XHK A1AKI0N RlXOj ;:). i.. . -,. '": c:i ,, LOCAL HlUlll'S. ,iLv. JM.niTiri i fit horu. pr. -M .hew is ;:i Asl.eville on ha - C .11 j I ---u-.J.?,- hi wWo' ! I'-' '.v:ijJie lctn ar.. j;, t!.'! '.vor'-.! cf Is .-"'.ibr' i- .vr. Mr. F M'-Nh.r.ey, of ?Ji' a, w-i.-: r?:. n, !.i;rhr H(. u tic;: " V !?- T-.fn.if.i,:.. ... x ...... y v:.t; ,.ar;. f T- 'III V. f.'::ip!;iil. j.u ii thi- week. of J M'.-trl?'. ;'.Jc. ,m f.riiit.ol' (Hl Tort, was i;i ' '"tii.-'i if:' ro Wi" ."November 11 til. lr'a :h (.rt lay :e vcreiiil Chi is: v.'o I had u? to do J ; for liin en! it.iiouta:;nu.'.;i ps l-.ki!:-.. j i-ny t ;. 'vhol.r? promised us i.?:; a i (!i:;:i : if... i ... ...... v.- u on ijl;sfrip:ic:: "r.t:vc v w!:- ow-s ,,f ,nr - ::cr s..'c . w;. m.u moists ca ;.a!.-f. n; v ifh u.'i oroer o;i ;i the nj-;.- oi-.vit u-iii t!,)t aof-ej.-t iii" order, ".? fin-.? t Ite r v. -n!!emin owes hir.! rmre now than he tvill ever f :y. The '. vi! iiiiusei; is r. more n-.-pp-t.ic rr?i: 'einan th.m this preacher, rfco-e e have no such preaehcr as t":. ;n the j i ow n i,i Marion, and wt . :: . more Mian a: half" fW.on ;,. Marion will watt to tun our hiip imo fcol leather for meaning i hem. Mr- Kd. Lainlis is one of the best men in tho eonnty and o e of the very hesi friends if.-- Vjx-oko lias, lie not only keeps hi. :.. subscription paid np a year in ad . e, lut in; collects other peoples' ""bsr-riptions for us r!id et!ds in t lie :v A good deed never Toes lii,,' I'fuuwarded "The Lord .'.noiveth't!: way of the righteous: but the way of f tie ungodly shall peri-h," lie ' ivndet ct h to every niav aecordir.g to his (L-eds, ' and "to him that o:-!i-t?!i riifhteoushess. II hrineth a su.-a reward.'" On Sunday iteming the Iorl H-ni a b'e-:nr an ! rev, ': ' . Mr. Landis in the shape of the fi.K:;. J y that e'.er.cjinie to 3!:,riop. We fe safe in predicting thai Mr. Lnndl will train this hoy up in the way in which i.".; :-hoiild go, and that when the boy is old he will f low in his fathers' foot-tep. .1 1. I k I' If I? l "IJ Pi.nrulul'M.I !f . , ' .... , ' ' ' Hot'. J.c?ih I.ogan "arson the 'Hemming um omrMiaj. ,!,. ;.,;r i Mr.J. C ai.c.-y and sister, .Miss whot. , r,stM:ct. Moses the ancient law n turned home from the Atlanta i.vr, Wi)ll(, ((1Jake an(i o;..,n Kxjm.hU ion Saturday. .vh:i:;u; uml dcad, in eomparon r .Vr. .U'.'Jo'.van :md family have inov- who.;e iegai o:"- the learning of liineK ,il fi their farm on P.wck Oeek. .tone r.i.il -Ji s, ia. 'lei.-omes but the Jlnrioti i-'ets to lose s'.icli excel'etit , paie ghost i igiioiMn..:e,:.t th.-ouri'l .i I whoM' .-peech, which is like unto 't M.--r. K. 1. r.ennett and !!ugh M. rut'ii iig of nighty water-, the eh M Kinitb. i' i;rilgewat..r, were in ,(!e'ice of Wehsler. C'.iv and Cal- l I.".-' ., , VII Nil urd. t 1 1 1 - lie a v a i.. i.iC Ctli'.-i i.a; i;..!it. II. I'ii'tey in ;i few lys iii I re-gioti ;f nolhii.g'ief.i . n.l is tran?- Vaiiiy 'in- week m the intereM oi the inriiieu into u.m imsis oi onnvion. ue- jhew iS: j fore whose wisdom the word a of Solo- man l ie like timid hares pir.-ued by a hundivd b:'od I.oun'ls, and hide them v'lv.'S iVrt", "r in I lie de p 'cn3 of the mountain- and the dark caverns of the ocean will take up his abode at an ear y date in the Tate house, recently vac ated bj ir..i. r. Co van and ramily. e :t the; Cfjoprrati-: , r;. :,; great .-crnw ; ...-t i.igi.t. :, r JO II t . ; r 'nl i - PJpiTin-.i-. . 1. '. G:?7 "nt'naei ' : " 'ly. 'i"..s 'k ex - ':i: eopic .-hoi.ld n.ost. ;.ce..-.5 support and . hi5 !.? prtru hct' one of bis ihc Mclhoc: c c::erch i !); "'.' : i ; .ar. c" f ro ld .-;.?!.:.nj c ? .-r-a:-er. Z'z :s, ir.- . ' Cr.:o'i-'c3 "cci ...' cf. :s knewn o...i f Ik? ri.irevl fcf rot f vpn- on- !:: urbilt inte-.tls to a Mecca for : i" Esously intf reg r . : -forestry, g'.i'-3r-:.- f ronicuiiure. 12 . r.s ( :; k li to carry out any ?c! iv:-; ,f tfw soi t, no matter how h-; it : "v he. ! a3 he oa 1 go for' . d": r-c : line from hi i.r n door v.itroi:. t i i,ar i ?ire -oil..- ti ;ay i: v-l n r . I" I'liL accutttits , Wy Vih;,mU C1' a -'tor for i i;i-i;'; v..i,i!;i.v, t;.-ri!l' Xcnl is in A-i-.' - .i Tj.- Ti- '.t etfction is to-day OiU th-i.'i " 1 'n tn" future y Vi-e!i...i .. '-'.' CI ;vel.;nd roui. , "yi-itii.g her si.-u-r, Mrs. T. J.Kog. . Mr.Jobn Check is at horn;; sick cJiiii" IP-c'lrue home Saf'-'rv. lvleii ''rawferd ; ;-teciiel her (u-itjoi v-ii'iy- Mr. M. ! ' ';" ' ''t'P'r'T- police ,!,:,(! i" He; licence or Mr T ?.tio;:. Cnl. .. I.. K'.aison, a'c' ! is daughter rarali were in low.i Tuesday. ( ;i.t. lh nry i reneti, saiu ny some j,, (,. tii' old' -v man in the county, was I. una Ne.'il is spending a v. V I, mil.- while her mother is ah-cnl i.i U'in-i-.ll. Mr-. o L. row-on and children are i -1 1 1 11 '" ' ro-oo s pareins 111 riii-tt-viii- tl.i.i week. riu. f of I'olice I'atton, iiii'fonn ami li.Iiii.'t l. l: itoterday for JSIack Moun tain, to i-i' relatnes. Mr.'e '.r'- Cronk, wife and two child- rf.n, ,,f aiuileii, N. J. an: at the 'Flem- n.ing' for '!c winter. Nimiiel Unlit, Ceneral Manager of 1 Tu-1(. .-t'liej ami Utah vtde lj u-..u:y. 2sV.v Yt went puling thec:-!:."ncsof hii dm-.r.i.i. : lic;-n v o5aHX); V-w Jwv by tic proj?.'F. Vaothto. to orentc p. - .00; Mr ..-yl... i l.y 10,0, a no n-if,.iJ..oriHHJj of Lis own on tlii 1 lt 18 tlM.-n'-t :V.at hv have c:T-j iZ ti-e-.tea u..u o.v.h:tkered 1 ' -'.. "V1 J:,u il' . . tlv Jv '-- r uuair t t-ars.n tl a' mot sr f I1S otner cjiitivatwl :.:d ;l;lcl:,- r.ir.jonues v.rc nicreal 111 31a ,-ti . ... , r'y ! t:a--edtf a?tP, one fort al - :f 5 chusett, Ohio, Jvr, an! all t' ,r. -r-."WJ J'.cre. He - ill .e:i a pjaiter, st,. I Mr. I said: -'May o; are, sir''' hi ra!hr a con!-! tone Mr. I. :mf,ve td : "I r..;; :crt siiver scuator, Thomas .'. Ja - .arvi:. !!. are you?' "Me?"' sa'c Hie h ar. i,. a tune f dirdain, "I r.m :;. T. I' -. . . a-.'i.'er of the Piedmont a::! . hides f r germs on that hobo's i.ii . t. Morr-.. .) a v: i' if! C';ntr.inin' oj.s( ' "tl cl'ir.- Vl'lKTe t!ic -:u- 7 of Hie V.'o ii lV.ss One of the great trials of paper pi ofes.-ion is thr." 1 are compelled U 1 . '.: - ' than any othej r crf.o li.rov-g.:- every newsj u c : tl.y .-f.?: day go all the vr. ' ::.?.t v...trN be reap.d, all the .wo i;e .Iirf Vah't:' to he wren': vfI :i 'I e :;i5 j:.1;e that vant to beco'rr.e .i c ..' il;? u: :1 jj eat:e-s that wan ,0 k!.o.- !.t c.equeiit, all the nit'-- in' ' J i . va:is to get its wares ii! gratis '. . Jer to save the tax o . .i.dvfrf :s;iig c.ol-imn, all the men t . I s right, wieo never '. . jht. v ' - kurained j.I?i'o.so : . it'i stt s thoi as their hair ,1c i.v 5 ci-linger nails in t. . .rning bertf: of soap all the bo res who come to stay live iniiufes but ta;. live hours. Through tl)f editoiial am -cot rial rooms all the follies n i shames 0! t he world ac 3een day p.- r. yi.ee t';o fco'i "'-s rJ - . ..iCie for i ?tudy cf f!:.: r-So icc t-hich arc- bia hobby. 'Jl.e v. ; ' be cotiduc - ileraid. 'V 1 ;-iLei .L,i- rriovca pren lific fashion, arc To-estry. which is ?l:r est unknown I:i America, and -.Mil Jtcoipe t, a lew years a science of l!.e .' :.c"'- inno. t.viCH to r.s?. lLrrr ' ni ,: r.r'-cri. !. before ""ttcr.r VrnJe:-')it" to Ivcv Yoi.': " he .. :.: .or:i ,rJ". in a ;' ):!?p!ete. AortInrn SLaUs where e.-;i"u were held. The Cnarlott j 0! r ver speak- of the ejections a r. "Tornocracc Vutt-rloo." Tim IN pvhli.un majority in Ohio is said to .e !00,XKJ; in Iowa t'u-y came on the 4home stretch," witli 75,0()0 ahead, and the populists doubled their vote of Ia-t yiar. The Keystone Sif.le gives the" U publieans 173,0K) niajonty:'' Kan sad and Kebraska, go Ilepnblican also. jlit-si'sinni and Virnim 1 alone went Democratic. niter day, lieve in ne. i'rom ore fii--.-' (flier.". . aii ifii" v : i 1 w ch i t f- ' (ccae;o". wl.iie Iv-orgia, the w: . - with him 1 ci , , w hei e he t. e tempiation is to be- u , man or woman. almase's Sermons. 's Memory. Sr-don ha. the . Miderfully de- w. -nicle asserts. -:;: i tl-c v.rit:,' - '.."slip hv.:, . the a. c'racy "Op" vmI ; Jo ft". -C ''')V:i '.. . At'txxt i en experimentally ;c 1:1 e.Vlnt never : :r t, ;? country. Ltr. just rcturnod ')... liUmore, wln re ..." . g the summer v.i of his creat mane. on. lie e::ptetsto have the iiottsc finished in time fora Christ mas hour. -warming, the guests at which will be chiefly members of his o'Vii lamily. Edgar Poe wrote p. story once "tbout a man whose in conr '-as ao iare that landscape gaider ; was the only hobby that could r-aKe ?.rr: serious inroac'3 on it, and it may he that it ' tfr story thatgavo Mr. Vano ' : nis idea. - 1 1 1 g linn of Al t Calvin Wood, Ksj., of ia-"! through Aiario'i ' tel jir White. priK'c J'ir.e, Saturday on iii w ay to i;;.l:imore with a carload of line leri' cattle. Mi--r.. h'obt. X. Marl in, J'iincs II. :' iiiph:!!. .!ame J.enon, and 1. j!. '! r-l. r left Mar. on Sal urd;; j fur ! iie V'l.i.il.i r. c.- it ion. Mr. I.. '. Seal leit f.-r wicstoti S:.t -..play evening in rc.-ponsc to a le'e .rr:iiii an in ti TH-i 11 r the vcrv .-ericus i'.l- i.t her daughter, Mrs. i' Au- M:'. K. 1'. Watson, of IJumsvoic, il ilirough Marit.n Monday on his av u, .i. i :lie tt atte..d t lk t ioc::! 'iirt. Mr. .!.;. Nichols ir made many ila;,lile additions to his humNome r M.J. iic ,0 C-inliMi Street, lie is now p:iiiitin the hooding. Now is the time to get ready for I ho en and mud oft he winter season. Co 1 V-t'ail .v. Ot.iiley at one? and buy a - U ami j.air of rubbers. None hers.-.. ..,,, j so t.jlc;lj hi ttnvn. vr Of. 1. Oreenlee, and three tlauh--iss...: rt ta, ltia. and lOva.of Mica '!' 'I in Mai-ioii last week on then n In in,'. They were t h 1 guest s of Mr. ! tl Mr. MeDoiiald. r. 1. 1! Iludgins, M. A. New- Moiiti:t ecning 1 1 attend the rul .'nun. i;-. llaartl, t he contractor who '';"!lin tie-jail h-re, wenr to Ah -' Mnitiay and brought his s- . 1 M;irie!iM..utlay. .Nliss l ' f '"' i in Delaware. A 1 niii I. n-Jj pers'sts 'r ; . ,a.v. -hoiil i noi be neg'ected " ..' ' " ''' 1' nie:iTi ser.it thing more ; l'ical irritat ion, and the -'o. A ""?)!' I -i'ocijnsiirtSJy. It ha- ii'ViT been or pleasure to vi-ti t . 11 i.hhoi h:.od of North ove h: ii niiist be a model community. V.'e l!ii nk we are one the good people of North Cove to sjxak of them i'nis. There is si ar -ciy a man in No-fh Cove lhaf ha- noi nji uiitr'l in ICfd for t!:e KK(.tn:i. 'I i. date .Ian , Feb ., or I .M tr h. 1 stands oppo-ife neai ly j o ery natii". North Cove is a perfect ! 1 iradise when com j).". red with other ; ct.miiiunitii s we might mention and cor.iiiuir.uic we are g'ing .0 iim-luu", if the pec:c ' t'10,,11 ... i. unities 1.01. pay up ti.v.-.i" .i' pi ions better. V.'e "nave ie er s 'en t!i oi' of Nonii Cce but . h.-.vy a'fit I." : eopie. The eopie ti'id !):'.' ir litine. ,.e:ilings are aiitlu ''oie..ee we wa.o of the excel lency of t he o.:;. minify as a conim'M i. V I'.eii Wade once rei.irrked tha: lion men and ?,ood waier wouh! malw Hell a gootl country. Aiytbinj le . thr. i tho-e .wo re'iu'sire'- make:-: a heli on v auti : ;ia.i :e 1 1. ' hen Jeu 'he the ; ar- ' ',.-d l lie hi tter. r'v I'eet ira'. It i- Tj pre I'll I.. (', A (.eu;l:, b,-M, wing of the 1 "'('. h ; -"''! antl Melowells tn-I v"r' ia town Mondav: Mes v. l: II Moore, l r. v. W. M. Masbburn. Iltl"'. Ca;d. Thomas l'..r' r- " I. A. Cannon. A. J'. ? M'-r : i s..ti.t..r 1 mti . ; 'aiiimu and nt tiers --i.tit ,. erlookel. Mr .t; V, t . J.(". Cr.int : Mcr'evel!V ae'-ive real tate afent . 'f 3011 want tt sell, buy -.property in Mario?' or sur .'..g country caii on hi: 1. Ii -t colur.'.i ;!e HT-r P'.e rl -'.ivs Kaleigi ; es and Ob'c 'i led "Keciie ky is gtme too . -,! ' :v ' ;1 fo the li i f , u vic'iv.r.e. Hardin g:Cc ' 'i i'.O.'-t." .-ankli.i lias moved his shoe g tools into the shop with Mr. V -c ar-: twnxce!!.v!t gentle are valuable c'sitions and .-houhl " " orally . Mr . r tnkl'i. . . ". Ions .11 . ! ' . iday jci'oti'. ' en vices as ;r v. of .-s( hiiol. 1. 0 ?ec- ! d we1 ome od, :-... to Aiat'on " 1 ..ve i: nta Const tvt sent out tt the Jer1' State. On the -i;.' thoujrh: o' ' : .: to hi. .. ' ". " travel If: 1 'i. :-- ' ;U I he iir-is' c i i ' c . i ove coj y t'c iV;'iU .', and i.v g point v. nere i-' -it-ive! . . ! h ? prime.! speeeii- lie .iivl i:ot r- :'i..i. riai :;t .i'.'isia he was mv'i :iie: . r he.u uuti. of .-if.;..:.';; h ' I.-.'l scarcely u. -o;vi-tiMiily to think of hi-' v'.vcli. lie i.id not see the interiineM'n from ths time he read it over ooce aftev w;-i : !g it on the train, but v'.:ea I 0 came t. deliver the speech ! o re peated ite.s accurately as though i: r.r.d been labo"loi;sly committed tc ":-mo-ry and ret .'T-eJ. , -at General Go. . I' : v : h: written copy, - i 1 tiiai when, in t.i-" .; mv,:i and under tlu' er !' .he occasion, he .i:anger iiis phraseology, it i.s always an im provement on the written text. general ('ordon is easily the best -peaker in the .-i- 'te of Georgia 0.1 the . -j.eii: 3 c-ileaiporanoeii-jly - : 1 . oder'ul r.H'ii'y tiiat one : r. s . :k l-c er xviteo speech. l;u. 00 other hand, when it ;s know n v.'i. i .. v: : ': r-.i.; .'.rb!e j"r.c"5 :y he memorize-' . ' i vr.tp-. l n'ec tion ii-ife; w' : ;i .w Ii co 1 sidered olih..uu h no- ; '- .--."o.i.s ly wriaen. A case that has created much excitement "r pome iiih feplitig haf.t'st l et 1 dec: Or Judge T.;.'?e" irl::. , Lop jnd here i.-i i-w :': u! "aiiie about: Miss j :y ' :r.,M, daut:!i ;:-t. of the !ate J. i I. -'rj.l, oi' iii-:iry, was a pupil In :! e fi.iaie coi-v-re it an 1 'vhlla t-iere -..:;; , r . - : lot. 1) a..-i: , i.i :.. .1 vie in the inslitu d v.iis afterwanls married To them were liorr.e two . Tiiey separated two or l:r.:esand were finally di . The children were left in Vi;:s.G- . . u:" thre ti e custody of D'Auna v.e::. wa.s mar , '-inn, .... -i : j H; h . . . . . . fat:c -hir: If you want first class shoe mak ing fir repairing done, go to it. W. CI i ne's choe shop in the Craig Building. Mrs. Anna Gage, vifo cf Ex Deputy (1. S. Marshal, Columbus, Kan., says: "I was delivered of TWINS u less than 20 min utes and with scarcely any pain after using only two bottles of JmgM "MOTHERS' FRIEND" DID NOT SUFFER AFTERWARD. Hr,ntby E:i-resa ormall. on recif't of price. Si. OO per buttle. Uot.tt TO i.OTLlUS tualletl t rte. BRAFIEiJ If.Gri.ATOU CO.. ATUTi. CA. BULU XIV A 1,1, JiKC GCHSTS. 1 v?SNS wmmm nn I - .'- . 1 -: IK-! 9 mw A GOOD WATCH TOll A filWRAXTEEDTO Tlti TII0r.0l(;ilLY KEKIABLE. SPLENDID VALUE IT. ICE STindcirs, JEWELER. I have just received a beautiful line of Dress Goods, which cannot be duplicated in town S VA -!i A fS fAWtf' Also a full line of c lotnji- T! ha meter. .J!e hov n. ,.t iiicjic-.. , a.' .uciCi. ' i:, drove to Ne-.vlon pi'i "'' o ialvii)-T ti e ti 'i'i for V iigton. At .ewt.-:. she vj,., f,sted and placed under v I i'V !er'"; a v .-t-naiipjov, icji'.ng ':ti; at the trit-- s.'e v -3 to" IK: S' ' ' !l ' ?,OUI5U i;vf r ... cou? 'j'1'- v ".vus take.? .e:ore Ju." " -jr.- :!:e at Louis'tjiirg on v.-.. litbeas orous. The Tired and broken down women will find that DR. MSB'S RCY&L CiERMETUER 5 a priceless boon and blessing to them. It givs appetite, ! brings restfui, refreshing sleep, aids ! digestion, tones the nerves, builds up I the strength and puts disease and j pain to flight. For ju-i-geue-- agai !:- it 1.- O.i i.e.-; nil! 1- rn I:icli!r-i Ar?? ii'ii alvo. : t.iv t S:ilve in-Use world for Cuts, ..-es, Sor.', Ulcers, alt Jthenni, '!':. "ier. ri'.fipped Jlaiu". (.'nr.s, sn;. r.il Skin T.r-ip-a:d ptit" t'.ires 1'ilps or no -iiiirt'd. It is -n:ranteed to pve . sati- K'tion or money refunded. cents per box. Fur sale by Morphew & Wliite. r.!ld ' ,-to Jv'rs i-; "MS rhomp- fl ., awarding the child to eus lii.'iy of Ji is .'"at her. ! vie at ihe close of the ttii. very af- ;ttii?j.:. The little)... ried. i c"f!;ed the judge to , w'lh hip. ir other. The lev.- v.ps .":..i7i,t Lack :o . by hi.-' f ; . )er .nd plac with his ticp-grane-wiotliej , Alice Mur.'ill. Jle will reu: studies at CJanMijont Col Wo Judge rr:i.ti'e :u Ve U rt.: u ; j the man ""her .si ; :-. ,j a gair Uiec : .;:. -. : n or t. ' rer. - v. ne itiUoed to h t :... . . i.h its mother. V'-?j .. -i1. 'vere with Mrs. ' j .o.nj.'Ci , "d 1. decided in favor of D'Aina only from sttrn con victior.s ti t.'-e future o" the child deicr.i-:d it. Jud:,e Tim berlake remarked after j judg ment vas signed : "If I i or.ght that 1 would have another case n.e J this, 1 would telegraph my resig nation to the Governor at -rce." The defendant has imvciIu., .nd, the ca.-e will v 1 ly " !. in December. Everybody is invited to tako a FREE look at NICIIOL'S BROTHERS' Large and new stock of General Merchandise. A Coat for SO cents? Yes! Nichols IWs have coats at all prices from 50 cents up, and new spring and Summer Clothi: - in the very latent styles. Also Dry Goods, Hats, and Notions. ; And Groceries of all kinds, Flour, Salt Bacon, eve. Come to Nichols Brothers' for anything in the above lines, and for Hardware, farming implements, wooden willowuru, &c. They also pay highest maiket prices for all kinds of Country produce. FFMLE TOOOSLES Including all menstrual and womb difficulties, it has no superior used both locally and internally. It is j emphatically WOWS FPt!EE10. Pleasant to take as lemonade, and harmless at all times. New package, large bottle, 103 Doses, One Dollar. Sold by druggists. Manufactured only by THE ATLANTA CHEMICAL C3., Atlanta, Ea. VrtSXZ 70S iS-HQX BCOX: BAILXO rZXZ. For sale by Morphew & White. HaYB Reflueei THEIR ALREADY LOW PRICES ON ox The Top.- .iys tiiat a yovrng a'hc V:v Hie Tim -are!r-oinv man in C: hh ell count i bou ".1 'tr food, ! -..oil ; x "''i began.-' to ". d ciT his coat 3 ;icense iieing .ught a lttx.rt .... r . """' .h-ense la.t Saturday ravXj , po.e l.X: tiler".. was r;.. "g to gei iimrrieu cuuua. uMdav ri.'ht he went to a cofii pelves to 1 1 u:,, Ui .. five or six hun.ii . . subscription list..".", that way i. deati." ....ve ' 1 a' il;r-m . 1 the "e::a Gne: Mills, of J-'.i T. Critti' it e t-1 i:. writes t!. -hV,-. "f inisiui; - 01 ''"'re tli:u) 1... to Iii . r.-Sua V.-..J o hi,r...i r rri: !i;t water "elevator" ' :1V . hi !m:h . iii " 1 ilioma. lu- was '""i lv ii,e p 'Li' li ,. r . ft ''ili.y l l0l-:il iH-wsn.-ipt l ii.- w;i editor t f : !. lielu "n h. . 5it It.WII ()Ili;'lIJiel)t xt This i- a cahun :e labours 'v-dl as I. ..oer-- Th.i 1 " enter :hat p:1 " out h dreds of ' ' . .'.oilars per iin'i-v!- f:- .abor, an a ; e!o.-in:r dm ' -a : FREE MEDICAL RL F 1 C- L JSi -s tor mev r a r.o.nen .iin . .i'l. f . . brokei. "": s h s r-hirt sh.'.'v. -niornir.g bo'iglic ami -.vLt-n he geti . . r.vr in will mu.ry fori;. . to get his "oud 1 it not. An at, licence . .'.e a Y:imlrli!i"! Plausn" it '' . IT?it!io' - C-lale. Xw Vork Cerrcrv'niJence Jlia1".' :re x-Sii. i I:i tiie givat o.'.tiay waicii tiOo. making at liiltmore, know of iiO people. Our pie is, "Turn f - ".r wh:1 v u h.ave ' flet-; K ..n tlie vn how can v. r you negh. . tion to th c: eXect to '."'il. ' i .:.d (uck-egg :; ds-'.d r- M.r at tlie ex per-: e'se, and if vou ; - . n . 1 ..- i of . c . .v, i : .nen means be; for we '.r.-'e lit f ..r -uch l"r t ; th' - ').".- ca.e. eai'. ; - i I: the : une ; " i :ii :ki lor BOOKING STAVES AXI ALL KINDS OF Hardware CLOT n! HG LOWE P n a 1.1 1 1-1" t i 'i:tne;it euro fer -!:r. !. -!:! 1-v tl ' fi' '':!'! 1 ' Av.'- ' 1 i.l . i, '' v'111' when all other tn-atiuent 'i; .. Pi,r -s tor mo: : -a r o ne :,n:,kinat Biltmore: ;,!'iv"tu'i:f'r P; :;;- .iou?iiehanteruiiHd.- iir'.-e. -v-'rr,r::('!' Irio, than is . al i ema le t rou . , . r; etc.. uu ! ; ; ,ro;i, deal :" : : f-'-it " A- -;v ; . I-"- " 1 " ':'' 1;'i iU tn relieve the sullVrcr. . jia'; r-l V-"-- t-ii'o 'j:;:.'. j HATHAWAY & CO., Broad frt., Atlanta, Ga. ':."t oil ii --' unsettled? You o?u not t'o it There ar? r.opl.- in this "O'intyj " v ji-.-te; ' : ..' ,y i:-Ai. ' " . : . f " .j f.I'l'-i' 1 "".. ;.' f .'-Cli.'OS HARDWARE C70P.E. Lewis Maddvx. I'bkaxdkxt. L. I. MrLr-oo, Ciubie a mic villi:, . c DESICSXATF.D KTATK DITOSITORT. CAPITAL $50 000 SURPLUS $25,000 We Lave Sjiecial Tacilities for handling th busii.es of Merchant! End others in Wcfejern North Carolina. If you have 110 Bank aecoun or think of a change, ut-wlllfc glal to havo yon corrct?iond witk ua. THE m i .rn( I and the armv oi s-jiVints tin ag to pa'.ci ? I"r(.'-.c ; c:ri : iSf ;mt , V ' I l.i.t. Ou Vif) -USt Warning t j bria yoc wealth. Wrioe JOUK WEIL)EI- . 7T r : &f??l of MORG ANTON, N. C. JOco. r. Ekis, Tren't. S. T. I'tiiwie.', Cahlr 'Burglar I rot A Vault, I'at-nt Tim Itk, Chrome- Pteel Saf? for Cah and ValuabJ. i. Ilxchung 0:1 Newr York and otl -r Trada Cint-r Ixiught and told. Banking hour 9 a. m. to 3 p. ir.

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