... Henderson vlllo, N. C. 11 .TO H M ... .r.2-" Hfckorv. N. : Hlarh Point. N.C... Hor Sprin(fS, N. C ... Henderson, N C Lynchburg. Va I-ilii(rton. N. ' .... Morpant''ii,N. C Marion. N. C Newton, N.C Orancc, Va Oxford, N. C Richmond, Va KeidnvilU. N. C Haleiali. N. C South IVieton, Va ... Str.iburz, Va. Sallsbm-r, N.C PtitcevilK N. C Taylotirillc. N. C ... Tr on, N.C 15.30 11.25 7.25 10. 'O 12 45 1 8.40 11. tO 10.50 ! 6.75 20 4015.W 10.15 Miio-rxj ii. so 10-05 11. KJ ' H.05 15.a0 11.25 7.25 14.K5 10.M) 7.10 15.30 11.25 1 7.25 24.55 1M.00 13.10 20 4015 (0 10.45 23.25 17 a'. 12. V) 13.S.1 13.s0 9.70 20.40 1.VVJ 10.45 21.5515.W 10.H) 2S.25 la.20 14.U0 15. 30 11.25 , 7.2.1 15 :W 11.25 1 7.2S lrt.15 12. ' .15 10.75 7 K i 4.90 !.25 19.25 14. tO w asmnprton. li. C... WHt l'onit, Va 23.ii;.r.. 12.H0... Warrcnton, Va , WilkeslKim, N. C"i 1.M . Winston-alcin, N. C. 1'J OO W.tti , 14.00.. 11.30. ft.HO.. (Itatea from IntcrmedLjtc points in proportion.) EXPL INATION. O lumn A : Ti -kets will ba sold September I and 12, and dully from etrtemlwr 15 V Decem ber 15, IfX, inclusive, wiih final limit January 7, Iff. O,!oull: Tkkctswlll be sold d-ily from Feptcmbtr 11 to Licocmber 15, 1K5. inciUiive, with final limit twenty (20; days f rooi da'e of '. Column C: Tickela w 11 tx .M dally from S.-1 tfinU r 15 to IV-cembr 39, le, inclusive, vrit'u finnl I init ntu-eu (15) dars from date of sale. N ticket to bear longer limit than Janu ary 7, W.H. Column D : T ckcts will be sold on Tueadsyt arid Thursdays of each week from September 17 unt I December 24. 15. inclusive, witk ftnai limit tei 10 daya from date of sale. Col'imn E: lickeU will be sold daily from Scptemter 15 to Lteortnber 30, IMA. lnclusire, with final limitscven (7days from date of sale. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Is tbe only line entering the Expoaltloa Grounds, having a double track, standard guage railway f rum the oenterof the city of Atlanta to tbe Expitiou Grounds. For tickets and full information apply' to your Dearest agent, or address J. M. CULT. W. A. TTJBK. TraiBe Manager. Geo! Pass. Agt iwo renoa. Avt waauogtoa, Jx 0, LOUIS WALKER, Root and Nhoe Maker Mario?, jc c. Repairing done in the neatest coast ble style. Trice verjr low. .Satiafac tion guaranteed. SuWribo for The Rfcobd. Only $1 tx-r year. -jVV V'f- "wi E GETVFHE BEST ' When yea ar afoot to bay Saw If at!n do not t deceived by alluriaa adTertiaemetaa and be led to think a caa gat Um b9t aaaOa, ; finest finished and. 7 . v Most Popular for a mere aong. See to it that you buy from reliable manu facturers that nave gained a reputation by honest and sq nara dealing, yo'i will then get a Sewing Machine that ia noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that ia easiest to manage sad la Light Running: There Is none !n tba T-orld that can eqnal in trechanical con struction, durabil.ty of mort'ot parts, f neness ot finish, beaaty in appearance, or has M aaaay Improveaiaau C-s tbo New Home It has Aatomatle Teaslen. TNwib1 Psd, a.r on both sides cf need'. no other has it ; New Stand (jVAinvinfc whet hlnrr-i on adjustable cenurs,thas reducuis frictlM to the minimum, WRITE FOR CIRCULARS THE KEW HOME SEWIiG mmn CO. Oxixnm, Vim. Boarow, . Sirinoaaaa,.T Csrioo,iu. St. Lot i. Mo. Dixj. luu. tAM TUJLMCVUjO, ClL. ATUtnA, Ua. ron BALE BY i J G. MGH0LS L DR0 AVll INlSTItATOK'H XCTICi:. i Having q irr. ! C d a. BcniinitrBtt r ' of J. I. JW'iicluratit, dfceae. hir o' IticLiriotiU county, Stete of Ceoriia, tli is in to txtify all rer'tis Irvtt'k ! claim apaiii' t t V.f Mate of ta d df ' rcan d to t xlnl it t iu m to Ifr nr.dtr 1 signed in t r 1 f if w Sl!h !y (I October U 1 0, r litis prtice n til b plead in br cf tl.cir rrymcnt. Tbi October 24th. IH5. L. S. William, Administrator. Bring your Job Work to the Record cilice. j am eh jrert. HGIfiItIM A IJ Attorneys at La w MAIUOX, - --- K.G. Will jractre in VrDowell atd ad joininjf cf ui.tics. All business intrur ted to their care will intit pit J and pains-taking attention. I . i W. C. .VKM I.1ND I I Lenoir, X. C. llarion. ' C tol and I kkii ATTOREYS AXI roUSELLOBS AT LAW. MAIUOX, - - - - X. C Practice in the courts of th 10, 11. and 12th district-, and the Fu- j preme court of N. C, and thV. jb. Ucurts ol Weatcrn jJiainci i N. C. GEO TUSHJD- rilYblCIAK and il'BCEOX Offer his professional mm ice t-J the public. OUtce : Old Fort K. C.

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